Re: [GNC-dev] Tax schedule report outputting entries outside of selected date range

2023-03-19 Thread Alex Aycinena

What is the type of the account that this particular out-of-date-range
transaction is listed for (i.e., Income, Expense, Asset, or Liability)?

It would help me to know in order to try to reproduce the problem. Is it an
Asset or Liability?

From memory, for Asset or Liability accounts, the report is supposed to
show: the beginning balance, all transactions for the year, and the ending
balance. The beginning balance for the TXF code, that the account is
reported under, should correspond to the reported amount on last year's
return, the listed transactions allow you to verify that the change for
this year is correct, and the ending balance is the amount to report for
this year, once the verification process is complete.



On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 2:21 AM Jeff  wrote:

> On 3/16/23 5:39 PM, Alex Aycinena wrote:
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> From: Jeff 
>> To: gnucash-devel 
>> Cc:
>> Bcc:
>> Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2023 01:18:08 -0500
>> Subject: [GNC-dev] [GNC] Tax schedule report outputting entries outside
>> of selected date range
>> I'm trying to generate a tax report (federal 1040) for entry into my tax
>> software, as I do every year and have never ran into this issue.
>> Not sure of the version of GNC I'm running on Windows 10.  Running
>> Version 4.13 Build ID: Flathub 4.13 Finance Quote: 1.5301 under Ubuntu
>> 20.04 LTS.
>> Both versions are including a transaction from 07/02/2020 when the date
>> range for the report is 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. The transaction of
>> concern is listed as "Tax Report Only - No TXF Export".
>> I have limited internet access right now so I can not confirm that this
>> is a known bug.  My concern is that the report may also be skipping
>> transactions from 2022.  I have exported the report as a pdf file with no
>> options selected other than the time frame, and the transaction shows up
>> there as well.  If I edit the options to suppress $0, no printing of full
>> account names/action:memo data/transaction detail, and print TXF export
>> parameters, the errant transaction shows up.
>> Any ideas why?
>> --
>> --JEffrey Black M.B.A.
> What is the TXF code on the report for the errant transaction? '000' or '
> N000'? That is the only TXF code that has that description (Tax Report Only
> - No TXF Export).
> If you go to the account that the report has that transaction listed under
> in the Edit->Tax Report Options panel, is the account set as 'Tax Related'?
> If so, should it be? And if it should be, should it have another
> Form/Schedule item selected? If changes to this account are warranted and
> made, does the errant transaction still appear or go away?
> Before entry into your tax software, you can get comfortable that the
> other Income Tax Report totals are correct by comparing the account totals
> to totals for the year of other reports. If there are unexpected
> differences (there shouldn't be), the transaction detail in the Tax Report
> can help you figure out what it is.
> There is a TXF code, 521 for 'Federal estimated tax, qrtrly' which has
> special date processing for calendar date ranges, as explained in the
> description for that code, to catch the Jan 15 payment made the next year.
> Other than that, all splits selected to generate the report should be in
> the date range.
> In any case, I don't understand why a 07/02/2020 transaction should appear
> in the report if the specified date range is 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. I
> will try to replicate the error with test data and look at the code to see
> if I can figure it out.
> Look forward to your response to my questions above.
> Alex
> The TXF code for that account is '000'.  This particular account was
> required on a prior years return (actually the number of payments was
> required, not the sum total) but; there is no corresponding tax form/line
> number for it, hence the reason for selecting "Tax Report Only - No TXF
> Export".  The only reason I caught it in the report, is that it was for
> Covid related income, and I knew that there was none in 2022.
> The 'Income Tax Identity' is set for 'Individual, Joint, etc. - Files US
> form 1040'.
> Just as an experiment I added a transaction for $1 into that account for
> '03/17/2021' and it summed it to the total as well in the report for 2022.
> If I remove the account from the tax related entries it disappears.
> So far, this one account is the only trouble maker that I have
> discovered.
> As for the TXF code, 521 for 'Federal estimated tax, qrtrly', I have not
> had to use it in years.  Now I remember why the need for special date
> processing (thanks for the refresher).
> Ah-ha.  I see what it is doing, just not how to get rid of it in the
> report, short of adding a t account to zero it.  Most of the accounts that
> I have set for "Tax Report Only - No TXF Export" have transactions posted
> in 2022 and behave as I expected.  I just noticed that I have not manually
> entered

[GNC-dev] GnuCash 4.904 Released

2023-03-19 Thread John Ralls
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.904, the fifth unstable 
release leading to GnuCash 5.0.
This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with production 
data! Make a copy of your book to test this release.
New Features

A new Stock Transaction Assistant to guide you through entering most 
investment transactions for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can access it 
from Actions>Stock Assistant when you have the Accounts page ora Stock or Fund 
account register open.
A new Investment Lots report showing a graph of capital gains and losses in 
a period by investment lot. Note that if you don't use the View Lots dialog to 
manage capital gains and losses this report won't have anything to show you. 
Use Reports>Assets & Liabilities>Investment Lots to see the report.
The Online Quotes facility has been completely rewritten and the old 
gnc-fq-check, gnc-fq-dump, and gnc-fq-helper programs have been replaced with 
finance-quote-wrapper. The functions performed by those programs may now be 
accomplished by passing commands to gnucash-cli -Q, see gnucash-cli --help for 
specifics. The perl module requirements have changed with the rewrite: The new 
version doesn't need Date::Manip but needs JSON::Parse instead. gnc-fq-update 
has been, er, updated to reflect that.
A new tab on the New/Edit Account dialog called More Properties includes 
entries to set a high and low limit on an account. That's coupled to a new 
column that's available on the Accounts Page, Balance Limit. If you set a high 
or low limit and the account balance falls above or below the respective limit 
an indicator will be shown in the Balance Limit column.
The description field quickfill in the register now displays a drop-down 
list of possible completions instead of just one inline completion.
File import menu items for the MT940, MT942, and DTAUS formats is replaced 
with a single Import from AQBanking that supports importing any file format 
supported by AQBanking, including the frequently requested CAMT.

The report generated by the Print Invoice button on the Edit Invoice tab 
can now be configured as a book option at the bottom of the Business tab; this 
permits selecting a saved configuration of one of the standard invoice reports. 
Another option enables a delay, during which a dialog box will appear enabling 
the user to select a different report.

Note: When saving a configuration make sure that the invoice number is not 
set or you'll get that particular invoice instead of the one that you pressed 
the button for.

Between 4.903 and 4.904, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
The following fixes will also appear in GnuCash 4.14:

Bug 798570 - Budget totals for income, expenses and remaining to budget 
incorrect for one specific date.

The following fixes are in 4.904 only and will not appear in GnuCash 4.14:

Bug 798558 - Irregular line spacing in Account Tree View
Bug 798773 - Help file launches in browser when using command-H to hide 

This is a MacOS-only problem. Note that for the fix to have effect you must 
remove the file accelerator-map from GNC_CONFIG_HOME when GnuCash isn't running.
Bug 798778 - GnuCash quits abruptly when attempting to edit options for 
certain reports.
Bug 798781 - Printing multiple checks prints duplicate checks
Bug 798787 - gnc-register-owner-option currently broken

The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

Fix quotes codecvt to wchar_t error on Windows.
Budget totals for one period would be wrong when increasing the number of 
Change the handling of accelerator maps. Gtk no longer supports changing 
these from the menus and the save no longer writes out the accelerators that 
have their default values, so to assist users editing them we have generated 
default ones that we include with GnuCash and have disabled saving when 
quitting GnuCash. At startup GnuCash will check for the presence of the file 
accelerator-map in GNC_CONFIG_HOME and if it's not found will copy in the 
default one.
Properly parse plus signs while importing numbers in a CSV file.
Fix CSV price import file loading.
CsvImport - actually do as the warning indicates: If an invalid column is 
found in a preset, replace it with a NONE column, rather than not inserting a 
column at all.

New and Updated Translations: Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, Hungarian, 
Japanese, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Swedish
Help translate GnuCash on Weblate:

Translators note that there is a new project Program-beta on weblate for this 
unstable branch. Having twice the strings causes us to exceed the free account 
limit, but Weblate has so far just warned us about it. If we need to change the 
branch we'll announce it on gnucash-devel.

Known Problems: 

Complete list of all open bugs: