Thoughts About Supporting CSV Import Multisplit Value

2024-09-07 Thread flywire

Each line should define one split by:
* transaction-specific fields: date and description as bare minimum and
* split specific fields: account and deposit/withdrawal as bare minimum.

It sucks validating data with currency and shares in the same csv field. It
would be useful to allow importing by value. What are the thoughts about
supporting value and turning off the check for (negated) amount column when
importing a file without shares? That check seems like the only thing
preventing it.

Example 6.1. [Truncated] Sample Multi-split.csv

05/03/2006,Grocery Store,-45.21,Assets:Checking

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Windows Build VM

2023-11-16 Thread flywire
Thank you for the post below and copy of PM from Manfred advising of his
successful Windows compile. Clearly, the instructions don't work as
published and this information is important.

1. Did you set-executionpolicy Unrestricted (ie set-executionpolicy
-executionpolicy Unrestricted -scope LocalMachine )?
2. Can you confirm you just run everything listed in points 1-3 below after and
before ?
3. Can you explain "apply the manifest patch and a rename patch to jhbuild.
as well as a packaging patch" ?
On Sat Nov 11 19:19:42 EST 2023 Sherlock wrote:
> For what it may be worth, I have been successful building and packaging
GnuCash 5.4 on Windows 10 with mingw-w64-i686-webkitgtk3-2.4.11-999.5-any
in a recent (2023-07-18) MSYS2 MINGW32 environment.
> 1. Missing gcrypt
> pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-libgcrypt --noconfirm --needed
> 2. Missing xmlsec1
> pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-xmlsec --noconfirm --needed
> 3. Install the latest mingw-w64-i686-webkitgtk3 and the versions of it's
> cd /c/gcdev64/msys2/var/cache/pacman/pkg/
> wget
> pacman-key --add jralls_public_signing_key.asc
> pacman-key --lsign C1F4DE993CF5835F
> wget
> wget
> pacman -U
--noconfirm --needed
> wget
> wget
> cd /c/gcdev64/msys2
> zstdcat
| tar xf - mingw32/bin/libicudt69.dll mingw32/bin/libicuin69.dll
> zstdcat
| tar xf - mingw32/bin/libssp-0.dll
> In addition to including these dependencies in the build environment, I
found it necessary to apply the manifest patch and a rename patch to
jhbuild. as well as a packaging patch.
> Sherlock

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Windows Build VM

2023-11-05 Thread flywire
That would be  . I
put too much time into it and sought help a number of times (posts are in
dev over a long period) but nothing useful eventuated.

iirc I'm fairly sure I didn't get the first step configured for powershell.
I was working in much the same environment with other projects at the time,
with the exception of powershell, but I'm out of touch with the build
environment now. I intend to give it another go when I have a heap of spare

A GitHub action would be handy to build it for Windows as required.


On Mon, 6 Nov 2023 at 12:53, Manfred Usselmann  wrote:

> Did you by any chance try this? I would also be interested to run the
> Python bindings under windows.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Windows Build VM

2023-09-30 Thread flywire
John wrote:

> we don't have a Windows CI action, the nightly builds are done with the
> powershell scripts on a
> Windows VM in Derek's basement.

Derek, Can you make that VM available so I can run it? I'd really like to
run Python bindings under Windows.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Introduction of new GnuCash-Devel Subscriber

2023-05-08 Thread flywire
Welcome Doug,

If the docs become more than a few notes then is a nice framework for
writing docs in markdown and publishing on GitHub Pages.

I'll be interested in your progress compiling Gnucash in Windows and a copy
of GnuCash Windows executable with the python bindings. Note
> we don't have a Windows CI action, the nightly builds are done with the powershell scripts on a
Windows VM in Derek's basement.

A copy of that VM might be handy.

gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Can't login to IRC #gnucash channel

2023-04-14 Thread flywire
Pick one:

> server


... That's your problem.  We're not at -- we're at
No, you need to connect to the correct IRC Network.


Win10 HexChat Command Prompt:

* Looking up []
* Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?
* Looking up []
* Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Update Wiki Custom Report

2023-04-08 Thread flywire
I do:
but docs need some level of overview by Subject Matter Experts or they
become social media.

There are breaking changes in

Report and Book Options
>- This major change will affect everyone who has written custom
>reports in Guile Scheme.
>- The report and book options code has been completely rewritten in
>C++ with SWIG providing Guile Scheme access for reports. The new design
>requires directly registering options with for example
>gnc-optiondb-register-string-option instead of calling
>gnc:make-string-option to create an option followed by gnc:register-option
>to insert it in the report's options.
>- Value access is also changed: Instead of retrieving an option and
>then querying or setting its value with gnc:option-value one will query the
>optiondb with gnc-option-value, the arguments to which are the optiondb,
>the section, and the option name.
>- Supporting the new options backend the options dialog code in
>gnc-dialog-options, gnc-business-options, and the new gnc-option-gtk-ui
>have also been rewritten in C++.
> Reflecting on the changes I made to
to incorporate these changes, despite being checked by John Ralls, I don't
understand them in the context of the release comments. I very much
followed the approach in the wiki of finding something similar in an
existing report and copy/adapt it. Why is there still a lot of "gnc:" in
reports? Is sample-report still using code that is to be depreciated?

As I see it the page needs (note 2 & 3 highlighted, might only require a
paragraph in each to explain the changes):

   1. all content prior to V5 removed with an introductory comment for
   previous version linking to
   (I'll do this after 24hrs if there are no objections)
   2. * update *
   3. * update *
   4. fix reports example prototype bug: gnc:optname-reportname - I have no
   idea why it doesn't work
   5. points 2 & 3 should allow anyone to fix the rest of

Other comments:

The guide is so Linux-focused that most of it is non-functional in Windows
(debugging, API, adding menu items):

   1. I'm not clear on using but
   clearly, that saves the need for an existing report example. I'd like to
   see the API demonstrated as an MWE (eg point 4 above), preferably using the
   V5 breaking changes.
   2. particularly
   and all of

btw, Maybe the menu item Help, About GnuCash Needs a link directly to the
reports folder.

On Sun, 9 Apr 2023 at 08:06, Frank H. Ellenberger <> wrote:

> Do you have no wiki account?
> Am 03.04.23 um 05:04 schrieb flywire:
> > Can someone update to
> provide
> > for the changes in V5?
> > ___
> > gnucash-devel mailing list
> >
> >
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Update Wiki Custom Report

2023-04-02 Thread flywire
Can someone update to provide
for the changes in V5?
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Configurable Year Start Day/Month

2023-04-02 Thread flywire
Can someone give me guidance for custom reports in V5:
1. How to reinstate the configurable Year Start Month in V5 (similar to
2. How to add option Start of 2 years previous?

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2023-03-05 Thread flywire
Highlighting minor docs tweak which the string freeze might affect:
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2023-02-01 Thread flywire
Thanks to the community for all the help with

It's a new report with a new guid. If everything is ok I'll update the docs
as noted before and hello-world.scm can be removed.

On Tue, 17 Jan 2023 at 04:55, Geert Janssens 

> >10. > [raised previously] I'm not sure if version or report-guid
> should
> >be updated.
> IMO, no.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2023-01-18 Thread flywire
Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:

> Did you also adjust test-stress-options?

Ahh, you mean, "You also need to adjust test-stress-options.". Can you link
me to the test line in the repo? I'm not clear where it is from the log

The PR changes a lot of strings and I get the impression they are failing
*.po tests. What do I need to do here?

Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:

> Did you also adjust test-stress-options?
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2023-01-15 Thread flywire
This exercise has left me with a few questions about

   1. I'm not clear on the scheme terminology. What are the lines in the
   top-level definitions I labelled initialise values? I understand they are
   not constants and I'd normally call it initialising or assigning variables.
   2. Why does the section referred to in the above point normally only
   contain option name and help but not default, section, or sort order?
   3. If option sections are defined, does a default section need to be set?
   4. Can a default General section be added to? It seems not and the whole
   thig must be created.
   5. The formatting style is different to most standard reports. Does it
   need updating?
   6. How can I make the version number bold:
   7. What is the best way of understanding/searching the api? Things like
   html format and date interval below or tracing from date intervalin other
   reports back to the specific date.
   8. I'm still not clear on things like let, let*, and nested let.
   9. There seems to be some sort of git corruption. How can I move this
   forward as a contribution?
   10. > [raised previously] I'm not sure if version or report-guid should
   be updated.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2023-01-15 Thread flywire
john wrote:

> I suggest:

Worth a review on my fork. I'm not sure if version or report-guid should be

Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:

> Did you also adjust test-stress-options?

No, only changed four lines in hello-world.scm after a Sync-fork. Sometimes
git has a mean streak.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2023-01-14 Thread flywire
Geert Janssens wrote:

> I'd rather use values like "Sample string", "Sample Document Title" and
> "Sample Report"
I've made that change in my fork as well as changed section to Sample! and
renamed file to sample-report.scm. It looks good and not like a kludge.

I'd also suggest:
* minor format fixes and update references
* Delete welcome-to-gnucash.scm given it was gutted in December 2017

Trivial updates would be needed for: and

Need to check GnuCash repo for hello-world.scm references.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2023-01-13 Thread flywire
I understand you didn't appreciate the post was about the PR just
submitted, not the linked and quoted post 16 months earlier foreshadowing
the PR for context. No concerns had been raised so there was no reason to
provide the detail given until your comment. There is still scope for

John Ralls wrote:

> To address point 1 one would change the file name.
> To address point 2 that new file name would be something like
> "sample-report-with-examples.scm".
> To address point 3 one would change the names of the sections.

Fair comments. I expect the report was intended to demonstrate a different
report name and filename. If the filename was changed then something
similar to the existing filename people could still relate to old
documentation. Renaming the section was suggested in the PR comments.

> * 'Hello, World' string is used three times (and in a comment): as a
> string, report title, and report name. It is much easier to see what output
> unique strings are associated with without even understanding the structure
> of the report.

> But that claim is silly, because the user can (and should) open the
> options dialog, change one of the options, click Apply, and observe what
> changes in the report.

The point is not about the changes options make to reports, it's about how
the report source code changes the report and report options. Why wouldn't
unique string values help people unfamiliar with reports see
the relationship more clearly?
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2023-01-13 Thread flywire
John, Can you explain why the PR is a dumb idea?

Comments on customising reports normally say the process is not easy.
Getting the relationships of some of the data right can be complex but
well-presented documentation and code make it a lot easier.

Report documentation is fairly well limited to the report wiki page and
reports with source code comments. There is a simple hello-world.scm
example report specifically written to show you the base layout of a
GnuCash report.

Firstly, a Hello World program is a convention as a minimalist program to
generate hello world output. One of the features is, usually, changing the
string changes the output.

A couple of things make it confusing:

1. hello-world.scm is not a minimalist program so it fails user
expectations, but tweeking the report name would avoid that expectation

2. It is not intuitively obvious in the Reports Examples menu which report
is hello-world.scm, but Welcome to GnuCash would seem more obvious than
Sample Report with Examples

3. Search 'Hello, World' has 22 hits:

* 18 of those hits are 'Hello, World!' used as a section name? Why? It's a
complicated name making the program harder to comprehend and distingush
from output strings (let's ignore searching for the presence/absence of an
exclamation mark). Just changing it to 'Hello' would be easier to read and
make the program clearer.

* 'Hello, World' string is used three times (and in a comment): as a
string, report title, and report name. It is much easier to see what output
unique strings are associated with without even understanding the structure
of the report.

The PR changes points 2 and 3 with minimal change elsewhere.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2023-01-13 Thread flywire
> The code would be easier to follow if different strings other than Hello,
World! were used, making it clearer what they relate to. While this report
might have developed from a Hello World example, a minimal program to
generate output, it's much more than that now. Can it be renamed? Maybe
just hello.scm or move it to welcome-to-gnucash.scm with a related document
> If there are no concerns I'll put up a PR.

I made minimal changes for the strings and pushed

Other changes would need a bit of discussion as would affect the docs.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Browse Documentation Online by Chapter

2023-01-10 Thread flywire
The web has changed a lot since GnuCash documentation was first accessible
online. What are the thoughts about changing online documentation to browse
by Chapter rather than Chapter Section? The ability to scroll forward and
back gives much more context to the documentation. The effect s shown in

The ability to link to specific parts of the chapter is still useful.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Configurable Year Start Day/Month

2023-01-10 Thread flywire
I'm seeking comments on a proposal to support a configurable year start
day/month. This goes back to
but I see the issue a bit clearer now.

Firstly, GnuCash already supports Accounting Period Start/End Date eg
(Note: even code variable names demonstrate the confusion between
accounting and fiscal year)

Accounting Period only supports a single period changed manually which is
very limiting compared to Previous/This/Next Year variants automatically
updated each day as supported elsewhere in GnuCash and other packages.

I've hacked a different start year month into each version over the last
couple of years which could be modified to change day:
On year-start day/month (ie new year) the year is numbered by the calendar
year at the end of the period (eg 1 Jul 2020 to 30 Jun 2021 is 2021).
Reporting by year variants works well (although I don't use Business
Features) but the change process is inconvenient and too complex for most

If the changes are likely to be accepted I'm happy to:
* do any changes required as described in
* update the documentation to explain the preference setting
* rename variable: cal-year to cur-year
* add a previous 2Year Start/End period so preparing reports for the
previous year allows the year before that to also be accessed

I understand the GnuCash Preferences, Report, year-start day/month would
need to be in a compiled executable. I'd ask someone to send me one as a
windows executable. A default of 1 January would ensure users are not
affected unless they change the setting.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Various failures while building MacOS/Quartz from source

2022-11-01 Thread flywire
How about setting up GitHub workflows to do these builds making them
available as artifacts for download? The fixups could be maintained in the
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Co-Owner

2022-06-13 Thread flywire
> I'd like to get some help on how to debug the scm parts.

It's basically a legacy system with recent development pretty well limited
to modifying existing reports, which is normally sufficient. The community
seems to have had more expertise with reports in the past -
WARNING: This section is out of date and will not run with GnuCash 4.6

> GnuCash has a scope... [of] basic accounting for personal and very small
business use, where very small means sole proprietors with no employees
(GnuCash has no payroll module). The multiple ownership model of this
change falls outside that scope. Furthermore it caters to a very narrow
single-nation use case that would be very difficult for the current core
team to maintain.

Many of the "sole proprietors" are likely partnerships, many probably
interested in dividing amounts reported by Gnucash (ie fairly wide use
case). Fortunately, GnuCash is very flexible allowing integration of user
reports. It wouldn't be hard to set up in a separate [external] repository
so these reports could be added to GnuCash by these users. It could even be
mentioned in

GnuCash works fine for payroll, it's just with no payroll module the
calculations, entry, and reporting are manual.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Omit zero balance figures Vs Show zero balances

2021-12-01 Thread flywire
Yes "Show zero balances" is a different way of communicating "Omit zero
balance figures". It does not affect the data or reports generated. Geert
expressed the user and programmer benefit well:

> ...positive language and particularly avoiding double negation logic is
better design.

A common origin appears to have developed into variations of Profit & Loss,
Budget Profit & Loss, and Balance Sheet. I understand from a discussion
about fiscal/financial year reporting there is breaking change coming to
reports, and they could probably do with a tidy-up. It could easily be
introduced at the same time. I expect I could code it fairly easily.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Omit zero balance figures Vs Show zero balances

2021-11-24 Thread flywire
Probably clearer to demonstrate same default functionality with different
user interface:
* Default is Off with On to Omit - double negative ??
* Alternative default is On with Off to Omit - consistent and logical on a
*Display* tab ??

[image: OmitVsDisplay.png]
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Omit zero balance figures Vs Show zero balances

2021-11-24 Thread flywire
Display options are selected to display something except for Omit zero
balance figures. Why is it any different to Include accounts with zero
total balances ie select to display?
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] GUI SQL Reports

2021-09-25 Thread flywire
I've looked around at free GUI SQL report writers and haven't come up with
an alternative to Base. It's barely acknowledged as part of the suite, had
little development, fugly, with suspect reliability, eg formatting on view
columns isn't saved. SQL dialects vary a bit but the GnuCash accounts tree
in SQL moves it out of basic SQL.

1. Any comments about storing foreign keys in the database?
2. Any guidance on how to use dates stored as text fields? By default, Base
only recognises the characters.

E:\BOOKS>\sqlite\sqlite3 empty.gnucash
SQLite version 3.36.0 2021-06-18 18:36:39
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables
accounts  customers lots  splits
billterms employees orderstaxtable_entries
books entries   pricestaxtables
budget_amountsgnclock   recurrences   transactions
budgets   invoices  schedxactions vendors
commodities   jobs  slots versions
sqlite> .schema transactions
CREATE TABLE transactions(guid text(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, currency_guid
text(32) NOT NULL, num text(2048) NOT NULL, post_date text(19), enter_date
text(19), description text(2048));
CREATE INDEX tx_post_date_index ON transactions(post_date);

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 10:47 AM John Ralls  wrote:

> For playing around: It's a bit of a lash-up but you can use Microsoft
> Access or Open/LibreOffice Base with SQLite3 via an ODBC driver. Both have
> QBE, though Microsofts is (as usual) a lot more polished.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Report with Fiscal Year

2021-09-18 Thread flywire
Why doesn't updating report periods update dates? Displaying conflicting
values is just wrong.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Report with Fiscal Year

2021-09-18 Thread flywire
> Scheme isn't a very good language for serious programming.

A rewrite is probably reasonable.
demonstrates the code can be clear.

The lack of responses to the report queries probably more due to:
* unintelligible legacy code
* absent or wrong documentation
* overwhelming task to address these issues (ie rewrite easier than

> I see a lot of websites that use two combo boxes for this, the first with
1-31 for the day of the month and the other with the 12 months. Does that
seem reasonable for GnuCash?

That's probably the most efficient, two clicks to select month assuming day
is one. Alternatively, calendar month avoids d/m/y order - default to 1 Jan
using '<>' to select month and/or click day, disable or ignore year.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Report with Fiscal Year

2021-09-07 Thread flywire
> ...if I'm going to talk to a doctor (especially over the phone these days), 
> I'll take 10 minutes on the Internet so I can say that the pain is "along my 
> lymph nodes on the right side of my neck" than "the bumps next to my throat."

I wouldn't after 4 years of animal science (humans plus) plus a lot of home
butchery. Look up the Dunning-Kruger Effect, two blokes got a nobel prize
for saying you're full of shit. Your GP knows bugger all about lymph nodes

If you know your stuff you should be able to explain it in simple terms but
communication skills are often more of a challenge for people with a maths
focus. Use plain English minimising technical terms to where they are
needed but assume nobody knows what they mean. Credit/debit are a special
case because the community *know* what they mean, and it's exactly opposite
to the accounting definition, so I agree deposit/withdrawal are better

I checked the docs and only found Fiscal Year referenced twice, both in the
Guide [better in wiki faq]. Interestingly the accounting period definition
in the glossary meant nothing to me but the depreciation section has
"accounting period (IE: fiscal year)" so I Googled fiscal year, found
financial year then understood it.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Report with Fiscal Year

2021-09-06 Thread flywire
I recall recent discussion about separating the main app and reporting.
App, database and reporting modules seem to offer a lot of scope for
non-traditional integrations I've raised before. One of my repos uses ocr
to load bank statements, and there's an ever-expanding range of smart
analysis tools.

I'm concerned John's described pulling report functionality back into c++.

It's a while since I worked as a programmer but I've been involved in a
broad range of system development. I was after a c++ developer a couple of
years ago and a university lecturer told me they'd stopped teaching it a
few years earlier. He said to concentrate on the functionality and let the
implementation move with the technology. M a y b e  GnuCash is. The
application doesn't need to run on 1990 technology anymore.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Report with Fiscal Year

2021-09-05 Thread flywire
I see Chris has pushed a PR through which appears to provide this
functionality. I'd like to work on other reports too and this was a
learning exercise as much as anything. What it doesn't do is help me as a
community member develop skills with reports so I can work on those parts
of the software I see as a priority that others aren't interested in.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Report with Fiscal Year

2021-09-05 Thread flywire
I use Fiscal Year (GnuCash term) ending 30 June reporting (ie 1 Jul 2020 -
30 Jun 2021 is 2021 year). Tax reports are prepared in the following Fiscal
Year so I use reports on current and previous year, and two year's previous
year for verification. Since tax reporting is on a Fiscal Year basis
business tends to align that way so I'm more familiar with those periods
and use them for analysis too. (To put it another way, I hardly recognise
the same data by calendar year.)

Change year for one report instance requires: Options, General, Start Date,
Dropdown calendar, clicks to year, clicks to month, clicks day, End Date,
Dropdown calendar, clicks to year, clicks to month, clicks day, Apply. The
existing calendar year periods seamlessly extend fiscal years with a

The development environment is another thread but fortunately, Guile is
interpreted so I've tested the code by hacking it into my installation and
it works with a hardcoded Fiscal Year month. My function *optionally*
extends existing current and previous calendar year reporting functionality
to fiscal years ie existing code runs without change. An optional parameter
needs to be added to gnc:make-date-option to allow the parameter to be
used. That code is too complex for me to understand given the documentation
and my current level of understanding.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Report with Fiscal Year

2021-09-05 Thread flywire
Any chance of a bit of a hand working through the add-option to get Fiscal
Year working in the code? I've tested everything else and it works. It'd be
a nice fix for Australians.

gnc:make-date-option needs an optional parameter for year-start-month -

Typical code (

(define* (gnc:get-end-cur-year #:key (start-month-fy 0))
  (let ((now (gnc-localtime (current-time
(set-tm:sec now 59)
(set-tm:min now 59)
(set-tm:hour now 23)
(set-tm:mday now 31)
(set-tm:mon now 11)
(if (< (tm:mon now) start-month-fy)
  (set-tm:year now (tm:year now))
  (set-tm:year now (+ (tm:year now) 1)))
(set-tm:isdst now -1)
(gnc-mktime now)))
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] How to get Report Development Environment Working in Windows

2021-09-03 Thread flywire
John, presumably you mentioned a guile instance because it's more efficient
than the technique I asked about to reload reports without restarting
GnuCash. That doesn't bring up a Win10 guile instance:

C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash>type guile-env.bat
@ echo off
set GUILE_LOAD_PATH="c:\Program Files
(x86)\gnucash\share\guile\2.2;c:\Program Files
set GUILE__COMPILED_LOAD_PATH="c:\Program Files
(x86)\gnucash\lib\guile\2.2\ccache;c:\Program Files
path = "c:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin";%PATH%

Uncaught exception:
Throw to key misc-error with args ("primitive-load-path" "Unable to find
file ~S in load path" ("ice-9/boot-9") #f)Cannot exit gracefully when init
is in progress; aborting.

C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash>dir /b

On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 10:48 AM John Ralls  wrote:

> > On Sep 2, 2021, at 4:55 PM, flywire  wrote:
> >
> > I'd like to use
> > in
> > Win10. The Technique to reload reports without restarting GnuCash is not
> > working and I think the main problem is not following:
> >
> >> Finally, you should also extract a GnuCash source tar ball in
> > ~/GnuCash/CustomReport/ to have access to the Scheme files referenced in
> > this page.
> >
> > Does this mean extract the contents of gnucash-4.6.setup.exe
> > under %USERPROFILE%/GnuCash/CustomReport? Which files are actually needed
> > where (required path of one file as an example would be good)?
> Not exactly. A source tarball is an archive of the sources made with the
> Unix `tar` program; we distribute two variants, gnucash-4.6.tar.bz2 and
> gnucash-4.6.tar.gz; the trailing extensions indicate the compression method
> used.
> It looks like much of that page dates from GnuCash 2.6 that used an
> earlier version of Guile than we use now. You don't really need that
> though. What you need is to set up two environment variables,
> (Assuming Powershell)
> $Env:GUILE_LOAD_PATH="c:\Program Files
> (x86)\gnucash\share\guile\2.2;c:\Program Files
> (x86)\gnucash\share\guile\site\2.2"
> $Env:GUILE__COMPILED_LOAD_PATH="c:\Program Files
> (x86)\gnucash\lib\guile\2.2\ccache;c:\Program Files
> (x86)\gnucash\lib\guile\2.2\site-ccache"
> Also adjust your path to include "c:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin"
> With that setup a guile instance run from that shell should be able to
> find all of the modules it needs. Note that none of this is needed for
> GnuCash to execute your config-user.scm as it sets up the paths for itself.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] How to get Report Development Environment Working in Windows

2021-09-03 Thread flywire
On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 10:48 AM John Ralls  wrote:

> It looks like much of that page dates from GnuCash 2.6 that used an
> earlier version of Guile than we use now... Note that none of this is
> needed for GnuCash to execute your config-user.scm as it sets up the paths
> for itself.


Fixed (all but reportname) by updating the outdated code in:

Unfortunately, I want the split reports but that code won't run as
described in:
(the second Prototype report doesn't appear in Reports Examples.) It could
be another syntax issue. Maybe someone could test it?


;; (define-module (gnucash report example prototype))
(define-module (gnucash report example prototype_loader))
;;(define-module (prototype_loader))

;;(use-modules (gnucash engine))
;;(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
(use-modules (gnucash core-utils)) ; for gnc:version and (G_ ...)
(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
(use-modules (gnucash report))
;;(use-modules (gnucash html))

(debug-enable 'backtrace)

;; load the renderer module once at the top level to get the symbols
(use-modules (document-renderer))

;; get and reload the module
(define (reload-report-module)
  (reload-module (resolve-module '(document-renderer

;; every time options generated, reload from document-renderer
(define (options_loader)

;; every time report rendered, reload from document-renderer
(define (renderer_loader report-obj)
  (document-renderer report-obj))

 'version 1
 'name (N_ "Prototype")
 'report-guid "cac2d303ec53449eb163e50117356b91"
 'menu-tip (N_"")
 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-example)
 'options-generator options-generator
 'renderer document-renderer)

* document-renderer.scm *

(define-module (document-renderer))

;; options for the report (called by loader after it reloads this module)
(define (options-generator)
  (let* ((options (gnc:new-options)))
; add your options here

;; report renderer (called by loader after it reloads this module)
(define (document-renderer report-obj)
  (let ((doc (gnc:make-html-document)))
;; add your renderer here
   (format #f (G_ "~a")

(export options-generator)
(export document-renderer)

* config-user.scm *

(load (gnc-build-userdata-path "my-world.scm"))
(load (gnc-build-userdata-path "prototype.scm"))
(load (gnc-build-userdata-path "prototype-loader.scm"))
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] How to get Report Development Environment Working in Windows

2021-09-02 Thread flywire
I'd like to use in
Win10. The Technique to reload reports without restarting GnuCash is not
working and I think the main problem is not following:

> Finally, you should also extract a GnuCash source tar ball in
~/GnuCash/CustomReport/ to have access to the Scheme files referenced in
this page.

Does this mean extract the contents of gnucash-4.6.setup.exe
under %USERPROFILE%/GnuCash/CustomReport? Which files are actually needed
where (required path of one file as an example would be good)?
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Report Links Broken

2021-09-02 Thread flywire
Links in reports don't work in Win10. I'd expect:
1.  to be a clickable link
2. clicking to open up the mail client
3. Clicking Display Help to be the same as  (ie Help, Contents), it
doesn't work

Links in Dashboard report work as expected.

[image: image.png]
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Sample Report with Examples

2021-09-01 Thread flywire
The Sample Report with Examples is one of those gems in GnuCash that take a
bit of finding but it's well worthwhile working through it when you do. I'd
like to see the first paragraph changed to emphasise its purpose and add
the wiki reference in the second paragraph. Something like:

> This report is a sample demonstration using source code and options to
introduce you to writing reports. You can make changes and see the effects.
The guile (scheme) source code in the scm/report directory has comments on
extending existing reports or writing your own.
> More help on writing reports is available at (including report location) or
consult the mailing list where you could
contribute your brand new, totally cool report. For details on subscribing
to that list, see . You can learn more about
writing scheme at .

The code would be easier to follow if different strings other than Hello,
World! were used, making it clearer what they relate to. While this report
might have developed from a Hello World example, a minimal program to
generate output, it's much more than that now. Can it be renamed? Maybe
just hello.scm or move it to welcome-to-gnucash.scm with a related document

If there are no concerns I'll put up a PR.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Customising Transaction Report

2021-08-30 Thread flywire
I have modified trep-engine.scm and added two options to the Display tab:

1. "Include zero balance accounts"
2. "Omit zero balance figures"

(I'd still be happy for an explanation of the correct way of doing it.)

What code do I need to add to use these options? I have accounts and
transactions with zero balances.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Customising Transaction Report

2021-08-30 Thread flywire
I probably should have added this comment in the source code. I'm not clear
how the Transaction Report relates to a derived report:

  ;; (Feb 2018) Note to future hackers - this gnc:trep-options-generator
  ;; defines a long set of options to be assigned as an object in
  ;; the report. This long list (52 at Feb 2018 count) of options
  ;; may be modified in a derived report (see income-gst-statement.scm)
  ;; via gnc:make-internal! and gnc-unregister-option to hide
  ;; and remove options, respectively. If an option is unregistered,
  ;; don't forget to re-register them via gnc:register-option, unless
  ;; your derived report truly does not require them.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Customising Transaction Report

2021-08-30 Thread flywire
The Income Statement (Profit and Loss) has Display Options (Are they called
widgets?) for "Include accounts with zero total balances" and "Omit zero
balance figures". I assume Transaction Report is an old report developed
before these options.

Looking through transaction.scm it is very brief, certainly without the
sections and detail of say income-statement.scm. Can I get some guidance
how to modify the Transaction Report to say add zero options?

Seems changes are required to:
1. define all option's names and help text
2. options generator
3. wrapper around gnc:html-table-append-ruler: table-env/params

I understand report code is executed directly by the existing Windows
executable so I can just change a copy of the report in a text editor and
run it.

(btw links are
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Greetings & Windows Build

2021-07-24 Thread flywire
I tried unsuccessfully to get a Windows Build going last year -

I don't use PowerShell and I'm fairly sure my first issue was an
unsuccessful PowerShell environment configuration. No one is using windows
for development so info is limited.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Dev's features of choice?

2021-06-02 Thread flywire
Compatible code to add smarts to reports, say one click current/previous
fiscal year/half/quarter selection without a date in GnuCash. Using an
external Report App/ GnuCash Database split there is no intention or need
to write back to GnuCash database. Reporting configuration, say fiscal year
day/month or tax tables, can be held in the Report App database.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 1:11 PM John Ralls  wrote:

> > Not sure what you mean about compatibility, but the doctrine is that you
> can query all you want but shouldn't write the database outside of
> GnuCash's functions because all of the business logic is in GnuCash code,
> none in the database.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Dev's features of choice?

2021-06-02 Thread flywire
On Sun Jul 26 13:36:07 EDT 2020, John Ralls wrote
> Big-picture:
>  - A report system that allows normal humans to generate custom reports
and graphs...

What is some of the candidate sql qbe software? I'm interested in having a
play around with reporting on sqlite.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Bootstrap Win10 Build Environment

2020-05-28 Thread flywire
Does anyone actually build from windows?  I seem to be getting even less
success with the setup script now.

Hopefully my main issue is lack of familiarity with the environment but I
might have broken the security settings. I'd be interested to see a log of
someones install following and

What should I do about the message during the script: HTML Help 1.31
Update, This computer already has a newer version of HTML Help.


PS E:\gcdev64> *..\setup-mingw64.ps1 -target_dir: E:\gcdev64 -x86_64: $true*
..\setup-mingw64.ps1 : File E:\setup-mingw64.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file
E:\setup-mingw64.ps1 is not digitally signed. You cannot
run this script on the current system. For more information about running
scripts and setting execution policy, see
about_Execution_Policies at https:/
At line:1 char:1
+ ..\setup-mingw64.ps1 -target_dir: E:\gcdev64 -x86_64: $true
+ CategoryInfo  : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
PS E:\gcdev64> unblock-file ..\setup-mingw64.ps1
PS E:\gcdev64> ..\setup-mingw64.ps1 -target_dir: E:\gcdev64 -x86_64: $true

Directory: E:\gcdev64

ModeLastWriteTime Length Name
- -- 
d-   26/05/2020   6:15 PMdownloads
Downloading E:\gcdev64\\downloads\msys2.exe from
Installing E:\gcdev64\\downloads\msys2.exe --script E:\gcdev64\input.qs
Downloading E:\gcdev64\\downloads\\htmlhelp.exe from
Installing E:\gcdev64\\downloads\htmlhelp.exe
Downloading E:\gcdev64\\downloads\innosetup-5.5.9-unicode.exe from
Installing E:\gcdev64\\downloads\innosetup-5.5.9-unicode.exe  /verysilent
/suppressmsgboxes /nocancel /norestart /dir="C:\Program Files (x86)\inno"

Updating the installation. Accept the proposed changes. If the window
doesn't close on its own then close it and re-run the script when it
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 mingw32462.5 KiB   301K/s
00:02 [#] 100%
 mingw32.sig119.0   B  0.00B/s
00:00 [#] 100%
 mingw64465.1 KiB   480K/s
00:01 [#] 100%
 mingw64.sig119.0   B   116K/s
00:00 [#] 100%
 msys   183.3 KiB   692K/s
00:00 [#] 100%
 msys.sig   119.0   B  0.00B/s
00:00 [#] 100%
:: Starting core system upgrade...
warning: terminate other MSYS2 programs before proceeding
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (8) bash-4.4.023-2  filesystem-2020.02-2  libzstd-1.4.4-2
 mintty-1~3.1.6-1  msys2-runtime-3.1.4-3  pacman-5.2.1-8
 pacman-mirrors-20200329-1  zstd-1.4.4-2

Total Download Size:   19.29 MiB
Total Installed Size:  66.50 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:  -3.22 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages...
 msys2-runtime-3.1.4-3-x86_64 2.7 MiB   614K/s
00:04 [#] 100%
 bash-4.4.023-2-x86_64 1934.3 KiB  1269K/s
00:02 [#] 100%
 filesystem-2020.02-2-x86_64 44.9 KiB  8.78M/s
00:00 [#] 100%
 mintty-1~3.1.6-1-x86_64678.5 KiB  2.16M/s
00:00 [#] 100%
 pacman-mirrors-20200329-1-any   20.3 KiB  4.95M/s
00:00 [#] 100%
 libzstd-1.4.4-2-x86_64 259.0 KiB  8.43M/s
00:00 [#] 100%
 zstd-1.4.4-2-x86_64304.7 KiB  8.04M/s
00:00 [#] 100%
 pacman-5.2.1-8-x86_64   13.4 MiB  2.99M/s
00:04 [#] 100%
(8/8) checking keys in keyring
  [#] 100%
(8/8) checking package integrity
  [#] 100%
(8/8) loading package files
 [#] 100%
(8/8) checking for fi

Re: [GNC-dev] Is the import match map still required?

2020-05-24 Thread flywire
4) Assuming match is case sensitive, should it be optionally turned off?
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Fwd: Is the import match map still required?

2020-05-23 Thread flywire
The most obvious match would be to match any Transfer Accounts in the data
to gnu Accounts, even if the result needs to be verified.

Other comments:
1) User's rapid clicks can unintentionally select the wrong account,
mapping invalid data
2) Seems there could be an opportunity for user to re-run a process to
recreate map and prune the useless matches David refers to ( dates,
connectors (a, and, the etc.), transaction amounts ?). With enough
transactions this should be pretty good.
3) I assume the table is updated with merged accounts,
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Bootstrap Win10 Build Environment

2020-05-18 Thread flywire
1) Should maintain one set of instructions - wiki should refer to the

2) The command setup-mingw64.ps1 was not found, but does exist in the
current location. Windows PowerShell does not load commands from the
current location by default. If you trust this command, instead type:

3) Not sure how to set 64-bit

4)  Don't know what this is about after running set-executionpolicy
-executionpolicy RemoteSigned -scope LocalMachine

PS E:\> .\setup-mingw64.ps1 -target_dir: e:\gcde64 -x86_64: set
.\setup-mingw64.ps1 : File E:\setup-mingw64.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file
E:\setup-mingw64.ps1 is not digitally
signed. You cannot run this script on the current system. For more
information about running scripts and setting
execution policy, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/
At line:1 char:1
+ .\setup-mingw64.ps1 -target_dir: e:\gcde64 -x86_64: set
+ ~~~
+ CategoryInfo  : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
PS E:\>

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Bootstrap Win10 Build Environment

2020-05-18 Thread flywire
Hold that. looks
much more useful than the wiki.

gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Bootstrap Win10 Build Environment

2020-05-18 Thread flywire
Anyone want to talk me through an uninstall then Win10-64 install
to E:\gnc? btw - seems I have a newer help html installed.

Install log:
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] [Bug 113772] Add categories for more reporting flexibility

2020-05-14 Thread flywire
I haven't got a build environment setup yet. Is anyone interested in
looking at to see if
builds? It's a long time since I've used C but the intention is to test
gtk_list_store_insert_with_values. It's inspired by Geert's advice to
repurpose an existing field.

I'd envisage it could be added to the existing functionality without
removing anything.
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Improve Help

2020-05-07 Thread flywire
Floating this as a probable bug as the submenus seem a bit random for new
users.  Current help options are: Tutorial and Concepts Guide, Tips Of The
Day, Contents, and About.
> Remember that the GnuCash "culture" is to recommend reading the docs,
check the wiki, and check the mailing list archives.

Help should be presented that way in the program and the search should be
much more integrated. For example, try searching for "customising keyboard
shortcuts". You'll likely find it can't be done so search some more.

It is probably reasonable to be directed straight to the Guide for people
in the program but they mightn't realise Contents describes how to use the
GnuCash Financial software. is the only place that
brings the help system together and it is under the About submenu.

Perhaps a single document (a binder) that allowed the Help Manual, and
Tutorial and Concepts Guide to be searched. The FAQ presents it best so the
FAQ should be highlighted rather than "Q: Where is the FAQ? A: You’re
looking at an [sic] very old copy of it." (
). Then perhaps the wiki search and Google/Nabble search for the mail lists.

Tips Of The Day is out of place in the Help menu.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Porting the Tutorial & Concepts Guide to

2020-04-29 Thread flywire
Seems a text-based markup language might be good for document presentation
but, even with a CI system, the biggest issue as a document development
platform is the lack of compatibility with context-sensitive help within
the program [Ref](
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] About budgets in 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10

2020-04-27 Thread flywire
> as translator I have a problem with "Inflow to" in this context. I had
> only expected "Inflow from" and "Outflow to".
> Frank

Good point. Should just use Inflow and Outflow to avoid nonsense terms.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Porting the Tutorial & Concepts Guide to

2020-04-26 Thread flywire
local hosting in Windows. I suppose it is similar in Linux with serve.bat
becoming - the run command is a single line if the libraries are

The local stylesheet is the same now.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Porting the Tutorial & Concepts Guide to

2020-04-25 Thread flywire
Rob that's a nice result. Remarkable given you've nearly converted the lot
with scripts. A heads up would have been nice given I put a MkDocs version
I put up two days ago at "We should change the Documentation file format" -

There's not much difference between MkDocs and ReadTheDocs , and both could
do the job. The documents currently use very simple presentation facilities
and their constraints are unlikely to be an issue. There's something like
250 build warnings, many in relation to tables as expected, but many
will be same issue. I've expressed a preference for MkDocs over ReadTheDocs
because I think it is less fiddly, a little easier to work with, not as
constrained and np++ supports the language. I'd encourage the GnuCash team
to look through and
to get a feel for the culture of the team.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Passwords are Confidential

2020-04-25 Thread flywire
MailMan version 2.1.29

On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 6:08 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> You can turn off the reminder in your mailman settings.
> As this is part of the mailman code, perhaps a bug report to them would be
> in order concerning the storage issue.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Apr 24, 2020 w17d115, at 11:29 PM, flywire 
> wrote:
> >
> > My password is confidential so please don't email it to me in plain text.
> > Don't even store it, instead encrypt what I entered and store that so you
> > can verify an encrypted version of the password I enter in the future.
> ___
> gnucash-devel mailing list
gnucash-devel mailing list

[GNC-dev] Passwords are Confidential

2020-04-24 Thread flywire
My password is confidential so please don't email it to me in plain text.
Don't even store it, instead encrypt what I entered and store that so you
can verify an encrypted version of the password I enter in the future.
gnucash-devel mailing list