Re: [GNC] Updated to 3.1 - lost lots & report

2018-06-22 Thread John Bonnett

Hi Geert,

I have done as you suggested and I got this window along with the usual ones

The trace file has this

* 14:26:19  WARN  error reading group Page 1 key ShowUnused: 
Key file does not have key “ShowUnused” in group “Page 1”
* 14:26:31  WARN  [xaccQueryAddAccountMatch()] acct_list has 
NULL account

That second message appears in other trace files and looks like I have a 
null account. The first message is new.

The program seems to be working OK. Is it safe for me to continue with 
this version or should I revert to the released v3.1?

Let me know if you would like me to try anything else.


On 21/06/2018 1:16 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:

Thanks for the response.

The trace indeed has no messages related to migration. In retrospect it
couldn't have :(

The migration code itself runs before logging is set up. So any message
printed during migration would be sent to the console, but on windows that is
not available.

There are several other clues though the migration didn't run:
- no pop-up window summarizing the migration results
- missing saved report configurations
- warnings about missing .gcm file

I dug into the code and found I already fixed one issue that would prevent the
migration right after the release of gnucash 3.1. Can you retry the procedure
with a recent nightly build ? For example this one;

Make a backup of your active gnucash book, install this version, move c:\Users
\\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash out of the way and start gnucash. Do you
see a migration summary window in this case ?



Op zondag 17 juni 2018 03:18:02 CEST schreef Ethan Swint:

My response at bottom of post.

Message: 3
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2018 10:53:06 +0200
From: Geert Janssens 
Cc: John Bonnett 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Updated to 3.1 - lost lots & report
Message-ID: <1761733.q6rmsms...@legolas.kobaltwit.lan>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Op donderdag 14 juni 2018 10:37:31 CEST schreef John Bonnett:

I found it at this path


Gnucash 3.1 is supposed to migrate from this directory to

I don't know why this didn't happen for you.

in it I found this file


which looked a bit suspicious. In it I found Scheme code for my missing

Another folder I found in my search was


Now this Roaming folder often holds configuration information on Windows.


also had recently dated files in it so was probably related to my recent
installation of GnuCash 3.1.

This directory should be generated as part of the first-time run of gnucash

Can you do an experiment to help evaluate the migration step ?
Can you
1. quit gnucash if it's still running
2. rename
That moves it out of the way of gnucash.
3. Start gnucash
=> Does it report a migration of meta data ?
4. Quit gnucash
5. Locate the most recent trace file [1] and post it here.

I copied the above mentioned saved reports file to


and next time I opened GnuCash my reports had returned.

Indeed. You manually completed the migration. I would like to figure out
this didn't happen in the first place.




Geert -

Thanks for the suggestion - trace file contents below. I didn't see any
note about migration of metadata, and Gnucash did not migrate my old
reports or lots. The manual migration works, however. Thanks for the


* 15:42:37  WARN  error reading group Page 12 key ShowUnused: Key
file does not have key “ShowUnused” in group “Page 12”
* 15:42:41  WARN  [gnc_numeric_to_decimal()] Rounding required when
'never round' specified.
* 15:42:41  WARN  [gnc_numeric_to_decimal()] Rounding required when
'never round' specified.
* 15:42:41  WARN  [gnc_numeric_to_decimal()] Rounding required when
'never round' specified.
* 15:42:41  WARN  [gnc_numeric_to_decimal()] Rounding required when
'never round' specified.
* 15:42:41  WARN  [gnc_numeric_to_decimal()] Rounding required when
'never round' specified.
* 15:43:59  CRIT  [gnc_state_save()] Error: Failure saving
state file.
   Cannot open file
C:\Users\XX\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\books\XXX.gnucash.gcm: No such
file or directory
* 15:43:59  CRIT  Cannot open file
C:\Users\X\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\expressions-2.0: No such file or
* 15:43:59  WARN  Can't save style sheet
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Re: [GNC] Corrupted transaction export file - is this a bug, or do I do something wrong

2018-06-22 Thread Jamestk
Hello folks,

Still using an outdated version of GNU Cash which is fine apart from export
file as above. Typing in the file name and type (csv) and then clicking next
produces a file which opens in Excel, only problem in the figures  have odd
characters in the same cell.

If this is something that's sorted in later version will upgrade,
alternatively is there a workaround- perhaps using the report function?


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Re: [GNC] Payroll - How to generate a Paystub

2018-06-22 Thread MichaelK
After reading the suggestions provided, I ended up exporting the single
payment transaction from Expenses:Employee Salaries for the pay period to an
Excel spreadsheet and from there formatted the data into a professional
looking "Earnings Statement" similar to what payroll companies put out.

I initially tried to customize a Transaction Report, but it just doesn't
have enough customization features to make it workable.  This is another
example of where a more robust Custom Report Builder functionality would be
fantastic and could help bridge the gaps where GNC doesn't provide full

Thanks for the help!

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Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-22 Thread Stephen M. Butler

Thank you.  Thank you.  I now have a working version Version: 3.1 Build
ID: 3.1+ (2018-04-28) up and running on Ubuntu 18.04

On 06/22/2018 11:32 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:

> Ok, in that case I think the easiest way forward is to not use
> GTEST_ROOT and let gnucash discover your system installed version of 
> googletest and ignore the one you downloaded in your homedirectory.
> You may have to add -dev packages for googletest and mayby googlemock (I 
> don't 
> know the exact names on Ubuntu). And be sure to remove your build directory 
> and start again from running cmake.
> Regards,
> Geert

It appears that /usr/src/gtest and /usr/src/gmock are from 2014.  Also
appears the packages were not installed so went searching for
google-test and google-mock and did these commands:

sudo apt-get install googletest
sudo apt-get install googlemock
sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev

However, the "make" step complains about entries in /usr/src/gtest.  So
I removed the three packages and tried again.  "cmake" complains gtest
not present.
So I removed the two directories in /usr/src (gtest and gmock) and
reinstalled the three above.

I now have these entries in /usr/src:
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   21 Dec 22  2016 gmock -> googletest/googlemock
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 Jun 22 12:22 googletest
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   21 Dec 22  2016 gtest -> googletest/googletest

cmake ../gnucash-3.1  worked great
make worked fine (I did see these lines but make kept running)

[ 38%] Linking CXX shared library ../../../lib/
CMakeFiles/gnc-backend-xml-utils.dir/gnc-xml-backend.cpp.o: In function
gnc-xml-backend.cpp:(.text+0x11e6): warning: the use of `mktemp' is
dangerous, better use `mkstemp' or `mkdtemp'
[ 38%] Built target gnc-backend-xml-utils

and sudo make install worked like a champ.

Again, thank you.  Could not have figured this out on my own.


Now to mow the lawn for the weekend.  <>
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Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-22 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 22 juni 2018 19:09:47 CEST schreef Stephen M. Butler:
> On 06/22/2018 12:29 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > Op donderdag 21 juni 2018 00:01:32 CEST schreef Stephen M. Butler:
> >> Found libofx7 and installed that instead of libofx6 and libofx4.
> > 
> > These numbers seem to increase regularly... I have updated the install
> > instruction to only install libofx-dev. This will automatically pull in
> > the
> > corresponding libofx and its dependencies.
> Thank you.  Wish I knew more about the innards of Linus.  Still feel
> like I need someone to hold my hand!
> >> In file included from /usr/src/gtest/src/
> > 
> > 
> >> In file included from
> >> /home/steve/Projects/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-i
> >> nte rnal.h:39:0, from
> > 
> > It looks like the build is mixing two versions of googletest. One
> > installed
> > systemwide (/usr/src/gtest) and one in /home/steve/Projects/googletest.
> > 
> > I assume you have followed instructions to download googletest and then
> > set
> > GMOCK_ROOT and GTEST_ROOT when running cmake.
> > 
> > A recent commit should have solved this issue, but your experience seems
> > to
> > suggest otherwise.
> Yes, is there a command to remove one?  Which one?  Or could I move the
> most recent (I presume /home/steve/Projects/googletest) up the /usr/src? 
> > What source are you building from ? A tarball or git ? If git, what commit
> > have you currently checked out ? You can determine this by running
> > git describe
> > in your git checkout.
> Not git.  Still haven't figured that piece out yet.  I need to do that. 
> I followed instructions from and
> and pulled the source
> from
> and clicked on the green button that downloaded:  gnucash-3.1-1.tar.gz
>  nucash-3.1-1.tar.gz/download>.  gunzipped that and tar -xf   into
> /home/steve/Projects/GnuCash/.

Ok, in that case I think the easiest way forward is to not use GMOCK_ROOT and 
GTEST_ROOT and let gnucash discover your system installed version of 
googletest and ignore the one you downloaded in your homedirectory.

You may have to add -dev packages for googletest and mayby googlemock (I don't 
know the exact names on Ubuntu). And be sure to remove your build directory 
and start again from running cmake.



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Re: [GNC] Strange Problem

2018-06-22 Thread Les
I guess the problem stems from the fact that although I had set the 
stock to get online quotes through AlphaVantage, the stock didn't 
update.  So, as John Ralls stated, the stock is not visible in Price 
Editor without a price. So, following the his instructions, I went to 
Price Editor, selected TSX, Add, and entered yesterday's closing price.  
It is now visible.

I have never encountered this before, as I guess all of my previous 
stocks had updated prices through online quotes.

Thanks to all for the help.


On 06/22/2018 12:56 PM, David Carlson wrote:


As John points out, you can use the Add button to enter a price even 
if the security has no prices displayed already. In fact, this is a 
freeform entry where you can manually enter prices for any security or 
currency in any currency, whether you have or have not set up a 
security account in your chart of accounts.  Conversely, if you have 
set up online retrieval for a security and that retrieval has 
succeeded in obtaining a price, then you will be able to find it in 
the Price Database display, again even if you do not have a security 
account set up in your chart of accounts.

David C

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 12:11 PM, John Ralls > wrote:


You can’t see it in price editor because it doesn’t have any
prices yet. If you marked it for retrieval and Alphavantage is
feeling cooperative, “Get Prices” from the Price Database dialog
will pull in a price; otherwise you can click “Add Price”, the top
button on the Price Database dialog and get a dialog where you can
create a price manually.

John Ralls

> On Jun 22, 2018, at 9:34 AM, Les>> wrote:
> John:
> I never received your reply because for some reason, it ended up
in my spam folder.
> I am not sure what you mean, but I cannot find the stock in
question in Price Editor so I cannot check its prices.  I have
selected to get quotes via AlphaVantage in Security Editor.
> At any rate, I cannot get prices or input a price manually.
> Thanks,
> Les
> On 06/21/2018 09:32 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On Jun 21, 2018, at 2:51 AM, Les>> wrote:
>>> Yesterday, I created a new stock account, like all of the
other stock accounts that I have.  The strange thing is while the
stock is listed in my Security Editor, it is NOT listed in Price
Editor.  How is this possible?
>>> How can I fix this problem?
>> Get or create a price for the new security.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Problem With Price Editor

2018-06-22 Thread Les
I have set up a large number of stocks, so it is not my first by any 
means.  As a matter of fact, I setup another stock prior to this one 
without any issues.  Same procedure.  I have several brokage accounts 
and stocks in several countries, including Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, 
Australia, previously other countries. Each country has its own 
currency, so the stock in question is in Canada, so I assigned CAD for 
its currency.


On 06/22/2018 12:23 PM, David Carlson wrote:
First, did you previously succeed in setting up any securities or is 
this your first? Have you separately set up a brokerage account to 
contain your securities?

I am puzzled by the sequence that you described.
You stated that you went through the process of setting up a security 
account  but then you assigned a currency to that account which should 
be impossible because it is a security account.

Then you stopped before you got to the part where you would go back to 
the price editor and look under the namespace where you assigned the 
security to see (or not) the security symbol that was in the 
securities list.  Have you previously set up other securities?

David C

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 11:01 AM, Les > wrote:

I have searched my emails and cannot find John Ralls' reply.  I
can only see it via your adding it inline to your reply.  For what
its worth, I am using Thunderbird and when I post something, it
ends up in my Sent folder and I do not see it in the GC folder.


On 06/22/2018 10:02 AM, C M Reinehr wrote:


Actually, you did receive an answer to your question, from
John Ralls, only a few hours after your post:

On Jun 21, 2018, at 2:51 AM,>> wrote:

Yesterday, I created a new stock account, like all of
the other stock accounts that I have.  The strange
thing is while the stock is listed in my Security
Editor, it is NOT listed in Price Editor.  How is this

How can I fix this problem?

Get or create a price for the new security.

John Ralls


On 06/22/2018 05:31 AM, Les wrote:

Previously I posted a problem where I had created a new
stock entry but it never got populated in Price Editor
although it is in Security Editor and in my list of stocks.

Since I have not received any suggestions, I attempted to
"fix" this myself but removing the account from my list of
stocks and from Security Editor.  I was able to remove it
from my list of stocks, but when I attempted to remove it
from Security Editor, I was prevented from doing so.

So, I am appealing to the list for assistance with this
issue. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


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Re: [GNC] Strange Problem

2018-06-22 Thread David Carlson

As John points out, you can use the Add button to enter a price even if the
security has no prices displayed already.  In fact, this is a freeform
entry where you can manually enter prices for any security or currency in
any currency, whether you have or have not set up a security account in
your chart of accounts.  Conversely, if you have set up online retrieval
for a security and that retrieval has succeeded in obtaining a price, then
you will be able to find it in the Price Database display, again even if
you do not have a security account set up in your chart of accounts.

David C

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 12:11 PM, John Ralls  wrote:

> Les,
> You can’t see it in price editor because it doesn’t have any prices yet.
> If you marked it for retrieval and Alphavantage is feeling cooperative,
> “Get Prices” from the Price Database dialog will pull in a price; otherwise
> you can click “Add Price”, the top button on the Price Database dialog and
> get a dialog where you can create a price manually.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On Jun 22, 2018, at 9:34 AM, Les  wrote:
> >
> > John:
> >
> > I never received your reply because for some reason, it ended up in my
> spam folder.
> >
> > I am not sure what you mean, but I cannot find the stock in question in
> Price Editor so I cannot check its prices.  I have selected to get quotes
> via AlphaVantage in Security Editor.
> >
> > At any rate, I cannot get prices or input a price manually.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Les
> >
> > On 06/21/2018 09:32 AM, John Ralls wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Jun 21, 2018, at 2:51 AM, Les  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Yesterday, I created a new stock account, like all of the other stock
> accounts that I have.  The strange thing is while the stock is listed in my
> Security Editor, it is NOT listed in Price Editor.  How is this possible?
> >>>
> >>> How can I fix this problem?
> >>>
> >> Get or create a price for the new security.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> John Ralls
> >>
> >>
> >
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Problem With Price Editor

2018-06-22 Thread David Carlson
First, did you previously succeed in setting up any securities or is this
your first? Have you separately set up a brokerage account to contain your
I am puzzled by the sequence that you described.
You stated that you went through the process of setting up a security
account  but then you assigned a currency to that account which should be
impossible because it is a security account.

Then you stopped before you got to the part where you would go back to the
price editor and look under the namespace where you assigned the security
to see (or not) the security symbol that was in the securities list.  Have
you previously set up other securities?

David C

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 11:01 AM, Les  wrote:

> I have searched my emails and cannot find John Ralls' reply.  I can only
> see it via your adding it inline to your reply.  For what its worth, I am
> using Thunderbird and when I post something, it ends up in my Sent folder
> and I do not see it in the GC folder.
> Les
> On 06/22/2018 10:02 AM, C M Reinehr wrote:
>> Les,
>> Actually, you did receive an answer to your question, from John Ralls,
>> only a few hours after your post:
>> On Jun 21, 2018, at 2:51 AM, Les  wrote:

 Yesterday, I created a new stock account, like all of the other stock
 accounts that I have.  The strange thing is while the stock is listed in my
 Security Editor, it is NOT listed in Price Editor.  How is this possible?

 How can I fix this problem?

 Get or create a price for the new security.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
>>> CMR
>> On 06/22/2018 05:31 AM, Les wrote:
>>> Previously I posted a problem where I had created a new stock entry but
>>> it never got populated in Price Editor although it is in Security Editor
>>> and in my list of stocks.
>>> Since I have not received any suggestions, I attempted to "fix" this
>>> myself but removing the account from my list of stocks and from Security
>>> Editor.  I was able to remove it from my list of stocks, but when I
>>> attempted to remove it from Security Editor, I was prevented from doing so.
>>> So, I am appealing to the list for assistance with this issue. Any
>>> suggestions greatly appreciated.
>>> Les
>>> ___
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>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Strange Problem

2018-06-22 Thread John Ralls

You can’t see it in price editor because it doesn’t have any prices yet. If you 
marked it for retrieval and Alphavantage is feeling cooperative, “Get Prices” 
from the Price Database dialog will pull in a price; otherwise you can click 
“Add Price”, the top button on the Price Database dialog and get a dialog where 
you can create a price manually.

John Ralls

> On Jun 22, 2018, at 9:34 AM, Les  wrote:
> John:
> I never received your reply because for some reason, it ended up in my spam 
> folder.
> I am not sure what you mean, but I cannot find the stock in question in Price 
> Editor so I cannot check its prices.  I have selected to get quotes via 
> AlphaVantage in Security Editor.
> At any rate, I cannot get prices or input a price manually.
> Thanks,
> Les
> On 06/21/2018 09:32 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On Jun 21, 2018, at 2:51 AM, Les  wrote:
>>> Yesterday, I created a new stock account, like all of the other stock 
>>> accounts that I have.  The strange thing is while the stock is listed in my 
>>> Security Editor, it is NOT listed in Price Editor.  How is this possible?
>>> How can I fix this problem?
>> Get or create a price for the new security.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-22 Thread Stephen M. Butler
On 06/22/2018 12:29 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Op donderdag 21 juni 2018 00:01:32 CEST schreef Stephen M. Butler:
>> Found libofx7 and installed that instead of libofx6 and libofx4.
> These numbers seem to increase regularly... I have updated the install 
> instruction to only install libofx-dev. This will automatically pull in the 
> corresponding libofx and its dependencies.

Thank you.  Wish I knew more about the innards of Linus.  Still feel
like I need someone to hold my hand!

>> In file included from /usr/src/gtest/src/
>> In file included from
>> /home/steve/Projects/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-inte
>> rnal.h:39:0, from
> It looks like the build is mixing two versions of googletest. One installed 
> systemwide (/usr/src/gtest) and one in /home/steve/Projects/googletest.
> I assume you have followed instructions to download googletest and then set 
> GMOCK_ROOT and GTEST_ROOT when running cmake.
> A recent commit should have solved this issue, but your experience seems to 
> suggest otherwise.

Yes, is there a command to remove one?  Which one?  Or could I move the
most recent (I presume /home/steve/Projects/googletest) up the /usr/src? 
> What source are you building from ? A tarball or git ? If git, what commit 
> have you currently checked out ? You can determine this by running
> git describe
> in your git checkout.

Not git.  Still haven't figured that piece out yet.  I need to do that. 

I followed instructions from and and pulled the source
and clicked on the green button that downloaded:  gnucash-3.1-1.tar.gz
gunzipped that and tar -xf   into /home/steve/Projects/GnuCash/.
> Geert
Thanks Geert. 
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Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-22 Thread Stephen M. Butler
The accountant is real uncomfortable with removing the cash account. 
She feels that the children should add up to the total for the parent. 
Given that GnuCash allows a parent to also have funds/transactions in
addition to the children, I guess the work around would be to treat
those as the initial, unidentified, child.  That way, when you add up
the column the total would include the contribution from the parent.

A balance sheet is made at a single point in time, such as, close of
business on .   [or start of business, ..., midday, etc]

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8

On 06/21/2018 11:15 PM, Christopher Lam wrote:
> Hi Stephen
> Thank you this is useful.
> Confirms my suspicions that unrealized gains shouldn't appear in
> balsheet.
> From your illustrations below, the only addition I'd offer is there
> wouldn't be a separate 142 Broker:Cash account, it'd be "140 Broker
> $2000", "144 Broker:Stock $4000" entries... would this be a legitimate
> amendment?
> And are multiple-date balsheets legit?
> Ta
> On 22/06/18 09:09, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
>> Christopher
>> Going to the latest version is stymied until I hear back from one of the
>> developers on what went wrong with make.
>> I'm new to using GnuCash so have not delved into the Foreign currency or
>> stocks.
>> So, let's build a COA together and see what happens (on paper):
>> 100 - Asset
>> 110 -   " : Bank1
>> 112 -   " :    "  :Checking
>> 114 -   " :    "  : Savings
>> 116 -   " :    "  : Bonds
>> 120 -   " : Bank2
>> 130 -   " : ForeignBank   (GBP currency)
>> 140 -   " : Broker
>> 142 -   " :    "  : Cash
>> 144 -   " :    "  : Stock
>> 150 -   " : House
>> 200 - Liability
>> 220 -   " : Bank2
>> 222 -   " :   "  : Loan
>> 224 -   " :   "  : Creditcard
>> 300 - Equity
>> 400 - Income
>> 500 - Expense
>> We may fill in the above further as we work along.  So, our initial
>> transaction will be to setup our initial balances:
>> [Normally we would setup somewhat prior to the above purchases and buy
>> things out of the checking account -- but, we just installed the
>> software and are starting in the middle.]
>> Transaction 001
>>  114 Debit $100
>>  116 Debit $2000
>>  120 Debit $500
>>  130 Debit GBP 500  (equivalent to $625 at time of purchase)
>>  142 Debit $2000
>>  144 Debit $4000 (20 units @ $200)
>>  222 Credit $9000
>>  224 Credit $500
>>  300 Debit $275   [Note, we are below water here.  Equity should
>> be a
>> credit account and we are in the hole.]
>> At this point I went to the house accountant and asked about unrealized
>> gain and how to book it.  She said you don't.  Not until there is an
>> event in which it is sold or traded.  For tomorrow GBP might drop back
>> to parity, the stock might crash, and the housing market could implode.
>> So, we may need input from others who might have a different viewpoint.
>> Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
>> 253-350-0166
>> ---
>> GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8
>> On 06/18/2018 03:32 PM, Christopher Lam wrote:
>>> Hi Stephen
>>> One of the most unique features of gnucash is the multilevel account
>>> hierarchy, meaning both parent accounts and child accounts can carry
>>> balances.
>>> Would you mind liaising with the house accountant to ask about the
>>> following COA and the resulting balance sheet
>>> Asset (bal=$0.00)
>>> Asset:Bank1 (bal=$0.00)
>>> Asset:Bank1:Savings (bal=$100)
>>> Asset:Bank1:Bonds (bal=$2000)
>>> Asset:Bank2:Current (bal=$500)
>>> Asset:House (bal=$100,000, cost price)
>>> Asset:ForeignBank:Savings (bal=GBP 500, bought last year at a rate of
>>> 1 GBP = 1.25 USD
>>> Asset:Broker (bal=$2000) with broker
>>> Asset:Broker:Funds [stock] (bal=20units bought @ $200 each)
>>> Liability (bal=$0)
>>> Liability:Bank2 (bal=$0)
>>> Liability:Bank2:Loan (bal=-$9,000)
>>> Liability:Bank2:Creditcard (bal=-$500)
>>> Let's assume the current valuation of the unit funds is $250 i.e.
>>> unrealized gains of $1000; the house is currently valued at $110,000,
>>> and today 1 GBP = 1.30 USD :)
>>> How should the full expanded balance sheet look like? (XLS is fine)
>>> (if there are missing lines e.g. retained earnings etc please make up
>>> numbers and offer exact source)
>>> Thanks!
>>> On 19/06/18 00:16, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
 Yes, it is the alignment of numbers that is the problem.

 Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
 GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8

 On 06/18/2018 06:35 AM, Christopher Lam 

Re: [GNC] Strange Problem

2018-06-22 Thread Les


I never received your reply because for some reason, it ended up in my 
spam folder.

I am not sure what you mean, but I cannot find the stock in question in 
Price Editor so I cannot check its prices.  I have selected to get 
quotes via AlphaVantage in Security Editor.

At any rate, I cannot get prices or input a price manually.



On 06/21/2018 09:32 AM, John Ralls wrote:

On Jun 21, 2018, at 2:51 AM, Les  wrote:

Yesterday, I created a new stock account, like all of the other stock accounts 
that I have.  The strange thing is while the stock is listed in my Security 
Editor, it is NOT listed in Price Editor.  How is this possible?

How can I fix this problem?

Get or create a price for the new security.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Problem With Price Editor

2018-06-22 Thread Les
I have searched my emails and cannot find John Ralls' reply.  I can only 
see it via your adding it inline to your reply.  For what its worth, I 
am using Thunderbird and when I post something, it ends up in my Sent 
folder and I do not see it in the GC folder.

On 06/22/2018 10:02 AM, C M Reinehr wrote:


Actually, you did receive an answer to your question, from John Ralls, 
only a few hours after your post:

On Jun 21, 2018, at 2:51 AM, Les  wrote:

Yesterday, I created a new stock account, like all of the other 
stock accounts that I have.  The strange thing is while the stock is 
listed in my Security Editor, it is NOT listed in Price Editor.  How 
is this possible?

How can I fix this problem?

Get or create a price for the new security.

John Ralls


On 06/22/2018 05:31 AM, Les wrote:
Previously I posted a problem where I had created a new stock entry 
but it never got populated in Price Editor although it is in Security 
Editor and in my list of stocks.

Since I have not received any suggestions, I attempted to "fix" this 
myself but removing the account from my list of stocks and from 
Security Editor.  I was able to remove it from my list of stocks, but 
when I attempted to remove it from Security Editor, I was prevented 
from doing so.

So, I am appealing to the list for assistance with this issue. Any 
suggestions greatly appreciated.


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Re: [GNC] Credit Card Reconciliation

2018-06-22 Thread Gyle McCollam
Anyone have any further suggestions?

Thank You,
Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam

609.680.2326 Mobile   email

From: gnucash-user  on 
behalf of Gyle McCollam 
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 6:34 PM
To: David Reiser
Subject: Re: [GNC] Credit Card Reconciliation

My main menu doesn't disappear and my "Windows" on the gnu menu bar doesn't 
have a "Transfer Funds" option, only "New Window" & "New Window with Page".  
Thanks for the attempted solution, wish it would have worked for me.

Thank You,
Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam

609.680.2326 Mobile   email

From: David Reiser 
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 5:16 PM
To: gmccollam
Subject: Re: [GNC] Credit Card Reconciliation

It’s probably a bug related to gtk. My main menu disappears along with the 
transfer funds window/dialog. If I click on the main gnucash window, the menu 
bar comes back, and I can pick “Transfer Funds” from the Windows menu, and that 
gets me back where I need to be.

Dave Reiser

> On Jun 18, 2018, at 5:12 PM, gmccollam  wrote:
> In Gnu cash 3.1 the credit card reconciliation is not working correctly.
> After I finish marking all the cleared transactions and select the gears
> icon to "Finish the reconciliation of this account" it briefly flashes the
> screen to enter the payment, but it goes away just as quickly.  It used to
> open and stay open so you could enter the payment information, but it no
> longer does that.  Do anyone know why it is not working now?
> --
> Sent from:
> ___

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Re: [GNC] Problem With Price Editor

2018-06-22 Thread C M Reinehr


Actually, you did receive an answer to your question, from John Ralls, 
only a few hours after your post:

On Jun 21, 2018, at 2:51 AM, Les  wrote:

Yesterday, I created a new stock account, like all of the other stock accounts 
that I have.  The strange thing is while the stock is listed in my Security 
Editor, it is NOT listed in Price Editor.  How is this possible?

How can I fix this problem?

Get or create a price for the new security.

John Ralls


On 06/22/2018 05:31 AM, Les wrote:
Previously I posted a problem where I had created a new stock entry 
but it never got populated in Price Editor although it is in Security 
Editor and in my list of stocks.

Since I have not received any suggestions, I attempted to "fix" this 
myself but removing the account from my list of stocks and from 
Security Editor.  I was able to remove it from my list of stocks, but 
when I attempted to remove it from Security Editor, I was prevented 
from doing so.

So, I am appealing to the list for assistance with this issue. Any 
suggestions greatly appreciated.


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Linux distribution Debian 9 "Stretch"

"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar
makes you a musician." ~ Jeff Cooper

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Re: [GNC] Problem With Price Editor

2018-06-22 Thread Les
Ok, sorry.  I am running Linux Mint 18.2 with GC 2.6.21.  I am still 
having problems with AlphaVantage but manage to get downloads a couple 
of time per week.

For the record, I have been using GC since 2008.

I setup the new stock by click new account, entered the name of the 
stock and selected stock from the list and selected CAD for currency.  
This took me to the Security Editor where I reentered the stock name and 
its ticker symbol.  I checked get stock quotes and selected AlphaVantage 
for the source.

I then went back to the stock in my investments folder and entered the 
date acquired, the number of shares and the price, then the amount of 
the charge for the purchase, and then selected the brokerage account. 
Clicked save.


On 06/22/2018 07:35 AM, David Carlson wrote:


It is important that you clearly define your problem when you ask for 
help in this maillist.

I see that you have been trying things out with GnuCash for some time 
now, but when I sampled your comments I did not find a consistent 
pattern of mentioning the OS, or GnuCash version when asking about a 
problem.  I think that you are using release 2.6.21 installed by a 
procedure called Snap, which I know nothing about, into some version 
of Linux.  If you are now trying to use release 3.2, there is a 
completely different set of possible issues.

Further, I am confused about whether you completed the entire process 
of creating a security in the security list (which is not an account, 
by the way) with a proper ticker reference and security type as well 
as creating a security account associated with a brokerage account and 
entering an initial buy or sell transaction.  While the part of 
creating a security account and recording a purchase or sale is 
optional, it (a)helps to have a way to see the security in your data 
and (b)creates an initial price entry in the price database.

I also saw that you were having issues with setting up AlphaVantage 
earlier. Did you resolve those, or is that a part of the problem you 
are now having with the price editor?

Several of us are willing to help, but we need more specific details.

David C

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 5:31 AM, Les > wrote:

Previously I posted a problem where I had created a new stock
entry but it never got populated in Price Editor although it is in
Security Editor and in my list of stocks.

Since I have not received any suggestions, I attempted to "fix"
this myself but removing the account from my list of stocks and
from Security Editor.  I was able to remove it from my list of
stocks, but when I attempted to remove it from Security Editor, I
was prevented from doing so.

So, I am appealing to the list for assistance with this issue. Any
suggestions greatly appreciated.


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Re: [GNC] Problem With Price Editor

2018-06-22 Thread David Carlson

It is important that you clearly define your problem when you ask for help
in this maillist.

I see that you have been trying things out with GnuCash for some time now,
but when I sampled your comments I did not find a consistent pattern of
mentioning the OS, or GnuCash version when asking about a problem.  I think
that you are using release 2.6.21 installed by a procedure called Snap,
which I know nothing about, into some version of Linux.  If you are now
trying to use release 3.2, there is a completely different set of possible

Further, I am confused about whether you completed the entire process of
creating a security in the security list (which is not an account, by the
way) with a proper ticker reference and security type as well as creating a
security account associated with a brokerage account and entering an
initial buy or sell transaction.  While the part of creating a security
account and recording a purchase or sale is optional, it (a)helps to have a
way to see the security in your data and (b)creates an initial price entry
in the price database.

I also saw that you were having issues with setting up AlphaVantage
earlier. Did you resolve those, or is that a part of the problem you are
now having with the price editor?

Several of us are willing to help, but we need more specific details.

David C

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 5:31 AM, Les  wrote:

> Previously I posted a problem where I had created a new stock entry but it
> never got populated in Price Editor although it is in Security Editor and
> in my list of stocks.
> Since I have not received any suggestions, I attempted to "fix" this
> myself but removing the account from my list of stocks and from Security
> Editor.  I was able to remove it from my list of stocks, but when I
> attempted to remove it from Security Editor, I was prevented from doing so.
> So, I am appealing to the list for assistance with this issue. Any
> suggestions greatly appreciated.
> Les
> ___
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[GNC] Problem With Price Editor

2018-06-22 Thread Les
Previously I posted a problem where I had created a new stock entry but 
it never got populated in Price Editor although it is in Security Editor 
and in my list of stocks.

Since I have not received any suggestions, I attempted to "fix" this 
myself but removing the account from my list of stocks and from Security 
Editor.  I was able to remove it from my list of stocks, but when I 
attempted to remove it from Security Editor, I was prevented from doing so.

So, I am appealing to the list for assistance with this issue. Any 
suggestions greatly appreciated.


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Re: [GNC] Problem with online banking setup in Ubuntu

2018-06-22 Thread Walter Dowis
Hi David,
  Sometimes you just have to keep playing around with an app until it
works. I got GnuCash to work. I installed it in the Terminal using sudo
apt-get install gnucash.  In this version the menu's don't show. But
someone in the Ubuntu forum said to drag the app to the top of the screen
and the menu's will show.  It worked. Also AqBanking wizard is now
  Thanks David very much.  I truly appreciate your input.

On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 7:35 PM, David Carlson 

> WaltD
> Please be sure to include in all communications
> by using reply All or whatever works best in your mail client.
> I personally installed release 2.6.17 from GetDeb into Ubuntu 16.04 Gnome
> on an older laptop and it has worked as well as I could expect with only 2
> Gig of Ram.  However, I have a very large data file and I only use
> AlphaVantage to update stock prices on a different machine so I am not sure
> about AqBanking.  Perhaps others can share their experience with GnuCash on
> Ubuntu.
> While GnuCash 3.2 will be released very soon for Windows and OS X, it will
> take a while to get to Ubuntu, unless you are willing to compile it
> yourself.  Personally, I am not in a hurry.
> David C
> On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 5:56 PM, Walter Dowis 
> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>>   Thank you so much for your response. I truly appreciate your help.
>>   I originally installed Gnucash from the Ubuntu repository. I
>> installed the Gnucash-js package but I have since uninstalled it.
>>   I can reinstall Gnucash, but first let ask, where do you suggest I
>> install it from: GetDeb or the Ubuntu respository.
>>   So before we begin, let my install the best version that you
>> suggest.
>>   Regards,
>>   Walter
>> On Jun 21, 2018 11:54 AM, "David Carlson" 
>> wrote:
>> WaltD
>> You did not say whether you are using the release of GnuCash that is
>> found in the software offered by Ubuntu or a newer release from Get Deb or
>> yet another package.  Please name the release that you are using and
>> whether you also installed all the supplemental packages required for
>> Aqbanking.  See the FAQ on the website for more information.
>> You will almost always see that error messeage when reopening a file
>> after a crash.  Usually you choose open anyway unless you think that the
>> file is open on a different computer.
>> As for the cause of the crash, it is necessary to know which version that
>> you have before someone here can suggest what to try next.
>> Good luck.
>> David C
>> On Thu, Jun 21, 2018, 5:46 AM WaltD  wrote:
>>>  I am new to GnuCash. My OS is Ubuntu Unity 16.04 LTS.  I just
>>> created a
>>> new file with new accounts. I am trying to setup online banking to my
>>> checking account. In the online setup wizard I reach a point where I'm to
>>> "Start AqBanking Wizard". When I click on the AqBanking button nothing
>>> happens and the GnuCash program closes.
>>>  When I restart GnuCash, I get this strange message: GnuCash could
>>> not
>>> obtain the lock for
>>> file:///home/walter/GnuCash/Book01.gnucash. (Book01 is the new file I
>>> created). How can I complete the online setup?
>>> --
>>> Sent from:
>>> html
>>> ___
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Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-22 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 21 juni 2018 00:01:32 CEST schreef Stephen M. Butler:
> Found libofx7 and installed that instead of libofx6 and libofx4.
These numbers seem to increase regularly... I have updated the install 
instruction to only install libofx-dev. This will automatically pull in the 
corresponding libofx and its dependencies.

> After a few other missed steps I now have completed the "cmake
> ../gnucash-3.1" step  However the "make" step has problems:
> ...

> In file included from /usr/src/gtest/src/

> In file included from
> /home/steve/Projects/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-inte
> rnal.h:39:0, from

It looks like the build is mixing two versions of googletest. One installed 
systemwide (/usr/src/gtest) and one in /home/steve/Projects/googletest.

I assume you have followed instructions to download googletest and then set 
GMOCK_ROOT and GTEST_ROOT when running cmake.

A recent commit should have solved this issue, but your experience seems to 
suggest otherwise.

What source are you building from ? A tarball or git ? If git, what commit 
have you currently checked out ? You can determine this by running
git describe
in your git checkout.



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Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-22 Thread Christopher Lam

Hi Stephen

Thank you this is useful.

Confirms my suspicions that unrealized gains shouldn't appear in balsheet.

From your illustrations below, the only addition I'd offer is there 
wouldn't be a separate 142 Broker:Cash account, it'd be "140 Broker 
$2000", "144 Broker:Stock $4000" entries... would this be a legitimate 

And are multiple-date balsheets legit?


On 22/06/18 09:09, Stephen M. Butler wrote:


Going to the latest version is stymied until I hear back from one of the
developers on what went wrong with make.

I'm new to using GnuCash so have not delved into the Foreign currency or

So, let's build a COA together and see what happens (on paper):

100 - Asset
110 -   " : Bank1
112 -   " :    "  :Checking
114 -   " :    "  : Savings
116 -   " :    "  : Bonds
120 -   " : Bank2
130 -   " : ForeignBank   (GBP currency)
140 -   " : Broker
142 -   " :    "  : Cash
144 -   " :    "  : Stock
150 -   " : House

200 - Liability
220 -   " : Bank2
222 -   " :   "  : Loan
224 -   " :   "  : Creditcard

300 - Equity

400 - Income

500 - Expense

We may fill in the above further as we work along.  So, our initial
transaction will be to setup our initial balances:
[Normally we would setup somewhat prior to the above purchases and buy
things out of the checking account -- but, we just installed the
software and are starting in the middle.]

Transaction 001
     114 Debit $100
     116 Debit $2000
     120 Debit $500
     130 Debit GBP 500  (equivalent to $625 at time of purchase)
     142 Debit $2000
     144 Debit $4000 (20 units @ $200)
     222 Credit $9000
     224 Credit $500
     300 Debit $275   [Note, we are below water here.  Equity should be a
credit account and we are in the hole.]

At this point I went to the house accountant and asked about unrealized
gain and how to book it.  She said you don't.  Not until there is an
event in which it is sold or traded.  For tomorrow GBP might drop back
to parity, the stock might crash, and the housing market could implode.

So, we may need input from others who might have a different viewpoint.

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8

On 06/18/2018 03:32 PM, Christopher Lam wrote:

Hi Stephen

One of the most unique features of gnucash is the multilevel account
hierarchy, meaning both parent accounts and child accounts can carry

Would you mind liaising with the house accountant to ask about the
following COA and the resulting balance sheet

Asset (bal=$0.00)
Asset:Bank1 (bal=$0.00)
Asset:Bank1:Savings (bal=$100)
Asset:Bank1:Bonds (bal=$2000)
Asset:Bank2:Current (bal=$500)
Asset:House (bal=$100,000, cost price)
Asset:ForeignBank:Savings (bal=GBP 500, bought last year at a rate of
1 GBP = 1.25 USD
Asset:Broker (bal=$2000) with broker
Asset:Broker:Funds [stock] (bal=20units bought @ $200 each)
Liability (bal=$0)
Liability:Bank2 (bal=$0)
Liability:Bank2:Loan (bal=-$9,000)
Liability:Bank2:Creditcard (bal=-$500)

Let's assume the current valuation of the unit funds is $250 i.e.
unrealized gains of $1000; the house is currently valued at $110,000,
and today 1 GBP = 1.30 USD :)

How should the full expanded balance sheet look like? (XLS is fine)
(if there are missing lines e.g. retained earnings etc please make up
numbers and offer exact source)


On 19/06/18 00:16, Stephen M. Butler wrote:

Yes, it is the alignment of numbers that is the problem.

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8

On 06/18/2018 06:35 AM, Christopher Lam wrote:

Hi Stephen
Thank you this is very helpful.
  From my understanding the non-eguile version does produce satisfactory
headings and contents.
However its alignment of numbers is odd?
Is the alignment of subtotals and totals perfect in your amended
eguile report? How should it look if there are deeper levels of
For html export, open the report tab, then File>Export>Export Report.
I believe the standard balsheet can be refined but this will take some

On 18 June 2018 at 00:32, Stephen M. Butler>> wrote:

  Interesting on the age.  I thought I'd downloaded the most recent
  install.  But, my version is 2.6.19 built from rev c1b5e6c8d+ on
  2018-04-09.  May be best to wait for the next release due out
  early next
  week and see how those reports look.

  In the interim, attached are:
  1.  GVE.gnucash -- my current set of books for an apartment
  building I'm
  2.  Balance Sheet - standard.pdf -- Standard Balance Sheet report
  3.  Balance Sheet - formatted.pdf -- Eguile balance sheet after my
  changes were applied