[GNC] Account report (Tommy Trussell)

2020-12-09 Thread davidvernonlong
Thanks Tommy,
I tried that and it worked fine. I did not want to use the A/R and invoicing
procedures as it was not appropriate in our case and we have relatively few
members, and not all of them need a statement. I prefer the simplicity of
the procedure you mentioned. To overcome the issue I had with no opening and
closing balances I found that under options- display for the report I could
tick "running balance", which I had not seen before.

-Original Message-
From: gnucash-user
 On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 9 December, 2020 10:16 PM
To: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
Subject: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 213, Issue 19

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Today's Topics:

   1.  How to use Reminders? (Fran_3)
   2.  Saving to MySQL (Ira Fuchs)
   3. Re:  How to use Reminders? (Derek Atkins)
   4. Re:  Account report (Tommy Trussell)
   5. Re:  How to use Reminders? (Fran_3)
   6. Re:  Possible Jump Enhancement (Tommy Trussell)
   7. Re:  Possible Jump Enhancement (Adrien Monteleone)
   8. Re:  How to use Reminders? (Tommy Trussell)
   9. Re:  How to use Reminders? (Stephen M. Butler)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 18:10:48 + (UTC)
From: Fran_3 
To: Gnucash Users 
Subject: [GNC] How to use Reminders?
Message-ID: <1828325465.6250073.1607537448...@mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Problem with "Bills Due" reminder popup is if you have forgotten to Post the
bill you don't get reminded.Problem with missing your boss's birthday is you
forgot what date it was.
So, how do you create a general purpose Reminders for various things in
GnuCash like..- Post Electric Bill Today (this reminds you to go find the
bill online or in the mail or wherever & post it)
- Boss's birthday is on April 1st- Valentines Day coming up on February
14th- Leave check under door mat for yard guy I see the calendar view via
clicking... Actions > Schedule > Edit Scheduled Transactions And the tabs &
fields when I click "New"
And most of the fields are obvious except under Template Transaction... I'm
clueless about what I'm looking at...Is tat a template for...- a new bill to
be posted- a reminder to pay a bill- or what?
And, what about a reminder that is not a financial transaction?
1 - Is there a way to create General Purpose Reminders in GnuCash?
2 - Where can I find instructions on how to navigate to General Purpose

3 - Is there a document that explains the use of the various fields in
a. the General Purpose Reminder or in 

b. Scheduled Transactions Reminders?
Thanks for any help.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 13:47:01 -0500
From: Ira Fuchs 
To: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
Subject: [GNC] Saving to MySQL
Message-ID: <2d0dbbd3-9ba6-463e-81ed-ee8d8acf1...@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

I have installed MySQL 8.0.22 on a Mac running Mojave (v10.14.6) with no
changes to any configuration file. I would like to save my GnuCash file to
this server but I am getting an error:

The server at URL mysql://root@localhost/gnucash
 experienced an error or encountered bad or
corrupt data.

What to do?


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 13:50:42 -0500
From: "Derek Atkins" 
To: "Fran_3" 
Cc: "Gnucash Users" 
Subject: Re: [GNC] How to use Reminders?
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8


Before I respond inline below, I just want to point out that GnuCash is not
a calendaring system.  If you want to remember things like your Boss'
birthday or Valentine's day, there are much better tools (like your
calendar!) to do that.  So use those tools for those kinds of reminders.

Having said that

On Wed, December 9, 2020 1:10 pm, Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:
> Problem with "Bills Due" reminder popup is if you have forgotten to 
> Post the bill you don't get reminded.

Why do you not post the bill as soon as you get it?  I mean, if you take the
time to enter in your bill into the system, why not post it immediately?
It's not like the bill is going to change over time, or be ammended.  So in
the immortal words of "Doctor, it hurts when I do this"...  "Don't Do That."

Post your bill when you enter it.  That's what the reminders are for, to pay
the bill that you entered AND POSTED.

>  Problem with missing your boss's birthday is you 

Re: [GNC] How to use Reminders?

2020-12-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I'm going to reply in-line, but please understand, I sympathize, and 
have been in those shoes. What I'm about to say may at first sound 
harsh, but please keep reading...

On 12/9/20 2:03 PM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:

  Please, wake up and smell the real world small business day old burnt coffee 
at the end of a 12 hour day when you are trying to do the bookkeeping and still 
get home for a few hours sleep before it all starts over again...
Look... if you are working the front desk, or the floor, and trying to do other 
small business duties, doing the books, and trying to keep up with bills from a 
large quantity of vendors...

Sounds like an organizational problem, not an accounting problem.

- And some vendors don't actually send you a bill, they just expect you 
to know they want their payment by the 10th of the month or whatever...

Then have a talk with the vendor about their expectations. You are 
*their* customer after all. (yes, I know many suppliers forget this 
fact, but that doesn't mean you have to let them behave that way.)

- While other vendors send bills via snail mail...

Just enter *and* post the bill when it arrives. That's been standard 
procedure for eternity. Use *their* posting date, not your entering 
date. (this will correctly 'age' the bill)

- And other vendors email bills-

Same procedure.

And now some small vendors are even (exclusively) using Social Media 
Private Messenger instead of email to send bills...
Now that is absurd. I can't imagine they expect you to even be 
guaranteed to receive it. Sounds like you need to have a chat with those 
vendors as well.

- So bills are coming in from every direction...Some times it gets very hard to 
keep up with the mail, email, etc...Results... things fall through the cracks 
no matter how hard you work.
A personal organizational problem, not an accounting problem. And one 
that I doubt can ever be solved 100%.

So now you are telling me to keep up with multiple calendars !
No, Derek did not suggest this. That is for you to decide what tools you 
need to do the job. GnuCash is NOT and never will be "all things to all 
people", ever. Would you suggest it be able to send e-mail, type 
letters, surf the web? Please, take a breath and ponder a spell.

 Yet another job piled on the head of some poor owner or employee 
working at a conically understaffed, hanging on for dear life, small 
business !!!
Again, sounds like an organizational and time management problem. What 
you are describing is not unique to you. Thousands of businesses deal 
with these issues. (and likely those who do not manage it, are the ones 
who never become profitable, or don't stay that way)

Forget the damn boss's birthday and Valentines day... the main issue here is 
having specific reminders to remember to go find and post every bill that came 
in from who knows where.
There is no substitute for your own workflow discipline and time 
management. No software package can prevent you from forgetting to do 
the tasks of your job description. Some can help in some cases, but only 
marginally so. YOU still have to use those tools, yes 'tools' is plural. 
There is no 'one' system for everything, anywhere, from any company or 

If it were that easy to "just post the bills" the OP would have never been 
It is, you are just overwhelmed due to either too many responsibilities, 
or lacking a workflow/method to get them in line instead of them making 
you chase your tail, putting out fires. There are lots of blogs and 
books on the subject. GnuCash is not the answer to that question.

GnuCash can remind you what bills (that are posted) are due and when and 
how much is left to pay, but it can't remind you to put the data in the 
system in the first place.

This is why Derek suggested a general calendar/reminder app. You need 
one of those regardless. They are better suited to the 'general 
reminders' you seek. You can set reminders in said app to check to see 
if you've received this or that vendor's bill yet, and if so, to be sure 
to enter and post it.

Then, and only then, will GnuCash pick up from that point and handle 
reminding you about payment. GnuCash is about the data entered into it. 
You have to find other solutions for the steps before that point. (or 
entirely outside of it)

Sorry for the rant, we love GC... but creating/modifying the code for a simple 
general purpose reminder ain't that big of a job.

Are you a programmer? If so, code it. Contributions welcome. (if they 
are within the scope of the app) Remember, there is no organization or 
company behind GnuCash - everyone is a volunteer.

There are plenty of other apps already in existence to handle this. 
Heck, you don't even need an app. A paper calendar will do just fine. 
There is a large market in desk blotters and wall calendars still. 
Apparently businesses in 2020 still use them effectively - because they 
work. (My Aunt has been paying the bills 

Re: [GNC] How to use Reminders?

2020-12-09 Thread Stephen M. Butler

On 12/9/20 12:03 PM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:

  Please, wake up and smell the real world small business day old burnt coffee 
at the end of a 12 hour day when you are trying to do the bookkeeping and still 
get home for a few hours sleep before it all starts over again...
Look... if you are working the front desk, or the floor, and trying to do other 
small business duties, doing the books, and trying to keep up with bills from a 
large quantity of vendors...- And some vendors don't actually send you a bill, 
they just expect you to know they want their payment by the 10th of the month 
or whatever...- While other vendors send bills via snail mail...- And other 
vendors email bills- And now some small vendors are even (exclusively) using 
Social Media Private Messenger instead of email to send bills...
- So bills are coming in from every direction...Some times it gets very hard to 
keep up with the mail, email, etc...Results... things fall through the cracks 
no matter how hard you work.
So now you are telling me to keep up with multiple calendars ! Yet another job 
piled on the head of some poor owner or employee working at a conically 
understaffed, hanging on for dear life, small business !!!
Forget the damn boss's birthday and Valentines day... the main issue here is 
having specific reminders to remember to go find and post every bill that came 
in from who knows where.
If it were that easy to "just post the bills" the OP would have never been 
Sorry for the rant, we love GC... but creating/modifying the code for a simple 
general purpose reminder ain't that big of a job.
My guess here is this is about setting design boundaries to minimize project creep... got 
it... but this one is so close to the line that I dare characterize it as a reasonable 
There is probably a way to use the current reminder feature to "fake it" just to get an 
"in your face" reminder to  do whatever. I'll post back  if  I come up with such.

Yes, please, wake up!  Use the correct tool for the intended job. Don't 
pound a nail with the screwdriver.  And definitely don't use the hammer 
to attempt to drive a phillips screw into the wall.

1.  Get a good email client that also has a decent calendar.  Being on 
Linux/Ubuntu I use Thunderbird.  It has a great calendar system that 
links up with Google Calendar (and the mail client links up really well 
with Gmail).  The wife (an accountant) also uses Thunderbird on her less 
desirable Windows box.  Both of us share the calendar and mail with our 
phones and tablets.  Yes, I see her calendar and she sees mine.  That 
way I don't have to fire up GnC to find what what is happening today (or 

2.  Get a better bank or credit union.  Mine can get electronic bills 
from most of my vendors and will send me a notice when the invoice comes 
in.  I can even flag certain vendors to auto-pay so all I have to do is 
download the checking transactions from the bank.  For those that won't 
play nice with the bank, I still enter their information and bills (as I 
receive them) into the bank's payment feature so that the bank pays the 
postage and stuffs it into the envelope or me (at no charge).

3.  Setup the recurring transactions in the transaction scheduler. It 
can handle such things as recording the SSA insecurity check deposit on 
the 2nd Wednesday of each month.  Or the internet charge from 
Century-can't-Link on the 28th of each month.  [and since the bank also 
sees the invoice and the vendor is flagged to auto-pay, well, doesn't 
leave much for me to do except fire up GnC once in a while].

4.  Maybe you have too many vendors.

5.  Maybe not enough employees.

6.  Automate what you can in small steps.  I'd recommend starting with 
that email/calendar system that auto-syncs with your phone, tablet, 
laptop, desktop, wife's set of devices, etc.  Do one at a time.  Don't 
automate everything at once.  You can hire consultants to do the 
software setup and integration.

PS.  You can setup recurring calendar items in Thunderbird, Google 
Calendar, Android Calendar and they all link together.

 On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 1:50:45 PM EST, Derek Atkins 

Before I respond inline below, I just want to point out that GnuCash is
not a calendaring system.  If you want to remember things like your Boss'
birthday or Valentine's day, there are much better tools (like your
calendar!) to do that.  So use those tools for those kinds of reminders.

Having said that

On Wed, December 9, 2020 1:10 pm, Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:

Problem with "Bills Due" reminder popup is if you have forgotten to Post
the bill you don't get reminded.

Why do you not post the bill as soon as you get it?  I mean, if you take
the time to enter in your bill into the system, why not post it
immediately?  It's not like the bill is going to change over time, or be
ammended.  So in the immortal words of "Doctor, it hurts when I do

Re: [GNC] How to use Reminders?

2020-12-09 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 2:05 PM Fran_3 via gnucash-user <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:

> There is probably a way to use the current reminder feature to "fake it"
> just to get an "in your face" reminder to  do whatever. I'll post back  if
> I come up with such.

If you create a scheduled transaction with NOTHING in the Template
Transaction tab, GnuCash will remind you of its existence when it kicks
off. Just don't tick the "Create Automatically" option so the transaction
will always appear in the Since Last Run dialog.

Note that you can create scheduled transactions that follow several kinds
of rules, such as the fifteenth of the month, or four days before the third
Wednesday of each month, etc. etc.

I name my reminder Scheduled Transactions something like "Download BigBank
Statement" or "Transfer Niece's Funds to LittleBank" along with some text
reminding me what day of the month the reminder is intended to appear.

If the Scheduled Transaction gets to the "To Create" status and you don't
want it to go away yet, you can change the reminder's status in the Since
Last Run dialog. I'm not in front of a system with any pending transactions
at the moment but there are several statuses to choose from.

As Derek stated, GnuCash is NOT the best tool for calendar entries, but you
CAN use Scheduled Transactions for reminder items. If you let your
imagination roam you automate a few financial tasks using the transactions
themselves. :-)

> -
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Re: [GNC] Possible Jump Enhancement

2020-12-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
That might be what I was thinking of. It is about the triggering of the 
message, but not the vagueness of the message itself. I should think 
those two are separate issues.


On 12/9/20 3:35 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:

Bug 686051 ?


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Re: [GNC] Possible Jump Enhancement

2020-12-09 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 10:54 AM Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:

> On 12/9/20 9:25 AM, David Carlson wrote
> > Just to stir up the muddy bottom, I too often forget to commit the
> > transaction in the previous tab, which can mean getting a 'Save the
> Changed
> > transaction' warning which doesn't reference exactly which transaction
> was
> > changed, or whether it was the cat walking across the keyboard that
> changed
> > it.
> I agree, that error message could be a bit more descriptive, and if I'm
> not mistaken, there is a bug report on it, or else I'm just recalling
> seeing it discussed before.

Bug 686051 ?

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Re: [GNC] How to use Reminders?

2020-12-09 Thread Fran_3 via gnucash-user
 Please, wake up and smell the real world small business day old burnt coffee 
at the end of a 12 hour day when you are trying to do the bookkeeping and still 
get home for a few hours sleep before it all starts over again...
Look... if you are working the front desk, or the floor, and trying to do other 
small business duties, doing the books, and trying to keep up with bills from a 
large quantity of vendors...- And some vendors don't actually send you a bill, 
they just expect you to know they want their payment by the 10th of the month 
or whatever...- While other vendors send bills via snail mail...- And other 
vendors email bills- And now some small vendors are even (exclusively) using 
Social Media Private Messenger instead of email to send bills...
- So bills are coming in from every direction...Some times it gets very hard to 
keep up with the mail, email, etc...Results... things fall through the cracks 
no matter how hard you work.
So now you are telling me to keep up with multiple calendars ! Yet another job 
piled on the head of some poor owner or employee working at a conically 
understaffed, hanging on for dear life, small business !!!
Forget the damn boss's birthday and Valentines day... the main issue here is 
having specific reminders to remember to go find and post every bill that came 
in from who knows where.
If it were that easy to "just post the bills" the OP would have never been 
Sorry for the rant, we love GC... but creating/modifying the code for a simple 
general purpose reminder ain't that big of a job.
My guess here is this is about setting design boundaries to minimize project 
creep... got it... but this one is so close to the line that I dare 
characterize it as a reasonable "suggestion"...
There is probably a way to use the current reminder feature to "fake it" just 
to get an "in your face" reminder to  do whatever. I'll post back  if  I come 
up with such.

On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 1:50:45 PM EST, Derek Atkins 

Before I respond inline below, I just want to point out that GnuCash is
not a calendaring system.  If you want to remember things like your Boss'
birthday or Valentine's day, there are much better tools (like your
calendar!) to do that.  So use those tools for those kinds of reminders.

Having said that

On Wed, December 9, 2020 1:10 pm, Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:
> Problem with "Bills Due" reminder popup is if you have forgotten to Post
> the bill you don't get reminded.

Why do you not post the bill as soon as you get it?  I mean, if you take
the time to enter in your bill into the system, why not post it
immediately?  It's not like the bill is going to change over time, or be
ammended.  So in the immortal words of "Doctor, it hurts when I do
this"...  "Don't Do That."

Post your bill when you enter it.  That's what the reminders are for, to
pay the bill that you entered AND POSTED.

>      Problem with missing your boss's birthday
> is you forgot what date it was.

This is not a GnuCash problem; use your calendar for that.  There are many
options, like Orange and Evolution, which will do a MUCH better job.

> So, how do you create a general purpose Reminders for various things in
> GnuCash like..- Post Electric Bill Today (this reminds you to go find the
> bill online or in the mail or wherever & post it)
> - Boss's birthday is on April 1st- Valentines Day coming up on February
> 14th- Leave check under door mat for yard guy

None of these reminders belong in GnuCash.

> I see the calendar view via clicking... Actions > Schedule > Edit
> Scheduled Transactions
> And the tabs & fields when I click "New"
> And most of the fields are obvious except under Template Transaction...
> I'm clueless about what I'm looking at...Is tat a template for...- a new
> bill to be posted- a reminder to pay a bill- or what?

The Template Transaction is the transaction you have scheduled.  The
template will be executed and posted into your accounts when the SX fires.
 The template can be anything (well, any transaction -- you cannot
schedule a Business feature object like Invoice or Bill).  I, personally,
use them to schedule Loan (and Mortgage) payments, because it can
approximate interest calculations.

> And, what about a reminder that is not a financial transaction?
> Questions:
> 1 - Is there a way to create General Purpose Reminders in GnuCash?


> 2 - Where can I find instructions on how to navigate to General Purpose
> Reminders?

Read up on Evolution (the program, not the Theory of).

> 3 - Is there a document that explains the use of the various fields in
> either...
> a. the General Purpose Reminder or in
> b. Scheduled Transactions Reminders?

There should be documentation the SX Editor, yes.  Check the Help file.

Oh, one more thing -- keep in mind that you can post-date a transaction. 
For example, I tell my bank to go pay my credit card $1234 on the 17th. 
Even though today is the 9th, I can enter a transaction 

Re: [GNC] Account report

2020-12-09 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 9:47 PM David Long 

> Hi, how can I select just the last few months for an "Account Report". I
> am getting the whole history of the account from the first ever
> transaction?  I can use the "Transaction Report", instead and select which
> account and periods I want, but then I do not see the opening and closing
> balance.
> I am using the accounts to control the member's accounts of a sailing club
> and wanted to use this report to produce member's statements.

Here's what I do for a small religious organization, which might work for
your sailing club.

I have a separate account for each person (actually two accounts in some
cases because we keep track of "in kind" contributions, too) and give them
a statement for the previous year.

I created a transaction report, and selected the account(s) as necessary
for a particular person.

I set the date ranges to "Start of previous year" and "End of previous
year." Obviously you could use "...Previous Quarter" or specific dates as

I also added appropriate subtotals on the Sorting tab.

Then I used the Report Name field to put the person's name at the top. (It
could also say Quarterly Contributions or 2019 Contributions or whatever.)

After I got the report to display the information I wanted for that
particular contributor, I saved the report using the Save Report
Configuration button and renamed it generically, something like "Individual
Contribution Report."

Then when it's time to create individual statements, I open Reports -->
Saved Report Configurations and choose the report I saved. One person's
report is ready to go, so I print it.

For each additional person, I change the report name and the account(s) it
points to, and print. I repeat the process for each contributor.

For the very small religious organization, the process doesn't take very
long. The organization sends acknowledgement letters for designated gifts,
but only sends annual giving reports to folks who have given more than some
particular amount, I think $200.

If your sailing club has more than a couple of dozen members, you might
save some time in the long run by creating a transaction report containing
data for the entire club, and exporting that data to a spreadsheet or
database and use the data to generate a form letter for each person using
something like LibreOffice's mail merge feature. Or LibreOffice Base's
report writer, if you can puzzle it out.

(Unfortunately LibreOffice's mail merge feature is unnecessarily fidgety. I
use it every year to send out detailed renewal contracts for another
organization. I keep detailed notes on how to make my contracts and letters
work because it took me a long time to figure it out, years ago, and that
particular feature has not really improved over time. That's one thing
that, last time I used it, decades ago, Microsoft Word handled much more
easily. But I was determined to support Open Source software.)

> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
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Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Re: [GNC] How to use Reminders?

2020-12-09 Thread Derek Atkins

Before I respond inline below, I just want to point out that GnuCash is
not a calendaring system.  If you want to remember things like your Boss'
birthday or Valentine's day, there are much better tools (like your
calendar!) to do that.  So use those tools for those kinds of reminders.

Having said that

On Wed, December 9, 2020 1:10 pm, Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:
> Problem with "Bills Due" reminder popup is if you have forgotten to Post
> the bill you don't get reminded.

Why do you not post the bill as soon as you get it?  I mean, if you take
the time to enter in your bill into the system, why not post it
immediately?  It's not like the bill is going to change over time, or be
ammended.  So in the immortal words of "Doctor, it hurts when I do
this"...  "Don't Do That."

Post your bill when you enter it.  That's what the reminders are for, to
pay the bill that you entered AND POSTED.

>  Problem with missing your boss's birthday
> is you forgot what date it was.

This is not a GnuCash problem; use your calendar for that.  There are many
options, like Orange and Evolution, which will do a MUCH better job.

> So, how do you create a general purpose Reminders for various things in
> GnuCash like..- Post Electric Bill Today (this reminds you to go find the
> bill online or in the mail or wherever & post it)
> - Boss's birthday is on April 1st- Valentines Day coming up on February
> 14th- Leave check under door mat for yard guy

None of these reminders belong in GnuCash.

> I see the calendar view via clicking... Actions > Schedule > Edit
> Scheduled Transactions
> And the tabs & fields when I click "New"
> And most of the fields are obvious except under Template Transaction...
> I'm clueless about what I'm looking at...Is tat a template for...- a new
> bill to be posted- a reminder to pay a bill- or what?

The Template Transaction is the transaction you have scheduled.  The
template will be executed and posted into your accounts when the SX fires.
 The template can be anything (well, any transaction -- you cannot
schedule a Business feature object like Invoice or Bill).  I, personally,
use them to schedule Loan (and Mortgage) payments, because it can
approximate interest calculations.

> And, what about a reminder that is not a financial transaction?
> Questions:
> 1 - Is there a way to create General Purpose Reminders in GnuCash?


> 2 - Where can I find instructions on how to navigate to General Purpose
> Reminders?

Read up on Evolution (the program, not the Theory of).

> 3 - Is there a document that explains the use of the various fields in
> either...
> a. the General Purpose Reminder or in
> b. Scheduled Transactions Reminders?

There should be documentation the SX Editor, yes.  Check the Help file.

Oh, one more thing -- keep in mind that you can post-date a transaction. 
For example, I tell my bank to go pay my credit card $1234 on the 17th. 
Even though today is the 9th, I can enter a transaction dated the 17th
from Bank -> CC for $1234, so GnuCash records that I set the bank billpay
up to do that for me.

Hope this helps,

> Thanks for any help.

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   Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
   de...@ihtfp.com www.ihtfp.com
   Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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[GNC] Saving to MySQL

2020-12-09 Thread Ira Fuchs
I have installed MySQL 8.0.22 on a Mac running Mojave (v10.14.6) with no 
changes to any configuration file. I would like to save my GnuCash file to this 
server but I am getting an error:

The server at URL mysql://root@localhost/gnucash 
 experienced an error or encountered bad or 
corrupt data.

What to do?
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[GNC] How to use Reminders?

2020-12-09 Thread Fran_3 via gnucash-user
Problem with "Bills Due" reminder popup is if you have forgotten to Post the 
bill you don't get reminded.Problem with missing your boss's birthday is you 
forgot what date it was.
So, how do you create a general purpose Reminders for various things in GnuCash 
like..- Post Electric Bill Today (this reminds you to go find the bill online 
or in the mail or wherever & post it)
- Boss's birthday is on April 1st- Valentines Day coming up on February 14th- 
Leave check under door mat for yard guy
I see the calendar view via clicking... Actions > Schedule > Edit Scheduled 
And the tabs & fields when I click "New"
And most of the fields are obvious except under Template Transaction... I'm 
clueless about what I'm looking at...Is tat a template for...- a new bill to be 
posted- a reminder to pay a bill- or what?
And, what about a reminder that is not a financial transaction?
1 - Is there a way to create General Purpose Reminders in GnuCash?
2 - Where can I find instructions on how to navigate to General Purpose 

3 - Is there a document that explains the use of the various fields in either...
a. the General Purpose Reminder or in 

b. Scheduled Transactions Reminders?
Thanks for any help.

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Re: [GNC] Possible Jump Enhancement

2020-12-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone

On 12/9/20 9:25 AM, David Carlson wrote

Yes, I already do leave the previous tab open, and, in fact, the previous
tab is often the Since Last Run results tab, or sometimes a 'with children'
tab which are not normally 'Jump to' destinations in the current program

I suppose an immediate 'undo closed tab' a la Firefox would be nice, but 
then even some/most other browsers don't have this feature, not to 
mention other 'tabbed' apps.

Just to stir up the muddy bottom, I too often forget to commit the
transaction in the previous tab, which can mean getting a 'Save the Changed
transaction' warning which doesn't reference exactly which transaction was
changed, or whether it was the cat walking across the keyboard that changed

I agree, that error message could be a bit more descriptive, and if I'm 
not mistaken, there is a bug report on it, or else I'm just recalling 
seeing it discussed before.


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Re: [GNC] Consolidated Transactions Report will not consolidate

2020-12-09 Thread Peter Jackson
Many thanks Adrien. I hope they fix it soon.

Nurton Court
Ludlow SY8 4BD
Tel: 01568 750 248 Mob: 07955 586 476

On Wed, 9 Dec 2020 at 15:09, Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:

> Peter, I filed https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798039 with each
> of our error reports as attachments.
> I also made the guess that if the option to *not* make account names
> into URLs, (that exists in other reports) was added, or that code was
> blocked off, then this might avoid the error for now until a proper fix
> can be implemented.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 12/9/20 1:33 AM, Peter Jackson wrote:
> > Similar.
> > In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
> >  640:9 19 (for-each # …)
> > In unknown file:
> >18 (gncp-option-invoke-callback # …)
> > In c-interface.scm:
> >   24:4 17 (gnc:call-with-error-handling _ _)
> > In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
> >  829:9 16 (catch #t # …)
> > In c-interface.scm:
> >  29:37 15 (_)
> > In unknown file:
> >14 (eval-string "(gnc:report-run 1)" #)
> > In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
> > 2312:4 13 (save-module-excursion #)
> > In ice-9/eval-string.scm:
> >   38:6 12 (read-and-eval # #:lang _)
> > In report-core.scm:
> >  693:4 11 (gnc:report-run _)
> > In c-interface.scm:
> >   66:2 10 (gnc:backtrace-if-exception _ . _)
> >   24:4  9 (gnc:call-with-error-handling _ _)
> > In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
> >  829:9  8 (catch #t # …)
> > In c-interface.scm:
> >  28:40  7 (_)
> > In report-core.scm:
> > 695:29  6 (_)
> > 677:25  5 (gnc:report-render-html #< type: "2fe3b9833af0…> …)
> > In C:\Users\pj42u\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\consolidate-transactions.scm:
> >4049:21  4 (trep-renderer #< type: "2fe3b9833af044abb929a8…>)
> >2954:25  3 (make-split-table-comp _ # _ _ …)
> >1816:49  2 (add-split-row-comp #< col-headers: (("Dat…> …)
> > 574:23  1 (gnc:comp-html-transaction-anchor ("AILEEN JORDAN…" . #) …)
> >  563:0  0 (gnc:comp-register-guid _ _)
> >
> > In procedure module-lookup: Unbound variable: gnc-build-url
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> gnucash-user@gnucash.org
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists for more information.
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] Possible Jump Enhancement

2020-12-09 Thread David Carlson
 By the way, thanks to David H for triggering my discovery of the  shortcut that eliminates one mouse action out of my work load.

I think this discussion has brought up several interesting comments.

Yes, I already do leave the previous tab open, and, in fact, the previous
tab is often the Since Last Run results tab, or sometimes a 'with children'
tab which are not normally 'Jump to' destinations in the current program

Just to stir up the muddy bottom, I too often forget to commit the
transaction in the previous tab, which can mean getting a 'Save the Changed
transaction' warning which doesn't reference exactly which transaction was
changed, or whether it was the cat walking across the keyboard that changed

On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 8:53 AM Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:

> On 12/9/20 7:43 AM, David Carlson wrote:
> > There is no direct shortcut to jump to another account in the transaction
> > if the focus is presently on the date, number, description or notes.
> I understand you were asking for a default, but have you successfully
> tested a custom shortcut to activate the Jump button/menu-entry?
> > Actually, I would also like to be able to jump to the last account that I
> > came from in my window history without needing to return to another
> > transaction that contains the desired account or navigating to window
> menu
> > bar.
> As in leaving that register tab open and going back to it?
> Regards,
> Adrien
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> gnucash-user@gnucash.org
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists for more information.
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Consolidated Transactions Report will not consolidate

2020-12-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Peter, I filed https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798039 with each 
of our error reports as attachments.

I also made the guess that if the option to *not* make account names 
into URLs, (that exists in other reports) was added, or that code was 
blocked off, then this might avoid the error for now until a proper fix 
can be implemented.


On 12/9/20 1:33 AM, Peter Jackson wrote:

In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
 640:9 19 (for-each # …)
In unknown file:
   18 (gncp-option-invoke-callback # …)
In c-interface.scm:
  24:4 17 (gnc:call-with-error-handling _ _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
 829:9 16 (catch #t # …)
In c-interface.scm:
 29:37 15 (_)
In unknown file:
   14 (eval-string "(gnc:report-run 1)" #)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
2312:4 13 (save-module-excursion #)
In ice-9/eval-string.scm:
  38:6 12 (read-and-eval # #:lang _)
In report-core.scm:
 693:4 11 (gnc:report-run _)
In c-interface.scm:
  66:2 10 (gnc:backtrace-if-exception _ . _)
  24:4  9 (gnc:call-with-error-handling _ _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
 829:9  8 (catch #t # …)
In c-interface.scm:
 28:40  7 (_)
In report-core.scm:
695:29  6 (_)
677:25  5 (gnc:report-render-html #< type: "2fe3b9833af0…> …)
In C:\Users\pj42u\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\consolidate-transactions.scm:
   4049:21  4 (trep-renderer #< type: "2fe3b9833af044abb929a8…>)
   2954:25  3 (make-split-table-comp _ # _ _ …)
   1816:49  2 (add-split-row-comp #< col-headers: (("Dat…> …)
574:23  1 (gnc:comp-html-transaction-anchor ("AILEEN JORDAN…" . #) …)
 563:0  0 (gnc:comp-register-guid _ _)

In procedure module-lookup: Unbound variable: gnc-build-url

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Re: [GNC] Possible Jump Enhancement

2020-12-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone

On 12/9/20 7:43 AM, David Carlson wrote:

There is no direct shortcut to jump to another account in the transaction
if the focus is presently on the date, number, description or notes.

I understand you were asking for a default, but have you successfully 
tested a custom shortcut to activate the Jump button/menu-entry?

Actually, I would also like to be able to jump to the last account that I
came from in my window history without needing to return to another
transaction that contains the desired account or navigating to window menu

As in leaving that register tab open and going back to it?


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Re: [GNC] Possible Jump Enhancement

2020-12-09 Thread David Carlson
There is no direct shortcut to jump to another account in the transaction
if the focus is presently on the date, number, description or notes.

Actually, I would also like to be able to jump to the last account that I
came from in my window history without needing to return to another
transaction that contains the desired account or navigating to window menu

On Wed, Dec 9, 2020, 5:25 AM Michael Hendry 

> > On 8 Dec 2020, at 23:26, David Carlson 
> wrote:
> >
> > I have not looked at customization,  I wanted to stay with pre-defined
> > shortcuts and wondering why they disappeared in recent GnuCash
> releases.  I
> > now see that they just got harder to find.  Having first cut my teeth in
> > CPM, then dos, I have grown tired of the constant retraining now required
> > for every incremental release of every program in every OS ad nauseum.
> >
> > I too prefer using the keyboard over the mouse, but since we all have
> > different preferences,  it is good to try to make the program efficient
> for
> > as many users as possible.
> >
> On my Mac, 2 brings up the whole multi-split transaction, then I use
> the down-arrow to the split of interest, and hit J.
> Now I come to think of it, perhaps I customised  to mean “Basic
> Ledger”,  for “Auto-Split Ledger” and  for “Transaction
> Journal” some time in the past. This would almost certainly have been the
> result of a hint on this list.
> Is there something else that the OP wanted to achieve?
> Regards,
> Michael
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Re: [GNC] Possible Jump Enhancement

2020-12-09 Thread Michael Hendry
> On 8 Dec 2020, at 23:26, David Carlson  wrote:
> I have not looked at customization,  I wanted to stay with pre-defined
> shortcuts and wondering why they disappeared in recent GnuCash releases.  I
> now see that they just got harder to find.  Having first cut my teeth in
> CPM, then dos, I have grown tired of the constant retraining now required
> for every incremental release of every program in every OS ad nauseum.
> I too prefer using the keyboard over the mouse, but since we all have
> different preferences,  it is good to try to make the program efficient for
> as many users as possible.

On my Mac, 2 brings up the whole multi-split transaction, then I use the 
down-arrow to the split of interest, and hit J.

Now I come to think of it, perhaps I customised  to mean “Basic Ledger”, 
 for “Auto-Split Ledger” and  for “Transaction Journal” some time 
in the past. This would almost certainly have been the result of a hint on this 

Is there something else that the OP wanted to achieve?



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Re: [GNC] Account report

2020-12-09 Thread Fred Bone
On 08 December 2020 at 21:39, David Long said:

> Hi, how can I select just the last few months for an "Account Report". I
> am getting the whole history of the account from the first ever
> transaction?  I can use the "Transaction Report", instead and select which
> account and periods I want, but then I do not see the opening and closing
> balance.
> I am using the accounts to control the member's accounts of a sailing club
> and wanted to use this report to produce member's statements.

Use "filter by date" *before* running the report? Works for me.

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