Re: [GNC] Stock account. Entering transacction.

2020-02-18 Thread Adrien Monteleone

There are not different ‘versions’ of the code for each language. Everyone is 
using the same app. (that is, on the same OS, in your case, Windows, and even 
then, all versions of Windows use the same app)

When you select a language, the text and other ‘words’ in the user interface 
are translated based on a translation file. There could be translation errors, 
or missing translations. (which will usually result in English being used for 
those parts) But unless I’m misunderstanding how translations work, a 
translation error or missing translation should not result in missing data 
entry fields or UI text entirely.

Someone more familiar with the Spanish version (and the language) might be able 
to help.

In addition, version 3.8 is the most recent. You will find less bugs using 3.8 
instead of 3.5.


> On Feb 17, 2020 w8d48, at 5:05 AM, Vicente  wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks Ken for your reply.
> I think I found the problem.
> I installed CnuCash 3.5 on PC W10. Vesion in Spanish.
> I followed the instructions in the GNU CAsh manual.
> I tried to create an investment account, eg AMZN.
> In the form there is no possibility to choose Stock - Stock, only assets ---
> Stock.
> And in the account created Stocks - AMZN, you do not have the fields of
> number of shares, price, purchase or sale and balance.
> What did I do? Completely uncover GNUcash Spanish version, with some
> problems, but I got it, remember that I am a newbie.
> Then install the English Version of GNU Cash 3.5. and eureka! , I got it now
> the same investment account AMZN example already has the fields of number of
> shares, price, purchase, sale and balance.
> That's why I dare to say that there is an error in the English version of
> GNUCash, or maybe the computer elves of my computer are crazy, or that I did
> something wrong.
> It would be a good idea for someone who knows more to investigate.
> Thank you so much. Now I am working with english version.
> Vicente
> PD I go step by step, now I am trying to create automatically load the stock
> prices.
> I take it easy, if I don't get it, I'll ask for help again.
> Written with a translator.

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Re: [GNC] Stock account. Entering transacction.

2020-02-18 Thread Vicente
Thanks Ken for your reply.
I think I found the problem.
I installed CnuCash 3.5 on PC W10. Vesion in Spanish.
I followed the instructions in the GNU CAsh manual.
I tried to create an investment account, eg AMZN.
In the form there is no possibility to choose Stock - Stock, only assets ---
And in the account created Stocks - AMZN, you do not have the fields of
number of shares, price, purchase or sale and balance.
What did I do? Completely uncover GNUcash Spanish version, with some
problems, but I got it, remember that I am a newbie.
Then install the English Version of GNU Cash 3.5. and eureka! , I got it now
the same investment account AMZN example already has the fields of number of
shares, price, purchase, sale and balance.
That's why I dare to say that there is an error in the English version of
GNUCash, or maybe the computer elves of my computer are crazy, or that I did
something wrong.
It would be a good idea for someone who knows more to investigate.
Thank you so much. Now I am working with english version.
PD I go step by step, now I am trying to create automatically load the stock
I take it easy, if I don't get it, I'll ask for help again.
Written with a translator.

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Re: [GNC] Stock account. Entering transacction.

2020-02-14 Thread farleykj
When I do stock transactions that involve shares being bought or sold, I
always do them in the investment account for that "holds" the shares for
that specific stock. For example, the account structure might be something

Investments:My Brokerage Account:XYZ Stock

So I open the account "XYZ Stock" and I can now buy shares. There are two
types of buy transactions I can do; add shares from old account that I
already own, using equity open balance transaction, or buy with cash in my
investment account.

--- Use Equity Open Balance ---
Start a new transaction. Gnucash will automatically put a split in the
transaction that will have the "XYZ Stock" account referenced. This is the
line where you tab over and put the number of shares in the "Tot Shares"
column and the total cost of the shares in the "Tot Buy" column. Gnucash
will automatically calculate the price per share.
Next tab to the next line. Gnucash will automatically enter the same amount
as the "Tot Buy" column in the first line but in the "tot Sell" column. Pick
the equity account you are using to track the amount of initial equity (for
example, "Opening Balances" or something like that).
Once both these transaction lines are entered, you are done. Hit Enter to
finish the transaction. You should see the "Balance" column listing the
number of shares you added.

--- Use Cash from Account ---
This transaction is exactly like the Equity one, but instead of an Equity
account, you will be using cash from another account. For me, this is always
a "Cash" account that is a part of my investment account. For ecample:

Investments:My Brokerage Account:Cash

Once the buy transaction is done, the cash account inside my investment
account will be decreased by the cost for the new shares.

I think the trouble you might have been having is trying to enter the
transactions from within a cash account. I don't know how you can specify
shares when entering the transaction that way. That's why I always do buy
and sell transactions for investment securities in the accounts that hold
those securities.

Hope this helps. Getting used to the double entry accounting can be a bit
confusing at first, but after a while it makes sense.

Ken Farley
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[GNC] Stock account. Entering transacction.

2020-02-12 Thread Vicente

My first post A newbie
I need a lot of help with stock accounts.
Gnucash 3.8
I create the tree of accounts, as the help indicates.
In tools menu I put the action as indicated by the help.
But when entering the transaction with several lines, I can't get the number
of shares or the price to appear.
I don't know how it is done or how it is configured to do it.
So much to enter shares previously bought in equity opening balance, to put
them in the account of actions. (Same data, same currency..etc)
Nor, an example, with actions that I put as purchased now.
Thank you so much.
I hope some help.
Written with translator-

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