Re: For UK users: Will gnucash get ready for Making Tax, Digital ?

2017-08-01 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 1 August 2017 11:24:19 BST Alain Williams wrote:

> > Out of curiosity, who wants MTD?
> I don't. It will involve me in a lot of extra work that adds nothing to my
> business.
> I am happy with doing VAT on-line -- just login to HMRC web site, enter a
> few numbers into a web page, download a PDF and transfer some money -
> simple.


VAT already seems quite digital enough, thank you.

Just by way of a comment - the HMRC Basic PAYE tools (for payroll reporting), 
which is available for (32 bit) linux and some other operating systems keeps a 
local database and (allegedly) just sends xml (or json, haven't paid much 
attention) submissions to HMRC when told to.

But really, VAT is so much simpler than PAYE, so sending the correct 6 numbers 
to HMRC 4 times a year seems to me that the current web form should be quite 
adequate.  Don't really see the advantages (even from their point of view) of 
anything more complicated.  Low hanging fruit, perhaps, for the government to 
actually claim to have delivered an IT project nearly on time and nearly on 


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Re: Adding quantity to expenses

2017-08-02 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 1 August 2017 14:47:02 BST edamiani wrote:
> Hi, I started using GnuCash with the goal of tracking my expenses and
> generating reports, but one important thing for me would be storing the
> quantity of an expense and automatically generating the resulting expense
> from that. For instance: if I buy 0.8 kg of cheese for $10 the kilogram, I
> would like to write down the quantity that I've bought (0.8 kg), the unity
> (or kilogram) price ($10) and extract the resulting expense from it ($8). Is
> it possible to achieve this kind of thing with GnuCash?
> Thanks in advance,
> Edgard

Hi Edgard,

you can store that sort of info in the notes/memo fields of a transaction- but 
that may not be what you are looking for, as you will still have to do a 
manual calculation.

The other coice that you might be able to make work for you is to use the 
business features - a bill has quantity & unit cost columns.  But it might 
make things overly complicated.


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Re: Gnucash connect to remote 1and1 database server

2017-08-03 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 3 August 2017 07:14:44 BST Bindiya Maharjan wrote:
>  Hi all ,
> I am trying to connect to remote database server without any success. Do you
> guys have any steps or guide for this.


what have you tried, and how does it fail?  
Which GC version and OS might be useful too.

from the command line, something like

mysql -u username -p password -h server-hostname

would be a good start point for debugging the connection. ( try man mysql or 
mysql --help for more options)


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Re: population

2017-08-03 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 3 August 2017 17:01:22 BST Christine Maloney via gnucash-user 
> When I add the small amount of £1.00 the system takes it in the memo
> entries, but when I press enter it disappears from the system.


Only press Enter if you are ready to commit a transaction to the register.  
Tab to move between all the various fields for data.

If you are putting a 1.00 in the memo, then what are you putting in the 
transfer account and Credit/Debit/Deposit/Withdrawal etc columns?

Which version of GC have you installed, so as to be more stable than what you 
had previously?


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Re: GnuCash

2017-08-14 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 13 August 2017 21:49:51 BST Nick Major wrote:
> Hi
> Can you import previous history from TAS Books into GnuCash?
> How many bank accounts will it support?
> Thanks
> Nick
> Sent from my iPad

Hi Nick.

No idea about TAS Books - if you can get the data from TAS into either QIF or 
CSV then probably will be importable into GC with few trial runs.

I don't think there is a practical limit to the number of accounts that GC can 
handle.  I certainly don't recall hearing of one over the last 15 or so years 
that I've been using it.


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Re: Using multiple accounts in single file

2017-07-12 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 12 July 2017 09:19:01 BST Matthew wrote:
> Hi
> I am relatively new so am trying to understand some of the concepts.
> I have created a single Gnucash file for my household accounts.  So this
> includes my personal account, my wife's personal account and our joint
> account.
> I want to produce a report which shows the income / expenditure for my
> wife's account only.  However, the report I use will show combined
> Expense accounts (ie those which are written to by other accounts).
> For example 'Expenses:Food': both my personal account and my wife's
> personal account have recorded expenses against 'Expenses:Food', so how
> do I separate only the expenditure by my wife in this category?  I guess
> it cannot be done without separate Expense accounts, which indicates
> that perhaps I should use a different File altogether, instead of trying
> to combine multiple accounts into one file.  What is the best practice?
> Regards
> Matt

Hi Matt,

welcome to GC & the list.

Without looking at GC (so the option names may not be quite right)

Transaction Report... pull up the options... first tab...

Select Accounts you want to report on (ie Expenses:Food etc)

Then the magic...

Filter By... Wife's Bank Account
 and set Include Txns from selected accounts

There may be other ways too, such as report on expenses, then subtotal by 
"other account" in the sorting tab.


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Re: Where do I find gnucash data?

2017-07-10 Thread Maf. King
Hi John,

This is in the FAQ.  see

You may also want to consider the following 2 or 3 questions in the FAQ with 
regard to migrating to a new PC.


On Monday, 10 July 2017 11:39:02 BST JOHN OGDEN wrote:
> I'm reaching the stage of envisaging the possibility of porting all my
> gnucash data to a new PC. Problem: I can't locate the current data files.
> The program files are on drive D. (Why? My PC had a significant rebuild
> five years ago in which the two HDs were configured as two drives, D and E,
> and a new SSD was installed as drive C). It has been absolutely fine so far
> -- never put a foot wrong -- but I'm beginning to feel that I must soon
> prepare for worst case. All data files (at least, those I know about) are
> backed up regularly on an external HD. One obvious answer (I guess) is
> export/import) but is there no better way? John Revd Dr John Ogden 0118 969
> 6319 07746 621447
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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Maf. King
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Re: Fil recovery

2017-07-10 Thread Maf. King

View -> New Accounts Page


On Monday, 10 July 2017 06:23:56 BST esris wrote:
> Today I had the "tip of the day"; how to view and compare a tab.
> Method given: Windows >> new window with page
> So I tried a tab; window opened in a new window grate!
> When I closed the one of the windows I (must have) closed the main account
> file window.
> It closed and the window that appeared was the tap window.
> I closed this also and reopened the account file. The Tap Window only
> appeared.
> I tried to get the main account file, no luck.
> In the directory I could not find the folder for the account file.
> Pleas advice how can I recover the Account file.
> Sriskanthan

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Re: For UK users: Will gnucash get ready for Making Tax Digital ?

2017-07-25 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 25 July 2017 13:43:05 BST Christopher Lam wrote:
> I'd be quite keen to know processes for submitting VAT returns. I've never
> registered for VAT while I was UK resident but I'm submitting Australian
> GST statements quarterly.
> I'm enjoying learning scheme and I feel I will be able to generate a
> workable GST/VAT scheme report within weeks.


the system at the moment is to fill in an online form - usually quarterly, but 
there are some HMRC rules to allow annual returns for very small entities, but 
I don't know about them

. I generate the half-dozen or so relevant numbers from GC data using saved 
reports customised from the transaction report, and manually copy them across 
from GC to firefox.

The VAT report you propose wouldn't be far removed from the transaction 
report, I'd imagine.  I have several custom reports to generate the 
appropriate totals; could probably make a saved  mutli-column report to embed 
the transaction reports into to get everything with fewer mouse clicks. 


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Re: Unsubcribe

2017-07-24 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 24 July 2017 12:50:33 BST Ashwin A wrote:
> Request you to unsubscribe from the mailing lists


You do that yourself by logging in at the address below.

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Re: Mortgage payments in Income/Expense report?

2017-07-02 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 2 July 2017 14:46:19 BST Mike or Penny Novack wrote:
> On 7/2/2017 7:02 AM, Dan Rawson wrote:

> > an Income/Expense report that ALSO includes the transfers to the
> > liability (let's face it, that's an "expense" :-), but the Liability

> > 
> > Dan
> Misunderstanding about the basics.

> You are thinking of it as an "expense" because it affects cash flow.

Hi Mike,

IMHO, the OP isn't misunderstanding - hence the quotes and smiley.  You are 
correct in the accounting sense, but I can understand that it is a sort of 
"expense" in the sense that it comes out of each month's wages and needs to be 
budgeted / allocated. 

I was going to suggest he try the cash flow report and see if it can be munged 
into showing what is required, before you beat me to it.


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Re: deleting .log files gnucash financial

2017-07-04 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 3 July 2017 19:29:28 BST Carl Hofinga wrote:
> My file dates go back to January 2014. The Preference shows to delete these
> files in 30 days but that does not happen. Is there a faster way of
> deleting these files then one by one?

Hi Carl,

you don't mention your operating system, but I would do the following.

Use Dolphin to navigate to the correct directory.
Press F4 to open a command prompt pane
Type: rm *.log [enter]
type: exit [enter] to close the command prompt.

If you are not using KDE on Linux, then that may all be useless advice to you.

For what it is worth, the "retain log files" prefs work fine for me.

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Re: File signatures??

2017-06-29 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 28 June 2017 14:40:09 BST wrote:
> Hi,
> I think this is the right venue to ask this question.  If not, I can
> hopefully get a pointer to where else to turn.
> I need to figure out what - if any - file signatures could be used to
> identify gnucash data files.  The need arises from a harddisk crash and
> recovery effort, the result of which was a *lot* of files and file
> fragments recovered, but at the expense of the harddisk's directory
> structure and filenames (for the most part).  The harddisk in question
> has terabytes of data on it, so going through the disk manually is not
> practical.
> On this disk were the data files for a non-profit which had a somewhat
> customized account tree structure.  What I am trying to figure out is if
> there are any unique headers to a minimum number of files that could be
> used to recreate the transactions and other data in gnucash?  If there
> are keywords or byte strings I can use, then I can use disk search tools
> for look for the files and fragments that are relevant and try to stitch
> things back together.
> FWIW, I believe the account data was stored as XML rather than in a
> database.  And the version of gnucash I was using was whatever version
> was stable at the beginning of this calendar year.
> Thanks in advance for any help or pointers.
> Matt
> PS I already understand the wisdom of having some backup elsewhere, so I
> can forgo that pointer.  The problem in this case was that this unit was
> also the backup.

Hi Matt

from my system:

~> head myfile.gnucash;

Now, this is an uncompressed gc file from v 2.6.16, but dating back years; a 
file created this year has exactly the same first few lines though.

If your file was saved with compression turned on, then your task is probably 
harder - look for gz compressed files.


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Re: File signatures??

2017-06-29 Thread Maf. King
Hi Matt.

What do you mean by category structure?  If you're talking about the Chart of 
Accounts (ie the "tree"), that is stored in the data file.  Recover it (or one 
of the auto-backup copied in the same directory) and I'd expect all to be 

Custom reports are in ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4 - this head extract from 
mine suggests that a sequence of semicolons might be a good search string?  or 
"gnc:report" etc.

maf@janus:~/.gnucash> head saved-reports-2.4
;; Options for saved report "VAT Box 1 - Last Qtr", based on template 
(let ()
 (define (options-gen)
  (let ((options (gnc:report-template-new-options/report-guid 
"2fe3b9833af044abb929a88d5a59620f" "Transaction Report")))

; Section: General

(let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options


On Thursday, 29 June 2017 11:38:28 BST MattC wrote:
> Thank you.  That is exactly what I'm looking for.  Fwiw, it appears that
> searching for "trans_guild" identifies log files/fragments.  So I'm hoping
> that piecing those together migjt be a successful "plan b".   I think that
> leaves the category structure to try to figure out, as well as - though
> less importantly - customized reports.
> I'll report back how it goes, but if anyone has suggestions for other files
> to search for, I'd appreciate the input.
> Matt
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
>  Original message From: "Maf. King"
> <> Date:06/29/2017  4:31 AM  (GMT-05:00)
> To: Cc:
> Subject: Re: File signatures?? 
> On Wednesday, 28 June 2017 14:40:09 BST wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I think this is the right venue to ask this question.  If not, I can
> > hopefully get a pointer to where else to turn.
> > 
> > I need to figure out what - if any - file signatures could be used to
> > identify gnucash data files.  The need arises from a harddisk crash and
> > recovery effort, the result of which was a *lot* of files and file
> > fragments recovered, but at the expense of the harddisk's directory
> > structure and filenames (for the most part).  The harddisk in question
> > has terabytes of data on it, so going through the disk manually is not
> > practical.
> > 
> > On this disk were the data files for a non-profit which had a somewhat
> > customized account tree structure.  What I am trying to figure out is if
> > there are any unique headers to a minimum number of files that could be
> > used to recreate the transactions and other data in gnucash?  If there
> > are keywords or byte strings I can use, then I can use disk search tools
> > for look for the files and fragments that are relevant and try to stitch
> > things back together.
> > 
> > FWIW, I believe the account data was stored as XML rather than in a
> > database.  And the version of gnucash I was using was whatever version
> > was stable at the beginning of this calendar year.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for any help or pointers.
> > 
> > Matt
> > 
> > PS I already understand the wisdom of having some backup elsewhere, so I
> > can forgo that pointer.  The problem in this case was that this unit was
> > also the backup.
> Hi Matt
> from my system:
> ~> head myfile.gnucash
>   xmlns:gnc=";
>  xmlns:act=";
>  xmlns:book=";
>  xmlns:cd=";
>  xmlns:cmdty=";
>  xmlns:price=";
>  xmlns:slot=";
>  xmlns:split=";
> Now, this is an uncompressed gc file from v 2.6.16, but dating back years; a
> file created this year has exactly the same first few lines though.
> If your file was saved with compression turned on, then your task is
> probably harder - look for gz compressed files.
> HTH,
> Maf.

Maf. King
PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7  2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542

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Re: company invoices from director - Accounts Payable

2017-07-30 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 30 July 2017 20:02:43 BST Finance (Marc) wrote:
> Ah; thank you, Donald!
> So, to confirm, the two "halves" of the equation are "Loan from so-and-so"
> and the relaxant Expense account?
> It's all clear when you know how!
> – Marc.

Sounds right to me - it is what I've done for years.  But IANAA.


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Re: Not able to make entries in Gnucash

2017-08-18 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 16:10:24 BST Kenneth Theis wrote:
> Gentlemen, I installed GnuCash software two years ago and used it a
> short time. Then I discontinued its use for a long period. Now I want to
> start again using the software. However, I find that it is designated at
> "read only,” whatever that means. I have tried to make entries in the
> software without success.
> I have tried everything I know to resume using the software, but have
> failed. I will appreciate suggestions as to how I can proceed with its use.
> Thanks for your help.
> Kenneth W. Theis

Hi Kenneth.

How does the software inform you that your books are read only?  Does it pop 
up a message at any particular point when you are using it - eg file open or 
trying to enter a transaction?

What about if you start a new file off?

Really, we need more info to offer meaningful help.  The version of GC that 
you have & the OS you are running would also be useful to know.


PS. There are more than just gentlemen on the list... unless you don't want 
everyone to consider offering help if they have an insight ;-)

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Re: Fixing opening balance for an incorrectly reconciled account

2017-05-15 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 15 May 2017 02:19:18 BST Andrew Gross wrote:
> Greetings -- have looked at a couple of old threads on reconciliation
> issues that come close to this question, but not quite. In two of my
> accounts (one asset; one liability) I committed a transgression; I
> attempted to fix a reconciled transaction.  Since then, I have to put in a
> "fix" to balance each account.  I add a bogus transaction; reconcile; and
> then reverse the transaction.  Essentially, I need to be able to reset the
> opening balance in order to fix this.   I know changing the opening balance
> is not an option; is there an alternative so I can stop using the "bogus
> transaction" method?

Hi Andrew,

The usual advice is to ignore the opening balance and reconcile to the most 
recent statement, including any older transactions that have become un-
reconciled.  When the final balance matches up, you can finish the reconcile.

If you need to add a dummy txn to recreate something you have deleted, then 
create one but be aware that it is a fudge and add explaining notes.

I've looked through the text of chapter 4.4.1 that you mention, and I can't 
see any reference to reversing the dummy txn - which would clearly throw the 
reconcile off for next time.  Can you point me to the paragraph that you saw, 
for context?


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Re: Fixing opening balance for an incorrectly reconciled account

2017-05-15 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 15 May 2017 09:11:07 BST Maf. King wrote:

> If you need to add a dummy txn to recreate something you have deleted, then
> create one but be aware that it is a fudge and add explaining notes.

Let me expand: if you create a transaction, but are not entirely sure what was 
deleted, then it is a fudge.  If you know why you are adding a txn, then it 
clearly isn't a fudge, but a normal txn (just created in a different workflow)


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Re: Balances forward of unused cash advances from previous year

2017-05-18 Thread Maf. King
Hi Anita.

I think I would record them at start of year in an asset account - something 
like Assets:AdvancePaymentsMade.  Then as you "use up" the pre paid expense, 
transfer between Expenses:widgets and A:AdvPay so that the asset tends to 

This presumes that if the expense didn't really happen, you'd be entitled to a 
refund of the payment, and that any tax treatment is expecting you to claim 
for the expense as it happens, not when you paid last year (ie not accrual 

It also presumes that you have checked your local laws and practices for any 
specific guidance, esp. in the case of business accounting.

IANAA etc.

On Thursday, 18 May 2017 12:16:44 BST Anita Graves wrote:
> Dear All GC friends,
> In the previous financial year, there were some funds advanced to two
> different persons for two different expense categories that appear in the
> account tree of that year.  In both of these accounts, there are now
> expenses to record to use up those cash advances, and I have the same
> accounts in this year’s account tree.
> I do not know how to account for these unusued balances that carry over to
> this new year and to record the expenses in this new year to zero out the
> balances of the cash advances.  Are they to be confused with the equity
> account?  Balances forward???  Are they child accounts to some parent
> accounts?
> Thanks for your help….
> Anita

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Re: Need a static version of GNUCash

2017-05-13 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 13 May 2017 11:26:37 BST Mike or Penny Novack wrote:

> If you meant "a version of the program that is not rapidly changing,
> being improved, etc.) then the term would be "stable", not "static"
> Michael

Hi Mike,

Seems unlikely to be a language issue -  the OP did say "Can please someone 
compile a static version (newest stable) for me?" in the first post.


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Re: Transfering GNu files to new computer

2017-06-08 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 18:30:55 BST PL Brand wrote:
> I'm trying to transfer my GNu files to another computer running 16.04.
> I've been able to import the account names, but now data/amounts, etc.
> Please help.  Thank you

Hi PLBrand,

All you need to do is move your accounts data file to (a sensible path) on the 
new computer & then File->Open it. Should work fine.  Custom reports etc are in 
a different file path - see yesterday's thread started by Edwin Humphreys for 
more info.

when you say "running 16.04" - there isn't a Gnucash 16.04 - do you mean 


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Re: Reconciling an account

2017-06-12 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 12 June 2017 18:10:47 BST EngineInstitute wrote:
> David:
> It is account is under the Liabilities and labeled as a Credit account.
> Note: it shows deposits on left and withdrawals on right. Is that because it
> was originally an income & expense account and I changed it?

Hi ChinaBlue,

This is getting confusing!  So the account is Type: Credit Card ?  If so, mine 
show "money I spend" in the Credit Column, (Tot Charge if the "use formal 
labels" preference is off), which is the rightmost of the two.  When I pay a 
credit card bill from my bank, the CCard accounts shows the transaction in the 
prior column, labeled Debit (or Payment)

> Steps taken:
> Down graded the program to 2.4.15 (there is no 2.6.15)

There is. %28stable%29/2.6.15/

> No change.
> Opened a new test account to isolate the activity. It is a Credit Liability
> account, 

What is a "credit liability" account?  I appreciate you've dropped back to 
2.4.x and terminology may have changed since that was current a few years ago, 
but I don't recall that as an option for account type.

If you can get 2.6.15 to install, it might save a source of confusion.

> beginning 1/11/17
> Note: New account reflects: Increase on left and Decrease on right

Are Increase | Decrease the column headings?  I see that layout in accounts of 
Type:Asset (with "use formal labels" off).  Type:Credit Cards are Payment | 
Charge and Type:Liabilities are Decrease | Increase  

> Input new data for month 1
> Reassigned payment against the card from the check book. New problem it
> assigns the payment as an increase not decrease.

IMHO, I think you've got the account types mixed up, as I think Derek alluded 
in a prior post.  Maybe your expense accounts aren't type Expense, or maybe 
the Credit Card is wrongly set in some way. 

> My problems seem to be increasing not decreasing.
> Should I delete GnuCash and download a fresh version of 2.4.15?

I would suggest you uninstall 2.4.15 and install  2.6.15 as linked above.  
(The reason to use 2.6.15 rather than latest 2.6.16 is that the older version 
allows you to change an account's type from the Edit Account dialogue, which 
2.6.16 does not permit.)

I've attached a screengrab of my credit card register, showing Friendly labels 
and 3 transactions - if it gets through the list it may help if you have 
something to compare against? (i'm in double-line, auto-split view by default)



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Re: Reconciling an account

2017-06-12 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 12 June 2017 22:00:35 BST Maf. King wrote:

> > Steps taken:
> > Down graded the program to 2.4.15 (there is no 2.6.15)
> There is.
> %28stable%29/2.6.15/

Sorry, Link got mangled. (stable)/2.6.15/

that's gnucash(stable)/2.6.15/  which might be really awkward depending 
on your email client & browser combination.  You can get there in a couple of 
click from the bit before the space, though...


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Re: unsubscribe me please

2017-06-26 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 26 June 2017 16:41:00 BST Andrey Shalaurov wrote:
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list

Hi, you have to do that yourself at the above https address...

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Re: Blank reports on OpenSuse??

2017-06-27 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 27 June 2017 02:08:25 BST Dan Rawson wrote:
> I built 2.6.16 locally; it works fine there.  I'll report it to the OpenSuse
> applications forum and see what turns up . . . .
> Dan

Hi Dan,

GC 2.6.16 from

works fine for me on SuSE Leap 42.2.  the installation repo version of GC was 
so out of date that I never installed that one, I went straight for the 
updated package in the OBS.


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Re: MS Money income category converted to expense account when imported t o Gnucash

2017-06-27 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 26 June 2017 20:03:09 BST Mike or Penny Novack wrote:
> On 6/26/2017 12:14 PM, wrote:
> > I have a checking account showing deposits from income categories in MS
> > Money.  I exported the account as .qif and imported it to GnuCash.  One
> > of the the income categories in MS Mpney was converted to an expense
> > account instead of an income account in GnuCash.
> > 
> > How do I convert this account to an income account?
> I am going to rewrite your question slightly (you will see why)
> question: I am new to gnucash and I have an account that has the wrong
> name or is in the wrong place in the CoA or is of the wrong type or
> ..
> answer: Select the account and use edit (edit account). Look at all the
> things you can change about the account.
> Michael D Novack

Hi pfwoolverton,

welcome to GnuCash & the list.

Just to expand on Mike's accurate answer a bit.  There has been a change in 
the latest version (2.6.16) of GnuCash that was recently brought to my 
attention that will mean that Mike's advice may not work for you.

In all prior versions, it was possible to change the account's "Type" as Mike 
describes, and that *is* what you need to do.  However, it is not possible in 
2.6.16; you can only set the account type at creation.

You have 2 ways forward.

1. downgrade to 2.6.15 and then do as Mike suggests (or wait for .17 and see 
if it is possbile to edit the account type - I don't know what the Devs have 
planned in that regard)

2. Create a new Account, with the correct type, then move the transactions 
from the old to the new.  I'm not sure if this will work or not with the 
change of "Type".  A quick way to move all the transactions from one account 
to another is to delete the original account from the tree - GC will then ask 
if you want to delete all the transactions in that account or move them to a 
different account.  Guess which you should choose!

Whichever of these methods you try, make a good backup of your data file first, 
just in case!


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Re: A transaction report showing only charges

2017-05-26 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 26 May 2017 22:57:12 BST AC wrote:
> Is there a way to configure any of the available reports to show only
> charges or payments for a set of accounts?  For example I want to
> generate a report of all the charges made on my credit card while
> excluding the payments.  Using the transaction report I don't see a way
> to do this.


IIRC the transaction report options account selection tab has a Filter By... 

If your credit card only has payments from your bank account, then you can 
Filter by... Exclude transactions from... Bank


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Re: Handling religious organization 'earmarked' funds and in-kind contributions

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
Hi Anita.

why would you expect a change in the opening balance account?

At the start of the year, you have some money (say €100), which shows up in an 
asset account as you say, transferred from Equity:OpeningBalances.

You spend most of the money - so asset drops to €14, and expenses:whatever is 
up to €86

Your donor is happy to "unrestrict" the little bit of leftover, so asset goes 
to zero and Bank or Cash goes up by €14

Your opening balance was, is, and will always be €100. It is a fixed point in 
time - on April 1st (or whenever the year started) - not a running balance.


On Thursday, 25 May 2017 12:11:07 BST Anita Graves wrote:

> Now, the money has been spent, except for about Euro 14 which I have
> returned to the cash account.  The asset account for the balance forward
> was decreased to zero, and the expense accounts reflect the accurate
> transactions.
> Problem:  There was no corresponding reduction in the Equity:Opening
> Balances account.  Why?  Why not?  How can I fix that??  I don’t know how
> to carry forward balances from one file to the next (i.e., from one year to
> the next.  I opened a new file for a new year by exporting the account tree
> and started with 0 balances in every account.

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Re: Handling religious organization 'earmarked' funds and in-kind contributions

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
Hi Anita,

sorry if I missed your point.

It is quite a few years since I started a new year with an empty file, but 
IIRC, the only way to carry account balances forward is to manually create the 
transactions to Equity:Opening Balances in the new, blank file.

So all your asset & liability accounts (well, the ones carrying forward any 
balance)would have an transaction to Equity:Opening Balances at the start of 
the year - but you have to create them yourself.  Normally, the income and 
expense accounts wouldn't carry a balance.

 suggest an account summary report from the close of the last year's books 
would help here!

Thinking about it, instead of Equity:OpeningBalances you could use an account 
called something like Equity:BalancesForward if it makes it clearer!


On Thursday, 25 May 2017 12:35:26 BST Anita Graves wrote:
> Yes, Maf.  If you read my latest message, I think I got that.  But, as I
> explained, I didn’t know how to carry forward balances in the asset
> accounts when I opened the new file.  I just exported the account tree and
> that was all….
> Anita
> > On 25 May 2017, at 2:32 PM, Maf. King <> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Anita.
> > 
> > why would you expect a change in the opening balance account?
> > 
> > At the start of the year, you have some money (say €100), which shows up
> > in an asset account as you say, transferred from Equity:OpeningBalances.
> > 
> > You spend most of the money - so asset drops to €14, and expenses:whatever
> > is up to €86
> > 
> > Your donor is happy to "unrestrict" the little bit of leftover, so asset
> > goes to zero and Bank or Cash goes up by €14
> > 
> > Your opening balance was, is, and will always be €100. It is a fixed point
> > in time - on April 1st (or whenever the year started) - not a running
> > balance.
> > 
> > HTH,
> > Maf.
> > 
> > On Thursday, 25 May 2017 12:11:07 BST Anita Graves wrote:
> >> Now, the money has been spent, except for about Euro 14 which I have
> >> returned to the cash account.  The asset account for the balance forward
> >> was decreased to zero, and the expense accounts reflect the accurate
> >> transactions.
> >> 
> >> Problem:  There was no corresponding reduction in the Equity:Opening
> >> Balances account.  Why?  Why not?  How can I fix that??  I don’t know how
> >> to carry forward balances from one file to the next (i.e., from one year
> >> to
> >> the next.  I opened a new file for a new year by exporting the account
> >> tree
> >> and started with 0 balances in every account.

Maf. King
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Re: Some GNU questions

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
Hi Martjin,

Welcome to the list.  answers in turn throughout the post.

On Thursday, 25 May 2017 14:45:29 BST Martijn Heuts wrote:
>  Good morning,
> I am working with GNU cash for several months now and have some questions:
> 1. When I create a new invoice for a client, and type in a product and
> price, it will be remembered by GNU Cash which is an awesome feature.The
> question is: Can I create a report on how many times I used that product
> and what the total revenue is of that particular product? 

Not that I know about.  There has recently been a couple of new reports sent 
to the list that might help, though.  Look in the archives for the last 2 or 3 
months for things from Doug (or Cindy) Doughty that might give you the 
flexibility you are looking for.  I haven't tried it yet though.

> 2. When exactly
> am I suppose to use the 'reconcile' button and what happens when I do so?

Reconcile is normally only used when you are sent a statement from your bank / 
credit card company.  That way you can compare your list of transactions with 
theirs and spot errors, duplicates or missing transactions.  If you just 
import your transactions, reconciling is of fairly limited use.  IIRC, the 
process is fairly well described in the Docs.

> 3. When I try to print a report, if the description of the product was too
> long, it won't print out correctly (page is cut off) is there a way to fix
> that? 

Possibly export the report to HTML, then view and print from a web browser.

> 4. Is there an easier way to go to my custom invoice settings:Right
> now I pull up the invoice and look at the invoice numberThen I go to
> 'reports' and 'saved reports configurations'Then I load my
> configurationTHEN I have to click on the 'Options' button and enter my
> invoice number to pull up the invoice configuration I want. There must be
> an easier way to pull up my custom invoice, I hope?

I think that advice in the past has been o leave the customized invoice tab 
open, and then just options -> select the relevant invoice number.  But I'm 
not sure if that answers your question (or is a useful answer)


> Thanks so much for all the help I really appreciate it.Have a great rest of
> the day! Martijn

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Re: How to close a financial year & how to keep 'earmarked' funds

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 25 May 2017 16:05:27 BST Anita Graves wrote:

> I would very much like to know how these funds should be entered in the
> accounts.  You take money from the asset accounts (checking or cash) and
> put it in special ‘earmarked’ expense subaccounts, then draw the funds
> toward zero as they are spent, and the balances go forward from year to
> year, if that is the case.

Hi Anita,

I would record the earmarked contributions carried forward as Asset accounts, 
not expense accounts.

IIRC, you have one bank account, but you have "imaginary" bank accounts to 
restrict the funds within that bank account

I would have 
and so on.

In the chart of accoutns, you will be able to see the overall bank balance, 
and each register will show you how much is earmarked for repairs etc.

When you reconcile, check the box to "include sub-acccounts"

Donations are Income:Donation:MoreBreakdownIfYouNeedIt -> Asset:Bank:Wherever

The only glitch is if you have a donor giving to 2 restricted funds at once - 
it won't be clear in the reconcile dialogue box; it will show as 2 
transactions that reconcile at the same time. (ie you tick one and the 2nd is 
ticked automatically)

As you spend the restrictions, then you transfer from Asset:Bank: to 

And I personally would not use new files year to year.  the reports can handle 
the periods just fine - and it can be useful to compare 2 periods side-by-side; 
you can't do that within GC if the data is split into different files.  

As ever, subject to local laws, customs & practices, which is beyond my ken. 
YMMV etc.


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Re: How to close a financial year & how to keep 'earmarked' funds

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
Copying to list...

On Thursday, 25 May 2017 16:33:39 BST you wrote:
> Maf thanks so much!!!  Helpful certainly.  But I don’t understand IIRC, YMMV
> and HTH.

Mostly internet abbreviations.
If I Recall Correctly
Your Mileage Might Vary
Hope That Helps

> How is it possible to keep the same file moving from one year to the next in
> the same file?  How can I turn over the accounts for one year only to an
> accountant?  How can you compare side by side if everything is in the same
> file?

My accountant doesn't want to see my GC file, he wants reports that give the 
profit & loss figures, balance sheet, account totals etc.  I do also do a full 
transaction report, but he doesn't do any data entry / editing, just the 
incorporating into the standard format for submission to the government.  Your 
auditing needs may of course be different. 

You can set the date range (or effective date for balance sheet / account 
summary etc) for pretty much any of the reports.  So you just run the report 
for say 2016 or may-august 2015 or whatever.  I find the transaction report to 
be surprisingly useful as a start point for many things.

There is also a multi-column report - which is a "container" for any other 
reports - so you can have say 3 balance sheets side-by-side, or run income 
year to date  subtotalled by month next to the same thing for last year, for 


> > On 25 May 2017, at 6:28 PM, Maf. King <> wrote:
> > 
> > On Thursday, 25 May 2017 16:05:27 BST Anita Graves wrote:
> >> I would very much like to know how these funds should be entered in the
> >> accounts.  You take money from the asset accounts (checking or cash) and
> >> put it in special ‘earmarked’ expense subaccounts, then draw the funds
> >> toward zero as they are spent, and the balances go forward from year to
> >> year, if that is the case.
> > 
> > Hi Anita,
> > 
> > I would record the earmarked contributions carried forward as Asset
> > accounts, not expense accounts.
> > 
> > IIRC, you have one bank account, but you have "imaginary" bank accounts to
> > restrict the funds within that bank account
> > 
> > I would have
> > Assets:Bank:Unrestricted
> > Assets:Bank:Restricted:National
> > Assets:Bank:Restricted:BuildingRepair
> > and so on.
> > 
> > In the chart of accoutns, you will be able to see the overall bank
> > balance,
> > and each register will show you how much is earmarked for repairs etc.
> > 
> > When you reconcile, check the box to "include sub-acccounts"
> > 
> > Donations are Income:Donation:MoreBreakdownIfYouNeedIt ->
> > Asset:Bank:Wherever
> > 
> > The only glitch is if you have a donor giving to 2 restricted funds at
> > once - it won't be clear in the reconcile dialogue box; it will show as 2
> > transactions that reconcile at the same time. (ie you tick one and the
> > 2nd is ticked automatically)
> > 
> > As you spend the restrictions, then you transfer from Asset:Bank: to
> > Expenses:
> > 
> > And I personally would not use new files year to year.  the reports can
> > handle the periods just fine - and it can be useful to compare 2 periods
> > side-by-side; you can't do that within GC if the data is split into
> > different files.
> > 
> > As ever, subject to local laws, customs & practices, which is beyond my
> > ken. YMMV etc.
> > 
> > HTH,
> > Maf.

Maf. King
PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7  2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542

Maf. King
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Re: Handling religious organization 'earmarked' funds and in-kind contributions

2017-05-25 Thread Maf. King
Hi Anita,

That sounds right to me - unless anyone knows of an automated way to do this 
in a more recent GC - last time I started a new year empty boo was probably 
still in the GC 2.2.x days, and there's been a lot of changes to GC since 


On Thursday, 25 May 2017 13:07:25 BST Anita Graves wrote:
> Maf, I have already created an account summary of the previous file, so have
> the balances forward to enter in the new one and don’t mind using the
> Equity:Opening Balances account, but I also have separate asset subaccounts
> under that for cash, bank account (current), etc.
> I will then manually enter the balances in these accounts in my new file.
> Is that right? Thanks for your help!


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Re: New PC

2017-06-07 Thread Maf. King
Hi Edwin,

Just copy the datafile.  See the FAQ section 3 about backing up if you are 
unsure of file locations etc.


On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 12:34:16 BST Edwin Humphreys wrote:
> I have GnuCash on an old PC, which I am now replacing. I can download
> GnuCash onto the new PC, but how do I transfer my old finance details? I
> have found nothing about this in your documentation or FAQs.
> Thank you,
> Dwin Tudor

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Re: New PC

2017-06-07 Thread Maf. King

You can find the file from within GC on the old PC (you haven't mentioned an 
- if there's no file extension are you on a linux distro?

File -> Save As will give you a pointer to the correct path to find your data 

In fact, while you are in File -> Save As... you might as well just save to a 
USB stick and save some clicking... 

Or if you have already copied your ~ to the new PC, just navigate to the same 
path on the new PC and see what is there.


On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 13:39:30 BST Edwin Humphreys wrote:
> Thanks for pointing me at that info. But I’m still confused. On the old PC,
> the release is 2.4.10 and I don’t see any file with an extension .gnucash.
> Maybe the file extensions are different in release 2.6.16.
> Any other thoughts?
> From: Christopher Lam []
> Sent: Wednesday 7 June 2017 13:02
> To: Edwin Humphreys <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: New PC
> ml#App-sett-loc
> On 7 June 2017 at 19:34, Edwin Humphreys <
> <> > wrote:
> I have GnuCash on an old PC, which I am now replacing. I can download
> GnuCash onto the new PC, but how do I transfer my old finance details? I
> have found nothing about this in your documentation or FAQs.
> Thank you,
> Dwin Tudor
> ___
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> <>
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Maf. King
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Re: Inability to correct GBP value for Euro priced shares

2017-06-08 Thread Maf. King
Hi Eric,

Are you sure you're getting the correct price for the shares?

There's a stock called AIR which is (presently) USD 34.64, and given the 
current $/£ rate makes 89 shares worth around £4k.

You may be after the stock AIR.PA, showing right now as €73.50

gnc-fq-dump yahoo_europe AIR.PA

Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
symbol: AIR.PA   <=== required
  date: 06/08/2017   <=== recommended
  currency: EUR  <=== required
  last: 73.50<=\   
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price: 73.50<=/
  timezone:  <=== optional


On Thursday, 8 June 2017 14:36:07 BST Eric Coates wrote:
> 8th June 2017
> I’m having trouble with getting a valuation (in pounds sterling –
> hereafter GBP – I am based in the UK) for a share I own that is priced
> in Euros.
> To bore you with the details my original account listing was of this form:
> Assets
>  >My Assets
>  >
>  >>My Portfolio
>  >>
>  >>>My Cash
>  >>>
>  >>>My Shares
>  >>>
>  >>>>Airbus Group
>  >>>>
>  >>>> Standard GBP denominated shares
> etc etc
> At this point everything except “Airbus Group” was denominated in GBPs,
> Airbus Group was denominated in Euros.
> I noticed the problem when I realised that value of the Airbus Group
> shares (in the column headed "Present(GBP)"was given as £3989 but the
> real value should be 89(the number of shares)*€73.07(the value of each
> share)*0.87(the Euro to GBP exchange rate) ie £5658. (All the numbers
> are rounded.)
> Using the information I found during various web searches (insofar as I
> understood it all) it seemed the problem might be that the account “My
> Shares” was denominated in GBP but “Airbus Group” is denominated in
> Euros. I modified the account structure to the following form:
> Assets
>  >My Assets
>  >
>  >>My Portfolio
>  >>
>  >>>My Cash
>  >>>
>  >>>>Cash Euros
>  >>>>
>  >>>>Cash Pounds
>  >>>
>  >>>My Eurex Shares
>  >>>
>  >>>>Airbus Group
>  >>>
>  >>>My LSE Shares
>  >>>
>  >>>> Standard GBP denominated shares
> etc etc
> With “Cash Euros”, “My Eurex Shares” and “Airbus Group” denominated in
> Euros, everything else is denominated in GBPs.
> I transferred some funds from “Cash Pounds” to “Cash Euros”; the
> original “Airbus Group” was deleted and a new account was reconstituted
> (there were very few entries) with the purchase made from “Cash Euros”.
> The result was that the GBP value of the Airbus shares was (still) shown
> as £3989.
> More web searches revealed nothing that I recognised as of relevance.
> The only thoughts that I have that may be significant are:
> (A) “Cash Euros” and “Airbus Group”, although denominated in Euros, are
> deep(ish) in a tree denominated in GBPs and, in particular, “Cash Euros”
> is a sub-account of “My Cash” which is denominated in GBPs. Does this
> somehow interfere with the correct accounting?
> (B) My broker pays Airbus dividends to me in GBPs and thus some of the
> transactions in the “Airbus Group” account reference the “Cash Pounds”
> account. If this is the problem: assuming the dividend I receive is
> £12.34 would it be possible to credit €12.34 to “Cash Euro” and transfer
> it to “Cash Pounds” at an exchange rate of 1:1 without screwing up
> something else?
> I suppose I could just live with the “error” but what is accounting
> without accuracy!
> A separate set of accounts for one share seems too much like overkill.
> Thanks in advance for any help or advice offered.
> Eric Coates
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> -
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Maf. King
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Re: Installment Payment Plans & Bills Due Reminder

2017-06-08 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 8 June 2017 17:06:50 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:

> Do loans/mortgages show a due reminder? I don’t see any documentation notes
> on that either. It seems odd they would not.


dunno about the loan druid - never used it as my mortgage is too complicated 
for GC to understand.  simpler just to SX a template txn and adjust as needed 
each month


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Re: New PC

2017-06-07 Thread Maf. King
Hi Edwin.

Suggest that you firstly don't try and copy a program from one PC to the other 
by dragging the Program folder around.  You should download & install GC from 
scratch on the new PC.  

As previously alluded, your GC data file(s) SHOULD not be in Program Files, but 
somewhere in your user data folders. ("Home Folders")   If you don't know 
where exactly you have saved you file, then (on the old PC, within GC which 
should open your accounts file up as it starts) use File -> Save As to start 
your hunt off in the correct direction.

Then you simply have to move the data file to the new PC. If it is in a folder 
you have already copied, then once you have correctly installed GC on the new 
PC, file->open should let you navigate to it. 

As to things looking different - are you changing a windows version? I can't 
say for sure, as I don't use windows, but maybe a change in underlying OS will 
make things generally look different?  


On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 14:13:08 BST you wrote:
> Thank you, Maf, but I am no wiser. I have copied all the files in Program
> Files (x86)/gnucash to the same location on the new PC. When opening
> GnuCash, there were a few 'cannot find entry point' messages but it did
> open. But what do I do then? My old details do not appear as they used to.
> I tried 'Open File' but I have no idea what file I am looking for.
> Help - Edwin
> -Original Message-
> From: Maf. King []
> Sent: Wednesday 7 June 2017 12:58
> To:
> Cc: Edwin Humphreys <>
> Subject: Re: New PC
> Hi Edwin,
> Just copy the datafile.  See the FAQ section 3 about backing up if you are
> unsure of file locations etc.
> HTH,
> Maf.
> On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 12:34:16 BST Edwin Humphreys wrote:
> > I have GnuCash on an old PC, which I am now replacing. I can download
> > GnuCash onto the new PC, but how do I transfer my old finance details?
> > I have found nothing about this in your documentation or FAQs.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > 
> > Dwin Tudor

Maf. King
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Re: Reconciling an account

2017-06-16 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 16 June 2017 16:04:02 BST EngineInstitute wrote:
> Adrien:
> Look at your bank register. It should be labeled Tot Deposit/Tot Withdraw.
> Response:
>  Checking account ledger tabs on the right are: Deposit/Withdraw not Tot
> Deposit or Tot Withdraw
>  Tabs in the credit card ledger on right are labeled:
> Payment/Charge/Balance without the Tot
>  Note: I checked the use formal account labels in the preference box which
> is off for both ledgers.
> I am trying to get the tabs to reflect yours so we are talking about the
> same thing. The bank register agrees (except for the Tot) but my credit card
> ledger is not similar. I have visited  Edit/Preference. The bank ledger
> follows you without the Tot but the cc does not.
> I did changed the credit card account to Account Type to: Credit Card. This
> resolved the posting errors. Thanks for that.

Hi ChinaBlue,

Hmm. seems that the differences in labels will have to remain a mystery,  my 
Bank Checking is Tot Deposit / Tot Withdrawal and the ccard is Tot Payment ./ 
Tot Charge.

However, I'm glad you got your posting errors sorted out in the end.


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Re: importing

2017-10-10 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 10 October 2017 14:30:41 BST Frankie Raney wrote:
> Did a search, that's how I know it went to lala land.  Can't remember ever
> having this happen before.

Hi Frankie,

Don't know much about importing, 'cos I've never done it, but trashing the 
data file is a worry!

AFAIK,when GC does a save (or autosave) it doesn't delete the data file - it 
renames the old one to [name].timestamp.gnucash, and then creates a new 
[name].gnucash  -  which I know doesn't help much...

are you on Windows?  Try looking for hidden files?  What was the full path to 
the folder the file disappeared from ?  Were you using the XML or SQLite file 
backend (or a full-on database)? 

- fully appreciate that as a new user, you may not know the answers to these, 
especially the last question!


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Re: Report - Items sold, quantity and value

2017-10-10 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 10 October 2017 14:59:08 BST Eduardo Estefano Neto wrote:
> Hi there everyone. Does anyone know how to extract a list of items sold? I
> would like to have a listing of items inside the invoices. Something like:
> Client | Invoice Nr | Item | Quantity | Value
> Thanks in advance
> Eduardo

Hi Eduardo,

That report layout doesn't sound familiar to me - I don't think Gnucash has a 
report that extracts that information.

Probably it would be possible to create one either in Scheme, but I can't help 
with any more detail than that.

good luck

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Re: Customized saved-reports file per gnucash file (i.e. per company)

2017-10-10 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 10 October 2017 16:20:28 BST Amish wrote:

> So I would like to know if there is way to have customized saved-reports
> file per gnucash file? Name and location of which can be stored in that
> gnucash file itself.
> So that I do not have to keep re-selecting accounts everytime and
> reports related to company A does not show when gnucash of company B is
> opened and vice versa.

Hi Amish.

Not that I know of.  I've dealt with this by calling the reports CompanyA-Foo 
and CompanyB-Foo

Although, I must say that I think the report saved accounts by name, not ID, 
so one report could be used as the basis for the second company, with only a 
little tweaking.


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Re: Account report error for transactions the last 30 days

2017-10-14 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 14 October 2017 13:56:05 BST David Carlson wrote:
>  I am surprised that GnuCash even allows the account report
> to be run in the search results window.
> David C

+1 if it really is G.I.G.O.

Following Tom's report earlier that it was working again, I ran more Finds and 
reports, and Garbage was generally the result, except in some very simple 
cases with 2 or 3 unsplit transactions.  

I have to say, I don't think it is a report workflow I've ever run - but I can 
see the point - how much have I spent with this other person - the transaction 
report will happily tell me how much I've spent on Groceries, but not so easy 
for how much have I spent at Tesco ( could be to Expenses:[Groceries, Gifts, 
Clothing] etc) 

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Re: Customized saved-reports file per gnucash file (i.e. per company)

2017-10-12 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 12 October 2017 10:01:10 BST Amish wrote:

> Then instead of calling "gnucash companyA.gnucash"
> I call "gccompany companyA"
> That way I dont have to maintain 2 Linux accounts and 2 different
> settings directory.
> Amish.

Sounds good to me.


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Re: gnucash and mysql: Incorrect datetime value for column 'post_date'

2017-10-16 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 16 October 2017 17:27:13 BST Fred Bone wrote:

> A date in 1898 (as reported) looks more like a data error.

I know the OP mentioned Linux - but isn't that date something to with a (fixed/
resolved) windows bug creating transactions from "before time existed"  Just 
rings a distant bell with me...

Maybe a grep of the xml file for something like the problem timestamp and 
the data manually?  A postdate won't be visible in the registers anywhere 

 Back up the data file first then back it up again...


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Re: Ordering Transactions on same date

2017-10-16 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 16 October 2017 16:18:49 BST baneeishaque wrote:
> Solved the problem in aneasier way...

OK. I'll bite.

What is the easier way?Others in the future might benefit from your method?

BTW, happy to hear that you found a solution.

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Re: Account report error for transactions the last 30 days

2017-10-13 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 12 October 2017 20:00:41 BST Tom B wrote:

> When performing a search to see how much I've spent with a particular vendor
> (i.e. gas station, grocer) the search results register opens showing all
> entries with the specific vendor and of course zero balance(s) in the
> search register. Now if I select "reports > account report" I would expect
> the report to show zero balances with totals for credits and debits.  This
> is not the case as I see a non-zero balance column in the report although
> the search results register shows zero balance.
> To further muddy the waters I have discovered this unexpected balance
> uniformly increasing up until around entries from mid-august and then the
> balance in the "search results account report" to steadily decrease? For
> gasoline or groceries i would expect the balance to uniformly increase with
> each entry. The report shows debits and credits in the correct columns and
> none with negative values.
> So my question(s) are 1. why would there be a account report balance other
> than zero when the search results registers shows zero and 2. why would the
> balance seemingly reverse arithmetically for only the past six weeks or so?
> All accounts are in balance (no imbalances shown for any account type) and
> account register reports all provide expected results.  It is only search
> results register acting strange.  By the way, this only occurs for entries
> dated after mid-august.
> Also, the OS is LinuxMint 18.2 with GnuCash ver 2.6.12.  Any help would be
> most appreciated.
> Tom
 Hi Tom.

I see exactly the same behaviour - Edit -> Find on the tree view, set 
Description to some vendor name (not a Business->Vendor object, just a given 
description, say Tesco).  Then on the resulting search results tab go Reports 
-> Account Report.  My Balance column swaps its "direction of change" several 
times, seemingly at random, so I don't think there is anything special about 
this August in your data.

Filtering down to just 4 recent transactions with my vendor, I see that the 
Sums of the Debits &  Credits columns do not sum to match the totals at the 
bottom of the report, so it is probably completely useless to run it!

my best guess is that the Search Results register view is not a proper account 
(despite the way it looks) and so, what you are seeing from the report is 
effectively Garbage In -> Garbage out.

Of course, I may be way off the mark here with my guess - hopefully if I am 
then a developer (or someone who knows the reports code well) will jump in...

and I can't think of another way to be able to find out how much has been spent 
with a single "Description" - although the transaction report does get close 
it won't subtotal by description.   Maybe the new reports from Doug Doughty 
(search the list aver about the last 6 months) will help you.


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Re: How to modify many transactions at once

2017-09-29 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 29 September 2017 04:01:11 BST Malcolm Fitzgerald wrote:
> I'm just starting out with gnucash and I've imported a large number of bank
> transaction records. I now have hundreds of imbalance notices that I'd like
> to correct.  Whoops.
> Many of my transactions are scheduled payments, so I can easily discover
> them with a find. Is there a way in which I can transform a batch of
> transactions? I'd like to locate the transactions then move all of them to
> an account. Is this possible? Can it be scripted?
> thanks,
> Malcolm

Hi Malcolm,

Welcome to GC and the mailing list.

there isn't a way to move a set of transactions all at once, with the 
exception of moving everything in one particular account. (try to delete an 
account and GC will offer to assign all the affected transaction splits to an 
alternative account) 

any scripting method would be unsupported by the Dev team, if it was even 

Your best bet might be to restore a backup file from before the import, run it 
again and do better matching as you go - or import in small chunks.  I don't 
import, but I understand that transaction mappings can be learned by GC.


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Re: New user questions

2017-09-29 Thread Maf. King
Hi Wesley,

Welcome to GC & the list.

On Friday, 29 September 2017 01:07:00 BST Wesley Vick wrote:
> Greeting
> have begin entering all my expenses since Jan 1 2017. I have finally
> finished entering all the expenses and entered the balance of my checking
> account. Here is my problem. All the receipts posted have already been
> paid. The balance of my checking account is what I have right now. After
> entering everything, I am showing a negative balance of $6,000.00. How can
> I fix the software to show the true balance and that is what is in the
> checking account. Can I go into Equity and maybe show starting balance of
> the negative $6,000 or do I need to go back to January and start entering
> all deposits that have been made? 

I'm a little confused here - you say you have entered everything, then you ask 
if you need to enter an opening balance and the deposits into your account.  
which is true?

When you started your GC records in January, you should have entered an 
"opening balance", (probably dated 31st Dec 2016) - there is a box for this as 
part of the account setup dialogue box.  You would find this "opening balance" 
number on a bank statement or other doc from your institution.  If you missed 
this step, no problem, go ahead and create one manually.  You want to use 
Equity:Opening Balances as the transfer account.

this step ensures that as of the first second of this year, GC and your bank 
agree with how much money you have in that account.

Record all your expenses and incomes for that account, and throughout the 
year, the GC balance should closely follow the totals on your bank statements. 

> I appreciate all the work you have done
> creating this software for there are more than 400 police officers that
> work for this firm part time and they are a ll interested in this software.

Great, I hope it helps them and they "get" the idea of open source software 
and are eventually able to help the community of us other users around the 
world in some way.

> All I need now is to find software to track my mileage for my vehicle. Is
> there a section in this software that I can submit a time sheet for the
> work completed that will show the hours worked, time in, time out, location
> of the security work performed as well as the mileage driven? 

I don't think so.  It is an accounting package, not a time-management tool.  
You may be able to track mileage using the stocks & commodities section, but 
I'm not sure if it would be a very good idea.  Speradsheets like LibreOffice 
Calc might be a better bet, or some project management packages.

You could also see if the Customer/Invoice section will work, but it may not 
produce results exactly like a "timesheet"

Good Luck,

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Re: Default terms

2017-09-30 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 30 September 2017 10:15:29 BST David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> Bob,
> I’m no expert, but the Guide at 14.5 says:
> "You can specify the billing terms on each invoice/bill. Invoice billing
> terms will default from the customer billing terms. Bill billing terms will
> default from the vendor billing terms.”
> It makes no statement about setting up default terms for customers, however.
> To me, that would imply that you had to set each customer up with terms
> yourself, unfortunately. That sounds like it would be a useful enhancement,
> though.
> I will let others, who use the business features expand on my answer.


Indeed, the "new customer" dialog (and, by extension I presume, but haven't 
actually checked, the Edit Customer box)  allows for a default terms setting.  
It is on the 2nd tab, "billing information"


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Re: Report Question

2017-10-02 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 2 October 2017 09:42:53 BST Joseph Hesse wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the latest version 2.6.17 of gnucash.  I just ran the report
> "Expense Over Time = Expense Barchart" with the maximum number of
> vertical bars selected. The report lists all my expense items including
> one called "Other". Since the amount of "Other" is high, I would like to
> get a breakdown of the expense items included under "Other".

Hi Joe,

I think the only way to do what you want is to run the report with some of the 
accounts de-selected.  

Effectively, the report is saying that you have more accounts than it has bars 
available.  so running the report again with the individual larger accounts 
off will allow GC to drill into the "other" summary.  I think.


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Re: New user questions

2017-09-29 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 29 September 2017 20:52:44 BST Stroller wrote:
> > On 29 Sep 2017, at 01:07, Wesley Vick  wrote:
> > 
> > Greeting
> > I am a 30 years veteran of Law Enforcement and I have been working part
> > time with a security firm. I own my own police car, uniforms, equipment,
> > etc. I have tried to produce my own records system until, I found your
> > software.

> I thought this sounded familiar.
> Previous thread:

Heh.  glad it wasn't just me who had deja vu with this one!  thanks for 
looking up the reference.

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Re: Help needed: 2.6.17 not building on 32-bit systems

2017-09-01 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 1 September 2017 16:33:02 BST Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Sep 2017, John Ralls wrote:
> > It worked for me just now.
> John,
>Must be something upstream from me. I've tried firefox-52.3.0esr and
> chromium-60.0.3112.78 on two different machines and both tell me I cannot
> access the gnucash wiki bug reports page.
>I can attach the small file to a message to the group if that's OK.

worked for me too try the direct link?


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Re: Tax Tables - an illustrated primer?

2017-09-04 Thread Maf. King
gt; invoices you have to pay).
> >> 
> >> > - multiple tax table entries are possible
> >> > - each tax table entry allows *multiple* account selection, each with
> >> 
> >> its
> >> 
> >> > own percentage/amount and tax account
> >> 
> >> I don't think this is exactly correct.
> >> One can define multiple tax tables. Each tax table can have multiple tax
> >> table
> >> entries. And each entry has *exactly one* tax account.
> >> 
> >> > So instead of delving deep into theory of taxes and how they apply,
> >> 
> >> could
> >> 
> >> > users please let me know illustrated examples of how they have set up
> >> 
> >> their
> >> 
> >> > tables in their jurisdiction, and example invoices/bills that apply?
> >> > I'm
> >> > especially keen on an example of an invoice/bill which has multiple
> >> > entries, each with its own tax table, and the tax table entry
> >> 
> >> incorporates
> >> 
> >> > multiple tax accounts. (If this makes any sense... because the software
> >> > supports it!)
> >> 
> >> Practical examples in Belgium:
> >> Depending on the type of good or service being sold we have different tax
> >> (VAT/GST) regimes.
> >> On 'luxury goods' (very broad term) we are required to charge 21% VAT
> >> On food only 6% VAT is charged
> >> 
> >> That requires me to define two tax tables:
> >> One for 21% VAT
> >> One for 6% VAT
> >> 
> >> So whenever I buy a 'luxury good', I select the 21% VAT tax table for
> >> that
> >> good on the bill. When I buy groceries, I select that 6% VAT tax table. I
> >> can
> >> also shop in a big shopping mall and buy both something considered luxury
> >> and
> >> some groceries. In that case some lines on the bill will be assigned the
> >> 21%
> >> VAT tax table and some the 6% one.
> >> 
> >> Note these are very simple tax tables. They both have only one entry
> >> setting
> >> the percentage and an account to collect the VAT. It makes it easier for
> >> my
> >> VAT declaration to track the diffent VAT percentages in separate accounts
> >> so I
> >> have accounts for 6% VAT and 21% VAT.
> >> 
> >> On to a more complicated example: Europe has some special legislation
> >> regarding sales across country borders. When I sell something to a German
> >> client (being in Belgium myself), I don't have to charge VAT on the
> >> invoice,
> >> but I do have to declare this VAT to the VAT office in two separate
> >> lines:
> >> - I have to count the VAT as 21% sales tax (adding it to all the VAT
> >> collected
> >> on invoices for Belgian customers)
> >> - I have to add it to a special entry that counts all the VAT I did not
> >> collect because it was an intra-European sale.
> >> 
> >> To collect these numbers I have created an additional tax table, this
> >> time
> >> with 2 entries:
> >> - the first entry is set up for 21% and the normal 21% VAT tax account
> >> - the second entry is set up for -21% and a separate account (intra-Euro
> >> tax).
> >> 
> >> So whenever I use this tax table two tax splits are created, one to
> >> declare
> >> the 21% VAT and one to neutralize it again accounting wise. When
> >> declaring my
> >> taxes I have to reverse the sign of the intra-Euro tax value but that's
> >> due to
> >> a mismatch in what gnucash generates as report and what the tax office
> >> expects
> >> as value.
> >> 
> >> There are other uses for tax tables with multiple entries. The most
> >> straight-
> >> forward is no doubt the concept of multi-layered taxes. Some
> >> jurisdictions
> >> require to charge different taxes on one invoice: federal, state, county,
> >> each
> >> with their own percentages. Each of these taxes would have its own tax
> >> table
> >> entry in the same tax table.
> >> 
> >> > This could be used to populate the documentation with examples to
> >> 
> >> follow.
> >> 
> >> Good plan :)
> >> 
> >> > Ultimately I'll be keen to create a periodic report which sums all
> >> 
> >> relevant
> >> 
> >> > data, such as for the Australian Tax Office which wants to know GSTs on
> >> > sales & purchases every quarter.
> >> 
> >> This is not unique to Australia. The Belgian tax office expects this as
> >> well.
> >> The exact form of report is what differs from country to country. Since a
> >> few
> >> years now the Belgian Tax Office requires the user to upload an xml sheet
> >> adhering to a certain DTD. Gnucash can't create this (yet).
> >> 
> >> Geert

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Re: Customized saved-reports file per gnucash file (i.e. per company)

2017-10-11 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 11 October 2017 14:35:51 BST Frankie Raney wrote:
> The cloud could be your own (hard drive or home cloud). I think you can
> install to a shareable drive(cloud) then create a short cut on each machine
> to it.  I think I have seen a way to share one of your desktops. I don't
> know for sure how to do it, but I do remember seeing an article on doing it.

Heh. I do keep my accounts files on a NFS share (indeed, lots of my ~ lives on 
my fileserver).  Never really thought of it as "the cloud".  That term has to 
me at least, always been the "cloud" shape in network diagrams at the other 
end of my connection to the internet - meaning the bit I know is there but 
isn't under my control.

However, discussing where the file(s) live doesn't really help with the OP's 
problem of needing to create several identical reports on several data files, 
which because the reports work on accountID not name, and the reports are not 
per-file but global is just plain cumbersome...

Amish - the only thing I think I can suggest at this point is that each 
company has it's own user login - at least that way the list of accounts is 
not cumbersome..  Or thinking about it, if on linux (may work on Win, probably 
not on Mac), you could create some shortcuts for each accounts file that sets 
up a custom environment  (i think you need to set GNC_DOT_DIR bit have a good 
google first) before launching GC so that each company has its own prefs file.  
probably more cumbersome than a really busy menu, and error-prone, though,,, 


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Re: Quantity total below create / view / edit invoice

2017-10-19 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 19 October 2017 10:35:53 BST Amish wrote:
> On Thursday 19 October 2017 01:00 PM, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > Op donderdag 19 oktober 2017 02:56:27 CEST schreef Amish:
> >> Hello
> >> 
> >> Recently in India GST was implemented.
> >> 
> >> The government requires to report sale / purchase quantity too in
> >> invoice.
> >> 
> >> When I create / view / edit invoice, I can see Invoice total and tax
> >> total in status bar.
> >> 
> >> Is it possible to add Quantity total too? Or is there any other way?
> > 
> > The only way I see is to create your own custom invoice report, which will
> > unfortunately require you to write some code in the guile/scheme language.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Geert
> I think you are mixing my query with a similar query posted earlier today.
> I am not talking about reports. But I am talking about "Invoice tab"
> that is opened when feeding data about Invoice.
> As we keep adding "Invoice items", the status bar shows "Total, Subtotal
> and tax total"
> I think it would be nice if "Quantity" total is also shown in status bar.
> This would require source code changes and not guile/scheme.
> Thanks and regards,
> Amish

Hi Amish,

Whilst I don't ignore the stupid rules that tax authorities around the world 
dream up, I don't understand how summing the quantities of line items on an 
invoice is in any way useful.

E.g. your customer buys 1 bulk box containing 10 widgets (line 1 - and costing 
less than 10 individual widgets) and 3 sprockets (line 2).  you list those on 
the invoice as quantities 1 and 3.  What use is the number 4?  your customer 
has 13 discrete items...

I completely can see that the line item quantity numbers should be shown on 
the invoice, and a government could mandate that. If they really do want a 
"total quantity" shown at the bottom of the invoice, then that would be the GC 
invoice template that needs a mod, not the register window?


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Re: gnucash and mysql: Incorrect datetime value for column 'post_date'

2017-10-17 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 17 October 2017 14:24:58 BST Joerg Diederich wrote:
> Hi Maf,
> just to inform you. Your assumption was totally correct. After fixing the
> date in the xml file I succeeded in importing the data into my mysql
> database. Many thanks to you and all others who friendly shared their
> thoughts concerning my issue. I'm still wondering a little how I could
> encounter a Windows bug in my pure Linux installation.

I could be wrong about it being a windows-only bug!  But glad that it got you 
going on the correct path to a fix.


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Re: How to rename a budget?

2017-10-23 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 23 October 2017 19:57:23 BST gbguy wrote:
> Still no response on this question.  Any comments?

Hi - I saw a reply - looking in my archives, I see this:

On Thursday, 12 October 2017 08:27:16 BST Gour wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Oct 2017 13:24:31 -0700 (MST)
> gbguy  wrote:

> Is there any way to rename a budget so that when you
> "Actions->Budget->Open Budget" you see a new name for the budget?
> I've tried "Actions->Rename Page" but that does not change the name
> of the budget.  Google nor my searching of this forum yielded any
> help.

Budget-options --> Budget Name field?


any help?


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Re: Could not obtain the lock

2017-11-22 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 04:19:21 GMT wrote:

> It has to be on my desktop?? OK, i'll try that ... tomorrow ... and report
> back.
> Moira

No it doesn't have to be on your desktop, but for testing purposes it is a 
handy place that we know exists!


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Re: Backspace, delete keys stopped working in gnucash

2017-11-29 Thread Maf. King
Hi Mike,

someone reported this a week or so ago - have a look here and the reply from 
John Ralls.

Good Luck!

On Wednesday, 29 November 2017 13:24:00 GMT Mike Kobler wrote:
> Hi,
> First off, many thanks to the developers of this awesome software, I've
> been using it for almost 2 decades!
> My issue is that within the last ~week, the backspace and delete keys
> stopped working in GnuCash.  I've not seen the same problem in any other
> application (I'm running gnucash 2.6.12, via the MATE flavor of Ubuntu
> 16.04).
> Some of the things I've attempted to figure out/solve (none have worked).
> 1. Restarting gnucash/reboot computer
> 2. Start a new file gnucash file
> 3. Deleted ~/.gnucash before starting gnucash
> 4. Monitored the keyboard events via 'evtest'.  It can see correct key
> presses, but they still aren't making it to/being recognized by gnucash
> I'm not even exactly sure this is a gnucash problem, but wasn't sure where
> else to start.
> I'm really at a loss to why this is happening, so _any_ suggestions would
> be greatly appreciated!
> mike
> ___
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Re: bank entries

2017-11-27 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 27 November 2017 02:33:50 GMT Christine via gnucash-user wrote:
> Reading the literature I just get
> confused as I am used to DR and CR.
> Christine

Hi Christine,

if you are used to the terminology of DR and CR to describe the sides of a 
transaction, then perhaps you would be helped by enabling "use formal 
accounting labels" in the preferences of GC.  This will put Debit & Credit as 
the column headings in the account registers, rather than the more descriptive 
(but variable) headings such as "withdrawal" etc.

Edit Menu -> Preferences -> Accounts Tab.


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Re: Gnucash & macOS High Sierra.

2017-12-14 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 14 December 2017 10:48:25 GMT Pam Dooner wrote:
> Now, how do unsubscribe from the list
> without losing permanent access, just in case I need help in the future?
> Regards
> *Pam Dooner*

> ___

Hi Pam.

go to the list management page as shown above (and probably below, too!)

there are options there about how you receive the list emails.


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Re: Gnucash & macOS High Sierra.

2017-12-13 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 13 December 2017 11:39:10 GMT Pam Dooner wrote:
> yes, definitely 2.6.18. Just tried again and this time managed to get a
> pop-up saying "An error occurred while processing 0.99"
> I am trying to change all my decimal points to commas to coincide with the
> euro locale that I have to use now it seems. In the older versions, there
> was no issue with commas and points. I have UK accounts and european
> accounts so ought to be able to use both but this version (and the previous
> one) seem to cause the error if I try to use a decimal point. So I'll have
> to try to edit the file elsewhere and re-import it. I had hoped there might
> have been a way of globally changing all previous entries with a decimal
> point to commas. In the actual accounts, it has changed them all to commas
> but not in scheduled transactions!
> Pam

Hi Pam,

I believe that any version of GC would cause you grief in the situation you 

I think I read on this list that the template transaction amounts in a 
scheduled transaction are stored as alphanumeric strings, so if there is a 
comma or decimal point in those, they really are those physical characters.

whereas, the numbers in the registers are stored as numbers, so the comma/
decimal point isn't stored as a physical character, software effectively puts 
it  in automatically to make the numbers meaningful to a human as it displays 

I know it doesn't help your pain, but I thought it might offer some context. 


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Re: Error Connecting with MySql

2017-11-11 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 10 November 2017 10:26:10 GMT Mubasher Usman wrote:
> Hi,
> Gnucash ver 2.6.18 windows.
> MySQL 5.7.20 latest one just downloaded today.
> i am trying to save my accounts (by save as) into mysql database with root
> user having full permissions. But I always get the eror and upon searching
> the error in tace files I found the following.
> * 14:57:36  CRIT  g_utf8_to_utf16: assertion 'str != NULL' failed
> * 14:57:45  CRIT  [mysql_error_fn()] DBI error: 1292:
> Incorrect datetime value: '1970010100' for column 'timespec_val' at row
> 1


somehow, one of your transactions has a bogus date in it of 1st Jan 1970.  
Seems that MySQL doesn't like this date!

guess you'll have to manually modify the XML data file by searching for that 
date and changing the year to something more likely.

Turn compression off (if it is enabled) save as a new XML data file. Shut GC 
down.  Take good backups of the new file, (then take another backup!) then open 
the file with some simple text editor and search for the string "1970010100"   
Modify all the found strings and save back out.  Then test in GC and finally 
try the save as SQL


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Re: API Key

2017-11-10 Thread Maf. King
Hi Les,

have a read of the FAQ - there is a recently added bit about adding the API 


On Friday, 10 November 2017 16:07:52 GMT Les wrote:
> I just obtained an API key from AlphaVantage, but I do not have a clue
> as to how to add the key to my LInux Mint or Mac OS systems.
> Could someone please walk me through the process?
> Thanks,
> Les
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> -
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Maf. King
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Re: API Key

2017-11-10 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 10 November 2017 17:02:21 GMT Dale Alspach wrote:
> On linuxmint 18.2 (likely most linux distributions) the prefix /usr listed
> in wiki is not correct. It should be empty, i.e., /etc/gnucash/environment
> is the file.
> Dale

Also true on OpenSuSE leap 42.3


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Re: Error Connecting with MySql

2017-11-13 Thread Maf. King
Hi Mubasher,

did you also see the reply from John Ralls a couple of hours after I posted? 

He knows much more about GC than I do, and his reply suggested an alternative 
route for you.

sorry for the distraction,

On Monday, 13 November 2017 13:25:16 GMT you wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for Reply, However the Method You suggested to search "1970" in
> the xml file was not successful. As I did not found any such value. Please
> see my attached .gnucash file.
> I did exactly as you said. Even I created a new file with empty records but
> just default accounts. I am using the current month as starting financial
> period. however I was not able to save the accounts data in my sql. I
> checked the data base and there is infact gnucash database present with
> empty data but just table structures.
> Still getting the following error in trace file.
> * 18:17:16  CRIT  [mysql_error_fn()] DBI error: 1292:
> Incorrect datetime value: '1970010100' for column 'timespec_val' at row
> 1
> * 18:17:16  CRIT  [conn_execute_nonselect_statement()]
> Error executing SQL INSERT INTO
> slots(obj_guid,name,slot_type,int64_val,string_val,double_val,timespec_val,g
> uid_val,numeric_val_num,numeric_val_denom,gdate_val)
> VALUES('a45d5c866dc46a8f1a7cf3fc69409530','options',9,0,NULL,0,'19700101000
> 000','294bb3c78ecd0a60512614788b61f92c',0,1,NULL) * 18:17:16  CRIT
>  [gnc_sql_do_db_operation()] SQL error: INSERT INTO
> slots(obj_guid,name,slot_type,int64_val,string_val,double_val,timespec_val,g
> uid_val,numeric_val_num,numeric_val_denom,gdate_val)
> VALUES('a45d5c866dc46a8f1a7cf3fc69409530','options',9,0,NULL,0,'19700101000
> 000','294bb3c78ecd0a60512614788b61f92c',0,1,NULL) * 18:17:16  CRIT
>  save_slot: assertion 'pSlot_info->is_ok' failed
> * 18:17:16  CRIT  gnc_dbi_transaction_rollback: assertion
> 'sql_savepoint > 0' failed
> What can I do now?
> *Best Regards,*
> *Mubasher Usman*
> *Software Engineer (J2EE)*
> ​*NovaPex Tech. & *​
> *T​​TR-Group ​DE​*
> Tel:  +92 311 1379796 | Skype: mubasherusman
> <>
> <>
> *​*
> *Disclaimer:* This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
> and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the
> sender. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are
> prohibited from reading, printing, duplicating, disseminating or otherwise
> using this information. Please note that any views or opinions presented in
> this email are solely those of the author. Recipient should check this
> email and any attachments for the presence of viruses.
> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 6:45 PM, Maf. King <> wrote:
> > On Friday, 10 November 2017 10:26:10 GMT Mubasher Usman wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > Gnucash ver 2.6.18 windows.
> > > MySQL 5.7.20 latest one just downloaded today.
> > > 
> > > i am trying to save my accounts (by save as) into mysql database with
> > 
> > root
> > 
> > > user having full permissions. But I always get the eror and upon
> > 
> > searching
> > 
> > > the error in tace files I found the following.
> > > 
> > > * 14:57:36  CRIT  g_utf8_to_utf16: assertion 'str != NULL' failed
> > > * 14:57:45  CRIT  [mysql_error_fn()] DBI error: 1292:
> > > Incorrect datetime value: '1970010100' for column 'timespec_val' at
> > 
> > row
> > 
> > > 1
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > somehow, one of your transactions has a bogus date in it of 1st Jan 1970.
> > Seems that MySQL doesn't like this date!
> > 
> > guess you'll have to manually modify the XML data file by searching for
> > that
> > date and changing the year to something more likely.
> > 
> > Turn compression off (if it is enabled) save as a new XML data file. Shut
> > GC
> > down.  Take good backups of the new file, (then take another backup!) then
> > open
> > the file with some simple text editor and search for the string
> > "1970010100"
> > Modify all the found strings and save back out.  Then test in GC and
> > finally
> > try the save as SQL
> > 
> > HTH,
> > Maf.

Maf. King
PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7  2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542

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Re: Two different sets of accounts

2017-11-20 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 20 November 2017 01:33:11 GMT adamandeve club wrote:
> Hello, experts,
> I am Treasurer of two clubs. I have used Gnucash for both, but up to now I
> have had two different Macintosh computers, one for each club.
 Now I have
> traded my old computers for one fancy new MacBook Pro. My two sets of
> accounts are currently held on a USB stick for each. But even with the
> newest version of Gnucash (2.6.18-Intel) only the first set of accounts
> opens, the one that was initially opened on the new computer. No matter
> which account of the other set I double-click on, with Gnucash closed, the
> other set of accounts is opened. How can I keep both sets of accounts
> separately – and they cannot be put together, being totally different clubs
> with different financial dealings – using Gnucash? Thank you,
> John Nightingale,
> Secretary/Treasurer,
> Adam and Eve Social Club Inc

Hi John,

Sounds like you've found a limitation of GC on the MAC.  For some complicated, 
technical reason, no matter which GC data file you click on to open on a Mac, 
GC always starts with the last file that was running.

You need to File ->  Open to get the correct file.


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Re: Could not obtain the lock

2017-11-20 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 20 November 2017 01:13:50 GMT Moira wrote:
> Hi, I am getting this same message, but I cannot locate an .LCK or .LNK file
> in the relevant folder.
> I moved my files from an old laptop to a new one, by simply copying them and
> then installing the program on the new computer. I opened GnuCash after
> transferring the files with no problem.  Since then, however, I get this
> "could not obtain the lock" message, and if I click on "Open Anyway" it
> will not exit cleanly, it asks me to save the file as a new file.  Which I
> have declined to do because i don't know if that will mess things up.
> I read this thread and looked for the lock files to delete, don't see them.
> I tried "Open Anyway" followed immediately by Quit, and that didn't help.
> help!?


Check if you have copied the file and made it read-only (or put it in a read-
only directory).  MAybe your username is different or something?


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Re: Could not obtain the lock

2017-11-20 Thread Maf. King
Hi Moira,

What about the folder that the GC data file is in - is that read-only?  can you 
create a file in that folder using some other program, say notepad or word?

Don't know how windows manages username permissions - I know that some files 
can only be touched by an administrator.  You didn't specify windows in your 
OP, it would certainly be possible on linux that the new user ID would not 
have permissions to the files of an old ID...


On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 02:49:30 GMT you wrote:
> No, the files are not "Read-Only".
> My username for Windows??? Yes, it is different on the new computer. Does
> that matter?

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Re: Transaction Report with weekly balance

2017-11-19 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 19 November 2017 07:20:47 GMT Billsy wrote:
> I currently use Quicken Personal, and use a budget report, which lists
> weekly transactions, and a running balance of my cash account at the end of
> each week - that way I know exactly how much I have in the bank at the end
> of each week.
> When I generate a transaction report with GnuCash, the transactions are
> listed and totalled for each week, but I don't have a weekly cash position
> indicated, so although I know the total of all weekly deductions, I can't
> see a running weekly balance of my cash account.
> Am I missing something in the report options?

Hi Billsy,

welcome to the list & GC.  I don't think there is any option on the 
transaction report to show a running account balance.  Given all the filter and 
sort options of that report, it would probably be non-sensical more of the 
time anyway.  

You may have to either combine reports to get what you need, or just look at 
the register for the weekly balance

The account report will give a running total, but not the weekly subtotal. The 
asset barchart can subtotal weekly (hint:turn the option "show table" on) but 
won't show transaction detail.   Maybe you could setup a multi-column report 
to show what you need on one page?


Maf. King
PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7  2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542

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Re: Transaction Report with weekly balance

2017-11-19 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 19 November 2017 11:53:42 GMT Christopher Lam wrote:
> Hi Billsy,
> Welcome to Gnucash mailing list.
> Perhaps you can tick Display/Running Balance and it'll show both the
> transactional amount (+$3500, -$1500 etc) as well as the immediate bank
> balance (i.e. 7809+3500 and 7809+3500-1500 etc).

Hi Christoper.

I tried that option while looking for the "running balance on a subtotal".  I 
got some weird results when there were several transactions on the same day. 
But I didn't investigate very far to try to get a good idea of what was going 
on - maybe just something odd  about how I've got my current account, etc. 

So I didn't suggest it to the OP as it wasn't what he was after, anyway!


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Re: Transaction Report with weekly balance

2017-11-19 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 19 November 2017 21:36:34 GMT Billsy wrote:

> To my way of thinking (which admittedly, ain't too bright at times), the
> running balance would quickly alert one to the financial 'state of play' at
> the end of any given week.

TBH, I look at the account registers (and the summary tree page) to see 
account balances and how I expect them to change over the forthcoming week.

YMMV, of course!


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Re: Update stock quotes not working

2017-11-15 Thread Maf. King
Hi Peter,

Earlier this month, Yahoo switched off their price info API.  This has caused 
problems for many users.   Try yahoo_json or alphavantage as your quote 
sources.  (you need a key from alphavantage - see the Gnucash FAQ for more 
info about this  -


On Tuesday, 14 November 2017 16:03:47 GMT Peter Gröbner wrote:
>Iam new to Gnucash and got some trouble updating my stock quotes. First
>some informations:
>- OS: Ubuntu 16.04.03 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
>- Gnucash 2.6.12
>I have tried a lot of things so far but I never get back any values
>when trying to get the current stock prices. What Ive done so far:
>1.) Checked my Finance::Quote installation by using gnc-fq-update (see
>email attachement)
>2.) Checked all available quote sources by using gnc-fq-check (see
>email attachement)
>3.) Tried a lot of different sources and some different stocks (but
>mainly Amazon, like descirbed in the online help). With some quote
>sources i receive "No results found for stock xy" and with other I get
>"This stock quote cannot be used by gnucash!!" (see email attachement).
>Here are some examples of what I did:
> - gnc-fq-dump yahoo AMZN
> - gnc-fq-dump yahoo_europe AMZN
> - gnc-fq-dump unionfunds AMZN<-- German quote source
> - gnc-fq-dump unionfunds AMZ.F<-- Traded in Frankfurt
> - gnc-fq-dump unionfunds 906866 <-- Type: German WKN
>And  all this with a lot more sources and types
>Can anyone tell me what Iam doing wrong? I have read a lot of forum
>discussions but I could not fix the problem.
>Thanks in advance!

Maf. King
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Re: finance-quote error

2017-11-03 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 3 November 2017 16:08:39 GMT DGPickett via gnucash-user wrote:
> Yahoo sells advertising and provides quotes to their user community that
> reads their ads.  We must be missing some interface bit to say what our
> yahoo email is.  Someone in the development chain should investigate this at
> Yahoo.  Maybe they will relent until they can support such an id.


it seems to me from reading around a bit, Yahoo! have completely disabled a 
part of their service - even bits of the Yahoo! website that use the affected 
API have been reportedly broken by this.  Left hand & right hand at Yahoo!, 
don't seem to know what each other is doing

I know it doesn't seem this way when the program suddenly stops working, but 
this is also fundamentally not a GC problem - in the sense that when a user 
clicks to get a quote, an external tool is used, called Finance::Quote, which 
grabs data from somewhere on the web (Yahoo isn't the only place that F::Q can 
look, although it was a very good place), processes it and feeds it back to 
GC.  F::Q is used by many more projects than just GC.

The fix (if there is one) needs to be in the PERL Finance::Quote module, not GC 
itself.  Of course, all the users of GC (who seek external price info from 
Yahoo!) are affected by this, me included.  But there are others, too, who 
don't use GC that do use F::Q, who are just as affected.

The issue has been reported on the F::Q  list/forum, so the relevant 
developers are in the loop.

What would be really nice of Yahoo! to do is give out some (any!) info about 
the use-case they have taken exception to, which has led to this sudden 
decision to cause many, many people some considerable frustration.

All told, I'm getting the service from Yahoo! that I paid for. :-(  

I think, as Geert said earlier, once the dust has settled, IMHO, Erik & the 
F::Q team will outline a plan eventually.  In the meantime, as unfortunate as 
it is, we are where we are, and a bit of level-headed patience is called for.


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Re: F::Q 1.40 uploaded

2017-11-05 Thread Maf. King
On Sunday, 5 November 2017 19:44:54 GMT Erik Colson wrote:

> I hope someone will come up with one or more sites offering those info
> so I can work on that part too.  However, my freetime is sparse and I
> already took some time I should have put on real world work.  So more
> coding might take more time to happen...
> best
> --
> erik colson

Eric, on behalf of us all let me say *thank*you* for the speedy fix and your 
time on this.


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Re: Price retrieval

2017-11-06 Thread Maf. King

look at the list archives for the last few days.  Yahoo! removed their online 
quotes service.

No idea about your error message though.  perhaps a bad download?


On Monday, 6 November 2017 16:54:33 GMT Alan Schold wrote:
> I usually update prices on the weekend, but this past weekend suddenly
> the process would not happen. I attempted ro reinstall the perl from the
> GnuCash section of Windows 10 and got an error message. Attached is the
> screenshot of the installation process. Any ideas?

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Re: GL Accounts

2017-12-08 Thread Maf. King
Hi Caleb, 

welcome to the list.  Answers inline...

On Thursday, 7 December 2017 17:56:18 GMT Caleb Walker wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to use GNUCash like I use Sage 100 understanding it is not as
> full featured as Sage but might be ok with another business I am starting. 
> What I would like to do is make payments to something other than AP or
> receive invoices to something other than AR.  Is that possible? 

Yes.  if a transaction isn't a AP purchase, why would you shoe-horn it into 
AP?  EG. you buy something with cash. the transaction is Assets:CashOnHand -> 
Expenses:Whatever, which you can record perfectly easily in GC.  

> One
> example, I made a payment to my landlord and part of it was a deposit which
> I would like to go into an asset account and the other part is rent which
> would go into an expense account. How do I do that with this software? 

You'd need a "split transaction", so £100 from Assets:Bank can be split to any 
other number of accounts - eg £30 to assets:landordDeposit, and £20 to 
Sales:tax and £50 to expenses:rent

> Another example, I received cash into the account that I would like to tie
> into an equity account to show owners startup capital.  How do I easily get
> the money over there?  Thank you for your help

Assets:Bank <- Equity:OwnerCapital:CalebWalker would be one way.

I suggest you give an hour or two to the tutorial & concepts guide at some 
point which will cover these questions in more depth. See

Good luck with your new venture.

> Caleb
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> -
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Maf. King
PGP Key fingerprint = 8D68 A91F 733B 2C1F 43B7  2B7C E591 E8E1 0DE7 C542

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Re: GL Accounts

2017-12-08 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 8 December 2017 14:52:04 GMT you wrote:
> Thank you Mr. King for your response.  My question is not about accounting
> principles but more so how do I do that in GC.  When I go to “Process
> Payment” the only thing available to “Post To” is “Assets:Accounts
> Receivable”.  I cannot put anything else in there nor can I put multiple
> accounts in there.  Also in the “Transfer Account” section I can only
> choose one account.  However, in processing a payment it should normally
> debit a cash account but having the freedom to debit or credit any account
> would be useful.
> Then I went to create an invoice and in the "Invoice Entries” section I can
> only select and Income Account in the “Income Account” column.  I tried to
> type in an equity account like “Equity:Opening Balances:Caleb Startup
> Capital” and the program said that the account did not exist.
> I have followed these same examples in A/P as well to no avail.  Is there a
> config file I need to edit to allow me to get out of this “jail” where the
> program is forcing me to shoe-horn my processes?  I also cannot find a way
> to do a “split transaction” yet.  I am still looking though.

Hi Caleb,

GC _started_ long ago without any particular special treatment for accrual 
accounting, primarily for personal accounting.  One just directly entered all 
transactions in (say ) a bank account register and assigned transactions to 
the relevant "other" account(s).

   Then, around version 1.6 or 1.8, a module known as "business features" was 
added, which introduced the handling of A/P and A/R as special account types 
and permitted accrual accounting without having to fudge about.

So, if you are using accruals - you receive a bill and expect to pay it at 
some time later on - you _can_ create a vendor, enter the bill in the 
"business" features.  You are correct that at the point of entering a bill, 
you cannot assign the transactions to any account - income types are not 
valid, for example.  However, Vendor bills would usually be for an expense (or 
capital asset purchase) and asset & expense accounts are all valid 
destinations.  When you come to actually pay the bill, you go to the process 
payment, and select the bill.  At this point, the bill is tied to you A/P 
account and so half the transaction is known.  The other account you select 
can be any bank or cash account.

If, however, you are not using accruals, but paying directly for something in 
cash (let's say a business lunch out with a client), you don't touch vendor 
bills or process payment at all.  Just open your cash account (or credit card 
or checking etc. - however you actually paid), and directly enter the 
transaction with a transfer to Expenses:EntertainingClients

similarly with invoices.  If you haven't created an customer invoice in GC, 
there is nothing to process payment against.  Cash sales don't use accruals. 

  You didn't issue an invoice for your owner capital (at least, I assume you 
didn't.  More likely a share certificate after the fact).  Just open the bank 
account, and create a transaction transferring from Equity:OwnerCapital:Caleb 
- if that account doesn't exist, GC will offer to create it for you.

Split transactions: (if you are not using "view->auto-split ledger") right  
click on the area of the register where you are entering a transaction, and 
select "split transaction", or press the tool button marked "split"

in summary: if it isn't a "proper" accrual transaction, don't use the accruals 
subsystem!  Enter directly in the relevant Bank/Cash/Credit Card registers.


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Fwd: Re: GL Accounts

2017-12-08 Thread Maf. King
--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: GL Accounts
Date: Friday, 8 December 2017, 16:38:49 GMT
From: Maf. King <>
To: Caleb Walker <>

On Friday, 8 December 2017 14:52:04 GMT you wrote:
> Thank you Mr. King for your response.  My question is not about accounting
> principles but more so how do I do that in GC.  When I go to “Process
> Payment” the only thing available to “Post To” is “Assets:Accounts
> Receivable”.  I cannot put anything else in there nor can I put multiple
> accounts in there.  Also in the “Transfer Account” section I can only
> choose one account.  However, in processing a payment it should normally
> debit a cash account but having the freedom to debit or credit any account
> would be useful.
> Then I went to create an invoice and in the "Invoice Entries” section I can
> only select and Income Account in the “Income Account” column.  I tried to
> type in an equity account like “Equity:Opening Balances:Caleb Startup
> Capital” and the program said that the account did not exist.
> I have followed these same examples in A/P as well to no avail.  Is there a
> config file I need to edit to allow me to get out of this “jail” where the
> program is forcing me to shoe-horn my processes?  I also cannot find a way
> to do a “split transaction” yet.  I am still looking though.

Hi Caleb,

GC _started_ long ago without any particular special treatment for accrual 
accounting, primarily for personal accounting.  One just directly entered all 
transactions in (say ) a bank account register and assigned transactions to 
the relevant "other" account(s).

   Then, around version 1.6 or 1.8, a module known as "business features" was 
added, which introduced the handling of A/P and A/R as special account types 
and permitted accrual accounting without having to fudge about.

So, if you are using accruals - you receive a bill and expect to pay it at 
some time later on - you _can_ create a vendor, enter the bill in the 
"business" features.  You are correct that at the point of entering a bill, 
you cannot assign the transactions to any account - income types are not 
valid, for example.  However, Vendor bills would usually be for an expense (or 
capital asset purchase) and asset & expense accounts are all valid 
destinations.  When you come to actually pay the bill, you go to the process 
payment, and select the bill.  At this point, the bill is tied to you A/P 
account and so half the transaction is known.  The other account you select 
can be any bank or cash account.

If, however, you are not using accruals, but paying directly for something in 
cash (let's say a business lunch out with a client), you don't touch vendor 
bills or process payment at all.  Just open your cash account (or credit card 
or checking etc. - however you actually paid), and directly enter the 
transaction with a transfer to Expenses:EntertainingClients

similarly with invoices.  If you haven't created an customer invoice in GC, 
there is nothing to process payment against.  Cash sales don't use accruals. 

  You didn't issue an invoice for your owner capital (at least, I assume you 
didn't.  More likely a share certificate after the fact).  Just open the bank 
account, and create a transaction transferring from Equity:OwnerCapital:Caleb 
- if that account doesn't exist, GC will offer to create it for you.

Split transactions: (if you are not using "view->auto-split ledger") right  
click on the area of the register where you are entering a transaction, and 
select "split transaction", or press the tool button marked "split"

in summary: if it isn't a "proper" accrual transaction, don't use the accruals 
subsystem!  Enter directly in the relevant Bank/Cash/Credit Card registers.


Maf. King
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Re: gnucash file could not be found

2017-12-07 Thread Maf. King
Hi Mike,

Think you've hit a weird interaction of the Gnucash Program (well, some of 
it's underlying modules) and MacOS.

However you invoke Gnucash, it will *always* try to load the most recently 
used data file on a Mac.  Once you have cleared the "cant Find file" message, 
use the Gnucash File->Open and navigate to your network store and hence the GC 
data file you need.


On Thursday, 7 December 2017 15:34:00 GMT Mike_Turner wrote:
> My working gnucash file is kept on a networked HD. I was visiting my
> accountant and so copied the folder to my laptop. I opened the file to check
> I could see it. I later deleted the folder, no changes were made, but now
> when I try and open gnucash it is looking for the file on the laptop NOT
> the file on the HD. All the files are still there in their original format
> but the gnucash app is looking in the wrong place. Is there a way to
> redirect it to the correct location?
> I have tried opening the file from within gnucash and using the desktop
> file/open... facility but it always comes up with a message saying the
> laptop file could not be found.
> I haven't tried copying the files to the laptop again as I don't want to
> create any further problems.
> Working on a Mac OS10.13.1, Gnucash 2.6.18.
> Any help gratefully accepted. Currently all accounts are inaccessible.
> Mike

Maf. King
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Re: Invoice & Bill Posting Date Issues Across Multiple Periods

2017-12-09 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 9 December 2017 21:06:23 GMT Adrien Monteleone wrote:

> The same can easily happen for invoicing customers. If I generate an invoice
> in December to a customer for work done in October and November, I can’t
> realize the appropriate raevenue in each period. I can only choose one month
> or the other. (or more likely, December since that will be the posting date
> - which is entirely incorrect)

Hi Adrien,

without opening GC to see if this is correct, my impression is that if I 
create an invoice and have 2 line entries
15-Oct-2017  work done income:consulting £100
15-Nov-2017 other work done income:making £300

both on one invoice posted 3-Dec-2017, then the *income report* by month would 
show the correct items within the correct month totals.  Happy to be told that 
this is not the case, as I haven't explicitly tried it before posting.

Not withstanding that, my understanding is that under UK rules the document 
date is the relevant one for tax reporting - I always set my posting date to 
the document date.  And IIRC, an invoice should be raised within 2 weeks of 
the "sale" being made. Of course, other jurisdictions may work differently.


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Re: help finding my file

2017-10-20 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 20 October 2017 23:03:48 BST Lorrie E Clemens wrote:
> HimDerek,
> So I am missing a step here.
> I double click on  Gnucash 2-6-18 and I get the box with authors, copying,
> etc. I click on Gnucash and I get the tip of the day, then a box pops up in
> the left corner saying that the file/URI/ etc could not be found. I must be
> taking the wrong path.
> Lorrie
> Sent from my iPad


I don't use a Mac, so this is based on what I've read over the years on the 

You are on the right path, but not far enough along it.  

When the "can't find file" dialogue box appears, close it, then go File->Open 
and navigate to the folder with your data files in it.  look for 
.gnucash  not any of the backups with the string of digits, nor the 
.log or .LCK files.  ( is what you originally called the datafile) 


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Re: General Journal - history limit and search

2017-10-31 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 31 October 2017 16:39:28 GMT Roger Oliver wrote:
> I notice my general journal only goes back to the beginning of Octuber.
> Transactions from September don't show. A search by date doesn't find any
> transactions earlier than October either. Is there a setting I'm
> overlooking to include everything in the general journal?


ISTR that the GL defaults to showing the current month only.  View -> Filter 
By -> [Date] should get you going...


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Re: [GNC] help setting accounts to track contributions

2018-05-04 Thread Maf. King
On Friday, 4 May 2018 09:13:57 BST Gio Bacareza wrote:
> Hi,
> My partner and I are moving in together and we'd like to share expenses
> like groceries, rent, etc. So we'd like to track expenses as well as our
> appropriate contributions to make sure that we both are contributing
> equally to house expenses.
> How should I set up the contribution? Under what main account type should
> it be? Any recommendations?

I'd suggest a datafile for you and a separate one for the "joint accounts"

record contributions into the joint accounts as income  (possibly with sub 
accounts like Income:Contribution:Gio) and bill paid in the usual way as 
Expenses:Electricity  and so on.


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Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-14 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 14 May 2018 15:14:13 BST Dennis Powless wrote:
> PREFIX=/home/dennis/.local
> is this the same as:
> PREFIX=$HOME/.local

yes, almost certainly, if your username is "dennis"
> And this:
> /home/dennis/Applications/gnucash-3.1
> the same as
> ../gnucash-3.1

only if you are in the directory /home/dennis/Applications/SomeOtherFolder

(the ../ means "parent of this folder")


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Re: [GNC] Current windows iteration

2018-05-15 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 13:57:07 BST Gary Holtum wrote:
> Sure don't see a link to 2.6.21 at
> Can you be specific?
> Gary

Hi Gary,

on the left hand side of the main page, there is a box titled "Downloads"  and 
in that box, a link "Program".  Click that, then scroll down a bit.


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Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote

2018-06-06 Thread Maf. King

have you tried the list archives?  Try this thread (yes it is Win, but that 
isn't relevant)

or maybe this


On Wednesday, 6 June 2018 13:50:39 BST WasserLand wrote:
> I have a problem with getting quotes for my ASX portfolio in GnuCash. 
> Finance::Quote no longer works.
> I am running Ubuntu 16.04.
> Any help, please.
> Dave W
> On 04/06/18 13:07, WasserLand wrote:
> > I have just re-subscribed to the List.
> > 
> > I am sure this issue has been well aired so I apologise for the question:
> > 
> > Can no longer get quotes for my share portfolio. ASX.  It stopped some
> > many months ago.  Google has been of little help.
> > 
> > Is there a present, definative way to get my quotes going again?
> > 
> > Dave W
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Maf. King
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Re: [GNC] Gnucash won't open?

2018-06-14 Thread Maf. King
On Thursday, 14 June 2018 01:11:14 BST Gyle McCollam wrote:
> I tried opening gnucash, I have been using for over 2 years, and it tells me
> it can’t get a lock.  I select open anyway and it shows on the windows 10
> taskbar, show a preview when hovered over the icon, but will not open for
> use.  I tried shutting down the computer and restarting, but that didn’t
> help.  What is going on?

Have you used a twin-monitor set up in the past?  sounds like GC is opening OK 
but putting a window or dialogue box "off screen"

just a thought!

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Re: [GNC] Dock Icon on Mac

2018-06-13 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 13:54:25 BST Colin Law wrote:
> On 13 June 2018 at 13:39, Glen Byram (Gmail)  wrote:
> >  ...
> > 
> > The only other thing I have considered is that I open the App with a data
> > file active (my personal finances). Could it be something to do with the
> > location of that data file?
> What do you mean by open the App "with a data file".  On a Mac I believe
> you cannot open the app by double clicking a data file, if that is what you
> meant.
> Colin

I believe that click-datafile-to-open on a Mac works in the sense that GC 
starts up, but it fails to load the clicked file.  I.E. GC persists with the 
previously-opened file used in the last session, then you have to File->Open.  
But I don't have a Mac and have never used one, so I may be wrong.


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Re: [GNC] Payroll - How to generate a Paystub

2018-06-11 Thread Maf. King
On Monday, 11 June 2018 14:01:54 BST MichaelK wrote:
> What do you send your employee(s) along with their paycheck?  I have one
> employee and pay him twice a month.  Ordinarily, a paystub would accompany
> the paycheck and list Salary and Withholdings for the pay period along with
> Salary and Withholdings YTD.

> Has anyone come up with a solution for this?
> Thanks.

My solution is called LibreOffice. (Wink)

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Re: [GNC] Online quotes problem

2018-06-09 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 9 June 2018 10:22:19 BST Graham Balin wrote:
> Many thanks for the reply, but sadly none of this works.
> I tried adding an ".AX" stock as described below but that didn't work
> either.
> I'm afraid I don't understand the references to API for AlphaVantage -
> is that something I need to find out about?
> G

Hi Graham

OK, back in November Yahoo stopped providing price information.  There was a 
lot of traffic on the list around then and some rapid patches provided by 
various developers to keep the wheels turning.

There are a couple of alternatives you can use - there is a service called 
Alphavantage which is nearly the same as the old Yahoo service.  But you need 
to register with Alphavantage and get an " API key" (a sequence of 
Alphanumeric characters to authorise you on their service) which the Finance 
Quote PERL scripts need to be told, but then can handle getting price info 
from Alphavantage.  The Gnucash FAQ contains details and instructions about 

Another option - it has been reported on the list that Yahoo still have a way 
to get info - but you need to tell F::Q use "yahoo_json" in place of Yahoo.  I 
haven't tried it.  The list archives will have more info if you can search and 
find it!


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Re: [GNC] A/P: invoice not displayed and payment is displayed

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 21:44:13 BST Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 29 May 2018, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > If you posted a bill properly, it will be in the A/P register.
> Adrien,
>Yep. That's the expectation.
> > View the bill and make sure it shows as posting to A/P and double check
> > the posting date.
>See attachment, invoice.png
> > How are you ‘looking at the vendors bills?’
>By finding the vendor then clicking the 'Vendor's bills' button.
> > If by the Find window, that paid checkbox is read-only data. I doubt it
> > can even be checked (I can’t)
>I can, but it does nothing.
> > If by viewing a Vendor report, then both the bill and payment should show
> > up. (if they were both correctly entered)
>True. The attached, accounts-payable.png, shows the payment (as does the
> paid-invoice.png), but not the offsetting invoice itself. That's what I'm
> trying to resolve. I have several entries like this, where the payment is in
> the A/P register but not the invoice/bill that's been paid.
> Regards,
> Rich

Can you see that $310 in the Expenses:Administrative:Accounting account.  
that will point to where the invoice is posted.  I note from the register view 
of your current account that you have a sub-account in AP.


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Re: [GNC] A/P: invoice not displayed and payment is displayed

2018-05-30 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 30 May 2018 01:15:12 BST Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 29 May 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:
> >  Please suggest how I can move the bill transactions from that sub-account
> > 
> > to the main A/P account (prior to deleting the sub-account).
>Oh, wait! I need to change each invoice to reflect the correct account.

Good morning.

Yes, tedious unpost-repost is probably the thing to do.  

But if you delete a normal account which contains transactions, GC will ask 
you if you want to re-assign the txns to another account or delete them... 
Don't know if that will work for payables with posted entries, which are 
generally read-only... no ham in trying (on a backup)


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Re: [GNC] Windows 10 installation very slow opening or saving file

2018-05-30 Thread Maf. King
Hi Derick,

someone else reported crazy long save times on Win10 platforms earlier this 
month - don't recall if there was a solution found, but have a hunt through 
the archives for May and see if that thread offers any help.


On Wednesday, 30 May 2018 08:52:06 BST Derick Jordaan wrote:
> Hi
> I just installed 3.1-2 on a new Windows 10 machine with a SSD disk.  Data
> files were copied across  from a Windows 7 machine where I was using an
> older gnucash version (2.x, will need to boot that machine to check exactly
> which version was used).
> My issue is on the new machine my XML data files are incredible slow to
> open or save - I have now been waiting for 20 minutes and it is not yet
> done saving my data file (which is about 3 MB in size on disk).
> On the old machine these operations were quick (using a HDD), so I am not
> sure where to look on the Windows 10 installation.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Derick
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Maf. King
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Re: [GNC] Autofill with Open Date?

2018-06-07 Thread Maf. King
On Wednesday, 6 June 2018 16:25:15 BST Sensei Tim Rosanelli wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using Gnucash for my business and love it but I have one question.
> Most of my transaction are via credit card. That means that the invoice
> open date, line item date, post date, due date, and payment date are all
> the same. Gnucash autofills with todays date but I am usually entering
> invoices a few day later.  Gnucash requires me to enter each date
> individually which requires a huge amount of time.
> Is there any way to automatically enter the post date, due date, and
> payment? Or is there any way for these field to autofill with the open
> date instead of today's date? This would save me hours of work each month.

Hi Tim,

I only use the business features for items that really are Accounts Payable, 
where the bill will be paid some time after the date that is has been raised.

For items that my business buys directly - by card or cash - I don't bother 
with the whole create invoice - process payment and just use a credit card 
register for those transactions.


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Re: [GNC] Fwd: v3.1 error

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King

did you try what John ralls suggested on friday?


On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 17:00:35 BST Tom Orn wrote:
> Am I sending this to the right place?
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Tom Orn 
> Date: Fri, May 25, 2018 at 9:17 AM
> Subject: v3.1 error
> To:
> New member here, hope I am asking for HELP at the right place
> Yesterday, I tried several times to upgrade from 2.6 to v3.1 - Installs
> always went fine, but when I go to open GnuCash, I get the following:
> 'The procedure entry point inflateValidate could not be located in the
> dynamic link library zlib1.dll'
> Windows 7
> Please Advise,
> Tom
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Maf. King
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Re: [GNC] Printing a report splits line of text with page break

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 17:12:37 BST John Dablin via gnucash-user wrote:
> I've created a custom transaction report and I want to print it, but
> when I do the bottom line of text on pages after the first is split in
> two, with the bottom half of the characters appearing at the top of the
> next page. Exactly the same thing happens when I export the report as a
> PDF. I've taken a screenshot of part of the PDF to show what I mean, see
> I'm in the UK printing to A4 paper. A4 is specified in page setup, and
> it doesn't seem to make any difference whether I specify "format for any
> printer" or for my specific printer. I've looked for any options to set
> margins etc, but I haven't found any.
> I'm running Gnucash 2.6.17 on Kubuntu 17.10. However I've had this
> problem with several different versions over the years and ignored it,
> but now I need to give the report to somebody else so I would like to be
> able to fix it.
> Thanks in anticipation for any help.

Hi John,

I always export the report to HTML, then use firefox to print it.


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Re: [GNC] Delete a customer

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 17:18:47 BST Rich Shepard wrote:
>Cleaning up the A/R account. I sent an invoice to a client who said he
> wanted to hire me, but he refused to pay the invoice. Ergo, he is not a
> customer. I deleted the invoice I posted but cannot delete the customer
> record. The Guide does not seem to have this information.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rich


I don't believe you *can* delete a customer.  You may be able to edit all the 
details and re-use the data object.  YMMV,


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Re: [GNC] Reconciling credit card and A/P accounts

2018-05-29 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 16:03:47 BST Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 29 May 2018, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > It looks like you have created a credit card line as part of the invoice
> > entries.
> Geert,
>Yes (see attached screenshot). I have the liability account entered in
> the Expense Account cell. The A/P register has the posted transaction, as
> does the credit card liability account (both screenshots attached.)
>I do not see what I've done incorrectly here. Please point me in the
> right direction.
> Thanks,
> Rich


unless you are doing something esoteric (and I guess you are not!), the 
Expense cell on the vendor bill should point to an expense account - is this 
for some kind of annual card free?  I'd suggest Expenses:BankingFees:CardFees 
or similar.

I think that what you have actually recorded is moving a liability from one 
accoun to another, without  incurring it (or paying it off!)


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