Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Robert J. Hansen
Hash: SHA512

Oskar L. wrote:
> That's good news. Can it also create them? But there are probably
> still many using older versions. I know some who refuse to update
> from 6.5.8.


And yes, there are still people using the very old 6.5.8 codebase.
These people ought to be dragged out into the street and forcibly
introduced into the twenty-first century, but hey, that's just my opinion.

> Ok, so RSA isn't always significantly faster, as I thought it was. I
> had read somewhere that it was, (probably on this list) and my own
> testing with my 4GB backup files showed RSA to be notably faster.


When you're doing a signature, you're signing less than 1k of data with
RSA or DSA.  When you're encrypting a file, less than 1k of data is
being encrypted with RSA or Elgamal.

How does this test show any speed difference between the two?  The time
differential between RSA/DSA/Elgamal is statistical noise given the
much, much larger time spent reading the 4GB of data.

> - for signing DSA is faster, for verification RSA is faster, but
> there's not much of a difference.

I'd just keep the last clause.  "There's not much of a difference."

Timing of DSA versus RSA will depend heavily on everything from
processor load to disk I/O to the phase of the moon.  Generally
speaking, yes, the first two clauses are correct, but it's impossible to
say with specificity what will happen in your particular environment.

> - OpenPGP implementations must support DSA, but supporting RSA is
> optional, but both gpg and PGP support RSA, so there's not much of a
> differance.

Pretty much.

> - original DSA limited to 1024 bit keys and 160 bit hashes.


> - DSA signatures are smaller.


> - updated DSA, aka "DSA2", equal to RSA when it comes to the lenghts
> of keys and hashes.

Not really.  E.g., DSA2048 uses SHA256 as a hash algorithm.  But I can
use SHA512 with an RSA2048 key.  RSA keys offer the best selection of
hash algorithms, but this is mostly a canard.

> - Of PGP, only the newest version support DSA2 keys.

Newest versions, not version.  I think PGP 9.0 introduced DSA2, and
they're up to 9.5.

> - RSA has a hash firewall

Yes, but I am unconvinced that this is something an average user needs
to be concerned about.  (I'm concerned about it, but I freely admit to
being paranoid.)

> RSA still seems better to me, but not by as much as I previously
> thought.

What does this "better" mean?

Seriously.  You're arguing about whether Godzilla or Mechagodzilla is
more effective at flattening downtown Tokyo.  The answer doesn't matter.
 Whether it's Godzilla or Mechagodzilla, people are still going to run
for the hills.

Likewise, given the astronomical difficulty of attacking either RSA or
DSA, it's hard for me to say one is "better".  The instant an attacker
sees RSA or DSA, the attacker is going to give up trying to forge a
message by cryptanalytic means.

In a lot of ways, I think this is arguing over how many angels can dance
on the head of a pin.

> So they accepted RSA into the standard, while it was still restricted
> by patents, as long as it wasn't made the default?

You can have a perfectly OpenPGP-conformant application that treats RSA
messages as noise and silently discards them.

In RFC language, there are a few special keywords that are almost always

MUST: a conformant application is required to...
SHOULD: while not required for conformance, it is good if...
MAY: totally irrelevant to conformance, but worth considering...
NOT: invert the meaning of the preceding word.

DSA is a MUST algorithm, as are SHA-1 and 3DES.

RSA is a MAY algorithm.

> I took for granted that an open standard like OpenPGP would not have
> accepted any patented stuff into the standard

It didn't.  You can implement OpenPGP without paying anyone a dime in
patent royalties.

> If the IETF refused to make RSA the default, does that mean that the 
> people behind OpenPGP originally wanted it to be the default, but
> then had to change it to DSA?

The distinction between "the IETF" and "the people behind OpenPGP" is
not as big as you might think.

The IETF is fundamentally composed of a lot of people who are interested
in technology.  That's all.  Their working groups (WGs) are open to the
public.  Public participation on IETF mailing lists is heavily
encouraged.  I sit on the IETF OpenPGP mailing list just to track the
latest changes.

In Ye Olden Days, when Phil Z. was developing Classic PGP (PGP 2.6,
RFC1991), his attitude towards intellectual property was remarkably
cavalier.  It created an awful lot of problems for PGP 2.6, since
practically everything about it was patent-encumbered.  The patent
problems were one of the driving forces behind the development of a
next-generation PGP technology, which became OpenPGP (RFC2440).

- From the very earliest days of OpenPGP, there has been a strong
commitment to the total absence of patent-encumbered algorithms from MUSTs.

> I wou

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Oskar L.
Thanks again for all your answers, I'm really interested in this kind of

Robert J. Hansen wrote (regarding "DSA2" keys):
> The latest versions of PGP support them.

That's good news. Can it also create them? But there are probably still
many using older versions. I know some who refuse to update from 6.5.8.

David Shaw wrote:
> Now that DSA2 is here, there aren't really that many benefits to RSA
> (and I say this as someone with an RSA key).  In theory, DSA is better
> because it is required by OpenPGP: you won't be able to find any
> OpenPGP implementation that doesn't handle it.  This is not true of
> RSA (it's legal for a program to reject it just because it is RSA).
> In practice, that doesn't happen much because the "big two", PGP and
> GPG, both handle RSA.
> So DSA is the default because the OpenPGP standard requires it to be
> present, and does not require the same of RSA.  The reasons behind
> this were mainly legal stuff and not relevant any longer.

I wasn't aware of this, thanks for the info!

David Shaw wrote:
> This is actually not completely true.  DSA makes signatures faster
> than RSA.  RSA verifies signatures faster than DSA.  Since most
> signatures are verified more often than they are generated, this is
> generally stated as RSA being faster, but in OpenPGP usage, this is
> almost always irrelevant.  Unless you're issuing thousands of
> signatures a second, the time needed to read the files, and do the
> hashing is far more significant.

Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> If you are repeatedly encrypting and/or decrypting enormous files,
> then yes, this is potentially an issue.  Otherwise, there is no
> practical difference in speed you will notice.

Ok, so RSA isn't always significantly faster, as I thought it was. I had
read somewhere that it was, (probably on this list) and my own testing
with my 4GB backup files showed RSA to be notably faster.

David Shaw wrote:
> Same here.  DSA2 supports larger hashes.

So would it be fair to sum up the differences like this:
- for signing DSA is faster, for verification RSA is faster,
  but there's not much of a difference.
- OpenPGP implementations must support DSA, but supporting RSA
  is optional, but both gpg and PGP support RSA, so there's
  not much of a differance.
- original DSA limited to 1024 bit keys and 160 bit hashes.
- DSA signatures are smaller.
- updated DSA, aka "DSA2", equal to RSA when it comes to the
  lenghts of keys and hashes.
- Of PGP, only the newest version support DSA2 keys.
- RSA has a hash firewall

If there are no other significant differences that I have missed, since I
want a key larger that 1024 bits, it must be a DSA2 or RSA key. RSA gets a
minus for not being required by OpenPGP, but only a small one since it is
supported anyway. DSA2 gets minus points both for lack of support in older
versions of PGP, and for lack of a hash firewall. RSA still seems better
to me, but not by as much as I previously thought.

Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> The OpenPGP specification came out in the late nineties.  RSA did
> not enter the public domain until August of 2000.  The IETF
> refused--rightly so--to make a patented algorithm the default
> OpenPGP algorithm.

So they accepted RSA into the standard, while it was still restricted by
patents, as long as it wasn't made the default? I took for granted that an
open standard like OpenPGP would not have accepted any patented stuff into
the standard, and that RSA was added later, after the patents ran out. I'm
a bit sad to find out I was wrong, I was under the impression that OpenPGP
only allowed completely free and open algorithms.

If the IETF refused to make RSA the default, does that mean that the
people behind OpenPGP originally wanted it to be the default, but then had
to change it to DSA?

> Relying on the 'highly effective" Security via Obscurity model, huh?
> There's no guarantee that your key won't end up on a keyserver nor is
> there one
> that your "private" email address won't leak into the public,

I would not say that just because someone doesn't willingly make their
address available to spammers makes them a believer in security through
obscurity. Full disclosure is not a good strategy when it comes to
personal information like e-mail addresses, credit card numbers etc.

Saying that going through a little trouble to greatly decrease the risk of
something bad happening is not worth it because it won't make you 100%
secure makes no sense. That's like saying that you can't get 100%
protection from dying in a car crash, so therefore don't bother using a

For example, this list has a public archive with the posters e-mail
addresses, so spammers can easily get them. Having a separate account for
e-mail lists that deletes everything not coming from the lists is not much
trouble, but it makes it a lot harder for the spammers to get your
address, if it is not available anywhere on the web. Spammers also find
addresses by sending out mail to common names at d

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread David Shaw
On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 08:36:36PM +0300, Oskar L. wrote:
> Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> > 2. Why do you need an RSA keypair?  The overwhelming majority of users
> >are best served by sticking with the defaults--which, in this case,
> >means a DSA/Elgamal keypair.
> I prefer RSA keys because
> - DSA does not have a hash firewall.
> - They don't have a 1024 bit limit, like DSA has. I know "DSA2" can have
>   larger keys, but last I heard PGP can't use them.

I'm not sure if that is still true or not, but either way, if PGP
doesn't use them now, it will soon.  The new OpenPGP spec supports
large DSA (so-called "DSA2") keys.

> - The hash used is not limited to 160 bits, like it is with DSA.

Same here.  DSA2 supports larger hashes.

> - RSA is faster.

This is actually not completely true.  DSA makes signatures faster
than RSA.  RSA verifies signatures faster than DSA.  Since most
signatures are verified more often than they are generated, this is
generally stated as RSA being faster, but in OpenPGP usage, this is
almost always irrelevant.  Unless you're issuing thousands of
signatures a second, the time needed to read the files, and do the
hashing is far more significant.

> I can't understand why RSA isn't the default. The only argument defending
> DSA I've heard is that DSA creates smaller signatures. Is this really so
> important to people that they are willing to give up all the benefits of
> RSA for it?

Now that DSA2 is here, there aren't really that many benefits to RSA
(and I say this as someone with an RSA key).  In theory, DSA is better
because it is required by OpenPGP: you won't be able to find any
OpenPGP implementation that doesn't handle it.  This is not true of
RSA (it's legal for a program to reject it just because it is RSA).
In practice, that doesn't happen much because the "big two", PGP and
GPG, both handle RSA.

So DSA is the default because the OpenPGP standard requires it to be
present, and does not require the same of RSA.  The reasons behind
this were mainly legal stuff and not relevant any longer.

> What I find really strange is that
> the archives mention a sixth option, "(6) RSA (sign and encrypt)", but
> version 1.4.6 gives me:
> Please select what kind of key you want:
>(1) DSA and Elgamal (default)
>(2) DSA (sign only)
>(3) DSA (set your own capabilities)
>(5) RSA (sign only)
>(7) RSA (set your own capabilities)
> Why was the sixth option removed?

The feature wasn't removed.  Option 7 took its place.  RSA (sign and
encrypt) is the same thing as RSA (set your own capabilities) - just
turn on the sign and encrypt flags.

> By the way, is there a security or performance difference between a
> RSA (sign and encrypt) keypair with no subkeys, and a RSA (sign only)
> keypair with a RSA (encrypt only) subkey?

No performance difference.  There is a minor security difference
between one and two keys in that if your key is compromised, with one
key you've compromised both your signing and encrypting capabilitles.
With two keys, you've only compromised the one.

The usual example of this is the police demanding an encryption key
from you (which they can do in many places around the world).  If you
have a subkey for encryption, you could turn over that subkey without
affecting your primary key (and thus all the signatures you've
gathered and issued).  If you don't have a subkey for encryption, you
can be forced into turning over the one key, which compromises your
signing "key" as well.

> David Shaw wrote:
> > > Is there any way to manually set the time that will be used for the
> > > creation time? Or do I have to change the system time if I don't want to
> > > use the current time? I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and think 00:00:00
> > > looks much better than something like 01:42:57.
> >
> > As it happens, this will probably be possible in an upcoming version,
> > but for other reasons.
> Nice! I'm curious about what these reasons are.

Mainly the use of GPG inside anonymous remailers and similar proxies.
In cases like that you may want to randomize or force the internal
timestamps to hide the original values.

> James wrote:
> > - E-mail clients using PGP won't be able to automatically know
> > which key to use when e-mailing you - they'd have to setup
> > specific mappings.
> That's ok, since they would have the same problem if the address
> in my key differed from the one in their address book. Since
> not specifying an e-mail address doesn't seem to go against the
> OpenPGP specification, I think I won't specify one when I create
> my new key.

There is a whole lot of code in the world that really really expects
an email address in there.  You're free to do what you want, but don't
be surprised when something breaks.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Robert J. Hansen
Oskar L. wrote:
> - They don't have a 1024 bit limit, like DSA has. I know "DSA2" can
> have larger keys, but last I heard PGP can't use them.

The latest versions of PGP support them.

> - RSA is faster.

If you are repeatedly encrypting and/or decrypting enormous files, then
yes, this is potentially an issue.  Otherwise, there is no practical
difference in speed you will notice.

> I can't understand why RSA isn't the default.

The OpenPGP specification came out in the late nineties.  RSA did not
enter the public domain until August of 2000.  The IETF refused--rightly
so--to make a patented algorithm the default OpenPGP algorithm.

> The only argument defending DSA I've heard is that DSA creates
> smaller signatures. Is this really so important to people that they
> are willing to give up all the benefits of RSA for it?

This implicitly casts RSA as being somehow universally superior.  It's
not.  Nor is it inferior.  In a couple of very narrow fields, RSA is
superior.  In others, DSA is probably superior.  In yet others, Rabin
signatures are probably best.  (Me, I've wondered for years why OpenPGP
doesn't support Rabin; it's a beautifully elegant algorithm.  And then I
kick myself and say "duh, to keep the number of algorithms down, just
like with Lamport signatures and WHIRLPOOL!", and go on with my business.)

> Why was the sixth option removed?

Because it's a deprecated key style.  There's nothing inherently wrong
with it, but most authorities today recommend using separate signing and
encryption keys.

> By the way, is there a security or performance difference between a 
> RSA (sign and encrypt) keypair with no subkeys, and a RSA (sign only)
>  keypair with a RSA (encrypt only) subkey?

Only when it comes to recovering from a security-related incident.  If
the cops come by and force you to give the private part of a key used to
encrypt a message, fine, you can do so without yielding your signing key.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG & OpenSSH

2007-08-22 Thread Alex Mauer
Srihari Vijayaraghavan wrote:
> I now have an 'authentication' subkey created. I've even extracted the SSH
> compatible public key from the subkey using gpgkey2ssh (which I can propagate
> to .ssh/authorized_keys of the remote machines).
> I'm stuck on unable to understand how to integrate the secret key of the above
> authentication subkey with gpg-agent (or ssh-agent for that matter though
> gpg-agent is my preferred choice now :-)).

I am having this problem as well.  I created both an RSA and a DSA
subkey, as well as (for testing purposes) a new separate key (DSA).

I had expected them to show up in 'ssh-add -l' (I use gpg-agent with
ssh-agent support) ... but they don't.

It would be very helpful to know: why this doesn't happen, and how to
get it to work.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Janusz A. Urbanowicz
On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 03:34:50PM -0500, John Clizbe wrote:
> > Alex wrote:
> >> Yes, common sense. if you submit your key to a keyserver, there
> >> should be some way to distinguish your key from hundreds of
> >> other having the same short name, when searching for a key.
> > 
> > Sorry, I forgot to say that I don't use any keyservers. Only my
> > friends can get my private e-mail address and "private" public key.

> Relying on the 'highly effective" Security via Obscurity model, huh?
> There's no guarantee that your key won't end up on a keyserver nor is there 
> one
> that your "private" email address won't leak into the public,

There were people that submitted their whole keyrings to keyservers.

And yesterday I got spammed to address that I created for one-time use
for one person, and never gave publicly nor to anyone else.

PGP: 0x46399138
od zwracania uwagi na detale są lekarze, adwokaci, programiści i zegarmistrze
 -- Czerski

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread John W. Moore III
Hash: SHA512

John Clizbe wrote:

> There's no guarantee that your key won't end up on a keyserver nor is there 
> one
> that your "private" email address won't leak into the public,

All it takes is 1 inadvertent click of 'Refresh All Keys' or a "well
intentioned" sharing of the 'Gift' of a Signature. :(

Public Keys are like 'Secrets'; When _only_ You have/know it, it's
Secret.whenever it's shared it's...well, Public.

Timestamp: Wednesday 22 Aug 2007, 16:48  --400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8-svn4556: (MingW32)
Comment: Public Key at:
Comment: Gossamer Spider Web of Trust:
Comment: My Homepage:


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread John Clizbe
Oskar L. wrote:
> I can't understand why RSA isn't the default. The only argument defending
> DSA I've heard is that DSA creates smaller signatures. Is this really so
> important to people that they are willing to give up all the benefits of
> RSA for it?

"Business reasons" ever come up as a rationale? RSA was patent encumbered until
Sept. 2000. To include RSA, NAI would of had to have given RSADSI a license to
freely redistribute PGP - not exactly in their (NAI's) best interests.

Patent issues were still around when RFC 2440 was being drafted, hence RSA and
IDEA being deprecated.

Maybe reading some history of modern cryptography would help.

See this FAQ from circa 1999 (Dated but historically accurate):

> I understand, but surely an RSA keypair must be such a common thing
> that it could have it's own option? What I find really strange is that
> the archives mention a sixth option, "(6) RSA (sign and encrypt)", but
> version 1.4.6 gives me:
> Please select what kind of key you want:
>(1) DSA and Elgamal (default)
>(2) DSA (sign only)
>(3) DSA (set your own capabilities)
>(5) RSA (sign only)
>(7) RSA (set your own capabilities)
> Why was the sixth option removed?

Cause it's covered by 7? There are so many possible combination of key/subkey
capabilities that listing all of then would make the menu far too long.

> Alex wrote:
>> Yes, common sense. if you submit your key to a keyserver, there
>> should be some way to distinguish your key from hundreds of
>> other having the same short name, when searching for a key.
> Sorry, I forgot to say that I don't use any keyservers. Only my
> friends can get my private e-mail address and "private" public key.

Relying on the 'highly effective" Security via Obscurity model, huh?

There's no guarantee that your key won't end up on a keyserver nor is there one
that your "private" email address won't leak into the public,

John P. Clizbe  Inet:   John (a)
You can't spell fiasco without SCO. PGP/GPG KeyID: 0x608D2A10/0x18BB373A
"what's the key to success?"/ "two words: good decisions."
"what's the key to good decisions?" /  "one word: experience."
"how do i get experience?"  / "two words: bad decisions."

"Just how do the residents of Haiku, Hawai'i hold conversations?"

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Paul
On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 13:06:18 +0300 (EEST)
"Oskar L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> "Name must be at least 5 characters long"
> Why? There are probably many people who like to go only by their first
> name, and have a 3 or 4 character name.


gpg --gen-key --allow-freeform-uid

(from 'man gpg')

best regards


It isn't worth a nickle to two guys like you or me, 
but to a collector it is worth a fortune 

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Oskar L.
Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> 2. Why do you need an RSA keypair?  The overwhelming majority of users
>are best served by sticking with the defaults--which, in this case,
>means a DSA/Elgamal keypair.

I prefer RSA keys because

- DSA does not have a hash firewall.

- They don't have a 1024 bit limit, like DSA has. I know "DSA2" can have
  larger keys, but last I heard PGP can't use them.

- The hash used is not limited to 160 bits, like it is with DSA.

- RSA is faster.

I can't understand why RSA isn't the default. The only argument defending
DSA I've heard is that DSA creates smaller signatures. Is this really so
important to people that they are willing to give up all the benefits of
RSA for it?

David Shaw wrote:
> No real reason, except it would make the list of key types very
> long if every possible combination was listed (RSA primary/Elgamal
> subkey, DSA primary/RSA subkey, RSA primary/RSA subkey,
> DSA primary/Elgamal subkey).

I understand, but surely an RSA keypair must be such a common thing
that it could have it's own option? What I find really strange is that
the archives mention a sixth option, "(6) RSA (sign and encrypt)", but
version 1.4.6 gives me:

Please select what kind of key you want:
   (1) DSA and Elgamal (default)
   (2) DSA (sign only)
   (3) DSA (set your own capabilities)
   (5) RSA (sign only)
   (7) RSA (set your own capabilities)

Why was the sixth option removed?

By the way, is there a security or performance difference between a
RSA (sign and encrypt) keypair with no subkeys, and a RSA (sign only)
keypair with a RSA (encrypt only) subkey?

David Shaw wrote:
> > Is there any way to manually set the time that will be used for the
> > creation time? Or do I have to change the system time if I don't want to
> > use the current time? I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and think 00:00:00
> > looks much better than something like 01:42:57.
> As it happens, this will probably be possible in an upcoming version,
> but for other reasons.

Nice! I'm curious about what these reasons are.

Alex wrote:
> Yes, common sense. if you submit your key to a keyserver, there
> should be some way to distinguish your key from hundreds of
> other having the same short name, when searching for a key.

Sorry, I forgot to say that I don't use any keyservers. Only my
friends can get my private e-mail address and "private" public key.

James wrote:
> - E-mail clients using PGP won't be able to automatically know
> which key to use when e-mailing you - they'd have to setup
> specific mappings.

That's ok, since they would have the same problem if the address
in my key differed from the one in their address book. Since
not specifying an e-mail address doesn't seem to go against the
OpenPGP specification, I think I won't specify one when I create
my new key.

Todd wrote:
> ...the --allow-freeform-uid option will bypass all checks on
> the format of the user id.

I'll keep that in mind in case I'll ever need it.

Thanks everybody for your anwsers!

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: subpacket of type 20 has critical bit set

2007-08-22 Thread David Shaw
On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 08:40:25AM -0400, Kevin Coates wrote:
> Occasionally the console session will display "subpacket of type 20 has
> critical bit set" when verifying certain signatures. What exactly is
> this message telling me and is it of any concern to me or the key owner?

It means that the person who made that signature set a notation on it,
and marked that notation as "critical".  That means, essentially, "if
you don't understand this notation, you cannot understand this
signature".  Thus, that signature is not usable.

The only notations that GPG understands, and thus allows to be
critical without invalidating the signature are:


Note that the critical notation might be set on a key or data
signature.  That message can be from either.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread David Shaw
On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 01:06:18PM +0300, Oskar L. wrote:
> I'm about to generate a new keypair, and got a few questions.
> I have many e-mail addresses and change them frequently, and therefore I
> don't want to have one in my public key. (Also because I'm afraid of
> getting spam.) I think this would be easier than having to update a lot of
> user IDs. Are there any any drawbacks in not having an e-mail address in
> the public key? Are there any widely used applications that will expect
> one, and not work if none is found?

Yes.  Mail programs tend to fetch keys by email address (out of
necessity - that's usually all they know about the person being

> Why is there no way to generate a RSA keypair in one step, like when you
> create a DSA/Elgamal keypair? Why do I first have to create a signing key,
> and then in a separate step create an encryption key? This is annoying.

No real reason, except it would make the list of key types very long
if every possible combination was listed (RSA primary/Elgamal subkey,
DSA primary/RSA subkey, RSA primary/RSA subkey, DSA primary/Elgamal

> "Name must be at least 5 characters long"
> Why? There are probably many people who like to go only by their first
> name, and have a 3 or 4 character name.

It's not common, and keeping a 5 character name helps prevent errors
(mistyping).  If you really have a name that short, you can use the
--allow-freeform-uid to override the test.

> Is there any way to manually set the time that will be used for the
> creation time? Or do I have to change the system time if I don't want to
> use the current time? I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and think 00:00:00
> looks much better than something like 01:42:57.

As it happens, this will probably be possible in an upcoming version,
but for other reasons.  That said: I wouldn't bother - it changes
nothing about the key and is completely cosmetic.


Gnupg-users mailing list

subpacket of type 20 has critical bit set

2007-08-22 Thread Kevin Coates

Occasionally the console session will display "subpacket of type 20 has
critical bit set" when verifying certain signatures. What exactly is
this message telling me and is it of any concern to me or the key owner?

Thanks in advance.

Timestamp: Wed 22 August 2007, 08:34 AM --400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA

(see kludges for my pgp key)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Todd Zullinger
Oskar L. wrote:
> "Name must be at least 5 characters long"
> Why? There are probably many people who like to go only by their
> first name, and have a 3 or 4 character name.

It's generally considered useful to follow the typical format for a
user id (FirstName LastName <[EMAIL PROTECTED]).  You are free to
ignore this and the --allow-freeform-uid option will bypass all checks
on the format of the user id.

ToddOpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the
most important of all the lessons of history.
-- Aldous Huxley Collected Essays, 1959

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Janusz A. Urbanowicz
On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 01:06:18PM +0300, Oskar L. wrote:
> I'm about to generate a new keypair, and got a few questions.
> I have many e-mail addresses and change them frequently, and therefore I
> don't want to have one in my public key. (Also because I'm afraid of
> getting spam.) I think this would be easier than having to update a lot of
> user IDs. Are there any any drawbacks in not having an e-mail address in
> the public key? Are there any widely used applications that will expect
> one, and not work if none is found?

Yes, common sense. if you submit your key to a keyserver, there should
be some way to distinguish your key from hundreds of other having the
same short name, when searching for a key.

Sidenote: you are getting spammed anyway, it is better to invest in
filtering infrastructure (greylisting, spamassassin, bogofilter), than
play whack-a-mole with spammers, with you being the mole.
> Is there any way to manually set the time that will be used for the
> creation time? Or do I have to change the system time if I don't want to
> use the current time? I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and think 00:00:00
> looks much better than something like 01:42:57.

It looks unnatural and doctored.

PGP: 0x46399138
od zwracania uwagi na detale są lekarze, adwokaci, programiści i zegarmistrze
 -- Czerski

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG & OpenSSH

2007-08-22 Thread Srihari Vijayaraghavan
--- Werner Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 14:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> > 1. Is it possible to have only one key pair (public & secret pref. DSA)
> that
> > can be used for both GPG & OpenSSH? (as a sys admin of some interest in
> > cryptography, this is an important question)
> Yes.  However you want separate keys for separate tasks.  Fortunately
> OpenPGP provides just that: There is a primary key for certifying other
> keys (and subkeys) and subkeys for encryption, signing and
> authentication.  The authentication key may be used for SSH.

Thanks for the direction there.

I now have an 'authentication' subkey created. I've even extracted the SSH
compatible public key from the subkey using gpgkey2ssh (which I can propagate
to .ssh/authorized_keys of the remote machines).

I'm stuck on unable to understand how to integrate the secret key of the above
authentication subkey with gpg-agent (or ssh-agent for that matter though
gpg-agent is my preferred choice now :-)).

Just by observing things, I'd say I've two choices:
1. Extract the SSH compatible secret key from the authentication subkey
somehow; then use ssh-add to populate .gnupg/sshcontrol &
.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/.key files. Naturally, I don't know how to
extract an SSH compatible key from the subkey to feed it to ssh-add, so I can
make no progress here.
2. Or by "other means" populate .gnupg/sshcontrol &
.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/.key files. I've made no progress here
either for the lack of skill & knowledge.

I'd appreciate if a GnuPG expert can guide me with either one of the choices
above (or perhaps Smartcard's the only path suitable etc. as gpg-agent man
pages imply smartcard approach is capable of handling .gnupg/sshcontrol &
.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/.key files 'automatically').

I also couldn't work out how to extract the keygrip id of a subkey (using gpg2
--fingerprint  OR gpg2 --edit-key  etc.). I suspect the
keygrip of a subkey might be the same as the primary key it's associated with.

(If yes, then the next question is how to populate
.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/.key with the right content :-).)

Thank you.


PS: Indeed with gpg-agent I've struck a gold-mine ;-). Would be nice if I can
get the SSH integration using GPG subkey going somehow. I've some very useful
use for these ideas.


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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Robert J. Hansen
Oskar L. wrote:
> Are there any any drawbacks in not having an e-mail address in the 
> public key?

Not especially.

> Are there any widely used applications that will expect one, and not 
> work if none is found?

Not to my knowledge.

> Why is there no way to generate a RSA keypair in one step, like when you
> create a DSA/Elgamal keypair? Why do I first have to create a signing key,
> and then in a separate step create an encryption key? This is annoying.

1. Because the developers don't feel it's necessary, and nobody's yet
   submitted a patch.

2. Why do you need an RSA keypair?  The overwhelming majority of users
   are best served by sticking with the defaults--which, in this case,
   means a DSA/Elgamal keypair.

> "Name must be at least 5 characters long"
> Why? There are probably many people who like to go only by their first
> name, and have a 3 or 4 character name.'

1. Because the developers don't feel it's necessary, and nobody's yet
   submitted a patch.

2. RFC2440 is officially neutral about the content of a user ID packet,
   except that by convention it's an RFC822-style address.  Speaking for
   myself, I'm glad GnuPG enforces a minimum; it reduces the likelihood
   that some poorly-conformant implementation will have a psychotic
   break from reality when it sees a user ID packet with length 0.

   GnuPG's limit is, as near as I can tell, completely arbitrary.  That
   doesn't make it a bad choice.  If the spec gives no guidance (at
   least, none I can see in section 5.11), then any decision whatsoever
   is arbitrary.  Allow zero-length?  Arbitrary.  Allow only names of 17
   characters?  Arbitrary.  Require at least five-letter names?

   The ultimate metric is not whether the choice is perfect; it's
   whether the choice makes sense for the great majority of users.

> Is there any way to manually set the time that will be used for the
> creation time? Or do I have to change the system time if I don't want to
> use the current time? I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and think 00:00:00
> looks much better than something like 01:42:57.

There is not, and I recommend against changing your system time just to
get a 'perfect' key.

A key is a mathematical device which allows us to utilize trust
relationships over a widely dispersed network.  A perfect key is one
which best contributes to the confidence and trust of the network.

If I see that you've got a key date of 00:00:00, my first thought is
going to be that you've played hob with your system time and carefully
doctored your key.  That is not going to cause me to have trust in you
or your key.

Doctoring a key in this way is probably ultimately against your own

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread James Davis
Oskar L. wrote:

> I have many e-mail addresses and change them frequently, and therefore I
> don't want to have one in my public key. (Also because I'm afraid of
> getting spam.) I think this would be easier than having to update a lot of
> user IDs. Are there any any drawbacks in not having an e-mail address in
> the public key? Are there any widely used applications that will expect
> one, and not work if none is found?

- People may have problems searching for your key on a keyserver if you
don't have your e-mail address in there.

- E-mail clients using PGP won't be able to automatically know which key
to use when e-mailing you - they'd have to setup specific mappings.

> Why is there no way to generate a RSA keypair in one step, like when you
> create a DSA/Elgamal keypair? Why do I first have to create a signing key,
> and then in a separate step create an encryption key? This is annoying.

Looking at the archives of this very list, it's mainly historial.


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Gnupg-users mailing list

Questions about generating keys

2007-08-22 Thread Oskar L.
I'm about to generate a new keypair, and got a few questions.

I have many e-mail addresses and change them frequently, and therefore I
don't want to have one in my public key. (Also because I'm afraid of
getting spam.) I think this would be easier than having to update a lot of
user IDs. Are there any any drawbacks in not having an e-mail address in
the public key? Are there any widely used applications that will expect
one, and not work if none is found?

Why is there no way to generate a RSA keypair in one step, like when you
create a DSA/Elgamal keypair? Why do I first have to create a signing key,
and then in a separate step create an encryption key? This is annoying.

"Name must be at least 5 characters long"
Why? There are probably many people who like to go only by their first
name, and have a 3 or 4 character name.

Is there any way to manually set the time that will be used for the
creation time? Or do I have to change the system time if I don't want to
use the current time? I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and think 00:00:00
looks much better than something like 01:42:57.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg 2.0.2 and funopen/fopencookie on Solaris 8

2007-08-22 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 17:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

>   Are you saying that I should be able to compile
> gpg now? Where do I get the estream library?

It is part of gnupg 2.0.6 and used on any platform.

I don't know whether it will build.



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