
2008-09-21 Thread Laurent Jumet
Hello !

To set the preferences, this can help:

   ? Cipher-Algos:? Digest-Algos:? Compress-Algos:  ?
   ?  ?  ? Z0  Uncompressed ?
   ? S1  IDEA ? H1  MD5  ? Z1  ZIP  ?
   ? S2  3DES ? H2  SHA1 ? Z2  ZLIB ?
   ? S3  CAST5? H3  RIPEMD160? Z3  BZIP2?
   ? S4  BLOWFISH ?  ?  ?
   ?  ?  ?  ?
   ?  ?  ?  ?
   ? S7  AES  ?  ?  ?
   ? S8  AES192   ? H8  SHA256   ?  ?
   ? S9  AES256   ? H9  SHA384   ?  ?
   ? S10 TWOFISH  ? H10 SHA512   ?  ?
   ? S11 CAMELLIA128  ? H11 SHA224   ?  ?
   ? S12 CAMELLIA192  ?  ?  ?
   ? S13 CAMELLIA256  ?  ?  ?

Those are my settings in GPG.CONF:

default-preference-list S7 S1 S10 S3 S4 S2 S9 S8 H3 H8 H9 H10 H11 H2 H1 Z1 Z3 
Z2 Z0
personal-cipher-preferences S7 S1 S10 S3 S4 S2 S9 S8
personal-digest-preferences H3 H8 H9 H10 H11 H2 H1
personal-compress-preferences Z1 Z3 Z2 Z0

Laurent Jumet
  KeyID: 0xCFAF704C

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread Faramir
Hash: SHA256

Robert J. Hansen escribió:
> David Shaw wrote:
>> If someone wants to know how to set their preference list, they're not
>> trying for new and fun ways to violate the spec.

   Well, since I made the question, I must agree with that point of
view, since my concern was -being the receiving end- how to modify my
preferences without making my key unusable or at least, less-usable.

   However, it is true I should not give for granted I will always
receive messages using my preferences (and that is the reason why I
finally added the IDEA library to my GPG... just in case... but I don't
intend to use it). I almost forgot the cipher-algo command, since when I
saw it is a very good way to produce a message the recipient can't
decrypt... but well, without changing anything, there is always the
option somebody can send me a message using whirlpool...

   I am trying to say, while the cipher-algo thing was not what I was
asking for, it is not a bad thing to remember people, from time to time,
the sender can manage to send messages useless for the receiver...

> No, but they may be operating on the assumption their preference list
> matters.  (Which it very often doesn't; encrypting-to-self and another
> recipient means there's a 50/50 chance their preference list will be
> treated as a cap set.  It would appear this ought to be made clear in
> the docs.)

  What do you mean? I didn't understand the "cap set" concept, or at
least, the meaning of these words (I think probably is due my lack of

  Best Regards
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread David Shaw

On Sep 21, 2008, at 11:57 PM, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

David Shaw wrote:
If someone wants to know how to set their preference list, they're  

trying for new and fun ways to violate the spec.

No, but they may be operating on the assumption their preference list
matters.  (Which it very often doesn't; encrypting-to-self and another
recipient means there's a 50/50 chance their preference list will be
treated as a cap set.  It would appear this ought to be made clear in
the docs.)

I'd welcome docs that make it clear, but I question how easily it  
could be made "clear" in something pithy enough for a man page.  If  
you make it simple enough to fit in the man page, you will get scolded  
for not covering some obscure case with v2 keys or something.  If you  
make it complete, it's too big for an already large man page.

I'd be content with something that says "List algorithms in the order  
in which you'd like to see them used.  If you don't include 3DES, GPG  
will add it automatically at the end.  Note that there are many  
factors that go into choosing an algorithm, and so GPG may or may not  
follow your chosen order for a given message.  However, it will only  
ever choose an algorithm that is on the list of every recipient key.   
See also the INTEROPERABILITY section."

GnuPG's preference lists are arcane and counterintuitive, and the  

of a great deal of frustration.

If they are so horrible, suggest a different way to handle them.   
Better to fix it in code rather than document something you feel is  


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread Robert J. Hansen
David Shaw wrote:
> If someone wants to know how to set their preference list, they're not
> trying for new and fun ways to violate the spec.

No, but they may be operating on the assumption their preference list
matters.  (Which it very often doesn't; encrypting-to-self and another
recipient means there's a 50/50 chance their preference list will be
treated as a cap set.  It would appear this ought to be made clear in
the docs.)

GnuPG's preference lists are arcane and counterintuitive, and the source
of a great deal of frustration.  If it would help to get some
documentation written outlining precisely how it works and why, I would
be happy to stop the bikeshedding and actually write it up.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread David Shaw

On Sep 21, 2008, at 10:30 PM, Kevin Hilton wrote:

If you never want to see that algorithm used ever, leave it
off the list completely.

Not to beat a dead horse, but this statement isn't exactly true.  The
sender can force the use of a particular algorithm that is not on the
list.  I take objection to the use of the work "never".

Oh, for crying out loud.  The sender can do whatever the sender  
likes.  That's what is so nice about being the sender.  The sender can  
send unencrypted, but we don't mention that option.  The sender could  
also choose to encapsulate their message in a text-to-speech MP3, but  
we don't mention that option either.  Heck, there could be some bug in  
the sender's program that causes it to use the wrong algorithm, and  
again we don't mention that.

I'm not going to prefix every single statement I make with an "Except  
in the case where the sender is intentionally violating the spec and  
is ignoring all the warning messages telling them to knock it  
off"  We need to have some baseline of communication here, and  
avoid taking something that is really very simple and making it  
tragically complex.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread David Shaw

On Sep 21, 2008, at 10:52 PM, Kevin Hilton wrote:

I'm not here to create an argument, however the option(s)


is specifically addressed within the documentation.

I know. I wrote the part of the documentation that told people not to  
use them.

GPG is a very flexible program, and as such, it gives you tens of ways  
to do things wrong.  All of these method are off by default, and  
generally protected by strong warning messages that tell people when  
they're shooting themselves in the foot.  People frequently write in  
to this list needing help on some simple question.  My heart always  
sinks when I see some of the responses that take a simple question,  
and over-answer it in such a way as to guarantee that this poor person  
is going to be utterly baffled as to what is going on.

If someone wants to know how to set their preference list, they're not  
trying for new and fun ways to violate the spec.  Why even mention  
that it is possible to violate the spec?  How does it help the  
questioner to know that "if you use the flag that you're not supposed  
to use, and ignore the warnings telling you to not use it... hey, you  
can get GPG to do something illegal"?

To make this even more silly, you actually took the trouble to remove  
the part of my quote where I said WHY it was a bad idea.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread David Shaw

On Sep 21, 2008, at 7:34 PM, reynt0 wrote:

On Thu, 18 Sep 2008, David Shaw wrote:
. . .
1) Take the intersection of all recipients preference lists.  This  
rules out any algorithms that would be unusable by someone.
2) Elect a "decider".  The decider is the one person whose ordered  
list we will honor the rankings for.  If the user has specified a  
personal-*-prefs list, then the user is the decider.  If the user  
has not specified a list, then the last recipient key is used.
3) Walk the decider preference list from highest ranked to lowest  
ranked - as soon as we hit an algorithm that is part of the  
intersection from step #1, stop.

. . .

I'm a little confused, maybe because I'm not sure who all
"user" might refer to, or maybe :^) because my mind wants
to understand the system according to what my mind wants to
think would make sense to it.  I have thought the process was:

("S" is sender; "R1", "R2", are receiver(s); "M" is message)
S has basic ordered acceptance list as Ps; as does each R as
Pr1, Pr2, and so on.  S maybe has personal-*-prefs list as
Pps; each R maybe does, Ppr1, Ppr2, etc.  The cipher used
for M is chosen by:  1st find simple intersection of the
ciphers listed in all the various P, this gives an unordered
set.  2nd, from the ciphers in that intersection set, choose
whichever ranks highest in Pps, if there is a Pps; otherwise
choose whichever shows up first in Ps; and in any case
ignoring all the Ppr1, Ppr2, etc and any ordering in the
Pr1, Pr2, etc.

Is this wrong?

Partially.  You need to remember that the "sender" preferences are not  
relevant here.  OpenPGP has no concept of a sender.  All it knows are  
keys, and there is no particular requirement for a secret key to be  
involved when sending a message.  For example, who is the sender here?

 gpg -r receiver1 -r receiver2 --encrypt my-file.txt

Using your nomenclature, here's the algorithm:

1) Take the intersection of the various PrXes.  This gives an  
unordered set.
2) If there is a Pps, choose the highest ranked entry in Pps that also  
exists in the intersection
3) If there is no Pps, choose the highest ranked entry in Pr1 that  
also exists in the intersection

Note that Ps, and any PprXes are irrelevant and in fact are unknown or  
unknowable at the time of encryption.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread Kevin Hilton
I'm not here to create an argument, however the option(s)


is specifically addressed within the documentation.  All the scenarios
you are speaking about are extremely unrealistic, not documented in
the documentation, and would take extreme measures to fulfill.  I
except your statement that we need a basic level of communication,
however I think this basic level begins by discussing the possible
switches which are discussed and documented specifically within the
documentation.  I am very much a novice in answering question on this
mailing list, however I think your rant was unjustified and
inappropriate. I'm not making any claims or false statements or
presumptions other than those specifically discussed within the

Kevin Hilton

Gnupg-users mailing list

Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread Kevin Hilton
>  If you never want to see that algorithm used ever, leave it
>  off the list completely.

Not to beat a dead horse, but this statement isn't exactly true.  The
sender can force the use of a particular algorithm that is not on the
list.  I take objection to the use of the work "never".

Kevin Hilton

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread David Shaw

On Sep 21, 2008, at 8:27 PM, Faramir wrote:

David Shaw escribió:
This is not true.  GPG will never use a cipher that the recipient  

not prefer.  It may not use the recipient's #1 choice, but it will
always use something from the recipient's list.

 By the way... if I use setpref to set my encryption algorithms to
AES256 and AES128, does it mean people won't be able to use, let's  
3DES to send encrypted messages to, even if they are incapable of  

AES? I mean... if I forget to add some algo, would I be making my key
less compatible with other OpenPGP software?

No.  Every preference list has 3DES in it.  If you don't include it  
yourself, GPG adds it automatically to the end.

If you set your preferred algorithms to AES256 and AES128, you're  
really setting it to AES256, AES128, and 3DES.

 I ask this question because, while maybe I would rather receive
messages with some algorithms, that doesn't mean I don't want to use
other algorithms if the preferred ones are not available... I figure  
answer is "no, the sender still can use the algo's you forgot to add  
your preferences list", but I want to be sure before doing any  

No, that is not the case.  The sender cannot use any algorithm that  
you don't include in your preference list.  To do so would violate  
OpenPGP, and cause major interoperability problems as the sender  
doesn't know if you even have the algorithm in question.

The whole point of a preference list is that you list the algorithms  
in the order in which you prefer them.  If you prefer some algorithms  
more, put them earlier.  If you prefer some algorithms less, put them  
later.   If you never want to see that algorithm used ever, leave it  
off the list completely.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread Kevin Hilton
> By the way... if I use setpref to set my encryption algorithms to
> AES256 and AES128, does it mean people won't be able to use, let's say,
> 3DES to send encrypted messages to, even if they are incapable of using
> AES? I mean... if I forget to add some algo, would I be making my key
> less compatible with other OpenPGP software?

The prefs associated with your key, is advertising to the sender what
you would prefer.  However the capabilities to decode an encrypted
version is really determined by your gpg version and what ciphers it
was associated with.  Unless you force an algorithm -- with the
cipher-algo preference, if your personal-preference list and the
preferences associated with the public key (showpref or pref) have no
matches in common (this is not a union of the sets), then 3DES is
chosen by default.  I believe all gnupg version since inception have
had the capablities to decode 3DES encrypted messages as dictated by
the OpenPGP RFC specifications.  (I could be wrong on this very last
statement).  The use of personal-cipher-preferences rather than
cipher-algo is preferred, since it prevents the problem of sending an
encrypted communication that the recipient can not decode.  If there
is a null union of the personal-cipher-preferences and the key
preferences, then 3DES is chosen.

Kevin Hilton

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread Faramir
Hash: SHA256

David Shaw escribió:
> This is not true.  GPG will never use a cipher that the recipient does
> not prefer.  It may not use the recipient's #1 choice, but it will
> always use something from the recipient's list.

  By the way... if I use setpref to set my encryption algorithms to
AES256 and AES128, does it mean people won't be able to use, let's say,
3DES to send encrypted messages to, even if they are incapable of using
AES? I mean... if I forget to add some algo, would I be making my key
less compatible with other OpenPGP software?

  I ask this question because, while maybe I would rather receive
messages with some algorithms, that doesn't mean I don't want to use
other algorithms if the preferred ones are not available... I figure the
answer is "no, the sender still can use the algo's you forgot to add to
your preferences list", but I want to be sure before doing any change...

  Best Regards
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing preferences

2008-09-21 Thread reynt0

On Thu, 18 Sep 2008, David Shaw wrote:
 . . .
1) Take the intersection of all recipients preference lists.  This rules out 
any algorithms that would be unusable by someone.
2) Elect a "decider".  The decider is the one person whose ordered list we 
will honor the rankings for.  If the user has specified a personal-*-prefs 
list, then the user is the decider.  If the user has not specified a list, 
then the last recipient key is used.
3) Walk the decider preference list from highest ranked to lowest ranked - as 
soon as we hit an algorithm that is part of the intersection from step #1, 

 . . .

I'm a little confused, maybe because I'm not sure who all
"user" might refer to, or maybe :^) because my mind wants
to understand the system according to what my mind wants to
think would make sense to it.  I have thought the process was:

("S" is sender; "R1", "R2", are receiver(s); "M" is message)
S has basic ordered acceptance list as Ps; as does each R as
Pr1, Pr2, and so on.  S maybe has personal-*-prefs list as
Pps; each R maybe does, Ppr1, Ppr2, etc.  The cipher used
for M is chosen by:  1st find simple intersection of the
ciphers listed in all the various P, this gives an unordered
set.  2nd, from the ciphers in that intersection set, choose
whichever ranks highest in Pps, if there is a Pps; otherwise
choose whichever shows up first in Ps; and in any case
ignoring all the Ppr1, Ppr2, etc and any ordering in the
Pr1, Pr2, etc.

Is this wrong?

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: header field causing problem

2008-09-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks. I'll let the sender know.

By the way, he says it was using Thunberbird with Enigmail to create the 

--- On Sat, 9/20/08, David Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: David Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: header field causing problem
> To:
> Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 6:56 PM
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 02:24:01PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> > I got a message that gpg failed to decrypt. It looked
> something like this:
> > 
> > Charset: ISO-8859-1
> > 
> > Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
> > Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> > 
> > hQQOAx8Jy...
> It looks like the message was slightly corrupt. 
> Specifically, there
> is a blank line after the "Charset" header and
> before the "Version"
> header.  That's an invalid file - there is supposed to
> be only one
> blank line, and it comes right before the base64 data.
> I'm not sure what generated that message.  I know it
> claims to be GPG
> 1.4.9, but GPG doesn't use the Charset header, so at
> least that line
> must have come from elsewhere.
> David
> ___
> Gnupg-users mailing list


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