Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-19 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
Le 19/11/2014 à 12h17, Peter Lebbing a écrit :
 On 19/11/14 01:31, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 No.  Client-side, you get to inspect (fully) only your data, and you
 have to develop a statistical model of spam based on only your data.
 When Gmail filters, it inspects (fully) traffic to *millions* of users,
 and uses that to create a model no individual user can hope to match.

 I agree with several other important points you raise, but this one is not a 
 deal. I have a highly customized mail setup. My SpamAssassin downloads rules
 from the internet, but trains its Bayesian filter on only the e-mail I
 personally receive.

And you can even share within a F2F meshed system the bayesian-trained
rules. For example everybody could send her “friends” her set of rules,
including the one of her friends, dividing the “credibility” of rules
according number of hops they made (with a logarithmic progression).

You could even define more categories than just “looks-like spam (ads)”,
but also the same about insults/troll (comparing the number of
exclamation marks with the size of message or this kind of details can
be useful to gain a *lot* of time), shaming messages, menace messages
(so useful if each MUA in the world could automatically filter rape
menaces feminist activists receive, for instance, or for any other
particulary dangerous/rude activism), racism (“'nigger' = -10 000”, for
instance) , LGBTIA-phobia, fascism (“'(natural|objective) differences' =
-100”, “'not like us' = -100”, etc.), etc.

And all that could be shared in a point-to-point and F2F manner, so that
you’re sure activists of a certain struggle will have their common rules
really perfectionned against certain things, and you’ll be sure all that
will automatically adapt according people and their milieus, and
language/expression evolution (antisemitism, for instance, is not
expressed today the same way than yesterday).

Oh, and imagine that everything of that could be used not only in email,
but in common on every type of asynchronous communication. *Everywhere*.
Including blogs/comments, microblogging, mailing-lists (you could even
imagine the F2F rules sharing extend to mailing-lists themself so some
could contain “advisory rules” for clients), etc.

That would avoid horrible situations like “transexual people don’t using
anymore the Internet to discuss”, “feminists don’t allowing comments
anymore —loosing a great amount of potential really interesting
analysis— and even developping plugins to automatically mask comment
systems on blogs“, or “having someone who’s psychologically hurting a
lot of people, wanting a safe space for them but also wanting to have a
collaborative space to debate with her to try to fix that and make her
able to speak peacefully with others so we can reintegrate her”.

Of course good luck if you expect from an authoritarian centralization
to become nice and struggle for people rights against the system of
inequalities, classes, races or patriarchy… Oh yeah, they /tried/ “nice
centralization to free people” in the East. Didn’t work. Quite the
opposite (ostracizing gays and foreigners, forcing women to found
families, workers to work, what a success…).

However: if you expect freedom from centralization, good luck.

 [1] Actually that is a case where the distributed solution truely
 excels: quickly homing in on the latest mass mailing. The sheer number
 of identical mails alone is a big warning sign, and a lot of people
 will start reporting them as spam.

And that’s why I spoke about cryptography, and notably about “hashes”.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-19 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-11-19 at 18:17, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
N I agree with several other important points you raise, but this one is not 
a big
 deal. I have a highly customized mail setup. My SpamAssassin downloads rules
 from the internet, but trains its Bayesian filter on only the e-mail I
 personally receive.

 I don't mean to sound like I'm dismissing your experience, because -- 
 well -- your experience shouldn't be dismissed.  (Nobody's should.)
 But I do think you might be overlooking something: you already
 experience a significant benefit from the aggressive, God's-eye-view
 anti-spam efforts of Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, and more.  The things
 they do for their users have a ripple effect in making your own
 anti-spam fight a little easier.

 A couple of months ago Mike Hearn wrote a brilliant treatise on
 end-to-end cryptography and anti-spam technologies, with a long
 digression on how anti-spam technologies work at Google.  It's worth
 every second it takes to read.

He’s mainly explaining how do you fight spam in a centralized way, and
then explain how all the centralized techiques are unusable when using
crypto. That’s normal, crypto and decentralization comes together. You
need to think according other paradigms.

It’s like when you live in society. You can either think the
autoritarian way “if I were the Great King Controlling Everything what
could I do to fix the problem?”, or the social/free way “what should I
do so that if everybody did like me the problem would get fixed?”.

So that involves way much complex maths (well, actually, *different*: in
the centralized world it’s already really complex, but the complexity
you need to decentralize is compensated by the local private data you
can access and the crypto techniques you become used to), DHTs, meshes,
crypto, symmetric communication, political thought, users education, etc.

I don’t consider that an issue. Quite the opposite: the result —and we
always end finding it— is *beautifull*. It’s like admiring the almost
perfectness of the way human body chemical biology works. It’s like
admiring a fractal. You just end with something approaching what you
observe within organic structures, something more resilient, perennial,
big, free, flexible…

Also he speaks about using bitcoin, which is not a good point bitcoin
not being really secure: you just need more computational power than the
half of the network and you can takeover it. Big government can do
it. Also bitcoin needs anyway a lot of computational power, worse, it
*encourage* it by competition. That’s really catastrophic
ecologically. And finally it suffers from the problem of globalizing
everything, contrarily to the Internet (and GNUnet) historical
architecture where everything is the most local possible (within the
Internet only IP attribution and DNS are global, within GNUnet *nothing*
is, so you could transparently divide, join and grow GNUnets without any

Yet proof-of-work can be effectively used to prevent abuse. GNUnet use
it to prevent spamming its global DHT with lot of revok’ certs it will
store for a while. It could be made on messages if we didn’t need a
certain fastness (merging all asynchronous communication means even
microblogging will have the same requirements) and we didn’t already had
concepts of mesh, WoT, bayesian filtering, F2F and cryptographic

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-18 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-11-18 at 10:43, Nan wrote:
 If you're running the mailserver and you can decrypt my secured messages, 
 then there's 
 nothing preventing the federal government from serving you with a subpoena 
 please hand over the encryption keys.

 I agree. A third party should never handle the filtering of mail. If
 my email is, then handles the encryption,
 decryption, spam filtering, etc. is a third party. is static. is a
different person than nan. can be corrupted, menaced or
cracked. nan will not know.

 The only person who can be trusted to do the decryption is the end user,
 running on hardware the end user directly controls.

 In an ideal world, yes. But after 20 years of recommending
 user-to-user encryption, it's clear most users can't or won't.

Context changes. 20 years ago fascism weren’t raising again at this
rate, petrol wasn’t at a decade of ending, and Snowden didn’t made his
revelations. It doesn’t mean it’s impossible but it means we were doing
it wrong. The GNUnet philosophy of “just prepare the change of roughly
everything, make all the simplest possible and do a lot of
philosophical/political education” seems the most utopic, but also the
more realist to me.

 As Bruce Schneier says, If there's anything PGP has taught us, it's
 that one click is one click too many. Experts can still encrypt any
 messages they want individually. We can't leave the rest of us

Within MUA such as ClawsMail, Thunderbird, etc. you don’t need a click,
just a configuration. Within networks such as GNUnet you don’t need a
configuration, just a “registration”, “connection”, “installation”, or
wathever you call it. Your adress is your public key, on computer it can
be the nick associated in a signed entry within DHT possibly with a
vizhash, and physically it’s a QRCode. Nothing more simple. It’s
actually simpler that the current unencrypted internet.

And as it were said, to gain freedom sometimes you need an effort. If you 
it pointless, you deserve to remain a slave.

 I care very little about what happens to corporations. 

 I agree again. I'm much more concerned about human rights groups and stopping 
 mass surveillance.

Making authority nice? Teaching people freedom is not utopic, making
authority nice and respectful is.

 You're still talking about destroying the antispam experience of end-users.

 The group's mail server handles spam, viruses, etc., just like it does today. 
 No change for the user.

Yes, no. any. change. Unfortunately.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-18 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
 ClawsMail, Thunderbird, etc.

 People usually don't want to change mail clients.  Most have no idea
 how to configure crypto or manage keys.

They’re just the default and almost more used MUA. If you exclude
proprietary software and SaaSS (webmail). But asking for privacy using
proprietary services is a fallacy.

I mean, you can’t say “PGP/GNUnet/other-crypto-implementation is useless
to protect users, they use webmails” and say we fix the problem
wrong. Because there is *no way* they can get true privacy with only a
webmail. It would be ridiculous. When I said “deserve”, I said that you
can’t expect freedom when you’re putting on you your strings yourself.

PS: sorry for the two mails, I got confused.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-18 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-11-18 16:34, Nan wrote:
 Alexandre, do you really believe that anyone could deserve to remain a 

In the meaning “it’s normal/understandable/explainable to be a slave if
you want freedom without doing nothing to get it while other want you
not to be”, yes.

But all the importance of the meaning is in the “if” part. I think if
someone do nothing, or do anything anyway, it’s for a reason, or, to be
more precise, a cause, and I call this reason deserving freedom itself
an initial lack of freedom (of thought, if you want). So for me,
actually, “deserving” doesn’t exist, doesn’t have any true real meaning,
just as “merit”, “duty”, “pride”, “shame” (in their meaning, not their
objective existence as a sentiment) or “free will” (in its meaning
opposed to determinism).

 Assuming you don't, I'll address your calmer points. can be corrupted, menaced or cracked.

 Sure, a server is a single point of failure for the group, and must be
 carefully configured and protected.

From the point this server isn’t you, it’s never “protected” enough. You
could maybe protect *enough* (and only *enough*, never “perfectly”).

And that’s just about “cracking”, which is just a technical concern, not
the more important. Because menace and corruption still exist. You could
say you trust your provider… which is already really really really hard…
is your provider independent from thing such as money? corruption? power?

And even if it were, arguing that nodaways anybody could resist to
currently existing powers and authorities is a fallacy.

 It's still much safer than hoping users will protect themselves.

Not “hoping they will”, making so they will, because it’s the only way
to deal with. As I said everybody learned to read and it’s more
complicated than basic crypto usage. As I said systems rebuilt from
scratch upon these ideas can be much simpler than everything existing
before. And with context changing, need will come, and people, when
they need it, can adopt something really quickly, at least as fast as
they can.

 the change of roughly everything

 I prefer solutions that protect as many people as possible now.

I didn’t say all of that were incompatible ;) They’re short-term as
long-term solutions to things that need to change.

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Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-18 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-11-18 at 17:09, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 Would this not at the same time make it simple for MUAs to discover
 that this message is not from anyone you say you know.  Delete
 without reading?

 Sure, but that also destroys the email ecosystem.  One of email's
 strongest points has been that no introduction is necessary to begin a
 conversation.  This year I found myself re-engaging with a friend I lost
 touch with a decade ago, who found me on a mailing list and figured to
 drop an email and see if maybe I was the same Rob Hansen she knew from
 back when.  If my MUA/MTA had hidden it from me just because there was
 no introduction, or urged me to delete it without reading...

 Could email as a platform survive the shift to introduction-based
 systems?  Sure.  But it would totally transform the email experience,
 and maybe in ways we wouldn't like.  That's why I'm so skeptical of
 proposals to fix email in this way: we might fix email, but we might
 also kill it at the same time.

It’s completely true. However Mark’s right when saying it could help to
do it client-side: client-side, you can access *all* private (meta)data
on user without any privacy problem, and use it to better detect what’s
a spam, and actually that would be really useful (isn’t it really easy
for you personally, who know yourself, to detect if something is a spam
or a message really adressed to you?).

As he said, contacts are useful. So yes, roughly filtering spam from
not-yet-introduced friends lacks flexibility and destroy several email
nice features. But we can do thiner: lower the score given with bayesian
autostabilizating equations.

 Again, if it's provably from no one you say that you trust, the MUA
 could refuse to execute runnable content without explicit
 permission. (Which I say should be the normal and only setting for
 all content, but I know I'm a crank.)

 It already is.  Double-click on an executable attachment and a window
 will pop up with a warning about how you should only run code from
 people you know and trust, click OK to cancel running this, click I
 know the risks to run it, etc.

 An awful lot of people click I know the risks.

A longer text explaining “you giving this program the authorization to
do what it wants with your data and configuration, including destroying,
corrupting, stealing, spying, reveling anything”.

But the true solution is this one: use only free software, software
you’re sure you can check the sources. Even more: having build
information, sources and binary signed cryptographically. Even more:
being sure this binary is made with reproducible builds. Even more:
everything of that available trough a censorship-resistant P2P
filesharing system.

 He said that of all the outcomes he imagined for his Ph.D., he never
 dreamed that it would be that his research could be accurately summed
 up as, the technology works fine, it's *people* who are completely

Yeah, we need interdisciplinarism: a great part of work to change the
world, added to technical progress, is education. It’s maybe *the*
biggest and most important thing. Sometimes you don’t need to adapt to
the society but adapt the society to you and people:

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.” — George Bernard Shaw

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-18 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
Le 19/11/2014 à 01h31, Robert J. Hansen a écrit :
 It’s completely true. However Mark’s right when saying it could help
 to do it client-side...

 No.  Client-side, you get to inspect (fully) only your data, and you
 have to develop a statistical model of spam based on only your data.
 When Gmail filters, it inspects (fully) traffic to *millions* of users,
 and uses that to create a model no individual user can hope to match.

You can do some stats on multiple persons using hashes, meshes,
propagation and this kind of thing. Even better: you can do it F2F, and
ponderate according distance in number of hops. See what try to do
GNUnet. That’s way better than large, politically risky and impersonal
large Google scans.

 Encrypting everything, even Aunt Edna's recipe for potato salad, means a
 significant step backwards in the spam fight.  I love decentralized
 algorithms, but there's something to be said for a God's-eye perspective
 on the problem -- look at decentralized route discovery protocols versus
 Dijkstra's algorithm as an example.

We have to make some sacrifices to get freedom. So yes it can and will
be more complex to stop centralize. But it especially involves an other
thinking model: not a big centralistic individual one, but a
*collective* one, where you think “I have a thousand instance, how
should each of these act so that the whole networks work respecting both
Order and Anarchy?”. It’s a lot more complex, but also a lot more
interesting, and potentially a lot more powerful.

 But the true solution is this one: use only free software, software 
 you’re sure you can check the sources.

 Maybe one user in ten thousand has the skill to audit a nontrivial
 codebase.  Free software is a good idea, but let's not pretend that
 normal users will realize a real benefit from being able to check their
 source code.

One in ten thousand is enough. And anyway: that was the case too about
written language some centuries ago. How could that not change? For
instance a way greatest amount of Emacs users know several parts of its
code source, and are able to inspect any part at any moment if needed.

And the real benefit is in the *freedom to*, which has only to be
express by the ability to do something, even if « everybody » doesn’t
know how, a sparse minority is enough. That’s the concept of free

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-17 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-11-17 at 19:49, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 Most of the technical reasons can be bypassed by making a single
 subscriber key (public and private) available as a part of the
 subscription process, but that eliminates most of the technical
 advantages of encryption, so it's really a moot point.

 It also means there's pretty much no point in keeping archives,
 because it's inevitable that the keys will become separated from the
 archives. And if the key is part of the archive, then what's the
 purpose of the crypto in the first place?

 Once, for my job, I had to look into the way the Roman Senate
 conducted its elections.  I was able to find ballots that were over
 1500 years old.  It was pretty neat, and it changed my perspective on
 things like crypto.

 The crypto dream is that the confidentiality of our messages will be
 preserved for centuries after our death,

Well, no. The crypto dream is that powerful people will stop being able
to retrieve lot of informations on why they exerce power on, and that
these people will be able to inform and communicate in a decentralized,
horizontal and autonomous manner wathever this autority wants.

 which sounds really great up until you consider what an archaeologist
 circa 4000 AD is going to be thinking.  I have a stack of records
 here that could shed light on the way people lived in a long-dead
 civilization, but I can't read them. Why?  What were these people
 doing that they thought their email to their Aunt Edna needed to
 remain secret for all time?  Why is it that, millennia after they're
 gone, Aunt Edna's recipe for potato salad has to be gone with them?

Then the question is not “Do we want to encrypt everything?”, but more
precisely: “do we want to make everything *accessible*”. Actually
imagine mail servers today, quite all encrypting everything with
TLS. Not a problem, mails are still accessible. It just means it’s
harder for ISPs (MITM is visible, and being visible means a great risk)
to spy on people. If we make only some traffic encrypted they have at
least the information of what is enough important to be hidden, when,
where, by who, to who, for how long, etc. meta-data. Here we make
cryptoanarchy and hide everything so that they don’t even have the
information of what is to hide.

But that doesn’t obligate us to make what is public public. We could
imagine a web where everybody uses HTTPS: pages are still accessible to
everybody. We could imagine bittorrent where almost all clients encrypt
everything (hint: it’s already this way), and everything is still
accessible. We could imagine Tor Hidden Services, and everything is
still accessible. What’s not accessible anymore is metadata.

 Or think about your own kids, circa 2040 AD.  I'd love to read these
 emails between Mom and Dad when they were courting, but ... they were
 afraid of Somebody-with-an-S reading their emails.  I wonder if they
 ever thought that the Somebody might be their son, who wanted to
 understand after their deaths how it was these two people came to meet
 and fall in love.

Then comes the problem of private messages, made to be private.

First, future archeology is pointless argument between our security and
our freedom, it sounds a lot more better like kind of an excuse.

Second, a reccurent problem in cryptography is we know computers power
and algorithms constantly evolves, and that what’s encrypted a way today
is not guaranted to always be forever. What’s encrypted with DSA today
will maybe be accessible within more time.

Finally, information generally needs to be private only for a limited
amount of times. If we have a message describing date and place for a
dissidents reunion in a totalitarian state, once the reunion is over,
the message doesn’t need to be private anymore, and could be “released”,
if it’s for archival/archeology/history needs. Actually it would be
something quite interesting for people to know in what kind of place
reunions are planned (anyway a place should never be the same twice).

 Historians called the early medieval period the Dark Ages not
 because the era was full of villainy and evil, but because
 record-keeping became so austere that we really don't know much of
 what happened for that period.

Because they had no efficient way to keep information in front of the
quantity of information producible. The press solved this problem.

 We're living in a new Dark Age right now.  Historians of the future
 are going to see human record-keeping basically end around 1960.

They’re still accessible. And what’s saying you in the future all
hard-disk will die at the same moment with no backup?

It could be plausible if our civilization could break down just like
others before and let others develop. The problem is: today we have a
world-wide civilization, if this one break down, there will be no more
civilization to study us. So we have absolutely no reasons to care.

 Fewer records were printed out and more were put on digital media --
 media that 

Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-17 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-11-17 at 18:02, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 But sorry, I disagree a little bit. If we want literally to jam the
 secret service's attempts to decrypt mails, then it makes sense to use
 encryption for every single mail, private, business, nonsense and spam

 This would have the ultimate effect of destroying email as a
 platform. Email works as well as it does -- as well as fails so
 miserably in other ways -- largely *because* it's open to inspection.

Because today it works the way it works is not a reason to let it work
that way forever whatever is context.

 As an example, pervasive end-to-end encryption would require antispam
 defenses to move to the client rather than being deployed at the
 mailserver or relay.  This would essentially be tantamount to giving
 up, since there are no really effective client-side antispam measures.

Internet is fundamentally superior to all other technic networks
invented by mankind for this reason: moving intelligence to periphery,
make work client-side, make things horizontal, decentralized everything,
giving control on everything to everybody locally, making everybody able
to do anything wathever others do. That’s what distinguish Internet from
what existed in France before Internet : the minitel.

The minitel is a dumb terminal only able to connect via phone-lines to a
server, send input to server and display what server send back. It were
popular when computers where too much expensive and nobody could have

In the free software and decentralized/secure internet movement in
France, we generally use the term “Minitel 2.0” to humorously speak
about (and mock) GAFA and all ultra-centralized services where quite
everything tends to be made server-side, where the client is just a dumb
terminal controlling nothing and delegating everything to the
server. Where the server can do anything.

rms also denounced SaaSS as worse evil than proprietary software, and
that’s true. Because with just proprietary software you can still cut
the Internet (or even just its access to it), and even do
reverse-engineering. With SaaSS, URSS and 1984 seem a happy pink poney

The fact is that doing everything client-side, you can adapt everything
even better than Google would do, because *you* control it. You could
use spamassasin-like rules based on naive bayes filtering, and choose
yourself what you identify as a spam, then choose to make a message more
visible or not according its probability to be it. Then you could even
make more category than just “vacation/viagra/enlarge-penises-like
spam”, you could try to do the same thing about insulting messages,
(death/rape)menaces messages, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic
nationalist, classists messages (all containing some interesting common
patterns, and it could even be useful on some mailing-lists, more
practical than just banning people, could just prevent people to read
messages that they could consider psychologically hurtful to them, while
letting other trying to deal with some people’s annoying ideas). If that
can work, you could even share score lists in a F2F manner, and ponder
that according bonds, and then secure everything with cryptographic
signature, and identify people with DHTs, etc. etc.

Decentralizing you can do quite everything, and very very very very
interesting things. Then with just complex maths, moderns DHT, etc. you
can achieve quite spectacular things, avoiding issues like “Facebook has
a considerable part of mankind population subscribed, is able to
statistically determine if someone is homosexual even without him/her
knowing it, and activally collaborate with especially intolerant
authoritarian governments or agencies, especially if payed well” (yellow
star seems pointless in front of that).

Give a look to what GNUnet tries to do.

 Similarly, it would assist in the spread of malware and viruses and
 for the same reasons.  If a mailserver can't inspect the email, it
 can't recognize malware and quarantine it for the health of the

Malware and viruses is the problem of client, only client, always
client. If we have to make a less freedom-compatible internet because of
client not doing its job, there’s a problem. As far as I know that
especially regards proprietary systems.

 Etc., etc.  I am fanatically in favor of people's right to protect the
 privacy of their communications, but there's a flipside to it: we also
 need to be responsible and prudent with how we do it.  Simple, naive
 solutions like encrypt everything! aren't a fix: at best, they'll
 trade our current set of problems for a new set of problems which
 we'll have even less knowledge of how to handle.

So instead of trying to make nice authorities known for their
authoritarian interests and with a creepy background, you’ll try to just
invent, and most of time just implement, new algorithms… One of these
solutions seems more realist to me.

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Re: Fwd: GNU hackers discover HACIENDA government surveillance and give us a way to fight back

2014-08-23 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-08-23 at 12:16, wrote:
 On 2014-08-22 at 21:13, Rejo Zenger wrote:
 Open data and transparency should only be about what concerns everybody,
 like government actions, trains schedule, etc. not private information.

 Is this not the core of the question?  In a world of social media
 and sensor-driven everything, does not the very concept of private
 information fade, per se?  I believe it does.

It will be when any kind of authority (thus hierarchy) or intolerance
(thus ignorance/inconsciousness) would have *perfectly disappeared*.
Whenever it’s possible or not, we can still see that today it isn’t so,
therefore privacy still has importance.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Fwd: GNU hackers discover HACIENDA government surveillance and give us a way to fight back

2014-08-22 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-08-22 at 01:16, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 On 8/21/2014 3:35 PM, Johannes Zarl wrote:
 Compiling a collection of publicly available information is an
 almost perfect description of the term surveillance. E.g. a
 surveillance camera does exactly that: it collects publicly available

 So does the phone book, Wikipedia, and IMDB.  We don't call them

The difference in the relation we have with information is who does it
concern: when it concerns everybody (like Science, information about
politics, events, Philosophy, Art, etc. what generally is what Wikipedia
contains, aka “encyclopedic informations”), it should be shared among
everyone, and not doing so is taking part in some kind of oppression
(like stopping people from sharing a software); when it concerns only
some people (like private information, one-to-one communication, etc.)
it should be keep secret amoung the few people it concerns, otherwise it
is also taking part in some kind of oppression (like surveilling,
spying, controlling). That’s why we ask for more transparency from the
powerfull and more privacy to the weak.

When someone watch the tweets of some friends of some person discussing
with some others, while not knowing and not being interested of it, even
if it doesn’t concerns her, just to spy the person, it *is*
surveillance. Though Twitter haven’t sophisticated privacy features like
circles or groups, so it’s possible even if it’s not always a good
thing. The same applies to IP.

In this case, it does concern only the person owning the house what
color is it, what is the model of door, of lock, of key and how to open
it. So even if it’s “publicly available information” (like in Twitter,
Facebook, or any potentially privacy-harmful social network) it
shouldn’t be collected without hurting someone’s freedom, so here the
usefulness of the GNU patch for it :)

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Re: Fwd: GNU hackers discover HACIENDA government surveillance and give us a way to fight back

2014-08-22 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-08-22 at 21:13, Rejo Zenger wrote:
 ++ 22/08/14 11:38 +0200 - Garreau, Alexandre:
 The difference in the relation we have with information is who does
 it concern: when it concerns everybody (like Science, information
 about politics, events, Philosophy, Art, etc. what generally is what
 Wikipedia contains, aka “encyclopedic informations”), it should be
 shared among everyone, and not doing so is taking part in some kind
 of oppression (like stopping people from sharing a software); when it
 concerns only

 That's an interesting point of view - or there is some misunderstanding 
 on my end. Let's say the NSA does not only surveil all kinds of 
 communications as it does right now, but it also publishes this 
 information (open data in governmental speak), then there is no 
 oppression according to you? 

I didn’t say it was related to what usage was made of information or to
whom it was available but to *who it concerns*. Actually if you publish
private information it changes nothing: it remains private information
concerning only its initial possessor, and making other people
acknowledge it is giving them power an harm to the freedom of one who
has her privacy harmed.

Open data and transparency should only be about what concerns everybody,
like government actions, trains schedule, etc. not private information.

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Re: It's time for PGP to die.

2014-08-16 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-08-16 at 19:14, Kristy Chambers wrote:
 Sorry for that crap subject. I just want to leave this.

Yeah, PGP’s what I’d call something coming with and for the “old”
Internet, the slow, federated, cleartext, client–server, monocast and
sedentary one. Another critique:

But if you really want to fix all these issues, what you need is not
improving PGP/GnuPG, but rebuilding the whole Internet. That’s not the
goal of GnuPG, you’d better give a look at GNUnet. To fix these issues,
it doesn’t only plan to replace GnuPG, but also mail, IRC, jabber, web
forums, web itself, HTTP(S), newsgroups, FTP, bittorrent, TLS, DNS(SEC),
TCP–UDP/IP, BGP, and quite everything that you could imagine in
Internet, which is all fundamentally completely broken, obsolete and way
excessively complicated, if you try to see things from this point of

Yet PGP hides some information in a more secure way than cleartext, is
usable by the people who need it the most and is part of our internet
tech culture. So waiting during we try to rebuild and revolution the
world again, it stays fine to keep using it, but we need to know its
deficiencies, and to take care of who, how, when, where and why to teach

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Re: Fwd: It's time for PGP to die.

2014-08-16 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-08-17 at 01:41, Nicholas Cole wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 12:08 AM, Robert J. Hansen 
 OpenPGP's biggest problem, BTW, which goes *completely unmentioned* in
 this blogpost: OpenPGP can't protect your metadata, and that turns out
 to often be higher-value content than your emails themselves are.
 Further, exposed metadata is inherent to SMTP, which means this problem
 is going to be absolutely devilish to fix.

 That is true.  But perhaps it would be a start if email clients
 actually put the actual email (with subject and references headers
 etc.) as an attachment to a bare email that contained only the minimal
 headers for delivery.  It wouldn't be a perfect solution, but it would
 at least fix a certain amount of metadata analysis.

Well, afaik, there’s *no* MIME header which is required for delivery
(maybe RFC says there is, but currently mail servers accepts mails with
no headers at all). The headers that are needed for delivery are not
MIME ones (the ones like “From:”, “To:”, “Date:”, “Message-Id:”,
“Subject:”, etc.) but the SMTP one (the “MAIL FROM:” and “RCPT TO:”)
which are separated. So I think mail clients could just send a void mail
with just as much MIME informations to says its content is a MIME
message (“message/rfc822” MIME type I think). Then things like the
subject, the date, the message-id, the list of attached things,
etc. would be protected. That makes less metadata, but it still leaks
the more important: recipient and receiver.

So the only way is to build an asynchronous communication system based
on anonymity, like GNUnet’s doing.

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Re: symmetric email encryption

2014-07-18 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
On 2014-07-18 at 19:39, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
 Sure. But the fingerprint is only used once (for verifying the key). And 
 it's not even secret information, so exchange via an insecure channel is 
 not an issue (at least, not a severe issue).

 OTOH, symmetric keys really should be exchanged via a secure channel. 

The fact is that you can use symmetric-keys when the other doesn’t have
yet a public key. So you can send her this understandable message and
*then* say her “here the key that’ll allow you to read the
message”. That could be used if the message *must* be transmitted by
mail, because it’s a file, because it’s large, because it have to be
*before* or other reason, so in some rare cases it can be useful, and
since the message has already been sent, it’s easier to convince the
other to begin using cryptography. Then she could decrypt the mail, and
you can start trying to convince her to use asymmetric cryptography, at
this point it’ll be easier.

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