Re: USB vs Smart Card?

2006-12-29 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber
Hash: SHA1


Moritz Schulte schrieb:
>> Can I use a USB instead of a Smart Card?
> Without further context this question does not make too much sense.  USB
> sticks (i guess that is what you mean) are completely different from
> smartcards when it comes to security solutions.
> ...
Perhaps the OP meant some USB crypto token... (eg. "Aladin eToken Pro")
There are such crypto tokens but most of them use something X.509
compatible (certificate based, PKCS#11).

If I remember correctly there exists a very small USB smartcard reader
which can be "paired" with a small form factor smartcard (like the "GSM"
ones) into one enclosure. If you take a cutter and reduce the size of a
OpenPGP card to the mentioned size and find this particular reader *and*
this reader is supported by Gnupg... then you're done! :-)

Interessting link:

Salut, Jörg

- --
gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


Gnupg-users mailing list

sshd authentication problem with gpg-agent and OpenPGP card

2006-12-05 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber
Hash: SHA1

Hi all!

I recently found a problem when using OpenPGP cards with gpg-agent in
combination with ssh/sshd.
Technical details follows:

- --- snip ---
> gpg-agent --version
gpg-agent (GnuPG) 2.0.0
- --- snip ---
> rpm -qf `which ssh-add`
- --- snip ---
> ssh-add -l
1024 fingerprint_in_hex cardno:my_card_no (RSA)
1024 fingerprint_in_hex ~/id_dsa (DSA)
1024 fingerprint_in_hex ~/other_id_dsa (DSA)
1024 fingerprint_in_hex ~/other2_id_dsa (DSA)
- --- snip ---
(on the remote machine)
# rpm -qf `which sshd`
- --- snip ---

OK. Connecting to the remote via:
> ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa remote_host
works perfectly (no card involved)
> ssh - remote_host
tries to use the card and results in:

- --- snip ---
debug2: key: cardno:my_card (0x8095498)
debug2: key: ~/.ssh/id_dsa (0x80999b0)
debug2: key: ~/.ssh/other_id_dsa (0x8098d98)
debug2: key: ~/.ssh/other2_id_dsa (0x8098d98)
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug3: start over, passed a different list publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug3: preferred publickey,keyboard-interactive,password
debug3: authmethod_lookup publickey
debug3: remaining preferred: keyboard-interactive,password
debug3: authmethod_is_enabled publickey
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: cardno:my_card_no
debug3: send_pubkey_test
debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
Connection closed by remote_host
- --- snip ---

and the log on the remote machine explains this abrupt connection loss:

- --- snip ---
Dec  5 09:47:19 floyd sshd[4666]: fatal: buffer_get_bignum2: negative
numbers not supported
Dec  5 09:55:13 floyd sshd[4893]: fatal: buffer_get_bignum2: negative
numbers not supported
- --- snip ---

The last snippet shows whats going on in gpg-agent:

- --- snip ---
[client at fd 4 connected]
  4 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 gpg-agent[10191]: SSH-Handhabungsroutine
0x80858b8 für fd 7 gestartet
  4 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 gpg-agent[10191]: ssh request handler for
request_identities (11) started
  4 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 gpg-agent[10191]: new connection to SCdaemon
established (reusing)
[client at fd 5 connected]
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: <- GETATTR $AUTHKEYID
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: -> S $AUTHKEYID OPENPGP.3
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: -> OK
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: <- GETATTR SERIALNO
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: -> S SERIALNO
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: -> OK
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: <- READKEY OPENPGP.3
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: -> [
xx xx...(all bytes skipped) ]
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: -> OK
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: <- GETATTR $DISPSERIALNO
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: -> S $DISPSERIALNO
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: -> OK
  4 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 gpg-agent[10191]: ssh request handler for
request_identities (11) ready
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: <- RESTART
  5 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 scdaemon[10600.0] DBG: -> OK
  4 - 2006-12-05 10:10:37 gpg-agent[10191]: SSH-Handhabungsroutine
0x80858b8 für fd 7 beendet
- --- snip ---

So gpg-agent in conjunction with this ssh version might deliver invalid
data to the waiting ssh daemon. I found nothing particular on the
mentioned bignum package in sshd though... :-(

Anybody knows whats going on with OpenPGP card authentication? Werner? :-)

Salut, Jörg

- --
gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Beginner's smartcard questions

2006-09-12 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber

Am Mittwoch, 6. September 2006 19:11 schrieb Sven Radde:
> Hi!
> I intend to buy an OpenPGP card and I have some questions regarding its use
> unter WinXP, particularly in combination with my new (and yet untested)
> banking card. Is there any difference in the required hardware to access
> both cards? 

> In other words, will the card-readers sold at 
> also support my
> banking-card (german HBCI) or, 
Probably not. :-(

> vice-versa, can I expect GnuPG to support 
> the card-reader recommended by my bank ("cyber Jack" devices by ReinerSCT)?
Sure not! Esp. the "CyberJack" is known to be problematic (at least) with 
OpenGPG cards...

> Are there any caveats in general regarding the card-readers at
> under Windows? In particular, I stumbled over the
> "Supported by GnuPG *via PC/SC drivers*" in the description of the Omnikey
> CM4040 PCMCIA device). Sorry for insisting, but before spending actual
> money, I want to be sure it works.
I think most of them will work under Win, You'll have to look for drivers for 
your special application...

> One more question: When using a class-3 reader, what (if any) information
> does GnuPG display on it?

> I wonder how much added security I would get from 
> a class-3 reader in comparison to one without display.
With GnuPG nothing. (But I think the difference between class 2 and 3 is not 
only the display but here in Germany the "clearance" to do "binay cashing" 
via e.g. GeldKarte and the like...)

> I understand that a 
> class-2 reader will prevent sniffing of the PIN in case my PC is infected
> with a trojan.
Not with GnuPG. With *some* HomeBanking applications, your PIN will never 
reach "the system" (Win) and thus will be save.

Salut, Jörg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: smart card usage on multiple workstations

2006-05-12 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber
Hi Kai!

Am Dienstag, 9. Mai 2006 07:54 schrieb Kai Kretschmann:
> ...
> But how do I use this key on a second computer? I was thinking of simply
> plugging the card into another workstation and use it there too. But the
According to Werner the missing "stubs" for the private keys (which are on the 
card), should be generated by gpg "on-the-fly" if you issue a command like 
--card-status or the like...
(Please have a look in the mail-archive with keywords "opengpg card")

But here this _never_ happend with all of our cards and all version of 
gpg! :-( The stubs were only generated in the "key issuing" gpg installation.

Our only chance to move the stubs to other/new workstations was to manually 
export the (priv.) keys/stubs or move the keyrings.

HTH. Salut, Jörg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg-agent cache

2006-03-13 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber
Hi Remco!

Am Mittwoch, 8. März 2006 19:47 schrieb Remco Post:
> ...
> I've started gpg-agent with:
> /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --use-standard-socket --pinentry-program
> /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2 --default-cache-ttl 1800 --default-cache-ttl-ssh
> 900 --enable-ssh-support --write-env-file $HOME/.gpg-agent-info --daemon
> --sh /usr/bin/fvwm2
From your mail it's not quite clear if you used the output from gpg-agent (the 
environment vars)...

I would have guessed something like:
eval "$(gpg-agent --gpg-agent-options)"

And then start your gpg-agent-using-applications in the same shell afterwards.

HTH. Salut, Jörg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: new version of gnupg signed with different key?

2006-02-17 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber

Am Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006 22:11 schrieb Anonymous Remailer:
> gnupg-1.4.2.tar.bz2.sig was signed with key 0x57548DCD
> but
> gnupg- is signed with 0x1CE0C630, which is not in
> turned signed with the old key.  Why?  How do we verify it's
> trustworthy?
Werner? What happend? I saw it's tagged as a "(dist sig) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" 
but why 
did you changed your policy? [Are you on ham radio btw. :-) ?]

I did a short review on the diff from 1.4.2 and it seems there are only the 
changes regarding the mentioned vuln. and I think Werner ( switched 
from CVS to Subversion :-) Right?

Salut, Joerg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

gpg-agent PIN cache

2005-10-05 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber
Hi Werner, hi all!

I've a problem with "PIN keeping" in gpg-agent (version numbers below).
Everythings works fine: I start up gpg-agent:
# eval `gpg-agent -v --enable-ssh-support --daemon \ 
--log-file /home/jsl/ga.log --debug-level expert --default-cache-ttl-ssh\ 
and I can see my "new" key on the card:
# ssh-add -l
1024 e5:f9:3c:fc:04:0e:b4:b4:75:98:72:cf:d5:df:96:cb cardno:000mynumber (RSA)

Now I can "ssh" to any where my pkey is registered. Good.
The first time i try to use the key, the pinentry(-qt) comes up and asks for 
the PIN.
But the problem is: The second time and ever on, pinentry comes up and asks 
for my PIN! Although I said "cache ttl for ssh should be some hours..."

Does anyone know why gpg-agent/pinentry does so?

Here is a log of two "ssh sessions":

--- snip --
2005-10-05 19:51:59 gpg-agent[8885] Es wird auf Socket 
`/tmp/gpg-kvPjWi/S.gpg-agent' gehört
2005-10-05 19:51:59 gpg-agent[8885] Es wird auf Socket 
`/tmp/gpg-RXfxR6/S.gpg-agent.ssh' gehört
2005-10-05 19:52:04 gpg-agent[8886] SSH Handhabungsroutine 0x8083b88 für fd 0 
2005-10-05 19:52:04 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for request_identities 
(11) started
2005-10-05 19:52:04 gpg-agent[8886] no running SCdaemon - starting it
2005-10-05 19:52:04 gpg-agent[8886] DBG: first connection to SCdaemon 
2005-10-05 19:52:04 gpg-agent[8886] DBG: additional connections at 
2005-10-05 19:52:05 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for request_identities 
(11) ready
2005-10-05 19:52:05 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for sign_request (13) 
2005-10-05 19:52:05 gpg-agent[8886] DBG: detected card with S/N
"my number" :-)
2005-10-05 19:52:05 gpg-agent[8886] starting a new PIN Entry
2005-10-05 19:52:05 gpg-agent[8886] DBG: connection to PIN entry established
2005-10-05 19:52:06 gpg-agent[8886] SIGUSR2 received - checking smartcard 
2005-10-05 19:52:09 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for sign_request (13) 
2005-10-05 19:52:09 gpg-agent[8886] SSH Handhabungsroutine 0x8083b88 für fd 0 
2005-10-05 19:52:45 gpg-agent[8886] SSH Handhabungsroutine 0x8083b88 für fd 0 
2005-10-05 19:52:45 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for request_identities 
(11) started
2005-10-05 19:52:45 gpg-agent[8886] new connection to SCdaemon established 
2005-10-05 19:52:46 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for request_identities 
(11) ready
2005-10-05 19:52:46 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for sign_request (13) 
2005-10-05 19:52:46 gpg-agent[8886] DBG: detected card with S/N 
"again my number" :-)
2005-10-05 19:52:46 gpg-agent[8886] starting a new PIN Entry
2005-10-05 19:52:47 gpg-agent[8886] DBG: connection to PIN entry established
2005-10-05 19:52:50 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for sign_request (13) 
2005-10-05 19:52:51 gpg-agent[8886] SSH Handhabungsroutine 0x8083b88 für fd 0 
2005-10-05 20:02:15 gpg-agent[8886] SSH Handhabungsroutine 0x8083b88 für fd 0 
2005-10-05 20:02:15 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request 1 is not supported
2005-10-05 20:02:15 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for request_identities 
(11) started
2005-10-05 20:02:15 gpg-agent[8886] new connection to SCdaemon established 
2005-10-05 20:02:16 gpg-agent[8886] ssh request handler for request_identities 
(11) ready
2005-10-05 20:02:16 gpg-agent[8886] SSH Handhabungsroutine 0x8083b88 für fd 0 
--- snip --

Here are the versions used...

# gpg2 --version
gpg (GnuPG) 1.9.19
# scdaemon --version
scdaemon (GnuPG) 1.9.19
# gpg-agent --version
gpg-agent (GnuPG) 1.9.19
# pinentry --version
pinentry-qt (pinentry) 0.7.3-cvs
# libgcrypt-config --version
# libassuan-config --version
# pth-config --version
GNU Pth 2.0.5 (05-Oct-2005)
# ksba-config --version
# gpg-error-config --version

Did I miss something? ;-)

Thank you very much in advance! Salut, Jörg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OpenPGP Card

2005-09-02 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber
Hi Alon!

I would like to see support for PKCS#11 too but...
(won't elaborate on this now ;-)

Regarding the "open-ness" of OpenGPG: Why do you (and Benjamin) think its not 
open (enough)?
The specs are there and you are free to implement "both sides" of the (smart) 
For me the specs allow(ed) it to try implementing OpenGPG on a IBM JavaCard 
(and it *would* be possible to have a JavaCard implement OpenGPG in parallel 
to PKCS#11...)

Just my 2cts... Salut, Jörg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Pinpad on SPR532 isn't used

2005-08-25 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber

Am Mittwoch, 24. August 2005 15:17 schrieb Felix E. Klee:
> After installing GNUPG 1.4.2, I can now access my OpenPGP smartcards
> (bought at Kernelconepts) using my SPR532 reader.  However, the pinpad
> of the reader is not used.  An example:
> ...

If you browse through the archives of this group you'll find that there *is* 
no keypad support for _any_ card reader (until now).

The documentation also always states that it *would be possible* to integrate 
support for pinpads...

Salut, Jörg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: chrooting gnupg

2005-06-03 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber

Hi Christian!


does anyone here know by chance, what I have to provide to gnupg in order to 
run in a chrooted environment? Providing the libs obviously is not enough. 
I'm suspecting /dev/random or /dev/urandom or sth. the like, but in my tests 
it did not work properly (hangs) - due to entropy, I'd assume? 

Got no clue, how entropy is handled in a chroot, nor if this IS the problem. 
I'd appreciate any hints.
What does "strace gpg_chroot --version_or_anything" reveal on this 
chroot-ed binary?

Salut, Jörg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Gnupg-users mailing list

OpenPGP smartcard and crpyto fs

2005-04-18 Thread Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber
Hash: SHA1

Hi all!

I would like to use my O.card to securely hold an encryption key to be used by 
the Linux "crypto filesystem". This fs uses an utiulity "losetup" at startup 
which asks for a passphrase/keyword to be used as encryption/decryption key.
losetup can be configured to use a file descriptor to read this info from a 

OK. Next thing is: I don't want to let the card do all the encryption ;-)
(I think it would be a little bit slow... although the key would stay savely 
inside the card...)

Next thing (which works here), was to use a gpg encrypted file containing the 
passphrase(es) and doing something like
"cat ~/.crypto-fs-key.gpg|gpg -q --decrypt -r 0xdeadbeef 2>/dev/null"
but one problem was gpg spitting out these "Please insert" and "PIN" info 
on stdout, and I'm not very comfortable with my passwords lying around on the 
disks... (altough they *are* encrypted).

What I would like would be to pull out some secret key (or plain data) and 
handle it over to losetup directly. I know that then the key can no longer be 
viewed as secure as it leaves the card, but that would be ok for me.

Anyone who thought about a scenario like this?

TIA. Salut, Jörg

- -- 
gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)


Gnupg-users mailing list