Re: git repo won't build for lack of source files?

2018-06-20 Thread Mike Inman
Sorry, forgot a critical trick or maybe 2, should have just pasted the
script in the first place:


set -e

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

pushd npth
./ --force
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
make -j
make check
sudo make install

pushd libgpg-error
./ --force
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
make -j
make check
sudo make install

pushd libgcrypt
./ --force
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
make -j
make check
sudo make install

pushd libksba
./ --force
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
make -j
make check
sudo make install

pushd libassuan
./ --force
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
make -j
make check
sudo make install

pushd gnupg
./ --force
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-all-tests --enable-gpg-is-gpg2
make -j
make check
sudo make install

pushd gpgme
./ --force
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
make -j
make check
sudo make install
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: git repo won't build for lack of source files?

2018-06-20 Thread Mike Inman
Are you also building the required support libraries?

I have recently build 2.2.8 successfully using this set of support libs:

git checkout npth-1.5
git checkout libgpg-error-1.31
git checkout libgcrypt-1.8.2
git checkout libksba-1.3.5
git checkout libassuan-2.5.1
git checkout gnupg-2.2.8

then run the following commands in each of the lib folders (in the order
shown above):

./ --force
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
make -j
make check
sudo make install

make check is optional, but if you want to be extra sure, you can also add
a  --enable-all-tests to the configure of gnupg (but not the others...)  It
doesn't take too long to build and check them all.
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpgme_op_delete_ext flag GPGME_DELETE_FORCE not working?

2018-06-19 Thread Mike Inman
As a followup: I have done some tracing of the code, found that the
GPGME_DELETE_FORCE flag to gpgme_op_delete_ext causes a --yes option to be
added to the gpg command.  I confirmed on command line that the behavior is
the same there: --yes does not suppress the "are you sure" graphic dialog
boxes when deleting keys.  I was able to suppress the Terminal prompts by
going to --batch mode, but never the graphic dialogs when using gpg2, both
the 2.2.8 which I compiled from git, nor the 2.1.11 that apparently ships
with Ubuntu 16.04 by default.  gpg 1.4.20 seems to never request graphic
confirmation to delete keys from command line, though a --batch was
required to suppress the terminal prompt.

I dug a little deeper into the gpg code and found that the --yes command
line flag seems to be translated to a --force option on the DELETE_KEY
command passed to assuan_transact().  I found this hint in

DELETE_KEY [--force|--stub-only] 

Delete a secret key from the key store.  If --force is used
and a loopback pinentry is allowed, the agent will not ask
the user for confirmation.

and a further breadcrumb in gpg-agent.texi

@opindex no-allow-loopback-pinentry
@opindex allow-loopback-pinentry
Disallow or allow clients to use the loopback pinentry features; see
the option @option{pinentry-mode} for details.  Allow is the default.

The @option{--force} option of the Assuan command @command{DELETE_KEY}
is also controlled by this option: The option is ignored if a loopback
pinentry is disallowed.

but, I'm struggling with how to get the allow-loopback-pinentry option to
the gpg-agent?  It is supposed to be the default, but something seems to be
defeating that in gpg2?

All of this raises a related system setup question: apparently, replacing
gpg 1.4.20 with gpg 2.x (as happens when building gpg from the git sources
into /usr/local/lib) breaks the apt-get package management system in
Ubuntu.  What is the commonly practiced method (installation folders,
paths, etc.) for an up-to-date build of gpg that keeps it from breaking

Gnupg-users mailing list

gpgme_op_delete_ext flag GPGME_DELETE_FORCE not working?

2018-06-18 Thread Mike Inman
I've been trying to use the GPGME_DELETE_FORCE flag in gpgme_op_delete_ext,
but I'm still getting not one, but two "Do you really want to delete..."
prompts popping up, one for the secret key, one for the sub-key.  I am
using GPGme version 1.11.1 in combination with gpg 2.2.8 (as confirmed by
runtime query of the versions) built from the git repos by checking out the
following tags:git checkout npth-1.5
git checkout libgpg-error-1.31
git checkout libgcrypt-1.8.2
git checkout libksba-1.3.5
git checkout libassuan-2.5.1
git checkout gnupg-2.2.8
git checkout gpgme-1.11.1

I found this reference in the gpgme 1.10.0 changelog:
*src/engine-gpg.c (gpg_delete): Likewise. Implement GPGME_DELETE_FORCE.*
* the key deletes from the keyring as expected, but the behavior is as if
the flag has not been implemented in 1.11.1.  Should I expect the
GPGME_DELETE_FORCE flag to work as described here?
*gpgme_op_delete_ext* *(gpgme_ctx_t ctx, const gpgme_key_t key,
unsigned int flags)*

SINCE: 1.9.1

The function gpgme_op_delete_ext deletes the key key from the key ring of
the crypto engine used by ctx.

flags can be set to the bit-wise OR of the following flags:

SINCE: 1.9.1

If not set, only public keys are deleted. If set, secret keys are deleted
as well, if that is supported.

SINCE: 1.9.1

If set, the user is not asked to confirm the deletion.

Gnupg-users mailing list

gpgme_key_t or gpgme_op_export_keys keydata to gcry_sexp_t

2018-06-07 Thread Mike Inman

I'm trying to work with gpgme to manage public/private key pairs on a
keyring, but also use these keys with libgcrypt for signing, verifying
signatures, etc. without interacting with gpg or the keyring...

I've found and used the functions like:
and I see in libgcrypt what it's expecting:
but I don't feel like I have enough information to make a bridge between
the two.

For instance, when I create an ECDSA key with the brainpoolP256r1 curve,
then I gpgme_op_export() that key in GPGME_EXPORT_MODE_MINIMAL mode, I get
413 bytes in the keydata - is the X9.62 encoded key in there anywhere?  If
so, how can I reliably get it out?

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG usage for automatic remote decryption

2018-04-11 Thread Mike Inman

3 - Compute SHe = sk^d mod n

of course really meant:

3 - Compute SHe = SH^d mod n

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG usage for automatic remote decryption

2018-04-11 Thread Mike Inman

Thanks for engaging, and walls of words with way too long sentences are all
too easy to create - I'm also bad at occasionally using the wrong word
(public vs private, for instance) which can render the whole wall confused.

So, my main challenge is that I have to "code and release" this system to a
bunch of users who aren't going to be lifting a finger for security, but
want security anyway.  The basic topology is: many machines sold to various
customers around the world, with occasional data exchanged between machines
and occasional software updates sent out.  (Occasional meaning: 0 or more.)

In the (less important) description of my symmetric "obscurity" code,
background may help.  These are files generated by machines in the field,
for consumption by other machines in the field with no opportunity for key
exchange.  The reason I call it obscurity is because, eventually someone
may discover the algorithm and key - at which point the files can be
decrypted, modified, re-encrypted, etc.  There's nothing of inherent value
in these files, just option settings which anyone with physical access can
change anyway - but, we want reasonable assurance that "hackers" won't be
toying with the machines by playing with these files.

To achieve this "obscurity/security" machine to machine, I have embedded a
key in the executable code (I know, I know, but is there a better way that
does not rely on user actions?)  The "salt" in the algorithm is a block of
random data that becomes the first encrypted block.  The settings data is
then encrypted, and the hash of the salt+settings data is encrypted,
hopefully achieving the goals of:

a) settings are not stored in plaintext to prevent "easy hacking"

b) identical settings files will appear different when encrypted due to the
salt, even though the key and iv do not change, making one route to
discovery of the key a little harder, and

c) if anything is changed without knowledge of the key, iv and algorithm,
the hash of the decrypted settings will not match the hash traveling with
the encrypted file, preventing randomly tampered files from being accepted
as valid.

Since these machines are "released to the wild" and must occasionally
communicate with each other this way, with essentially no guarantee of
opportunity for updates after release, I don't see a more secure

The more important function is distribution of updates, and this is the one
that I want to employ public/private key encryption since the update files
are generated in a controlled location where we have the opportunity to at
least attempt to keep the private key confidential.  TLS would be nice, but
our update files may also arrive via USB stick, aka sneakernet...  All the
other limitations still apply - machines are sent into the wild and may not
have the opportunity for updates for years, if ever, but when we do send an
update we want the machine to be as certain as possible that it is an
intact authorized update.  Additionally, it is desired (but not critical)
for the contents of the update to be opaque to anyone who may examine the

Thanks for the refresher on practical usage of RSA - my last "under the
hood" work with it was in the 1980s... Would this example be a correct

1 - We will use an RSA keypair with modulus n, public exponent e and
private exponent d, public exponent pre-programmed on the machines when
manufactured, private exponent held at the company.

2 - The message we want to send securely is: "Software updater from 1.0 to
1.1" compute a secure hash SH of the message say using SHA-3-512

3 - Compute SHe = sk^d mod n

4 - Obscure the composite message SHe+"Software updater from 1.0 to 1.1"
using a pre-shared symmetric key and algorithm (perhaps as described above)

5 - Recipient machine de-obscures the composite message using the
pre-shared symmetric key

6 - Recipient machine decrypts SH = SHe^e mod n and then can be certain
that the message is valid because only the factory knows d

Unfortunately, my hands are somewhat tied with respect to key lifecycle.  I
might be able to update some keys on some machines, but there is always the
(high likelihood) that a machine with just the original key will be out
there needing an update.  I'm starting to see the attraction of gpgme for
managing a list of keys, and possibly invalidating older keys with new
updates, but does it provide a mechanism for multiple authentications on a
single message?  ( Like: SHe1+SHe2...+SHeN+"Authenticated message" ? )



On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 10:29 AM, Peter Lebbing 

> On 11/04/18 14:51, Mike Inman wrote:
> > Encrypt the message with a symmetric algorithm, adding salt and a
> > hash/checksum to ensure validity.
> I'm not sure what you're salting exactly, but anyway, this is not the focal

Re: GnuPG usage for automatic remote decryption

2018-04-11 Thread Mike Inman
*** Correcting one, somewhat important, word ***

Hi Dirk & Ken,

I'm working on a similar problem... automated decryption "in the field" and
what I have come to is this:

Encrypt the message with a symmetric algorithm, adding salt and a
hash/checksum to ensure validity.  Then, taking that result and signing
with a private key.

In the field - the signature is validated with the matching public key,
then the symmetric algorithm decrypts the message.  While it is possible
that an attacker might unravel the shared keys used in the symmetric
encryption, this is not so much our concern as is the authenticity of the
message when received.  The combination of private key signature plus hash
checksum should do that.

Our solution needs to be "hands off" automated, which basically precludes
the idea of using passphrases (which would not stay secure in our
organization anyway.)  A determined attacker could get into the source code
and tease out the symmetric key, but that would only show them the contents
of the message, which, if they have the hardware, they can get anyway by
copying the hard drive after the message is decrypted - and as stated
above, this is of much less concern than a spoofed message getting
automatically accepted.

When I studied cryptography at Uni in the 1980s, they taught that
private/public key encryption was a more or less interchangeable affair -
the only difference between a private key and a public key is the manner in
which they are handled.  As such, I am a little disappointed in the GnuPGP
implementation that doesn't allow encryption with the private key to serve
as authentication and obscurity of the message - our
*** not private, but public *** key will be
obscured, but obviously not secured since attackers may have control of the
standard computer system it is contained in.  As things are, I am left to
use a layer of symmetric encryption to obscure the message, no more secure
in the end than using the private key to encrypt (since the symmetric key
is in the devices in the wild), but much more hassle.

Unless I'm missing something?

Also, thus far I have decided that it's easier to do symmetric encryption
with libgcrypt rather than mess with pgp... next week I'll be looking into
how to implement the signature with the private key - maybe that's also
practical to do in libgcrypt instead of gpgme?
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG usage for automatic remote decryption

2018-04-06 Thread Mike Inman
Hi Dirk & Ken,

I'm working on a similar problem... automated decryption "in the field" and
what I have come to is this:

Encrypt the message with a symmetric algorithm, adding salt and a
hash/checksum to ensure validity.  Then, taking that result and signing
with a private key.

In the field - the signature is validated with the matching public key,
then the symmetric algorithm decrypts the message.  While it is possible
that an attacker might unravel the shared keys used in the symmetric
encryption, this is not so much our concern as is the authenticity of the
message when received.  The combination of private key signature plus hash
checksum should do that.

Our solution needs to be "hands off" automated, which basically precludes
the idea of using passphrases (which would not stay secure in our
organization anyway.)  A determined attacker could get into the source code
and tease out the symmetric key, but that would only show them the contents
of the message, which, if they have the hardware, they can get anyway by
copying the hard drive after the message is decrypted - and as stated
above, this is of much less concern than a spoofed message getting
automatically accepted.

When I studied cryptography at Uni in the 1980s, they taught that
private/public key encryption was a more or less interchangeable affair -
the only difference between a private key and a public key is the manner in
which they are handled.  As such, I am a little disappointed in the GnuPGP
implementation that doesn't allow encryption with the private key to serve
as authentication and obscurity of the message - our private key will be
obscured, but obviously not secured since attackers may have control of the
standard computer system it is contained in.  As things are, I am left to
use a layer of symmetric encryption to obscure the message, no more secure
in the end than using the private key to encrypt (since the symmetric key
is in the devices in the wild), but much more hassle.

Unless I'm missing something?

Also, thus far I have decided that it's easier to do symmetric encryption
with libgcrypt rather than mess with pgp... next week I'll be looking into
how to implement the signature with the private key - maybe that's also
practical to do in libgcrypt instead of gpgme?
Gnupg-users mailing list

Features vs versions

2018-03-27 Thread Mike Inman

I'm working with libgcrypt in a CentOS 7 distribution that includes version
1.5.3... I'd like to use GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CCM but this makes me think that it isn't
available in 1.5.3?

Is there an easy table of what features became stable in libgcrypt vs when?

I see the old releases here: but
it's a little cumbersome to download and search the source, and even then
that's not always a good way to judge stability.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Followup: gpgme_set_passphrase_cb not working...

2018-03-22 Thread Mike Inman
FWIW, here's the log entry from an attempt to use gpgme_set_passphrase_cb
on a symmetric encryption.  For some reason I still cannot figure out, my
callback function isn't being used, the system prompt still appears (twice,
once to confirm.)

GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_release: call: ctx=0x17b8980
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_check_version: call: 0=(nil),
req_version=(null), VERSION=1.5.5
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_check_version_internal: call:
0=(nil), req_version=(null), offset_sig_validity=60
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_set_locale: enter: ctx=(nil),
category=0, value=en_US.UTF-8
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_set_locale: leave
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_set_locale: enter: ctx=(nil),
category=5, value=en_US.UTF-8
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_set_locale: leave
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_new: enter: r_ctx=0x7ffc864d3420
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_new: leave: ctx=0x18160a0
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_set_passphrase_cb: call:
ctx=0x18160a0, passphrase_cb=0x44cb20/(nil)
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_new_from_filepart: enter:
r_dh=0x7ffc864d3440, file_name=/home/mike/ft/working/settings/n4sGrass,
copy=1 (yes)
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>gpgme_data_new_from_filepart: enter:
r_dh=0x7ffc864d3440, file_name=/home/mike/ft/working/settings/n4sGrass,
stream=(nil), offset=0, length=8
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_new: enter:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_new: leave: dh=0x1830c30
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>gpgme_data_new_from_filepart: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_new_from_filepart: leave
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_set_encoding: enter:
dh=0x1830c30, encoding=1
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_set_encoding: leave
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_new_from_fd: enter:
r_dh=0x7ffc864d3430, fd=0x1b
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_new_from_fd: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_set_encoding: enter:
dh=0x18385e0, encoding=1
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_data_set_encoding: leave
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>  gpgme_op_encrypt: enter: ctx=0x18160a0,
flags=0x1, plain=0x1830c30, cipher=0x18385e0
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_pipe: enter:
filedes=0x1831ca8, inherit_idx=1 (GPGME uses it for reading)
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_pipe: leave: read=0x1c,
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: enter:
fd=0x1c, close_handler=0x7f909936e350/0x1831c80
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: enter:
fd=0x1d, close_handler=0x7f909936e350/0x1831c80
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>gpgme_data_get_file_name: call:
dh=0x1830c30, dh->file_name=(null)
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_pipe: enter:
filedes=0x7ffc864d2ac0, inherit_idx=0 (GPGME uses it for writing)
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_pipe: leave: read=0x1e,
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: enter:
fd=0x1e, close_handler=0x7f909936e350/0x1831c80
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: enter:
fd=0x1f, close_handler=0x7f909936e350/0x1831c80
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_pipe: enter:
filedes=0x7ffc864d2ac0, inherit_idx=1 (GPGME uses it for reading)
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_pipe: leave: read=0x20,
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: enter:
fd=0x20, close_handler=0x7f909936e350/0x1831c80
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: enter:
fd=0x21, close_handler=0x7f909936e350/0x1831c80
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_pipe: enter:
filedes=0x7ffc864d2ac0, inherit_idx=0 (GPGME uses it for writing)
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_pipe: leave: read=0x22,
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: enter:
fd=0x22, close_handler=0x7f909936e350/0x1831c80
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: enter:
fd=0x23, close_handler=0x7f909936e350/0x1831c80
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205>_gpgme_io_set_close_notify: leave:
GPGME 2018-03-21 18:58:18 <0x6205> 

Re: gpgme_set_passphrase_cb not cooperating...

2018-03-22 Thread Mike Inman
Thanks Werner,

I did that, saw the call to gpg2 (2.0.28, libcrypt 1.6.3), tried changing
the engine to /usr/bin/gpg ( using  gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info( ctx,
GPGME_PROTOCOL_OpenPGP, "/usr/bin/gpg", NULL ) ) and that worked under

Now, my target environment is CentOS 7, and they resolve /usr/bin/gpg with
a link to /usr/bin/gpg2 - which does not play nice with
set_passphrase_cb().  Any suggestions on the best way to untangle that knot?


On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 3:20 AM, Werner Koch  wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Mar 2018 23:53, said:
> > Which versions of gpg/gpgme support passphrase callback setting for
> > symmetric encryption?  My gpgme_check_version returns 1.5.5 and gpg
> > --version returns 1.4.18 in Ubuntu 15.10
> I doubt that it will work with 1.4.  Note that gpgme prefers an
> installed GnuPG 2 version and that may be an too old version or
> combination of GnuPG 2 and gpgme.
> I would suggest that you run your application with
> GPGME_DEBUG=9:gpgme.log: ./your-application
> and check the created log file.  It will have the used gpg version right
> at the top and log the entire communication between gpgme and gpg.
> Salam-Shalom,
> --
> #  Please read:  Daniel Ellsberg - The Doomsday Machine  #
> Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
Gnupg-users mailing list

gpgme_set_passphrase_cb not cooperating...

2018-03-21 Thread Mike Inman

I've been struggling with using gpgme_set_passphrase_cb() in an automated
environment (#include  C gpgme in a C++ program) - it doesn't seem
to have any effect, I still get the system prompts for passphrases.  The
files encrypt and decrypt as one would expect, but due to the automated
end-use case, the user prompts are not acceptable.

I've tried adding: gpgme_set_pinentry_mode( ctx,
GPGME_PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK ); to the code, and then I don't get the
prompts anymore, but the encrypt function returns without an error code,
and the output (cipher) file is zero length.

This is my encrypt function meat:


LOG_FAIL_IF_GPGERR( initGpgme() )

LOG_FAIL_IF_GPGERR( gpgme_new( &ctx ) )

// gpgme_set_pinentry_mode( ctx, GPGME_PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK );

gpgme_set_passphrase_cb( ctx, passphraseCallback, NULL );

LOG_FAIL_IF_GPGERR( gpgme_data_new_from_file(  &plain,
fi.filePath().toLatin1().data(), 1 ) )

LOG_FAIL_IF_GPGERR( gpgme_data_set_encoding (   plain,

LOG_FAIL_IF_GPGERR( gpgme_data_new_from_fd  ( &cipher,
outFile.handle()   ) )

LOG_FAIL_IF_GPGERR( gpgme_data_set_encoding (  cipher,

// recp[0] = settingsKey;

// recp[1] = NULL; // using symmetric encryption instead

LOG_FAIL_IF_GPGERR( gpgme_op_encrypt( ctx, NULL, flags, plain, cipher ) );

gpgme_data_release( plain );

gpgme_data_release( cipher );

gpgme_release( ctx );



and, for the moment, the passphrase callback returns a fixed string,
but as far as I can tell, it never gets called in either case:


extern "C" {

gpgme_error_t passphraseCallback(void *hook, const char *uid_hint,
const char *passphrase_info, int prev_was_bad, int fd);


gpgme_error_t passphraseCallback(void *hook, const char *uid_hint,
const char *passphrase_info, int prev_was_bad, int fd)

{ qInfo( "passphraseCallback( hook:%llx uid_hint:%s passphrase_info:%s
prev_was_bad:%d", (long long)hook, uid_hint, passphrase_info,
prev_was_bad );

  char phrase[103];

  strncpy(phrase, "CorrectHorseBatteryStaple", 100);

  strcat(phrase, "\n");

  if ( gpgme_io_writen( fd, phrase, strlen(phrase) ) != 0 )

return GPG_ERR_USER_1;

  return GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR;



I have used similar code to work with private/public key pairs that
have no passphrase assigned and they seem to be working as expected,
but I think in this application I'd rather use symmetric encryption
with the passphrase obscured in my executable code.

Which versions of gpg/gpgme support passphrase callback setting for
symmetric encryption?  My gpgme_check_version returns 1.5.5 and gpg
--version returns 1.4.18 in Ubuntu 15.10

Any help would be appreciated.


Mike Inman
Gnupg-users mailing list