Re: Ok this is a stupid questions

2019-02-25 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On February 25, 2019 5:13:32 AM AKST, Michael Holly  
> So I completely preface this question is not a valid use case for gpg.
>  I know, I get it.
> I have a potential issue that I'm trying to diagnose.  I'm trying to
> understand how gpg will react to the input file size changing during
> the encrypt or decrypt step.
> Right now it appears that the gpg process goes a bit crazy and the 200
> MB file I am decrypting becomes 1.2 TB or greater.
> Here is the order of the events
> 1.   File lands on my system.
> 2.   PGP decrypt is invoked on the file.
> 3.   Since the file is not truly done being sent to me, the file
> grows in size.
> 4.   GPG seems to expand the decrypted file many times over.
> What I suspect is that instead of erroring out, GPG starts the decrypt
> process over and appends the new output to the previous cycle..   I
> have not tested this, but will soon.
> I just wanted to see if anyone else has seen this happen.
> Thanks
> Michael

News media questions?

Many times it is the case that large files are compresssed before being 
encrypted, and there are certain information-theoretical reasons to do so.

Aside from efficiency and possibly a slightly better security, it is absolutely 
impossible to compress files after they are encrypted because the repetitive or 
redundant patterns, on which the compression is based, are precisely what is 
obfuscated and concealed by the encryption.

In any case, if the file was compressed before encryption, then it will have to 
be expanded back to its original size after decryption.

Then there is the base64 ASCII armor, which causes a ciphertext expansion to 
the tune of some 35% by using only 6 of the 8 bits of each byte plus extra 
formatting for new lines and such.

So how did the Firstlook Media reporters from The Intercept come to give up 
their GPG keys and go so mainstream corporate? They never got along all that 
well with the military, and they're not even remotely "alternative" anymore if 
they ever were. It's all establishment Democrat party line mainstream media, 
and "Don't you dare try to get smart and buck the labor union!" Holed up in 
Brazil somewhere pushing that atrocious "7me" spyware app on my Android phone 
as if that gay male reporter is suddenly a good Christian sitting on the church 
pew keeping the Sabbath so obediently on the Seventh Day and circumcising his 
kids under the law of Moses.

That's why I have to call foul play on proprietary operating systems. 
Encryption is theoretical only: in practice useless, moot, crippled, broken, 
and terminally back-doored with all the malware, adware, spyware, worms, 
viruses, trojans, keyloggers, and screenscrapers inherent to such systems as 
Google Android, Microsoft Windows, and Apple OS. The Democrats will stop at 
nothing to keep it that way at all costs, and the Republicans just don't care.
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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: The "advanced" URL of openpgp-webkey-service-07, and l=

2019-02-12 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On February 11, 2019 4:04:31 AM AKST, Alessandro Vesely  wrote:
>I just saw version -07 today.  The advanced method:
>doesn't seem to make much sense to me.  I tried it with, and
>ale@pcale:~/tmp$ dig +short
>ale@pcale:~/tmp$ curl --head
>curl: (51) SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target
>host name ''
>The subdomain is probably a star (*) DNS record.  However, their
>certificate's Subject Alt Name doesn't have a star, but a list of
>subdomains.  Certificates cost, albeit not much, so the need to set up
>a new subdomain may hamper implementation.
>I'm unable to get the "flexibility in setting up the Web Key Directory
>in environments where more than one mail domain is hosted".  Say I host
>A.example and B.example.  Then I need to set up both subdomains
>openpgpkey.A.example and openpgpkey.B.example.  Internally, they can be
>redirected in a number of ways, but the server should hold the
>HTTP_HOST anyway.  To repeat tha mail domain between .well-known and
>openpgpkey doesn't seem to help much.
>The openpgpkey folder can be implemented by plain files named after the
>32 byte string and containing the key to be served.  The l= parameter
>would just be discarded in that case.  Otherwise, if the server side
>script is cute, should it verify whether the value of the parameter
>interpreted as a local part matches the 32 byte string?  What if they
>don't match?  To urlencode the local part might have been easier than
>Z-encoding its SHA1, but what's the point of doing both?
>Gnupg-users mailing list

Certificates COST, do they?

Should a * star certificate COST so infinitely much, then?

WELLKNOWN := Check the sex offender registry list, grab a guy by short and 
curlies, dig in with your fingernails, and give a sharp twist to the left, or 
something like that.

Is that what those Russian ladies from NGINX call a "leftist" programming style?
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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [k9mail/k-9] Makes PGP sign-only mails very difficult (#2375)

2019-02-05 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On February 4, 2019 8:07:33 AM AKST, Citizen Kepler  
>I would like to say that I need to have a signature on all of the
>emails that I send to authenticate me as the sender, but not encrypt
>them.  Often these messages are going back into bug tracking systems or
>mailing lists, and manually signing each email is a bad solution.   I
>will need to allow a opt-in sign by default option. 

[[[Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 12:45 PM AKST]]]
PGP signatures do have a couple of rather severe and vicious limitations.

THE DATE PROBLEM. Only the body of the email is signed, not the envelope 
headers, namely the subject and intended recipients, and probably most 
importantly, the date. It would be nice to have an option to automatically 
include some of these headers in the body of the signed message when composing 
a signed email message.

THE STRIPPING PROBLEM. Currently, each attachment is signed separately and 
independently by the PGP-MIME standard. It would be preferable to digitally 
sign SHA hashes of the main message and all attachments in a single additional 
attachment. This would leave an indication of any attachments that may have 
been "stripped" from the email message, but without breaking the signatures of 
remaining attachments in such cases.

Bust that 55+ EFF nightclub and do it right, folks, unless it's the youth wing 
spouting the exact same old fogies' party line. 
Una Milicia bien regulada, estando necesaria a la seguridad de un Estado libre, 
el derecho del pueblo de tener y de portar Armas, no será infringido.

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Gnupg-users Digest, Vol 184, Issue 22

2019-02-03 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On February 3, 2019 7:48:28 AM AKST, "Robert J. Hansen"  
>> What i liked about PGPfone was that you could directly connect to
>> communications partner, without any servers involved and it was super
>> easy to use. You simply put in the (current) IP Adress, connect and
>> read some displayed letters to each other, to prevent MITM, and then
>> communicated. There was no learning curve involved.
>In the era before NAT, this may have made sense.  In today's
>NAT-pervasive era, not so much.
>Under NAT, your IP address is hidden from the rest of the internet. 
>address my router gives me is not one the outside world can use to
>information to me; and if I go to a website that lists my IP, that's
>actually my router's IP, not mine.
>I won't go into how NAT works except to say that under NAT, connections
>cannot[1] be made from one peer to another.  You need a server that's
>not NATted in order to facilitate connections between peers.
>So -- I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the architecture of
>internet has changed dramatically since PGPfone was released in ...
>was it, '94?  Today, one of the major purposes of these servers is to
>facilitate traversing NATs.
>[1] It's technically possible to do peer to peer behind NAT, but beyond
>the technical capabilities of the vast majority of users.
>Gnupg-users mailing list

The official answer to NAT is IPv6. Works quite well, except for a few 
technology luddites.

Other than that, my place was SWATted about 1:30am last night. The previous 
night the phone rang at 4:38am, caller ID from Washington, D.C. A strange car 
had been parked at my place, listening for the phone to ring.

We've got to think outside the box on that one. There's a German pub down the 
street, the "West Berlin," just across from the local telephone office, GCI, 
yes, luddites, all NAT, no IPv6. Gotta go AT&T for that.

So think reality: location, location, location. It's S.O.P. for the C.C.C., and 
no, we're not talking about the Civilian Conservation Corps. Young white male 
cops on the graveyard shift, amped up on adrenaline and testosterone, brash and 
eager to make their bones on a big bust. That color-of-law stuff from the feds 
is starting to get to them.

Talk too much on the phone, and there's bound to be some girl or female 
operator pressing charges by the minute. "Get off my block, bitch, I'm 
listening!" she mutters in a sleepy voice. It's the Democratic boiler room 
Party line. The ladies have a stranglehold on the telephone surveillance 
business, yes, those ladies, meaning none other than Dianne Feinstein and 
friends on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Eve and Mallory listening to 
Alice and Bob.
Una Milicia bien regulada, estando necesaria a la seguridad de un Estado libre, 
el derecho del pueblo de tener y de portar Armas, no será infringido.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Gnupg-users Digest, Vol 184, Issue 22

2019-02-01 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On February 1, 2019 10:05:58 AM AKST, Stefan Claas  wrote:
>On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 19:43:35 -0900, justina colmena wrote:
>> With regards to PGPfone etc., all you need to do is run Asterisk on a
>server somewhere, enable SIP with encryption.
>> If you or your conversation partner don't have a public key, there is
>a voice verification of endpoints, but do note
>> that encrypted real-time voice conversations are extremely difficult
>to protect from packet-timing and other
>> side-channel attacks which often trivially reveal a muffled but clear
>recording and transcript.
>Thanks for the info, but i do not want to install server software, for
>encrypted communications,
>where 3rd parties could have theoretically access to it.
>Maybe someone, in the future, can pick-up the idea of PGPfone and
>develop it further
>so that it can be used on Linux too or modern macOS. The old Windows
>version still runs
>fine, under Windows 7, for example.
>P.S. About my domain name, for the interested women or children, please
>a look here:

I am definitely not asking anyone to install anything for my use. I'm just 
trying to explain AFAIK, what you need to do if you want to experiment with 
voice encryption.

I don't want to be held responsible for it or arrested for it any more than 
anyone else, and I'm also trying to explain how some of these things come 
across to authorities who continually amd repeatedly insist on viewing all such 
matters in the worst possible light.

Didn't Martin Luther say to place the best construction on all things? But no, 
we must submit to "parallel construction" and falsely sworn warrants by 
over-informed and under-educated law enforcement officers. "Thou shalt not bear 
false witness" and all that, and we just had a holiday, Dr. Martin Luther King 
Jr. day - and that's right, now that I think about it - not only a doctorate 
like his German namesake, but his father and grandfather and their wives must 
have been staunch Lutherans as well, in so far as to name one son after another 
after him.

There is so much Catholic insistence on communist totalitarianism under a papal 
dictatorship of the proletariat, and opposition in the name of that religion to 
every precept of human rights and due process of law, that even the Finnish 
Protestants preach "oikeutta" & "lain oikeaa käyttöä" in church, because like 
us they have not attained to such rights and freedoms in this life on Earth, 
and so the struggle continues against Catholicism.

The full name of "baud" is "Baudot," a Frenchman, if I recall correctly, a 
contemporary of Hartley or Shannon, definitely a co-worker on such matters. 
Living relatives? Is it another family feud? France is practically at war 
already with a migrant situation, the recent Europol or Interpol shake-up with 
China or Russia or South Korea, general E.U. upheaval, Brexit sympathies, and 
so on and so forth.
Una Milicia bien regulada, estando necesaria a la seguridad de un Estado libre, 
el derecho del pueblo de tener y de portar Armas, no será infringido.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Gnupg-users Digest, Vol 184, Issue 22

2019-02-01 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On January 30, 2019 1:47:41 PM AKST, Stefan Claas  wrote:
>On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 12:46:26 -0800, Allen M. Juinio wrote:
>> > Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 20:44:07 +0100
>> > From: Stefan Claas 
>> > On the other side i wish PGPfone would have been further developed.
>> > I found it, way back then, pretty cool and super easy to use,
>> > to PGP or GnuPG.
>> Have you tried using Signal from Open Whisper Systems?  They have
>both an Android and Apple version. 
>Thanks, i am aware of Signal, but what i mean is to communicate
>and not via servers and also by not giving away phone numbers.
>With PGPfone one needed only the (current) IP address of its
>partner and then connected directly, without any servers involved.
>Gnupg-users mailing list

I don't mean to sound rude or out of place, but there appear to be too many 
distractions to have a productive discussion on this list, and there are some 
critical issues, because GnuPG has become an essential part of many important 
systems throughout the free and open source software community.

The weekly "digest" option for the mailing list should be no-reply. People who 
wish to participate in a pointed or on-topic discussion really need to receive 
each email message independently.

I realize it's a German domain, but is just really obnoxious in 
English. The phrase "300 baud" itself is, of course, completely unobjectionable 
hacker lore, but baud+de = "bawdy" as in "bawdy house" which is extremely 
vulgar in English. Only for the gentlemen.

That sort of "humor" is not friendly to women and children, and I know 
especially a lot of women and girls would otherwise be very interested in 
cryptography, PGP-encrypted email, etc. Let's lose the vulgarity and focus on 
Alice's secret message to Bob, something Eve or Mallory has no need to know, 
basic elements of what needs to be done right with respect to the core 
functionality of GnuPG.

Not to advertise, but my own domain is the Spanish word "colmena" (hive, colony 
of bees, beehive in English) with the "biz" tld, slang for "business." Bees are 
busy, and they make that buzzing noise. Point being, it's entirely possible to 
avoid a lewd implication or double entendre. I can't let people take me for all 
honey and no sting with my domain.

With regards to PGPfone etc., all you need to do is run Asterisk on a server 
somewhere, enable SIP with encryption. If you or your conversation partner 
don't have a public key, there is a voice verification of endpoints, but do 
note that encrypted real-time voice conversations are extremely difficult to 
protect from packet-timing and other side-channel attacks which often trivially 
reveal a muffled but clear recording and transcript.

The human voice is in a certain sense "too rich" to hide or conceal, and the 
Bible tells of a "line" of every signal or sound that extends to be heard to 
the ends the earth, and of the ungodly that "the sound of his words shall come 
unto the Lord for the manifestation of his wicked deeds."
Una Milicia bien regulada, estando necesaria a la seguridad de un Estado libre, 
el derecho del pueblo de tener y de portar Armas, no será infringido.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Discrepancies in extracted photo-id images from dumps

2019-01-21 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On January 19, 2019 9:56:00 AM AKST, "Ingo Klöcker"  wrote:
>On Samstag, 19. Januar 2019 17:10:38 CET Stefan Claas wrote:
>> Method used with GnuPG:
>> In gpg.conf i put: photo-viewer "cat > %K.%t"
>> and then i used this one liner:
>> for filename in ./*.pgp; do gpg --list-keys --list-options show-photo
>> --keyring "${filename}"; done
>This will result in at most 1 image per key because your fake
>overwrites photos for keys containing multiple photo-ids (%K.%t is
>for all photo-ids of a key). Using
>photo-viewer "cat > %K.%U.%t"
>instead should fix this.

Yes, I agree it's about time somebody clocked the $#!+ out of some of these EFF 
f*ckers and called them out on their bull crap, because you're not one of them, 
as you have so excused yourself.

Other than that, well, all we ever get from Gnu/EFF is, "Don't talk to the 
cops!" And come to find out they have already snitched on us, grossly 
misrepresented us to the aforementioned cops, and cooked up false police 
reports against us that go on permanent record without the due process of law, 
and without any communication to us of our loss of rights and representation.

We would like to work with the cops and educate them on due process and civil 
rights, but the truth is, you're either a criminal or a snitch the minute you 
talk to a cop, they punish you just the same either way, all the dishonest 
lawyers, corrupt judges, and stacked juries on their side, and if you haven't 
"lost your gun rights" already, they just take you in for a mental evaluation 
and have a doctor declare you irrevocably incompetent to possess a firearm for 
the rest of your life of cop-calling victimhood.

And it's actually ten times worse than that, because when you try to find 
employment or housing with that on your record, your potential employer sees an 
unfounded and unproven, but indefeasible accusation of murder on your permanent 

Add to that the off-duty *armed* lynch mob from the local PD, the local NSA 
neighborhood crime watch with the moms in tennis shoes screaming ch!ld 
pr0nogr4phy, and we have a full-blown East German DDR Stasi in the USA. Somehow 
I don't believe the situation in Europe is much if at all better, because that 
political garbage is all coming from somewhere in the EU.

You've got email problems at KDE.

X-Authenticated-User? Is KDE high on drugs to pimp out your private email 
address like that to the whole mailing list? Or is KDE (= "K" DEutscheland) the 
German equivalent of KKK in the United States? Right, right, right. It's all 
love and free software and it runs on Ubuntu in Africa, same as everywhere else.

>On Samstag, 19. Januar 2019 17:10:38 CET Stefan Claas wrote:
Look. I realize it's automatically generated by your email client "reply" 
function, but is that supposed to be an English-language sentence with a 
German-language locale time-zone date-stamp mashed into the middle of it? Some 
of you Germans drink so much beer you can't tell what time the sun is supposed 
to come up in the morning.

Everything is either proprietary and locked down, or too broken and crippled to 
be usable, and there's no viable free software left anywhere, because of all 
the bull crap and the H1-B labor Mob from the East Indies. Microsoft is behind 
this, I'm telling you. They bought out GitHub. The Halloween Documents, the SCO 
fiasco, the whole saga, nobody ever got fired for buying Apple, 
IBM, AT&T, and Cisco, either, and it's all coming back, closed source, slammed 
shut right in our faces.

How can people be so insufferably rude?
Una Milicia bien regulada, estando necesaria a la seguridad de un Estado libre, 
el derecho del pueblo de tener y de portar Armas, no será infringido.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg > addphoto

2019-01-11 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On January 8, 2019 11:23:40 AM AKST, dirk1980ac via Gnupg-users 
>Am Dienstag, den 08.01.2019, 20:16 +0100 schrieb Stefan Claas:
>> Yes, agreed! However, as it currently is there is no need for bad
>> actors because people have plenty of image space in a key.
>Uh, I think you have found a new place where the guys can hide their
>porn collections so there wifes don't find it.
>Sorry, could not resist.

It's a peculiar problem with which law enforcement is of little or no 
assistance. There's a gun and a badge and a gang of dicks with flashlights all 
over town, and a heavy-breathing warrant to bust your door in on that stuff. 
Neither the law enforcement credentials nor the color of law excuse the base 
human desire of cops to indulge their own flesh.

A related problem is "image phreaking." People make a game of digitally 
altering images and obscuring their source. Others make a game of deobfuscating 
the images and tracking them down. There is a very close-knit community of this 
sort of thing among disreputable hangers-on to Interpol, Europol, US FBI, 
Russian FSB, etc.

Several times I have been forced to permanently dissociate myself from all 
images and photos ever to have been associated with me, whether photos I have 
taken myself or which were found on my computer. Those people were hunting me, 
and they were led astray by their false assumptions, because *I* usually assume 
when foreign cops are hunting me that they are hunting to kill, and not to 
bring criminal or civil charges in court.

Wherever there is a photo or image of any sort, cops as well as a certain 
low-class security apparatchik always _assume_ an unhealthy obsession or morbid 
desire to memorialize something or someone. I mean, if you're not a 
professional photographer, you are _assumed_ to be trespassing on their 
intellectual property in some way or another, however they can twist it around 
in court to make it appear so. It's all part and parcel of the artsy-fartsy 
red-light district with the FBI warnings on all the Hollywood movies, actresses 
accusing male fans of stalking, etc.

So digital photos and images become a cop-calling feminists' emotional space 
where men in general and less privileged women are prohibited by law, but 
professional necktied gentlemen are perfectly welcome.
Una Milicia bien regulada, estando necesaria a la seguridad de un Estado libre, 
el derecho del pueblo de tener y de portar Armas, no será infringido.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg - difference --encrypt-to and --recipient

2019-01-02 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On January 1, 2019 4:13:43 PM AKST, MFPA 
<> wrote:
>On Monday 31 December 2018 at 9:06:39 PM, in
>, justina
>colmena via Gnupg-users wrote:-
>> Shouldn't an email message (for example) be encrypted
>> separately to
>> each BCC recipient,
>My opinion is that should be the case. However, most MUAs I've used
>include the BCC recipients' keys in the encryption along with the To
>and CC recipients' keys, so any email addresses in the user-IDs of
>these keys are visible to all recipients.
>As an exception, one MAU I used with an OpenPGP add-on would instead
>send an individual copy of the message to each BCC recipient,
>encrypted only to their key.

This seems like better practice. Also I would want to encrypt the transmitted 
email message only to the intended recipient, and the copy stored in my "Sent" 
folder only to myself.

>> or is this an intended all-in-one
>> multiple-recipient encryption which cannot conceal
>> from the
>> cryptanalyst the fact that the same message,
>> encrypted only once, is
>> being sent to more than one receiving party?
>With hidden-recipient or hidden-encrypt-to or throw-keyids, it is
>clear how many keys were encrypted to, but the key IDs and user-IDs
>are not present.
I am not terribly comfortable with this situation. It almost seems rather 
creepy to me to receive an encrypted message that is also encrypted for the 
benefit or verification of one or more unknown and unidentified third parties. 
I start suspecting things like a foreign government mandated key escrow or 
secret government backdoor on behalf of some foreign spy or law enforcement 
>Best regards
>MFPA  <>
>Never trust a dog with orange eyebrows

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg - difference --encrypt-to and --recipient

2018-12-31 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On December 31, 2018 5:38:10 AM AKST, Dirk Gottschalk via Gnupg-users 
>Hello Damien.
>Am Montag, den 31.12.2018, 12:45 + schrieb Damien Goutte-Gattat:
>> On Mon, Dec 31, 2018 at 07:17:21AM +0100, Dirk Gottschalk via Gnupg-
>> users wrote:
>> > Yes, that's correct. Anyways, I prefer using the --hidden-recipient
>> > for this purpose. That prevents the disclosure of the communication
>> > paths with pure GPG-Packet analysis.
>> You do realize that, in the case of e-mail, the communication paths
>> are already disclosed by the SMTP protocol (command "RCPT TO") and
>> the mail headers ("From", "To", and the like), which both are outside
>> the scope of OpenPGP protection?
>Yes, sure I do. But referencing the command line options, I thought he
>was speaking about encryption of files. In this case, it could be of
>(even if small) benefits to avoid the disclosure of the path.
>> Using --hidden-recipient only protects against an hypothetic attacker
>> who is somehow only able to obtain the email body (the OpenPGP
>> message itself) without the surrounding metadata.
>That's correct. As told, I was talking about encrypted files. If you
>upload en encrypted file to a cloud service, for example, it could be a
>good idea to encrypt only to hidden recipients. Security my obscurity
>is not everytime a bad thing. ;)

For some reason I'm not getting a "Reply-To:" for the whole list here...
Hidden recipients are normally given in the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field in 
the case of email, and the communication paths are not disclosed to other 

Shouldn't an email message (for example) be encrypted separately to each BCC 
recipient, or is this an intended all-in-one multiple-recipient encryption 
which cannot conceal from the cryptanalyst the fact that the same message, 
encrypted only once, is being sent to more than one receiving party?

I hate to see the vast number of gpg command-line options get so carried away 
that we lose grip of the basic cryptography that we want to use GnuPG for.

And now the *secret* keys are going in "~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg" with the false 
implication by its name that the file contains only public keys which need not 
be so carefully guarded against disclosure.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Importing keys into GnuPG 2.2 series

2018-12-13 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
This e-mail is signed with a key generated by OpenKeychain on a smartphone. I 
am able to verify the signatures on other signed e-mails I get on this mailing 
list, with the exception of the footer added by the mailing list software.

I was able to back up the key, import it into GnuPG 1.4.23 and sign some old 
papers which I had sitting around, with the same key, which ironically is now 
newer than any of the papers. I have made both attached and detached signatures.

OpenKeychain on my smartphone is able to verify the attached signatures .gpg, 
but not the detached .sig files.

For some reason I cannot get GnuPG 2.2.11 to recognize the passphrase for the 
secret key, which I am only able to set, use, or change in GnuPG 1.4.23.

MAIN QUESTION: Is this a pinentry-curses problem with the tty over ssh, or is 
it an actual key incompatibility issue?

If for some reason the key is not actually compatible with GnuPG 2, then 
shouldn't I just generate a new key in GnuPG 2, and then sign it with my old 
key in GnuPG 1 and also import it back into the OpenKeychain app if I want to 
use it on my phone?

Thank you. There is quite a discussion going on about other matters, and I am 
not sure I asked the right question for what I wanted to know.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Smart cards

2018-12-13 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On December 12, 2018 10:13:58 PM AKST, Werner Koch  wrote:
>On Tue, 11 Dec 2018 19:27, said:
>> using openkeychain with a yubikey nfc is totally solid, and
>> I've been using them for years. they also plug into the bottom of the
>> phones which some people prefer.
>You should keep in mind that you can eavesdrop on NFC communication
>within several meters.  Right, it is required that the card is niot
>than about 10cm away from the reader but that is only to convey the
>power to the card, the HF is readable from several meters as soon as
>card is powered up.
>If you care about side channel attacks, NFC communication is a bad idea
>because the decrypted session key can easily be picked up.  To avoid
>this, /secure communication/ needs to be used but that is cumbersome
>because this requires a shared secret between host and card.  But well,
>smartphones are not a safe device anyway.
>   Werner

I agree that smartphones are not safe, but I am not particularly in favor of 
smartcards, dongles, and security tokens like yubikeys, either.

Any kind of special-purpose cryptographic *hardware* is essentially 
proprietary, and too attractive and soft a target for various nations' spy 
agencies to covertly backdoor. "Don't look at me! I've got something to hide, 
and nowhere to protect it!"

There's a secure phone on the President's desk, and not even the Secret Service 
can say it's all that "secure."

Open-source cryptographic software that runs on general purpose computer 
hardware is generally much more difficult to backdoor.

If you plug some little doohickey or thingamagig into your computer to do 
*crypto*, of all things, your computer is liable to become infected with 
spyware over the USB bus via BadUSB and various firmware- and device-related 
security vulnerabilities.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Keyserver access changes in GnuPG

2018-12-12 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On December 12, 2018 2:00:18 PM AKST, Todd Zullinger  wrote:
> the keyserver and photoviewer helpers

A permanent record and a mug shot for the cops and every thief, hooker, and 
pickpocket on the block, respectively. And they all just help themselves to the 
secret key.

Someone puts out a little bit of money for secret keys and passphrases, they 
know your real name and where you live, and it just all goes to hell in a 

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Keyserver access changes in GnuPG

2018-12-12 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On December 12, 2018 2:35:43 AM AKST, Stefan Claas  
>On Wed, 12 Dec 2018 10:15:33 +0100, Wiktor Kwapisiewicz via Gnupg-users
>> Hello all,
>> I recently saw a message from one of Fedora's maintainers:
>> > Coming soon to Fedora30 (rawhide), gnupg v1.4.x renamed to gnupg1.
>Also dropping keyserver support at Werner's
>> > suggestion since upstream plans to disable that soon.  
>> Source:
>> Does anyone know anything about dropping keyserver support in GnuPG?
>That seems
>> a little bit radical but maybe I've missed something...
>If so, I see it as a consequent move from past discussions on ML's and
>that Werner shows
>responsibility, while everybody else defended the old system or put
>their head in the sand.

One disadvantage of "keyservers" in general is that the automated queries to 
them leak "too much information" on the parties with whom one is communicating 
- even the fact that one is using PGP at all.

One of the original goals of PGP, and later on, GnuPG, was to avoid the 
reliance on a central point of failure such as a "server." It was to be a most 
explicitly *decentralized* system.

*Probably nothing wrong* with a keyserver if the key is tied to one's everyday 
real-life identity, but that is not always the use case of public key 
cryptography. Not everyone wants his or her phone number, email address, and 
residence address published in a database accessible to the public.

The big advantage, of course, to the keyservers is that they make it convenient 
for people to use PGP and GnuPG who might not otherwise bother with encryption 
at all.

In any case, I am sure that the keyserver support functionality could easily be 
split off into a separate program if it is being dropped from GnuPG, which to 
be honest is getting rather bloated and could do well to focus on its core 

Right now the OpenKeychain app on my phone is configured to search OpenPGP 

hkps:// (hkp://jirk5u4osbsr34t5.onion)
hkps:// (which I added because I use Fedora.)

There is also a "" and a "Web Key Directory" search. It might seem a 
bit much, but the general goal here is not "absolute privacy" but to enable the 
dumb user of a smart phone to make use of PGP encryption.

This whole debate, I seem to recall, took place many, many years ago, and of 
course different groups have different goals and find different technical 
solutions for their respective situations.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Garbled data in keyservers

2018-12-09 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On December 9, 2018 11:17:34 AM AKST, Stefan Claas  
>On Sun, 9 Dec 2018 21:11:12 +0100, Juergen Bruckner wrote:
>> Am 09.12.18 um 18:24 schrieb Dirk Gottschalk via Gnupg-users:
>> > And further, why should anyone run something like a ca CA for free.
>> > Sure, CAcert does it. But that's the onlöy organisation I know who
>> > does this.  
>> Also WPIA [1] plans to do this and started a audit process for their
>> CA.
>> regards
>> Juergen
>> [1]
>Very cool Juergen! 

What was that German company, StartSSL or something, that offered free certs 
for a while, big on S/MIME, (almost deprecated PGP/GPG,) and personal client 
certificates on the browser, that sort of thing?

Then there was a big kerfuffle because the Chinese allegedly bought them out.

Then EFF / certbot / letsencrypt started offering them. It's a "gentleman's 
agreement" of sorts. One and only one CA will offer "free" certs, and they're 
"well-known," basically for development and not for e-commerce.

I'm rather upset with EFF at the moment, by the way. They're always pushing 
"adult content" like a bunch of porno addicts and they have acquired almost a 
Salesforce- or SAP-like CRM system in their back office, collecting lot of 
personal information on political dissidents and precisely the privacy-minded 
individuals who would rather not have such possibly derogatory information 
collected about them.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Garbled data in keyservers

2018-12-09 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
On December 9, 2018 7:54:01 AM EST, Stefan Claas  
>Get a sig from a CA and then upload your key via email.
That's a bit steep, and was never the original goal of PGP or GPG.

If the goal is to eliminate the bulk of bad keys and junk from key servers, an 
account creation with basic email verification for adding or removing keys 
should suffice.

Let's be honest: no one really wants an infrastructure of legally valid or 
enforceable GPG signatures, either. It's a technical verification that 
something is very unlikely to be altered if the signature is valid. Any 
particular overriding legal significance beyond that is unnecessary.

Don't overdo it, please. PGP key servers are not supposed to be 
"authoritative." They are a convenience to extend an informal web of trust. 
Let's resist that German urge toward authoritarianism and absolutism, shall we?

Bosses and bullies do not help with privacy, personal digital signatures, or 
cryptography for personal use. The CA stuff is mostly for business, not 
personal. The adversaries in that case are pickpockets and credit card 
skimmers, not major governments and political enemies.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Gnupg-users mailing list

gpg2: unable to use secret key from OpenKeychain

2018-12-08 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
This is the error message I get in gpg2 with (my own) key. GnuPG 2.2.9~11 gives 
me no indication that anything is wrong with the key until I am prompted for 
the passphrase, and then even the correct passphrase is rejected.

Please enter the passphrase to unlock the OpenPGP secret key: 
"justina colmena "
3072-bit RSA key, ID D514FB3FDF44BDA4,
created 2018-10-27 (main key ID 6B4FF696F20E3CC5).

Bad Passphrase (try 2 of 3)

Passphrase: ___

I have no problem unlocking the secret key or setting or changing its 
passphrase in gpg1, but I have no idea how to import or use the secret key in 

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

gpg2: unable to use secret key from OpenKeychain

2018-12-07 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
Garbled again! Encrypted by mistake, apparently only to myself. The attachment 
is the part starting "BEGIN PGP MESSAGE".

Copy & paste that part into a text editor and save as backup_2018-12-07.sec.pgp

 Original Message ----
From: justina colmena via Gnupg-users 
Sent: December 7, 2018 9:14:25 AM AKST
Subject: Re: gpg2: unable to use secret key from OpenKeychain

On December 7, 2018 7:28:19 AM AKST, justina colmena via Gnupg-users 
>Subject: secret key data (test key)
>Date: 2018-12-07
>This attachment is an encrypted backup I made from the OpenKeychain app
>of a test key I made for the purpose. The passphrase for this one is
>but it looks like the whole thing is encrypted by symmetric-key
>(AES-256) cipher because it is not encrypted to any particular public
>key, and furthermore, once decrypted and imported, the secret key is no
>longer protected by a passphrase, until I explicitly create one for it
>with "gpg --edit-key".
>For some odd reason I am unable to use the secret key in gpg2
>(~2.2.11), even though I can still encrypt to the imported key or
>verify signatures with it in gpg2.
>There does not seem to be any problem with using the secret key in
>"gpg" = GnuPG 1.4.23.
>$ gpg --decrypt backup_2018-12-07.sec.pgp | gpg --import
>gpg: unknown armor header: Passphrase-Format: numeric9x4
>gpg: unknown armor header: Passphrase-Begin: 51
>gpg: AES256 encrypted data
>gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
>gpg: key CAC8E3E7: public key "Test Key 1 "
>gpg: key CAC8E3E7: secret key imported
>gpg: key CAC8E3E7: "Test Key 1 " not changed
>gpg: Total number processed: 2
>gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)
>gpg: unchanged: 1
>gpg: secret keys read: 1
>gpg: secret keys imported: 1
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
>State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be

The "PGP MESSAGE" attachment at the bottom of this email looks like it was 
stripped by the mailing list. I have included it inline below, but now it will 
have to be copied and pasted into a text editor if anyone wan

Re: gpg2: unable to use secret key from OpenKeychain

2018-12-07 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users

Description: application/pgp-encrypted

Description: Binary data
Gnupg-users mailing list

gpg2: unable to use secret key from OpenKeychain

2018-12-07 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
Subject: secret key data (test key)
Date: 2018-12-07

This attachment is an encrypted backup I made from the OpenKeychain app of a 
test key I made for the purpose. The passphrase for this one is


but it looks like the whole thing is encrypted by symmetric-key (AES-256) 
cipher because it is not encrypted to any particular public key, and 
furthermore, once decrypted and imported, the secret key is no longer protected 
by a passphrase, until I explicitly create one for it with "gpg --edit-key".

For some odd reason I am unable to use the secret key in gpg2 (~2.2.11), even 
though I can still encrypt to the imported key or verify signatures with it in 

There does not seem to be any problem with using the secret key in "gpg" = 
GnuPG 1.4.23.

$ gpg --decrypt backup_2018-12-07.sec.pgp | gpg --import
gpg: unknown armor header: Passphrase-Format: numeric9x4
gpg: unknown armor header: Passphrase-Begin: 51
gpg: AES256 encrypted data
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
gpg: key CAC8E3E7: public key "Test Key 1 "
gpg: key CAC8E3E7: secret key imported
gpg: key CAC8E3E7: "Test Key 1 " not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)
gpg: unchanged: 1
gpg: secret keys read: 1
gpg: secret keys imported: 1



A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Description: PGP signature

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Garbled data in keyservers

2018-12-05 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users

A keyserver is a convenience. Of course it's not magic. Right now I am using 
K-9 Mail and OpenKeychain on Android. When I received the above message from 
the list, K-9 Mail informed me that it was signed with a key with fingerprint 
"0xff80ae9d1dec358d", and referred me to the OpenKeychain app, which searched 
keyservers and found a matching public key, which I was allowed to import to 
verify the signature, which I did so successfully.

The fingerprints are some collision-resistant secure hashes, and in theory it 
is extraordinarily difficult to create another public key with the same 

I have never met "Werner Koch" personally, but I am about as certain as I can 
be (under the present scheme of things) that that is the key fingerprint of the 
person from who posts to the mailing list, and that there would be 
quite a bit of noise on the list in case of a mistaken identity.

There is a certain "reputation effect" with a public key which in theory 
obviates the need for in-person verification and secret handshakes.

The major difficulties and points of weakness to the whole scheme, in my 
opinion, are, (a) retaining possession of the private key, and (b) denying 
others illicit access to the private key.

Point (b) is a long-term, seemingly irremediable, problem. The long key 
lifetimes and the general lack of *Perfect Forward Secrecy* greatly aggravate 
the risk of a catastrophic total compromise of all data signed with or 
encrypted to the private key.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

GnuPG on Android

2018-12-04 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
Hello GnuPG users!

This is somewhat related to a discussion from last month.

To answer the question about GnuPG on Android, the most useful application I 
have found so far is called OpenKeychain.

The K-9 Mail client, which I am using now, and a password store utility both 
make good use of OpenKeychain on Android.

I was able to create a key (see URL at the bottom of this email signature for 
public key), back it up, import it into GnuPG 1.4.23 and use it successfully, 
but I am unable to use the private key in GnuPG 2.2.9, because I cannot verify 
the pass phrase for the private key on gpg2 no matter what I do.

I have signed this email with the key in question, for reference.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Gnupg-users mailing list

GnuPG on Android

2018-12-04 Thread justina colmena via Gnupg-users
Sorry. Missing signature. Hit send too soon.

 Original Message 
From: justina colmena 
Sent: December 4, 2018 10:56:27 AM AKST
Subject: GnuPG on Android

Hello GnuPG users!

This is somewhat related to a discussion from last month.

To answer the question about GnuPG on Android, the most useful application I 
have found so far is called OpenKeychain.

The K-9 Mail client, which I am using now, and a password store utility both 
make good use of OpenKeychain on Android.

I was able to create a key (see URL at the bottom of this email signature for 
public key), back it up, import it into GnuPG 1.4.23 and use it successfully, 
but I am unable to use the private key in GnuPG 2.2.9, because I cannot verify 
the pass phrase for the private key on gpg2 no matter what I do.

I have signed this email with the key in question, for reference.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Description: PGP signature
Gnupg-users mailing list