vedaal at vedaal at nym.hush.comwrote on Thu Jan 14
19:37:37 CET 2021:
>but functionally, yes, it can be done.----- my mistake.  Can't really
be done this way :-((===== >[1] Armor the signature file    (   gpg
--armor filename.sig  ) -----should be enarmor instead of armor   :-(
this outputs to filename.sig.asc [2[ Armor your encrypted comments,
and copy them to the end of thefilename.sig.asc,
 (leave one blank line between the pgp footer of the signature
file,and the pgp header of the encrypted file) [3] Save the whole
thing as filename.sig.asc [4] gpg filename.sig,asc  will automatically
verify the sig if theoriginal signed file 'filename' is present, and
also decrypt the addedcomments-----It doesn't.It gives weird error
messages. sorry ;-(

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