Robert J. Hansen écrivait (wrote) :

| And finally, let's run Enigmail's same command line:
|     [rjh@localhost ~]$ /usr/bin/gpg2 --charset utf-8
|                        --display-charset utf-8 --batch --no-tty
|                        --status-fd 2 --fixed-list-mode --with-colons
|                        --list-keys
|     tru::1:1437413421:0:3:1:5

        echo $?

just after /usr/bin/gpg2 may help.
This E-mail is safe :     it isn't using HTML.
    Use of HTML  -  within E-mail  -  is the main contributing factor
    of the worldwide phishing attacks outburst.
daniel Azuelos            R.S.S.I. - C.I.S.O.       - Institut Pasteur

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