[GOAL] Re: Fwd: The Open Access Interviews: Paul Royster

2014-09-18 Thread Stevan Harnad
On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Jean-Claude Guédon 
jean.claude.gue...@umontreal.ca wrote:

  Most interesting dialogue.

 I will focus on two points:

 1. *Using the Web of Science collection as a reference*: this generates
 all kinds of problems, particularly for disciplines that are not dominated
 and skewed by the impact factor folly. This is true, for example, of most
 of the social sciences and the humanities, especially when these
 publications are not in English.

The purpose of using WoS (or SCOPUS, or any other standardized index) as a*
baseline* for assessing OA repository success is to be able to estimate
(and compare) *what percentage of an institution's total annual refereed
journal article output has been self-archived. *

Raw total or annual deposit counts tell us neither (1) whether the deposits
are refereed journal articles nor (2) when the articles were published, nor
(most important of all) (3) what proportion of total annual refereed
journal article output is deposited.

Institutions do not know even know their total annual refereed journal
article output. (One of the (many) reasons for mandating self-archiving is
in order to get that information.)

The WoS (or SCOPUS, or other) standardized database provides the
denominator against which the deposits of those articles provide the

Once that ratio is known (for WoS articles, for example), it provides an
estimate of the proportion of total institutional article output deposited.

Anyone can then correct the ratio for their institution and discipline,
if they wish, by simply taking a (large enough) sample of total
institutional journal article output for a recent year and seeing what
percentage of it is in WoS! (This would obviously have to be done
discipline by discipline; and indeed the institutional totals should also
be broken down and analyzed by discipline.)

So if  D/W, the WoS-deposit/total-WoS ratio = R, and w/s, the
WoS-indexed-portion/total-output-sample = c, then c can be used to upgrade
W to the estimate of total institutional article output, and the WoS
deposit ratio R can be compared to the deposit ratio for the non-WoS sample
(*which must not, of course, be derived from the repository, but some other
way!*) to get a non-WoS ratio of Rc.

My own prediction is that R and Rc will be quite similar, but if not, c can
also be used to correct R to better reflect both WoS and non-WoS output and
their relative sizes.

But R is still by far the easiest and fastest way to get an estimate of
institutional deposit percentages.

(As far as I can see, none of this has much to do with impact factor folly.
For non-English-language institutions, however, the non-WoS correction may
be more substantial.)

Stevan has also and long argued about limiting oneself to journal articles.
 I have my own difficulties with this limitation because book chapters and
 monographs are so important in the disciplines that I tend to work in.
 Also, I regularly write in French as well as English, while reading
 articles in a variety of languages. Most of the articles that are not in
 English are not in the Web of Science. A better way to proceed would be to
 check if the journals not in the WoS, and corresponding to deposited
 articles, are peer-reviewed. The same could be done with book chapters.
 Incidentally, if I limited myself to WoS publications for annual
 performance review, I would look rather bad. I suspect I am not the only
 one in such a situation, while leading a fairly honourable career in

Authors are welcome to deposit as much as they like: articles, chapters,
books, data, software.

But OA's primary target (and also its primary obstacle) is journal
articles. Ditto for OA mandates.

All disciplines, including the social sciences and humanities, in all
languages, write journal articles. This discussion is about the means of
measuring the success of an OA self-archiving mandate. It applies to all
journal articles (and refereed conference articles) in all disciplines.

There are problems with mandating book deposit, or even book chapter
deposit, so that is being left for later.

Nothing is being said about performance review except that the way to
submit journal articles should be stipulated to be repository deposit.

 2. *The issue of rules and regulations.* It is absolutely true that a
 procedure such as the one adopted at the Université de Liège and which
 Stevan aptly summarizes as (with a couple of minor modifications): 
 the way to submit refereed* *journal article** publications for annual
 performance review is to deposit them in the [appropriate] IR *.

Liège does not mandate the deposit of books.

 However, obtaining this change of behaviour from an administration is no
 small task. At the local, institutional, level, it corresponds to a
 politically charged effort that requires having a number of committed OA
 advocates working hard to push the idea. Stevan should know this from his

[GOAL] Re: Fwd: The Open Access Interviews: Paul Royster

2014-09-18 Thread Jean-Claude Guédon
A reasonably quick response as I do not want to go into discursive
tsunami mode...

1. Stevan admits that his evaluation of compliance is an approximation,
easy to get, but not easy to correct. This approximation varies greatly
from one institution to another, one circumstance to another. For
example, he admits that language plays a role; he should further admit
that the greater or smaller proportion of SSH researchers in the
research communities of various institutions will also play a role. in
short, comparing two institutions by simply using WoS approximations
appears rash and unacceptable to me, rather than simply quick and dirty
(which I would accept as a first approximation).

The impact factor folly was mentioned because, by basing his
approximation on the WoS, Stevan reinforces the centrality of a partial
and questionable tool that is, at best, a research tool, not a
management tool, and which stands behind all the research assessment
procedures presently used in universities, laboratories, etc.

2. Stevan and I have long differed about OA's central target. He limits
himself to journal articles, as a first step; I do not. I do not
because, in the humanities and social sciences, limiting oneself to
journal articles would be limiting oneself to the less essential part of
the archive we work with, unlike natural scientists. 

Imagine a universe where a research metric would have been initially
designed around SSH disciplines and then extended as is to STM. In such
a parallel universe, books would be the currency of choice, and articles
would look like secondary, minor, productions, best left for later
assessments. Then, one prominent OA advocate named Stenan Harvard might
argue that the only way to proceed forward is to focus only on books,
that this is OA's sole objective, and that articles and the rest will be
treated later... Imagine the reaction of science researchers... 

3. Liège does not mandate anything, so far as I know; it only looks into
the local repository (Orbi) to see what is in it, and it does so to
assess performance or respond to requests for promotions or grant
submissions. If books and book chapters are more difficult to treat than
articles, then place them in a dark archive with a button. This was the
clever solution invented by Stevan and I agree with it.

4. To obtain mandates, you need either faculty to vote a mandate on
itself (but few universities have done so), or you need administrators
to impose a mandate, but that is often viewed negatively by many of our
colleagues. Meanwhile, they are strongly incited to publish in
prestigious journals where prestige is measured by impact factors.
From an average researcher's perspective, one article in Nature, fully
locked behind pay-walls, is what is really valuable. Adding open access
may be the cherry on the sundae, but it is not the sundae. The result?
OA, as of now, is not perceived to be directly significant for
successfully managing a career. 

On the other hand, the OA citation advantage has been fully recognized
and accepted by publishers. That is in part why they are finally
embracing OA: with high processing charges and the increased citation
potential of OA, they can increase revenues even more and satisfy their
stakeholders. This is especially true if funders, universities,
libraries, etc., are willing to pay for the APC's. This is the trap the
UK fell into.

5. SSH authors are less interested in depositing articles than STM
researchers because, for SSH researchers, articles have far less
importance than books (see above), and, arguably, book chapters.

6. I am not citing rationales for the status quo, and Stevan knows this
well. This must be the first time that I have ever been associated with
the status quo... Could it be that criticizing Stevan on one point could
be seen by him as fighting for the status? But that would be true only
if Stevan were right beyond the slightest doubt. Hmm!

I personally think he is right on some points and not so right on

Also, I am simply trying to think about reasons why OA has been so hard
to achieve so far, and, in doing so, I have come to two conclusions: too
narrow an objective and too rigid an approach can both be

This said, trying to have a method to compare deposit rates in various
institutional and mandate circumstances would be very useful. I support
Stevan's general objective in this regard; I simply object to the
validity of the method he suggests. Alas, I have little to suggest
beyond my critique. 

I also suggest that  a better understanding of the sociology of research
(not the sociology of knowledge) is crucial to move forward.

Finally, I expect that if I saw Stevan self-archive his abundant
scientific production, I would be awed by the lightning speed of his
keystrokes. But are they everybody's keystrokes?

Jean-Claude Guédon


Jean-Claude Guédon
Professeur titulaire
Littérature comparée
Université de Montréal

Le jeudi 18