(please excuse the cross posting)

On May 14-17, 2018, COAR will have its Annual Meeting in Hamburg, Germany. The 
meeting will bring together a growing and active community that aims to 
transform scholarly communication by developing a global knowledge commons that 
will be more inclusive, sustainable and innovative, and better serve the needs 
of the international research community.
Next generation repositories, based at universities and research institutions 
(and their libraries) around the world, represent the infrastructure to support 
this vision. On top of the collective content contained in repositories - 
articles, data, and other valuable research products - we intend to build new 
services, including peer review, citation and usage metrics, and a transparent 
social network. 

The global knowledge commons must be distributed in order to better reflect the 
diverse needs and requirements of different communities and perspectives, and 
to protect from buyout or enclosure. To support strengthening regional and 
national services, the event will include a meeting with 14 repository networks 
from around the world at which we will discuss the principles, functionalities 
and standards needed to pave the way for greater global interoperability and 
enhanced services.
These meetings will be a significant step in progressing our vision of a global 
knowledge commons.

For more information, please see the COAR website 



Kathleen Shearer
Executive Director, Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)
m.kathleen.shea...@gmail.com <mailto:m.kathleen.shea...@gmail.com> - +1 514 992 
Skype: kathleen.shearer2 - twitter: @KathleeShearer
www.coar-repositories.org <http://www.coar-repositories.org/>

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