(Please excuse the cross posting)

COAR <http://www.coar-repositories.org/> and cOAlitionS 
<https://www.coalition-s.org/coar-supporting-repositories/> share a common aim 
to accelerate the transition to full and immediate open access to scholarly 
publications and COAR supports the vision and principles outlined in Plan S.
Repositories offer a low-cost, high-value option for providing open access and 
are also a mechanism for introducing innovation in scholarly communication, 
acting as vehicles for developing new dissemination models and providing access 
to a wide range of scholarly content. 
One of the routes for complying with Plan S is for authors to make the final 
published version or the Author’s Accepted Manuscript openly available in a 
Plan S compliant repository. cOAlitionS and COAR acknowledge that some of the 
specific technical requirements of Plan S will entail extra effort for some 
repositories, however, these requirements can for the most part be addressed by 
the community. 
In order to ensure that repositories can comply with Plan S, COAR and 
cOAlitionS intend to work together to support repositories in adhering to the 
requirements through the following activities:
·         COAR will engage with the most widely adopted repository platforms to 
determine their current capabilities to support Plan S, identify any 
challenges, and provide expertise and knowledge to help with the adoption of 
technical requirements by the platforms.
·         COAR will work through its members, partners and regional networks to 
provide leadership and guidance related to the adoption of persistent 
identifiers, standard vocabularies, and quality metadata in repositories.
·         COAR will provide cOAlitionS with relevant feedback from different 
regions and the repository community about issues or barriers to the 
endorsement and implementation of Plan S.
·         COAR and cOAlitionS will work on a strategic roadmap to strengthen 
and transform the role of repositories in supporting open access and open 

Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions.


Kathleen Shearer
Executive Director
Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)

GOAL mailing list

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