A terrific paper, well argued and cogent. I urge everyone to read it.

Joyce Ogburn

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 15, 2020, at 10:53 AM, Kathleen Shearer (via scholcomm Mailing List) 
> <scholc...@lists.ala.org> wrote:
> (Apologies for the cross posting)
> Dear all,
> Today, my colleagues and I are issuing a “Call for Action!”
> With the publication of this paper, Fostering Bibliodiversity in Scholarly 
> Communications: A Call for Action, we are calling on the community to make 
> concerted efforts to develop strong, community-governed infrastructures that 
> support diversity in scholarly communications (referred to as 
> bibliodiversity).
> Diversity is an essential characteristic of an optimal scholarly 
> communications system. Diversity in services and platforms, funding 
> mechanisms, and evaluation measures will allow the research communications to 
> accommodate the different workflows, languages, publication outputs, and 
> research topics that support the needs and epistemic pluralism of different 
> research communities. In addition, diversity reduces the risk of vendor 
> lock-in, which inevitably leads to monopoly, monoculture, and high prices.
> We are living through unprecedented times, with a global pandemic sweeping 
> the world, leading to illness, death, and unparalleled economic upheaval.  
> Although our concerns about bibliodiversity have been growing for years, the 
> current crisis has exposed the deficiencies in a system that is increasingly 
> homogenous and prioritizes profits over the public good.
> Stories abound about the urgent need for access to the research literature, 
> as illustrated, for example, by this message by Peter Murray-Rust posted to 
> the GOAL mailing list on March 31, 2020
> “My colleague, a software developer, working for free on openVirus software,  
> is spending most of his time working making masks in Cambridge Makespace to 
> ship to Addenbrooke’s hospital. When he goes to the literature to find 
> literature on masks, their efficacy and use and construction he finds paywall 
> after paywall after paywall after paywall ….”
> For those who were not in favour of open access before, this global crisis 
> should settle the debate once and for all.
> We must move away from a pay-to-read world in which researchers, 
> practitioners and the public cannot afford to access critical research 
> materials, or have to wait for embargo periods to lift before they can 
> develop life saving techniques, methods and vaccines. Access to the research 
> is simply too important. Yet, pay-to-publish, the open access model being 
> advanced by many in the commercial sector, is also inappropriate as it places 
> unacceptable financial barriers on researchers’ abilities to publish.
> It is time to reassess some of the basic assumptions related to scholarly 
> communications, including competition, prestige, and the role of commercial 
> entities. The same values that underlie our research and education systems 
> should also guide research communications.
> To that end, we are calling on researchers, policy makers, funders, service 
> providers, universities and libraries from around the world to work together 
> to address the issue of bibliodiversity in scholarly communication.
> The problems we encounter have never been more complex and urgent, nor has 
> the need for solutions been greater. There is a real danger that new budget 
> constraints and an increasing proportion of funds directed towards large 
> commercial entities could lead to greater homogeneity and monopolization, 
> further hampering the free flow of research needed to address the critical 
> challenges we face.
> Read the blog post here and full paper here
> Kathleen Shearer
> Executive Director
> Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)
> www.coar-repositories.org
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