(Sorry for the cross-posting)

The theme for OA week this year is “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge”

Diversity is an important characteristic of any healthy ecosystem, including 
scholarly communications. Diversity in services, platforms, funding mechanisms, 
and evaluation measures will allow the ecosystem to accommodate the needs of 
different research communities and support a variety of workflows, languages, 
scholarly outputs, and research topics. Diversity also contributes to equity 
and inclusion.

As we continue on the path towards full and immediate open access (and open 
scholarship more broadly) we need to create the conditions that allow diversity 
to exist and flourish.

During Open Access Week 2019, COAR <http://www.coar-repositories.org/> 
reiterates our support for the Jussieu Call 
<https://jussieucall.org/jussieu-call/>, which promotes bibliodiversity and 
innovation in scholarly communication.

At COAR we recognize and celebrate the diversity of our community. At the same 
time, we understand that diversity cannot thrive unless it is fostered in an 
intentional way, through strong coordination.
In the coming months, COAR will work with our community and other stakeholders 
to explore new pathways and models that will help to establish the conditions 
for a diverse, inclusive and healthy ecosystem for scholarly communications.

If your organization is interested in working with us, please get in touch 

All the best,


Kathleen Shearer
Executive Director
Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)
www.coar-repositories.org <http://www.coar-repositories.org/>
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