[Goanet] Bishops Discuss Church's Future- Worldwide

2005-10-14 Thread Miguel Braganza
To my mind, there is no doubt that Cardinal Telesphore Placidus Toppo of
India has identified the root cause of the problem of dwindling 'vocations'
> From: Lawrence Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Bishops Discuss Church's Future

> See http://cbs5.com/topstories/topstories_story_287012340.html
> VATICAN CITY(AP)  Bishops from around the world began discussing
> proposals Thursday on running the church, including ways to address
> the priest shortage . Several synod participants who appeared at a news
conference Thursday
> concurred that the priest shortage was among the major synod issues.
> But they dismissed reporters' questions about whether married priests
> were an option, saying a celibate priesthood was not the reason for
> the shortage.
> **"The shortage of priests is a symptom of the problem," said Cardinal
> Telesphore Placidus Toppo of India. "The real problem is the crisis of
> faith."**

> Scola noted that several bishops had raised the issue, including
> references to so-called "viri probati" or married men of proven virtue
> who could be ordained. Others spoke of the need to better distribute the
priests that exist,
> while several bishops of the Eastern rite, which allows married
> priests, spoke about their experiences. "To this proposal, some fathers
... have affirmed that the hypothesis
> of the 'viri probati' wasn't a path worth traveling."
> Monsignor Sofron Stefan Mudry, of the Eastern rite Catholic church in
> Ukraine, echoed this sentiment at the news conference, saying a
> married priesthood brings "unending problems" to the church, including
> housing issues and the costs involved in supporting a priest with a
> family.
'Viri probati' sounds like an exciting option. It will be of use only if the
married priest also works professionally to feed his family as done by the
Protestent pastors[ and, possibly, the early Christians like St.Peter the
fisherman and St.Paul the tent maker] and not be dependent on the
parishioners to foot the bill of the wife and children as reportedly is the
case of the Eastern rite. I would agree with Bishop Scola and Monsignor
Mudry. However, let us await the conclusions of the synod of Bishops before
we take this discussion further.

Viva Goa.

[Goanet] Bishops Discuss Church's Future

2005-10-14 Thread Lawrence Rodrigues
See http://cbs5.com/topstories/topstories_story_287012340.html

(AP) VATICAN CITY Bishops from around the world began discussing
proposals Thursday on running the church, including ways to address
the priest shortage and how to resolve the problem of giving Communion
to Catholics who divorce and remarry.

While it seems the Synod of Bishops won't recommend relaxing the
celibacy rule for priests, consensus seemed to be growing to recommend
that church tribunals speed up annulment processes so Catholics can
remarry in church and thus be allowed to receive Communion.

Church teaching holds that Catholics who divorce and remarry without
getting an annulment cannot receive the sacrament because their
condition "objectively contrasts with God's law." An annulment is a
church ruling that the original marriage was invalid.

The priest shortage and the situation of Catholics who are denied
Communion have been key themes of the Oct. 2-23 meeting, which is
designed to let bishops from around the world vote on proposals that
are then sent to Pope Benedict XVI to consider in a future document.

Thursday was the first full day in which the bishops met in small
groups to begin crafting proposals, after having heard speeches from
all the 250 bishops and other experts gathered.

Cardinal Angelo Scola, the key moderator of the meeting, has
emphasized the need for church tribunals to be more efficient, saying
in a summary report to the closed-door meeting Wednesday that several
bishops had suggested the procedures be simplified or that tribunals
be created where they don't exist.

Pope John Paul II, however, had complained that annulments were too
easily obtained and expressed worry that tribunals face the risk of

Cardinals dismissed the apparent contradiction Thursday.

"It's not a deception," said Cardinal Francis Arinze, a synod
official. "What John Paul II said was that these tribunals must work
according to truth, and not according to 'Oh, these people are
suffering so and let us declare it invalid."'

"What is being asked for is that the bureaucracy of the tribunals not
be heavy and that the cases be resolved in a more just time to help
these people," Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez of Mexico said.

Archbishop John Foley, who heads the Vatican's social communications
office, said it was too soon to say whether a specific proposal on
making the tribunals more efficient would emerge from the synod. But
he said the seeming consensus that appeared to be emerging was a
correct "reading" of the trend.

Several synod participants who appeared at a news conference Thursday
concurred that the priest shortage was among the major synod issues.
But they dismissed reporters' questions about whether married priests
were an option, saying a celibate priesthood was not the reason for
the shortage.

"The shortage of priests is a symptom of the problem," said Cardinal
Telesphore Placidus Toppo of India. "The real problem is the crisis of

In his summary, Scola listed 17 questions for the bishops to consider
as they meet in small discussion groups to draft proposals for the
pope, including how they should respond to the "urgent duty" to offer
the Eucharist to all the faithful, "even in mission countries and
where there is a scarcity of priests."

Scola noted that several bishops had raised the issue, including
references to so-called "viri probati" or married men of proven virtue
who could be ordained.

Others spoke of the need to better distribute the priests that exist,
while several bishops of the Eastern rite, which allows married
priests, spoke about their experiences.

"Various Eastern fathers referred to the practice of married priests
in their churches, offering each one of us elements for a further
careful evaluation of the choice of the Latin church to connect
celibacy to ordained priesthood," Scola said, according to the speech
released Thursday by the Vatican.

"To this proposal, some fathers ... have affirmed that the hypothesis
of the 'viri probati' wasn't a path worth traveling."

Monsignor Sofron Stefan Mudry, of the Eastern rite Catholic church in
Ukraine, echoed this sentiment at the news conference, saying a
married priesthood brings "unending problems" to the church, including
housing issues and the costs involved in supporting a priest with a

He said of his 400 priests, 360 are married, even though in the past,
the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine had aimed to keep an equal number
of married and celibate priests.

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