[Goanet] Re: Monorail vs Skybus

2005-10-14 Thread Lawrence Rodrigues
<<  ... what are the safety measures in place if the sky-train comes
to a halt in between two stations? In monsoons? Will the sky-train
survive blasts of 75 kmph winds or more? ... questions that I had put
to the Konkan Railway web-site a couple of years ago, as yet
unanswered.  >>  Gabriel F

Believe the answers to Q8 & Q12 of the FAQ's, appended below, also
answer your questions, Gabriel.


FAQ >> Frequently Asked Questions

8. How are the breakdowns handled?
Sky Bus is exactly like a railway line- same standards of operation,
except the "train", in our case is only 38m long! Redundancy in
driving motors is provided-even if 50% motors fail, the Sky Bus units
can haul themselves and clear at the traverser. If all fail, then
fellow Sky Bus unit has extra power to push it and take it out at the

12. What are the safety measures in the system?
Compared to conventional railway systems, the center of gravity of the
mass being carried on the wheels is bought down to the closer to the
wheel support- hence dynamic safety is many time improved In
conventional railway wind can topple the trains and in Kerala once, an
express train went into river by being toppled by wind!!

In Sky Bus wind cannot topple- there is positive link between the rail
guidance system and the Bus Coaches- with 400% safety factor built
into multiple suspenders.

The railway bogies in conventional system have propensity to lose
control on derailment, but additional safety in Sky Bus bogie is that
we have derailment arresters, which prevents the wheel from jumping
off the rails. So we are ensuring that there is no derailment.

In normal railway systems, when collision takes place, derailment also
occurs, and carriages capsize killing people. But in Sky Bus no
collision can take place between the coaches- even after the 3 levels
of braking fail and the Sky Bus units hit each other in a collision,
the Sky Coaches in which people are traveling, will only swing to and
fro- but will not collide with each other nor capsize.

Managing Director
Konkan Railway

Copyright(c) Konkan Railway 2004

PS: If you wish to have a *Gmail* e-mail address, do write to me. 
Will send you an invitation to open a *Gmail* e-mail account. :-)

Re: [Goanet] Re: Monorail vs Skybus

2005-10-14 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Your comment in the second para, about Portuguese names etc. is certainly 
uncalled for, and mischievuous, to say the least! You should apologise 
unconditionally, to all Goans with Portuguese names!

I must say, you have got the KRC and the Skybus 'filters' on permanently; 
you fail to remove these filters even after the Sky Bus tests have proved 
themselves a failure, of a big magnitude.

Nasci Caldeira

From: Lawrence Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: Monorail vs Skybus
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 00:53:20 +0530


Know not what filters you use to read Averthan D'Souza's posts.  I
too, believe, the tone and content, are, to put it very mildly, *
really unfortunate*.

Yes, Averthan may be entitled to his opinion.  But, should members of
Goanet be subjected to having to read the rantings of those who seem
allergic to anyone whose name is not of Portuguese origin?

Re: [Goanet] Re: Monorail vs Skybus

2005-10-14 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- Lawrence Rodrigues

> Gabriel,
>> Yes, Averthan may be entitled to his opinion.  But,
> should members of
> Goanet be subjected to having to read the rantings
> of those who seem
> allergic to anyone whose name is not of Portuguese
> origin?


Rajaram should have stood trial when the demonstration
of his pet project not only failed, but resulted in
the death of a junior engineer.  

Coming to the Portuguese times, I wonder if you know
what happened to the failed Municipal building in

Lets see if anyone knows the story - my own
recollection is my father's version which was told to
me when I was in my mid-teens. 

In that rectangular space next to the Panjim garden
(Garcia de Horta aka Municipal Garden), which has now
been converted to some sort of a children's park,
stood a building of a style similar to Margao's town
hall (or Municipality). As the space was getting
cramped, the idea was to build a modern
cement-concrete structure in the late 1950s, when the
technology was fairly new to the builders of the time
in Goa. It collapsed whilst being built.  The
resultant enquiry found the chief civil engineer (a
Goan catholic, whose name I won't mention in case I am
incorrect) guilty, with the resultant razing to the
ground of the building and the imprisonment of the
chief civil engineer.  I don't know if any deaths were
involved.  That is why, 'till today, the Panjim
municipality is housed in non-descript buildings,
which were meant to be temporary accomodation.  

Anyway, coming back to Rajaram, I wonder whether any
payment has been made to recompense the family of the
dead engineer. 

On the other hand, what are the safety measures in
place if the sky-train comes to a halt in between two
stations? In monsoons? Will the sky-train survive
blasts of 75 kmph winds or more? These are some of the
questions that I had put to the Konkan Railway
web-site a couple of years ago, as yet unanswered.


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia. 

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Monorail vs Skybus

2005-10-13 Thread Bernado Colaco

--- Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- karmarkar d <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think the posts by Averthan D'souza  are really
> > unfortunate.
> >  

Karmarkar and co do not know the meaning of third
world situation. On the other hand Goans are brain
washed with lofty projects.

B. Colaço

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Monorail vs Skybus

2005-10-13 Thread Lawrence Rodrigues

Know not what filters you use to read Averthan D'Souza's posts.  I
too, believe, the tone and content, are, to put it very mildly, *
really unfortunate*.

Yes, Averthan may be entitled to his opinion.  But, should members of
Goanet be subjected to having to read the rantings of those who seem
allergic to anyone whose name is not of Portuguese origin?


PS: If you wish to have a *Gmail* e-mail address, do write to me. 
Will send you an invitation to open a *Gmail* e-mail account. :-)

Re: [Goanet] Re: Monorail vs Skybus

2005-10-12 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- karmarkar d <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think the posts by Averthan D'souza  are really
> unfortunate.

Dear Karmarkar,

I don't know if you've caught on to what Avertahanus
was saying.

At this moment in time, there is not much point in
spending crores on fancy mass transit systems.  Where
will the power to power the locomotives come from? 

The more important issues are those of garbage
disposal and infracture like 24x7 water supply, proper
drainage, sewage treatment and converting current
toilet facilities in every house and building to
connect to proper sewage drainage (too may septic
tanks can lead to ground-water contamination and
proliferation of mosquitoes via improperly installed
vent pipes), constant electric supplies, smooth roads,
enforce building regulations and ensure that buildings
are used for the purpose they were built for.  

- We've had enough issues with flooding as a result of
hurried, improperly-thought-out IFFI hullabaloo, not
to speak of massive leaks in the "newly-restored" 
Kala Academy buildings. 

- One look at the environs of the INOX theatre will
indicate massive pot-holes on the road between the
theatre and Don Bosco's school.  

- The pavements alongside the Campal-Miramar road,
whihc were destroyed to make way for the road
expansion, have yet to be rebuilt. As a result, people
overflow on to the road, making the road expansion
practically useless.

- Goa requires 24x7 traffic lights installed in the
major cities, to ensure proper flow of traffic.  This
alone will go a long way to make the roads safer for

Once the above issues have been resolved and properly
implemented can one think of "spending" on the fancy
mass-transit systems, which I am sure require
"adequate" supplies of electricity to operate. 


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

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[Goanet] Re: Monorail vs Skybus

2005-10-11 Thread karmarkar d
I think the posts by Averthan D'souza  are really unfortunate.
When there is no development, we Goans cry foul and when the Government makes 
an effort people immediately raise a stink.
The Goa Govt has called for a global expression of interest for an Mass Rapid 
Transit System (MRTS) system and not a monorail only, which means any one can 
apply including skybus, metro, LRT or anyone else.
But let me clear some doubts about the monorail which Mr Averthan is not aware.
Monorails operate in most parts of the world. Japan has monorails operating as 
Mass Transit networks in 11 cities including Tokyo and Osaka. Kuala Lumpur has 
installed a beautiful monorail system and Chonqing in China has opened a high 
capacity system to carry over 7 lakh passengers per day! Now if this is not 
high capacity what is?
As for safety, Monorails are the most safe mass transit systems in the world 
with no operating fatalities in over 100 years of monorail operation.
The govt has only decided to call for expression of interest and now many 
companies will surely apply and the cheapest and best will get this project.
BOOT means the shortlisted companies will do their own feasibility studies as 
they are investing the money and would want to make sure the project is viable 
rather that depending on a govt study which they might not agree with, 
remember they are investing and it is not a tender where GoG is spending.
This i am sure will lead to employment for thousands of us Goans and increase 
in business and include Goa on the world Map in a positive way.
We should all welcome this proposal and send suggestions on routes etc so that 
we all can benifit from this wonderful project.