Re: [Goanet] Waking up in non-Goa

2006-01-13 Thread Mario Goveia
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet -  |
--- Jerry Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since 1980's it has become a common trend for Goans
to look 
> for jobs out of Goa and many a times many have left
good jobs 
> to go to gulf and beyond. 
Mario observes:
Goans have been leaving Goa for economic reasons for
several decades, not just the 80's, and can be found
to have migrated all over India and around the world.
Indians have been leaving India for economic reasons
for several decades, and can be found to have migrated
all over the world.
The USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would not
exist in their present forms without people from all
over the world migrating to these countries.
I know people who have migrated and have later moved
back to Goa.  Some have not moved back but have bought
property there.  With the way the world has evolved, I
encourage people who can afford to, to at least put
one foot back in Goa, economically speaking, not just
for sentimental reasons, but from a hard headed
investment perspective, simply because I believe that
this will benefit them economically in the long run. 
I have done so myself based on this belief.
In my opinion, India is a far better country today
from a quality-of-life perspective, in spite of all
the problems people carp about, than where it was
headed when I left 35 years ago. I give credit to
visionaries like Manmohan Singh, and the fact that the
best Indian brains do not need to "drain" any more
because of the computer age.  Bill Gates and Lakshmi
Mittal are investing BILLIONS - US$, not Rupees - in
India.  Need I say more?  This means more Indians will
be looking for values in seafront resorts than ever
before.  We cannot stop this any more than King Canute
could stop the incoming tide.  The only thing we can
do is get ahead of the curve, and benefit from it.
Goa is one tropical paradise in the world where
property values are still reasonable - and it's where
we have our unique east-meets-west roots.  
American and Canadian Goans often buy property in the
American "sunbelt", but, unless they are very rich,
they buy smaller properties away from the coast that
they can afford.  For the same money they would get
far superior properties anywhere in Goa, where friends
and family and incomparable hospitality still exist,
and it costs less to fly to Goa today than it was 35
years ago.
If we are seeing people from all over India finding
Goa attractive, then what are Goans missing?  Local
Goans are often stuck in price expectations that are
obsolete, and are passing up opportunities that
non-Goans are snapping up.  This proves what I have
said above about the values still available.
People will always pursue their best available option
in order to benefit themselves and their families.
It's called free enterprise.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Waking up in non-Goa

2006-01-13 Thread gilbertlaw
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet -  |
George has answered his own questions. 
Goans have moved up (and out) due to their skills and that's very good.
Others, perhaps the school dropouts, are still waiting for the pie-in-the-sky 
job while wasting their time arguing endlessly about Goa.

The character of a Goan (Who is a Goan?) is well exemplified in the posts when 
we argue about "I believe" instead of stating / researching the facts.
Kind Regards, GL

Lawrence Rodrigues  
Not sure I understand. " that once was Goa"? 
BTW,  Who is a Goan?  What is the definition?  I believe Pratapsingh Rane's 
family hailed from Gujarat.  Is he Goan? 

G Pinto:
<< ...Alas, that is probably not the case as we slumber in the land that once 
was Goa. 
Jobs and economic opportunity should be open to all (Goans and non-Goans) but 
there is something terribly wrong when the ratio is 
absolutely lop-sided against Goans. >>

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Waking up in non-Goa

2006-01-12 Thread Jerry Fernandes
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet -  |
Hello all,

Presently am working in Saudi Arabia, and the attitude of the Locals here is
almost the same as mentioned by Joe about the three brothers. Either they
want cozy jobs with big salaries, or no jobs. If employed for low profession
jobs, their attendances are poor, and sometimes just vanish. But there are
some, who do their jobs unlike the three brothers, and I have some
colleagues who do come on time.

Since 1980's it has become a common trend for Goans to look for jobs out of
Goa and many a times many have left good jobs to go to gulf and beyond. Many
may have prospered, but many have suffered the consequences. The main reason
I feel for this has been the spending power of those who returned from Gulf
on their holidays. Their lavish spending for their friends, beer parties
etc, which most employed in Goa had rarely done or never done. Hence this is
what made many a Goans look for jobs in such places and later found that
it's not a gold mine. It may have been a months salary spending for the gulf
people and others on holidays, but temptations for foreign shore jobs in
Goans has been vast.  I hope the three brothers Joe mentioned realize their
mistake for going to UK and look for jobs in Goa, well who knows maybe they
might succeed but at least for the present time, they will be employed.


Jerry Fernandes

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] Waking up in non-Goa

2006-01-11 Thread Lawrence Rodrigues
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet -  |
<< ...Alas, that is probably not the case as we slumber in the land
that once was Goa.

Jobs and economic opportunity should be open to all (Goans and
non-Goans) but there is something terribly wrong when the ratio is
absolutely lop-sided against Goans. >>  G Pinto

Not sure I understand.

" that once was Goa"  ???

BTW,  Who is a Goan?  What is the definition?  I believe Pratapsingh
Rane's family hailed from Gujarat.  Is he Goan?


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] Waking up in non-Goa

2006-01-11 Thread Gabe Menezes
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet -  |
On 11/01/06, George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It might be that most Goans (locals and NRGs) are asleep to the changes 
> happening in Goa. Last
> week I was finally served by a Goan waiter in Goa after several days of 
> eating out. Where have all
> the Goan waiters gone? I asked one restaurant owner (a non-Goan) why there 
> were no Goan waiters.
> He said they took too much time off and were unreliable. I did not see any 
> Goan waitresses which
> is another story too.

RESPONSE: George please visit Lounginhos in Margao; all the waiters are Goans!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Waking up in non-Goa

2006-01-11 Thread George Pinto
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet -  |
It might be that most Goans (locals and NRGs) are asleep to the changes 
happening in Goa. Last
week I was finally served by a Goan waiter in Goa after several days of eating 
out. Where have all
the Goan waiters gone? I asked one restaurant owner (a non-Goan) why there were 
no Goan waiters. 
He said they took too much time off and were unreliable. I did not see any Goan 
waitresses which
is another story too.

I would like to think that Goan waiters have moved up the labour ladder, 
perhaps to more skillful
and better paying professions and jobs. Alas, that is probably not the case as 
we slumber in the
land that once was Goa.

Jobs and economic opportunity should be open to all (Goans and non-Goans) but 
there is something
terribly wrong when the ratio is absolutely lop-sided against Goans.


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |