The Tsunami wave unleashed by Chief Minister Manohar
Parrikar has as stated by this writer created a
Tsunami wave of another kind for the Parrikar's BJP
led Government (June 2002 )  this morning as events
began pouring in from the Capital deserted otherwise
being a non working day Saturday.

While the damocles sword hung precariously on the
disqualification petition in the High Court which
could unseat two BJP MLAs Mr Rajendra Arlekar and Mr
Dayanand Mandrekar and see the election of Jose Philip
De Souza and Chandrakant Chodankar, its hearing has
been postponed to 3rd February as the amendment to the
original petition seeking disqualification was being
contested by the Counsel for the respondents ( BJP

However as things stand at 1730  hrs IST on  the desk
of Governor Mr S C Jamirs ( who is now in deep
consultation with Chief Secretary D S Negi IAS ) the
implications over potential Constitutional crisis  or
legalities   is being examined before  giving sanction
to yet another first of its kind post anti defection
law to  "game plan of the incoming Government " if
allowed to take over the reigns of  power.

The plan that is  likely to unfurl is to swear 

Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane  Chief Minister
Mr Philip Neri Rodrigues  Dy Chief Minister
and other as Ministers
Mr Atanasio (Babush) Monserrate 
Mr Francisco (Mickey ) Pacheco    
Mr Isidore Fernandes              

(now all these above 3 BJP MLAs who have resigned will
have to seek re-elections as the amended  Anti
Defection law of Dec 2003  necessitates this
conditions.  Therefore to ensure continuity of the
Government and avert a Presidential rule or holding
the House in suspended animation until such time a
stable Government can be put in place the idea
contemplated is to  swear the resigned MLAs  as
Ministers to ensure that they can continue in office
until they seek re-election within six months this is
a tall order )

But the idea is that come what may the Parrikar
Government should go and with a INC alienated Governor

and  United Progressive Alliance of the Indian
National Congress and its over 20 allied this seems to
be the time opportune for the INC in Goa who have not
tasted power since 24 October 2000 and the future
seems uncertain for them until May 2007 as Parrikar
went on consolidating his reign-- It seems to be a
case of NOW or NEVER for the INC, in Goa

Mr Ramkrishna  Dhavalikar does not have this problem
being the lone MGP MLA and if his defection is
confirmed  he too will be a Minister.

But as of now there is certainity of atleast two of
the three  resignations viz;  Mr Atanasio Babush
Monserrate Mr Isidore Fernandes and Mr Francisco
(Micky ) Pacheco who just merged his lone member UGDP
secular party with the BJP less than 24 hours ago and
now has decided to support the Indian National
Congress, as the Speakers office has yet to confirm
the same (today being a non working day Saturday) 

In June 2002 the elected representative were as under
Bharatiya Janata Party

01) Rajendra Arlekar 
02) Dayanand Mandrekar
03) Manohar Parrikar
04) Digamber Kamat
05) Sadanand Shet
06) Manohar Ajgaonkar
07) Suresh Amonkar
08) Francisco De Souza
09) Ramrao G Desai
10) Vinay Tendulkar
11) Vishwas Satarkar 
12) Narhari Haldankar
13) Damu G Naik
14) Vasudev M Gaonkar
15) V Pai Khot 
16) R T Patnekar
17) L T Parsekar
01) Filipe Neri Rodrigues

allies of ruling party post election 
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party 
1) Mr Ramakrishna Dhavalikar
2) Mr Pandurang Madkaikar (defected to BJP) 

United Goans Democratic Party
1) Mathany Saldanha  
2) Atnasio Babush Monserate  (defected to BJP)
3) Francisco (Micky) Pacheco (defected to BJP then
formed UGDP (S) then back to BJP )


1) Pratapsing Raoji Rane
2) Luisinho Faleiro
3) Joaquim Braz Alemao
4) Jeetenda Deshprabhu
5) Agnelo Fernandes
6) Giovanni Karl Vaz\
7) Dayanand Narvekar
8) Francisco Sardinha
9) Francisco Silveira
10 Chandrakant Kavlekar
11)Harish P Zantye
12)Subhash Shirodkar
13)Victoria Fernandes
14)Aleixo Sequeira
15)Ravi Sitaram Naik
16)Isidore Fernandes 

But from June 2002 till date they moved as under 

1) Atnasio Babush Monserate  (UGDP defected to BJP)
2) Francisco (Micky) Pacheco (UGDP defected to BJP
then formed UGDP (S) then merged into  BJP )
3) Isidore Fernandes  resigned from INC got re-elected
on BJP  

4) Mr Pandurang Madkaikar (MGP defected to BJP)

However Mr Manohar Parrikar has been claiming that
despite the resignations of the three BJP MLA's he
says that the allies are still with him.

While Mr Pandurang Madkaikar Minister for Transport 
(BJP) is in Mumbai his Minsister for Tourism Mr
Mathany Saldhana UGDP is in Spain and until their
resignations are confirmed the rumours could not be
given cognizance too.  Yet the same time he insists
that the strenght of the ruling side be proved on the
floor of the Assembly.

Alternatively President's rule and fresh elections
seems to be the answer is the common refrain of many
as in any case seeing the re-elections of three and
more MLAs will only help the clobbered majority to
ursurp power sans the mandate. On the Indian National
Congress Party side it is argued that the communal
wedge that Mr Parrikar has been trying to create
neutralises all the development activity  that he
claims to do and this too a great extent is the fear
of Goans in general who have thus far maintained the
highest level of religious tolerance with all the

Borda Margao Goa India

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