[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-11-24 Thread Philip Thomas
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RE: Money for IFFI (Nov 13)

The extract of Ranjan Narayan's piece from GOAN OBSERVER made interesting
reading. I seem to have heard the complaint about Goa's lack of a film
culture attributed to a foreign film maker long ago. Then it was voiced by a
reputed film maker of Kerala. Given the sniping by the Keral and W.Bengal
CMs, I would think that the real challenge facing the Goa CM is not about
finding money to pay for the extravaganza he has decided in his great wisdom
to foist on Goa  right from the word Go but to harmonise the viperous
factions in the Indian film industry so that they accept the choice of Goa
as the permanent venue for IFFI. The Goa CM's mistake might have been to
assume that the BJP would return to power and he would have no financial
problems vis a vis a Cannes-style IFFI out here. Its odd that the BJP/NDA
itself  refused to open the purse strings for this event as implied in the
Rajan Narayan piece.

Btw, the argument that the problem was not time but money is specious
because time IS  money. No one in his right mind will charge the same rate
for something to be done in 6 months as against  sixteen (or even sixty)
months. The choice was between learning and paying as you go (a long term
proposition) or get your ducks all lined up (via integrated infrastructural
planning) and go for it. Our honorable CM seems to be going for it alright
but like like a bull in a china shop. Let's wish him well for our sakes.

[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-11-05 Thread Philip Thomas
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RE: Goan Voices' on And Bollywood's vote goes to Goa of Nov 4

1. Cannes and Venice are said to be tourist destinations whose film
festivals are yet another attraction.  Only few know that Cannes took
decades to establish itself as an international film festival with
enlightened French government involvement whereas Goa seems to be under  the
delusion that it has already arrived, festival-wise, and could concentrate
on road upgrades (including for the coincident Exposition) instead of film
infrastructure. Expecting to have an instant hit on its hands may be a
serious mistake!

2. New Delhi is notorious for being a festival venue that is government
oriented. Goa may not have been able to shake off this strangle hold so
far. Film aspects have been the least of the Goa govt's priorities as these
are accepted as being in Delhi's bailiwick. The heritage building of which
much has been made recently is partly restored as the IFFI office to which
the Delhi directorate folks can retire for an occasional  Goan holiday! So
far, reportedly, all the money has been spent out of Goa's pocket with not a
single cent from the Centre which initially was touted as being good for as
much as Rs 500 cr!

3. It is not clear as to whose brainwave the choice of IFFI actually was --
whether Shyam Benegal's as per the current write-up, the ex-IB Minister
Ravi Shankar Prasad (or his predecessor Sushma Swaraj) or even CM Parrikar.
Some grist here for the film historian's mills.

4. So its confirmed. The agreement is only for running IFFI in Goa this
year. Reportedly the decision about next year/permanent venue will be made
based on feedback from the international delegates.  These will be virtually
a handful and we can be sure that no stone will be left unturned to wine and
dine them over to Goa's side. Who knows what the quality of the festival
programming itself will be and how the infrastructure holds up. Some talk of
an Asian theme. Others talk of an Italian flavour etc. The agitators who
naturally see an unnecessarily  high profile IFFI as a golden opportunity to
arm twist the government will also have to be pacified and neutralised in

5. For next year's IFFI  Goa, be prepared for the freshly paved roads to be
dug up all over again to lay underground electric cables (to solve those
pesky power outage problems that chronically afflict the State) or for some
other inane reason (including re-work of this year's crash jobs [no pun
intended!] though no excuse seems needed to mess up a newly surfaced road
and potholes are always there to oblige anyway).

[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-11-01 Thread Philip Thomas
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Re: Frederick Noronha's on IFFI and Heritage Groups of Oct 31

It should be appreciated that the Mid-day piece attached with the Oct 31
posting deals solely with one IFFI project viz the old Goa Medical Complex
in Campal that too from a heritage building perspective. This structure has
reportedly been bifurcated into a brand new multiplex with four screens and
an office type complex which retains some of the old elements. Presumably
there is a bridge connecting the two.

A recent report in the Herald observantly mentioned that on the inaugural
run of the multiplex (perhaps in one of the four theatres) the State's
bigwigs were seen with hard hats at the ready. So it was the electronics,
electricals and acoustics that were probably on test. The civil construction
was still in progress.

There is no word so far about the status of Kala Academy  across the street
which is undergoing major modifications for IFFI.

[Goanet]Iffy angle on IFFI

2004-10-31 Thread graceful
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Philip Thomas writes:
Where in heaven's name was there a need to go at IFFI/Exposition with hammer
and tongs? If you ask me, first priority should have been given to an
established event like Exposition considering the Goan people's sentiments
and the huge numbers involved.

As long as Parrikar can get away with murder, he will get away. In this
respect, he is no different from Bush.

He has such a big ego that clouds his perspective. And boot-lickers who
are weak, who look up to a God or an allmighty or a big power will keep
sucking up to him. It is no wonder we see boot-licking articles from
the Middle East.

The only way to change things is to make sure that people such as Parrikar
are not elected. 

In this respect, all support needs to go to GoanObserver. May be Goan observer
needs to be funded to make sure it is alive, and keeps flourishing. Perhaps
we need Konkani and Marathi editions of GoanObserver.

The point is: to have an alternate for BJP, money is needed. Given that the
Congress lot are also selfish (we have seen that Isidore got elected despite
being a unanimous candidate), we need others to raise the money. Rajan Narayan
clearly stated the reasons: the narrow minded Congressmen were not willing to
dip into their own pockets.

NRIs who are well off have to put their money where their mouth is and support
entities such as Goan Observer, Lok Shakti etc. Only then can possibilities of
change be seen.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-10-31 Thread Philip Thomas
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re: Cecil Pinto's  rejection of sympathy for Panjim people of Oct 30

A couple of weeks ago the Panjim HERALD carried a photofeature titled 'The
Rape of Panjim City. In her piece in the paper today, Ethel Dacosta
pointedly asks IFFI born of a quickie?. So I got to thinking whether IFFI
is a matter of (chief) ministerial machissmo. He seems to be out to prove
something  for some unknown reason.

Where in heaven's name was there a need to go at IFFI/Exposition with hammer
and tongs? If you ask me, first priority should have been given to an
established event like Exposition considering the Goan people's sentiments
and the huge numbers involved.

On the other hand, I dont recall seeing any enthusiasm among Panjimites for
IFFI when the announcement was first made in May/June 2003! IFFI could very
well have beeen launched in a modest experimental way with the intention of
learning from experience and  building a brand name in a measured way and
Panjimites would never have batted an eyelid and even developed a taste for
films in place of beaches.

Instead a wholesale overnight makeover (presumably into Cannes) is being
attempted, complicated by the coincident Decennial Exposition in Old Goa.
For the latter, a new 100-150m bypass of  a small old bridge at Ribandar
Patto was begun a few months ago and completed recently to facilitate the
flow of traffic to Old Goa. This is fine. But a proverbial visitor from Mars
would never say that the bridge is new! It has such a shabby finish and
already has potholes! And only now they are getting ready to install new
light poles along the 4km causeway stretch probably negating the effects of
the bridge bypass!

But then they can say that a 10 km bypass is being readied to connect Old
Goa with Panjim over the Kadamba plateau (and across the marshland which the
causeway skirts) for which  Rs 40 cr may have been earmarked.  Everybody
talks about it glowingly as a new highway which will be ready by the time
the Exposition starts. But from the looks of things it is just going to be
mostly a dirt road for the foreseeable future. The prospect of clean air and
green surroundings is completely clouded in these parts by the pall of red
dust (dug from the Kadamba plateau) until the next monsoon arrives on the
scene (hopefully early).

So one is entitled to ask what is going on here. Is this any way to run a
State government? I for one am really mystified!  Unfortunately polemical
arguments with political overtones just dont seem to help.

[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-10-30 Thread Philip Thomas
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Re: S. Rys' on Goa being up and running for IFFI of Oct 30

My friend, yours is the veritable voice in the wilderness! It seems what
most people here only care about is the moola to be made (from road type
project contracts, spiralling real estate values, juicy rents etc etc). No
one is bothered about the filmi aspects of the festival!  The spirit of
Cannes is not at all in evidence at least so far on the very eve of the
festival's Goa avatar.

Sure, we will muddle through. Maybe next year people will give proper
thought to the filmi aspects provided IFFI 2004 is not a disaster literally
or figuratively speaking and Goa continues as the permanent venue as
orginially designated.

Keep your fingers crossed!

[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-10-30 Thread Philip Thomas
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Re: Goan Voices' on Goa is up and running for IFFI of Oct 29

Fyi, there is at least one factual error in the piece. It is incorrect to
say that there are four multiplexes nearing completion. In fact it is just
ONE multiplex with four screens. Goes to show that our IFFI organisers (or
Panjimites for that matter!) dont seem to know the difference between a
multiplex and a hot potato!

[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-10-28 Thread Philip Thomas
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The people of Panjim seem to be masochists to tolerate the wholesale
upheaval being wrought by last minute IFFI and Exposition preparations all
the way from Old Goa/Ribandar to Miramar and Dona Paula. It really didnt
have to be done this crude and heavy handed way. Also according to all
accounts top level governmental attention has been unnecessarily and
unashamedly been diverted from other pressing needs of the State.

Sure, a lot of people optimistically believe that things will be lovely in
Panjim when all the work is over. But what guarantee is there that the
powers that be wont  come up with some new harebrained ideas to keep things
from ever settling down? And who knows what the quality of the rush
infrastructure jobs will really be like in the next monsoon or two. There
may be enough re-work to keep things topsy-turvy in perpetuity. Heaven help
us Panjimites is all I can say.

[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-10-25 Thread Philip Thomas
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Parrikar is quoted as saying We aim to look beyond films this year,
including  a film bazaar for any business opportunities that can be tapped

I thought film bazaars were part and parcel of film festivals. Maybe IFFI
never had them all these years. Maybe its the Cannes influence on IFFI Goa!

[Goanet]Iffy Angle of IFFI

2004-10-21 Thread Philip Thomas
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Think of the baksheesh involved in this huge project which will also
include highway roads avoiding NH 17

I too have noticed that our government leaders seem to have a fixation on
transportation projects. In a comparison between CHOGM (1983) and IFFI based
on an editorial in the HERALD last December I found that one legacy of
CHOGM was striking viz the obsession with transportation projects. Then it
was helipads, ferry jetties, motor launches, luxury buses -- and a
For IFFI it was initially with ropeways, skybuses, a floating theatre
structure (all thankfully abandoned since then!) -- and the four lane
boulevard.  Motor launches and Volvo buses  entered the picture later.

Most recently there has been talk of screening films on beaches using
gigantic plasma displays. If this clicks then soon we can expect to see
beaches being converted into drive-in theatres (subject to CRZ regulations
if any! ) and what would this involve? Paving them over for all the cars!
Presto, an incipient transportation project.