Dear Mr. Radhakrishnan Nair,

Forgive me if I ignore the needless personalised drivel in your otherwise quite interesting post. It is to the non-drivel that I will focus my attention.

Here goes:

JC 1: I strongly believe that it is wrong to attack without being attacked. That is why I have fundamental difficulty with India's unprovoked 1961 invasion of Goa.

RKN 1: Do you have the same "fundamental difficulty" with the Portuguese invasion of Goa in the first place, Dr JC?

JC 2: Dear answer is YES!

RKN 2: So you agree India was right in recapturing the territory from the Portuguese. Right, Dr JC?

JC 3: Dear RKN,From the little reading I do, it is my understanding that one can only RECAPTURE what one had CAPTURED before ( or had possession of, before)

JC 3b: Assuming we agree that the Republic of India invaded Goa in 1961, When exactly did the Republic of India have possession of Goa before 1961 ?

**** Skirting of question noted.........RKN's response to above respectfully awaited.


JC 4 : WHY did the Republic of India have a Diplomatic presence in Goa until ~ 1955?

RKN 4: The Indian mission was there to persuade the Portuguese to FOLLOW in the footsteps of the French and leave gracefully.

JC 5: The French exited Pondicherry in November, 1954, but the the Indian Mission was withdrawn from Portugal on 11 June 1953. If the main purpose was to "persuade the Portuguese to FOLLOW in the footsteps of the French and leave gracefully", It is strange that the Indian Mission in Portugal (the colonial power in Goa at the time) departed a good 17 months BEFORE the French left Pondicherry.

How does one FOLLOW .....BEFORE ?  Hanh?

Unless, one practises Revision.

In any event, the question was "WHY did the Republic of India have a Diplomatic presence in Goa until ~ 1955? "


RK 5: Now don't tell me that the Portuguese mission is Goa is trying to persuade India to return the territory to them!

JC 5: I hope the Portuguese are not that daft. As it is we have thousands of non-Goan Indians who are faking (read as also bribing, forging) certificates and claiming that they were pre-1961 Portuguese Goans!

Even Sardars!

Yeah Right!

And the ones who slip through real cracks, greasy palms and siesta heads apparently turn up in places like Frankfurt and London flashing their Portuguese passports & demanding "dis and dat" - Making it virtually impossible - now - for genuine Goan applicants to claim for what is their right.

From all indications - the Civil Service in Lisbon has all but given up.
They apparently just do not know HOW to distinguish between Genuine Indian issued documents & Fake ones.

You think that Portugal (even in her wildest dreams) wants the headache of having to deal with Goa again ? Can you imagine the number of people who will turn up with claims that they are Goans?

There won't be any need then - for those fake marriages that Indians are notorious for....would there?


RK 6: There's a sense of deja vu in it, innit? We've gone thru it before, heard and seen it all.

JC 7: That is fine. What however you appear not to have done inspite of having "gone thru it before, heard and seen it all" learn't that JC and Bernado "innit" Colaco are NOT one and the same person.

You have also not yet understood that the question is NOT the Fait Accompli re: Goa


whether in a democracy - Goans should have been afforded the courtesy of being asked what they wanted...and whether there was or wasn't a peaceful method of achieving Portugal's exit from the East.

China did it with Macau and Hong Kong - did it not?.

But then, China did not have the electoral pressures of 1962 (that India had), nor did they have a Menon in their ranks. yes, the same Jeep Scandal Menon that the Chinese set straight once and for all.

good wishes as always


Nehru in Bombay June 4, 1956!

"I want to make it perfectly clear that I have no desire to coerce Goa to join India against the wishes of the people of Goa... but the point is that we feel that Goa's individuality should remain and that whenever the time comes for any changes, internal or other, it will be for the people of Goa acting freely, to decide upon them."

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