2005-01-01 Thread George Pinto
--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have seen only one man's post regarding other instances of Priests abusing. 
 If there are
 indeed others out there they should come out in the open.

Here are three others posted on Goanet.

Fred Noronha wrote on Sept 9:
“such as persistent allegations against some priests at Calangute, would 
suggest that it needs to
be much more alive to the situation. If there is a problem of this kind across 
the globe, there is
no reason whatsoever to believe that Goa would be immune from it. Was just 
reading in the National
Inquirer newspaper that the Church in the Philippines had to deal with some 200 
cases of sexual
misconduct over a 20 year period! A bishop resigned too.”

JoeGoaUK in an email on Dec 31: 
“Two days later, it was found out that the bride has run away with none other 
than her ex-lover
Pad-Kur (Fr.Curate).”

Anthony Frois has also recently posted on Goanet.

 I suggest they send an email to the Archbishop of Goa. 

I believe all reports indicate the Archbishop's house has been contacted but 
has been met with a
deafening silence (including my two emails).  However, I noted the Archbishop's 
house has had time
to communicate the proper dress code for the exposition (also reported on 
Goanet). You tell me:
which is the more important issue?

I think Goan Catholics should inquire of the Archbishop's house the same 
questions I asked: has a
formal study on these priests sex abuse matters been done?  What are the 
conclusions?  Is there a
problem?  Why should thousands of innocent priests/nuns be guilty by 
association because of the
Archbishop's silence and the actions of a few?   

Gabe, it is time Goan Catholics also inquired about any victims and if they 
have received
restitution, counseling, rehabilitation. Assuming of course there are victims. 
The Church's
silence FORCES speculation, conjecture, rumor and gossip. Let the Church speak 
up and soon.
CyberGoan Catholics should speak up too, less their hypocrisy be even more 
evident - especially
the ones who write with enthusiasm about the communal 'history' video, Hindu 
caste system, sati,
RSS ideology.



2004-12-31 Thread George Pinto
Gilbert's post does not do justice to his considerable intelligence.  Let's put 
it down to end of
year fatigue and not being defensive about the Goa and Catholic Church. See my 
specific comments


--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have no ax to grind. 

Neither do I or others who seek the truth.

 Both your posts on this thread and others on Goa's Catholic Church have very 
 little factual

You are plain wrong here.  If you re-read my posts I am going to the source 
(the Goa Archdiocese)
to get the facts. They are silent. They are FORCING conjecture, speculation and 
rumor by their
silence. I am requesting they speak publicly as they have not to date. This is 
not the time to
bury their heads in the sand, not with so many people on Goan beaches 
celebrating the New Year.

 You are claiming that the US Catholic church has a problem; so the Goa church 
 has the same

I have made no such claim.  Again, please re-read my posts.  I have asked if a 
formal study was
done by the Archdiocese and if the problem is pervasive or isolated (just 
Ribandar) or
non-existent.  A number of people in Goan cyberspace have made the claim there 
are other instances
in Goa.  Why have you and other Goan Catholics not asked for a full inquiry?  
Is it easy to
lecture about a communal video (which it is), the Hindu caste system, sati, and 
not deal with the
mess in your own house?  That seems to be the attitude of Goan Catholics in 
this case. 
Consistency brings credibility.

 This is called guilt by association. And the Church is 'guilty until proven 

No, it is not.  It is called transparency and accountability and 
responsibility.  Post Vatican II,
the laity has an equal standing with the church authorities - they serve 
different roles.  It is
not a heirarchy to be deferred to.  You seem to put the Church authorities on a 
pedestal, I do
not.  In fact a few months ago with respect to the Passion of the Christ DVD 
shown in an Aldona
Church, you requested that people should have first approached the Church 
authorities and inquired
there. In this case, I wrote to them first (not once but twice). Their silence 
led me to believe
they are copying the USA model (denial, sweep under the carpet, bury heads in 
the sand). This is
why I am asking these questions openly in Goan cyberspace so learned people 
like you can add to
the discussion.  Perhaps, even some Archdiocese members can speak up with the 
same enthusiasm as
they discuss a communal video, Hindu caste system, and sati.

 While you are quoting the case in California, I can forward you the story in 
 our newspaper,
 where the priest was vindicated. 

Precisely the point I made in my posts.  There are many innocent priests 
(probably 99%) and
because of the silence of the Church they as treated as guilty by association.  
You obviously did
not read my post carefully.  Or are you simply being too defensive about the 
Church?  I saw the
same attitude from many Goan Catholics with respect to the lack of Goan saints 
problem and other
Church issues.

 Just because some Goans somewhere in the world have extra-marital affairs, or 
 other sexual
 transgressions, should all Goans be investigated to satisfy the paranoia of 
 their spouses or the
 gossip of others? 

This is a red-herring and a bogus argument. The issue is serious enough as we 
know from the USA
experience. Are you saying is does not exist in Goa?  On what basis?  By the 
same people who throw
out fancy tourist statistics? 

 I would suggest (and hope you'd agree) that the Goa church should embark on 
 education courses
 for priests (and nuns too) on sexual harassment.

Such courses never hurt.  But first determine if the problem exists, if it is 
isolated or
pervasive.  The cure will then fit the disease (if it exists).

 But could you have a 'pathological fixation' against the Church on this and 
 on several other
 Church issues that you have publicized? 

To their credit, many injustices in the Church have been brought out by 
Catholics themselves,
including the priest sex abuse scandal in the USA.  It is important to clean 
the mess inside a
glass house before stones are thrown at another glass house.

Happy New Year to all who celebrate it at this time (Greco-Roman calendar?).  
To the others, best
wishes as always.



2004-12-27 Thread George Pinto
 In connection with another post, Gilbert Lawrence wrote

 It is always enjoyable to read some factual informative stories about Goa 
 rather than
 the never-ending posts on ABSOLUTELY non-Goa related topics.  

Dear Gilbert:

You are right, Goa-related topics are important. Please offer your comments on 
the Goa-related
topic below.  Not on the specific Ribandar case as that matter is working its 
way through the
legal system, but your comments on the overall situation in Goa vis-a-vis your 
experience of this
situation in the USA.  We can benefit from your insights.


--- Aires Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 George Pinto wrote,
 I believe you wrote at least once there are other cases of sexual abuse by
 the clergy in Goa. I had written to the Archdiocese twice and did not get a
 response. Is there a formal study done in Goa regarding this issue? I hope
 the Goa church is not turning a blind eye or burying their head in the
 sands. In the USA, we witnessed the tremendous harm done to the victims and
 innocent priests two years with a similar scandal. The Church's silence and
 denial finally took the issue to the courts and matters are now settled with
 huge monetary sums - some of it could have been avoided.  Just today,
 another settlement here in California.
 I hope the Goa Church is not going down the same path. I notice very few are
 asking for transparency and a public report. This way everyone can avoid
 speculation and gossip. When the Church sex abuse scandal first broke in the
 USA, innocent priests were walking around convicted by association simply
 by being a priest. It is not fair to the priests or the victims. I am hoping
 there is formal investigation and study in Goa and the findings made public.
 The laity have a right to know if the problem is pervasive or isolated or
 Dear George,
 After the details of the  Ribandar Church molestation case were made public
 I have received a lot of written and oral complaints about grave sexual and
 financial improprieties going on in other  Parishes across Goa. I  requested
 that all these complaints be sent directly to the Archbishop's palace.
 As you now the Church is very powerful and unresponsive to the people's
 pulse. Till date instead of attempting to fix the problem the Church seems to 
 everything possible to cover its unholy acts. And for this they shrewdly use
 the services of a cotorie of  some wise lay people that evolves around the
 Church to do the dirty job of damage control.
 I took up the Ribandar Church molestation issue after deep thought and
 ascertaining all the facts. Before we went public on the issue I pleaded
 with the Co-ordinator of our Ribandar Parish Council to call a open meeting
 of all parishioners so that this issue could be discussed and the facts be
 faced dead on. This they dared not do and expected that the truth could be
 supressed and that they would be able to hush up the matter.
 Early this year I personally met the Archbishop Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao and
 pleaded his intervention on the Ribandar issue. The spokesman of the
 Archbishop made a public statement a few days later that the Archbishop was
 seized of the matter and that an inquiry had been ordered.
 That's all we have heard. Till date the findings of this inquiry have not
 been made public. And the not so suprising silence and inaction on the part
 of the Archbishop is solely to be blamed for allowing this issue to be
 dragged into the Courts and public domain.
 Turning a blind eye is no solution to a serious problem. It only aggravates
 the issue and this is exactly what is happening in the Ribandar Church
 molestation case where on Dec 24th last year before the X'mas midnight  mass
 Parish priest Fr. Newton Rodrigues is accused of allegedly taking a
 13-year-old Ribandar girl to a room in the church on the pretext of taking
 confession and molesting her.
 Aires Rodrigues


2004-12-26 Thread George Pinto
See responses below.  George

--- Aires Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After the details of the  Ribandar Church molestation case were made public
 I have received a lot of written and oral complaints about grave sexual and
 financial improprieties going on in other  Parishes across Goa. I  requested
 that all these complaints be sent directly to the Archbishop's palace.

Given the lack of response from the Archbishop's house, what is the next step 
for victims?  In the
USA, there is a Survivor Network of Abused Priests, see 
http://www.snapnetwork.org/.  Perhaps,
there should be a meeting of similar cases in Goa, although I fully recognize 
the shame people may
have in coming forward and the fear of not being supported publicly, especially 
by a laity
complicit by its silence (including most cybergoan Catholics). Perhaps some of 
the Goan
priests/nuns on this forum will have the courage to speak out assuming they 
will not suffer any
retribution by their Catholic orders or teaching institutions they might be 
affliated with.

 As you know the Church is very powerful and unresponsive to the people's 
 pulse. Till date
 instead of attempting to fix the problem the Church seems to do
 everything possible to cover its unholy acts. And for this they shrewdly use
 the services of a cotorie of  some wise lay people that evolves around the
 Church to do the dirty job of damage control.

In the USA, after the initial denial, stonewalling, 
burying-the-head-in-the-sand and
sweep-under-the-carpet approach, the Church was forced by legal claims to come 
clean. It has cost
the US Catholic church over a billion dollars to settle claims and counting, 
over 11,000 claims of
sexual abuse have been reported, at least 3 dioceses are in bankruptcy and 
counting, and several
parishes have been closed. Not to mention the negative publicity, etc.  Perhaps 
the Goa Church
might learn a lesson here?

 I took up the Ribandar Church molestation issue after deep thought and
 ascertaining all the facts. Before we went public on the issue I pleaded
 with the Co-ordinator of our Ribandar Parish Council to call a open meeting
 of all parishioners so that this issue could be discussed and the facts be
 faced dead on. This they dared not do and expected that the truth could be
 supressed and that they would be able to hush up the matter.

You might recall the Irish singer Sinead O'Connor who found the church 
unresponsive in this matter
about 10 years ago.  She tore a picture of the Pope on US national television 
and took a lot of
heat for it, including an adverse impact on her career.  In retrospect, she was 
a prophet and
needs to be commended.  You are in a similar position and naturally the 
powerful and those who do
not seek the truth will challenge you, including those who are defensive about 
the Catholic church
(notice the silence of many cyberGoan Catholics).

May justice prevail.
