A recent article in the *German News* (December 2004) issue published from New Delhi points out that in Germany, tution fees are not charged even for international students in most varsities, as they are publicly funded.

        Some other facts that students might be interested in:

        * An MoU was signed four years ago between the
          Association of Indian Universities and the German
          Rectors' Conference to recognise each others' degrees.

        * Indian students grew from 609 in 1990 to 4112 for

        * The Germans have made their system more flexible so that
          'anglophone' students such as those from India
          can adjust easily to their system, by introducing
          over 300 international degree programmes which offer
          mainly master's courses in addition to the Bachelor's
          and PhD programmes.

        * A person does need a smattering of the local
          language to get by; it may be a good idea to undergo
          crash courses in German at the various Max Mueller
          Bhavans in India (none in Goa!)

        * The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD0
          with its offices in New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai
          offers scholarships to deserving students. As Europe
          is generally expensive, the living cost could amount to
          between Rs 25,000 and Rs 30,000 per month.

        * By 2010, Germany will change its higher education
          to the globally more popular bachelor's and master's
          degree programmes, moving away from the current
          diploma system.

Some sites that you might find useful GERMAN ACADEMIC EXCHANGE SERVICES www.daaddelhi.org TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY MUNICH www.tu-muenchen.de UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES BERLIN www.fhtw-berlin.de h.schroeder at fhtw-berlin.de HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY BERLIN www.mastersprogram.de or information at mastersprogram.de SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS BERLIN www.mba-berlin.de or www.fhw-berlin.de or maim at fhw-berlin.de BONN/COLOGNE Centre for Development Research www.zef.de or zef at uni-bonn.de DLR IN BONN/COLOGNE www.dlr.de SOUTH ASIA INSTITUTE HEIDELBERG [EMAIL PROTECTED] SAP HEIDELBERG www.sap.com

If you know of any other openings for students, do share it with Goanet! FN
Frederick Noronha (FN) Nr Convent Saligao 403511 GoaIndia
Freelance Journalist P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436
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