Re: [Goanet] Dom José Vieira Alvernaz

2007-04-02 Thread Aureo Mendes Da Piedade 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Very good !
A.Mendes (goan in Spain)

Roland Fracis wrote:

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your article on Dom Jose Alvernaz. Your
recounting of details, your fluency of language and your use of words
in their particular contexts, recalls the days when graduates of the
Bombay University and other leading Indian Universities were facile
both with the word and the pen, not only in their own particular
disciplines which in your case was Engineering, but also with the
wider body of human knowledge.

That puts paid to the current argument that specialists in their field
need not have command of the language in which they write as long as
they are masters of the disciplines in which they have studied and
practised. That is plain baloney. The education of yore was far more
general and far more inspiring of further proficiency as compared to
current training which rests mainly on the foundation and pillars
of technical skills. The inspiration that education in that age
brought about, resulted in an expansion of the mind rather than
today's sole reliance on the mountain of available data that
continuously bounds and gallops mostly on the strength and ingenuity
of computer wizardry.

While I detect a sort of awe and reverence in your writing of the life
and times of Dom Jose Alvernaz, I myself do not hold such
personalities in similar awe. They were created by a colonial system
that embraced even religious life while deliberately ignoring the
greatness of many Goan priests to whom their  Portuguese counterparts
may not have been able to hold a candle. But such was the result of
those colonial times. All we can do is is attempt to correct it. But
even those in present ecclesiastical power like Ivan Dias in the
Vatican do nothing to glorify his heritage in the form of recognizing
long unrecognized priests like Pe Jose Vaz and Pe Agnelo. There is a
precedent for him. Our previous Polish Pope did not miss any occasion
to raise almost unknown Polish clerical stars to the firmament of the
worldwide Catholic Church. But that is typically Goan. Those of us who
can speak Konkani feel inferior to converse in it on the side, in the
company of say someone who is speaking Dutch or even Gujarati on the

The foregoing is not meant to trivialize your article. I have the
utmost respect for your writing and thought and make a wish that you
write more on any other subject that inspires you. The water of
writings such as yours are far more slaking of thirst than the usual
soda pop one generally gets on Goanet. And I include myself in the
soda pop category.

With regards,

[Goanet] of pot shots ani pot holes

2007-04-02 Thread Jose Colaco 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Selma Carvalho wrote thus to Sunith:

1: like a true gentlemen, (Frederick Noronha) hasn't taken  personal 
potshots at anyone on the forum

2: When you finally get off you pony and start wearing long-pants, we'll 
talk. Adult to adult.

jc's comment:

All I can say is  Brilliant!!


[Goanet] 'I will always love you'.. Sunidhi chauhan goes Whitney Houston Live in Goa

2007-04-02 Thread JoeGoaUk 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

'I will Always love you'.. Sunidhi chauhan goes Whitney Houston Live in Goa


Sunidhi is one of the youngest bollywood Playback singers..

Ever heard her song 'CRAZY KIYA RE..?   This song is availabe here too.

  for Goa  NRI related info... 
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

Inbox full of unwanted email? Get leading protection and 1GB storage with All 
New Yahoo! Mail.

Re: [Goanet] Frederick's photos

2007-04-02 Thread allwyntc 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know how it underlines Frederick's point. I
 think it underlines the opposite point - that of
 Basilio, Jose, Bosco, Cecil, Sunith, George and me -
 that proper acknowledgment does not preclude free
 sharing of creative content. That simple attribution
 can be completely dissociated from copyright and
 copyright law.

How can you disassociate the two?  Copyright law is based on proof of
plagiarism.  On a medical research level it is like ignoring the side
effects of a miracle drug.  [Side jab: Oh, I forgot, medical
researchers conveniently forget to do this part of their homework,
anyway :-]

I am not defending plagiarism.  Its perpetrators needs to be fittingly
rebuked with punishment that fits the crime.  However, I contend that
plagiarism is not a chronic problem because it is easily moderated by
peer review.  For someone to succeed they have to make original
contributions.  Plagiarism can only take them that far before they
crumble under their own weight (food they have eaten but not digested,
so to speak).

It's evil counterpart, copyright law, however, is sinister and could
have long lasting effects because it has the backing of law
enforcement.  Moreover, as there is so much evidence, this law can
so easily be abused by the rich and powerful to make them even more
rich and more powerful.

Lastly, and this is my most important point, I contend that plagiarism
at an academic level has not stunted research and progress.  It's
perpetrators, not having made any original contribution, have at least
not deterred others from doing so (unless they also try to
illegitimately copyright the work, which then becomes exactly the
problem of copyrighting).

Copyright law, on the other hand, is exactly that -- a deterrent to
progress.  No, you cannot use my MP3 algorithm in your code base
without first letting me have your firstborn offspring.  The point
here is not whether or not they have the right, as per the law, to the
firstborn offspring.  The point is that it stunts research and
progress because it is a deterrent to young companies, without
financial or legal muscle, to even try.

Imagine a world in the stone ages where the first people who
discovered the first few rudimentary useful properties of the wheel
copyrighted the concept and everyone who used this concept in any
subsequent development had to pay them a cut.

Similarly, if TCP/IP, arguably today's networking wheel, was
copyrighted you and I may not have been having this discussion via
this medium.

To summarize, you cannot talk about the problems of plagiarism without
also talking about the problems of copyright law.  I commend efforts
to seek alternatives to copyrighting and make their usage more
prevalent.  Looks like there was a win-win between FN and Santosh with
the photo CD.  Here's to more of that.

For those who wish to see the debate purely from the perspective of
academic research, remember the words of the famous philosopher,
Anonymous -- The difference between theory and practice, in practice,
is greater than the difference between theory and practice, in

Keep in touch.

[Goanet] Plagiarism and sharing of ideas

2007-04-02 Thread Jason Monserrate 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor


I am a little confused about the sharing of ideas thingamajig.

Does it mean that Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the Google guys, should have 
freely distributed the PageRank Algorithm to whoever was interested at 
Stanford University in 1998? Should i encourage a budding musician to upload 
all his original music on youtube?

Also, i am interested in the copyleft subject. I have read the Lawrence 
Liang's point of view on Goa-Reseach-Net. What are the business models for 
copylefted work?

As far as plagiarism goes, the way that i see it, the issue is simple 
enough. Just elaborating a little with the help of a fictitious example, to 
make the debate a little hijack-proof.

Suppose i write two essays on The advantages of the fore-finger over other 
fingers in the art of nose-picking. One is a humorous post, in which i 
explain the whole concept using hilarious ideas that originate in my head. I 
dont cite sources, since i have not copied stuff from anywhere. The other 
essay is a scientific explanation that explains the advantages  using 
research papers and doctoral dissertations previously written on the 
subject. Since i am piggy-back riding on the essays and knowledge of others 
(which are not in the public domain), if i will be selling my essay to the 
Nose-Pickers International magazine which wants to buy the second essay 
and not the first original work, i need to cite my sources and acknowledge 
the piggies i am riding on and making some moolah.

Think it is simple enough to be understood. Ethics and lots of commonsense.



[Goanet] Past performances equal History

2007-04-02 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Life is a parabola in which one sees raise then a Plato followed by stiff 
downfall.  But most of us refuse to agree on this theory despite being 
proved applicable. This is truer with our politicians and our sporting 
starts! They strongly believe that they don't have retirement age - they are 
ever green heroes. But this is deceptively so! Have a look at Sachin 
Tendulkar, our politicians in Rane, Willy, Sardhin, Luizine, Zatye, etc. All 
these so called legendaries of past have started showing their ages and yet 
they want to survive on their past performances. No sir, you can't do this. 
You have to retire and make way for youngsters or second line to take the 
gearshift Or else history will replace all your achievements with all your 
recent failures.

Dr. U. G. Barad
Margao - Goa

[Goanet] The moral Zeitgeist of Goa

2007-04-02 Thread Carvalho 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

The ambulance siren was blaring across the crowded
lanes and not one car of humanity moved to make way
for the man or woman or child battling for their

The man driving in the car had on his lap, a small
child wedged between himself and the steering wheel.

Under the bridge was a gang of children ranging from
possibly two to ten. They were playing unsupervised as
is the norm. It was a mock fight, perhaps an enactment
of some scene the older children had seen in a
Bollywood movie. This innocence, did not temper its
viciousness. The younger children received repeated
kicks and blows. As a mother my heart solidified into
a thick clump of clay. What if a mother returned to
find her own child lying dead? How many of these
children would survive into adulthood? How many of
them would survive the physical and emotional
vengeance of their youth?.

Perhaps in the larger scheme of things, these
instances will seem trivial. Not important given the
magnitude of more urgent matters, like poverty and
corrupt governments. And yet, they are important. They
are subtle indicators of how the moral Zeitgeist of
Goa is formed. Of the values that are important to us,
and values we will shape in generations to come.

Richard Dawkins writes, in a society there exists a
somewhat mysterious consensus, which changes over the
decades, and for which it is not pretentious to use
the German loan-word Zeitgeist.It spreads itself
from mind to mind through conversations in bars and at
dinner parties, through books and book reviews,
through newspapers and broadcasting, and nowadays
through the Internet.

Is the moral Zeitgeist in Goa stunted? Is it to be
defined purely in terms of the resources available to
us? Is our lack of visionary leaders and role models
gnawing away at our ability to move our morality
forward? And indeed morality is precisely the word we
should use. We don't live in a world where morality is
defined purely by larger moral dilemmas like killing
or adultery. Our morality also includes the mundane.
It deals with day-to-day issues such as how we protect
our children, of not driving while drunk, of not
littering on beaches, or not killing near-extinct
animals, of not stealing company time, of not asking
for bribes.

The moral Zeitgeist of Goa, we have move this looming
spirit of the times into the 21st century through
education and dialogue and vision. We have to become
more conscious of how the world around us is changing,
moving ahead and we have to fall in step with it, if
we are not to be left behind.



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[Goanet] Quo vadis, Panjim?

2007-04-02 Thread Philip Thomas 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

In the six or seven years that I have been acquainted with Panjim and its
vicinity the main roads, after being surfaced, have been dug up for
whatseems like every conceivable reason.[Self, 29/3]

1. On March 31, there was a front page report in HERALD titled Road
digging: CCP-Govt at cross roads. It said that CCP had decided to refuse
the govt's request for permission to dig Panjim roads for a broadband
connectivity project.  They unanimously took the stand that it could be
looked into only after the monsoon, i.e. Sept.  Meanwhile the last date for
road digging was notified as April 25. The mayor added that restoration of
roads would be completed by May 15. Some hopeful signs, on the surface of
things. But, clearly the hurriedly resurfaced roads are unlikely to get
through unscathed during the monsoon. And the whole digging business will
start again pre-IFFI  as envisaged by CCP and go on and on and on.

2. On April 1 there was a column titled God of mall things by Bevinda
Collaco in HERALD. It was a sort of whistle blowing piece about the plan to
convert the recently (circa 2004) and successfully restored Old GMC building
in the INOX compound into a shopping mall. Apparently, the Directorate of
Film Festivals (DFF) is not shifting into the building as originally
envisaged. (May have thought discretion is the better part of valour after
seeing the utter chaos over passes during IFFI, right?) Anyway, according to
Bevinda, the 30 year lease given to the new occupants seems to allow
wholesale remodelling of the building which is outwardly very beautiful at
present and a worthy heritage site. She has also quoted a clause in the
agreement which binds the government to secrecy about the goings on. She
concludes by saying that the building is part of GOA's heritage, not just
Panjim's, and hence its future should be in Goa's hands.

Be that as it may, as a substantial traffic generating node, any mall will
only add to the strains and stresses on Panjim's roads. Incidentally, the
mall/multiplex combination seems to mirror to a significant extent the
situation I saw in Bangalore at the Garuda Mall where there is an INOX
(built at the same time as Panjim's INOX) on the top floor.

[Goanet] Learning to speak in Konkani

2007-04-02 Thread Miguel Braganza 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor


There is good news for those who want to learn to SPEAK Konkani. there is a 
short summer course at COMMUNICARE, Porvorim, between 10.00 A.M. and 12.00 
noon starting on Monday 02 April, 2007. This course is open to any adult 
living in and around Porvorim, Panaji, Mapusa, Saligao and it is ideal for 
mothers of children studying in primary school in Konkani.

The course will be conducted by Ms. Prita Sardessai, an experienced Konkani 
teacher. For details contact Nalini Sousa Mobile 9822586058 or drop in at 

This is the first course in Konkani at this centre for learning. If you 
would love to learn Konkani at some other time of the day, please call up 
and inform. Communicare is willing to consider your convenience.

There is also a beginners course in Konkani beginning on 16 April at TSKK, 
off O Coqueiro, Porvorim. Knowledge of Devanagri script is essential for the 
TSKK course. Roman script version will be available later. Register your 
names by calling phone 2410637 during working hours [10 A.m. to 5 P.M.]

Mog asundi.


Mog asundi,
Botanical Society of Goa 


2007-04-02 Thread Pravin Sabnis 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

MONDAY MUSE (2 April '07)


Jerry Pinto lives up to his name. Jerry means a spear warrior. somebody 
carrying a pointed weapon. In my friend's case, he has displayed very 
pointed persuasive skills. Like the time when a summer beach party got 
undone as unexpected rain send the guests scurrying for cover. Jerry grabbed 
the microphone and motivated the guests to come back to enjoy the rain 
party! A focussed sense of purpose has always been the hallmark of 
everything that Jerry does.

Well after over six eventful years of a successful association with the Taj 
group in Aguada, Goa, Jerry has chosen to move on. Last Saturday, his 
proteges, Prasad Joshi and others organised a send-off party for him at 
(very interestingly) the helipad. literally wishing Jerry the best of 
take-offs in his career ahead. Colleagues, vendors, associates . everyone 
that Jerry's touch had transformed were there to wish him well. It was a 
touching moment for Jerry to see the immense goodwill that he had managed to 

Jerry deserves all the adulation he gets. It is not his gift of the gab or 
talent for creativity or managing skills that make him popular. It is his 
ability to help people connect to their potential that make Jerry much 
admired. A good manager is one who gets things done, but the best manager is 
one helps his team members develop newer facets that lie dormant in their 
personality. Jerry has made a habit of nurturing the attitude and aptitude 
of the people he works with.

All this is easier said than done. In today's competitive world, we choose 
to focus on our own selves, rather than others. We are swayed by the logic 
that we could be creating our own competitors by helping develop others in 
our team. Hence we may be selective and restrictive in our aid and support 
to others in our team. And therefore, we will never surround ourselves with 
the adulation, admiration and sheer benevolence that Jerry was able to 
witness on that evening at the helipad.

On life's helipad, the fuel of goodwill helps you soar higher.
Help develop new dimensions in very person you encounter!


2 April 2007, Goa.
mobile: 9422640141 


2007-04-02 Thread St. Xaviers's College of Arts, Science Commerce - Mapusa - Goa 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor


The Department of Konkani of St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science and 
Commerce, will be conducting a five days course on Conversational Konkani 
from 16th April, 2007 to 20th April, 2007, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  The 
said course is designed to inculcate conversational skills in Konkani 

Those interested, should contact the college office (phone No.2262356) and 
register names by paying registration fee of Rs.200/- latest by 12th April, 

Re: [Goanet] Frederick's photos/my two cents on the plagiarism debate

2007-04-02 Thread Aristo 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Allwyn writes:
 Lastly, and this is my most important point, I contend that plagiarism
 at an academic level has not stunted research and progress.  It's
 perpetrators, not having made any original contribution, have at least
 not deterred others from doing so (unless they also try to
 illegitimately copyright the work, which then becomes exactly the
 problem of copyrighting).

Aristo's $0.01:
What if plagiarism is not seriously dealt with? Then, academicians
will not be motivated to produce original research; ergo, plagiarism
DOES stunt research and progress.

Allwyn writes:
 Copyright law, on the other hand, is exactly that -- a deterrent to
 progress.  No, you cannot use my MP3 algorithm in your code base
 without first letting me have your firstborn offspring.  The point
 here is not whether or not they have the right, as per the law, to the
 firstborn offspring.  The point is that it stunts research and
 progress because it is a deterrent to young companies, without
 financial or legal muscle, to even try.

Aristo's $0.02:
Copyright's, patents, IP, and all that jazz bring in the moolah to
Companies that invest in RD, who in fact deserve rewards as incentive
for that investment, over a LIMITED period of time; ergo, Copyright
law motivates companies to invest in research.

Do I smell a marxist here?


All threads on Plagiarism, playgerism, copyright, copyleft,
cryptomnesia, Gilbertomnesia, Gilbert are now CLOSED! (Ah, I

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But,
in practice, there is. - Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut/Yogi Berra.

Re: [Goanet] Church under Archaeological Survey of India dadagiri.

2007-04-02 Thread Sanny Vaz 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

UCAN: Archaeology work threatens church monuments, Catholic officials say 
3/26/2007   -   (UCANews (www.ucanews. com)

OLD GOA, India (UCAN) - Church officials in Goa say the federal 
archaeological department is threatening church monuments in the western 
Indian state by working haphazardly and secretively.
Inglez sozmota, torui pun Amchi Mai-Bhass KONKANI hem boroup korunk 
vapurchi oxem mhojea monan ailam, kiteak jem kitem ami amche bhaxen uloitao 
tem amcheach faideachem, oxem tuka disonam? Makai toxench dista kiteak heo 
sogleo varea-veleo khobro, ubon vochon amchea tintear passun virus kosso 
ximpdonk vell naka, hea voilea vixai-a vhoir zaiteo khobro vachunk hea 
disanim meutat, khorem mhutlear heo khobro nhuim, pun amkam goemkar-ank 
zagrutai, nidechea bhorman bhorlele dole ugdunk kiteak amchea rostear kante 
assat te amkam toponam zaunk.

Don diss adim Bab JoeGoaUK hanem porian heach vixai-a vhoir boroilam, tacheo 
voileo don volli vachun hanv zagoulom, anik urleleank zagounk fudem sorlam, 
Bab Joe tuka Dev borem korum,  FAD (Federal Archeological Dept.) Delhi than 
Goem ailea amchea Igorz-antleo bigodleleo murtheo (damaged statues) sarkeo 
korunk, hanthun gomta Delhi bosleat tankam Goem-cho khub usko assa mhunon, 
tanchea sangata amchea Goem-chea serkar-akui uskean nidh podonam,  pun amche 
Cristao montri bab kopp marun susth nidleat, tanam aplea dhorma-chem kainch 
podonk-nam, tankam fokot podlam aplea korma-chem, zori tor tankam irlo usko 
aslo zalear te kitem tori vinchar kortele asle, zaum eta tankam hachi kainch 
khobor nam, kiteak te vote vinkto ghevunk gorjevont-ank sodtat. Mhojea ixtta 
tuka koxem dista?

Maka? Maka oxem dista, hie FAD-ache kamdar je Old Goa igorjen kam kortat te 
zaun assat fator fodpi, anik tankam Delhi serkaran dadleat amcheo itlea 
vorsamcheo imaji padd ghalunk. Hem soglem zanam zaun passun amcho Goem-cho 
serkar voghi bosla. Goem-chea serkaran ASI-anchem kam supervise korunk amcho 
Goem-kar dovrunk zai aslo, pun toxem korunk-nam. Zaum eta amcho Parrekar 
anik Rano tanchea sangata melon assat, nam tor tie voghi kiteak? Dall miem 
kuch kala hai.

Amche Bab Parrekar anik Rano hankam Vhodlea Goem hevunk koslem tori nibb 
(excuse) zai aslem, tea passot tanim Basilica of Bom Jesus hachea patlean 
ek Mondir ubem kelam apleo dhormik ghorzo pureo korunk tenvuim kaidea add 
(illegal), anik kaim vorsam-nim Mumbai tan Shiv Sena-chem loskor Goem etelem 
Basilica modunk zoxem tanim Babri Masjid modlam. Amcho Goem-cho serkar hache 
vhoir kiteak action ghenam, anik Panjim Municipal Counsil kitem korta? 
Concerning illegal Construction, is it Demolish-able according to the 
housing rule? Teach vangda ASI-hanim Our Lady of Rosary Igorjek tenkon 2 
maliam-chem building bandunk porvangi dhilea, hie ASI konn? Igorjechea 
zababdar mhuneareank vinchari-nastanam aponn svotha nirnoi ghevunk, maka 
dista vho ASI zaun assa RSS hea pongdacho fantto, igroz mathe-chea mhuniari 
anik karbaream thaim mhoji vinonthi CHOTUR RAVAT.

Hallim amchea Goem kitleoch Igorzo anik lhan lhan Kopelam chorlim, zaum eta 
ASI hea pongdache mhunis mellon heo choreo kortat, kiteak ASI hankam puri 
mahiti assa khuim-che igorjen vho kopelan kitem assa poi tem. Pulis khateak 
mhozo sadho vinchar, Tumi Igorzo vho Kopel-achea choriam babtim choukoxi 
kortanam, kednam tori tumi ASI-chea mhunxeank prosnn / vinchar kela, maka 
dissonam tumi tankam kitench vincharlam  mhunon, pun chori zalea tea ganvan 
konn soro pivon lokot ghara veta taka dhorla anik polis chouker vhoron 
guneao nastanam taka marla, tossoch ganvan konn narll chorun khata taka 
dhourun marla, pun aiz passun igorzo anik kopelam chorpi xatti fulloun 
bounta, tumkam vincharlear tumcho ekuch zabab  AMCHI CHOUKOXI AZUN CHALLU 
ASSA, Amchea Goem Devlam-nim kiteak choreo zaina? Barik poilear thuim chod 
bangar, pintol anik duddu (Gold, Copper  Currency) asat. Tor SAKARAM tuka 
dissonam ASI-ancho hea chori-anim hath assa mhunon Tumchi choukoxi 
challu-ch assumm dhi, tanim tujem ghor chori passun.

Tor Goemkar-a utt, tum azun niden bormetai, bhair pole surea mathear pavlo, 
torui tuje dole ugdonam, Dissa uzvadim tujem ghor chorlem pun tukach 

Mog anik ekvott assum-dhi achea Goemkar-am sovem.

Tumcho khalto,

Sanny De Quepem.

[Goanet] Colonialism and bigory?

2007-04-02 Thread Bernado Colaco 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

I wonder if the writer of this paper is referring to
the current situation ie after 1961?


Frederick Noronha in his paper ' 
Colonialism and bigotry: Liberation and History..
Combating myths in 
struggle for secularism in contemporary Goa' 

New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at 
the Yahoo! Mail Championships. Plus: play games and win prizes.* 

Tiatr Review: �40 DIS 40 RATIi� by William Fernandes

2007-04-02 Thread 40 Dis 40 Rati 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

   Fasting And Repentance For Lenten Season

Lent is the season of penance, sacrifice and fasting
for 40 days and 40 nights. The Lenten season starts
form Ash Wednesday and ends on the auspicious day of
Easter Sunday- This festival is celebrated in great
pomp and festivity all over the world by the
Catholics. During Lenten season, devoted Catholics
refrain from smoking, drinking, consuming meat
products, etc, and instead do penance for their wrong
doings and ask for forgiveness from the Almighty. 

Konkani dramas or Tiatrs were never held during Lenten
season in Kuwait, but this year Simon Gonsalves-the
talented script writer-director and singer from
Panchwadi-Goa had a brilliant idea to entertain the
Goans with a message for lent. His drama “Challis Dis
ani Challis Rati” was showcased at the Hawally A/C
Auditoruim on 23rd March with a galaxy of stars and
tiatrits from Kuwait and Goa. Willy Silveira – the
upcoming sensation on Konkani stage along with the
veteran Jessie Dias (known as ‘Mother of Konkani
stage) and popular Comedian Agostinho Temudo, were
flown in from Goa for this wonderful themed drama,
Simon Gonsalves well known in the Tiatirst circle as
an excellent director and talented artiste par
excellence for his scenes and sceneries. His Konkani
movie “Chovis Voram” was an instant hit, so also his
two dramas held in Kuwait.

The Lenten family drama was very touching and hard
hitting, but tuned the right chords as some elements
of the society refusal to accept facts and turn
towards salvation and repentance. This type of
entertainment is rare specially when it has a message
for the masses. The special effects and stage setting
was beyond doubt praiseworthy and nothing could falter
when Santana Piedade Afonso (SPA) is involved-to put
in the words of Simon Gonsalves.

Musical score was provided by Shahu Almeida  His
Musicians and the event was organized by the United
Club of Utorda. Overall Simon Gonsalves along with
selected artistes presented the drama in a
professional manner. The message of give and take,
darkness and light, faith and doubt, action and apathy
was indeed well conceive. 

Appropriate comedy by Philip Pereira, Agostinho,
Querobina Carvalho and Salu Faleiro, well meaning and
songs on love, faith and sacrifices were rendered by
Marcus Vaz, Sanny de Quepem, Jessie Dias, Anthony
Carr, Willy Silveira, Ignatius de Xelvon, Laurente
Pereira, the enchanting Ronny-Jasmine D’Cunha, among
others with Riana Azavedo, Sandra Fernandes, Jessie
Dias Simon Gonsalves, Cajetan de Sanvordem, Joseph
Rodrigues, Manu D’Souza, enacting the major roles in
the drama to perfection. 

Janet Franco e Fernandes was the chief guest for the
drama. The scenes of Ash Wednesday and the Last Supper
were astonishingly well performed and depicted.

Above article appeared in THE TIMES, Kuwait’s Premier
Weekly Newspaper, dated March 30 – April 05, 2007 


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[Goanet] Are you a Gouveia?

2007-04-02 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Are you a Gouveia?
FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
Konkani Wikipedia (under incubation) needs your help!
-- next part --
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[Goanet] Is over-participation in Democracy proving to be a handicap in Goa ?

2007-04-02 Thread Goa Desc
 + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy
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[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Father of Konkani films 'Amchem Noxib', 'Nirmonn' Frank Fernand is no more

2007-04-02 Thread Goanet Reader 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor


By Isidore Dantas
isidordantas at

Frank Fernand, the producer and music director of epoch
making Konkani films Amchem Noxib and Nirmonn, breathed his
last at the age of 87 in Mumbai on April 1, 2007 and was
buried the next day at a quiet funeral at Dadar. He is
survived by his wife Maggie, daughters Elfin, Doris, Larissa
and son Max. Many Goan musicians have made it big in Hindi
films, of whom Frank Fernand is one.

Frank Fernandes, popularly known as Frank Fernand, was born
on May 3, 1919 and hails from Curchorem, a small and dusty
mining town and railway station now in the district of South
Goa. He was baptized by the saintly priest Fr. Agnelo de

Fernand received his initial training in music at the hands
of the local maestro Diogo Rodrigues, where he could master
violin and trumpet. In 1936, Frank migrated to Mumbai to join
Don Bosco's for studies. His first assignment in music was to
play at Green's Hotel and Taj Mahal Hotel under the
leadership of George Theodore, an East Indian, as the
community of Christians from the region of Bombay (Mumbai) is

In 1942, he left Mumbai for Mussorie to play at Savoy Hotel
under the Rudy Cotton band. It is here that he got a good
opportunity to be a Jazz musician in his band. The same year
he had a brief stint in New Delhi.

Fernand is indebted to our statesman and India's first Prime
Minister the late Jawaharlal Nehru for his Biography and
Discovery of India, which completely changed his outlook. He
considers Nehru to be the great Son of India and is grateful
to him for the orchestration of the National Anthem Jana Gana
Mana. A true patriot, Frank commemorated August 15 as the
biggest event every year.

In 1946, he set for Mumbai to participate in Mickey Correia's
band. The year 1948 saw him joining the film industry as a
musician to the popular music duo, Shankar-Jaikishan. He
proudly recalled his association with the success of
R.K.Films' Raj Kapoor's super hit 'Barsat'. He has had the
privilege to work under the music directors of repute. These
include Kishore Kumar. C.R.Ramchandra, Roshan, and Anil

His last assignment with Kalyanji-Anandji as his first
assistant is fondly remembered by the Hindi Film music
community. He has excelled in musical arrangement for these
film music directors.

In the footsteps of the end of colonial Portuguese rule in
Goa, in keeping with the immense love he had for Konkani and
with the vast knowledge of film craft in his possession, he
launched his first Konkani film 'Amchem Noxib' under the
banner of Frank Films (Goa).

It starred C. Alvares and Anthony Mendes in the main roles.
Apart from being its producer, the film had melodious music
composed by him. This film has cast a magic spell on the
spectators and its immense popularity has brought him
adulation and draws large crowds even today whenever and
wherever it is released.

Some time back, he expressed his gratitude for the patronage
received for this first film, which boosted his enthusiasm.
However, he regretted that Portuguese- and English-speaking
Goans did not appreciate the film and called it cheap.

To counteract this criticism, he produced his second film,
'Nirmonn' based on Lord Tennyson's character Enoch Arden, for
which he set music in his own style. This film had a powerful
story and bagged the Certificate of Merit for regional films,
the first of its kind for Konkani, at the hands of the then
Prime Minister, the late Indira Gandhi.

This film had memorable performance by C. Alvares, Shalini,
Anthony D'Sa and Jacinto Vaz. The lyrics and scenes have been
beautifully captured on mementoes of the films.

'Nirmonn' was remade into Hindi and was entitled 'Taqdeer'
and was directed by A. Salam with Shalini in the lead role.

Besides these two films, Frank has also provide the musical
score to the Konkani film 'Mhoji Ghorkarn' directed by A.
Salam with Shalini, C.Alvares and Jacinto Vaz in the main

With the success of the two Konkani films, Frank ventured to
produce a Hindi film in 1965 entitled 'Priya', starring
Sanjeev Kumar and Tanuja with music by Kalyanji-Anandji. This
film flopped because it was considered an art film by the
audience and not a commercial one.

Not loosing heart, Frank again attempted to produce another
Hindi film 'Ahat' starring Dr. Shriram Lagoo, Jaya Bahaduri,
Vinod Mehra. 'Ahat' inspired by the popular English film
'Wait Until Dark' was made under the banner of Vishal
Gomantak Films with screenplay by G.D.Madgulkar, Kishore Rege
as director and music by himself. The film was over-budgeted
and could 

Re: [Goanet] Past performances equal History

2007-04-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

 Life is a parabola in which one sees raise then a
 Plato followed by stiff 
 downfall.  But most of us refuse to agree on this
 theory despite being 
 proved applicable. This is truer with our
 politicians and our sporting 
 starts! They strongly believe that they don't have
 retirement age - they are 
 ever green heroes. But this is deceptively so! Have
 a look at Sachin Tendulkar, our politicians in 
 Rane, Willy, Sardhin, Luizine, Zatye, etc. All 
 these so called legendaries of past have started
 showing their ages and yet 
 they want to survive on their past performances. No
 sir, you can't do this. 
 You have to retire and make way for youngsters or
 second line to take the 
 gearshift Or else history will replace all your
 achievements with all your recent failures.

Dr. U. G. Barad
Most African nations now have laws that allow the
President to serve only two terms.

You can get rid of the politicians and clean up
politics in Goa too if similar laws (for the CM) were
in place.


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Re: [Goanet] Plagiarism

2007-04-02 Thread Sunith D Velho 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

 Lastly, and this is my most important point, I contend that plagiarism
 at an academic level has not stunted research and progress.

True, but only because it has not been allowed to do so. It is equallly 
important to maintain these standards of peer review and publication in 
countries such as India where research is still in its nascent stages.

 Copyright law, on the other hand, is exactly that -- a deterrent to
 progress.  The point is that it stunts research and
 progress because it is a deterrent to young companies, without
 financial or legal muscle, to even try.

Try what? I think the technology sector which you are focussing on has 
more start ups than any other sector today. The progress in this sector 
has also out paced most other sectors.

 Similarly, if TCP/IP, arguably today's networking wheel, was
 copyrighted you and I may not have been having this discussion via
 this medium.

Why wouldn't we be? The computer you use has hundreds of patents on its 
components. Similarly the software you use is probably protected by 
copyright(mine is). Yet we are still having this discussion.

TCP/IP is a protocol or standard, its very purpose was to get every 
network to use the same procedure to communicate. It made no sense for 
the US DoD to patent or copyright it at the time. It would be like 
trying to increase viewership of a TV programme by making it 

One thing is certain, if not for the pioneering work in Stanford and 
UCL and all the academic research that has followed since, the Internet 
would be a far cry from what it is today.

Sunith D Velho

[Goanet] References

2007-04-02 Thread Gilbert Lawrence 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

My last post on this thread, stated that it would be the last post on the 
thread. Yet posts following it have raised some interesting perspectives. 
And I have a few questions that I would like to be enlightened on.  As 
References and Copyright-Plagiarism are two separate issues, I have the 
placed these in two separate posts.  Please excuse my two posts.

My self-plagiarized thoughts again.
A reference does NOT permit one to plagiarize or to violate copyright laws.
There is NO CONNECTION between a reference or a web link and the permission 
to use another person's copyrighted material.
The role of the reference is to connect to a support / provide a basis for 
one's NEW conclusions or CONTROVERSIAL statements.

The purpose of writing is to ADVANCE the dialogue / body of knowledge.
To do so, one has to not merely repeat, but build on what is widely known 
out there.
IMO the references are to support the advancing body of knowledge and not to 
support what is widely known.

Lay person's (BASIC KNOWLEDGE) publications and web blogs DO NOT / SHOULD 
NOT HAVE REFERENCES.  Because nothing controversial in a scientific / 
historical etc. perspective should be placed on that forum.  To place 
references in such presentations / publications (with nothing new or 
controversial) is to elevate the publication to a level that it does not 

These are just my views.

Kind Regards, GL

[Goanet] TIC: Plato's Parabolic Perplexity

2007-04-02 Thread Jose Colaco 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Dr. U. G. Barad ushakal at

Life is a parabola in which one sees raise then a Plato followed by stiff 
downfall.  But most of us refuse to agree on this theory despite being 
proved applicable. This is truer with our politicians and our sporting 

Dear Me,

This thingie is tougher than I thought.

I would willingly agree to this (or any other theory) whether applicable or 
not, but for my questions.

My questions:

1. Who got a raise?
2. What has Plato got to do with this parabola?
3. Who are our sporting starts?

Me puzzled!

TIC - tongue in cheek a la Alfred Chacha 

[Goanet] Brainstorming needed

2007-04-02 Thread Philip Thomas 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Agitations constraint to public-private partnership model: Goa Chief
Secretary ...environmental concerns and theaccompanying agitations are
posing a major constraint ...over-participation in democracy was proving to
bea handicapsecurity is the main constraint for GoaGoa has many
positives on its side. It was financially sound,it has high social
indicators ...tourism is driving Goa's economybut the cost of hotel rooms is
prohibitively high as compared tosouth-eastern  (sic)destination...ongoing
fight between the tour operators and the taxi operatorswas also giving Goa a
bad name in the tourism sector, ... don't know if it's worthwhile forpeople
to farm in Goa...Tourism is an increasinglydominant facet of Goa's economy,
but there is a lack of goodinfrastructure in Goa. 

What is the way forward in this dire situation? Btw, according to AAI stats
there was a dip in foreign tourist arrivals at Dabolim in Dec 2006. Was it
due to the Al Qaida scare? It may be easy to derail the foreign tourist

[Goanet] Goa Bachhao Aandolen?

2007-04-02 Thread Kumar V 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor


How Goa Bachhao Aandolen and sgoing back from Development plan 2011 can 
iompact on real state prices  development of GOA in line of other developed 

Though, laws of nature i.e. to live in natural way may prevail over law of 
society/country spritually and ultimatimetely, still, we prefered to live in 
society and following laws of the country. To live in natural way, we may 
have to reverse living in society. In a country with many states, 
individuality in common laws may be a otherwise thinking. Still some 
precautions can be kept to save any new land from harming health and our 
basic right to live but with a consideration of right to justice and 
equality. Just thoughts. Best 

Re: [Goanet] Plagiarism and Copyright law violation

2007-04-02 Thread Gilbert Lawrence 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

My last post on this thread, stated that it would be the last post on the 
thread. Yet posts following it have raised some interesting perspectives. 
And I have a few questions that I would like to be enlightened on.  As 
References and Copyright-Plagiarism are two separate issues, I have the 
placed these in two separate posts.  Please excuse these two new posts.

There were three issues which people on purpose or inadvertently confused - 
Plagiarism, Copyright, and References. I often wonder what drives this? Is 
it the failure to grasp the major or subtle differences? Is it the effort to 
put someone down, stand tall on somebody's shoulders, fail to appreciate a 
dialogue is not to keep harping on the obvious but to tease the nuances, 
failure to advance the dialogue, or muddy the waters?  It was unfortunate 
that the dialogue was high-jacked, because there was still a lot to learn.

My opinion, to which I tried to stick, is when and where authors should use 
references. This, as they tell their own story or present their 
perspectives; which at least in the author's mind has not widely known.  To 
highlight the separate issues, I have posted the self-plagiarized thoughts 
on references in another post.

I would like to be educated on issues which some of you know a lot more than 
me, given your professional training and expertise. To put it in context. 
Not long ago we acquired a 2 million dollar equipment that produces X-rays 
to treat cancer.  To put together a presentation (slide and print) for the 
doctors and the patients, I wanted some information on the machine - both 
text and pictures.  Specifically I was interested in the inside 
(cross-section) of the machine and the images (dose-profile) of the X-ray 
beam. I e-mailed the company. They suggested I go to their web site, 
download and use any material including photographs that were available from 
their web blog.

Would doing so (on their advice) constitute plagiarism and violate copyright 
Some say that the source of this information should be credited - No problem 
or problem (see below)?
When does this presentation start becoming an advertisement for the company?
How does one prevent the scientific presentation being perceived as a 
sales-pitch for the machine?

Do the same issues apply to pharmaceutical companies, that would like 
physicians to reference THEIR drug?
Will the audience / reader perceive the reference in the scientific 
presentation an endorsement of one medical product / device over another?
Is it more likely the company-paid scientist / doctor will repeatedly 
provide credits?
Please recollect the scandal when wall-street brokers were referencing a 
company's product without disclosing their financial interest.

Other related issues, many web sites specifically advertise that their 
information (including pictures and drawings) are FREE or there is NO 
copyright on their material.
Is this their way of saying this material can be downloaded by the readers 
and used without permission?
Do these raise the same first-four questions as above?
Are they doing this under the concept of information-sharing that is 
Are they doing this so that another source is doing their advertising?
Or are they doing it as a public-service benefit to advance the 

Thanks very much for your information.
Kind Regards, GL