[Goanet] Coconut, value addition ... a query from a journo

2008-01-03 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
Dear Shree Padre, Permit me to copy your query to the online network
Goanet, since I believe much in the power of collective wisdom.
Goanetters, Shree Padre is a respected journalist living in north
Kerala (just outside Mangalore) and involved in farm and water
journalism. His knowledge of, and commitment to, rainwater harvesting
is impressive.

In Goa, the coconut and its by-products go into making handicrafts
(Coco Franco in Camurlim, Bardes is one such person), while the PVV
group has also been using it to cover their bottles. Local villages
use this tree (which, strangely, is not considered a "tree" under the
local Tree Act!) for a range of products, right from rafters for their
roofs to brooms for sweeping traditional village floors.

When I met a community radio campaigner from the Philippines, he was
telling me about virgin coconut oil -- something I had never heard of
earlier, though there are a number of pages about it, and how to
create it, on the internet. Vinegar is also another by-product of the
coconut toddy. But I'm not sure if this product is widely used in
Indian cooking apart from in places like Goa. Dessicated coconut is
being created, but am not sure if this done in Goa. Probably some of
the agricultural universities in coastal Maharashtra have also done
some work on this. Have you thought of contacting the Solutions
Exchange network of the UN in Delhi

Solution Exchange: an Initiative of UN Country Team in India
Solution Exchange is a new initiative of the United Nations Country
Team in India that offers communities of development practitioners a
UN-sponsored space ...

Unfortunately, in Goa, the coconut economy seems to be collapsing, in
part at least, because we don't have the 'coconut plucker schools'
that Kerala has, and while it probably makes good economic sense to
enter this field, there are class and dignity-of-labour issues which
block sufficient new entrants among the younger generations. --FN

* * *

Dear FN,

Yours is a coconut paradise.

I know there is a family in Goa that makes lot of Value additions from
Coconut shell.

I'm interested to know about any other value additions happening around
you. Maybe with the exception of coconut fenny.

We at Adike Patrike are studying & throwing light on Coconut VA. Got some
interesting stories from Kerala.

Virgin Coconut Oil is a new product that has very good future. But the benefits
can be bagged only if farmers or farmer groups venture out this.


Shree Padre
Water Journalist
Post Vaninagar
Via: Perla - Kerala, 671 552
Phone : 04998 - 266148
Web : http://www.farmedia.org/profiles/Padre.html

 Jal hai to kal hai

Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
Links from Goa: http://goalinks.livejournal.com/

Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion

2008-01-03 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
On 03/01/2008, Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If one does believe in salvation resting in just one
> religion, this is a rather shameful precept and should
> be worn not on your sleeve but rather like a tattoo,
> hidden from sight, seeing that it is an affront to
> every civilised notion of humanity.

It's called monotheism. While I don't subscribe to it myself, I see
nothing as shocking as Selma sees in this point of view.

Many global religious (and even non-religions) believe their theirs is
the 'only true path'. Right from Christianity to Islam, to Marxism,
those in denial about global warming, and even George W. Bush when it
comes to his policies on Iraq and so many other positions that affect
so many on this planet.

I don't believe that religions which aren't monotheist or
'one-true-godish' in nature are any more liberal, modernistic or
tolerant that those which do. FN
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
Links from Goa: http://goalinks.livejournal.com/

[Goanet] Bookworm... at Sant Inez, Goa

2008-01-03 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
Bookworm  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is a library and activity centre
for kids in Goa, located in the Panjim suburb of Sant Inez. They've
launched an online version of their monthly calendar, and you can
request them to add you to their mailing list if you wish. Says
Sujata: "We are delighted to finally be able to convert our monthly
schedule of activities at Bookworm into a format that we can now send
out to you. We hope that the attached schedule, allows you to plan
trips to the Library for your children and that we see more of you in

The January 2008 calendar includes All Things New (for various age
groups, 4-6, 6-8, 9-11, craft, favourite tales, puppet play, and art
attack... on different days of the month. To download a copy of the
January 2008 calendar, click on
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
Links from Goa: http://goalinks.livejournal.com/

Re: [Goanet] inward migration (serious danger ahead)

2008-01-03 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet - 

nelson ferrao wrote:
>this whole issue has been manipulated and distorted. The whole issue about
>this inward migration is not about genuine indians coming for productive
>purposes in Goa. It is about mass influx of Migrants, with hutments all over
>public land, roaming all over Goa  with no fixed jobs. it is about all these
>guys  defecating, urinating  and spitting in public places. It is about  all
>these guys involved in shaddy activities with  increase in crime.

There is a perceptible increase in loiterers in Goa these days.  
Panjim is full of these loitering ghatis - on the riverwalk, 
at Miramar, in our public parks and gardens - and they
have no fixed jobs.  A few inquiries reveal that a large 
number of muslims are streaming into Goa, and these 
aren't only of Bijapur origin.  They now come from 
Bangladesh and Assam (illegal entrants from Bangladesh).  
I hear that they trace a fairly standard route.  They first 
come to Mumbai, hang around there, and then take the 
Konkan Railway into Goa.

This calls for a serious investigation for if this trend is
proven to be true, the implications for Goa are enormous.
Digambar Kamat is not going to be the guy initiating any
such inquiry, for he relies heavily on his muslim vote bank
(some jokingly call him Paigambar Kamat).




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Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion

2008-01-03 Thread Carvalho
Thank God we are all cafeteria customers when it comes
to our respective religions. Society progresses
because human beings are able to discern that two
differing positions cannot concurrently be tenable.
For instance at some point it becomes untenable to
believe that the world was created in seven days while
simultaneously believing in the gradual evolution of

Each person chooses their own untenable positions, for
me it was the rather benign parable of the Prodigal
Son. The reason this parable has such resonance is
because every human being imagines themselves to the
Prodigal Son. Unfortunately even as a very young
child, I identified with the other son; the good,
dutiful son who did all the right things. My own elder
brother was very errant, and my mother went out of her
way to accommodate his many failings and lack of
academic interest. Ofcourse, being ten I knew all
about Law and Justice and little about motherly love.

However, the crux of the matter was that Jesus Christ
had deeply misrepresented the feelings of the dutiful
son and completely misunderstood his angst. If Christ
could show such deficiency in his understanding of
human nature, than his being Divine was an untenable
position for me.

The reason I write this is because of late, some
rather strong posts have been made about eternal
salvation and this being achieved primarily through
Jesus Christ. This position as the truth is untenable
when juxtaposed against every human beings unalienable
right to embrace whatever belief system he finds
comfort in, and lead a moral live within that system.

If one does believe in salvation resting in just one
religion, this is a rather shameful precept and should
be worn not on your sleeve but rather like a tattoo,
hidden from sight, seeing that it is an affront to
every civilised notion of humanity.



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Re: [Goanet] Things I've noticed about.....

2008-01-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Selma,

Nelson Ferrao is a nice "Catholic sounding" nom de guerre ;-)
It could be a catholic, a saffronite or an atheist comrade 
or a little bit of everything confused. ;-)

It would be nice to know when this "Nelson Ferrao" of   nelson ferrao
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> email ID joined the Goanet ...just to
discuss SEZ when it got a little hot for some folks with "Hindu
sounding " names ...possibly with other nom de guerre to boot.

The only person who is likely to know Nelson Ferrao is his Creator in
the Cyberworld . google, giggle , google!!  or can someone put
a phone number and address to this thing??

Mog asundi.


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 22:44:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Things I've noticed about.

--- nelson ferrao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> nigel
> well said. You have appreciated work of everybody
> concerned unlike some
> people on this forum who have taken sides and have
> been busy denying the
> contribution of others and praising themselves to
> glory.
>  Together we stand and devided we fall.
>   cheers
>   Nelson

Nelson ferrao:

a) His email address is Goan fanatic.
b) He sometimes spells didn't as "dint"
c) He doesn't like Muslims "flooding" into Goa
d) He doesn't like to start his sentences with an
uppercase letter.

I wonder if anyone else on Goanet can vouch for Nelson


Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Security Threat in Moira w.r.t. a Robbery at My Place

2008-01-03 Thread augusto pinto
 Writing in moira-net Bosco D'Sa of Moira said

"Dear Netters,
I would like to discuss... our village...
specially our day to day problems... as we are facing a security
threat with a lot of non Goans... specially from  Karnataka, Orissa
and the other adjoining  states."

I'd like to reply to him on goanet because his  apprehensions are
similar to those  which a lot of other Goan villagers, and indeed town
people have and because the 'ghanti' which is whom D'Sa is actually
referring to, is one of the most favourite subjects of goanet and
anyway there's already a flourishing Insider - Outsider discourse on

I can speak from experience about the subject of security, as I had
the not so pleasant experience of having my house burgled in broad
daylight some 4 years ago. The robbery took place between 8 a.m. and 2
p.m. the time when both my wife and I are at work. The thieves got
away with an amount of about Rs. 1 lakh in gold jewelery and cash.

Who did it? The knee jerk reaction would be to blame the 'ghanti'. But
if one thinks about it, this has to be an Insider job, for only
someone with knowledge of our movements could have planned this pretty
daring operation. Actually maybe I exaggerate on the daringness bit,
because although my house lies on the main road, behind it is a forest
and my place can easily be approached from there without being seen.

But it's also possible for a local to have come in through the back or
even front gate without arousing much suspicion. The neighbors are
anyway too busy with their own chores to pay any notice.

What I'm trying to say is that - yes it is possible that that the
robbery was an outsider job, but I doubt it. The whole thing was too
amateurish, the idiots actually missed the most valuable, and for
sentimental reasons most precious item, a gold set gifted to my wife
by her Mum.

Most probably it was someone who I'm on Hail Fellow Well Met terms;
and if at all an outsider was in on it, he was a pawn masterminded by
the former.

So let's get to he bottom of the problem. Moira is at present crawling
with ghantis, as on the left hand side of the road digging is going o
to put a cable for broadband, courtesy BSNL, and on the right hand
side, digging is going on to lay a cable for broadband, courtesy Goa
Govt. And we must welcome them both with both hands because 1) we the
rich arrogant residents of Moira all crave for BB and 2) not one of us
is prepared to do the dirty work that is involved in laying those

Are those dirty smelly ghantis thieves? I doubt it. So who are the
criminals of Moira? Come with me for a drink to any of the many bars
in my village. and just observe who are the customers there. Yes, many
of my childhood friends will be found drinking there. Many do not have
any known source of income. So from where do they get the money to
fund their not that cheap addiction, at least when there are no
Parliament, Assembly or Panchayat elections, when there is a lot of
funding indeed? Your guess is as good as mine.

Don't mistake me - of course there are professionals who come to Goa
every now and then and do those spectacular jobs on the jewelery
stores and the stinking rich. But these aren't the people Bosco is
worried about, because my guess is they will be as inconspicuous as
they can be.

Let me conclude this already overlong missive: the ghantis are not
thieves, not that is, until they become sufficiently Goanised. Until
they become accustomed, after living here in accommodation which we
provide to them on rent, so that we can live a life of luxury, to a
lotus eating life, like the one you and I live, At that time there's
no point in pointing fingers at them - by that time they're like us
only -no?

Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] GMAS on the latest developments on SEZ

2008-01-03 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

January 3, 2008: Goa's Movement Against SEZs (GMAS) met 
this evening to take stock of the situation arising from the 
Union Commerce Secretary's remarks that the notified SEZs 
cannot be denotified.  The following statement was released 
by GMAS at the conclusion of this meeting.

GMAS Press Release
GMAS strongly condemns the statement of the Union Commerce 
Secretary Gopal Pillai that smacks of neo-colonialism and runs 
totally counter to the wishes of the people of Goa.

GMAS at its meeting today decided to immediately write to 
the Chief Minister of Goa seeking a copy of the confirmation 
letter sent to the Union Ministry for scrapping the SEZs 
including the notified ones.

GMAS has also decided to call upon all legislators to pass 
a resolution in the forthcoming legislative session of the 
Assembly to scrap all SEZs, Food Parks, IT Parks, IT Retreats, 
IT Resorts, IT Habitat, Townships, and new Industrial Estates.

GMAS also made it clear that the issue of land is entirely 
a state subject and its use is the prerogative solely of 
people of Goa, and since the Goa govt does not want any 
SEZs in the state, all SEZs (including Parks, Habitats, 
Retreats etc) should go.

GMAS reiterates that it is not concerned with the statements 
of Ministry of Commerce.  GMAS regards the state govt as the 
sole representative of the people to get all SEZs, including 
the notified ones, in any form to be scrapped.

Matanhy Saldanha
Convener, GMAS
January 3, 2008


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[Goanet] Centre can review all Goa SEZs: Nath

2008-01-03 Thread Pravin Sabnis
In sharp contrast to the stand taken by his secretary yesterday, Commerce 
Minister Kamal Nath on Thursday said the Centre can review all special economic 
zones in Goa as it does not want to thrust SEZs on the states. "Centre can 
review all Goa SEZs," Nath told reporters after meeting Goa Chief Minister 
Digambar Kamat in Delhi. Nath said there was "absolute provision" in the SEZ 
Act for everything, including review of the notified zones.
Commerce secretary Gopal Pillai had said on Wednesday the Centre cannot 
de-notify three SEZs from Goa since they had become "legal entities" after 
their notification.

Pravin K. Sabnis 
visit: www.unlearningunlimited .blogspot.com 

  5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. Go to 

[Goanet] Centre not to impose SEZ on Goa, Nath assures Kamat

2008-01-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
Centre not to impose SEZ on Goa, Nath assures Kamat

New Delhi (PTI): Reversing the stance taken by his secretary, Commerce
Minister Kamal Nath on Thursday assured Goa Chief Minister Digambar
Kamat that Centre will not impose any special economic zone on the
state and is willing to review even those projects that have been

Sticking to his gun for scrapping all the SEZs in the Congress-ruled
state, Kamat had a series of meetings with union ministers, including
Nath, and senior party leaders to press for endorsement of the
decision taken by his government.

A day after Commerce Secretary Gopal Pillai virtually rejected Goa
Government's decision saying notified SEZs could not be scrapped, Nath
said Centre could review all zones.

Kamat later told reporters at the Congress headquarters: "Goan people
do not want SEZs. SEZs will not come to Goa. The Congress government
will not go against the people".

Nath also said: "The central government does not want to thrust upon
any state SEZ which is not conducive."

When asked about the fate of the three SEZs already notified, Nath
said: "There is absolute provision in the (SEZ) Act for everything."

Kamat said the state government would send a formal communication to
the Centre in two-three days recommending revocation of all 15 SEZs in
Goa. "I am satisfied with my meeting with the Commerce and Industry
Minister," he said.

The Goa Government had on December 31 announced scrapping SEZs
following widespread protests by political parties, including the
Congress and the opposition BJP.

Three of the SEZs - Cipla's Meditab Specialities, K Raheja Corporation
and Peninsula Pharma Research Centre- have already been notified.


COMMENT: So now, it will be in the realms of the Courts - guess who
will come out tops ?

It ain't over until the Fat Lady singsand she is biding her time !

Any betting persons out there ? I say the crooks will win !

Gabe Menezes.
London, England


2008-01-03 Thread Averthan D'Souza
For favour of early publiction, please.



Averthanus L. D'Souza.


The strong and unambiguous voice of Goa's citizens has finally
succeeded in overcoming the short-sighted and destructive policy of the Goa
Government which was based on the greed of business interests and their
pliable political friends instead of on the greater good of Goa.  Bowing to
the coordinated and persistent opposition of the people, the Chief Minister
has finally decided to scrap the misconceived policy of setting up Special
Economic Zones in Goa at the behest of the Central Government.   The Goa
Government has been compelled to respect the wishes of the common man;
however, this has been done grudgingly and reluctantly.  There are still
some Ministers and MLAs who insist that SEZs  will be good for Goa.  It is
interesting to note that while they make these assertions, they do not
advance a shred of evidence to back up their claims.

The common Goan citizen is now convinced that these renegade
politicians are merely acting as the stooges of manipulative businesses,
quite obviously for a consideration.  It is high time that the citizens,
specially of their constituencies, ensure that these politicians are not
re-elected when the next round of elections come around.  We do not want
traitors to represent us in the august halls of the Legislative Assembly.

We have been informed by the Chief Minister and by some legal
luminaries that since the setting up of the SEZs was the prerogative of the
Central Government, there are legal obstacles to the freedom of the Goa
Government  to scrap those SEZs which were already notified by the Central
Government.  However, there appears to be no contention to the fact that if
the Central Government has notified some areas, then it can also de-notify
the same.  Since the Goa Government has made its request clear, it should be
expected that the Central Government will respect the decision of the State
Government.  Since the notification of the SEZs is an executive action of
the Central Government,  there should be no legal hurdles to denotify them
by a similar executive decision.   The Central Government should not play a
cat and mouse game with the people of Goa whose clear preference has been
made known to the Goa Government, and passed on to the Central Government. 

The question which agitates the Goan citizen, however, is of a
more fundamental nature.  What was the procedure which was followed in
arriving at the decision to permit the applicants to set up the several SEZs
in Goa?   The Chief Minister, in a discussion with representatives of the
SEZ Virodhi Manch admitted that many established procedures were not
followed.  He also admitted that it was a grave default that the projects
were not placed before the people before they were recommended to the
Central Government for approval.   This admission  shows up a serious lacuna
in the way the administration is conducted.   For one thing, it exposes the
arbitrary manner in which the Goa Industrial Development Corporation
functions.  It appears to have (mis)appropriated to itself the power of
decision making which appropriately belongs  to the Cabinet.   This is a
very serious breach of the norms of a Cabinet form of Government.  No
Corporation should be allowed to misappropriate the powers of the Cabinet.
Furthermore, the GIDC has been shown to have breached its own norms and
procedures.  One example cited is the fact that an applicant was allotted
more land than it had requested in its application; for another, an
application for land  was approved even without the project details  being
presented to the Board of the GIDC.These actions of the GIDC are not
only highly irregular;  they tantamount to criminal breach of  established
procedures.This is why the SEZ Virodhi Manch strongly demands a CBI or a
Judicial Enquiry into the functioning of the GIDC.   This is a very serious
matter, and the Chief Minister will be in serious error if he sweeps this
demand under the carpet.   His personal credibility as well as the
credibility of his Government is at stake here.  He will be well advised to
immediately constitute either a CBI or a Judicial Enquiry and demand a final
report within the shortest possible time - not more than six months from

Another fundamental dissonance in the functioning of the
Government is the fact that many of these redundant Corporations are
functioning as parallel governments without accountability to the legally
elected Government.   Each of these Corporations acts independently of other
Corporations or other Departments of the Government.   A glaring example of
this is the construction of a drainage system along the Miramar - Dona Paula
bypass road by the Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation without
any reference whatsoever to the Corporation of the City of Panjim.   When
several Corporat

[Goanet] Wendell brings the Lounge Lizard home to Goa

2008-01-03 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Wendell brings the Lounge Lizard home to Goa
January 3, 2008 
The world's leading premium brand Chivas Regal in association with the
Goa Marriott presents Goa's own Wendell Rodricks and his Lounge Lizard

Presented to Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore as a part of the First ever
Chivas Fashion Tour, Wendell brings the Lounge Lizard home to Goa just
in time for Christmas and New Year. 

The Wendell Rodricks Lounge Lizard collection for the show is inspired
by and aimed at the young lounge reveler. At this evening the
asymmetrical lines and sharp silhouettes along with an eclectic mix of
weaves and fabrics would be the highlights.

More at:




Re: [Goanet] GMAS responds to Union Commerce Secy's statement

2008-01-03 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Cancelled??? SEZ who???
I, somehow, have a gut-feeling that all this rigmarole...cancelation at one 
level, non-acceptance of same at a higher one, is but an astute byzantine 
To extract Digu from a boiling chaldron as well as, eventually, save intact 
all the SEZ factors: Investors, bribed politicos...the whole golden goose
We can but wait and seeor, promptly get about seriously driving as many 
nails as required in the coffin, with Digu in'it or not...
Alfred de Tavares,
Stockholm, 2008-01-03> Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 19:34:08 -0800> From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [Goanet] GMAS responds to Union 
Commerce Secy's statement> > To Goanet -> > In response to the Union Commerce 
Secretary's statement today> that the Goa Govt has no locus standii to denotify 
the notified > SEZs, the GMAS Convener Matanhy Saldanha spoke to the news > 
media this evening in Panjim. The press statement is reproduced > below.> > For 
news of Union Commerce Secretary's position, see -> > 
http://tinyurl.com/292cu6> > > GMAS's Press Statement on Jan 2, 2008 -> > Goa’s 
Movement Against SEZs (GMAS) deplores the Union > Government’s stance on the 3 
notified SEZs. It is now clear > that the Union Governent has scant respect for 
the wishes > of the people of Goa despite knowing the fact that the SEZs > are 
not in the interest of the state of Goa, and that they have > been opposed at 
all levels. Before going public on such > serious issues, it is the bounden 
duty of the Government > of India to verify the basis on which the SEZs were 
forwarded > for approval in the first place. > > GMAS’s opposition to the SEZs 
is with the government of > Goa, and it is the responsibility of the State 
government to > respond to the Union government appropriately to get the > 
notified SEZs scrapped.> > GMAS takes serious view of the brazen reaction of 
the > Union Commerce secretary. Before adopting this autocratic > posture, the 
Union Government should have clarified with > the State government its reasons 
for recommending > de-notification of the 3 notified SEZs. Perhaps the Union > 
Government has gone into panic mode for it appears that > there is much to hide 
at the Union level as well.> > GMAS wants to make it absolutely clear to the 
Goa government > that we are not concerned with the decision of the Union > 
government and it is for the Goa govt to make sure that > the notified SEZs are 
scrapped along with all the other SEZs. > GMAS would like to state that the 
people of Goa are not > going to take this lying down. > > GMAS will meet on 
January 3rd to discuss the recent > developments and to take appropriate action 
to the > insensitive response of the Union government.> > Matanhy Saldanha> 
Convener, GMAS> January 2, 2008> **> > > > > 
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Re: [Goanet] Ghost Stories on Goanet

2008-01-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
In Loyola High School of the 1950's I remember one evening in the courtyard, we 
were all gathered to watch a show.
  The show consisted of shadow puppets on a large white 'screen', cut-outs of 
wood shaped like people, animals, trees etc, also paper & cardboard with a 
light behind so the cut-outs were displayed on the screen.
  I dreamed of this scene only a few nights ago, for the first time in nearly 
half a century!  When we originally had this treat, it was 'scary' for me, 
wetting my bed in a nightmare.  My dorm mates must have had a good laugh that 
time & every time I had this nightmare, intermingled as it was with the issues 
surrounding my father's treatment of my mother at the time, and me being away 
from family..
  But yes please, will anyone who has stories to share about childhood ghost 
stories & other stories, come on this forum and give us all a good fright.  I 
promise my bed will still be dry in the morning, ha ha.
  John Monteiro
cedrico dacosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ghost Stories on Goanet it was quite 
thrilling to hear someone out there trade ghost stories on Goanet... while i 
was reading that one, one person does instantly come to mind...no he was not a 
ghost, but many students during those days used to be scared out of their wits 
even to see his shadow move around...Rev Fr Savio Rodrigues the then principal 
at Loyola High School margao. who ruled, groomed and mentored the institution 
with an iron fist. Fr Savio, used to teach us 
history..Cedric da Costa


Re: [Goanet] IFFI and the hassles of registerign online for journalists

2008-01-03 Thread Eugene Correia
Posting it to goanet. I had sent it to goajourno but I
haven't seen it appear there. However, i have sent it
again to goajourno.

This is reference to IFFI and the problems journalists
had registering online. Esther Kar was the media in
charge for IFFI. 

I had emailed Ethel regarding my accrediation and also
to Esther. To my surprise Esther wrote back saying
that my online application is not in their database.
I had applied before the closing day.
She then said to me that I need to get a PAIDdelegate
Never got any reply from Ethel.
I was in Goa during the IFFI but I did not care to go
to the media centre and meet Esther. She seems to have
some attitude problem. A bureaucrat indeed. No wonder
Goan Observer thrashed her badly.
The PIB is like any other government department. I had
bad experience with it during the Pravasi Divas meet
in 2004 in Mumbai. Despite applying more than a month
and also faxing a letter from the Indian Consulate in
Toronto, Canada, I was shocked that my media pass was
not ready.
I saw the fax lying on the table. One of the officials
told me that I would not be able to attend the meet. I
was kept out of the hall where the PM inaugurated the
meet for more than half an hour.
I was then let in without a pass. Next day at the
media centre I was giving a runaround. I was told that
they had run out of media passes and a new print order
was given. It would arrive later in the day.
Henceforth, I decide not to attend the Pravasi Divas
meets. I was keen on going to Hyderabad the following
year. No doubt, it is a tamasha. But I felt that even
tamashas need to be covered.
On the other hand, I had no problem getting media pass
for the Dubai film festival. I enjoyed some of the
films, including gala primiere of AIDS Jagoo, by Mira
Nair, Loins of Punjab and many others.

Eugene Correia


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[Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto

2008-01-03 Thread Eugene Correia
When is the Goan convention in Toronto and who is
organising it?



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[Goanet] Goa CM heads for Delhi for talks to resolve SEZ row

2008-01-03 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Goa CM heads for Delhi for talks to resolve SEZ row
3 Jan 2008, 1445 hrs IST,PTI

PANAJI: Goa Chief Minister Digamber Kamat on Thursday left for New Delhi
to hold talks with the Congress leadership to seek help to end the
special economic zone (SEZ) row in the state. 

A day after the Goa government announced scrapping of all the 15 SEZ
projects in the state, including three already notified, the Centre
questioned the decision. 

The Union Commerce Ministry on Wednesday refused to denotify the three
SEZs, raising prospects of fresh trouble in the coastal state where
anti-SEZ groups had been vehemently protesting against setting up of the
trade zones. 

The protesters, including a section of the ruling Congress and some
other political parties, had put their agitation on hold after the state
government's decision. 

Sources close to Chief Minister's office said that Kamat, along with MP
Shantaram Naik, would meet the Congress leaders in Delhi to seek their
intervention to resolve the sensitive matter. 

"We will meet party leaders first as Union Commerce Minister Kamal Nath
is not in Delhi," Naik said over phone from the national capital. 

Naik, who was critical of the Centre's decision not to denotify SEZs,
said the statement by Union Commerce Secretary "absurd, fallacious and

Issuing a notification is an executive decision which can be changed if
public interest demands, he pointed out.




[Goanet] 'SIR' will triumph Tiatro lover's hearts

2008-01-03 Thread Goa World
‘SIR’ will triumph Tiatro lover's hearts 

Ace Comedian Agostinho twice over the winner of
covetous GULAB awards, as the best comedian actor,
presents his super hit Konkani tiatr SIR, which
acclaimed the finest show of this season is running in
Goa in full swing. SIR is an intelligent script with a
beautiful message, which revolves around the life of a
student who holds on to his ego only to get back at
his professor for slapping him when he was student.

The ‘SIR’ tiatr will be held at Hawally A.C.
Auditorium on 18th Jan, 2008 at 3.30 Agostinho entire
troupe will feature in this Tiatr. In addition Super
Star Jose Rod, Marcus-Laurente-Cajetan de Sanvordem
will entertain you. Also for the first time on Kuwait
Konkani stage a novelty duet will be performed
exclusively by Edward Estibeiro!
Rush for your gate pass: LIMCA CARGO (Tony Golden
Goa), Niclas- 9732917, Laurente-6262597,
Chequinho-66364366, Philip-9494518
Director’s comments
“The word ‘SIR’ I feel has been misused in today’s
world. Instead of using it out of real respect, people
are using it for flattery with the intention of
getting favours done. That’s the message I want to
give the audience in my tiatro-SIR”
The first Konkani-e-cinema "BLACK”  will be screened
at 5.45 p.m. at the Indian Embassy Hall,
B-1 Diplomatic Quarter,  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 31st
January 2008.
For more details,  www.t-bush.com  For Entry Passes,
kindly contact the below:
Alex BraganzaMbl: 050 191 5882 Bhaskar
Govekar  Mbl:050 340 4616
Caje Afonso  Mbl: 050 834 1502  
Franklin D'Costa Mbl: 050 647 0697
Jerome Coutinho  Mbl: 050 623 5946  Jose
D'Costa Mbl: 050 716 0654
Marcus D'Costa   Mbl: 050 940 2617   Michael
FernandesMbl: 050 726 8034
Victor D'Mello   Mbl: 050 468 2046 Email:


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[Goanet] Ghost Stories on Goanet

2008-01-03 Thread cedrico dacosta
Ghost Stories on Goanet
  it was quite thrilling to hear someone out there trade ghost stories on 
  while i was reading that one, one person does instantly come to mind...no he 
was not a ghost, but many students during those days used to be scared out of 
their wits even to see his shadow move around...Rev Fr Savio Rodrigues the then 
principal at Loyola High School margao. who ruled, groomed and mentored the 
institution with an iron fist.
  Fr Savio, used to teach us history...his lecture was divided into two...one 
--- book knowledge and two -- worldly knowledge or general knowledge...
  he used to regale us with many a Goan ghost stories of his times and one of 
his personal experiences was the infamous colva-benaulim road...
  I hope many would trade ghost stories on this forum, specially the old 
grandmother's types and not about the living 40 ghosts that haunt the 
red-roof-top building at Porvorim and who masquerade around with a tambdi-light 
atop their cars...
  Well those were lovely times and those who are connected to Goanet and were 
fortunate to be in the batch of Fr Savio's history classes would 
remember...another era...another time...!
  Cedric da Costa

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

Re: [Goanet] What has Religion got to do with Politics and Visa Versa ?? !!

2008-01-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
"Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's & Give unto God what is God's"  This is not 
just for the Catholics amongst us, this relates to all humans on the planet.
  In other words keep the two issues SEPARATE.  I agree with Dr Barad on this.  
So many ills of the world are due to combining both these together & made into 
  Keep politics separate from religion.  One is for the body (giving unto 
Caesar the taxes due, ie politics), the other for the soul/spirit (giving unto 
God what is God's ie fulfilling your spiritual requirements).  Both are needed 
to feed, nourish & make you whole, the human being is a complex animal, 
requiring constant attention, but should take his politics & religion 
  When we eat & drink we sit down to enjoy it, when we go to the beach & go 
swimming, we dont eat & drink at the same time, (excuse the comparison).  
Combining the two at the SAME TIME can make the belly feel rough, the results 
follow soon after..
  John Monteiro

"Dr. U. G. Barad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote = I've been following the thread in 
our net on RELIGION. Let me first say that I don't know much about religious 
philosophy nor I am interested either. To me, no religious conviction is bad 
but politicizing any religion is very bad and that all religions must be 
autonomous and away from politics. It's not the ordinary people who politicize 
religion and label other religion as the evil monster. In fact it's those 
handful of persons who command authority and who are paid to work for them are 
responsible for politicizing the religion..  Best regards, 
Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Goanet] Torture of Christians in Orissa is .... about money, honey.

2008-01-03 Thread Miguel Braganza

Before this Christian v/s Hindu debate gets out of focus, let us go
back to the ground reality:

The Christain Panas [formerly SC and now demanding ST status because
the Constitution does not recognise SC for no-Hindus] wanted to put an
arch in the market. They were prevented.

The Christian Panas beat up a swami, his driver and a police escort.

The Hindus burnt churches, seminaries, houses, convents.

"TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE ONE RIGHT." said Mahatma Gandhi.

The following is an extract of the full report below. It has also been
confirmed by a priest that the swami, drive and ploiceman was beaten
up BEFORE the violence erupted.

The report:QUOTE
"The region has witnessed numerous clashes in the past over attempts
of conversion and re-conversion of tribals and Panas by both
Christians and Hindus. The trouble had escalated in the early 1990s
when the Kui, Kuvi and Kuee groups were added to the Kandhas in the ST

Since then, Panas — who are classified as a Scheduled Caste (SC) —
have been demanding their inclusion in the ST list as well. An ST can
continue to get extra benefits as a tribal even after conversion to
Christianity, but a SC member cannot.

The Kandhas have been opposing this demand. It was in this backdrop
that Hindu and Christian groups clashed on Christmas Eve in
Brahmanigaon, about 150 km from district headquarter Phulbani.

The problem intensified the same day when some people attacked the
vehicle of local Hindu leader Swami Laxmananda Saraswati near
Daringbadi when he was on his way to perform a yagna in Brahmanigaon.
Then the tribals attacked Panas, damaged their churches and drove them
out of their homes.

"Although there are isolated incidents of Panas attacking tribals, by
and large it was a collective attack by thousands of tribals on
Christian Panas and the main reason was not religion alone," a
district police official said. Tribals feel local member of the state
legislative assembly, Mr Padmanabha Behera and senior Congress leader
and Rajya Sabha member, Mr Radhakanta Naik have joined hands and are
helping Panas. UNQUOTE

It is not about religion or Christmas.

The issue is about SCHEDULED TRIBE status to the Panas SC converts and
the facilities there to. IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY, HONEY. ;-)

Mog asundi,


Fresh violence in Orissa before Home Minister's visit

Phulbani (Orissa), Jan 2 The Union Home Minister, Mr Shivraj Patil
arrived in Orissa on Wednesday to assess the situation in riot hit
Kandhamal district amidst reports of fresh violence in the region over
the past two days.

Hundreds of people on Monday torched two houses, one each at villages
Rabingia and Barpada, about 150 km from district headquarter Phulbani.
Another mob attacked a house at Daringbadi village on Monday, the
police said.

A senior district police official told IANS there was no report of
fresh violence since Tuesday morning, "but the situation continues to
remain critical". Mr Patil is scheduled to visit some parts of the
riot-hit district, about 200 km from state capital Bhubaneswar. At
least three people were killed in the district and dozens injured in
communal clashes since Christmas Eve.

The Home Minister arrived at the state capital on Wednesday morning,
to be received by state Congress president Mr Jayadev Jena, leader of
opposition, Mr J B Patnaik and senior officials, including state chief
secretary, Mr Ajit Tripathy. On December 24, mobs allegedly owing
allegiance to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal torched
14 churches in the district. Christian groups claim that nine people
were killed in the attack. The Biju Janata Dal and Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) coalition government in Orissa has been accused of not
taking appropriate and timely action in the matter.

The state government has clamped a curfew in the district and deployed
more than 1,500 policemen, including three companies of paramilitary
forces, but the situation continues to remain tense.

Kandhamal has a population of over 600,000.

Of them, 450,000 are from the Hindu Scheduled Tribe (ST) Kandha while
most of the others are Panas, 95 per cent of whom are Christians. The
majority of the riot victims in the hill-slope villages surrounded by
forests were Christians.

"Members of the Pana community are financially better off than the
tribals. They have been dominating politics and occupy powerful posts
in government," Mr Lambodar Kanhar, a tribal leader and secretary of
Kui Samaj — the apex body of the Kandha tribe — told IANS. Kui is the
mother tongue of the Kandhas.

The region has witnessed numerous clashes in the past over attempts of
conversion and re-conversion of tribals and Panas by both Christians
and Hindus. The trouble had escalated in the early 1990s when the Kui,
Kuvi and Kuee groups were added to the Kandhas in the ST list.

Since then, Panas — who are classified as a Scheduled Caste (SC) —
have been demanding their inclusion in the ST list as well. An ST can
continue to get extra benefi

[Goanet] A whiff of Goa in Mumbai (Rahul Srivastava in the Mumbai Mirror)

2008-01-03 Thread Goanet News

A whiff of Goa in Mumbai

The reason why Mumbaikars rush to Goa may be nostalgia for a place
that reminds them of their past

Rahul Srivastava

This is the time of the year when we reactivate the Mumbai–Goa hotline
with a particular vengeance. Thousands of Mumbaikars zoom off to this
tiny state for a temporary respite from their mad city. Is it only the
beach parties that pull them to Goa? Or a deeper nostalgia? A
nostalgia for a place that reminds them so much of their own past? I
know of Juhu residents who are haunted by childhood memories when they
visit a quiet south Goa beach.

Of friends from Koliwada, Dharavi, who remember how easy it was to
catch fish in their own neighbourhood, when they enviously observe
commuters in Panjim coolly get off their scooters, drop a line in the
Mandovi and pull out a mackerel that they take home for dinner. The
nostalgia is heart-felt and deep for many Mumbaikars. And it's a
nostalgia that is based on real connections between these two
destinations. So real, in fact, that Goa battles its own tendency of
becoming like Mumbai all the time as well. Many Goans feel that the
twain will meet -- and very soon at that -- in one large urban melting
pot. One that is already transforming many Goan villages into slums
and its towns into versions of Mumbai suburbs.

The point to ponder over is: can Mumbai re-connect with its own Goan
heritage? And can this re-connection have any value for its future? By
Goan heritage, I don't only mean the common Indo-Portuguese flourishes
enshrined in the Bandra, Gorai, Khotachiwadi Matharpakadi
architectural legacies. But the structural connection that Mumbai
shares with Goa  -- its village mode of organising habitats.

Just as Goan villages are in danger of being understood as slums in
the new urban order that is being superimposed on the state, Mumbai's
villages are loosing all possibilities of redeeming themselves from
their slum status. The gaothans of the city -- now the object of much
scrutiny and debate in the usual FSI mode that we constantly use when
thinking of urban development -- are moments in the city that can
potentially help maintain some elements of urban sanity. So we don't
have to rush off to Goa for an annual escape but can actually walk
down a lane and relax in a different time-zone right here, every other

The gaothans of Mumbai are as much part of the Goa-in-Mumbai imagery
as are the common flourishes of their Indo-Portuguese architecture.
That's why it's important to pay as much attention when residents of
Kumbharwada or Koliwada in Dharavi assert their distinct histories,
when they make demands that push forth their own needs to be
incorporated within the city's new aspirations in a special way.

The sad part is that not only are the developers against the
protection of these habitats, but even housing activists are reluctant
to deal with their independent spirit. Within the epic-story of
Mumbai's housing needs it is easy to view these villages as unfair

It took me a long time to understand that the spirit of Goa in Mumbai
does not lie in its architectural flourishes, but in its gaothan
history. And it's a history that has remained miraculously alive even
under extreme conditions. Let's hope it becomes a basis for some
element of civic sanity by our great visionaries intent on making
Mumbai a better city.

Otherwise it makes absolutely no sense for us to rush off to Goa for
an escape from ourselves even as we go about killing every bit of Goa
that already exists within. Or maybe it makes perfect sense.

•  Rahul Srivastava, a PUKAR associate, specialises in urban issues,
and writes on traffic, trains, illegal construction, Mithi, monsoon...
in short, all things that make Mumbai go grrr

[Goanet] A million thanks to one and all

2008-01-03 Thread Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha

Dear Goanetters,

"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what
is woven into the lives of others" - Periccles.

One of our Goanet friends made a bouquet of all your valued messages on the
demise of Jorge, and sent them to me, as if on a tray. When I thanked him
for his gesture, he said, "I am glad you've read what Jorge de Abreu 
your dear departed husband, meant to just some lives he touched ... at 

(Since this friend does not deign that I disclose his identity, I shall
respect his wishes.)

Thank you, each and every one of you, for all the wonderful things you said.
Jorge really seems to have lived his "dash" well.

It may please you to know that Jorge's dinner on Saturday, 24/11 was "pez"
with "kalchi coddi" -- of the previous day's "sambarachi coddi" made with
prawn and "sambar" powder bought from Dr. Nandkumar Kamat's brothers at
"Mercearia Mukunda" in Pangim. He ate it with relish.

He asked me to cook the same for Sunday dinner. I did that again, but the
"tondda laicheac" was left-over fish roe "Vindalho" and I told him that was
If he wished to continue to have pez at night instead of vegetable soup,
it would have to be with "chepni ambli" or "tor," perhaps something lighter.

All of you, I guess, were right. Jorge was a Khoro Goenkar.

Just as he would, let me set some records right: He was not Mapuca born
but Pangim born, at his maternal grandmother's place. He did not teach at
a University in Oeiras -- there is no University in Oeiras.

Thank you, each one of you, once again and wish you a Very happy New Year,

My mother used to say "mellea phatlhant konn monna". I don't know how far
that is true.

One of my friends who called me from Goa said to me "Livia, you are a big
girl" and immediately my mind started hammeing "big girls don't cry, big
girls don't cry" .But this, definitly, cannot be true.
