[Goanet] Beijing Chalo

2008-01-05 Thread Philip Thomas
Beijing kicks off anti-beggar campaign HERALD Jan 4,'08. Beggars were a
rare sight in Chinese cities until about 20 years ago when economic reform
and a loosening of social controls allowed a massive influx of migrants from
rural areas. In 2006, Chinese media said Beijing authorities made a pledge
to rid the city of beggars ahead of the hosting of the Olympics with little
apparent effect. They also planned to expel migrant workers but officials
denied the report.

The plan for beggars consists of officers patroling the city 24x7 looking
not just for beggars but also peddlers, pamphlet distributors, tricyle taxi
drivers sans licenes. Police will focus on the city's main boulevard as well
as six key districts. The campaign is intended to promote a harmonious
[homogeneous?] , civilised and sound urban environment for the Olympic
Games. Any takers for this approach in Goa? If so, why? If not why not?

[Goanet] United Goa Tourists’ Association

2008-01-05 Thread Cecil Pinto
United Goa Tourists' Association
Visitors to the state have their own selfish demands too
By Cecil Pinto

The British segment of the marchers was easily the biggest and
loudest, and contained more obese pink skinned people than any other
section of the protestors. Less Visas - Less Pounds!, Pound for
Pound – We spend less but eat more!, Charter trash, brings in cash,
were some of the wittier signboards. On the periphery of the group one
could see elderly couples handing out pamphlets. I picked up one which
read, We are looking to buy a small Portuguese type house anywhere in
Goa. Please contact… What else is new?

The first ever United Goa Tourists' Protest March, held on 2nd January
2008 on 18th June Road in Panjim, was a massive success. In
mid-December 2007 ex-Minister for Tourism, Mathany Saldanha, had made
a stupid statement warning tourists to leave Goa because the anti-SEZ
movement was going to get violent. With his irresponsible statement
Mathany attracted the ire of not just the common man but also the
tourism industry and tourists – who have nothing to do with SEZ.

The United Goa Tourists' Association was formed, made up of people of
all colours and nationalities currently holidaying in Goa. The
President and Committee members change every two weeks, passing the
baton as it were to the newer arrivals. This is a semi-permanent body
with transitory wants and needs, said spokesman advocate Aires
Rodrigues. How exactly Aires came into the picture is anyone's guess
but he seems to be the spokesman for every aggrieved group these days.

Dozen in a Trax, we cum for sax, said another signboard. This from a
raggedly bunch of only male Indian tourists of indeterminate ethnicity
but probably from Bihar, Rajastan and Madhya Pradesh judging from
their attire and paan spitting. I spoke to a middle aged man, reeking
of alcohol fumes, dressed in a lungi and a short sleeved banian who
exclaimed. Why phor they are closing Baina yaar? We want sax!. At
this point I realized they were not lovers of jazz.

The Brits were followed by a group of thickset suited Russians
surrounded by stunningly sexy showpiece wives and body guards. Stalin
rocks! claimed one banner, Help us bring Moscow to Morjim said
another. I queried a decent looking guy in a three piece suit wearing
sleek dark glasses. We are wrongly being labeled Mafiya. We are just
businessmen who like the weather here. All we are asking for is sole
rights to gambling and drug dealing from Morjim to Arambol, and a free
hand to buy property.

A bunch of not-so good looking ordinary Russians followed, who, to put
it quite politely, were even less appealing than the unhealthy
overweight Brits. A few good looking young women barely managed to
balance the equation. What are your demands?, I asked around till I
found a tall ramp-model like woman who seemed to be the only one
capable of speaking English. We wants all signboards and menu-cards
in Goa to be in Russian. Most of us not understanding English and we
not able to learning even basic words and phrases. I pointed to an
attractive woman carrying a signboard that said, Our husbands are
boring and we want to date young Goan studs. Isn't that dangerous?,
I asked her. Not at all? she said, Her husband not understanding
English either!

Followed this was an interesting group of young Indian couples dressed
quite brazenly in natty Western outfits. The women wore short mini
skirts, backless tops, sleeveless tight t-shirts, low cleavage
blouses, very low waist jeans etc, and in general were much more
'revealing' than the stereotyped promiscuous Goan Catholic young woman
in Bollywood movies. They also were very ill at ease in their
obviously brand new outfits. I cornered one rather plump woman who had
somehow squeezed into a tiny skirt and blouse. Are you comfortable
dressed this way?. I don't care if I am comfortable, she replied,
In Ahmedabad I would never get away dressing this way. Now I can take
my chance these four days in Goa and dress and look and feel sexy, for
myself and my husband. Her wrestler's shoulders and thunder thighs
did not go well with her chosen outfit, but then I'm no fashion guru.

What are you protesting against?, I asked her husband, who seemed to
be quite proud of his wife's affected Western appearance. We are not
protesting anything. We did the North Goa and South Goa tours and are
now waiting for evening to do the noisy boat cruise.

A young clique of Scandinavians followed. Couples, singles, families –
all carrying huge back packs. I spoke to a tall bearded man carrying a
small boy on his shoulders, We would like a Special Economic Zone
just for us second generation hippy wannabees. Cheap lodges. Cheap
scooters on hire. Cheap vegetarian food. No police harassment for
using marijuana. Utopia, I thought to myself.

Following this lovely group was another one made up of rowdy
aggressive looking young Israelis all on scooters and motorbikes.Goa
Rave – Rave is Goa. The males were showing off their 

[Goanet] 10 new VCDs

2008-01-05 Thread JoeGoaUk
Yesterday, I bought 10 new VCDs ..
For VCD cover pic, pl click on the links provided below each VCD description 
VCD No: 162 
THANK YOU BROTHER by Comedian Marcos
With Com Sally, Com. Slevy, Com. Marcos, Oldrin, Vail etc etc
VCD No. 163
By Social  Cultural Group of Nagoa
Songs VCD
VCD No: 164
 A Live Show in America
With Normandez, Espirito, Evett, Aleena, Demi, Jonas, Alex, Vinsent, Hycinth,
Hendretta, Tony, Marcus, Rons etc
Rs. 150 (2 CDs)Dec/2007
VCD No. 165
AXIRVAD DEVACHO by Agnelo Fernandes
With Antush, Felcy, Fr. Ashley, Fr. Savio, Fr. Remy, Baptist, Gracy, Fr.
Auxemio, Winnie, Pratiksha, Roland, Cecelia etc
Rs.200 (2 CDs)   Dec/2007
VCD No. 166
With Roseferns, Phelia, Anie Quadros, Ulhas Tari, Kiran, Hezel, Anthony,
Fatima, Mahesh, Felipe Ameida, Peter de benaulim etc
VCD No: 167
SUKH MEULEM by Elvis Pereira
With Neville Pereira, Rosita, Joyce, Anthony,  Cyril D’ souzz, Luis Fernandes,
Raquel, Domacin, Sanchia , Boney etc etc
VCD No. 168
With Olga, Greg, Romaldin. Eddie, Alex, Joseph. Lilly etc et
Rs.150  Dec/2007
VCD No. 169
DUKHAM by Querobin Carvalho
With Querobin, Marcus, Xavier, Caji, Selvy, Lawry, Osvie, Laurent,
Peter-Roshan, Francis de Tuem etc
Rs.150 Dec/2007
DVD/VCD No: 170
BHUELANTLO MUNIS by Tony Coutinho  Chris Perry
(With English subtitles by Isidore Dantas)
With C Alvares, Ophelia, Rico Rod, Cyriaco Dias, Robin Vaz, Souza Ferrao, Paul
Romy, Seby Coutinho, Betty Ferns,  Ivo, Helen etc etc
Rs.300  Dec/2007
(for mailing/posting DVDs to the country where you live, please contact
[EMAIL PROTECTED], the charges are.. The cost of DVD Rs.300 plus the
cost of Postage - Nirmonn  Amchem Noxib also available Rs.300 each)
VCD No: 171
TAMBDI MATI by Philip de Orlim
With  Antonette de Calangute, Felcy, Shruti, Clara Dias, Sucorrine, Roseferns,
Anthony San, Lawry, Ulhas Tari, Aurelio, Seby, Luis Bachaan, Com. Domnic etc
Rs.150 Dec/2007

A bonus..

Cajie de Sanvordem Special

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

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Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion/Cafeteria-ism of religious interpretation

2008-01-05 Thread Mario Goveia
Selma wrote:

For instance at some point it becomes untenable to
believe that the world was created in seven days while
simultaneously believing in the gradual evolution of

Mario responds:

You seem to be speaking here about
Christian-suprmacists of the Franklin Graham category
from your lofty perch as an agnostic-supremacist.

Clearly that was an allegory, designed for brilliant
analysts to deconstruct and smugly derive much
satisfaction from, centuries later.

In the meantime, you seem to have missed the gist of
the religion completely.

Selma wrote:

However, the crux of the matter was that Jesus Christ
had deeply misrepresented the feelings of the dutiful
son and completely misunderstood his angst. If Christ
could show such deficiency in his understanding of
human nature, than his being Divine was an untenable
position for me.

Mario responds:

Clearly, Jesus Christ was not as brilliant or
insightful or perspicacious as you are.

Selma wrote:

If one does believe in salvation resting in just one

Mario responds:

Selmabai, even Jesus Christ did not believe this, or
did your surgeon's scalpel of a mind finally miss
something in your brilliant deconstruction of the


Re: [Goanet] Nelson Ferrao

2008-01-05 Thread Mervyn Lobo
anil desai wrote:
 I admit I am new to Goanet. Sill, I am worried about this fantastic project.
 Viruses seem to be affecting it.

Anil Desai et aliae,
As an old timer here on Goanet, I can assure you that you have nothing to be 
worried about. 
Secondly, I can also assure you that there are no viruses that have shown 
affection to Goanet. 

 I have seen some postings from Nelson Ferrao. He/shes his/her best to
 articulate concerns of many  Goans. Does it then matter who he or she is?

If you have any idea what 'Nelson Ferrao' wrote, it is because you have 
achieved oneness with the author. For the rest us, his/her style of writing and 
misuse of words, is torturous to read. We have seen that style before. Several 
times. As for your question, the answer is yes. It does matter if the person is 
real or bogus. 

 Counter the arguments he makes rather than accusing him of being a fraud or

Been there. Done that.

 I, for one would say, keep it up Nelson.

The above sentence reminds me of this 2007 award winning one from G.W. Bush. 
All I can tell you is that when the Governor (Arnold Schwarzenegger) calls, I 
answer his phone.


  Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to 
Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at http://ca.answers.yahoo.com

[Goanet] Keeping out-of-state cars out of Goa

2008-01-05 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

The fatuous fervour with which Indians - of all ages - have 
embraced 31st Dec is hard for the civilized mind to decode. 
The New Year's Eve just gone by will be most remembered
for what it was - a national disgrace.  Women groped, fondled,
molested  raped all across the country: these were the 
accomplishments of the night.  The celebrations had the 
stamp of the crude, the vulgar and the uncouth, qualities 
usually associated with North Indians and their Holi revelry.
The mayhem caused by all the outsiders in Goa on the 31st 
has robbed our own celebrations of their traditional dignity.  

Be that as it may, my concern here is with the motor vehicles
that invade Goa during the season.  This is a fairly recent
phenomenon, concomitant with the rapidly rising levels of 
car ownership all over India.  It begins soon after Deepavali
when vehicles from MH and KA pour into Goa and the numbers
build up all through Nov and Dec reaching a crescendo of
chaos on Dec 31, when the MH and KA savages are joined 
by their counterparts in GJ, DL, AP and elsewhere.

These entrants present more than a nuisance to Goans.
Clogging our roads, parking just about anywhere, using
public spaces as toilets - very simply, Goa is turned into 
a trash can.

Note that these car rompers do not contribute much by
way of tourism rupees.  Because they come in their own
car, a dozen packed in one jeep, our taxi drivers derive
no benefit.  Because they sleep in their cars or on beaches
or in open gardens, they offer nothing to our hotels.  Their
contribution to garbage, however, is generous.  Only the 
restaurants conceivably stand to make money.  Which begs 
the question:

Should we tolerate these levels of abuse and inconvenience 
to our lives so that restaurants can make a killing?  To ask 
the question is to answer it.

How can we deter these cars and the hordes they pack
from swamping Goa?  There are two options.

One, shoot them at the border.  The problem with this
option is that a few Goans may object on grounds of
cruelty to animals.  Therefore, I shall immediately move 
to option 2.

Two, think of the whole state of Goa as a hotel.  During the
peak season when demand is high the hotel tariff registers
a steep increase.  Use the same principle.  Require every car 
bearing a number plate other than GA to pay a stiff entry fee
at the border during the period beginning with Deepavali and 
ending on Jan 10.  If I were to put a number, 50,000 rupees 
per vehicle sounds about right for now.  Those who really 
want to come to Goa will be forced to take group public 
transport (train, bus, airplane).  This way we will eliminate the 
hop-into-your-car-let's-go-to-Goa desi bhai and behenji.




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[Goanet] I may be 60..

2008-01-05 Thread JoeGoaUk
Ok, what do Sylvestor Stalon, Michael douglas, Amitab bachan , JoeGoauk have in

Ans: they are all in their 60s

Yet JoeGoaUk feels he is different, see what he has to say in this matter..
I may be 60..
Yes, I may be 60,
But consider myself very lucky
(Very grateful to God)
I may be 60,
But   all of my 32 teeth are intact
(Infact,  I have 33)   
I may be 60..every time)
But I am not yet baldy
(I do lose lot of  hair everyday- loss enough to block the bathroom drainage 
I may be 60
But I still have all my hair natural black
 (I am lying, I use Godrej Hair Dye)
I may be 60
But my mustache colour is still black (w/o any greying)
(And I am not lying here)  
I may be 60..
But I have normal eye sight
(except when it comes to newspaper Ads small print)
I may be 60..
But never been to an optician
(because I know for sure he will give/prescribe me a pair of  specs)
I may be 60..
But I am still S. active
(never used D. sprays and V. tablets)
I may be 60
But I am still (re)productive
(my wife gone to her ‘Maimger’ for ‘partak’ for the 3rd time now)
I may be 60..
But I am not into 40s.50s or 60s
(I think its ‘Lolita Complex’)

I may be 60..
But I am lucky to be called 'sexy'
(Thanks to the beautiful young women who gave me the title)
View  my profile here..

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

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[Goanet] QMC waiting for another death.

2008-01-05 Thread JOAO FERNANDES
From John Fernandes Quepem 
  Contact No.9822169547
  Quepem town is heading toward spread of epidemic as the insect, mosquitoes  
and fly’s in Queped town has been drastically increased, thanks to the apathy 
of the Quepem Municipal council. 
  It may be recalled that  since last one month the Quepem Municipal council 
has not lifted the garbage from the town which has resulted in piling up the 
garbage all around the town 
  That all the garbage tins meant for garbage  are over flowing and in some 
places tons of garbage is seen  gathered all around the tin . That as the 
garbage has not been lifted it has been decayed in the garbage tins  which 
spreads  a bad a dour in the town which resulted in increasing the mosquitoes, 
insect  and other fly’s in the town. 
  Previously mosquitos and other fly’s were seen only in the fish market, now 
they are seen every were. 
  Hundred of mosquitoes are now moving on our  vegetable which were previously 
hardly seen , this may be the result of not lifting the garbage from the town 
whispered one of the Vegetable vendors who sells her vegetable in the open 
market who don’t want to disclose his name. 
  Due to movement of fly’s on our  vegetable the daily sale of our vegetable 
has drastically decreased laments another  vegetable vendors.   
  Is the Quepem Municipal Council is waiting for another death of a child to 
take place?
  If one minutely  inspect the playing instruments which are there in the  
Quepem Municipal Garden one can conclude  that the QMC is waiting for the same. 
  It may be recalled that on 26th of December Miss Veera Carvalho,  a 7 year 
old girl from Igramol Deao  died when a tourism bench put up the QMC infront of 
the Holy cross church lost its base and  fell on her . The incident so happen 
due to the negligence of QMC to maintain the said benches  put by it . 
  Now all the playing instrument which are there in the Quepem Municipal 
council are in a dilapidated conditions. They  either own out or rusted or not 
in a good conditions. Even then the children are seen playing over them. When 
this correspondent visited the garden today evening a hordes of Children mostly 
of migrant labourers where  seen  playing over the partly broken or damage  
instrument which are presently there in the Garden. 
  The Quepem Municipal Garden was renovated in 2001 under MPLAD scheme ,at the 
cost of Rs.8,52,843/- and was innagurated on 2/2/2002  by the then MP Shri 
Edward Faleiro .It is regretting to note than since then the QMC has not any  
sort of maintenance to garden. As a result most of the playing instruments 
intalled at that time have been damaged. There are no benches to seat if one 
though of taking rest in the garden. The four wooden benches which are there in 
 the garden are in a totally broken conditions. 
  There are  two hammocks one of which is lying on the ground, while other is 
in a rusted position . one ladder and a ring which are also own out . All other 
playing instrument are totally in a broken condition.
  The hay which was grown up in the garden in the last rainy season has been 
cleaned up by the QMC labourers, however it has been piled up at as many as 10 
places in the garden. The iron poles of the broken instrument is posing danger 
to the children . The conditions of the plants, the lawn  on the ground and the 
conditions of the plants planted in the basket made on the compound wall 
clearly shows whether the QMC is maintaining it or not. 
  The one Citizen of Quepem claims that if the Quepem municipal council cannot 
maintain/repair   the playing instrument which are there in the garden  and 
which are posing danger  to the life of small children  or they should they 
should better close the garden itself. 

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[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO:Life after a Road Accident in Goa: Handling issues of Compensation Disability.

2008-01-05 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO

Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

Greetings for the New Year 2008 !

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 11th January from 4pm. to 6pm.
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa.

TOPIC: Life after a Road Accident in Goa:
 Handling issues of Compensation  Disability
 SPEAKER: Open Discussion.

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the Friday Balcao event
but if you cannot attend, then please send your
views and action plan suggestions by post to
FRIDAY BALCAO Post Box 78, Mapusa 403 507
or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

[Goanet] Mando festival in Goa: Jan 7 and 9, 2008

2008-01-05 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
The annual Mando Festival, the event of a colourful form of Konkani
music, gets underway at the Kala Academy in Panjim on Janury 7, 2008
(5 pm) and at Narcinva Damodar Naik Hall in Margao on January 9, 2008
at the same time.

Groups to take part in the event willo come from Merces (four groups,
children's group), Dona Paula, St Xavier's Mapusa and Merces
(teenagers' group), YMCA Panjim (senior citizens group), Merces, St
Xavier's Mapusa, and Chimbel (original category), St Xavier's Mapusa
and Merces (dance category), and Merces and St Xavier's (traditional

In Margao, participants will come from Fatorda and Velim (children's
category), Margao, Navelim and Velim (teenagers' group), Velim
(seniors), Sarzora, Nuvem, Margao and Velim (original category), and
Nuvem, Margao, Velim, Fatorda, Margao, Rivona and Sarzora (traditional
category), besides Velim (dance category).

Comperes for the event will be Dr Bicaji Ganecar, Tina Costa, Thomas
Fernandes and Ana Tereza Rodrigues (Panjim) and Dr Bicaji Ganecar,
Swati Naik, Ana Tereza Rodrigues and Thomas Fernandes (Margao).
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
Links from Goa: http://goalinks.livejournal.com/

[Goanet] Goa news for January 6, 2008

2008-01-05 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** AIFF gets corporate partner for Goa academy - Hindustan
[Jan 4, 2008]  For starters, a 'world class' academy will be
built in Goa for 100 boys. Dasmunshi said workon the academy
would start by March 31. ...

*** Centre wont impose SEZs against Goas wishes: Chief Minister
- Hindu
[2 hours ago]  PANAJI: The Centre will not thrust uponGoa any
special economic zone (SEZ) against the wishes of the State and
its people. Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, ...

*** Sporting Clube prevails over East Bengal - Hindu
[2 hours ago]  Margao: Sporting Clube de Goa prevailed over
East Bengal by a solitary goal in an ONGC I-League ninth round
match at the Nehru Stadium here on Saturday. ...

*** It was Renzel who wanted Anurag:Karan - Times of India
[18 hours ago]  It had nothing to do with my patch up with
Anurag, adds Karan who has just returned to Mumbai after a
short New Year holiday in Goa. ...

*** SC allows resumption of mining in Goa - Economic Times
[Jan 4, 2008]  GOA: Iron ore extraction at 16 mining sites in
Goa can resume after the Supreme Court gave the go-ahead, on the
condition that they pay a combined Rs 100 ...

*** Notification for Goa SEZs cannot be withdrawn: Centre -
Business Standard
[Jan 2, 2008]  The central government today said Goas recent
decision on seeking de-notification of three special economic
zones (SEZs) was legally untenable. ...

*** Goa rapped over economic zones - Financial Times
[Jan 2, 2008]  By Amy Yee in New Delhi India's commerce
ministry yesterday disputed a decision by the state of Goa to
scrap plans for special economic zones, ...

*** \'Golden Quadrilateral road project will cover 6500 km\' -
Economic Times
[7 hours ago]  The Golden Quadrilateral connecting various
cities will be covering 6500 kms and will be a six lane
project, the minister, who was down in Goa to address ...

*** Kashmir Festival to be held in Kolkata, Indore, Goa - Hindu
[Jan 3, 2008]  New Delhi (PTI): After wowing Delhi,the art and
craft as well as culinary specialities of Jammu and Kashmir are
set to travel to Kolkata, Indore and Goa. ...

*** Goa Minister appear before a local court in a threatening
case - Newindpress
[3 hours ago]  PTI PANAJI: Goa health Minister vishwajeet rane
on Saturday appeared before a local court in a case pertainingto
his alleged involvement in threateninga ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for Orissa

2008-01-05 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Pardon me for displaying my ignorance on his issue.  

Both posts below claim of an original attack. But neither said who did the 
original attack. The link provided by Santosh to the story in The Telegraph 
does not claim who orchestrated the attack. (see below) If the attack was 
orchestrated, then there should be a trail of the conspiracy. Let's have some 
names or institutions, instead of more innuendoes and what someone believes 
on either side of the divide.

Even if there was an original attack, this looks like a repeat of the Gujarat 
riots saga. Who ever starts it, the chaos spins our of control with loss of 
life and property, most of the brunt suffered by the minority.  Then to claim 
the government could / cannot do much to stop it is specious.  

Do we want another Gujarat or Rwanda type event ... who and however it was 

From the Telegraph:
Though the Swami believes that the “violence was spontaneous”, the attack on 
him “was orchestrated”, to eliminate him. “And that has put the region’s Hindus 
on the defensive,” he said, while talking to The Telegraph  

Kind Regards, GL

 Miguel Braganza  
AFTER attacking the vehicle with a swami and injuring his driver and POLICE 
security officer, can one truthfully claim that the violence was unprovoked? If 
the answer is an assertive YES, I am your fairy godmother! 

--- Santosh Helekar  
The interest of communal harmony would have been better served if this official 
religious body had acknowledged  that these horrendous acts of violence also 
involved, and were most likely provoked by, an attack on a swami, as had been 
mentioned by Miguel and others. 

Re: [Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto

2008-01-05 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Nelson
   Please could you say what was particularly good about the Lisbon Convention 
and would be useful info for the Toronto Convention?
  Unfortunately, I could not attend in Lisbon.
  Cornel DaCosta

nelson ferrao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear All
Are we going to discuss any matters relating to the state of affairs of
Goa? or it is going to be a pure social gathering!
The one organised in portugal was very good and this one should be
organised on a similar basis. 

Re: [Goanet] What Religion is doing in Goa?

2008-01-05 Thread Fr. Ivo da C. Souza

From: Dr. U. G. Barad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 11:40 AM
Subject: [Goanet] What Religion is doing in Goa?
.*Considering all that is going on in Goa, I sincerely appeal each and 

one in the net to start with constructive thinking rather than being
destructive. Let's use our talent, knowledge and our experience in
re-shaping our already destroyed Goa to bring back good sense and 

Let's keep our religion out in this attempt. Don't forget Goans has to do
this NOW or it will be NEVER - beyond anyone's control!

Dear Dr.U.G.Barad,
I do agree that we have to be constructive, not destructive.
But I agree to disagree with you: let us renew the society unitedly through 
Religion, not by keeping it out.


[Goanet] Events in Goa...........

2008-01-05 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
The excitement is palpable, as Goans return to their motherland for the Grand  
Global Goans Reunion Dinner Dance on January 19th, when Goans from the diaspora 
will meet and dine and dance the night away at the Mandovi Riviera in Panjim.  
The event promises to be an exciting one for Goans who have dispersed to the 
four corners of the Globe, when many of us will be meeting friends and 
acquaintenances after several decades. Viva Goa !!
   Goa's renowned Forefront Band will playing at the Dinner Dance, and the 
guest of honor will be Mr. Eduardo Faleiro, Commissioner for NRI Affairs, Goa.
  The following weekend will see a series of events organized by alumni of St. 
Joseph;s Convent School Zanzibar (Tanzania) culminating with a grand Ball at 
the Marriott Hotel, Goa.
  It is my understanding that tickets to all events organized by this group 
have been sold out,
  attesting to the popularity of the events.

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Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion/Cafeteria-ism of religiousinterpretation

2008-01-05 Thread Fr. Ivo da C. Souza

Dear Selma,
1.Bible does not teach that the world was created in seven days. Just read 
the two creation accounts of Genesis 1:1-2:4a and 2:4b-25, coming from two 
different traditions. God is the Originator. Bible does not exclude theories 
of evolution.
2.Jesus has a point in his parable about the Prodigal Son (or better the 
Elder Son) (See Lk 15:2: Jesus responded to the Pharisees who despised the 
common people). Jesus came for the vulnerable. All of us need God's love. 
This is divine logic, not human logic. Unfortunately you seem to have missed 
it. Yet do not worry. He is the Saviour of the World.

This is not cafeteria religion, but scientific biblical interpretation.

- Original Message - 
From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion/Cafeteria-ism of 

Selma wrote:

For instance at some point it becomes untenable to
believe that the world was created in seven days while
simultaneously believing in the gradual evolution of

Selma wrote:

Each person chooses their own untenable positions, for

me it was the rather benign parable of the Prodigal
Son. The reason this parable has such resonance is
because every human being imagines themselves to the
Prodigal Son. Unfortunately even as a very young
child, I identified with the other son; the good,
dutiful son who did all the right things. My own elder
brother was very errant, and my mother went out of her
way to accommodate his many failings and lack of
academic interest. Of course, being ten I knew all
about Law and Justice and little about motherly love.

However, the crux of the matter was that Jesus Christ
had deeply misrepresented the feelings of the dutiful
son and completely misunderstood his angst. If Christ
could show such deficiency in his understanding of
human nature, than his being Divine was an untenable
position for me.

Mario responds:

Clearly, Jesus Christ was not as brilliant or
insightful or perspicacious as you are.

Selma wrote:

If one does believe in salvation resting in just one

Mario responds:

Selmabai, even Jesus Christ did not believe this, or
did your surgeon's scalpel of a mind finally miss
something in your brilliant deconstruction of the

Re: [Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for Orissa

2008-01-05 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pardon me for displaying my ignorance on his issue. 
 Both posts below claim of an original attack. But
 neither said who did the original attack. The link
 provided by Santosh to the story in The Telegraph
 does not claim who orchestrated the attack. (see
 below) If the attack was orchestrated, then there
 should be a trail of the conspiracy. Let's have some
 names or institutions, instead of more innuendoes
 and what someone believes on either side of the

It is hard to pardon anybody who accuses others of
resorting to innuendo while admitting his own
ignorance of the issue. An ignorant man who truly
wants to find out the details would at least care to
read Miguel's original Goanet post on it. He would
learn from the IANS news service report posted by
Miguel that the Christian Panas people who clashed
with the Hindu Kandha tribals attacked the swami, and
the whole thing escalated into mindless violence.



[Goanet] Goan miscellany: HERALD(Goa), Jan 6, 2008

2008-01-05 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

By Valmiki Faleiro

You are damned if you do, you are damned if you don’t. That sums up the 
situation for Goa’s Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat.

Digu did. He must now face some inevitable music. After a bit of dithering, he 
rose as a
true Goan, and decided to scrap the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Goa, on New
Year’s Eve. Almost immediately, half a dozen elected representatives from his 
including three ministers, began plotting to unseat him.

SEZs are decidedly suicidal for a small State like Goa. These economy boosters, 
with varying degrees of success in several countries including big neighbour 
China, were
adopted – perhaps with some degree of wisdom – by the Union Ministry of 
SEZs are essentially meant for the big States with vast resources of desolate, 
idle land.
They are meant for far-flung corners with little habitation and infrastructure, 
where no
industrialist, however magnanimous, would otherwise dare venture. That is the 
why a whole array of tax and law incentives have been provided to willing 
to pioneer these virtual Industrial Republics in secluded pockets of the 
country – where
normal laws of the land will have no effect.

That SEZs were OK-ed in Goa by a few individuals for huge amounts of underhand 
is beyond doubt. The transactions for Goa’s 18 SEZs (some of which masquerade as
parks, habitats or enclaves), one learns, took place not only in Panjim but 
also in Delhi.
In the face of such powerful financial interests, it would be virtually 
unthinkable for any
Chief Minister to go against the pecuniary interests of his own political 
party, to soothe
local tempers.

Digambar Kamat truly deserves applause – and continued public support. The gap
between policy (to scrap the SEZs) and its ultimate realization is fraught with 
legal and
political pitfalls. The SEZ lobby has already upped the ante, via the Union 
Secretary. I dare say Kamat must now not stand on political prestige, but take 
the help of
people who have studied the issue … men like Manohar Parrikar, Arvind Bhatikar, 
Goa’s legal minds. As for threats to his position, I would, if I were in his 
shoes, any day
prefer going down standing for Goa, than acquiesce in the daylight murder of 
the little
that is left of the Goa we once knew, in order to save one’s chair.

Half the 12-member Digambar Kamat cabinet happens to be made of personal level,
first-name basis, close acquaintances, if not friends. I know at least three of 
them will not
be pleased with how I think :-)

GOA BROADBAND: When Dayanand Narvenkar, Goa’s IT minister, unveiled the Rs.120
crore 10 GBPS (gigabytes per second) Broadband network, only a dude would not 
a swindle. At least one public and one private sector service provider already 
had fairly
extensive high-speed Optical Fibre Cable networks in Goa. Any of them, by open
bidding, could have been commissioned to weave internet links between Goa’s 
talukas – at a fraction of the proposed cost.

My otherwise livewire friend, Manohar Parrikar, the Opposition Leader, cried 
foul about a
week after Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, inaugurated the first phase of 
the Goa
broadband project. (By the way, I consider Dr. Singh a true friend of Goa – 
remember it
was he who included Goa in the small list of places for the five-year tax 
holiday when he
was Finance Minister, in 1993.) It was quite uncharacteristic of Manohar-bhai 
to lock the
stable door after the horses had bolted.

SIMRAN SALUTE: Dr. VN Jindal, the much-respected Neuro Surgeon and Dean of Goa
Medical College hospital, issued an order as administrative head to a nurse 
from GMC’s
maternity section: “As per instructions of Health Minister, you are suspended.” 
day, Dr. Jindal issued another order: “As per instructions of Health Minister, 
suspension order is revoked.” Thereby hangs a tale, which reflects the 
personal, day-to-
day trauma of nurses, doctors and Deans in Goa’s public hospitals.

The nurse, Simran, was in the midst of a childbirth in GMC’s Maternity room, 
when a
male visitor sought entry to meet a female staffer. Simran stoically refused 
him entry.
The visitor called the Health Minister from his mobile phone and complained. The
Minister, apparently, decided to speak directly to the nurse. The visitor tried 
giving his
mobile to her, asking her to speak to ‘Baba,’ the Minister. “I don’t need to 
speak to any
Baba,” said Simran, matter-of-factly, “we deliver babas everyday here at GMC.”

To Simrans with such spines, my singular salute … may your tribe increase! 

The Valmiki Faleiro weekly column at:


The above article appeared in the January 6, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

[Goanet] SEZ Mathany

2008-01-05 Thread Philip Thomas
The whole piece is most illuminating. There are enough challenges posed to
our fragile tourist economy by the external environment without internal
elements fomenting trouble for patently political reasons. How Goa will get
over this habit of shooting itself in the foot is something we can wait for
with bated breath. Cheers.

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Bodi Ukholchea Adim Chint

2008-01-05 Thread lino dourado
   Bodi Ukholchea Adim Chint    
Ghorant bhitor sortoch, pixi koxi zavn apnnalea eklech
putachea gholleak lagpi avoi aiz kitem kai mhonnlear
put laginch asun taka zap keli nam. Sumanantle sutten
Son’vara disa tigelo ghorkar ghora asta tednam
iskolachi yevnchi yevn polleak kis korpi bail, tachea
tonddank porian polle nastanam bhitorlea rumant
ghusta. Veglich torechi vagnunk pollevn nhoi fokot
ghorkar tothaklo punn 3 vorsancho put Lenny pasun
khoreanich hich apli mogall avoi kai mhonn chintukuch
poddlo. Poilech pavtti aple avoik unchamboll zaleli ti
pollevn tacher bhirant aili, ani bapaixim vochunk kori
tedna vatter aslele eke khellnink (toy) addlun Lenny
dhornnir poddpachea vellaruch Richard-an taka ghott
  “Disonam re tuka? Vattter vostu asat teo disnoant?
Sarkem pollevn chollunk zainam?” Hatantlim pustokam
ani her vostu rumant dovorun bhair sorun yetnam tinnem
aplea putacher dhengxo ghalun vicharlem.
  Avoichea mottea avazacher put bhielo. Bapaik veng
marun huddkea huddkeamni roddunk laglo. Richardachem
mostok challvolem. Bailechea islean motte dole korit
  “Savita, tuka vaitt zavnchea adim tujea ragacher
tabo dovor. Bhaili khorkhorai ghevn tum ghorant bhitor
sorlam. Tujea sobhavacher nodor marlear, tuka
pixeanchea sunneamnim chablam dista. He toren vagunk,
tujem zalam kitem?” Richardan tapsannimcho pavs votoun
  Kazari jivintantlim 7 vorsam ekvottan sorlim. Punn
kednanch Richard-an aple bailek he toren vagleli
pollevnk nam nhoi mhonn ek ragachem utor taka vo
tanchea morgad putak ucharunk nam. Kazarachea 4 vorsam
uprant anvgovnneanim magon ghetlelea follacher aiz ti
poilech pavtti tapleli. Ani hakach lagon Richardache
mostokak tiddok choddun tannem koddok tallean
vicharlem tednam tinnem aple hat dakhoit mhonnlem.
  “Hea tallttanim (palms) palmatoricho mar khaila. Ek
dis homework korunk nam tor fatrancher dimbieo
ghalcheo poddleat. Klasik late pavlim zalear, mathear
pustoka dorun iskolachea kompanvdan dhavnnim ghatleat.
Klasin uloitanam sampodlim tor, tednache chimtteanche
dhag ajun distat. Ghora kodden avoik-bapaik kolit
kelar vo tokrar dilear mhoji avoi mhaka sangtali,
tticher zavn asa mhonn dusri avoi. Sogllem sonslelem
dekhunuch aiz mhaka xist (discipline) mhonnttlelea
sobdacho orth sozmota.”
  “Adleo gozali atam kiteak uspitai? Ani tevui zalear
rag-kirod ghevn?”
  “Mhaka dista, hea disanim tum  newspaper sarko
vachinam. Xikxokanim, iskolantlea bhurgeancher koslei
toren tras vo mar-pet korunk zainam mhonn Bhurgeanchea
Hok’k Rakhtole Aeogan (National Commission for
Protection of Child Rights) nove kaide jahir keleat te
sangche sangun hea kaideancher khor niall korpak
Principal-an amkam homework dila. 
  “Zalear, iskolantli khorkhorai ghorant kiteak
haddtai?” Richardan vichalem.
  “Oh my dear I am so sorry”, apli chuk ollkun tticher
Richardaxim yevn putachea polleak hat lavn kori tedna
put bhyelelea porim zavn bapaichea kakeant odik
chitkun ravlo. 
   “Tujea khas dolleanim tunvem pollelem nhoi? Khaxea
avoichea dhengxeak amcho put kitlo bhyelo poi to?
Dusreanchim lhan bhurgim iskolant xiktat. Tanchea
ghorant tankam apurbai mellta ani kallzant koslich
bhirant nastanam avoi-bapaichea mogan tim vaddtat.”
  “Punn iskol ek dusrem ghor. Thoinsor xikxonnam
borabor dusreo somajik-atmik, monisponnache xistin
fuddarache roste cholunk xikoitat.” Tticher Savitan
aplea ghorkarak sanglem.
  “Hem tujem mandun ghetam hanv. Toddem bhov
mansugeche gunn bhurgeam sovem asunk zai mhonn. Punn
tticheareanim aplea ragacher tabo samballunk zai.
Todde pavtti ghorchem kestanv iskolant haddun
bhurgeamcher rag kaddtat. Ttichericho ghorkar
offisantle cholie thaim boro aslear to rag
bhurgeancher kaddcho? Ghorkarnn, aple avoik tras dita
mhonn Sir-an iskolachea bhurgeank sotavop? Ekach utran
amche xikxiki/xikxok (teachers and sirs) asat tim
bhailem kestanv iskolant ghevn yetat ani innosent
bhurgeank tapoitat. Tankam ginean naslelim ani dusrea
nanvanim opman kortat. Zati-katicho veglozar korun
unneponnan lektat tednam bhurgeancher kuddichi ani
monachi dukh zata mhonn Bhurgeanchea Hok’k Rakhtole
Aeogan gomun ailam. Chodd pois kiteak vetai? Polle
amchea porak. Kitlo bhyelolo asa poi to. Dusrea
bhurgea vixim hoch namuno (example) tuka puro.” 
  “Punn hanvem…”
  “Zannam hanv. Tuka khub sonsnikai asa mhonn”,
tticherik fuddem ulovpachi bond korun Richard-an
mhonnlem. “Punn aichi tuji kornni nhoinch mhaka,
amchea putak porian vaitt disun monacho probhav tacher
zalo mhonn tuka ugtem dista. Toddea velan to zagear
yetlo tea mhonnosor anik ek aik” 
  “Hea fuddem tunvem mhojerui zobordosti korchi nhoi
mhonn xiddkaitam.”
  “Todde pavtti mhozo obheas favo te porim zainam
tednam  repeat-repeat korcheak tuji magnnim astat……”
  “Shut up you naugty……” 
  Lino B. Dourado


[Goanet] Centre won't impose SEZs against Goa's wishes: Chief Minister

2008-01-05 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Centre won't impose SEZs against Goa's wishes: Chief Minister 
Special Correspondent

PANAJI: The Centre will not thrust upon Goa any special economic zone
(SEZ) against the wishes of the State and its people. Chief Minister
Digambar Kamat, who returned from New Delhi on Friday, got this
assurance from Union Commerce Minister Kamal Nath. 

Mr. Kamat told The Hindu that he was very much satisfied with his
discussions with the Minister in New Delhi on Thursday. Shantaram Naik,
MP and Goa Chief Secretary J. P. Singh were present at the meeting. 

Mr. Naik said Mr. Nath had asked the Chief Minister to give a
representation in writing citing the grounds for seeking
de-notification, which, the Commerce Ministry would examine.

Ground realities 
Mr. Naik said the Minister was of the view that no SEZ could function if
a State government and the people were against it, and therefore, ground
realities were relevant in such matters.

Putting to rest the controversy over lack of powers to the SEZ Board to
de-notify an SEZ in response to a State government's withdrawal of its
earlier recommendation, Mr. Naik said an authority which had power to
issue a notification had inherent power to withdraw it and that no
specific provision was required for that purpose. 

Mr. Naik did not see any need to amend any provisions of the SEZ Act. 

'Misrepresented facts' 
Mr. Naik said the notified SEZ applicants had misrepresented facts
regarding requirement of land, environment hazards, employment
potential, etc. 

As such they could not seek any relief from the State government for
reversing its decision. 




[Goanet] Silver lining?

2008-01-05 Thread Philip Thomas
HERALD 6/1/07 p.5: In this report titled Centre will not thrust SEZs on
Goa: Kamal nath to Naik there is this ingenious argument put forward by
Shantaram Naik, Rajya Sabha MP which may be worth noting for future use in a
different context. He says: An authority which has power to issue a
notification has INHERENT power to withdraw it and that no specific
provision is required for the purpose.

If that be indeed the case then what is preventing the Goa government or at
least the high powered committee looking into the Mopa project requesting
the Centre to revoke the Union Cabinet resolution of 2000. This would go a
long way to leveling the playing field in the decision about Mopa. Currently
it is inherently biased in favour of a mega project at Mopa which would
necessitate the closure of Dabolim civil enclave to ensure viability. Hence
the ICAO's foregone conclusion that two airports cannot be viable and two
airports constitute a second best solution. If the resolution  is revoked
then an objective look can be taken of what kind of Mopa project will
co-exist with Dabolim civil enclave for the long haul.

Previously the only precedent for such revocation may have been the PM's
unilateral decision to roll back the Cabinet decision regarding some PSU or
other in Tamil Nadu when threated with an ultimatum by coalition partner DMK
some months ago.  Shantaram Naik provides another arrow in the quiver.

Re: [Goanet] Centre won't impose SEZs against Goa's wishes: Chief Minister

2008-01-05 Thread George Pinto
 Centre won't impose SEZs against Goa's wishes: Chief Minister 

 PANAJI: The Centre will not thrust upon Goa any special economic zone
 (SEZ) against the wishes of the State and its people. Chief Minister
 Digambar Kamat, who returned from New Delhi on Friday, got this
 assurance from Union Commerce Minister Kamal Nath. 

First of all, why is Goa's internal policies dictated by the Center, do Goans 
have any spine?
Secondly, why is this nonsense that SEZs won't be implemented repeated without 
contesting the
bigger hoax. SEZs have been the latest in a long line of land grab scams (food 
parks, IT parks, RP
2011). The SEZs will be given a new name and the con game will continue. Does 
anyone doubt that
the land mafia and greedy developers will quietly go away?  Does anyone believe 
what the sewer
rats (Goan politicans) say anymore?
