[Goanet] Virgincar! Too much for RKN's

2008-01-24 Thread Bernado Colaco

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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For the RKN's who come to Goa it is too complex for them to understand our 
culture. We know the  purpose of their stay in ourland - make hey while the sun 
shines - who cares about Virgincar or a Colaco!


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[Goanet] Unique spellings

2008-01-24 Thread Venantius Pinto

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Very true Sonia. Its just that this fact is know mostly to Goans. My
point was about how the outsider sees and reads words as they are
spelt in Goa. These spellings come about with how the Portuguese, and
those educated in Portuguese -- of which a significant number were
Hindus and those of Hindu business house -- rendered their names in
the Roman script as applied to Portuguese language and phonetics.

Some minor elaboration: I understand that the Virgincars, to my
knowledge thus far do not use "ee" in Virgincar. Neither do they use
Virginkar, or Veerginkar, Veergincar. There is every possibility that
in the future some may choose alternate spellings (not to imply ipso
facto the Virgincars) considering that currently there is more than
one Romi orthography in the mix. This is a real possibility based on
how people identify themselves. Or if in the future someone changes
their surname/ to take on the name, or rather the sound of it --
Virgincar, but spells it differently. Much like in the US, although
this example involves first names -- when a Hari (Shiva) becomes a
Harry. There is no stopping anyone who chooses to spell a name
differently even in the Nagari. Moving northwards towards Sagarmatha;
for example the words Gurung, or Tamang would be written very
differently by an Indian of exceptional fluency in Hindi, than they
are written in the Nagari by the Nepalis. Another example is Kamat, as
is my pre-Christian family name. It was spelt as Camtiger/gher (at
Kamats, at the house of the Kamats), or Camat (Kamat)too. I am not
aware of any Kamats going by the spelling Camat at present in Goa. But
as with such things, one only knows so much, so corrections by anyone
are welcome.


> From: "sonia gomes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Unique spellings

> There are a lot of "Virginkars" in Maragao and spelt with an "i" and not
> "ee"
> Sonia do Rosario Gomes

Re: [Goanet] No apologies needed ...

2008-01-24 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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> And by the way, my very very sincere apologies to Yogesh
> Desai...i took a swipe at him yesterday ( only to realise in
> retrospect that he was not questioning my existence on
> planet earth )
> luv and regards,
> anand

You guys seem to have lost your sense of humour. In your one-point
get-Parrikar-back-to-power agenda, you seem to have  lost the ability
to even diagnose who's saying what! FN
PS: While Dr Anand did phone me all the way from the UK some time ago,
with protestations about his love for "Goa", the issue of fake IDs
(not his!) and attempts to use these to manipulate Goanet debates to
favour certain ideologies and politicians is indeed still a concern
for Goanet! Deny it who can?
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490

Re: [Goanet] Sorry, Dr Virgincar!

2008-01-24 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

RKN made an honest mistake. I see the entire BJP
coterie is out in full force to pillory him. As far as
I'm concerned the Nair, Sen Guptas and Gagdils on this
list make far more sense than all the "Kars" put
together. Excluding Helekar ofcourse :-)

The Kars of Goa should learn something from the fairly
more broad-minded and liberal thinking South Indians.



Good joke Ms/Mrs Selma,  "an honest mistake"
Atleast you said he made a mistake. Mistakes are not honest or dishonest, 
they are mistakes whoever do it Goan or South Indian.
It seems you got a lot of love to such BROAD MINDED ones who TRY to make 
MISTAKES and then honestly admit them. Good going.
Onething you said correctly Kars(Goenkars) of Goa should learn something. 
But I would add to it saying Kars of Goa should learn everything from these 
"fairly more broad-minded and liberal thinking South Indians" including 
poderponn. As most of these people have deeply grounded their roots in all 
traditional businesses of Kars(Goenkars).
Thanks for not supporting fellow Goan and praising mistakes done by 

Keep it up.



[Goanet] Why is the GBA "shocked" now?

2008-01-24 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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To Goanet -

See this -


Why is the GBA "shocked" now?  On January 14, 2008, I had 
predicted - without the aid of any panchang, mind you - just 
how events would unfold.  Let me refresh your memory
by attaching that post entitled "Screwing Goa - Part 78" below.

Dr. Oscar Rebello has severely compromised GBA's credibility
by composing hymns in praise of Thief Minister Digambar
Kamat.  I was present on Nov 12 at the CM's official residence
when GBA activists met Digu.  It was supremely facile to tell from
Digu's body language and mien just whose side he was on.  The
man is a builder himself and builders don't let fellow builders
walk alone.  Yet, not long thereafter, Dr. Rebello went public with
his ditty in praise of the Thief Minister.

Let me put it in simpler language.  Here we are, fighting a
Congress government that dumped the RP-2011 scam on
us, a government whose words and deeds have mala fide
stamped all over them.  As the main group battling the
RP-2011 scandal, it was incumbent on the GBA to keep a
safe distance from the ruling dispensation - ANY and ALL
ruling dispensations, whether it was the Congress, BJP, NCP, 
or whatever.  But what do we see instead?  The would-be 
Mr Indian-of-the-Year cosying up to the current Thief Minister.  
It is a disgrace.  And now you cry foul?

None of this is to take even an atom of credit away from
the admirable resistance put up by Patricia Pinto, Ritu Prasad 
and Norma Alvares, three magnificent ladies sacrificing 
personal time, effort and money to fight an array of wealthy, 
powerful men intent of doing great harm to Goa.

My earlier post -

>Screwing Goa - Part 78 (January 14, 2008)
>I happened to be in the High Court yesterday for the hearing
>of my PIL concerning the city of Panjim.  The Aldeia de Goa 
>builders were there, too, with their hotshot attorney flown 
>in from Delhi in regard to their case about the hill cutting in
>Bambolim that was restarted,  then stopped, in November 
>after the GBA activists confronted the Chief Minister (remember
>the missing file from the TCP dept?).
>The softball tone with which the Goa govt's Advocate General 
>spoke made it difficult (for a layman in judicial matters, such 
>as myself) to figure out on just whose side he was batting.
>I can see it all now.  GBA makes another round of hullabaloo,
>Digu promises to "study" (knowing full well that the builders
>can always secure victory in the Court whereas he can pretend 
>to be batting for the Goan people outside it).  When the dust 
>settles, Dr. Rebello will write another sweet column extolling
>the "valiant, forthright and amazingly far-sighted Digambar 
>Kamat."  Next year, he will be in line for a Padma Shri nomination
>and my mailbox will be spammed by the non-existent "Rohit 
>Stupendous achievement, Goans.  Shabash!
>Warm regards,




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Re: [Goanet] Open letter to Bhandari/Bhandare

2008-01-24 Thread Mervyn Lobo

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Bhandare wrote:
> This particular poster,RKN , has a penchant for such
> stupid comments.A quick perusal through the archives
> revealed that this person had made unsubstantiated
> allegation against Dr Jose insinuating that he (JC)
> and bernado colaco are the same person.

Bhandare aka Bhandari,
Everybody, myself included, has made mistakes on Goanet. 
RKN has made exactly two and apologized.
If we organize a poll for who is the king of stupid comments on Goanet, you 
will win. 
By a big margin.

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so 
certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts. 
- Bertrand Russel - Philosopher/Historian

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Re: [Goanet] On Parrikar

2008-01-24 Thread Mervyn Lobo

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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anand virgincar wrote:
> Regarding your statement Parrikar "playing from the outside
> and keeping mum on the inside "...i am afraid that is too vague
> and too laced with rheotoric ( like most anti-Parrikar propaganda
> on Goanet and the Goan press is ).Please be more specific about
> your facts against him. If not, write back to me and I will be 
> more than keen to point out his drawbacks ( and some of the
> errors he has made are bordering on the stupid...if not clearly
> stupid ).I have a whole dossier on his misdoings.

Dr Anand Virgincar,
Can you please give us some of the drawbacks of Parrikar?  
One of the draw backs of living outside Goa is that one only gets news/opinions 
that is published in the newspapers and I am told that Goan newspapers are 
notorious for publishing editorials that have been paid for.
Any info will be helpful.

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[Goanet] Fwd: Selma and a case of mistaken identity.

2008-01-24 Thread anil desai

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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From: anil desai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24 Jan 2008 21:28
Subject: Selma and a case of mistaken identity
Selma wrote:-RKN made an honest mistake. I see the entire BJPcoterie is
out in full force to pillory him. As far asI'm concerned the Nair, Sen
Guptas and Gagdils on thislist make far more sense than all the "Kars"
puttogether. Excluding Helekar ofcourse :-)The Kars of Goa should learn
something from the fairlymore broad-minded and liberal thinking South

selma _
 Dear Selma,

Welcome back. Missed your useful contributions on goanet - such as the one
I would like you to think about this posting  again though. I think Mr Nair
actually realised that his mistake could not be called a honest mistake and
he quickly apologised. Mark of a decent person.
The problem Selma is this - Not to know that the Surname Virgincar does
exist amongst Goans can be a honest mistake. what cannot be a honest mistake
is accusing Anand virgincar of using a Fake ID. That is an unfounded
accusation, much like your oft-repeated and by now hollow sounding claim
that some how any one who effectively counters pro-congress propaganda
belongs to the BJP.

Dr Anil Desai

Re: [Goanet] Another illegal construction?

2008-01-24 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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To Goanet -

Pamela D'Mello wrote:
>Politicians will be politicians --- some more diabolical and crafty than
>others. Quite clearly the strategy here  is to whip up we-are-under-siege
>sentiments among a section of the population; 

Ms D'Mello,

A little rearrangement of the fenestration in the portals of your 
mind may help.

My photographs of the violence inflicted on Goa's land, the
flood of migrants coursing through Goa's border - you say
these are being used to whip up the "we-are-under-siege"
sentiments.  But the Goans I meet everyday in different
parts of Goa - almost all of whom have not even heard 
of Goanet much less seen my photographs or posts - have
identical stories to tell of the land slipping out of Goan
hands, of hill cutting in their villages, of widespread land
illegalities, of ghatis encroaching, squatting, spitting, 
defecating in public spaces and so on.  One possibility is 
that all the rest of us are hallucinating.  I submit that this 
is statistically improbable. 

>and direct it against the Congress, when one is out of power.

Partially true.  Partial, because those belonging to the opposition 
parties currently out of power will no doubt have an axe to grind.  
But there is a vast group of ordinary Goans who harbour political 
loyalties, which is their right as citizens in a pluralistic political 
system, but nevertheless to whom the well-being of Goa comes 
before politics.  It is conceivable that a certain percentage of the
members of this group hold the Congress responsible for the 
sordid things done to Goa in the past couple of years since it 
is the Congress that currently has in its possession the reins
of power.  Perhaps they even feel any and every dispensation in 
power must be held to account.  To impute motives to these folks, 
to allege that they have cobbled a skein of some grand conspiracy 
would be foolish.  For we know that it is possible for people who
hew to opposing political views to converge on mutually 
important issues.  Perhaps holding two thoughts simultaneously
in the mind is a novel idea to you?  Don't worry, with practice
you'll get used to it.

>Development is alright only as long as it's on your watch --- and you're the
>collector on duty --- that's every politician's motto in Goa, at least.

Alright.  I shall resist the temptation of a quibble with the "in Goa" bit.

>Let's not forget the facts --- Goa has a BJP-dominated government from 1999
>to early 2005, nearly five years of the past decade ,when "concretisation
>and inmigration --- those four letter words -- accelerated in Goa.
>But politicians rely on other facts --- that public memory is like a sieve.
>And we will only react to snapshots across the bay!

While we are at this business of not forgetting the facts, let us 
not forget to not forget a few other facts :-).

When the BJP was in power, Goanet was rife with anti-BJP
posts day in and day out, night in and night out.  I wasn't
on Goanet then but a coup d'oeil of the archives bears me out.
Mr Noronha would saturate the Usenet group soc.culture.indian.goa
with his anti-BJP diatribes masquerading as "news."  I recall
him seeing a communal snake hiding under every rock and behind 
every bush, insider every drawer and over every shelf.  His
complete and utter immersion in saffron would have made
Bal Thackeray green with envy (to mix the colour metaphor).  
No stick was small enough to beat the BJP and Manohar Parrikar 
with in those halcyon days of Goanet.  In my hurried survey 
of the archives, I must have missed your older postings chastising 
Goanet posters of having this "we-are-under-siege" mindset, 
and you no doubt reminded them about "every politician's motto 
in Goa, at least."  And fair-minded that you are, you surely 
admonished them with, mutatis mutandis, "...and direct it 
against the BJP, when one is out of power."

Warm regards,



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Re: [Goanet] Sorry, Dr Virgincar!

2008-01-24 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Selma Carvalho wrote:

RKN made an honest mistake. I see the entire BJP coterie is out in
full force to pillory him. As far as I'm concerned the Nair, Sen
Guptas and Gagdils on this list make far more sense than all the
"Kars" put together. Excluding Helekar ofcourse :-)

The Kars of Goa should learn something from the fairly more
broad-minded and liberal thinking South Indians.

Dear Selma,

I too applaud RKN for his open apology. It does take a man or a woman
to acknowledge an error.

However, I do not applaud him for his original post on the matter.
There (perhaps unintended) ridicule of the surname was not called for.

I also believe that RKN does sometimes shoot from the hip. We all need
to take a deep breath before letting go of stuff which can embarrass
us because we have not bothered to know or to research .but we
assumed ...that we know anyhow.

I invite you provide your reasoning behind your statement that "Nair,
Sen Guptas and Gagdils on this list make far more sense than all the
"Kars" put together" [the caveat re Santoshbab having been noted].

Remember now  we ALL are "kars" or "cars" too i.e.
Goemcars/Goemkars. Are you suggesting that Non-Goemcars make more
sense about Goa and Goans than Goemcars?

Isn't that the Genesis of the problem that we Goans are facing at this moment?



BTW: I note that Anandbab (like Santoshbab) is a Neurologist.  I would
like to advise that a Neurologist ...is NOT a Logger from Neura (;-)

when time permits, please read this 2002 article:
The Tale of Two Rivers   http://www.colaco.net/1/rivers.htm

Re: [Goanet] Sorry, Dr Virgincar ... and Fr. Jude....

2008-01-24 Thread Kevin Saldanha

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Hope you were not referring to the acronym of my very Christian
sounding name... Kevin Anthony Raymond Saldanha in your message below

As for complete transparency of identities posting to GoaNet, I would
also request that those who post also monitor (or have the list
monitored) for responses or queries.  On that topic, I wish to state
that I am genuinely relieved that Fr. Jude (who I have irreverently
referred to as Mr. Botelho in the past) is recovering well from his
cardiac bypass operation.  I am glad that he put his faith in the
excellent doctors who performed his surgery and the nursing care which
pulled him through.

I have berated the moderators for letting him evangelize on this forum
but he was only doing his job, albeit a little too aggressively taking
this huge secular forum for granted.  I guess his Boss reprimanded him
much more severely than anyone else could but science saved him from
the Grim Reaper.

Welcome back to this forum when you're better, Fr. Jude!  All is forgiven.

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 07:28:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Sorry, Dr Virgincar!
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"

RKN made an honest mistake. I see the entire BJP
coterie is out in full force to pillory him. As far as
I'm concerned the Nair, Sen Guptas and Gagdils on this
list make far more sense than all the "Kars" put
together. Excluding Helekar ofcourse :-)

The Kars of Goa should learn something from the fairly
more broad-minded and liberal thinking South Indians.



[Goanet] US doctors in India to promote vegetarianism ....

2008-01-24 Thread Kevin Saldanha

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Dear Nasci,

Do these doctors know something that you may be missing?  Dr. Neal
Bernard's book "Breaking the Food Seduction" explains why we "just
can't live" without sorpotel and how reducing it's intake (together
with a whole host of animal source proteins and fats) and contribute
to human longevity.  Here is a link to an online article referencing
the book http://www.healthscience.org/content/view/143/101/

Anyone obstinate enough not to see the writing on the wall should earn
their own Darwin Award for removing themselves from the gene pool.
Studies are now finding that serious cardiac disease is reversible on
a vegan diet http://www.gentleworld.org/health/cholesterol.htm

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

US doctors in India to promote vegetarianism

Express news service
Posted online: Saturday , January 19, 2008 at 11:53:52
Updated: Saturday , January 19, 2008 at 12:09:35

Mumbai, January 18 A team of US-based doctors visited the city on
Friday to encourage people to switch over to vegetarian food.

A research conducted by the Doctors from Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine (PCRM), USA, proved the efficacy of low-fat
vegetarian diet in reversing blood sugar levels of people with type II
diabetes. "The westernization of the diet has played a major role in
the diabetes epidemic. America should Easternize its own diet. If
Americans learn to eat dal, rice, and palak, they would be slimmer and
healthier," said Dr Neal Barnard president of CRM.

A controlled study of 99 diabetic patients by PCRM —funded by the
government of USA — proved that eating vegetarian food, excluding milk
products, cooked in less oil can show reverse trends by bringing down
blood sugar level, cholesterol, blood pressure and weight in people
and especially in patients suffering with diabetes type II.

As against the current approach where doctors advice diabetic patients
to cut down on carbohydrates, calories and fat, Dr Barnard suggests
people with type II diabetes to shift to vegan diet. According to him,
the results would be visible as early as in the first week.

"The results of switching over to vegan diet would be visible in the
very first week. The person will experience weight loss followed by
drop in the blood sugar level. The blood pressure will also get normal
within six weeks," said Dr Barnard. According him, combination of
organic food and medication works the best for the patients.

"It is very difficult to switch over to vegetarian diet all of a
sudden. But, doctors should encourage patients to try out new
vegetarian recipes and help them to develop a taste of it," said Dr

Dr Barnard has also initiated steps to conduct the two similar studies
— one on adult patients and another on children — in collaboration
with Indian physicians. Barnard, who is in India for a weeklong stay,
was holding talks with doctors in Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi,
Thiruvananthapuram, Hyderabad, Goa, Coimbatore and Podicherry on
conducting the study as well as encouraging people to take up
vegetarian food.


[Goanet] A hypocritical editorial - Home and Estates

2008-01-24 Thread Bernado Colaco

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


I wonder if any Gnetter has read the current H&E mag coming out from Parra, 
Bardez. The editor speaks of cultural heritage, preservation of this and that 
while he sells Portuguese-Goan houses to outsiders. 
Shame innit? These are the mumbai wallas for you!

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[Goanet] The Grape Escape- Observations

2008-01-24 Thread cajetan vaz

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Dear All,
Goa Tourism is hosting "The Grape Escape", an event promoting wine at the Inox 
Courtyard these days.
A friend invited me to accompany him on day one, and I'm glad I did. 
Else I would have missed partaking in the spoils of Goan taxpayer's money being 
used to support the activation (event marketing) of wine manufacturers.
Must compliment the organisers for the following:
1. Pleasing design of stalls and stage backdrop (world class infrastructure)
2. New branded chairs and tables laid out generously in the courtyard.
3. An opportunity to hear the superb singing of Sonia Sirsat.
(Tried thinking of more positives, but failed)
A few sour grapes however need to be taken note of:
1. The stage was not visible to the audience thanks to an elevated sound 
engineer's station.
2. With the exception of Sonia Sirsat's lovely rendition, the choice of 
performances and music was more in line with an MTV Grind or a Vodka bash. 
Loud, blaring and lacking in finesse.
3. The absence of affordable bites (chourice pao for Rs 70!) And no fine cheese 
on sale to accompany fine wines (sadly the cheese served at the wine tasting 
was 'processed')
Now a few suggestions:
1. Cut out the blaring mega watt sound amplification. Instead let unplugged 
live instrumental music take over, more in keeping with the event.
2. Reduce government patronage and expenditure (I recommend nil). Wine 
manufacturers can easily manage all costs as part of their marketing budgets.
3. Introduce events that complement, including the choice of hosts.
Over all I'd rate the event an 8 on 10.
Don't miss it!
Cajetan Vaz
(P.S. regarding personal information display, it's inviting hackers to misuse 
by displaying it online. Suggest the moderators maintain and update a well 
guarded data base on signing up.)
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[Goanet] If you go by what the powers-that-be want ....

2008-01-24 Thread Philip Thomas

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


... then the handwriting is on the wall:

[Goanet] Some references to Goa in the (British) Imperial Gazetteer of India

2008-01-24 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Something that might be of academic interest:
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
The Goa books blog: http://goabooks.wordpress.com
Goa1556 (alt.publishing.goa): http://goa1556.goa-india.org

[Goanet] Goa books...

2008-01-24 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Over the last 24 hours or so, I worked on a re-do of an old blog
dealing on books and Goa. Kindly visit http://goabooks.wordpress.com/
which is still work-in-progress. If any of you have written any
reviews of books, I'd be most happy to carry your writing on my blog
(with credits) if you give me permission to. Rgds, FN
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
Goa1556 (alt.publishing.goa): http://goa1556.goa-india.org

Re: [Goanet] Unique spellings

2008-01-24 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Is one spelling Portuguese-influenced and the other
English-influenced? VM has this theory of expat and migration-oriented
Goans being divided into two camps (apart from others) -- the
Anglophones and the Lusophones. FN

On 24/01/2008, sonia gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There are a lot of "Virginkars" in Maragao and spelt with an "i" and not
> "ee"
> Sonia do Rosario Gomes

Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
Links from Goa: http://goalinks.livejournal.com/

Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria of Religion

2008-01-24 Thread Santosh Helekar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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--- "Fr. Ivo da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have to learn how to defend our faith in God.

I think what theists such as Christians, Muslims and
Hindus, and atheists such as Jains, Buddhists, New
Atheists and Secular Humanists, need to learn is to
show some intellectual honesty in defending their

They cannot affirm their agreement with the consensus
view that science cannot prove or disprove the
existence of a deity, and in the same breath claim
that modern science provides evidence for their own
version of god(s) or his/her/their absence. 

Unfortunately, this is what is being done repeatedly
on Goanet and elsewhere by some authors. Before the
present instance, there was the case of Dinesh D'Souza
(posted here by someone) who claimed in his latest
book that the Big Bang theory and the theory of
evolution prove the existence of the Christian God.
There are other kinds of ridiculous books published by
Hindus, Buddhists and New Atheists touting the fiction
that modern scientific findings support their
particular views.

What would it take for these people to respect the
simple truth with some degree of consistency and
honesty that science by its very nature is indifferent
to their parochial religious beliefs?



Re: [Goanet] Religion, Casteism and Plasticity of the Brain

2008-01-24 Thread Kevin Saldanha

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Dear Cornel,

I am currently reading a fascinating book "The Brain that Changes
Itself" on the plasticity of the brain by Dr. Norman Doidge
http://www.normandoidge.com/  Although not closely related to the
current topic of discussion, it reveals how brains that have been
physically damaged either at birth or later can adapt to new ways of
learning.  Recounted in 'Jesus-like miracles', the blind can see and
the deaf can hear with the aid of computerized devices.  Similarly, it
is evident that brains that have been damaged by indoctrination into
religious or birth-right hierarchies can heal themselves and rewire
their connections to overcome deep-seated prejudices.  This takes more
than a little time and effort to pursue knowledge outside the eternal
kind and to look beyond our current horizons at new possibilities.

It gives hope to those like Nasci and jc who seem stuck in a rut on
how we are to perceive ourselves.  Let me take this opportunity to
thank Nasci for his wishes for my reconversion, something that may
happen only as a result of massive brain damage.  Also, in response to
jc's demand for various 'proofs' (on the Christian Dalit affair), I
fear that these are only demanded in a court of law, where justice is
seldom served.


Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 14:44:45 + (GMT)
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Hinduism - many Gods? (revised) and the crux of
   the problem over caste among numbers of 'Catholic' Goans (2).

 Kind regards

 PS The sayings "once a Brahmin always a Brahmin" or "once a Catholic
always a Catholic" are slogans for adherents to seek solace, comfort
and refuge in them. There is no scientific truth in them whatsoever.
Someone taught to be a Brahmin because this does not happen naturally
can be taught to be anything else through alternative learning and
secondary socialisation. And so can a Catholic who is not naturally
born a Catholic but is made one through intensive early indoctrination
before he/she can think about alternatives and escape elsewhere! On
this point, hopefully, dear Kevin Saldanha will provide the necessary
and persuasive arguments, better than I can, re my claim here!

Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   Hi Cornel,

One is 'born' into a caste, say a brahmin caste or a
chardo or a shatriya and so on. This is as it is
according to caste prevalence among all Indians; This
has been so much before Christianity and Islam came to
this sub continent called India...


[Goanet] Goanetters Abroad!

2008-01-24 Thread Francis Rodrigues

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


A new immigrant - Goanetter William Alphonso - shares
his perspective on a new life abroad, on national TV:
(takes a few sec to load)


For other immigrant success stories, the main page is:


William of course, is the husband of Goanetter, Judaline! 
You can congratulate him/find her contact here: 




Re: [Goanet] Hinduism - many gods? (revised) and Caste and Casteism(2).

2008-01-24 Thread Nasci Caldeira

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Hello Cornel,

Among other things, I do say that Casteism is
disappearing fast precisley among Goan Catholics only,
but not among the Hindus in Goa and India in general.
This I gather from 'observtion' amongst my friends
both brahmin and non brahmin. I have no time nor is it
my intention to study your type of statistics that are
doubtful anyway, in the 'practical sense'. 

I believe only in practical solutions and methods for
the dissemination of knowledge and dismantling of
Casteism and its unholy effects on humankind. 

You should concede that for the Hindus in India this
Caste and Casteism is as Holy as Holy Cow! Holy Cow
and unholy low caste human are all related theories in
so called Hindu Philosophy, and Santosh Helekar has
the gall to talk of (self appointed??) Swami
Vivekananda, who is the exponent of this
dioscriminarory practices of the Hindus! Now this
Swami I believe has gone to Christian USA with a
begging Bowl for the Low caste people which are of his
Hindu heirarchial creation, in the first place. Why
does this Swami not ask the rich and well off Hindus
to contribute en masse to the welfare of these low
class people without re converting them to so called
Hinduism??? Sush is the hypocracy! do not be carried
away with Hindus saying they are aginst it; that is al
for the consumption of gullible people.

In one of my discourses on goanet, some Hindus have
acknowledged that Caste is actually a sort of 'Race'
among Races; that is why I say that one is born into a
Caste and then segregated completely. 
Much like the Jews claim they are both a Race and a
Religion, so it is in India; all these different
castes have become different races over time.

This above is my humble opinion and views, formed as I
see it. I do not wish to partake any more in this
futile discussion if the Majority Hindus are not
willing to reform themselves en masse! Please refrain
from bringing me into this dabate again.

With regards,
Nasci Caldeira.

> Hi Nasci
>   Many thanks for your substantial response. I
> regret that, due to lack of time I was not able to
> reply sooner.
>   The gist of your response appears to be as
> follows:
>   2.The eradication of casteism is happening  "and
> now with democracy and education it is happening at
> a very fast pace."
>   4."The eradication of of casteism  and caste
> apologists is taking place and is near its end among
> Catholic Goans but NOT AT ALL AMONG THE HINDUS in
> Goa and in India in general."
>   5."It is the right-wing Hindus of the higher
> castes that are the fascist parties and groups
> trying their level best ...at keeping the low castes
> and non caste people down forever and thus trying to
> perpetuate this slavery like existence."

>   7." U R blaming Catholic Goans for something that
> is OWNED BY THE HINDUS and inherited by us.>
>   > 
=== message truncated ===

  Make the switch to the world's best email. Get the new Yahoo!7 Mail now. 

Re: [Goanet] "Religion Not the Crying Need of India" to Santosh Helekar

2008-01-24 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Hi Edward
   "Only way for progress"... I wonder if you have forgotten the terrible 
things done in the name of the Christian religion and Christian civilization. 
Leave the Old Testament for a moment for its incredibly bloody background but 
do think about  the Christian Crusades, The German genocide of people in South 
West Africa, Vasco da Gama's butchery of Muslim men in Goa, Hitler's genocide 
and destruction of the Jewish people, Stalin (once training to be a priest) for 
his murderous regime and more importantly the genocidal elimination of millions 
of native Indians in South and North America to 'progress' Christian 
civilization. By way of example, in Argentina, millions of  helpless Indians 
were systematically and brutally eliminated "because they breed." You won't see 
a single indigenous Indian there now and even the former significant black 
population has virtually disappeared while Catholic cathedrals have kept 
sprouting up. I was physically sick when I discovered all this when
 I visited Argentina recently. I'm afraid if you think this is "progress" by 
Christianity than you perhaps need to rethink your point of view, get out of 
your amnesia, or try replying to this post. Above all please do not ignorantly 
privilege Christianity over other religions.
  Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.

Edward Desilva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
Christianity has proved time and again that it is the ONLY way for progress.

[Goanet] One Man’s Dream for Gulf Teens (SAR News)

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


One Man's Dream for Gulf Teens

By C.M. Paul, SAR NEWS

SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates (SAR NEWS) -- School-going children of
working parents are left with little option for activities other than
school, tuition and television. What can a Catholic priest in an
Islamic country do single-handedly to address this rise in the new
generation of couch potatoes, increasing the risk of their physical,
mental and psychological health?

Meet a daring priest, Father Tomy Kuruvilla who started an
"unofficial" but innovative youth ministry in Sharjah, one of the
seven states of the United Arab Emirates.

"There are a lot of things we can do for our kids, as priests and
religious, even in this constrained situation of an Islamic country,"
insists Kerala-born Kolkata Salesian Father Kuruvilla,
founder-director of the Rhythm Music Institute (RMI) for 15 years now.

Government Certificate Courses:

"I am running a full-fledged music institute officially recognised by
the Ministry of Education, Dubai (UAE) with approved certificate
courses," says Father Kuruvilla adding there are 32 music institutes
in Sharjah with an equal number in neighbouring Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

"There are only three Education Ministry approved music institutes in
Sharjah and RMI is one of them since 1994," he reveals.

"Children learn keyboards, organ, guitar, drums and other musical
instruments according to their aptitude and choice.

They also learn drawing, painting, sketching, coloring, dancing and
singing, personality development and time management. There are also
other possibilities like computer learning, leadership training,
spoken English and many other courses useful for younger generation,"
says Father Kuruvilla who taught in one of the prestigious Sharjah
Schools, for 14 months before starting RMI as his response to urgent
youth ministry demands.

The Lure of Catholic Institution:

"Most parents sent children to the institute since they don't want
them to get addicted to satellite television or hooked on Internet
unattended in their prolonged absence from home due to the double
shift system of working hours," says Father Kuruvilla.

He explains, "On an average, every year a thousand students register
for the courses. Many survive, while others quit and some are advised
not to waste their time for lack of music talent."

He quickly adds, "There are also a number of students who come to RMI
to score points for their studies abroad."

Kichumon Haldus a second-year student says, "Before I joined I heard
about the quality of teaching at Rhythm. I saw the differeOne Man's
Dream for Gulf Teens

By C.M. Paul, SAR NEWS

SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates (SAR NEWS) -- School-going children of
working parents are left with little option for activities other than
school, tuition and television. What can a Catholic priest in an
Islamic country do single-handedly to address this rise in the new
generation of couch potatoes, increasing the risk of their physical,
mental and psychological health?

Meet a daring priest, Father Tomy Kuruvilla who started an
"unofficial" but innovative youth ministry in Sharjah, one of the
seven states of the United Arab Emirates.

"There are a lot of things we can do for our kids, as priests and
religious, even in this constrained situation of an Islamic country,"
insists Kerala-born Kolkata Salesian Father Kuruvilla,
founder-director of the Rhythm Music Institute (RMI) for 15 years now.

Government Certificate Courses:

"I am running a full-fledged music institute officially recognised by
the Ministry of Education, Dubai (UAE) with approved certificate
courses," says Father Kuruvilla adding there are 32 music institutes
in Sharjah with an equal number in neighbouring Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

"There are only three Education Ministry approved music institutes in
Sharjah and RMI is one of them since 1994," he reveals.

"Children learn keyboards, organ, guitar, drums and other musical
instruments according to their aptitude and choice.

They also learn drawing, painting, sketching, coloring, dancing and
singing, personality development and time management. There are also
other possibilities like computer learning, leadership training,
spoken English and many other courses useful for younger generation,"
says Father Kuruvilla who taught in one of the prestigious Sharjah
Schools, for 14 months before starting RMI as his response to urgent
youth ministry demands.

The Lure of Catholic Institution:

"Most parents sent children to the ins

[Goanet] Goanet review by Dr Cornel DaCosta in goanvoice.org.uk

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:



Do read a critical commentary about the Global Goan Convention of
2007. Stemming from an article originally in the Gomantak Times of
21/01/08, by Lionel Messias, the Goanet article says "Apparently, the
NRI Commissioner's Office in Goa spent Rs 4,64,011 to fly in seven
non-resident Goans who would not care a fig if Goa disappeared from
the face of the earth, except to moan over the loss of their ancestral
homes and properties which they abandoned for greener pastures..." In
addition, there were references to the costs for accommodation at the
five star hotel, Cidade de Goa, in Panjim.

In contrast to the above, Plastino DCosta provides a well-crafted
argument about the tremendous value of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) who
have vast experience in many fields that would be beneficial to Goa.
He illustrates with many examples, how NRIs in different parts of the
world have a range of skills and expertise which could directly feed
into meeting specific needs in Goa. This has of course, echoes of the
views of the Indian Government that is ever so keen to harness the
wealth and expertise of NRIs to the benefit of India.

George Pinto from California, USA and a long-time Goanetter reminds us
on Martin Luther King Day (21/01/08) about the tremendous work done by
King and the many African Americans who made so many sacrifices during
the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. George further
states that, "Goan prosperity owes a great deal to the opportunities
and freedoms created by the Civil Rights Act but wonders if US Goans
stop to reflect on their good fortune following the earlier efforts of
so many African Americans."

Macao is invariably linked to casinos in many people's imaginations
but an unusual article tells us about the origins, growth and decline
of adherence to Catholicism in the tiny 'province' that is now part of
China. The article is titled Crisis of Faith for Catholics in Macao
and informs us how Macao became the birthplace of Catholicism in China
and East Asia and how it had thrived in the past with the help of many
Goan priests.

Finally, for yet another great touch of humour, do read Cecil Pinto's
article on Sex, Lice and Boochie Combs. It first appeared in the
Gomantak Times on 17/01/08. It departs from the theme of the title
initially but then beautifully weaves its way through innumerable
'corridors' to keep one amused throughout.

More details can be found at the Goanet archives at
http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/ Or to subscribe
to Goanet, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Goa news for January 25, 2008

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News Service

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** No formation of Front with MGP: Goa NCP chief - Hindu
[3 hours ago]  PANAJI: The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP),
the pre-poll alliance partner of the Congress-led coalition
government in Goa, on Thursday ruled out formation ...

*** Hrithik: I want a girl this time - NDTV.com
[19 hours ago]  Last week, he was in Goa shooting for an ad
with the gifted Navdeep Singh, who last year directed the
talked-about noir film Manorama Six Feet Under. ...

*** Bambolim project: GBA shocked over govts decision - Navhind
[4 hours ago]  Panaji, Jan 24 The Goa Bachao Abhiyan has
expressed shock and outrage at the governments submission in the
High Court that it will withdraw its "stop work" ...

*** Vedanta\'s Sesa Goa Q3 net profit 5.06 bln rupees vs 2.09
bln yr ... - Forbes
[Jan 22, 2008]  MUMBAI (Thomson Financial) - Indianminer Sesa
Goa Ltd, a 51.2 pct-held unit of Vedanta Resources PLC, said net
profit rose 142.1 pct to 5.06 bln rupees in ...

*** India\'s Goa Inspires Opponents to Land Deals - Voice of
[Jan 23, 2008]  By Steve Herman The tiny coastal state of Goa
has become the first state in India to rescind the creation of
special economic zones - putting it into ...

*** Concor sets sight on air cargo business - Economic Times
[5 hours ago]  It plans to build two air cargo complexes in Goa
and the North East, which will give the company a wider access
to the domestic market and reduce its ...

*** Sesa Goa board declares Rs 15 interim - Hindu Business Line
[Jan 22, 2008]  MUMBAI: Sesa Goa Ltd has informed the BSE that
the board at its meeting held on January 22 has declared interim
dividend for the financial year 2007-2008 at ...

*** Govt mulls benefits for NRIs with ˜Goa Card - Arab
[19 hours ago]  This was revealed by the NRI Commissioner,
Eduardo Faleiro to the Arab Times in an interview recently in
his office at the Goa Legislative Assembly. ...

*** India Screenwriting Workshop, Goa - Glam Sham
[9 hours ago]  WORKSHOP SCHEDULE: This workshop will be held
over 7 days from 17 March to 23 March at The International
Centre, Goa. There is no entry fee and all travel ...

*** Goa: A transit point for illegal drug shipments - Merinews
[11 hours ago]  Goa is in the midst of a peak tourist season.
The small state in western India, a former hippie paradise
inlate 60s and 70s, welcomed some 3.5 million ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Paving over Dona Paula

2008-01-24 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


To Goanet -

Take a look at these slides from my gallery "The Death 
of Goa."  The photographs were taken in January 2007.




One year later - Jan 24, 2008 - and Dr. Frankenstein is
almost done with his baby -



Babush Monserrate suckered the Taleigao villagers into 
making a song and dance about the IT Habitat.  This ghastly 
sight is within jumping distance of the IT Habitat.  Guess
who will live in these apartments? (Hint: not the gaonkars)

A couple of months back, I received an unexpected email 
from a British man not known to me.  He wrote (I'm paraphrasing 
from memory): "We hippies who come and mess around in 
your beautiful Goa are biodegradable, but the things you 
Indians are doing to your land will haunt you for a long, 
long time."

Warm regards,



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

Re: [Goanet] Unique spellings

2008-01-24 Thread anand virgincar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


thanx,sonia for recognising the existence of virgincars
luv and regards,
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 
> 10:42:58 -0500> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Unique spellings> > 
> ---> 
>  http://www.GOANET.org > 
> ---> 
> > Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & > Primary School 
> Students Chess Tournament> > More information at:> > 
> http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/2008-January/068222.html> 
> ---> 
> > There are a lot of "Virginkars" in Maragao and spelt with an "i" and not > 
> "ee"> > Sonia do Rosario Gomes > 
Share what Santa brought you

[Goanet] BJP blasts speaker, gov for 'murderin g democracy'

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News Service

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


BJP blasts speaker, gov for 'murdering democracy'

PANJIM, JAN 23 - Exactly a week after the episode, the BJP today opened its 
attack on the Speaker and Governor - firstly for adjourning the House, and 
then proroguing it the next day.

Calling it "a murder of democracy" and "fraud on the Constitution" -

Leader of Opposition Manohar Parrikar today severely criticized the Speaker 
Pratapsing Rane for adjourning the House on January 16 on the request of 
Chief Minister Digambar Kamat.

In a move seen last week as an attempt to save the government after it was 
pushed on the brink of collapse by its coalition partners, the assembly was 
prorogued by the governor preventing the rebels and the Opposition from 
showing their strength in the House.

Coming down heavily on the Speaker - Parrikar said it was not expected of 
veteran politician like Rane "to stoop so low".

If the chief minister wanted adjournment of House, he should have moved a 

He did not dare to do so because he knew very well that his government was 
reduced to a minority.

He charged, they "crushed down the Constitution" first by adjourning the 
House under the pretext of chief minister wanting to be at the accident site 
at Malpe-Pernem wherein 11 people were burned in the explosion and next day 
getting it prorogued even as there was financial business to be completed. 
Parrikar said they would expose the government on this count.

QUESTIONS: Parrikar though today refused to react to allegations made by the 
Chief Minister Digambar Kamat against his party that " it was an attempt of 
the BJP to come to power through the back door since they cannot see Kamat 
in power," Parrikar challenged him to explain why the House was adjourned on 
January 16.

Parrikar thundered, "Ask Kamat why he could not face the business of the 
House and why it was prorogued, "on being questioned at a press conference 
held at BJP office on Wednesday.

He said there is no need to tell who did what, people know all.


Re: [Goanet] Another Illegal Construction

2008-01-24 Thread Pamela D'Mello

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Mr Collaco,

It seems a whole lot of us  are being taken for fools here. One distinctly
remembers the sales pitch taken by the then BJP CM whilst he was putting in
place grandiose plans for IFFI --- it would have a multiplier effect on the
economy and boost multi sectoral growth --- we were told then. If your
pursuing the Cannes model for IFFI, then concrete by the beach is the
necessary corollary. There;s no doubt that IFFI pushed Goa's land market
skywards, but those beating up the brand Goa hype knew that well  then
and now.

Politicians will be politicians --- some more diabolical and crafty than
others. Quite clearly the strategy here  is to whip up we-are-under-siege
sentiments among a section of the population; and direct it against the
Congress, when one is out of power.

Development is alright only as long as it's on your watch --- and you're the
collector on duty --- that's every politician's motto in Goa, at least.

Let's not forget the facts --- Goa has a BJP-dominated government from 1999
to early 2005, nearly five years of the past decade ,when "concretisation
and inmigration --- those four letter words -- accelerated in Goa.

But politicians rely on other facts --- that public memory is like a sieve.
And we will only react to snapshots across the bay!


> My remarks: Goa is being destroyed every single day. The shameless (and
> illegtimate) government of Digambar Kamat has no controls, no supervision,
> enforcement, no monitoring, nothing! It is a free for all right now. Just
> the Utt Goenkara folks interceded in the illegal hill cutting going on in
> by one Bhagatsingh Sonaye attached to Goa Medical College (reported in
> newspapers such as Tarun Bharat, Herald etc). That violations are
happening all
> over is known to those in the highest rungs of power yet they look
askance, or
> even collude to help the rich and the powerful. I would like to know why,
> all this, the GBA Convener Dr Oscar Rebello has issued a paean to Digambar

> Kamat. The same Digambar Kamat and his Congress party who are complicit
> in Goa's ongoing destruction. Now who is going to deal with this Batim
case? Regards,

[Goanet] Digamber...the family man !

2008-01-24 Thread anand virgincar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Dear Ignatius-bab,
I agree entirely with you that Digamber Kamat is not just
a good " family man " as you describe but also a very
"godfearing " personality. But what I am trying to discuss
here is not family values but the ability to successfully 
manage the public limited company that is "amchem 
goem " and in which all "niz goenkars" are stakeholders
with varying levels of equity holdings. And my question
is, are Digamber Kamat and the Congress government
a management team we can trust with our holdings ?
Referring to Digamber Kamat being a man of principles,
please go through the archives of Goanet as well as news
about Goa using google news since the time he first came 
into politics ( backstabbing his friend,guide and philosopher
Babu Naik tostart his journey ).If you are short of time, just
restrict yourself to the last 7 odd months.
If you still think he is a "man of principles" you can write
back to me and I will provide you factual information. 
Cedrico da Costa in Dubai may also be of help on this 
I do not contest your statement of him being a nice man.
I hail from Margao like him and some of his cronies are my
friends and associates. That will not change my affiliation
to Goa.
Now,coming to your statement about that rogue,Manohar
Parrikar, by inference, you possibly question him not being
a "family man ". The only reason this may be assumed by
anyone is because he lost his wife of cancer at a young age.
This of course is not a valid argument. Unless there is any 
other inside information you have about his family values,
I think we can give him the benefit of doubt that he is a 
"family man" as well.
Regarding your statement Parrikar "playing from the outside
and keeping mum on the inside "...i am afraid that is too vague
and too laced with rheotoric ( like most anti-Parrikar propaganda
on Goanet and the Goan press is ).Please be more specific about
your facts against him. If not, write back to me and I will be 
more than keen to point out his drawbacks ( and some of the
errors he has made are bordering on the stupid...if not clearly
stupid ).I have a whole dossier on his misdoings.
And if ( again by inference ) you say that Manohar Parrikar
is not a nice man...i agree with you...but I will still back him 
unless I am presented with a better administrator to look 
after my stake in my Goa.
And,finally,by the wayI am not trying to brainwash any
person including you to "change ends ". All I am trying to do
is engage in a rheotoric free civilised discussion about Goa
(and more importantly what we ,her sons and daughters can
 do for her )using thisexcellent forum which we are privy to 
thanks to the efforts of Bosco,Herman, Frederick and others.
luv and regards,
( Dr Anand Virgincar )
Who's friends with who and co-starred in what?

Re: [Goanet] New Set Sequence for Goan Catholic weddings

2008-01-24 Thread Cecil Pinto

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Dear Melvyn,

The point you have raised is very valid but first let me clear what appears 
to be a misunderstanding. The Wedding Special was the third set of the 
wedding I attended, which was then followed by the Masala Mix set where the 
buffet is thrown open while most people are on the dance floor. This is done 
to avoid overcrowding in the line and is a very good system. This was then 
followed by the Slow Romantic set and then the Jolly Good Fellow thingy.

But yes I see your point. Most people assume the consumption of dinner is 
the conclusion of the wedding. I have addressed this issue repeatedly in my 
bestselling guidebook, "Surviving Goan Catholic Wedding Receptions". 
Bringing the buffet earlier will compound the problem even further and as 
you mention there will be no guests left.

The solution as I see it is to turn the whole thing on its head and have the 
buffet served even before the first note of music is played. That is the 
buffet is thrown open at the very beginning of the wedding. Let people eat 
and drink when they want to. Of course one runs the risk of a few people 
just coming eating and going away without even waiting for the Wedding 
Special. Quite frankly let them go! The wedding will be better off without 
those greedy people's presence.

Watch the Mario Puzo Godfather trilogy. All three movies start off with a 
grand wedding/celebration. The buffet is served at the beginning and not at 
the end. And see how sucessful the movies were!



On 24/01/2008, melvyn misquita  wrote:
> Hi Cecil,
> While it is true that "punctual guests are rewarded with music, drinks
> and eats instead of having to wait for the latecomers" there is also a
> growing tendency in Goa for guests and many relatives to leave the
> reception minutes after they place the desert bowl on their respective
> tables.
> If that happens, the bridal couple, MC and the toast master would have
> little or no "crowd" left to conduct "the Wedding Special, the Wedding
> March, Toast Raising, Cake Cutting, First Waltz etc". We are then back
> to square one -- not enough crowd to commence the proceedings!
> But then, if the new system is in place, would we have the 'He's-the-
> jolly-good-fellow' kiss immediately after the Wedding Special or would
> it take place at the beginning of the reception? What did happen at the
> wedding that you attended?
> Regards,
> Melvyn 

Re: [Goanet] Unique Music Concert to Protect Environment on Jan 25

2008-01-24 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


To Goanet -

>"We all are in love with India. We have seen air quality 
>going down; cutting down of banyan trees and massive 
>environment degradation," said UK-born Chinmaya 
>Dunster, who is in India on a five-year business visa
>and intends to settle in Goa.


The best way to show Goans that you love Goa is to
stay away from it.  Don't come here.  Let the love
grow.  The longer you stay away from Goa, greater 
will be the accrual of these love points.  But don't 
let your quantum of love get ahead of the distance 
between you and Goa.




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Re: [Goanet] No apologies needed ...

2008-01-24 Thread Alfred de Tavares

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Very well done, RKN, shabass...attaboy!
You have manifested not just humility...but, decency,
Let's now all shake hands...slap backs...or, whatever..
and render sincere efforts to eschew fortuity in future.
Tumchó songleamchó moi mogal Chacha Alfred
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 
> 15:29:40 +> Subject: [Goanet] No apologies needed ...> > > > Dear Mr 
> Nair,> > Thanks for having the humility and the courage to pen down> a public 
> apology on Goanet. But believe me ( and unlike some> of my previous postings 
> on goanet,there is no sarcasm in this> mail ), I have no genuine personal 
> grudge against you ...and > the many more who will in the near 
> future...launch personal> attacks against me.In fact, I feel that I and many 
> other who> have pointed out your mistake have been unduly harsh on what> is 
> but an error of judgement.
> luv and regards,> anand
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Re: [Goanet] Sorry, Dr Virgincar!

2008-01-24 Thread Carvalho

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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--- Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I hearby offer an unconditional apology to Dr Anand
> Virgincar for
> casting aspersions on his identity 

RKN made an honest mistake. I see the entire BJP
coterie is out in full force to pillory him. As far as
I'm concerned the Nair, Sen Guptas and Gagdils on this
list make far more sense than all the "Kars" put
together. Excluding Helekar ofcourse :-)

The Kars of Goa should learn something from the fairly
more broad-minded and liberal thinking South Indians.



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Re: [Goanet] Dalits' Plight (Cornel)

2008-01-24 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


CORNEL DACOSTA  wrote: Hi Jose... Out of curiosity, pray can you
provide the kind of "proof" you seek from Kevin Saldanha for what you
said below re Kevin's "anti-Catholic slip showeth again?"

Dear Cornel,

Sure but as soon as Kevin provides me the proof he has been asked
to provide.

You may recall - that Kevin is the good man who needs 'proof' to
believe; I am a man of faith.

I have absolute faith that I will provide proof only after Kevin provides proof.

good wishes


Re: [Goanet] Unique spellings

2008-01-24 Thread sonia gomes

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


There are a lot of "Virginkars" in Maragao and spelt with an "i" and not 

Sonia do Rosario Gomes 

[Goanet] No apologies needed ...

2008-01-24 Thread anand virgincar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Dear Mr Nair,
Thanks for having the humility and the courage to pen down
a public apology on Goanet. But believe me ( and unlike some
of my previous postings on goanet,there is no sarcasm in this
mail ), I have no genuine personal grudge against you ...and 
the many more who will in the near future...launch personal
attacks against me.In fact, I feel that I and many other who
have pointed out your mistake have been unduly harsh on what
is but an error of judgement.
This does, however, help us to highlight several issues related 
to Goanet :
1) We are all engaging in too much sniping at each other..
often on personal issues like religion and sexuality and even faults
in styles of writing,grammar,spelling and typo's. I feel that
like Rajan, we should focus a bit more on how we can genuinely
change Goa for future generations.
2) While I think the Goanet moderators are doing a great job
of the thankless task they have been bestowed with ( and 
once again, i think i have already criticised them enough in 
my reply to you )...I feel that this wonderful forum looses 
its credibility if there is obvious bias in moderation. All the
moderators ( and other persons involved in officiating the 
forum ) are entitled to their personal political and social beliefs,
but once these influence their control over what gets through
and what does not,it can turn Goanet into what could make
a long term difference for Goa and Goans into a propaganda 
agency for one particular vested interest. I think there is more
than enough intellectual firepower on both sides of the divide
without the need for instance to change "Goanet news "
headlines to redress any imbalance ( And one has to just to
go through the archives to see that till very recently, the
volume of postings against rather than for the stand I am
taking was by far the dominating element )
3) Most importantly, let us have a bit more of facts and a
lot less rheotoric..then, we can settle down and have a
discussion on what exactly is the current political scenario
in Goa ...and what we all can do to change it for the better.
( My agenda is going to be almost exclusively restricted to
Goa and goan politics )
I do not expect everyone to agree with my views...but let
us at least agree to disagree in a civilised manner.
And by the way, my very very sincere apologies to Yogesh
Desai...i took a swipe at him yesterday ( only to realise in 
retrospect that he was not questioning my existence on 
planet earth )
luv and regards,
Free games, great prizes - get gaming at Gamesbox. 

[Goanet] Portuguese-Goan Houses

2008-01-24 Thread Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Hi Bosco,

We do not have Portuguese-Goan houses in Goa, but only Goan  houses. There 
are still few houses available in Aldona, Saligao and Assagao.

Ana Maria de souza-Goswami 

[Goanet] Monserrate meets Governor S C Jamir

2008-01-24 Thread godfrey gonsalves

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Even as the INC appeared content with increasing the numbers to its fold from 
16 to 18 there was speculation in the air that not all is well skin deep.

Today a rather grim looking CM appeared certain that the cease fire  brokered 
to save his Government courtesy the intervention of the High Command of both 
the Indian National Congress and the Nationalistic Congress Party would not 
last long.  Yesterday he had mentioned of increasing the strenght of the INC on 
its own to twenty five clearly this implied that the Constitutencies in the 
Velhas Conquistas of Bardez Mormugao Ilhas (Tiswadi) and Salcette would belong 
to the INC.  This clearly sent a message to the pre-poll allies the Nationalist 
Congress Party that there may not be any alliance at the next hustings.

Yet another cause for infighting is the next battle within the INC to take upon 
the leadership of the eight constituencies in Salcete .  Last time Mr Digamber 
Kamat managed to outwit Mr Churchill Alemao in this game by denying the 
Mormugao Parliamentary seat vacated by him in May 2007 to his daughter.  Mr 
Alemao knows to well that with the Lok Sabha Polls expected before May 2009 he 
would have to do the spade work.  For this he needs to manoeuvre a coup of 
sorts and consolidate his position.

Today's Congress Legislative Party held in the evening was a precussor to the 
Cabinet reshuffle.  

Interestingly the Taleigao MLA Mr.Antanasio Babush Monserate created a flutter 
this afternoon when he met the Governor.  Speculation was rife that Mr 
Monseratte appears to be disgruntled over "being left out" .  True the site for 
IT Habitat in his constituency was inaugurated by the INC President Ms Sonia 
Gandhi and it has now to wind up to meet the allegations of Mr Monserate that 
it is nothing but a real estate venture in the name of IT.   When this writer 
had a brief teletalk with Mr Monserate on the reason for his meeting the 
Governor Mr S C Jamir he merely stated that "it was a courtesy call" when 
probed a little further "he merely stated that the Governor belongs to his 
constituency " 

Notwithstanding this alibi it is clear that there is something on the anvil.

Meanwhile the proposal of the MGP to form a Front  constituting the MGP NCP and 
Independent MLA Mr Vishwajit Rane to lend "support" to the INC coalition is 
also being viewed as a tacit plan by these political parties to save their own 
turf to harness the overenthusiasm of the INC consolidating its position.

The coming days will therefore appear more turbulent and Mr Kamat could  well 
be forced to call for mid term elections the next time his Government is 

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Re: [Goanet] SELF DECLARATION ----- Let's Salute..

2008-01-24 Thread Nigel Britto

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Dear Dr.Barad,

This is a good idea. I've been thinking along similar lines for sometime
now, that is, to have a 'Profile' thread, where members introduce
themselves, and provide whatever correct details they deem necessary.
(Nothing to be lost except, er, maybe privacy.)

If the moderators give the Go ahead, let's have this thread.

Nigel Britto
Alto Porvorim - Bardez GOA

Truth Liberates

[Goanet] Unique Music Concert to Protect Environment on Jan 25

2008-01-24 Thread D'Souza, Avelino

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Unique Music Concert to Protect Environment on Jan 25

Panaji, Jan 23: A group of musicians from different parts of the world
will reunite after a gap of nearly four years for the cause of
protecting Indian environment by holding a special concert on Goa's
shores on January 25. 

Chinmaya Dunster and the Celtic Ragas Band will be performing in a
unique environment awareness concert at Baga, a coastal village here
adjacent to world famous Calangute beach.

"We all are in love with India. We have seen air quality going down;
cutting down of banyan trees and massive environment degradation," said
UK-born Chinmaya Dunster, who is in India on a five-year business visa
and intends to settle in Goa.

More at:




Re: [Goanet] Dalits' Plight (Kevin) 2

2008-01-24 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Hi Jose
  Out of curiosity, pray can you provide the kind of "proof" you seek from 
Kevin Saldanha for what you said below re Kevin's "anti-Catholic slip showeth 

"J. Colaco < jc>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

7: Is Kevin really aware of the plight of the Dalits, or is it that
his anti-Catholic slip
showeth again?

[Goanet] Fraudsters on Goanet

2008-01-24 Thread Edward Desilva

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Hi All,
There are some names in India which existed before English came into
existence in this world (let alone India).
'Swastika' is one such Sanskrit word, people think it is an English or
European word.
Indians who have learnt English, now think they know it all.

Re: [Goanet] Rampant encroachment in Panjim

2008-01-24 Thread v. fernandez

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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--- "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To Goanet -
The utter collapse of governance in the state of Goa is
seen in the resulting lawlessness all around.  It is now
a free-for-all.  Yesterday I noticed a bhelpuri stall on 
the pavement right in front of Reliance World in Campal.  


One of the reasons this is happening is that the authoriiies are
turning a blind eye, to the encroachment issue.Goa nolonger
belongs to 'the good old goans" of yesteryears.Non goans are
FILLING UP goa so fast that soon it'll become like mumbai, where
the vote bank for greedy politicians. So who cares for the susegad
 goemcho munis aijkal ?
Vee Eff mumbai.


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[Goanet] BOOK: 'Songs of the Survivors' - an interview with Yvonne Vaz Ezdani

2008-01-24 Thread

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Memoirs from Burma

Yvonne Vaz Ezdani has recently released a book, 'Songs of the Survivors'. It 
is a compilation of several stories penned by some of the Goan survivors in 
Burma. She shares her experiences during her stay in Burma.

What inspired you to compile and edit the recently released book 'Songs of 
the Survivors'?

I grew up hearing stories of Japanese occupation of Burma, which took place 
in the early 1940s and about how many Indians, including Goans, had to try 
and escape the bombing by fleeing to India. Thousands walked across thick 
jungles and high mountains to the Indo-Burma borders and many hundreds died 
of disease, starvation and exhaustion. The details were real horror stories 
and it disturbed me that wars could inflict so much suffering on innocent 
people. You know how it is. When we hear interesting stories we want to 
relate them to others. Besides, I wanted people to learn something about the 
Goans who had migrated to Burma and now that the few surviving ex-Burma 
Goans were advancing in age I had to capture their memories and put them 
down in print for further generations, or else these stories would be lost 

What was the journey towards writing your first book like?

I began interviewing and collecting stories from ex Burma-Goans that I knew, 
about two years ago. They also helped me contact more people who had come 
from Burma. An appeal was also put out on Goanet by journalist Frederick 
Noronha. So that's how I got 24 chapters for my book. I edited them and also 
added my own story as a postscript.Being a first time writer I knew nothing 
of printing and publishing and was full of doubts, but thanks again to 
Frederick Noronha it all worked out beautifully.

What does the book mainly focus on?

The focus is on the wartime experiences of Goans who were living in 
British-ruled Burma. The collection of stories from twenty four contributors 
are unique and recall in vivid detail how their comfortable and prosperous 
lives came to an abrupt end and they were plunged into chaos and fear with 
the first bombings of Rangoon. The grit and courage that shines through in 
the narratives are a testimony to the universal qualities of endurance and 
survival of the human spirit. Since they are oral histories, the book also 
gives an insight into some aspects of the migration of Goans to Burma.

What made you migrate to Burma?

It was my great grandfather Santana Salvador Vas who first went to Burma in 
the late 19th century. It was a time when job opportunities were scare in 
Goa and many young men found employment on British ships and reached foreign 
shores. The beauty and wealth found in Burma must have made some of them, 
including my great grandfather, decide to settle there. Then my grandfather, 
Louis Joseph, followed him when he was just fourteen and later established 
this large Vaz family of seven sons, one daughter and two-dozen 
grandchildren. I am one of his grandchildren.

What has been your experience there till the early 1980s?

I grew up in the beautiful Shan States, among warm and friendly people. We 
had the best of food and other material things. We received good education 
too. Except for one traumatic incident, life was wonderful in Burma. But the 
country gradually began to deteriorate after the military government took 
over. Many people began leaving and we too returned to Goa. I was married by 
then and had 2 young daughters.

Are there Goans in Burma today?

Very few. Most of them have lost their Goan identity and have blended into 
the local population. But there was Bishop V Sequeira who expired a few 
years ago. He kept up ties with his family in India. Recently I heard that 
two other Goan priests in Rangoon (Yangon) were still living there.

Tell us a little about what you do besides writing?

I was a teacher previously, but now I visit schools as a school counsellor 
and try to give guidance and help to students.

A message for budding writer's

I think many people have stories that they want to tell, but are either not 
confident enough to publish what they write, or they may feel that there are 
too many problems involved in bringing out a book .So it puts them off. I 
have experienced those doubts too and I would like to encourage anyone who 
can write and wants to publish a book to go ahead and write. If it worked 
out well for me, it can for others too.


Goanet A&E

Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria of Religion

2008-01-24 Thread Fr. Ivo da C. Souza

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Dear Cornel,
Thank you for your message.

You wrote: > Dear Fr Ivo
>   I may not agree with many things you explain about the existence (or
> not) of |God but I| really do enjoy the intensity and fervour in your
> writings. Thank you ever so much.
>*I cannot understand with what and why you do not agree, unless you 
>formulate some objections or questions. This is a delicate and vital 
We have to learn how to defend our faith in God.

>  You wrote: < about this evil called caste and how the Catholic Church in Goa addressed
> some of the issues differently from the Church in other parts of India.
*I told you what I see now in Goa and what was done in the past by some of 
our Goan missionaries.

You wrote: <<

[Goanet] Power politics or a joyride this!

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News Service

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Power politics or a joyride this!

MARGAO, JAN 23 - Call it plain power politics or simply taking the people 
for a ride. When PWD Minister, Churchill Alemao finally merged his Save Goa 
Front into the Congress on Wednesday, it was the third time that the Varca 
strongman embraced the national party in his political career spanning over 
two decades.

In fact, the entry and exit from the Congress has been the striking feature 
of Alemao's politics, since he made a mark on the Goan political scene in 
the 1980's.

Though he made his mark in the Legislative Assembly on the Congress banner, 
Alemao was instrumental in dislodging the Congress government headed by 
Pratapsing Rane and also bitterly fought two Assembly elections against the 
national party, only to return back to the Congress fold.

Coincidentally, Alemao's entry into the Congress - on all three occasions - 
came via mergers, be it the now defunct Goa Congress, or the United Goans 
Democratic Party and the Save Goa Front.

The first time when Alemao landed into the Congress was when the leadership 
of the Goa Congress led by Dr Wilfred de Souza merged the regional outfit in 
the national party. He later contested the 1989 polls on the Congress 
ticket, but quit the party within months to dislodge the Rane government.

Out in the wilderness, Alemao took over the mantle of the United Goans 
Democratic Party on the eve of the 1994 Assembly polls and succeeded in 
winning three seats in Congress' stronghold - Salcete.

But, he rejoined the Congress fold before the next Assembly polls in 1999, 
when he overnight tried to merge the UGDP.

Less than a year ago, he again quit the Congress to take over the reins of 
the Save Goa Front, only to merge the regional party back into the Congress 
after nine months.

How does one explain Alemao's politics and his constant changing of sides? 
Says a Constitutional expert and a political analyst Adv Cleofato Coutinho: 
"He is taking the people of Salcete for a ride. In the present situation, it 
is apparent that he has merged the party to safeguard just two things - the 
PWD portfolio and his ministership. From his actions it is clear that he has 
put himself before the party and the State."


Re: [Goanet] Dalits' Plight (Kevin)

2008-01-24 Thread Fr. Ivo da C. Souza

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Dear Kevin,
Let me wish you Happy Birthday! Many happy returns of the day! (This message 
may reach you late today, because our server was not working for some time). 
May God give you whatever you wish! You have been blessed by God with so 
many gifts. On this day you will
understand better the plight of the poor, downtrodden tribals of India (whom
we call Dalits and classify under Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes,
though they are outside the the caste system. They do not belong to any
caste and are regarded as 'outcast'.)

You wrote: <> What would you call fighting for the rights of "Christian
Dalits" who
> knew full well that they were giving up their rights to reserved
> status when they converted (or maybe that was glossed over in their
> catechism classes).
>*The Church is fighting for the rights of the Christian Dalits, precisely 
>because they are downtrodden and poor. The Church is helping them, but she 
>cannot replace the State. Dalits should have reservations, not because they 
>belong to a caste ( in fact, they are outcast), but because they are 
>repressed and poor and cannot compete with the powerful people. These 
>Christian tribals are called Dalits precisely because of their miserable 
>situation and classified by the Government as Scheduled castes/Scheduled 
>Tribes. Why should they not get the same benefits that are given to Hindu, 
>Buddhist and Sikh Dalits? They have not given up their human rights with 
>their conversion to Christianity. Catechism classes should teach them to 
>fight oppression and be liberated from all shackles. They are also children 
>of God.

>> < them the tools to rise on their own merits which will take a few
> generations (and a good christian education ;-) ... Trying to do it
> overnight with special quotas is counter-productive and creates
> tensions with bonafide applicants.  Land is no longer a measure of
> status.
>> subjugated them and took away their land.
>*Their lands were snatched away by the powerful. They cannot rise on their 
>own merits, they are being oppressed by the rich, bold and powerful, they 
>cannot compete with unequal. Can handicapped or disabled people (though 
>called 'mentally challenged' or 'differently abled') compete with the 
>normal people? They need a special treat, separate schools and training 
>centres. Children cannot compete with adults. This may create tension for 
>others, but then let the situation be normalized. This is not 'overnight', 
>it is for the last 60 years that it is being sought for. It should not be 

>> What "freedom" are you referring to? One that exists without
>> opportunity to earn a better living and removes the ability to apply
>> for help in the quest for upward mobility?
>*There is no freedom for them, they are oppressed, upward mobility is 
>impossible in the present situation. Only when the situation is changed, 
>will they be able to earn their livelihood.
> Self help and a secular education (which is now freely available to
> all) is the best route to upward mobility.  Depending on hand-outs and
> special status delays that "freedom".
> *They cannot help themselves, therefore they need the help of the Church 
> and of the Government. Secular education will not give them any 
> upliftment... If the rich and powerful people are seeking admission to the 
> Catholic schools and colleges, why should they not have also Catholic 
> education in the Catholic schools and colleges? They are grateful to the 
> Christian missionaries for the education and integral development that 
> they receive from them.They need special status in their difficult 
> situation. They are not able to use their 'freedom', because they are 
> repressed, suppressed and depressed...
Enjoy your birthday!

[Goanet] History created: Mining with Police protection in Colamb, Sanguem!

2008-01-24 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


This is report MAND received yesterday January 23, 2008. We reproduce this even 
as same situation viz. mining with police protection and police attempsts to 
arrest Colamb villagers continues even on January 24, 2008.

Today January 23, 2008 is historic day in the life of India’s Goa State; 
People’s struggle to defend their land and agriculture has touched historic 
high – Goa police are providing police protection to further mining loot and 
mineral plunder in Sanguem Taluka’s Colamb village.

Quepem Police station has registered over 100 cases against the Colamb 
villagers that participated in historic march to the mine bearing TC No. 
06/1949 belonging to Hiralal Khodidas and operated by Fometos.

Fomentos caused insult to the will of the Colamb villagers and Goa’s Adivasi 
peace loving community by deploying police force in its mine at Colamb, Sanguem 
and resuming the mining operation of open cast mine. Fomentos owned by 
businessmen Avadooth Timblo resumed its mining operation under police force. At 
the same time company filed criminal cases against the villagers for unlawful 
assembly, rioting, threats to cause death and grievous hurt, intention to break 
breach of peace, criminal trespass and abduction.

Today morning police began to swoop down upon the villagers with intention to 
arrest them. Goa’s men in Khaki’s trips to villagers’ houses reminded few of 
the dictatorial Salazar regimes of erstwhile Portuguese colonial State that had 
granted the mining leases including this one before so called Goa liberation of 
1961. There was hardly any resemblance of Goa being free and progressive State 
today in Colamb. In fact it was more like Pakistan under emergency with four 
police jeeps patrolling mining site with over 50 policemen including women in 
police force inhaling dangerous mining dust in exchange for possibly diesel and 
few peanuts from Fomentos. Police were expecting the villagers to confront them 
today and had come with all the necessary preparation after one days rest 
yesterday when mine was kept closed. However it is unnecessary expenditure and 
burden on the State resources to provide such a large number of Police 
personnel for this purpose unless mining company treats Goa Police as its 
private security. Going by the turn of the events so far this is indeed is the 
case that needs urgent attention from Public who pay taxes to the State and 
demand accountability as to why State government is letting this show go on.

Though Police could not arrest any one so far till late night, they did show 
remarkable swiftness in searching the houses of the villagers; three times cops 
made trips to the Peoples’ houses. The police action in this case of acting 
against the citizens of India empowered wilh all the constitutional civil 
liberties and fundamental rights is indeed in sharp contrast to the way same 
Goa police treated the matter of murder through mine collapse of over 5 people 
by the mining company in Tollem, Sanguem in 2006. Police must make it public as 
to how many people has been charged and arrested and tried for murder? Why this 
case was hushed up without a single arrest? Which are the people against whom 
FIR has been registered? Why police are acting lethargic in arresting people in 
this case of Tollem Mine collapse? The answer is simple and straight forward: 
it is precisely because the culprit is the same: Fomento mining company. And of 
coarse we know the old saying ‘One who pays the bagpiper calls the tune’. Why 
is this state of Goa Police?

Mining industry in Goa operates its way with long chain of frauds. Take this 
example of Colamb itself: the chief logic of the police and the mining company 
is that it has got environmental clearance from the Environment ministry in 
Delhi. This clearance is based on the public hearing form this particular 
mining site that was held couple of years ago without any awareness of the same 
amongst public in Colamb and the affected people. And the site of this public 
hearing was over 30 kms away from the mining site, in Margao. This is a fraud 
by which Fomento mining company tricked environment ministry to give 
environmental clearance. It is another matter that Delhi is treating Goa as its 
colony for the exploitation of mineral wealth with scant respect to Peoples’ 
expression even in the mandatory public hearings: the case of Sarvan mining of 
Zantye mining company is the case in focus.

The appeal here is to the individual

Re: [Goanet] Fraudsters on Goanet

2008-01-24 Thread Yogesh Desai

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


My apologies Dr.
It was sarcastic response to Mr. Nair and so called Goanet intellectuals...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of anand virgincar
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:12 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Fraudsters on Goanet


 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Dear Goanetters,
I am sure many of you have by now read highly intellectual message
scripted by the  infinimally "grey matter endowed pen of " Mr R K Nair 
as well as the "follow the leader" style posting from the erstwile Mr
Yogesh Desai.
While I have no personal grudge against these two individuals, I feel 
the need to respond to them as it is clear when going through the 
archives of Goanet that this sort of response appears selectively if 
and when there is any poster with a particular political ideology or
appears even remotely to belong to a particular community.
For the information of Nair-ji and Yogesh-saheb,
My name is Dr Anand Krishna Virgincar
Date of Birth : 17 August 1963 ( registered in Margao,Goa )
My qualifications are MBBS(Goa University ),MD ( Bombay University ),
DNB-Neurology ( New Delhi ),FRCP (United Kingdom )
I am a Consultant Neurophysician and Nerophysiologist, A Honorary
Senior Lecturer with the University of Oxford an a Tutor with 
St Edmund Hall College in Oxford,UK
( You can google Anand Virgincar...if you dont know how to do this 
phone me on the number below... and u should get confirmation)
My current address :
74,Headley way
You can also write to me at :
Shubham Karoti
( My snail mail is scanned and sent to me regularlyand unlike many
NRI's , i visit Goa several times a year...moreover I keep in touch with
happenings in Goa literally by the minute )
You can telephone or text/sms me 24/7 on 0044-7906651522
My email ( in case you do not have the abilities to find it from the 
Goanet site ) is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NOW THAT this minor matter is out of the way, my question to Goanet
moderators is ( particularly in respect to the mail from Mr Nair-ji ) is :
How did you let that mail through ( with your stringent standards )
when :
1)There was a personal unprovoked attack ( including cheaply worded
sexual references about my family name )
2) What has it added to the discussion of the point I was making ?
3)When Goanet moderators ( if they have any Goan-ness about them...
 unlike the Nair's and the Yogesh's) should recognise as the true "Niz
 like Mr J Colaco and Mr Alfred de Tavares did instantaneously that
 is a relatively common name in Goa
4)Why is it ( and we can all look back at the archives ) that this
 about fraudulent ID's appears almost without exception when a posting is in

 opposition to a particular political or social ideology 
mog asundi
( or luv and regards for those who are not "niz goenkars " )
( Dr Anand Virgincar )
Share what Santa brought you

[Goanet] Stop blaming BJP, Mr. Digambar

2008-01-24 Thread Vinay Natekar

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  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Mr. Digambarbab, don't be in a illusion that Goan public is fool to buy
your imaginary stories that "BJP is  trying to come back to power
through the backdoor means"

Instead of blaming BJP for the recent coup attempt Congress Government
by NCP and MGP party MLAs along with Rane Jr. and Monserate.

Accept the fact that latest crisis occurred because of internal dissent
growing in Congress party who are fighting each other like dogs for a
bigger piece of bone as Advani has rightly said.

You better clear the mess within your own party before blaming
opposition for anything they are not responsible for.

It is for the second time in seven months that your own party MLAs  were
involved in the toppling game with your coalition partners and you had
to take help of Speaker and Governor (both of them who are  protectors -
not of  democracy  but the Congress party) to prevent the defeat of your
Government on the floor of the house in undemocratic way, first by
disqualifying rebel MLAs and now by prorogation of house in session.

The Congress party has stooped such a low that some of its MLAs are
accusing their own colleagues of ganging up  with  SEZ promoters.

This mindset of Congress and their cronies display its true face of
greed for higher positions and more powers to amass wealth.

This Government is doubtful if it will complete its full term which is
full of personal animosity and grudge against each other. In this case
where they will have time to work for development of Goa.


Though crisis for Congress Government seems to be over for the time
being with admission of SGF MLAs in Congress and NCP and MGP pledging
support to it. It doesn't assume stability. There is no guarantee of any
sort that this marriage of convenience which is based on greed will work
out permanently. 


The mid-term polls are imminent and Goan voters are likely to show these
fraudsters their real place for cheating them. 

Some of these rascals may manage to win  the assembly elections by
polarizing votes through muscle and money power irrespective of any
party of symbol.


The time has come now that these corrupt blackmailer Congress  thugs
should be made to bite dust in next assembly elections.




[Goanet] NEWS: BJP's 'oust Jamir' campaign soon [GT] ... Law Minister defends Governor's role during crisis [NT]

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News

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BJP's 'oust Jamir' campaign soon

By A Staff Reporter / Gomantak Times

PANJIM: "Jamir - Quit Goa"! That will be the BJP warcry in
the coming days as part of its campaign to oust Governor S C
Jamir. And joining this chorus against the Governor will be a
galaxy of national leaders of the BJP.

They will fan out in all villages of Goa as a part of an
awareness drive planned by the party. This, in turn, is a
part of the 'mass campaign' planned by the entire state unit
of the BJP.

It will also entail the participation of local BJP leaders --
BJP state president Shripad Naik, leader of the Opposition
Manohar Parrikar and party office bearers, who have vowed to
take the 'Oust Jamir' campaign to the grassroot level in the

In the light of the BJP going into an overdrive against
Jamir, Parrikar minced no words while spelling out as to what
lies ahead for the Governor: "The Governor should hold
programmes throughout the state entirely on his own
responsibility." He was addressing a press conference
yesterday at the party headquarters in the city.

A first step in this direction, which the BJP proposes to
take, will be the boycott of the customary tea party hosted
by the Governor on the laws of the Raj Bhavan to commemorate
the Republic Day celebrations.

"The BJP is boycotting the Governor's customary tea party at
the Raj Bhavan and requests all invitees not to go to the Raj
Bhavan. We appeal to the invitees to boycott the tea party
and, if possible, let some of them declare so openly,"
Parrikar remarked.

The 'mass campaign' is slated to commence from February 1 and
will continue at least till February 17, informed the
opposition leader. Based on the response, the party also has
the leeway to extend the campaign beyond Febrary 17.

It has been divided into two parts: programmes at the
panchayat level aimed at creating an awareness about the
Governor's actions vis-a-vis proroguing the House, which will
mark Phase I of this campaign. Meanwhile, a house-to-house
signature drive seeking the ouster of the Governor in a drive
coined 'Jamir - Quit Goa' will form a part and parcel of
Phase II of this campaign.

"We have invited national leaders of our party. The plan is
to hold at least one public programme at the panchayat level
to highlight the murder of democracy and the fraud on the
Constitution by the Governor," said Parrikar while explaining
the thrust behind organising this campaign.

  That the party is still livid and fuming over the
  role of the Governor and the Speaker in the recent
  political logjam to hit the state became amply
  clear when Parrikar repeated hsi changes against
  both these personalities.

These were Parrikar's opening remarks at the press
conference: "We feel that the role in the current crisis of
both, the Speaker and the Governor, who are supposed to
uphold the Constitution of India, have been dubious. If
nothing is done to expose them, Indian democracy will be in

Later, answering questions posed by mediapersons, Parrikar
ruled out the possibility of the BJP exploring legal options
for bringing the Governor to book.

He took support of the Supreme Court judgement in the Bommai
case to point out that the floor of the House was the right
place to prove the majority of any government.

  Reacting sharply to Chief Minister Digambar Kamat's
  accusation that the BJP as responsible for pulling
  down the government in collusion with the rebels,
  Parrikar posed a few questions in response, which
  he wanted Kamat to answer: "Why was the House
  adjourned and later prorogued, why were the Finance
  and Appropriation Bills not passed and why could
  Digambar Kamat not complete the business as
  scheduled before the house?

"My responsibility is to ensure that the government is taken
to task and see that minority governments do not function in
Goa," was his repartee to Kamat's charge.

While the BJP proposes to heat up the political atmosphere
against the Governor in the state, Parrikar said this issue
will also be followed up at the national level thereafter.

Insofar as the Speaker's role is concerned, the Opposition
leader vowed to expose it with ample evidence on the floor of
the House. Party general secretary-cum-spokesperson Govind
Parvatkar and former Tivim MLA Sadanand Shet Tanavade were
also present for the press conference.

* * *

[Goanet] RLAF sends best wishes to Mandd Sobann for "Konkani Nirontori"

2008-01-24 Thread Miguel Braganza

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Konkani, our Mother Tongue, is the spoken language of our spirit in the
Konkan region of India that is the boundariless Aparant. The script issues
bog us down whenever there is script chauvinism. It is not an issue at the
KONKANI NIRONTORI the endless or non-stop singing of Konkani songs to try
and better the 36 hour record set by a South Ameican group. It is a
celebration of Konkani culture through song and music. Let the ghumott be
heard all over the world. Let us join MANDD SOBANN in spirit if we cannot be
at KALANGANN in person. It is a great weekend for the lovers of Konkani. On
REPUBLIC DAY of India we, the people of Konkan, begin a journey into the
future ...based on our past ...of Konkani without end ... KONKANI NIRONTORI

Mog asundi.


I am a part of a small group that is going to Mangalore from Goa to show our
solidarity. Tomazinho Cardoz, Alexyz, Joel are going to be there. So will be
Fr. Pratap Naik sj. Elvis Goes and his troupe are performing for the record.
They are going to be Goa's voice in the chorus for Konkani ...and there is
nothing OFFICIAL about it!!

The Government of Goa has not lent its voice to the cause of Konkani ...just
lip service ;-) and generous grants to Parishads. It has hardly HALF  the
number of Primary Schools in the "Official Language" as the Church-run ABE
does  this when it has about NINE times as many GPS in Marathi medium!

Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 21:56:11 -0500
From: "Wilson Mazarello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] RLAF sends best wishes to Mandd Sobhann


Date:- 23.1.2008

The "Romi Lipi Action Front' , a people's  movement,  sends their best
 wishes and prayers for
success in the Mandd Sobhann's bold attempt to set a new "Guinness  World
Record' for longest singing marathon, by group-singers in Konkani.

The event will take place at Kalaagan Theatre Mangalore beginning 6 am, on
26th January 2008 and is expected to go on, non-stop till 10 pm on 27th
January 2008, which will set a new Guinness World Record and take our
beloved Konkani into the Guinness Book of  World Records.

What a  place of pride that will be for our mother tongue Konkani and for
all Konkani speaking people throughout the world.

We  request all konkani speaking people of the world, in which-ever country
they may be, to fervently pray for the success of this bold attempt by Mandd
Sobhann, Mangalore.

 Let's stand together united ,as one force, for Konkani.

   Wilmix Wilson Mazarello
( Convenor, Romi Lipi Action Front )

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Sesa Goa vaults due to delisting buzz

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News

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Sesa Goa vaults due to delisting buzz
BS Reporter / Mumbai January 23, 2008

Investors bought Sesa Goa on buzz that it was being delisted by
Vedanta group. The stock vaulted by 4.63 per cent to Rs 2617.44 a
share and over 2 lakh shares changed hands on the Bombay Stock

The stock touched a high of Rs 2800 and a low of 2200 a share in a
market that had a free fall. Sesa Goa, an iron ore mining company of
the Vedanta group, is into iron ore mining, beneficiation and exports.
It also manufactures pig iron and metallurgical coke.

[Goanet] Demarcating of HTL for Goa coast complete

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News

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Demarcating of HTL for Goa coast complete

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, Jan 21 The work for demarcating the high tide line (HTL) on
the cadastral survey plans for the entire sea coast of Goa running to
105 km which includes 65 km of sandy beaches has been completed.

The number of complaints of violation of the CRZ Notification, 1991,
as received by the Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) since
its constitution in 1998-99 up to November 30, 2007, have reached 703.

A cadastral map is a map showing the boundaries and ownership of land
parcels. The Minister for Environment, Mr Aleixo Sequeira, in a
written reply said that out of the 703 complaints, so far 116
complaints have been confirmed or the show cause notices dropped.
Those named as violators by the Environment Minister include the
public works department, the Goa State Urban Development Agency,
Kadamba Transport Corporation, a bar/night club at Candolim, hotels in
Benaulim and Uttorda, beach resorts at Sernabatim and Calangute, an
automobile company at Arrossim, and a number of individuals.

In case of 442 complaints, show cause notices have been issued and
matters referred to the deputy collectors/ additional collectors
(revenue authorities) for summery inquiries, Mr Sequeira pointed out.

"The GCZMA has initiated various steps to ensure that CRZ violations
do not take place, with introduction of frequent site inspections,
issuance of show cause notices and initiation of inquiries," he

"Further, immediate inquiries are conducted and the reports send to
the GCZMA to initiate the proceedings as per the law," Mr Sequeira
informed, maintaining that the revenue authorities are keeping a
constant vigil and checking for any CRZ violations in their respective

"Also the coastal village panchayats have been directed to ensure that
no violations take place in their areas and to initiate appropriate
action against the violations noticed," he said. Meanwhile, necessary
steps have also been initiated to demarcate relevant 'no development
zone' (NDZ) for riverbanks in the state. The work of demarcating the
NDZ for rivers is being jointly carried out by the directorate of
settlement and land records (DSLR) and the GCZMA, for which modalities
are being worked out.

Mr Sequeira said that the exercise of demarcating and ground mapping
of the structures in NDZ is expected to be completed within a
time-frame of minimum 10 monsoon free months.

"The DSLR has carried out the entire exercise of demarcating the HTL
for the sea coast with the assistance of the directorate of science,
technology and environment, the GCZMA and the National Institute of
Oceanography," he informed, adding that the work is being done

[Goanet] Goans earn second-highest incomes after Delhiites...

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News

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Per head income: UP, Bihar, MP at bottom
Posted online: Monday , January 21, 2008 at 1938 hrs IST

New Delhi, January 21: Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
continue to be at the bottom of the heap in terms of per head income,
while people in smaller states like Delhi and Goa pocketed highest
average earnings in 2006-07, Assocham said.

Mineral-rich states Jharkhand and Orissa grew at the fastest pace in
terms of per capita income due to increased industrial activity, but
were still far behind the national average of Rs 20,734 in 2006-07,
Assocham said in its study on States' Performance in Per Capita

The study said Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar remained earned
the lowest per capita income with Rs 12,566, Rs 10,637 and Rs 6,610,
respectively as the development plans are yet to take off there. The
per head incomes of these three states grew at the slowest rates of
2.9 per cent, 3.1 per cent and 3.7 per cent in that order, the study

On an average, Delhiites pocketed highest incomes of Rs 49,1172
followed by Goans who earned Rs 47,507 during the year, even though
their per head earnings grew at 6.9 per cent and 6 per cent

Jharkhand, one of the two states witnessing fastest pace of growth in
per capita income, has been receiving investment proposals in steel,
cement and power sectors, and creating employment opportunities. The
state registered a growth of 16.6 per cent in per capita income, which
stood at Rs 14,990 during 2006-07, it said.

Orissa, with a per capita income of Rs 14,795, has seen a rapid rise
of 11.5 per cent in income distribution due to the influx of huge
capital expenditure by big business houses in the core infrastructure
sector of the state.

[Goanet] SEZs in Goa:a broken promise (Prachi Manekar)

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News

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A broken promise

The rule of promissory estoppel can be relaxed in public interest. But
it should be an overriding public interest and not a mere undefined
ground of expediency.

Prachi Manekar

The decision of the Goa Government to scrap SEZs is unreasonable and
an abuse of power vested in the Government. It has cast a shadow on
the future of SEZs, not only those situated in Goa but also in the
northern States which have taken unilateral, populist measures against
the industry's interest.

The Goa Government's move is in complete disregard to the established
principle of promissory estoppel that has been endorsed by the Supreme
Court in numerous cases.

This doctrine is applicable where an entrepreneur alters position
pursuant to or in furtherance of the promise made by a State to grant,
inter alia, exemption from payment of taxes or charges on the basis of
the current tariff.
Promissory estoppel

In Goa, seven SEZs have received formal approvals and three have been
notified. The principle of promissory estoppel is applicable not only
post-notification but even after in-principle approval is granted.

After receipt of in-principle approval, the developer acquires land
and, thus, alters his position, and formal approval is granted only
after the developer is in possession of the requisite land.

Thus, this approval constitutes a promise of the government, as laid
down in the State SEZ policy and Central SEZ Act.

During the approval stage, the developer not only incurs expenditure
on land acquisition but also spends a sizeable sum on feasibility
studies, procuring finances (which for an SEZ are by no means cheap),
consultancy and legal services. Thus, the unilateral move to withdraw
the recommendation and scrap SEZs is against the established doctrine
of promissory estoppel, which forbids the State from going back on its

The Supreme Court first explained and applied this doctrine in the
Anglo Afghan case in 1968. Since then, the doctrine has been endorsed
by it in a number of cases, such as the Hitech Electrothermic and
Hydropower Ltd vs State of Kerala in 2003 and Southern Petrochemical
Industries Co Ltd vs. Electricity Inspector and E.T.I.O. in 2007.

In each of these cases, the Hon'ble Court made it amply clear that
when, on the basis of the representations made by the State or under
its authority, a person has changed his position, this must
necessarily result in preventing the State from going back on its
representations. The Government is not exempt from liability to carry
out the representation made by it as to its future conduct. This rule
can, however, be relaxed in public interest. But it should be an
overriding public interest and not a mere undefined ground of
Opportunity to be heard

The Supreme Court has further clarified that the government cannot be
the judge of its own obligation to the citizen on an ex parte
appraisement of the circumstances in which the obligation has arisen.

Thus, the principle of equity requires that the government should give
each of the 15 SEZs an opportunity to be heard.

An SEZ, as against the popular perception of an exploitation zone
established on land captured by profit-hungry developers, is a risky
and expensive proposition.

It is necessary to reiterate the role of the SEZ as a globally tested
model, which will boost exports and economic growth.

Further, the total area to come under SEZs is only 0.03 per cent of
the area of Goa. A quick glance at the nature of SEZs being set up
will clearly show that the environmental concerns are overplayed.

The protests are largely because of anxiety caused due to the lack of
awareness and provocation by vested interests. The present move of the
Goa government makes political sense but has little economic

Such unilateral moves will have serious repercussions. They affect
India's image amongs foreign investors.

Backtracking on policies sends wrong signals, not only to investors
abroad but also to domestic industrialists, and drastically increases
the uncertainty in doing business.

It is time the government put in place strict controls to prevent the
abuse of power and avoids setting wrong precedents that would mar
India's image as a liberalised country and stifle development.

(The author is a Company Secretary with LIC of India and an SEZ
consultant. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[Goanet] Why Goa does not need SEZs (Matanhy Saldanha)

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News

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Why Goa does not need SEZs

How can 18 SEZs be allowed within the dot-sized Goa? Development has
to be totally based on the needs of the State, with a vision for
growth and not for the sake of so-called development.

Opposing SEZs does not mean protest against industrialisation.

Matahny Saldanha

Laws are made to benefit and serve the largest number of people. These
laws are sometimes good, but if they are bad, inimical to the
interests of the people, we need to change them. Laws are made not to
serve some but the majority. To say that a notified Special Economic
Zones (SEZs) cannot be de-notified is absurd because it is

Goa is a small State, with an area of just 3,704 square km, and a
population of nearly 15 lakh. It has the highest population density of
450 people per square km as against 150 for the all-India average. In
this context, giving away 1,20,770 meters of land from Goa's scarce
land resource for 18 SEZs with no benefits to the State was not
acceptable to Goa 's Movement Against SEZs (GMAS) and the people at
Unemployment problem

The promoters of the SEZs have been arguing that the main reason for
establishing the SEZs in Goa is to generate employment for the locals.
However, Goa's unemployment problem is more imaginary than real. Even
if we accept that 80,000 unemployed are listed on the live register of
the employment exchange, this figure has not been reviewed or updated
for the last 30-40 years and is, therefore, no proof of unemployment
in Goa.

Yet, the government has been approving projects in the name of the
unemployed. Existing industries already employ nearly 80 per cent of
the workers who are migrants from the other States. If the
unemployment problem in Goa was so serious, there would have been no
need for such a migration. The former Chief Minister, Mr Pratap Singh
Rane, who has always operated on an ad hoc basis, had approved 15 SEZs
and welcomed many more, all in the name of unemployment, growth and
development. These approvals were granted on demi-official notes,
without any Cabinet decision and with scant regard for the institution
of democracy.

Anyway, 17 out of 18 SEZs are supposed to generate 9,27,100 jobs. The
question is from where will this workforce come, especially since Goa
just does not have the numbers required, nor does it have such a large
quantum of skilled or unskilled labour.

This obviously means that Goa will witness an influx of 8,47,100
persons from all over the country, perhaps much more as many workers
also bring their families.

How can a small State with the highest population density, already
facing a serious crunch in water supply and electricity, with no space
to dump and dispose of its garbage, sustain such an enormous influx?

Now, consider the infrastructure. Existing roads in Goa are narrow,
with the number of vehicles rising virtually with every passing day.
Imagine the plight of local Goans with lakhs of outside workers
settling down in the region. An influx of this kind is bound to change
the social fabric and the demography of Goa, with serious increases in
crime rates and other social and economic problems.
Demographic imbalance

A demographic imbalance is bound to have serious repercussions on the
tourism industry as it will lead to a drastic change in the social and
cultural environment of the State.

An influx of this kind into Goa will increase the pressure on its
scarce land resources, reduce the greenery and disturb the ecological
balance, thereby denying Goa its unique environment which is
responsible for drawing a large number of tourists to this State,
making it the sixth best tourism destination in the world.

Besides, there is no revenue for the State as SEZs are exempt from all
forms of taxes, and neither the State nor the Centre has any
jurisdiction over the SEZs. How can we allow 18 republics within the
dot-sized Goa? Development has to be totally based on the needs of the
State, with a vision for growth and for the sake of so-called
development. This will only destroy the existing development and
Cancellation of SEZs

Interestingly, it must be noted that the demand for cancellation of
SEZs in Goa came not from any anti-establishment group or
single-minded environmentalists. It came from the grassroots;
practically every gram sabha has demanded the abolition of all the
SEZs in the State, as well as the SEZ policy.


[Goanet] Unique spellings

2008-01-24 Thread Venantius Pinto

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Dear Anil,
Perhaps the visually rarity of the how the name appears in Romi threw
off RK Nair.
But one must indeed know these nuances or ask. This is one uniqueness
of Konknni as she is spelt not just in Romi but also when Goan Hindus
write their names in the Roman script which they emotively may not
consider as being in Romi (slight technicality here) but a general

I presume that anyone other than Niz Goynkars, who relate to Konknni
in Romi, besides its transliteration from the Nagari, or just the
preference to write Hindu names uniquely as Goan Hindus do -- would be
more at home with Veerginkar.
But we Goans must be allowed our extraordinary spellings.


> From: "anil desai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] RKNair, an open letter to Rajan and Fake ID
> Dear Mr Nair,
> You think Virgincar is a non-existent Goan surname, do you?
> You need to get out more.
> Anil Desai

[Goanet] For kind favour of publication: NATIONAL SEMINAR ON MIGRATION

2008-01-24 Thread ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE - MAPUSA - GOA - INDIA - 403507 (TEL: 0832-2262356 WEBSITE: www.xavierscollege-goa.com)

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Dear Sir,

I  will be grateful  if you publish the enclosed in your issue and oblige.
With many thanks and kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Newman Fernandes


 The School of Social Sciences, St. Xavier's College, 
comprising of the Departments of Psychology (undergraduate and 
postgraduate), Sociology, Political Science and Economics, is 
organizing a National Level Seminar on "Migration: Issues, Challenges 
and Implications", on 1st and 2nd April, 2008, in association with 
International Centre Goa, at the International Centre Goa, Dona Paula.

 The Seminar is aimed at sensitising people to the global 
phenomenon of human migration and evolving solutions to emerging 
issues therein.  It is open to research scholars, academicians and 
any person interested in participating.  Participants who wish to 
present papers are requested to contact the Coordinator, Ms. Anudadha 
Kakodkar, St. Xavier's College, Mapusa, Goa on Tel. No.2262356 or 

[Goanet] Another Illegal Construction

2008-01-24 Thread aura melisa

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Rajan Parrikar wrote: Sub. Another illegal construction 
  My remarks: Goa is being destroyed every single day. The shameless (and now 
illegtimate) government of Digambar Kamat has no controls, no supervision, no 
enforcement, no monitoring, nothing! It is a free for all right now. Just 
yesterday the Utt Goenkara folks interceded in the illegal hill cutting going 
on in Curca by one Bhagatsingh Sonaye attached to Goa Medical College (reported 
in today's newspapers such as Tarun Bharat, Herald etc). That violations are 
happening all over is known to those in the highest rungs of power yet they 
look askance, or even collude to help the rich and the powerful. I would like 
to know why, given all this, the GBA Convener Dr Oscar Rebello has issued a 
paean to Digambar Kamat. The same Digambar Kamat and his Congress party who are 
complicit in Goa's ongoing destruction. Now who is going to deal with this 
Batim case? Regards, 
  Is the destruction of Goa every single day for the last 30 years or so, 
Digambar’s master plan ? Successive politicians over these years are 
responsible. Barking and braying for the blood of Dr. Oscar and Digambar will 
only get donkeys and dogs around you ; not results. M. Parrikar and Mathany in 
your warped vision are the genuine custodians of a prosperous Goa. Come on 
Rajan, don’t harp on and play your tune selectively to discredit Digambar and 
Dr. Oscar and exalt Manohar , Mathany and your tainted coterie. You are fooling 
yourself not majority of the Goans.
  John Collaco

 Save all your chat conversations. Find them online.

[Goanet] cemetries_leads

2008-01-24 Thread Venantius Pinto

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  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Goans all,
There is a possibility that I may be in Goa for a few days to
draw/reference photograph cemeteries, cemetery chapels and the
hadancheo banyeo (bone wells). Perhaps even a tomb. Goan cemetreries
are unique in that some cemeteries are inside buildings, enclosed,
some are open, some on slopes, etc. This may be tentative visual piece
with minimal text for HIMAL South Asia.

I would appreciate any leads in the next few days.

Re: [Goanet] . Letter from Diana Pinto on Digu (anil desai)

2008-01-24 Thread Flower2

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Anil Desai wrote:
> Dear Diana,
> Shall we say three cheers to Digu please?
> Firstly, for selflessly ditching BJP and becoming a true congressman
> overnight in 2005,
> Secondly for selflessly sitting at a cabinet meeting that approved all the
> SEZs in GOA,
> Thirdly, for selflessly (and shamelessly) sticking to his chair with the
> help of Governor Jamir come3 hell or high water,
> and lastly,
> for selflessly cancelling SEZ just as Rane cancelled 2011 when he knew the
> game was up,
> How lucky we Goans are to have such a selfless Chief Minister.

Certainly Anil Desai, lets say three cheers to Digu - you can count on my 
support for that.

Three cheers to Digu and half  a cheer to you as the cheerleader.
Diana Pinto


2008-01-24 Thread v. fernandez

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Of late all Mumbai newspapers are carrying ADs about (re)buildings
coming up in Goa.On going through them one realises that the Cos.
involved are 1) from other states, & 2)keen on earning a fast buck
and couldn't care less on whether the environment/ecology is
disturbed. The future (of Goa) looks to be hading for a concrete
jungle,where every sq feet of space will be taken up by
hawkers/slumdwellers/foot-path dwellers, all living in harmony,not
paying any taxes,yet demanding their subsistence from the Goa
govt.(like free food,free electricity,free shacks on demand). Of
course the then govt. will give in to these demands as these will
provde the vote bank who will keep the ministers/officials in
power.This is the price of development, but for whose benifit?( By
the way are local people(goans) really benifitting from all this
development. Where and in whose pocket is the money flowing?
We require more(direct) People involvemnet to stop this Madness in
the name of development.
any comment/suggestion?
Vee Eff.
ps visited goa with family after 4 years and was SHOCKED.


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Re: [Goanet] Congress and NCP set for possible clash ...again !

2008-01-24 Thread ignatius dmello

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  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Dear Dr Arvind

Well said. Even though I am a bit against changing ends. Digu Kaka is a nice 
man. A family man.
A man of principles. Not like Mr Manohar, He Parrikar plays from the outside 
and keeps mum on the inside.


> Dear Goanetters,
> I am genuinely concerned for the "valiant,forthright and amazingly far
> sighted " not to mention "Godly" congress goverment in Goa after
> reviewing the statements made by the CM and the NCP chief with
> respect to the recent political mess ( of course,entirely engineered
> by Manohar Parrikar and the BJP ) 

[Goanet] All India Konkani meet at Ernakulam

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News Service

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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All India Konkani meet at Ernakulam

PANJIM, JAN 23 - The 26th session of the All India Konkani Parishad would be 
held at Ernakulam in Kerala for the fourth time from February 1 to 3.

The 26th session, being organized by Kerala Konkani Academy, would see a 
potpourri of Konkani communities coming on a common platform to delve into 
issues relating to the community. One of the seminars at the parishad will 
be on development of Konkani in the context of globalisation.

Addressing a press conference to brief the media about the session, General 
Secretary AIKP Gokuldas Prabhu said, "Around 1,000 Konkani-speaking people 
from Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala are expected to participate in 
the event."

Prabhu said they were also hoping to have participation from Andhra Pradesh 
and Tamil Nadu. "From Goa, so far 150 have confirmed their participation. 
Out of these 50 are students," he informed.

He said there would be a good participation from Kerala as nearly 5-6 lakh 
Konkani speaking people (out of the total population of 3 crores) were 
residing in the State.

He mentioned that AIKP has made a plea for Rs 15 lakh to the Goa Government 
for conducting the event, which has a budgetary requirement of Rs 25 lakh. 
We are hopeful because last year the Government sanctioned us Rs 12 lakh, he 

Prabhu said the CM has given his consent to inaugurate the event. Rajya 
Sabha MP Shantaram Naik has been elected as the president of the session, he 


[Goanet] Orissa Violence of December 2007

2008-01-24 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


A National Commission for Minorities Team comprising Zoya Hasan
and Dileep Padgaonkar visited the violence-stricken areas in
Orissa and the report from the NCM is now available at

Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] Wow What Patriotic Formula!!

2008-01-24 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


The Formula of New Coordination Committee which will decide on who gets what
is already out...they are up to keeping Gandhi's philosophy alive. 

The New Formula is KHADI

Meaning KHA (you eat) DI (share your part) 

Good formula for Goa...Goans should now be happy with Sonia's magic
touch..what say?

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] An Open Letter To Rajan

2008-01-24 Thread Kamalaksh Chari

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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"Radhakrishnan Nair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

"Dr Anand Virgincar " :-)  Never came across a "Virgincar" in Goa.
Must be another fake id.

Let me hazard a guess. What does that surname means? Someone who loses
his virginity only in the back seat of a car?

I've come across many Chodankars though. Khushwant Singh once wrote in
his "Malice" column after a holiday in Goa that one could not live
anywhere to the north of the Vindhyas with the name "Chodankar" :-)


Well I must say one must be a Goan to identify Goan surnames.
I have heard virgincar surnames many of the times and its not any fake 
Only I can say is Think twice before you pen down your opinion about anyone.
And regarding taking out meaning of virgincar in english is foolish act, as 
it is a Goan surname it has hardly got anything to do with English.
Hope you know that? its a very cheap level of criticizing anyone on their 
surnames. If I step into your shoes I would say better change your name to 
RadhaKrishna Liar.
Anyways congrats for joining the group of posters on goanet who try to label 
"fake" for the posters who doesn't match with their opinions or views.



[Goanet] Open letter to Rajan-to RKN

2008-01-24 Thread Bhandare

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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This particular poster,RKN , has a penchant for such
stupid comments.A quick perusal through the archives
revealed that this person had made unsubstantiated
allegation against Dr Jose insinuating that he (JC)
and bernado colaco are the same person.

I think Jose had threatened to report this  to RKN's
employers and that probably had sufficiently
chastisized him and grought him in line.




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[Goanet] Move over 'blame game' here comes 'number game'

2008-01-24 Thread Philip Thomas

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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We all know about the blame game of Goa. You pretend to want to pin the
blame but end up heaving a collective sigh of "mea culpa". Well the SEZ
imbroglio has thrown up a new game which we tentatively call the number
game.  The Asia Age resorted to it recently and now we have the same thing
in Hindu Business Line.

The trick is to set up a relatively small number (e.g. the area of Goa in sq
kms) and then compare with it what is actually a fraction of that by stating
it in a small unit (hectares) which results in a large number. In Asian Age
3700 sq kms was "nearly gobbled up" by 1000 hectares (10 sq km only!).

This is what we find in HBL:

Now its another matter that seemingly humungous 120,770 (sq) m is a piddling
0.12 sq km! What are these guys (in this case the redoubtable MAS) talking

This game reminds me of the trick some creatures in the natural world play.
When faced with a bigger opponent they puff themselves up to fool the former
into thinking they are too hot to handle! Maybe we can call it the empty
vessel strategy.

[Goanet] Goa's land prices soaring

2008-01-24 Thread Goanet News

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Goa's land prices soaring
13 Jan, 2008, 0213 hrs IST,Ranjeni A Singh & Smitha
Venkateshwaran, TNN

This tiny coastal state attracts lot of investment for
holiday homes both by non-resident Goans (NRGs), NRIs and
domestic buyers mainly from north India. Major builders like
Pune-based Gera Developments, Mumbai's Dynamix Group, Tata
Housing Development Company; Delhi's DLF Group and Parsvnath
are among those investing here. And while a quaint little
cottage set amidst Portuguese décor still remains a
favourite, the current trend is for apartments with modern
amenities like a swimming pool, gymnasium; where maintenance
and security is taken care of.

  "The exposure of Goa is because it has been made
  the permanent venue for IFFI. This has resulted in
  a lot of funds being invested in Goa, not only by
  Indian industries but also foreigners," says Victor
  Albuquerque, CMD, Alcon Victor Real Estate.

Land value in Panjim has doubled in the last one year while
other places across the state have seen a steady 20%
increase. Prices for an apartment in Goa ranges from Rs 20
lakh to Rs 80 lakh. Residential villas cost Rs 75 lakh and

Many developers also provide lucrative options through 'rent
schemes' that allows the place to be hired out to tourist
whilst not in use; giving the owner an average 6% return p.a.

"People look for a hassle-free environment. Besides the
beaches are getting crowded now so people are opting for a
quite place away from the seas", says Dr John Britto
Director, Acron Developers.

Malls might not be very successful in Goa simply because of
the lack of population. "Panjim has a population of only one
lakh. Panjim city is very small as compared to other cities
like Belgaum and Hubli, says Mr Albuquerque.

Presently, Panjim is the most expensive place to acquire
land. The average cost of an area here rose from Rs 25,000
per sq mtr to Rs 35,000 per sq mtr, with prices ranging from
Rs 60, 000 to Rs one lakh per sq mtr in crème locales like
Dona Paula and other water fronts.

Calangute and the northern coastal belt, comes a close with
the average start up price for a property being Rs 25,000/sq
mtr, increasing with proximity to the sea. Flats too cost the
same, prices however, vary based on the location and
builder's reputation.

In south Goa, you'll probably get a better bargain. Prices
here are at least 30% lower than northern coast with start up
rate for a place near Colva beach ranging between Rs 18,000
to Rs 22, 000 per sq mtr. Says Darryl Pereira, CEO, Reira
Group, "the social scene in north Goa is better than in south
Goa and this makes a big difference.

Everyone wants a place in Calangute. "Real estate growth in
north Goa has been cornered by the Russians, Israelis and
north Indians with the sole intention of investment. However,
in south Goa, development is more respectful with high-end
hotels & tourism activities growing substantially. Over 15
hotels are starting operations," Mr Albuquerque says.

Rentals too have risen with prices touching Rs two lakh per
month for a commercial property in Panjim, prices at coastal
belts however depend on the proximity to the sea.

"There is not enough land available in Goa, so prices keep
rising based on the demand. Right now there is no benchmark
for price hikes, it all depends on the market and the urgency
of the customer" says Dattaprasad Kamat, proprietor, Kamat

So what's triggering this real estate boom? "Goa has a
significant high income group that we are targeting and with
salaries soaring land prices will only go up", says Kumar
Gera, MD, Gera Developments, which is developing both
commercial and residential properties in state.

Agrees N P Bajaj, director, Dynamix Group, "Goa has been
considered as an ideal holiday destination, but since last
five years we are seeing people look at investing for a home
her", he said.

Says Dutta Naik, president, Goa Chamber of Housing
Association, "people will keep coming to Goa, but the rooms
available are less. Obviously prices will shoot".

And whilst the state government's plans for an SEZ which
further boosted land prices in Goa now stand scrapped, this
has not had any impact at all on real estate market here.

"Goa is known as a peaceful place, so people buying property
are investing in second homes. For them the sea, tourism
matters and scrapping an industrial project does not make a
difference', adds Kamat.


[Goanet] BJP out to create chaos ...like K-OSS ...through backdoor means. [Navhind Times]

2008-01-24 Thread Miguel Braganza

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


Dear me!

Apolitical is still a bad word for some purr-y cats. Imagine lumping Comrade
Fred with the GBA types?
Na, baba, Na. such things are just NOT done.

The looters come in all shades and colours. We are seeing some of that in
the Aldeia de Goa case, on record and absolutely legally correct. No
contempt of court for them. It is plain and simple contempt of JUSTICE.
Evidence need not be the Truth and Truth is often not good enough to be any
form of evidence. It is for this reason that "law" and "justice" are two
different words ...and hardly ever synonymous.
See how the Legislature plays with the Tenth Schedule ...legally and
unjustly ...for years. There is precious little that the courts can do when
the law is an Ass.

On Goa's clay court it is now "Advantage Aldeia" ...what the Deuce? It has
been happening since 1993 ...and we have had all types of Govenments since
that date with hardly any exceptions. Anyone for a grass court tournament?

Mog asundi.


Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 16:09:37 +0530
From: " Frederick [FN] Noronha *  ??? "
Subject: Re: [Goanet] BJP out to create chaos in Goa ... trying to
   come back   to power through backdoor means: Digambar Kamat

You're right. I feel the need to somehow balance all this pro-BJP
propaganda that Goanet is becoming victim to these days,

 Incidentally, I don't see Goa as a (Manohar) Parrikar-versus-the-rest
battle, It's the looters versus the
rest, and the former come in all shades and (political) colours.  FN

On 23/01/2008, Rajan P. Parrikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gee, is Goanet News an 'apolitical' arm of Goanet?

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] An Open Letter To Rajan

2008-01-24 Thread Agnelo Fernandes

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:


I don't think the Virgincar's of Goa need any introduction. I remember them
to be a business family. I may have even bought some hardware items from
the Panjim outlet.

I may not be that old, but I think a Radhakrishna Naik would be a Goa - Not
a Radhakrishnan Nair.


Agnelo Fernandes


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 17:23:31 +0530
From: "Radhakrishnan Nair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] An Open Letter To Rajan
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

"Dr Anand Virgincar " :-)  Never came across a "Virgincar" in Goa.
Must be another fake id.

Let me hazard a guess. What does that surname means? Someone who loses
his virginity only in the back seat of a car?

I've come across many Chodankars though. Khushwant Singh once wrote in
his "Malice" column after a holiday in Goa that one could not live
anywhere to the north of the Vindhyas with the name "Chodankar" :-)


[Goanet] An Open Letter To Rajan (RKN)

2008-01-24 Thread Vinay Natekar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:



Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Dr Anand Virgincar " :-)  Never came across a "Virgincar" in Goa.

Must be another fake id.


My response:- Do we  need a certificate from  madrassis   subscribing to
Goanet  whether   name "Virgincar"  is  of  a goenkar or bhailo ?


