[Goanet] Welcome to Velsao Beach

2008-05-29 Thread JoeGoaUk
Welcome to Velsao Beach

A video clip

Talking Photos: Pl identify this  beach

at Sunset

Clue: Bat Island also seen in the backgroud



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2008-05-29 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Dear Mr. Editor,
Somewhere a year ago, workers on contract with the Electricity Dept., 
trespassed into my compound and dug a deep hole, presumably to erect an 
electric pole. I had to go the Electricity Dept. and file a written complaint 
to The Jr. Engineer and the Exec. Engineer and also discuss personally in 
respect of the criminal trespass. I had to employ a labourer to fill up the 
hole. A few months back the PWD contractor dug two meters into my property at 
the corner, to make a concrete roadside gutter. I had to spend a day and a half 
to show them the plans, measure the site and confirm that it was trespass into 
my property. Although admitted, the concerned engineer instead of apologising 
had the audacity to tell me that the Government could acquire it and that I 
would get peanuts for it. 
Recently the PWD is constructing a footpath right below the balcony of our more 
than 3 decades old building, to which I have filed objections. Once completed, 
it will seem that I have illegally put up a balcony above the road. Can the 
government Departments trespass into private property and do illegal work? And 
when objected to, harass owners by summoning them to the Department to produce 
valid documents, thereby wasting time and money of the 'aam admi'? Is it not 
the prerequisite of the Department / person undertaking a construction of a 
permanent structure to have his/their documents validated, have NOCs from the 
owners concerned, before being permitted to start a job?  Is this Governance? 
Or is it Kleptocracy or Incompetency?
Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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[Goanet] Can someone post a summary of the Interim Task report?

2008-05-29 Thread Samir Kelekar
Can someone who has read the Interim task report for
the upcoming Regional Plan put a summary out there of
the main points?

It will be much appreciated.



[Goanet] Some transparency

2008-05-29 Thread Miguel Braganza
--- GBA office [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   16th April, 2008.
 Dear Charles,
 You will recall that GBA representatives walked out of the task force meeting 
held on the 14th because of the issue of the news item appearing in the press 
about minutes of meetings were not being circulated to the members of the Task 
force and the accusation against Ms Ritu Prasad that she had leaked out 
information from the Task Force to the Press on this subject. The fact that 
aspersions were cast upon the integrity of a member of the Task Force was most 
unfortunate, in view of the spirit of camaraderie with which the Task Force has 
functioned so far.
 I would like to express the dissatisfaction of the GBA at this unfortunate 
incident and I have been requested to convey this message to the Task Force, 
which I hope will be taken in the right spirit. The GBA has been co-operating 
fully with the Task Force with inputs on various issues, as the endeavour is to 
formulate a model Regional Plan, without harping on the many minor issues and 
irritants which might have cropped up.
 Further, as Convenor of the GBA, which is an organisation representing the 
people, I am required to be transparent about the proceedings and progress of 
the Task Force.  Hence in order to avoid any speculations in the media, and in 
the interest of transparency, it would be advisable for the Task
 Force to circulate minutes of the meetings to the members and address the 
Press regularly.  I really do not see any reason for the inordinate delay in 
circulating minutes of the meeting to the members of the Task Force.
 With regards,
 (Oscar Rebello)
 Arch. Charles Correia,
 Task Force.

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[Goanet] Constitutional Theft of the Powers of Panchayats

2008-05-29 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
Gomantak Times, 28 May 2008

Constitutional Theft of the Powers of Panchayats

Jason Keith Fernandes

The Constitution of India, ladies and gentlemen, has been stolen.
It was stolen perhaps right from the very moment it was adopted,
but being the all-encompassing document that it is, it has been
stolen again. It was stolen on the 13th of May 2008 by the Cabinet
of the Government of Goa, speaking through the Chief Minister and
the Minister for Panchayats when they indicated that “If the rules
and procedures are followed, the panchayats have no right to
revoke the license” of mega-housing and other development projects.

Ever since the embarrassing statement by these members of the
Cabinet displayed their commitment to themselves rather than to
the people, much has been written about the response of the
Government. I would however, like to suggest that while the
position that the Cabinet has taken is appalling, it is certainly
not out of character for the elected governments of the Union of
India. A primary characteristic that has marked these governments
has been that of Constitutional theft.

The term Constitutional theft was introduced to us by the eminent
jurist Upendra Baxi at a conference held on the positions taken by
the Supreme Court in the course of the 1990s. Briefly put,
Constitutional theft is the taking away of the promise of the
Constitution by dominant groups and arms of the State. Now
envision this situation, we have a Constitution that in its
Preamble quite clearly indicates that it is WE, THE PEOPLE OF
sovereignty of the State of India flows therefore from this grand
collective of single individuals who constituted a document of
hope. The Constitution also contained a vision for the realization
of this sovereignty through the establishment of what that old man
who we have all forgotten called 'Gram Swaraj'. This vision was
however aborted in the first act of constitutional theft when it
was replaced with something called the Westminster model of
democracy. Some attempt was made to remedy this situation through
the insertion of the 73rd and 74th amendments. The wrangling
between political elites in the Centre and at the States however,
resulted in a further degradation of the vision for a grass-roots
realization of democracy. Rather that recognize the Gram
Panchayats as constitutional bodies, equal in stature to the
Centre or the State, the political compromise reached to allow
these two amendments saw the creation of bodies that are
effectively puppets of the State. Any powers that the Panchayats
may have are in fact powers that the State has deigned to give
away to the Panchayats (Art. 243 G). The Panchayats effectively
become therefore, creations of the State beholden unto the State
for their very existence. True the Constitution has also provided
for the Constitution of a Finance Commission that will ensure that
Panchayats have adequate funds to meet the costs of fulfilling
their governmental role, true that there is Constitutional
provision for a District Planning Committee that will integrate
the planning development plans for entire districts. Yet this
grand framework still struggles to find root in Indian soil
because of the fundamental fact that I would call an act of
Constitutional theft. That fact is the failure for the Panchayat
to find an independent (though not autonomous) position within the
73rd and 74th amendments.

It is because of this history of Constitutional theft that our
Cabinet can be so brazen. They can be so brazen because they know
they have a point. And yet, as I have sought to point out in an
earlier column, the revolution that is on in Goa is not one that
is based on legality, for legality has clearly failed us, it is
one based on legitimacy. What we are witnessing in Goa through the
drama unfolding in one Gram Sabha after another, is the only
action that will right the Constitutional wrong that has been done
to the people of India. The actions of local people demanding that
they must necessarily have a say in the manner in which their
local environment is altered. These actions are not mere legal
actions, these are sovereign actions, that demand that the law be
re-altered to recognize the centrality of the citizen to the
process of both planning and development.

Mr. Azgaokar is concerned that If projects are closed down
forcefully, there would be no development in Goa. Azgaokar is
using an old and much abused argument, but it doesn’t hold
anymore. The argument was wielded effectively in the 80’s and the
90’s when the voices against central and state development for
elites was being opposed by a smaller groups. Today, it is entire
villages that are standing up to this resumption of their lands
for the creation of private paradises for rootless speculators.
The people seem to be articulating their vision of development Mr.
Azgaokar, it is one where the Quality of Life takes precedence
over the 

[Goanet] Mystifying Myths Still Followed in Contemporary Goa

2008-05-29 Thread Goanet News Service

Mystifying Myths Still Followed in Contemporary Goa

Your baby is just a few days old and is crying incessantly. All your efforts 
to hush the little one are futile. You have read and heard enough to know 
that the culprit is colic. Here is what grandma Mary Fonseca from Chorao has 
to say, Hold a teaspoon of Feni over a candle flame till the alcohol 
smokes, then rub it around the navel of the baby, the pain will disappear 
within minutes.

What are you women frequenting beauty parlours for? Here's what grandma 
Florence Rego from Nuvem has to say, Take some 'malai' from the milk, mix 
'haldi' powder and besan with it to make a paste. Rub it all over your face, 
neck and limbs and see how your skin sparkles. Don't spoil your skin with 
all those drastic chemicals they use at the parlours.

These are just two examples of the many medicinal cures practised by women 
around the state. Out of sheer respect for the elderly you might prevaricate 
and pretend to show interest as you do not believe in the same. Just imagine 
applying a sharp alcohol on your baby's tender skin! That would be the last 
thing you would ever intend doing. Or for that matter, pouring warm oil onto 
your kid's tender eardrums to relieve earache! So, we easily believe that 
these traditional methods are followed only by the credulous village folk.

No! asserts Ms Celina Fernandes, sales support, working for the 
multinational IT company, Ingrammicro India Pvt Ltd. She continues, Most of 
us Goans follow these traditional practices. They do work. We are all living 

A colleague at work insists, My mom religiously gave us 'egg flip', which 
is beaten egg yolk, sugar and honey, every morning when we were kids saying 
that it would strengthen us absolutely and we hardly got any colds.

Ms Fernandes adds to the above, Yes, the 'egg flip' is a Portuguese 
concoction and is called 'masad'. In fact, you can also add it to your 
morning black tea or coffee daily. It is very good for health.

Quiz a handful of the local physicians and they are unanimous in their view, 
There is no hardcore medical evidence to prove that certain stuff like 
curing with Feni works, but some of it is just common sense. Like consuming 
the 'egg flip' which has protein from the egg, and other good stuff from 
honey, tea or coffee. Though, presently it would do good to eat your eggs 
hardboiled due to illnesses like birdflu and others.

But the Goan women continue with their age-old traditional cures that have 
been scrupulously handed down the generations. To conclude on a humourous 
note, look out, your second toe could be longer than your main toe due to 
grandma's massage during your baby days â? yes, it supposedly means that 
you will bully your hubby!


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmiri chillies

2008-05-29 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Jerry
 Re toilets, if Bangalore can do so well, Goa can do
as well surely.
--- Jerry Fernandes said:  
 I have been to Bangalore bus station, and believe me
 the toilet there is as good as star hotels toilet,
 and very clean, and urinals were free.

[Goanet] Goanet] Terminate Dr. Oscar Rebello as Convener of GBA?

2008-05-29 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Rajan,
  You have DIAGNOSED the ailment CORRECTLY [see your text below]. So why are 
you suggesting the WRONG MEDICINE?
  The solution to the DIVISIVE forces is UNITY in the inevitable diversity of 
   [Put three Goans together and one can have two, possibly even three, 
associations of two members each and as many opinions]. 
  The Press Advisor to the Builder-Politician-Mining lobby has taken some 
expert advice and acted swiftly to get the Oscar awards on page 3 of TOI, 
front page of HERALD and Editorial of GT ...all in one night after the real 
Oscar arrived back in Goa! Do you get my message ...or whatever it is called in 
Indian languages [sounds like Sandas and some write it as Sondex' ;-)]. He 
is very, very Prudent.
  Recently, the Times of India published a report [by line of Raju Nayak, who 
had earlier filed a report as the Correspondent of Indian Express Mumbai 
Edition about the all important chai Digu-kaka had at a small teashop at 
Amona on his way back from Musician Wadkar's funeral, soon after Digu-kaka's 
election as the Aam Admi CM] about one Miguel Braganza, President of the 
Botanical Society of Goa [perhaps referring to me, though I am no longer the 
Prez of BSG] criticising Dr. S.P. Singh, Horticultural Scientist of ICAR. It 
was just a coincidence that the BSG and the ICAR were co-organising the Konkan 
Fruit Fest a few days after the report by Raju Nayak in the TOI. It is also a 
coincidence that I have never in my life ever given Raju Nayak an interview or 
a quote ...or even talked to him, in person or on phone, on any subject under 
the sun!
  Raju Nayak, the Editor and the TOI group owe the world an explanation how 
they could list Fernandina, Colaco and Furtado mango varieties as EXTINCT when 
all the three varieties are around and were displayed at the exhibition of KFF 
at more than one stall! None of them have responded to my letter of protest to 
date. It is more that 15 days since I sent them the email.
  So, please read between the lines. Digamber may literally mean naked ...but 
Digu-kaka keeps his tracks well covered! Watch how Babu barks while Digu-Kaka 
is circumspect, If the builders have ALL  the permissions and licences AND 
have obtained them without MANIPULATION or MIS-REPRESENTATION, then the Gram 
Sabhas cannot legally revoke the licences. See how well he words it. Contrast 
that with If the Panchayat withdraws the licences, I will get the Panchayat 
Act amended to allow the Director of Panchayats to direct the Panchayat 
Secretary to issue the licence. as told at a public function in Margao to ... 
hold your breath ...Sarpanchas! [Soter will tell that to you as a personal 
witness to the speech of the Panchayat Samrat.]
  Mog asundi.
  Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 18:47:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Terminate Dr. Oscar Rebello as Convener of GBA
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

The builder lobby and Digu (he of the
valiant, forthright, and amazingly farsighted
fame) will be very happy with Dr. Rebello.
They seek to fragment any united opposition
to their nefarious activities and here we
have the Convener of the GBA giving
them on a platter just what they wish.




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Re: [Goanet] God or no God

2008-05-29 Thread Eugene Correia
Christopher Hitchens is a known atheist and his recent
book, God is Not Great,created the usual noise. I
haven't read the book but a longish review of it and
an interview with him.
The other book that has been a forerunner to Hitchen's
book is The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Together,
these books carry forward Darwin's theory of man's
existence without the intervention of god.
I remember the storm created by Hitchens's earlier
book, The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in
Practice and Theory. I read the book and some of the
stuff was indeed scandalous.
The debate on goanet on the Cardinal's speech has
going in many directions. I feel atheism falls in the
sphere of religion in the sense that it argues that
there is a natural process unlinked to intervention
from an invisible supreme being.
If atheism satisfies one's soul, so be it. If those
who feel that atheism is a negative concept and that
the world in fact goes round in a preordained manner
through the force of a supernatural being, I think
they  should be not challenged for their belief.

Eugene Correia


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 634

2008-05-29 Thread Shanti Dhoot
 Thank you Jerry, for your kind words in verse.

I seem to have a gift, some think it is a curse!

It is nice to be appreciated,

And  I do feel quite elated

But may be it would be easier for me to write in blank verse!

- Shanti Dhoot

Message: 3 of  28 May 2008
From: Jerry Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 634

Hello Shanti,

Goa has lots of hidden artists and one of them is you. You indeed do come
out with limericks on current subject and that is something of a gift you
have which is really worth appreciating.

Praising my village in your latest Limerick made me very happy, and indeed
you are a great composer.

You are gifted with an art of composing
and I as a reader find it very amusing
How you can convey the message
In such a very short passage
And I do pray that you will keep on writing.


Jerry Fernandes

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 19:06:20 -0400
  From: Shanti Dhoot [EMAIL PROTECTED]


We should acclaim the Aldona villagers with a whoop

They have now got together to form a core group

To demonstrate that they wish to reject

From their village a mega housing project

Which they fear will land them all in the soup.

It is a shining example that loudly cries

For emulation as one sorrowfully eyes

Such eyesores rising in other villages too.

Such grassroots reaction is long overdue

To discourage other builders from doing likewise.


Re: [Goanet] Famous Goan Cancer Surgeon Makes a Curious Discovery

2008-05-29 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi George, Santosh, Jose and Gabe
Yes, Dr Vaidya has done us Goans proud. 

On some university business recently, I happened to
visit his university in Dundee and was in that
pleasant small Scottish city for four days. I would
have definitely looked him up if the current info was
available earlier.

I should also like to take this opportunity to comment
on  a post about men in white coats that was
inclined to emphasise alternative medicine rather
strongly and deride scientific medicine. 

Firstly, in general, medical doctors tend not to wear
white coats! That usage seems to have been taken up by
status seeking technicians when working in
hospitals--at least in the UK. Secondly, while
alternative scientifically untested remedies may help
some patients in the short term, they may do more harm
than good because the toxic ingredients sometimes
used, like mercury, do an inordinate degree of damage
to vital human organs. But I will make some allowances
when 'alternative medicine' is used by a properly
qualified doctor. Thirdly, today, I do not believe any
sensible person would use alternative remedies for
cases of say inflamed appendix, breast and other
cancers, blockages in blood supply to the heart etc
even when prompted to do so by the local unqualified
quack and possible medical advice on Goanet! This is
where surgery following scientific procedures is
likely to provide the best, if not always perfect
answers. Therefore, to deride scientific medicine may
be rather short-sighted and send wrong signals to
people in need of proper well-tested medication. Most
certainly I know of one relatively recent case in Goa
where faith in, and application of, a traditionally
ground poultice concoction was used for breast cancer.
It delayed access to proper scientific medication and
sadly killed a young woman in double quick time.  

In brief, although not a medical person, pardon me for
getting a bit weary of the over-emphases from time to
time about alternative untested therapies used by our
grandmothers in the case of our many ills.
Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.

--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Outstanding. Simply outstanding. Congratulations to
 Dr. Vaidya.
 --- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Please read the following and be proud:

[Goanet] Basic if's

2008-05-29 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 12:42:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The flip side to the above is that, IF,??one
hundred?oz. were bought at $280 and?twenty
eight?oz.?at $1,000 ?then the average price would be
$437.50. Once again, this is a big IF i.e.?assuming
that?I was?doing nothing while the?POG went from
$280?to 1,000+.?Gabe knows?that I was actively?trading
gold too and he only gave you the?simplest?scenario?so
that? even you could understand.?

Mario responds:

The flip side to your flip side would be if those who
took your advice and were not as astute as you who had
bought all the way from USD280, bought a ton of gold
at USD1,000 under your expectation that it was going
to USD1,650, and now it's hovering around USD900.

I have no idea what Gabe knew or did not know - the
fact is his simple averaging makes even less sense if
he knew of your active trading.

Mervyn wrote:

Please try and remember that the secret to financial
success is to buy low, sell high? i.e. buy
plenty?when the price is low.?The?clearest signal to
buy gold?came from George Bush when he?started
his?drunken spending?spree,?spending more money than
he was collecting in taxes.?

Mario responds:

Buy plenty when low and sell plenty when high, hanh? 
Wow!  Who would have imagined that that is all it
takes?:-))  I have now made a note so that I never 

That's all we have to do, hanh?  Now everyone on
Goanet can run out and get rich:-))

And here I thought that all it took to get rich was an
incredible piece of luck:-))

The one problem I see in all this is that not everyone
is not as astute as you at reading these obvious
signals, especially the dummies on the other side of
all your trades, who were selling to you low when they
should have held and buying from you high when they
should have held off:-))

By the way, just to correct the record as to how the
US government works, it is the US Congress that is
responsible for federal spending, not just President

Re: [Goanet] Basic info on taxes

2008-05-29 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Mario Goveia wrote:
 If real estate prices are collapsing, just as gold
 prices have done during certain periods in history, a
 shrewd investor with cash or credit buys real estate
 at the lowest price he or she can, or at auction, or
 at foreclosure, and then rents the property, accesses
 the numerous tax benefits from doing so, and holds the
 asset till the prices rebound as they always have in
 the long run.

 The real patriot is the person who is proud to pay taxes.
Good luck with your plan, eh!
Some pointers:
1) Only the inexperienced buy when prices are collapsing. It is just like 
trying to catch a falling knife. More often than not, you will get cut. The 
more experienced will let the knife fall to the floor and then safely pick it 
up when it lies there.
2) It seems such a pity that you need Uncle Sam's tax money to make your plan 
work. With US elections around the corner, and the potential for a balanced 
budget at last, the tax dependency of your plan may not last for too long. 
3) I hope you are around when real estate in the US rust belt stops falling. 
You know as well as I do that the US rust belt will have a reversal of fortune 
only when manufacturing returns to the region. Your biggest hope is that one of 
the big three US car manufacturers i.e. Tonka, 
Match-Box or Hot-Wheels will consider manufacturing in the rust belt. The 
problem with this scenario is that Washington has to provide these 
manufacturers tax incentives before they even consider moving from China. And 
if Washington does provide the big three with tax incentives, it will be at the 
cost of removing tax programs from the little guy.
The real patriot is the person who is proud to pay taxes.

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[Goanet] Tracking Portuguese Goa’s dreaded agen t via cyberspace

2008-05-29 Thread Gabe Menezes
By Frederick Noronha
Panaji, May 29 (IANS) He was a secret service agent who used to
torment freedom fighters when Goa was under Portuguese rule. Now some
crucial missing links on 'Agente Monteiro' have surfaced in
cyberspace. In an unusual series of developments over the past couple
of months, a posting on Goanet (goanet.org) on the man has led to the
unearthing of an interesting, though painful, chapter of history.

Agente Monteiro has long been a dreaded name in Goa because of the
legendary brutality with which he is believed to have acted against
anyone who challenged the colonial state then under Portuguese rule.

Oddly, the posting in cyberspace got noticed by someone in Britain,
who turned out to be the son of Agente Monteiro and was aghast about
the manner in which his father - now believed to be dead - had treated
the people of Goa in his time.

Just a few weeks ago, Roland Francis, a Canada-based Goan, got the
ball rolling accidentally by posting a report about Agente Monteiro,
as reflected in the 1955 Maharashtra Gazette records.

Casimiro Emérito Rosa Teles Jordão Monteiro was an agent of the
dreaded PIDE (Policia International de Defense do Estada), the
colonial Portuguese equivalent of the US CIA or Israel's Mossad.

I have this (awful sick) feeling in the pit of my stomach regarding
this man, Agent Casimero Monteiro. I suspect I have some recollections
of this man and his brother because if he is the same man that I think
he is, it may well have been my father and uncle, said the
Britain-based Goan expat, who stumbled upon the reality decades later.

Shame on me for this, but I have been looking for him and his
whereabouts for some time now, commented his hardly-proud son, now in
his late 50s.

Later confirming that he was indeed his son, the expatriate recalled
that when he was five years old, in 1955, he wondered whatever
happened to my father after we left Goa suddenly for a holiday break
of eight months in 1958 in Lisboa, returning to Goa afterwards but not
seeing him much, then after a while, never again.

Reports available now indicate he was both reviled and revered in the
Goa of Portuguese years, depending on which side of the colonial
divide one was on.

Agente Monteiro was believed to be the actual killer in 1965 of
dissident Portuguese politician General Humberto Delgado and his
Brazilian secretary, who challenged the Portuguese dictator Salazar.

Prominent Indo-Portuguese historian Teotonio R de Souza, based in
Lisbon, cited sources to say Casimiro Monteiro was involved in many
other rightwing global battles.

He participated in the Spanish civil war on the side of Franco, fought
with the Blue Division of Germany against the then USSR, served as
commando of Montgomery against the forces of Rommel, took part in an
assault in London, where he killed an employee of the goldsmithery.

Monteiro was also accused as the police officer responsible for
homicide, extortion, violations in 'Portuguese India', and even for
placing explosives in Goa after Portuguese rule ended.

Following the murder of General Delgado, Agente Monteiro left for
Mozambique, where he joined a brigade that placed bombs in Tanzânia
and decimated Africans supporting pro-independence FRELIMO.

In 1968, he is believed to have prepared a letter-bomb that killed
Eduardo Mondlane, president of FRELIMO. On the eve of the
pro-democracy movement on April 25, 1974, in Portugal, he is believed
to have moved out with his family from Portugal to South Africa, where
he was given refuge till his death.

Of Agente Monteiro, the man claiming to be his son recalls: My father
was Portuguese and not a very nice man to us, not at all nice to our
neighbours or to the Goan population as a whole.

Some on Goanet felt raising such issues was unhelpful. Please do not
raise issues of irrelevance. Casimiro Monteiro is dead and gone,
wrote Bernardo Colaco, based in Macau.

But his son commented: Even if he is indeed 'dead and gone' as you
put it, it would help us enormously to lay our ghosts to rest. If it
is true, then where is he laid, where are his and my paternal
relatives living in Goa or Lisbon?

Agente Monteiro was a tormentor of Goan nationalists. It was an
expected role from someone recruited to harass and create panic among
the nationalists, commented Goan journalist Eugene Correia, based in
Canada and the Gulf.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] God or no God

2008-05-29 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Eugene
 Atheist or theist---I have always said let us respect
the sincere and deeply held beliefs of others.
However, there is no harm in trying to persuade the
'other' in a reasoned and rational way. In the case of
Richard Dawkins, I believe he has alienated some
people unnecessarily through his somewhat arrogant
Oxford presentational style---especially on TV.
However, his content in the God Delusion, even if not
as much in depth as I would have wished, for a
humanist, does make plenty of sense to an increasing

For those who can't get enough on religion, do have a
look at The Jesus Dynasty by James Tabor. It is pretty
fascinating historically and questions much of what is
taken for granted in contemporary Christianity. I hope
it will not be 'banned' (and TV films made of it), in
Goa as was the book and film by Dan Brown: The DA
Vinci Code

I have the tree books mentioned above and read several
reviews of Hitchens and seen him debate issues on TV
but have not yet read the key book referred to above.
--- Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Christopher Hitchens is a known atheist and his
 recent book, God is Not Great,created the usual
noise. I haven't read the book but a longish review of
it and an interview with him.
 The other book that has been a forerunner to
 Hitchen's book is The God Delusion by Richard
Dawkins. Together, these books carry forward Darwin's
theory of man's existence without the intervention of

[Goanet] Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa Memorial Konkani Literary Competition - 2008.

2008-05-29 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com
Fr. Freddy  J. Da Costa Memorial Konkani  Literary  Competition - 2008
Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa Memorial Trust invites entries for its 
  Konkani Literary Competition for the third consecutive year.
  Participants shall be categorized into three Categories:
   (A) Students of Stds. I to VII  :  An  essay of not more than 300 words. 
  (B) Students of Stds. VIII to XII  :  An essay of not more than 450 words.
  (C ) Youths up to the age of 28 years:  A  short story of not more than 1000 
Topic for the entry is left to the discretion of  the participant. 
  The entry shall be written in Konkani in either the Roman or the Devanagari 
The envelope containing the entry together with a passport size photograph, and 
superscribed SAHITYA  SPORDHA shall have to reach the folowing address by 
June 15, 2008:
  Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa Memorial Trust,  F-18/B, Commerce House, Luis Miranda 
Rd, Margao, Goa - 400601, India. 
  For more details contact the secretary  on 9960816598.
  - Forwarded by www.goa-world.com 

Goa's Pride - http://www.goa-world.com - Goeam khatir vavr korta to khoro 
Goemkar punn Konkani boroita ani uloita to niz Goemkar
  Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter is presented by Ulysses Menezes, www.goa-world.com 
and moderated by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994)

[Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

2008-05-29 Thread Satyawan Govekar
Rajanbab has written
Please, Satyawan, cut out this mawkish talk.
We don't need any cult of personalities in the
struggle to reclaim Goa.  Nobody is indispensible,
least of all someone whose only 'contribution'
has been strutting around on TV shows and 
interview panels.

Dear Rajan bab
All your big words like mawkish cannot be understood by simple people like us.  

why are you saying say that Dotor Oscar has contributed nothing. Please do not 
spoil the name of a good person. Oscar bab maybe stupid and foolish to listen 
to enemies of Goa, but you cannot say that he is a cheat. Dotor Oscar has done 
big mistake and if he does not realize his mistake, Goans will not forgive him. 

Goa requires GBA  Dotor Oscar. It is the Margao based D-gang (Digu-Datta and 
dalals) who are wanting to divide the Goans so that they can do their dirty 

Satyamev Jayate

Re: [Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

2008-05-29 Thread fredericknoronha
Just to play devil's advocate, and present another view:

From Rajan Narayan's Stray Thoughts, May 24-30, 2008 (before the contriversy 
below errupted) --


And a few stray observations on the sharp differences that have come up in the 
Goa Bachao Abhiyan. 

I understand that the BJP moles and fellow collaborators of the communal and 
fascist Leader of the Opposition, Manohar Parrikar, are trying to split the GBA.

Ironically, the BJP and RSS moles in the GBA are apparently targeting Patricia 
Pinto who has been virtually running the secretariat of the GBA single-handedly.

They are reportedly accusing her of not safeguarding the interests of the GBA. 
Her main sin of omission and comission, according to Parrikar's moles, is that 
she did not insist on the scrapping of the amendment to the TCP Act which 
excludes central and state government corporations like the Goa Industrial 
Development Corporation (GIDC) and the Infotech Corporation of Goa (ITG) from 
the purview of the proposed Regional Plan 2021.

Apparently Ritu Prasad, who was also representing the GBA at the Task Force, 
has disowned responsibility and joined the chorus against Patricia.

The real target of course of Parrikar's minions and collaborators in the GBA is 
Dr Oscar Rebelo. 

Parrikar's chamchas and those in the GBA who consider themselves the sole 
custodians of Goan identity and culture have not forgiven Dr Oscar Rebelo for 
his statement that outsiders who are committed to Goa are more Goan than Goans 
who have conspired to destroy Goa.

The voices of reaon which have repeatedly pointed out that the rules framed by 
Edgar Rebeiro comprehensively limit the discretionary power conferred by the 
amendment to the TCP Act have fallen on deaf ears.

It is possible that those who are insisting that the GBA should walk out of the 
Task Force have probably not even read the Task Force's interim report which is 
the most radical document that I have ever come across.

Indeed if the government and the CM accept the recommendations in the interim 
report totally, there would be no scope for any mischief not only by the TCP 
minister, but by any of the ministers including the CM. But the tragedy is that 
the CM Digambar Kamat has not yet made any statement about his stand on the 
interim report. I suspect that Digambar Kamat may not even have read the Task 
Force report properly

Sent via BlackBerry® while on the road...

-Original Message-
From: Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 21:28:59 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

To Goanet -

Please, Satyawan, cut out this mawkish talk.
We don't need any cult of personalities in the
struggle to reclaim Goa.  Nobody is indispensible,
least of all someone whose only 'contribution'
has been strutting around on TV shows and 
interview panels.



Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Terminate Dr. Oscar Rebello as Convener of GBA?

2008-05-29 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Miguel Braganza wrote:
 Dear Rajan,
 You have DIAGNOSED the ailment CORRECTLY [see your text below]. So why are 
 suggesting the WRONG MEDICINE?
 The solution to the DIVISIVE forces is UNITY in the inevitable diversity of 

Dear Miguel-bab,

You understand fruit better than I do.  When a 
worm infects a basket of fruit, the thing to do is 
to throw out the bad fruit along with the worm.  
Else you well know what will happen to the 
entire basket.

Hasn't the damage done to the group and the 
cause bad enough?  The fellow has broken 
trust and betrayed the cause.  That is reason 
enough to eject him from the GBA.  You 
want to stick with him just so that the chimera 
of unity is maintained?  What unity are 
you talking about?  Is this facade of unity 
more important than the future of Goa?

I say, throw the fellow out of the GBA.  Your
moral and ethical compass should demand 
no less. 



Re: [Goanet] Goa is a Toilet

2008-05-29 Thread Tony de Sa
Dear Moderators,
Hasn't this thread gone on long enough ad nauseam?
Isn't it time to call it a day on this topic?

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470148
M: +91 9975 162 897
It may be that all games are silly,
But then so are humans
- Robert Lynd

[Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-29 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: 28 May 2008 19:29:30 -
From: Jerry Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just would like to say that inspite of having
toilets on Kadamba bus stop, people still are find
using the open air area, maybe they dont like the
dirty smell there, or maybe they dont want to pay for
the facilities they can do free of cost. 

I have been to Bangalore bus station, and believe me
the toilet there is as good as star hotels toilet, and
very clean, and urinals were free.

Mario responds:

The continued spitting, urinating and defecating in
public that can be seen across India is a national
disgrace, aided and abetted by the failure of the
municipal authorities to provide adequate and clean
public toilets. 

I have seen low income areas in other tropical
countries in Latin America and the Caribbean where the
modest houses or shacks do not have their own toilets,
but everyone uses the many public toilets which are
kept relatively clean.  In India, probably because of
the habits brought by villagers migrating to urban
areas, people have no compunction in urinating and
defecating in public.

While travelling by bus from Mumbai to Pune or Mumbai
to Goa, when the buses stop for a break, even
obviously middle-income Indian men head for the fields
and open spaces rather than line up at the public

The public toilets at the Kadamba Bus Station are far
cleaner than any public toilet I have seen in either
Mumbai or Pune, where the insides are so filthy that
one has no choice but to go on the outside.

I have no idea what the women do in India, especially
those wearing saris.  I'm afraid to ask, but I'm sure
someone will tell us:-)).

Re: [Goanet] Basic info on taxes

2008-05-29 Thread Roland Francis

Knowing the floor price of gold would have taken genius, clairvoyance
and a lot of luck.

Knowing the floor price of real estate would take the same talents.

Since you have made statements that would lead one to conclude you are
possessed of all three, please advise when we could expect the next
market crash and what would be it's floor.

Many thanks,

From: Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Basic info on taxes
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org

Some pointers:
1) Only the inexperienced buy when prices are collapsing. It is just
like trying to catch a falling knife. More often than not, you will
get cut. The more experienced will let the knife fall to the floor and
then safely pick it up when it lies there.

[Goanet] Church seating conventions - an informal survey (Please respond)

2008-05-29 Thread Cecil Pinto
A few days back I attended the requiem mass of a relative at St.
Thomas Church in Aldona. For a change I was early but sat on the very
last pew at the left. A single adult female entered and sat a few rows
ahead of me and instinctively I knew she was not a regular at this
church. If she was she would not have sat where she did.

Let me explain.

Imagine yourself standing at the centre of the Aldona church facing
the altar. On your left and right will be two sets of pews. We shall
call the one on the left North West pews and the one on the right
North East pews. Behind you will be two more sets of pews which I will
call South West pews and South East pews respectively.

Now the very front rows of both the North pews are sometimes occupied
by close family etc during special masses such as funerals, weddings
etc. For the purpose of this study I am referring to conventional
masses and nothing special such as a First Holy Communion or similar

The North West and South West pews are occupied predominantly my males
and occasionally by families and couples but never by a single female
(ie a female attending mass alone)  and hence my earlier observation.
The North East pews are occupied by females only and very rarely by a
male child but almost never by an adult male. The South East pews are
similar but one might sight an adult male as part of a family but not
attending singly.

It is not uncommon to see a couple arriving together and then
separating in the church to go to the male/female section. As a child
I remember these unwritten seating conventions were even more rigidly
adhered to.

I have attended mass in other churches but not enough times to discern
any seating pattern. Do other churches also have such seating
conventions? Are they gender based or on age or any other factoir?
Also I would like to know if churches in other countries also have
evolved any special seating patterns. Also churches of denominations
other than Roman Catholic. Also how did these seating conventions come

I read somewhere that this subtle segregation was made for many
reasons including avoiding distractions (due to proximity of opposite
sexes) as well as due to the harmonics thus achieved in hymn singing.

Of course in some countries there was segregation by skin colour
rather than gender.

My father tells me that in earlier days when there were no pews it was
convention to have the womenfolk seated on the floor in front with the
menfolk standing behind or on the choir/balcony. Some women of the
elite classes used to bring a small wooden stool (bankin) to sit.
Mostly because they wore a dress/skirt rather than a sari. Also
menfolk had to have long sleeves to receive communion and...

But I digress. The purpose of this survey is only to study seating
convention in churches. We will study other aspects such as dress
codes etc later.

I look forward to your inputs.



Re: [Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

2008-05-29 Thread Venantius Pinto
What exactly are you saying. I do not usually get into dissections of text.
But I see something special in your paragraph below so have a few concerns.
I am referring you by both Satyawan Govekar as well as Satyamev Jayate,
since you do not sign your text with you Satyavan, although the root of
those words is the same.
SG: Satyawan Govekar; SJ: Satyamev Jayate
VJP: Venantius J Pinto

SG / SJ: It is very sad that today Dotor bab is not on side of Goa.
VJP: Clarification would have made it clearer as to your awareness behind
what you say above.

SG / SJ: Goans have given you love and trust.
VJP: What are you saying — that Goans gave him love — to suggest and mean
what? Is he otherwise bereft of such human necessity.

SG / SJ : Anyway even if GBA does not fight, people will still fight. But it
will be sad day if Dotor Oscar and GBa is not with us.
VJP: The people would surely expect it of themselves, as well as having
decent leaders.

SG / SJ: Goa is like a patient on hospital bed. Dotor Bab please do not fail
in your duty. Do not let Goa down.
VJP: Unusual analogy. But again it would be decent and prident to state what
Dotor-bab is not doing, or could do more of; or the manner in which he is /
or could be letting Goa, and you, me, as well as, the rest of us down.

SG / SJ: There is Konkani saying that those who take you on their head can
also put you under their feet.
VJP: Give us the Konkani/Konknni. Besides that,w hat you say is very harsh.
Very harsh, it amounts to a threat. They expose ones frustration and
weaknesses particularly to those who can handle such comments.

Venantius J Pinto

 Message: 1
 Date: 29 May 2008 03:18:29 -
 From: Satyawan Govekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

 It is very sad that today Dotor bab is not on side of Goa. Goans have given
 you love and trust. Please do not betray that trust. Please do not let Goa
 and Goans down. Anyway even if GBA does not fight, people will still fight.
 But it will be sad day if Dotor Oscar and GBa is not with us.
 Goa is like a patient on hospital bed. Dotor Bab please do not fail in your
 duty. Do not let Goa down. There is Konkani saying that those who take you
 on their head can also put you under their feet.

 Satyamev Jayate

 whoever is friends with Dotor Oscar please tell him not to do such big
 mistake. All Goa will continue to support him if he is fighting for Goa.
 Please give him this message

[Goanet] Matka Numbers

2008-05-29 Thread Jeetesh.Prabhu
Dear Cecil
Can you provide me lucky nos list for kalyan  Bombay for 29.05.2008 to

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and any printout without reading, distributing or copying them. Thank you.

[Goanet] Can someone post a summary of the Interim Task?

2008-05-29 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Dr. Kelekar,

The entire Interim Report [with annexures] is available in PDF format
at www.savegoa.com

2 a) Incorporates Transparency and People's Participation.

[The GBA had to constantly demand for the minutes of the Task Force
meetings held since 04 October, 2007. They were made available as
bikini minutes ...that hid the essentials of even the presentations
that we made on behalf of various constituents of GBA like the
Bailancho Sad, GOACAN, Botanical Society of Goa, Centre for Panchayati
Raj, Council for Social Justice  Peace, Utth Goenkara and GBA ...only
at the fag end of April,  and that too only up to 26 March, 2008. The
minutes were not issued till the fact that the minutes are not being
circulated reached the newspapers as members of the public and GBA
alike began losing patience. One GBA member was falsely accused of
leaking information to the Press about the non circulation of
minutes for SIX months and a DOZEN meetings! The Convener of GBA, Dr.
Oscar Rebello, sent a written protest letter to the Vice-Chairman,
Arch Charles Correa on 16 April, 2006, to protest his shameful
behaviour with one of the lady members who represented Dr.Oscar while
he attended to his patients. That the Government planned to issue an
Ordinance amending the TCP Act, 1974 was known to the Task Force but
not the public. The Ordinance was issued on 29 February, 2008, and the
Bill was passed unopposed by our dear members of the opposition in
March, 2008, in a jiffy as if it was IFFI. We in the GBA got a copy of
the Bill after it was passed.  That is the transparency! The less said
about the common man's participation in the process, the better. ]

2 c) Synergise the  top-down regional framework .. with the
down-top participatory plans mandated under the  73rd/74th
Constitutional Amendment Act.

[The amount of hungama that has been generated when this point was
raised with the Task Force vide GBA letter bearing Inward No. 462 of
27/5/2008 that was released to the press ...apparently by some
confusion, it is now alleged by some sources ... is proof of what the
Task Force has actually done about INCORPORATING the spirit and the
letter of the 73rd and 74th Amendments in its PROCEDURES thus far.]

1 The TF, though its consultative process, recognises that:
a) The Goa TCP Act '74 needs crucial amendments that restrict Goa
Government from recommending land use changes
[The amendment passed in March, 2008, does just the opposite!]
b) The GTCP has to firmly stress that ODPs/CDPs are an integral part of RPG-21
[Go tell that to the Marines! The PDAs are actually to be converted
into Taluka Planning Bodies. It has also decided about Mopa Airport,
80 metre wide National Highways, Minor Ports and Marinas  under V.
PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE on pages 71 to 76, with a map on page 72 and
under 4.4 SPORTS AND RECREATION on page 70 provided for the 36th
National Games, work on which has been started on MLA Francisco
Silveira's birthday this month at Batim, Goa Velha and Neura.]

The whole INTERIM REPORT reads like an Alister Macleans or James
Hardley Chase triller: it is full of surprises. The euphemism for
surprises that the TF uses is transparency'

Happy reading.

When you are done, write to the Nodal Oficer [Technical] Mr. S.T.
Putturaju, Senior Town Planner, or to Nodal Officer [Admn] Mr. Sanjit
Rodrigues, OSD to the CM and also the current MD of GTDC   at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or post it to the TASK FORCE  on RPG 2021,
Maquineze Palace, Old GMC Complex, Near INOX, Campal, Panaji-Goa, 403
001 ...and hope to hear something, may be they will begin to
acknowledge receipt. That is not something they have done so
far,except if it unavoidable ...like you present a duplicate copy for
endorsement of the Entry/Inward Clerk.

Mog asundi.


Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 22:04:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Samir Kelekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Can someone post a summary of the Interim Task

Can someone who has read the Interim task report for
the upcoming Regional Plan put a summary out there of
the main points?

It will be much appreciated.


Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

2008-05-29 Thread Miguel Braganza

I am the official Minutes Keeper of the GBA ...but that is really
besides the point. I am not writing anything official here.

Xenophobia of the mais papista de que Papa stray Editor, who
reportedly asked his boss for a raise after the KPA agitation a score
years ago, now makes an oblique reference to Ritu Prasad. We all must
bless her name forever for the great work she has done since 03
December, 2006 to date ...inspite of even the Task Force trying to
isolate her ...or, worse, drive a wedge between her and the lady who
works in tandem with her, Patricia Pinto.

Without these two ladies, Patricia and Ritu, WORKING TOGETHER, neither
would the RP 2011 go out, nor can we dream of  PARTICIPATORY PLANNING
for RPG 2021. That, my dears is the sinister aim of all that is
happening these days, starting 28 May evening as far as the press is
concerned. It has been simmering since the Gram Sabhas of April, 2008,
became eye openers across Goa.

Read more about the Mole and the Balchao in Parrikar's Goa in
tomorrow's GT TIMES page A8 this coastal state is really beginning
to process and preserve fish for the rainy season. For the Parrikars
there is Ray fish para, for the Narayan's it is Kingfish 'mole and
for the remaining Goans and pro-Goans there is the Balchao
...naturally! ;-)

Those who do not enjoy fish can feast on the skimpily clad girls in
the newspapers ...and some reports of the alleged split that is now
geting visible ... no not amongst the girls, but in the GBA.

Mog asundi. Jiv hasundi :-)


Patricia and Ritu came together ..from Patricia's house, for the GBA
meeting on 26 May,2008 ...two days after Rajan's report. His power of
observation would no longer pass the Kim's Game. He is no Boy Scout,
either, ...though he likes Brownie points!

Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 13:16:22 +
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

Just to play devil's advocate, and present another view:

From Rajan Narayan's Stray Thoughts, May 24-30, 2008 (before the controversy 
below errupted) --


And a few stray observations on the sharp differences that have come
up in the Goa Bachao Abhiyan.

I understand that the BJP moles and fellow collaborators of the
communal and fascist Leader of the Opposition, Manohar Parrikar, are
trying to split the GBA.

Ironically, the BJP and RSS moles in the GBA are apparently targeting
Patricia Pinto who has been virtually running the secretariat of the
GBA single-handedly.

Apparently Ritu Prasad, who was also representing the GBA at the Task
Force, has disowned responsibility and joined the chorus against

The real target of course of Parrikar's minions and collaborators in
the GBA is Dr Oscar Rebelo.

Parrikar's chamchas and those in the GBA who consider themselves the
sole custodians of Goan identity and culture have not forgiven Dr
Oscar Rebelo for his statement that outsiders who are committed to Goa
are more Goan than Goans who have conspired to destroy Goa.

Indeed, if the government and the CM accept the recommendations in the
interim report totally, there would be no scope for any mischief not
only by the TCP minister, but by any of the ministers including the
CM. But the tragedy is that the CM Digambar Kamat has not yet made any
statement about his stand on the interim report. I suspect that
Digambar Kamat may not even have read the Task Force report

-Original Message-
From: Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 21:28:59
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

To Goanet -

Please, Satyawan, cut out this mawkish talk.
We don't need any cult of personalities in the
struggle to reclaim Goa.  Nobody is indispensible,
least of all someone whose only 'contribution'
has been strutting around on TV shows and
interview panels.




Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Goanet] Basic info on luck

2008-05-29 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Roland Francis wrote:
 Knowing the floor price of gold would have taken genius, clairvoyance
 and a lot of luck.

On the contrary, it was real easy to see the floor for gold. Maybe I can show 
you how it's done. Use any financial website to pull up a chart for the POG 
(price of gold) for the last twenty years. The floor is clearly seen and the 
point where to buy too, is clear. If it is not, pull up the chart for the last 
15 years. This one is much clearer to read. Clairvoyance, IMHO, is the field of 
the blind leading the desperate. This is the first time I have heard someone 
who thinks it is used in investing. Lastly, luck does help and I have lots of 

 Knowing the floor price of real estate would take the same talents.

Knowing the floor price for real estate would require talents The talents are:
1) Patience
2) An ability to read charts
3) Lots of luck
 Since you have made statements that would lead one to conclude you are
 possessed of all three, please advise when we could expect the next
 market crash and what would be it's floor.

Unfortunately, I get this question too often. My standard response is:
If I could look into the future, I would not be looking for stock prices. I 
would be looking for the winning numbers of lotteries.  
Investing is not for everybody. It is especially not for those who have no 
money to risk.
Lastlly, did you have any luck with the search for an ETF that tracks the 
values of US real estate?

Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I 
love money.”

Get a sneak peak at messages with a handy reading pane with All new Yahoo! 
Mail: http://ca.promos.yahoo.com/newmail/overview2/

Re: [Goanet] Can someone post a summary of the Interim Task?

2008-05-29 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Check the report below:

 Can someone who has read the Interim task report for
 the upcoming Regional Plan put a summary out there of
 the main points?

 It will be much appreciated.


Frederick FN Noronha * Independent Journalist
http://fn.goa-india.org * Phone +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Saving Goa with a Camera...

2008-05-29 Thread cedrico dacosta
Saving Goa with a camera...

I guess all those who are actively working to free Goa
from the destructive forces, which also includes the
COMMUNIAL elements out to divide and destruct Goa
should step aside...

Only one man can save Goa and no one else...NO ONE
ELSE...but one foolhardy...

All those on the red goan soil...and outside
it...Goans all over the world and Goans in Goa...be
aware and step aside...only one man can save Goa...

I guess your guess is as good as mine...

Cedric da Costa


[Goanet] 29th too late but 4 was Open. 30th play 2 open and then 7 closed. 31st try an XX but desist if open is 9. I don't do Kalyan!

2008-05-29 Thread Cecil Pinto
Message: 11
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 18:10:51 +0530
Subject: [Goanet] Matka Numbers
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org

Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

Dear Cecil

Can you provide me lucky nos list for kalyan  Bombay for 29.05.2008 to

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intended only to be seen and used by the named addressee(s). If you
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Re: [Goanet] Basic info on taxes

2008-05-29 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 11:40:07 -0400
From: Roland Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Knowing the floor price of gold would have taken
genius, clairvoyance and a lot of luck.

Knowing the floor price of real estate would take the
same talents.

Since you have made statements that would lead one to
conclude you are possessed of all three, please advise
when we could expect the next market crash and what
would be it's floor.

Mario adds:

What I want to know is 

a) whether Mervyn is advising his brothers in arms
who bought gold at USD1,000 based on his advice, to
buy more gold now that it is down below USD900.  If it
was a good deal at USD1,000 isn't it a better deal at
USD900 because the crystal ball says it's going to
USD1,650?  Or, should they wait until the slippery
knife falls even lower?:-))

b) whether Mervyn voluntarily pays additional taxes to
the Canadian government because of all the FREE social
services it provides and because of his belief that
the more taxes one pays the more patriotic one is.

There's a sucker born every minute - Merv...,...um,
P.T. Barnum:-))

[Goanet] Fw: E-Creations.... Creating a Perfect Event...

2008-05-29 Thread Charles Fernandes
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to introduce my owned Event Agencycalled“E-Creations” having 10 
full time staff and a further 15 trained staff who work with us on a part time 
basis. Our office is located in Kuwait- Maidan Hawally 
As an Event management agency , has ranked  gained much popularity in recent 
days for the work it has conducted for its clients.
We provide a full complete event management service, as well as a full event 
communication service. This ranges from working with clients to ensure they are 
using events to best effect to achieve their overall strategic objectives for a 
specific event either Wedding, catering, Sound systems, DJ, Band, floral 
arrangements , video services, decorations and all requirements to a perfect 
finish.(Attached is the flyer for your quick review of our undertakings)
In addition, as a result of our desire to continually innovate, we have 
developed our own event planning systems as an acclaimed tool in managing 
events  to tailor as per your requirements that gives a lasting impression  
good value for your money.
For all your events needs / bookings, please feel free to contact  on the below 
Thanks  best regads.
Charles Fernandes.
Block #: 9
Bldg#: 32
Behind Salmiya 4th ring road –Petrol Station.Haroon Rashid Street.
Maidan Hawally.
Mobile: + 965 6470807.


Re: [Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

2008-05-29 Thread floriano

All Goa will continue to support him if he is fighting for Goa 

Dear Satyawan Govekar.

Since 1961, Goan patriots, past or present, have fougth for GOA. And see 
where Goa has landed. It is apparent that our so called Goan patriots have 
not been fighting for GOA but have been fighting GOANS. Otherwise we 
wouldn't have Vasco as our Dharavi of Mumbai, our hills decimated,  our 
water resources destroyed by the mining lords, our cities decaying thanks to 
our citiy fathers, etc.  Therefore, a time has come for GOANs not to support 
those few who are fighting for GOA and go to sleep, but instead,  let us 
GOANs start fighting for GOA ourselves for once without putting our trust on 
a few Goa's Saviors to Save GOA.  I am saying it again. Goa Su-Raj Party had 
forwarded a bulky report  to the Task Force. It never got called for the 
hearing. This is an insult and cannot be corrected by including a few of our 
points into the so called interim report.

RP-2021 must be framed with care and over a comfortable period of time. It 
cannot be notified as planned by end of June, 2008.

WE OBJECT - Task Force or no Task Force.

We also fully support Rajan when he says that no one is indispensable.


- Original Message - 
From: Satyawan Govekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 8:48 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Dotor Oscar do not let Goa down

Goans are really very proud of Dotor Oscar bab and the Goa Bachao Andolan. 
Yesterday we were very happy to see that the GBA is refusing to become a 
tamed cat and decided to roar like a tiger against the Task Force. But in 
todays Times of India Dotor bab is singing new tune saying that he is 
thinking that Report of Task Force is very good and correct. which means he 
is opposing what GBA is saying yesterday. Is there a split in GBA?
Goans might be not having knowledge to understand what is in Report, but we 
are understanding that deadline of 30 June for Regional plan means 
Government is trying to cheat. This Government is saying and doing all wrong 
things by doing change in TCP ACT. They are speaking against rights of 
villagers to defend their village.
It is very sad that today Dotor bab is not on side of Goa. Goans have given 
you love and trust. Please do not betray that trust. Please do not let Goa 
and Goans down. Anyway even if GBA does not fight, people will still fight. 
But it will be sad day if Dotor Oscar and GBa is not with us.
Goa is like a patient on hospital bed. Dotor Bab please do not fail in your 
duty. Do not let Goa down. There is Konkani saying that those who take you 
on their head can also put you under their feet.

Satyamev Jayate

whoever is friends with Dotor Oscar please tell him not to do such big 
mistake. All Goa will continue to support him if he is fighting for Goa. 
Please give him this message 

[Goanet] Three wine recipes: from a book by Edwin Saldanha ...

2008-05-29 Thread Goanet Reader

Wine is the fermented, pure, poetic essence of mother nature. Wine is
revered in religious rituals. Secrets of successful wine making, a very
ancient art, are closely guarded by many cultures.

However, this book, for the first time in India, exposes these secrets to
amateurs through Eddy Saldanha's time-tested recipes. Home-made wine of Goa
imbibe the knowledge of eastern and western traditions. Eddy's user-friendly
instructions lead your way to successful wine-making at home, using simple

*Successful Goan Home Wines*, by Edwin Saldanha (a former teacher of St
Britto's and Scoutmaster, who died a couple of years ago) is published by
Rajhauns Vitrans (1 Meenakshi Bldg, Dr Wolfango da Silva Marg, Panjim 403001
Ph 2220320 or 2232177 [EMAIL PROTECTED])


Here's one apple wine. You will love it.

You will need:

2 lemons
10 gms yeast
2 gms KMS (potassium metabisulphite)
4 kgs apples, any cheaper type will do
2 kgs sugar
6 litres boiling water
250 gms raisins, chopped

METHOD: Chop the apples with the skin after washing them. Boil for 15
minutes with thinly peeled rind of lemons. Strain the liquor over the sugar.
Stir well and cover. When the liquor is lukewarm, add the activated yeast.
Add the strained juice of lemons, cover and leave for 24 hours. Next day,
pour into a large jar and stand in a warm place for about seven days. When
the fermentation has ceased, put the raisins in a clean dry storage jar.
Siphon the wine over the raisins. Leave it for maturing for four months.
Rack and bottle after adding the 2 gms of KMS.


This wine can be made sweet or dry.

You will need:

1.5 kg bananas, about six large ones.
4 gms KMS (potassium metabisulphite)
1 kg sugar for dry, or 1.5 kg for sweet wine
250 ml freshly made strong tea
Strained juice of two lemons or three gms citric acid
100 gms yeast
Five litres water

METHOD: Boil the bananas in two litres of water and mash them. When boiling
add 1/2 of the sugar. When lukewarm, add two gms KMS, tea and the lemon
juice. Do the pulp fermentation in a bucket. After four days strain the
mixture through a cloth in to a fermentation jar. Add the remaining sugar,
stir and add the yeast. Add the remaining water, boiled and slightly warm
(lukewarm) and stir. Keep for fermentation for 21 days or unitl bubbling has

Rack three times and bottle after three months. Mature for at least six

Don't forget to add 2 gms KMS after each racking.


These semi-wild fruits are available in plenty. If you or your neighbour has
a binda tree, collect the fruit previously fallen on the ground. You may add
this to those shaken down from the tree. Use only the ripe fruit and discard
the over-ripe and red inside.

You will need:
4 kgs bhinda shells
3 kgs sugar
400 gms wheat
10 gms or 3 teaspoons yeast
4 gms KMS
6 litres boiling water
2 t.s. tea leaves

METHOD: Remove the seeds, after cutting open the fruit. Keep the red shells
with some white pulp. Throw away the seeds. Pour boilding water over it and
add 2 gms KMS. Keep for 24 hours. Strain the juice in to the fermentation
jar. Add 1 1/2 kg sugar, wheat, just washed but not crushed, tea leaves and
yeast. Keep for eight days to ferment. On the 9th day, add the remainign 1
1/2 kg sugar. Let it ferment for anotehr 10 days. All this time, keep on
stirring every alternate day.

After 21 days, siphon the clear wine leaving the solids which are to be
discarded. Rack after 48 hours and bottle after adding two gms KMS.

[NOTE ON RACKING: Wine could be entirely lacking in vinosity and would
develop off flavours if it was not periodically separated from its deposits.
This is called racking.

Racking is best done with a siphon, when fermentation has stopped i.e. after
about 21 to 24 days, may be sometimes earlier or later, depending on when
the fermentation has stopped.

After sedimentation, keep the wine to settle for 48 hous, and the first
racking is done. If the wine is clear, add KMS and bottle.

But if not clear, leave the wine in the jar for three weeks more, by tims
time it will be clear. If still not clear, the wine may be kept for three
months before racking. Even three rackings are not too many before bottling.
Racking helps to ensure that the wine will be in sound condition before
maturing. Every time you rack, add sufficient quantity of KMS.

Do not keep the fermented wine too long withou tracking, or else the wine
will be turbid, or it may even spoil. This turbidity is almost impossible to

It is unwise to rack an actively fermenting wine. The sediment in the
fermentation jar consists of fruit pulp and dead yeast. This must be removed
before it putrifies and taints the young wine.]


[Goanet] The Goan Overseas Association -TORONTO , CANADA is pleased to launch CareerLINK

2008-05-29 Thread renebarreto

Friends - please  share this post with GOANS wherever they may be.




The Goan Overseas Association is pleased to launch CareerLINK, a career 
resource page dedicated
to providing the Goan community with access to information and resources 
related to job search 
and career development. Some of the exciting sections in CareerLINK include:

* “Secrets of Success – Mentor Profiles” from out LINKED 2007 Career 
Networking Event

* Career Articles – suitable for job seekers, students, career 
changers, New Canadians or 
* anyone interested in developing their career (posted monthly)

* Career QA – ask questions and find answers to general career-related 
* Job Postings – available job opportunities with various companies
New sections will be coming soon, so please stay tuned! 

If you have a career-related question, please send your question to [EMAIL 
 (** PLEASE NOTE: depending on the volume of questions, we may not be able to 
respond to all 
questions submitted – please check other sections of CareerLINK for further 
information and 
resources that may be available to you).

If you are an employer, or work for a company, that would like to advertise job 
with your company or organization, please visit the Job Postings section (on 
the main website) 
to submit your opportunity for posting.  This is a free service.

Visit our website atwww.goatoronto.comto access CareerLINK.


Lydia Fernandes, 
Career  Education Coordinator - G.O.A.


rene barreto


[Goanet] Bernie d Souza/AE/ABNAMRO/NL is out of the office.

2008-05-29 Thread bernie . d . souza

I will be out of the office starting  05/29/2008 and will not return until

In case of any urgent  requirements or  queries  you may  send an E-mail to

Best Regards
Bernie D'Souza

This message (including any attachments) is confidential and may be
privileged. If you have received it by mistake please notify the sender by
return e-mail and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorised
use or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is strictly
prohibited. Please note that e-mails are susceptible to change. ABN AMRO
Bank N.V, which has its seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and is
registered in the Commercial Register under number 33002587, including its
group companies, shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete
transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any
delay in its receipt or damage to your system. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (or its
group companies) does not guarantee that the integrity of this
communication has been maintained nor that this communication is free of
viruses, interceptions or interference.

Re: [Goanet] God or no God

2008-05-29 Thread Santosh Helekar
Mario Goveia wrote:

Einstein's utter humility about the unattainable
secrets of the harmony of the cosmos, his belief in a
God that reveals himself in the lawful harmony of all
that exists, and his humble recognition that there
domains where scientific knowledge has not yet been
able to set foot, clearly separates him from agenda
driven atheists like Santosh, who nevertheless seek
speak for Einstein.

The gratuitous insinuation above that scientists like
me do not recognize that there are domains where
scientific knowledge has not yet been able to set
foot is utterly false. Every scientist that I know
and have ever known, myself included, is motivated to
engage in scientific research precisely because we
firmly believe that most things about the natural
world are not yet known. 

Also, the acknowledgment above that Einstein believed
in a natural God also belies the poster's repeated
claims that Einstein was an atheist. For example,
please see the quote below:

Mario Goveia wrote:

While the theory of intelligent design may not be
entirely scientific, neither can the hand of a
supernatural being guiding evolution be disproved. 
fact, even an atheist scientist like Einstein seems
humbly acknowledge this while separating himself from
most atheists who he apparently sees as arrogant.

The above statement is also quite obviously misleading
for other reasons. What Einstein meant regarding the
non-falsifiable and unscientific nature of
supernatural interference can be gleaned from his
entire quote on this point. Here it is again:

To be sure, the doctrine of a personal God
interfering with the natural events could never be
refuted, in the real sense, by science, for this
doctrine can always take refuge in those domains in
which scientific knowledge has not yet been able to
set foot. But I am persuaded that such behaviour on
the part of the representatives of religion would not
only be unworthy but also fatal. For a doctrine which
is able to maintain itself not in clear light but only
in the dark, will of necessity lose its effect on
mankind, with incalculable harm to human progress...

..A. Einstein

That, as a scientist, Einstein himself did not believe
in supernatural causation or interference in natural
events is clear from his following quote, in addition
to those I had provided earlier:

The main source of the present-day conflicts between
the spheres of religion and of science lies in this
concept of a personal God. Scientists aim to uncover
the immutable laws that govern reality, and in doing
so they must reject the notion that divine will, or
for that matter human will, plays a role that would
violate this cosmic causality.

..A. Einstein

Einstein also said that he did not believe in a
supernatural God who could meddle at whim in the
events of his creation or in the lives of his
creatures, but that he believed in the metaphorical
divinity of natural order, like Spinoza.



Re: [Goanet] Goencho mando./Goemchem Git

2008-05-29 Thread Edward Verdes

I have some collections of Traditional Songs - Mandos, Dulpod, Dekhnis, 
Ovis/Zotis etc and I too would be interested

to see the version of TSKK.

I also have with me late Rev Dr. Lourdino Barretos Book - Goemchem Git, part 
1  2 which has lyrics

of Mandos, Dulpods and Deknis in Romi and also the music cords.
This book provided me the answer to the question..Who is the original writer 
or singer of the traditional Konkani songs?
As Dr. Barreto puts it, in his own words...Him gitam haddop- hem zaitem 
kam, tim kednanch borounk nant punn eke than dusrea thonddant, gait ail'lim 
which roughly translated means...these songs were brought by many 
people...it was the
work of many goans and these songs were never written but sung from one 
mouth to another...

meaning one sung them as they heard and in course of time changed the words.

I have been working in compiling these Traditional songs for a few years 
now, and
these will be in two versions...1. as heard on CD's/MP3 and 2nd as per the 
book n notes
Besides the Traditional Mandos, dulpods, my compilation of lyrics also has 
new Mandos sung
by various artists, + 70 songs of Alfred n Rita Rose, 30 songs of Lorna and 
around 60 songs of famous tiatrists.
I am still working on word/pdf file and I will share these songs with 
Goemkars on request.

and this is for my maim bhas...KONKANI

Dev borem Korum...long live konkani
Edward Verdes

Riza's attending a summer camp at the TSKK (Thomas Stevens Konknni
Kendr) at Alto Porvorim these days, and she passed on to me a sheet of
traditional mandos. Kai Borelo Komblo. Amnni Gumnni. Undir Mana.
Moddganvam Thoveager. Monte Sokolu.  Hanv Saiba Poltoddi Voitam. And
even Ulhas Buyao's (if I got it right) Chan'neache Rati (On A Silvery
Moonlit Night).

If anyone from the TSKK is reading this, as is probable, please share
the lyrics of these traditional songs. Plain-text, no formatting.
Thanks! FN


2008-05-29 Thread Shanti Dhoot

A definitive book on the life and work of Mario Miranda was overdue,

It will hopefully provide a comprehensive and unique overview

Of his versatility and skill,

And the wishes of his fans fulfill –

To those who have worked on this project, let's just say: Thank you.

-  Shanti Dhoot


 Message: 12 of Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 621; 25 May 2008
From: Goanet News [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Pin-ups replacing cartoons: Mario Miranda (Navhind Times)

cartoons: Mario Miranda

PANAJI -- The celebrated Goan cartoonist, Mario de Miranda on Saturday
observed that Goa has stopped producing cartoonists of high calibre as
the cartoons in newspapers have been replaced by pin-ups.

The 284-page book being published by Architecture Autonomous, will be
released during a special function, in the city, on July 19.

Gerard de Cunha, who has been working on the project, in the
introduction to the book says, I was ecstatic with the 25 volumes of
material I collected, but was completely lost in the vastness of
Mario's world, incapable of making a choice or organising the book.
This period lasted four months and then in a three-week frenzy, I
managed to put it all together.

The book includes 800 drawings, encompassing all his major phases,
writings by and on him and also the objets d'art that have been
spawned by his work, he adds.

The book includes Mario's short biography by the internationally
acclaimed writer, Manohar Malgaonkar, Tomorrow is another day, by
Vinod Mehta and a write-up on Mario by Nissim Ezekiel, besides
articles titled Death of a friend and Cartoons - American style by
Mario himself.



2008-05-29 Thread airesrod
With ‘political compulsions’ the basis of Digambar Kamat’s government, Goa is 
definitely in for a spell of political uncertainty. With everyone clamouring 
for Ministerial berths and all eyeing exclusively for plum lucrative 
portfolios, it only confirms that these MLAs have not embarked on a mission to 
serve the people but to help themselves and make the best while it lasts.
After dishing out all posts and positions, Digambar Kamat would have to get 
down to attending some of the serious issues confronting Goa and Goans.
We need to have Goa’s planned development with an environmental vision by first 
improving Goa's crumbling basic infrastructure while tackling serious issues 
like garbage and vehicle parking in cities on a top priority.
So much needs to be done but with Sonia Gandhi and the High Commandnbsp; 
virtually deciding Goa Chief Minister’s agenda, it isnbsp; also a very 
exorbitant added burden to the tax payers of Goa with the CM and his squabbling 
Ministers constant air-dashing to Delhi.
Aires Rodrigues

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-29 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Mario Goveia  wrote:

[1] The continued spitting, urinating and defecating in public that
can be seen across India is a national disgrace, aided and abetted by
the failure of the municipal authorities to provide adequate and clean
public toilets.

[2] I have seen low income areas in other tropical countries in Latin
America and the Caribbean where the modest houses or shacks do not
have their own toilets, but everyone uses the many public toilets
which are kept relatively clean.

[3] In India, probably because of the habits brought by villagers
migrating to urban areas, people have no compunction in urinating and
defecating in public.

[4] I have no idea what the women do in India, especially those
wearing saris.  I'm afraid to ask, but I'm sure someone will tell


jc's response:

Excellent posting.

addendum 1: Even if the 'municipal authorities provide adequate and
clean public toilets', I cannot envisage that the paan-spitters NOT
spitting the red stuff on the walls of buildings and on the
foot-paths. At most they would also spit all over the public toilets
and continue spitting on the walls.

addendum 2: The evidence of spitting started appearing on Goan walls
and of defecation on Goan beaches started appearing only after 1965.

BUT, If one is to believe some arm-chair planners who do not have a
clue of the magnitude of the problem, the answer apparently is to
place Port-a-loos all over the place. So, tourists can visit churches,
temples and Portaloos!

re [4] supra:  One surely has heard of Don't ask, Don't Tell (:-)


[Goanet] Welcome to Bogmalo Beach

2008-05-29 Thread JoeGoaUk
Video clip


facing the beach/sea
to your right

to your left

infront of you

Clue: bat island is seen again

Bonus (Indian Mermaid seen buried in the sand/shore)

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

Re: [Goanet] Basic info on voluntary taxes

2008-05-29 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Mario Goveia wrote:
 What I want to know is 
 a) whether Mervyn is advising his brothers in arms
 who bought gold at USD1,000 based on his advice, to
 buy more gold now that it is down below USD900.  If it
 was a good deal at USD1,000 isn't it a better deal at
 USD900 because the crystal ball says it's going to
 USD1,650?  Or, should they wait until the slippery
 knife falls even lower?:-))


Mario :-)
I need to know where you got the info that I told anyone to buy gold at $1,000. 
Can you send me the link to the website or post? 

 b) whether Mervyn voluntarily pays additional taxes to
 the Canadian government because of all the FREE social
 services it provides and because of his belief that
 the more taxes one pays the more patriotic one is.
I called both my tax accountants. 
The US tax accountant said that the very first box he clicked in preparing my 
tax return was one consenting to a voluntary tax to cover the cost of US 
elections. The Canadian tax accountant told me that there were no voluntary 
taxes in Canada as the govt was running its budget at a surplus. 
Let me put this in words even you can understand. In Canada, the majority of 
people who are in good health pay for the medical expenses of the few who have 
health problems. Those in the prime of their lives, pay for the health care 
that the elderly need. Even after doing so, the govt runs its budget at a 
surplus. I believe the current US administration is the only one in the G8 that 
has to go begging people to keep on buying its bonds. The the govt then spends 
this money, like drunken sailors, on a war that has been declared by Georgie 
Bush as, Mission accomplished..
Lastly, I must admit that I really admire your dependence on milking the 
tax system in order to make your real estate gamble work. Very, very patriotic 
of you.
Idiots are always in favour of inequality of income (their only chance of 
eminence), and the really great in favour of equality.
- George Bernard Shaw -

Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot 
with the All-new Yahoo! Mail.  Click on Options in Mail and switch to New Mail 
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[Goanet] Governor, CM greet Goans on Statehood Day

2008-05-29 Thread Goanet News Service

Governor, CM greet Goans on Statehood Day

PANAJI - The Governor, Mr S C Jamir and the Chief Minister, Mr Digambar 
Kamat greeted Goans on Statehood Day that will be observed on Friday.

Mr Jamir appealed to Goans to extend their whole-hearted co-operation and 
unflinching support in maintaining peace, tranquility and communal unity and 
social amity, as well political stability, so that the state can achieve 
greater progress, prosperity and renewed glory, while the Chief Minister 
said that on this day he took the opportunity to reiterate the government's 
determination to work for the upliftment of the common man and to provide 
transparent, efficient and good governance to the people of Goa and appealed 
to the people to extend their whole hearted support and cooperation to the 
government in achieving further socio-economic development.

Mr Jamir said that May 30 is an epoch-making date for it was on this day in 
the year 1987 that the Union Territory Goa, attained a full-fledged 
statehood, due to the efforts of the people. He said this is a day which 
calls for intense introspection and objective retrospection on the gains of 
the past, the challenges of the present and the opportunities in the future 
and this day is most opportune occasion for people to re-dedicate themselves 
to making Goa a truly developed state in every respect.

The Governor also said that a vitally important and eminently essential 
factor is the political stability and principled polity adding, I would 
like to reiterate, as I have been emphasizing in the past, that the people 
of Goa should have a fresh and in-depth assessment of the prevailing 
political scenario in the state and, once again, prove their political 
maturity and traditional wisdom by contributing their might in facilitating 
and promoting political stability, which I am sure, would greatly facilitate 
accelerated socio-economic progress.

The Chief Minister in his statement has said that his government has brought 
a distinct identity to Goa and at the same time cast greater responsibility 
on the people to supplement the efforts of the government in the process of 
development and achieve all round growth of progress.

The Chief Minister said that Goa has made spectacular progress in almost all 
areas of human endeavour after its liberation and particularly after 


[Goanet] Vandana Shiva: Why We Face Both Food and Water Crises

2008-05-29 Thread Venantius Pinto
Vandana Shiva: Why We Face Both Food and Water Crises
*By **Maria Armoudian* http://www.alternet.org/authors/9433/* and **Ankine
Aghassian* http://www.alternet.org/authors/9434/*,
*. Posted **May 15,


[Goanet] Are Goan Catholic women second class?

2008-05-29 Thread George Pinto
Vatican to excommunicate women priests - 


[Goanet] Daily Quote #38

2008-05-29 Thread Francis Rodrigues



Forget about Goo-jjars, in Goa we have casteism even in
essay competitions and beauty contests! Look at these Kenys
and Kinis - what nonsense is this Miss B. Kini contest!!

Mickkey P - Minister for Tailoring and Beauty Context.

BUCHENWALD: Ecological atrocities in extinct Goa, circa 2008.

To report atrocities, violations, illegalities:
Call: 832-2428482
Cell: 9822153280/9422063195


[Goanet] Saving Goa with a Camera...

2008-05-29 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
Dear Cedric da Costa,

I dont know who you are or what you do, but you have hit the nail of the
bang on the head! you are genius! It could not have been put better!

Indeed, a communal division of Goa, and a creation of a Goa based on ethnic
strife is as dangerous as a Goa held to ransom by builders lobbies et al.

Thank you for putting the issue back in focus and showing us that the enemy
has wonderful ways of disguising himself.

many thanks...


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 11:34:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Saving Goa with a Camera...
Saving Goa with a camera...

I guess all those who are actively working to free Goa
from the destructive forces, which also includes the
COMMUNIAL elements out to divide and destruct Goa
should step aside...

All those on the red goan soil...and outside
it...Goans all over the world and Goans in Goa...be
aware and step aside...only one man can save Goa...

I guess your guess is as good as mine...

Cedric da Costa