[Goanet] BBC NEWS | South Asia | One man, one vote in Indian forest

2009-04-21 Thread Ruby Goes


Long live Democracy!

Re: [Goanet] RIP Goa?

2009-04-21 Thread floriano

"""  When you loose Hope, you stop living!"""

I second the above.
Well said Doc.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:17 PM
Subject: [Goanet] RIP Goa?

Dear Goanet readers

i am an Optimist and always live in hope which keeps all of us going. 
Goa is still alive and kicking and we do not need an eulogyas yet. life 
is depressing enough at the moment in Goa, But Goans have survived 
through such ordeals.

We need people to come out with solutions to save whatever is left of 
Goa. It might not be the same good old Goa, but we can make it the best 
state in India

When you loose Hope, you stop living!


[Goanet] Daily Grook #383

2009-04-21 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

indian tribes back then
having trouble surviving,
made their medicine men
keep fit by exorcising!

puns & word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!

Internet Explorer 8 helps keep your personal info safe.

Re: [Goanet] Chicken - soup

2009-04-21 Thread Santosh Helekar

Gilbert is mistaken. I would advise any person with pneumonia, irrespective of 
his age, to consult a competent physician who practices modern evidence-based 
scientific medicine. I would never prescribe him/her chicken soup alone. I know 
that all patients with bacterial pneumonia, irrespective of age, have to be 
treated with antibiotics. The same with mycoplasma pneumonia. Only viral 
pneumonia patients, especially those with influenza virus, have no specific 
curative treatment available to kill the bug. They have to be advised simple 
rest, nutrition and fluids. The chicken soup business is a purely anecdotal 
tradition in the west. Here are a couple of helpful websites on pneumonia from 
Mayo Clinic and WebMD. Please note that they say nothing about chicken soup.





--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:
> Santosh (astutely) suggest antibiotics for "elderly
> pneumonia patient". (see below). Fully agree. 
> This suggest Santosh would not rush with antibiotics for
> a "NON-elderly pneumonia patient",  unless of course they
> have some factor that puts them at increased risk. 
> So how would Santosh treat a non-elderly pneumonia patient
> (who is not at high risk)? 
> Likely answer: 'Chicken soup' or some home-made concoction
> by Dr. Mom.


2009-04-21 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Mario Goveia" 
--- On Sun, 4/19/09, MD  wrote:

Science is no match for religioud (sic) belief.

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 16:23:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar 

But good faith is not good science.  That is all I am saying. I am forced
to say it because of the false claims made by Fr. Ivo, and now Gilbert,
that their religion is scientific.

Mario observes:

As a practicing Catholic and a believer in objective science, it continues
to boggle the mind when otherwise serious individuals confuse science and
faith, which is the basis of religion.

***Mario, I am not confusing Science with Faith. But what is faith for you?
"Beliefs" without any historical-scientific basis? We can always eleborate 
these points.

I have already given some of them.

Several weeks ago I got Fr. Ivo to agree that the existence of God cannot
be either proven or disproven by science; which should have ended this
thread right there.  Yet, a month later, the verbal mud-wrestling
continues, much to my amazement and amusement, especially Fr. Ivo's very
personal version of English as I highlighted in

The belief in the existence of God or a supernatural being is based on
faith and some circumstantial evidence that does not constitute scientific
proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

***Why do you believe in God? Review this question.
I only repeated that Science does not prove nor disprove the existence of 

Does it mean that there are no grounds for the existence of God.
Is Science the only source of knowledge? Christian faith is historical 
faith, not mythical,
therefore it has historical-scientific basis. Not scientific, in the sense 
that it can be empirically proved,
like physical phenomena, but in its historical background (as much as 
scientific test can do for the
spiritual-supernatural phenomena with their sensible wrappings), its 
consequences, individual and societal...

We know that even the saintly Mother

Theresa was wracked by doubts about the existence of God and worked to do
good in spite of it.

***I am afraid that even Mother Teresa would not agree with Mario. We speak
of "spiritual aridity". Saints like Teresa of Avila and Teresa of Lisieux
had 'spiritual aridity', they could not find consolation and 'sensible'
happiness. Mother Teresa could not have doubts about the existence of God.
She was praying before the Eucharistic Jesus (Blessed Sacrament) every day.
She was embracing the ostracised people because she could see the image of
God in them. She told her Spiritual Father about it.
My stand should be clear: I only said from the very outset that Science
neither proves nor disproves the existence of God, because Science does not
deal with the existence of God. It is theology that deals with the existence
of God. Therefore, to say that "that should have ended this thread right
there" is wrong. Because if Science does not tell us of the existence of
God--nor can Science do this job--it does not mean that we deny the
existence of God. Religion tells us about God. Reason speaks to us.

What good is being convinced that God exists and not living what that
should mean on a day-to-day basis?  On the other hand, wouldn't God
approve of someone who cannot believe HE exists but lives their lives as
if HE did - in the true Christian spirit - anyway?

***How can also be easy doing good without faith in God? Jesus himself
spoke to us about his intimacy with the Father (God) and told us to do
good.If Mother Teresa has done what she did, it is because she lived in
communion with God.

I have always argued that once we accept and live by at least the last
seven of the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and the Sermon on the
Mount, the rest is all window dressing and a full employment scheme for
thousands of religious persons.
***Who has given Ten Commandments? Who has spoken of Golden Rule with its 
new foundation,

and the Sermon on the Mount?
If Jesus of Nazareth has spoken to us, what did he say about God?

In the meantime, as a cancer survivor who had to put up with the most
Godawful stuff dripped into me, not to mention the cutting and stitching
and burning with mysterious rays I had to endure - all of which worked
splendidly in my case, I would rather follow the serious debate on why
untested placebos have become so popular in the practice of medicine.
***Homeopathy has its benefits. This is clear. I am not telling you to 
follow only homeopathy, leaving allopathy.
Both can work in these cases. Allopathy can work together with the adjunct 
therapies. By the way,
they are white small wonderful pills, not "pink" pills. Dr.S.C.Madan and 
Dr.S.R.Wadia would be able to tell you better

about your disease.

[Goanet] Infotech Corporation

2009-04-21 Thread cedrico dacosta

Dear Goans,
Ive recently heard this word Infotech Corporation...i would like to know more 
about this corporation can someone please update.
Kind regards
Cedric Da Costa

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (22Apr09)

2009-04-21 Thread alexyz fernandes
***   EARTH DAY:  Vote for CLEAN  GOA   ***

"The First Step would be to DISINFECT POLLUTICIANS standing for ELECTIONS!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org


2009-04-21 Thread jane gillian rodrigues
My dear Mario,

Thank you for replying to my e-mail.

As per e-mail below of KGTS Managing Committee & Members and many of us 
you have received a reply to your e-mail.

God bless you and cure you of all your many problems and "KEEP THE FAITH".

Dear Friends, We are saddened by the fatal news that Joseph Rodrigues popularly 
known as
Jose Rod, a multi-talented individual hailed as the Super Star of the Konkani 
has been diagnosed of 'BRAIN TUMOR' and will be operated at the Hinduja 
Hospital at
Mumbai, India on Thursday 23/04/2009 at 7:00 a.m.

A humble request to all, to keep JOSE ROD in your prayers, so that the
Almighty God may bless the hands of the surgeons who will be operating on him. 
us pray to Jesus to be present at the operating table for a successful 

Kindly forward this to all your friends on your mailing list.
May the Good Lord bless you in abundance for your prayers.

KGTS Managing Committee & Members

>From: Mario Goveia
>Subject: [Goanet] Religion and Science
>From: "jane gillian rodrigues"
>Yes, when all else fails, we pray to God for a miracle cure, and God always 
>our prayers and cures us.
>Mario asks:
>HE does? Are you suggesting that those who die every day do not pray for a 

[Goanet] Chicken - soup

2009-04-21 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Even through a lot of silliness, there comes some (Goan) sense - if one looks 
closely at the responses to my post.

To Mervyn's point, Goans (mostly women) have long figured out what I wrote.  
Goans do what Mervyn writes because  repeated experience has told them that 
chicken soup does work for 'pneumonia'.  They certainly could give the 
pneumonia patient a bowl of sorpatel?:=))

The smart Goan women have developed their own test of "chicken soup 
non-responders" when they decide to take the patient to the doctor.  This is 
not dissimilar to what I tell patients about Cranberry juice. Use of this juice 
for this purpose is a practice undertaken by all societies, where Cranberry is 
grown - from Soviet Union and Poland to USA.

Santosh (astutely) suggest antibiotics for "elderly pneumonia patient". (see 
below). Fully agree. 
This suggest Santosh would not rush with antibiotics for a 
"NON-elderly pneumonia patient",  unless of course they have some factor that 
puts them at increased risk. 

So how would Santosh treat a non-elderly pneumonia patient (who is not at high 

Likely answer: 'Chicken soup' or some home-made concoction by Dr. Mom.

So thanks, for pointing out the "standard of care" is to prescribe antibiotics 
for selected cases. And by inference, not for every case of pneumonia, 
where anything else, including herbs etc etc may work just as well as 
antibiotics or chicken soup; relying on the body's immense ability to heal 
itself.  I hate to point out, in some responses, you do not read or understand 
the subtleties or gist of what is written, or what you are responding to.  I 
hope you do better reading scientific literature.  

The high risk patients with pneumonia should use the 'chicken soup' only as 
adjunct therapy. In some of these, neither should the average allopathis family 
doctor manage pneumonia, like in patients with AIDS, organ transplant or other 
immune deficiency disorders.  These patients are best referred to an infectious 
disease specialist or one very familiar with handling pneumonia in these cases. 

This discussion is not about pneumonia management.  Yet the simple diagnoses 
demonstrates that physicians are not / should not be merely "pill pushers". One 
of the most important roles, for an allopathic doctor in the management of 
pneumonia, is to make sure that the pneumonia is not masking an underlying  
lung cancer - be it in a male or female; be it a smoker or non-smoker. Twenty 
percent of lung cancers occur in non-smokers.  This important information may 
or may not be obtained by web-surfing for "pneumonia management.."

To summarize whatever one does, the important thing is to appreciate the 
limitations of ones treatment and ones own experience - which is not obtained 
by net-surfing or reading "Medicine Made Easy":=)). 

This is my final post on  this thread!  Those in the back-bench of this 
'medical class', in lieu of writing silly posts, are now free to chase the 
girls ... catch them if you can.:=))
Regards, GL

 Mervyn Lobo 

In my experience, most Goans with pneumonia will go to the doctor only AFTER 
they figure out chicken soup is not working on them.

 Dr. Santosh Helekar wrote:

I want to ask Gilbert if, as a physician, he would recommend that a person who 
has been diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia be treated with chicken soup 
alone.. The standard of care today mandates that an elderly pneumonia patient 
be treated with modern antibiotics within 8 hours to substantially reduce the 
chances of 30 day mortality.

..Dr. Gilbert Lawrence

In case of pneumonia, reserve the antibiotics only to those who do not respond 
to 'chicken soup'."

Message: 3
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 19:55:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo 
Subject: [Goanet] Chicken - soup
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Message-ID: <870029.43810...@web50508.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

"In case of pneumonia, reserve the antibiotics only to those who do not respond 
to 'chicken soup'."
..Dr. Gilbert Lawrence

Dr. Santosh Helekar wrote:
> I want to ask Gilbert if, as a physician, he would recommend that a person 
> who has been diagnosed 
> with pneumococcal pneumonia be treated with chicken soup alone. The standard 
> of care today 
> mandates that an elderly pneumonia patient be treated with modern antibiotics 
> within 8 hours to 
> substantially reduce the chances of 30 day mortality.

In my experience,? most Goans with pneumonia will go to the doctor only AFTER?
they figure out?chicken soup is not working?on them.
It is funny (to me) to find out that there are Goan doctors who will 
even contemplate 'chicken soup' as medication.

Re: [Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-21 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
2009/4/21 Valmiki Faleiro 

I would never blow my own trumpet to tell you and Goanet what a great
Goan "contributor" I've been. (Would have said this earlier, but was
curious to see how you would respond to my earlier rejoinder, which,
characteristically, you chose not to.)

If truth be told, I think I have 'contributed' nothing, but am now, in
my own little way and in my area of competence, hoping to contribute
something in the near future.

== ( a response based on the teachings of  Shri Winston Germao)==


Normally, when Valmiki says/writes something, I dare not challenge him.
Alas, today, I must - for I believe that Valmiki is not stating the
truth (as we all should know it - by now)

Valmiki says that He has contributed nothing. And yet, I read his
contributions every week.  How can Valmiki tell us untruths? How can
he be contributing and yet claim to be not contributing. I humbly ask.

Columns and Columns is what Greek and Roman architecture is all about.
That is what Valmiki does almost every week. Contribute columns. And
Yet, he says: He is not contributing. Wah re Wah ...Valmiki


ps: I do not keep company with Digambars. There are some beaches in
the West which are commandeered by Digambars and Digambaris. Are they
responsible for 'environmental degradation' or just the presevation of
natural habitat?  I do not know.

What I know is that there is a distinct possibility that a Tourism
Minister from Goa (or Cecil Pinto) might consider a fact finding
mission to be a priority.

[Goanet] Indian Christians seek Angels ban | Entertainment | Reuters

2009-04-21 Thread Ruby Goes
Christians seeking censorship. Again.



Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: To a time that was: remembering an unusual chef from Raia (Lesley A. Esteves)

2009-04-21 Thread Zena Costa
HI Bernard,
No offence man, but since Chef isn't with us anymore i am lets say Im his
''spokes person''
I will ask  you what chef would definitely  have said to you .."
 ""Arre Patrao, why are we looking at a glass half empty ,why not half
full? so muchfor your "Goenkarponn''
If you have witnessed the years when i  played the drums (One year only not
really important )
why not   add to the content  ? This boy (Lesley ) wasn't even born then  ""

(And i would second him for certain)
We don't have to be ''know it all'' to  pen from the
heart''--I'm immensely touched so is Chef 's family and close
friends.that's what Lesley  has done---he  touched our hearts like
many who loved   him so..

 Lesley's piece on Chef Fernando Da Costa is undoubtedly straight from the
and its a very apt description, a very emotional one and most
importantly its sincere.
Its also very clear from the onset that the writer approached the
subject from what was dearest to Chef
and also the reason why   they met and bonded---GOAN CUISINE

Its  very apparent  from his ;;header''To a time that was: remembering an
unusual chef from Raia (Remembering a ""CHEF""/not  Remo's drummer!!)
The article does mention  his wife Margarida (He was
married to Imelda Tavora's daughter that's  her.).
 Chef was a multi faceted , immensely gifted  person.
 His  dedication to all things GOAN cannot be summed up in one article.
It will take a book.Chef was also his own person,i don't see any sense in
''Imelda's son
in law'' /Remo blah blah

WellThere is a lot to CHEF fERNANDO
4-former Right BACK football sALGAOCARSPORTS club
5--FOUNDER  Raia YOUTH assoc
 THE BEST PLACES TO EAT IN INDIA (4 years running) BY THE WORLD culinary
need i go on?i think you get my point? it would be really nice if you could
write about his times with the
group Remo and companhia ---even i wasn't born then
7---Chef   did not have kids and was very attached
to his elder brothers children in the joint family he lived in
and practically raised and guided the eldest  niece n grandchild when his
brother passed away at 46.
i ought to know
.i am her and
I rest my case.

Dev Borem Korum;

Mog Assunim...

ps-.i look forward to your piece on my  uncles one year as drummer.

2009/4/21 Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या <

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Bernado Colaco 
> Date: 2009/4/21
> Subject: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: To a time that was: remembering an
> unusual chef from Raia (Lesley A. Esteves)
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> The article does not mention Fernando's passion for music. He a was an
> avid drummer and belonged to the group Remo and companhia. He was
> married to Imelda Tavora's daughter.
> BC
> --
> FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/fn
> M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
> http://fredericknoronha.multiply.com/ http://goa1556.goa-india.org
> Sent from Pune, MH, India
> "God heals and the doctor takes the fees." - Benjamin Franklin

Re: [Goanet] The pseudoscience of integration

2009-04-21 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: "Santosh Helekar" 

--- On Mon, 4/20/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza  wrote:

Religion is not Science and Science is not Religion. But
there is no conflict between Science and Religion. There is
only integration.

Science and religion have absolutely nothing in common. One cannot and 
should not integrate the two. Attempting to integrate or mix the two is 
exactly what is meant by pseudoscience, which is what Fr. Ivo, Gilbert and 
others are doing.
***Dr.Santosh is in his ivory tower. He is absolutely wrong. He does not 
understand our view, because he does not know what theology is. Let him read 
standard theological books and try to refute our statements. What I am 
saying is not "pseudo-science", but what he is proposing to us in the name 
of Science. There cannot be conflict between Science and Religion. If there 
is, then there is something to be repaired somewhere. Either Science must 
expunge superstitions from Religion or Religion should enlighten Science and 
Ethics of Science (or Philosophy of Science). We are integrating, not 
"mixing", Science within the light of Religion...

It is important that lay people be made aware of this scam, and told why 
it is wrong. Otherwise, they easily fall prey to this feel-good, cultural 
relativist, fake "can't-we-all-get-along" nonsense, as is evident from the 
posts from Rita, Maurice, Albert and others that Mario is fending off on 
my right flank. This mixing has now become a leftist ideological and 
political movement. It has led to many shady and unethical New Age 
practices - various faux health and nutrition cults, the so-called 
alternative medics mixing their untested remedies with modern drugs, and 
using this backdoor route to "practice" modern medicine without a license, 
as well as engage in outright quackery.
***He does not know what is quackery. What does he mean by "untested drugs"? 
Are not homeopathic drugs being tested on human beings? They are efficacious 
even for animals. Allopathic drugs are tested on guinea pigs. Dr.Santosh is 
dreaming about our "leftist ideological and political movement". What I am 
doing is Science and Theology, as it should be...integrated in one vision of 
life and of the world... There cannot be dichotomy... Most physicians have 
their diploma and license.


[Goanet] Goa news for April 22, 2009

2009-04-21 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** I\'ll introduce Bill seeking special status for Goa:
Shantaram Naik - Times of India

*** Sesa to Raise Iron-Ore Output to Meet Chinese Demand -
 Sesa Goa Ltd., India's biggest non- state iron-ore exporter,
said it will raise production by as much as 30 percent this year
as demand for the steelmaking raw material in China exceeds
local supply. ...

*** No paramilitary forces for Goa: EC - Hindu

*** Warner Bros backs out of \'Goa\' - MSN India
roducer Soundarya Rajnikanth in a spot of bother, oursources
say. Warner Bros was earlier upset with Soundaya's Ocher Studios
for signing up Jai, an actor banned by the Tamil ...

*** I-League: Team Of The Season - Goal.com
B- Sporting surprised everyone by the start that they made and
their success relied heavily on a strong defence. Felip Gomes
was certthe mainstay of the Sporting backfour. He was solid
throughout the season and made ...

*** Ad featuring Goan regional party leader kicks off row -
aindian.com, ThailandPanaji, April 21 (IANS) A controversial
advertisement published in a local English daily Tuesday,
showing a Goan regional party candidate with a cross above his
head, being beheaded by a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader
with a scissor, has created a ...

*** Counselling sessions for GU students to begin soon - Times
of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: The Goa University has decided to
have two on campus professional counsellors in view of the
molestation and ragging cases. Goa University registrar, MM
Sangodkar, has said that the counselling will begin with the
girl that has alleged ...

*** Rajnikant daughter\'s tie-up with Hollywood studio ends -
Hindustan Times
p with Hollywood major Warner Bros forGoa has ended, sources in
the know said Sunday. "Though the separation in this deal is
mutual and final, other major co-production ventures including
the animated film Sultan, ...

*** Latvia struggles to meet IMF deficit goa - Life Style Extra
Latvia's 2009 budget gap will be 7 percent of gross domestic
product (GDP) even if cuts in spending of 40 percent are made,
the government said on Tuesday, adding for the first time it
will cut social spending too. ...

*** Goan fisherwomen bother Rajeev - Times of India
tarrer Peter Gaya Kaam Se was brought to a grinding halt at the
fish market in Madgaon by the fisherwomen of Goa. The women were
upset over being spoken rudely to by the production guys and
expressed their displeasure ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] The Third Man

2009-04-21 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
I believe that Joao's post makes reasonable reading. There is (in my
opinion) no difference between the Congress and the BJP except that
one is more corrupt, the other more prone to communalism. (I do not
need to repeat the VideoCD and Vandalism incidents as examples)

One continues to destroy Goa's land, the other,  Goa's (former)
communal harmony. Apart from that, nothing else separates the parties.
Many of the individuals who support the party in power are the same
corrupt ones who brought down the preceding government (or voted
against it).

With regard to Matanhy, he is indeed a better candidate than many
others, and on that basis alone, he deserves to be voted in. However,
let's not get too carried away. A few questions remain:

(a) Would the BJP have been able to be in power in Goa without
Matanhy's support? (inside/outside whatever)
(b) What did he (not) say about the VideoCD ?
(c) What did he (not) say when my Velim MLA was physically removed
from the House ?
(d) What did he (not) say about the above MLA's forged signature situation?

So please, do NOT canonise Matanhy yet. The struggle to canonise Padre
Jose Vas will become even more difficult. Goans will be thought of as
having limited sense.

About Aires .another time.


Joao Barros-Pereira :

Why would any right-thinking, freedom-loving citizen want to vote for
the Congress? Aside from the corruption, they do not believe in
democracy! Do we want the whole of Goa to go the Cidade de Goa way? I
hope not.

As for the BJP, with all the attacks on minorities it goes without
saying that this is a Party that is for the fanatical mind, an anomaly
in multi-cultural India. Why become a fanatic when we don't have to!

But, no, all is not lost! Mathany, if he is anybody, is his own man!
He is a fighter who does not quit, is not up for sale, and has the
good of Goa at heart. He is the obvious choice. We do not, however,
often choose the obvious. All we can do at this point is to wait and
watch .


2009-04-21 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Dear ALL,

I believe that the brilliant Leo Rebello is also a humble man.

He has taken on India's Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates,
and now he is selflessly agreeing to work for the common men and women
of North Mumbai.

All the best to Leo. I am working with his campaign manager (overseas)
- prejident Pandurang Phernandis himself.

I encourage each and every GoaNet member to fax (or jpeg) their votes
to the North Mumbai constituency office.


2009/4/21 Alfred de Tavares 



Our prayers have been answered!  For, our Deliverer is at hand...
RebaelaiusEcce Candidatus Nostrae...!

A delivered again Alfred

Dr Leo Rebello, N.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., M.B.A. is the local candidate. He
has 30 years social work experience, brilliant nation building ideas,
and holistic vision.

[Goanet] Earth Day program by Navelim Forum & GOACAN to focus on River Sal & Saipem Tollem.

2009-04-21 Thread Goa Desc

Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your   family members,
relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be BETTER INFORMED
Remember April 22nd is Earth Day - time to act !!
Navelim Consumer Forum & GOACAN to observe Earth day.
The Navelim Civic & Consumer Forum (NCCF) along with
GOACAN and the various Consumer Forums from South Goa
will be observing “Earth Day” 22nd April, with a small program
near the Saipem Tollem, at the entrance of the Sewage
Treatment Plant at Sirvodem, Navelim from 8.30am to10am.

NCCF has taken up the issue of cleaning and restoration of
Saipem Tollem and River Sal. Recently based on a complaint
from NCCF, the Goa State Pollution Control Board had tested
some samples and have found heavy pollution in the lake. They
have issued directions to other agencies for action, but so far
no action is forth coming because of political interference.

The main reason for the pollution of the lake is the illegal
discharge of sewage into the water body by building Complexes
from Margao and Navelim as well the release of untreated
sewage by the Government Sewage Treatment Plant nearby.

NCCF is worried that in the next 5 to 10 years availability of
clean drinking water is going to be a major problem. That is why
conservation of the ground water table is very important. Hence
NCCF thought of starting a campaign to clean the water bodies
and creating awareness amongst people for the need to conserve
these water bodies and to be little more responsible citizens, so
that we are a part of the solution rather then the problem itself.
Press Statement from Joseph L. R. Vaz , Secretary,
Navelim Civic and Consumer navelim@gmail.com
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78   Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@bsnl.in


[Goanet] Goa Tiatr too backing BJP ?

2009-04-21 Thread JoeGoaUk

Goa Tiatr too backing BJP ?

The trio say ‘ they admire the work done by BJP in just two years in Goa’

They also said ‘Parrikar remained  the best minister of Goa  all the time’

For this they didn’t only get a huge public applause but they were called once 
again to sing

These three (Trio)  on 21st April around 11pm at KA Panjim

It may be reminded, I have brought similar tiatr related report about
 two years ago where a tiatrist sang in favour of Goa BJP – for that 
he got mixed response- for and against.

Two years latter, the tiatr audience trend is changing, there was  not
 a single one against.  audience was 95% of the capacity i.e. about 900

Even the Goa Church seems  now swinging towards BJP

Check this out
Fr. Francisco Caldeira , Director of the Diocesan Centre  for Social 
Communication Media, said: “Catholics are open to the BJP. Even in the past, 
they had come to power with the help of Catholic votes.”

I know,  should BJP wins in the south, many will put the blame on 
Mathany for splitting the votes

Back to tiatr

Billboard – Tiatr  ;’alleo Marat’

Others – Stage pics



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[Goanet] NEWS: Lokmat to take on Sakaal in Goa with a Marathi edition (LiveMint.com)

2009-04-21 Thread Goanet News
Lokmat to take on Sakaal in Goa with a Marathi edition

Lokmat is looking to target Hindu-dominated pockets of Goa such as
Ponda, Bicholim, Sattari, Sanguem, Pernem and Quepem

Anushree Chandran

Mumbai: A new battle front has opened up between the Mumbai-based
media company Lokmat Group and Pune-based Sakaal Media Group in the
race for primacy in the Marathi newspaper space.

The Lokmat Group, which publishes newspapers in three languages—Lokmat
(Marathi), Lokmat Samachar (Hindi) and Lokmat Times (English)—will be
launching the Goa edition of Lokmat on 21 April, with an initial print
run of 50,000 copies, according to Bharat Kapadia, director, Lokmat

The edition will directly compete with Sakaal’s Gomantak daily that is
published out of Goa in Marathi, said Janardan Pandey, business
director of media specialist agency Radar of the Mudra Group.

Lokmat, according to Kapadia, will be priced at Re1, versus Gomantak’s Rs 3.

Lokmat Group already has 16 editions of its three publications across

Kapadia said it is the right time to enter Goa, which has a sizeable
Marathi-speaking population. The new edition will have more colour
pages than any other existing Marathi publication in Goa, he said.
Lokmat is looking to target Hindu-dominated pockets of Goa such as
Ponda, Bicholim, Sattari, Sanguem, Pernem and Quepem. Kapadia said:
“About 65% Hindus mostly read Marathi newspapers.”

Some media buyers, however, say Lokmat’s real target is the Sakaal
Media Group, which is its arch-rival in Maharashtra.

Sakaal operates in Maharashtra and Goa, and publishes nine editions of
various publications. Its print titles in Maharashtra include Marathi
daily Sakaal and English daily Sakaal Times.

Pandey said Sakaal and Lokmat have fought for leadership positions in
prime areas in Maharashtra for many years, even though Lokmat is quite
clearly the leader.

Lokmat, for instance, recently launched an edition in Pune which is
considered a Sakaal stronghold. Similarly, Sakaal launched new
editions in Nashik and Kolhapur, which are considered to be strong
areas for Lokmat.

According to Indian Readership Survey figures published in November,
Lokmat has 19,929,000 readers while the total readership of Sakaal is
11,633,000 readers, said Pandey.

Sakaal has a daily circulation of at least 989,000 copies (Maharashtra
and Goa) and Lokmat sells in excess of 1.4 million copies (in only
Maharashtra, till date), he added.

Uday Jadhav, chief operating officer, Sakaal, said two of its daily
newspapers in Goa, Gomantak in Marathi and Gomantak Times in English,
have existed for at least 30 years and it will not be easy for Lokmat
to challenge its leadership position in the market. “Lokmat tried to
enter the Pune market where we have a stronghold and they have not
been able to displace us.” New entrants have not been able to displace
the leader in any market, he said, adding that the incumbent always
has the first mover advantage.

Still, Sakaal is taking steps to counter Lokmat’s debut in Goa. It has
already increased colour pages from two to six in Gomantak and
Gomantak Times. The group also plans to step up promotional activities
in Goa, said Jadhav.

Some market observers see Lokmat’s launch in Goa as part of a larger
strategy to capture the advertising market in Maharashtra. According
to Pandey, advertisers that want to be in Maharashtra want to be in
Goa as well. The Maharashtra market is highly competitive in
advertising revenue. “Just regional publications alone rake in Rs650
crore of ad revenues, and with English publications, ad revenues
spiral to more than Rs1,000 crore,” said Pandey.

Separately, the Goa ad market for all daily newspapers is only around
Rs50 crore annually, though media buyers say the growth potential is
sizeable, given the large migration of people and businesses from
Maharashtra to Goa.

Anita Bose, a general manager in media buying company GroupM India
Pvt. Ltd, agrees that advertisers usually club Maharashtra and Goa as
one region because of the huge Marathi-speaking population across both

“If an advertiser is running a campaign in Maharashtra, chances are
that he would want to run it in Goa as well. Lokmat’s entry into Goa
will enhance its geographical spread and allow it to command greater
ad rates and revenues as a group in Maharashtra,” she said.

Overall, Lokmat’s Marathi edition in Goa is expected to spice up a
market which already has five Marathi newspapers and four English
papers. “The largest Marathi newspaper in Goa so far is Tarun Bharat
(with a daily circulation of 41,733 copies), followed by Gomantak
(circulation of 28,315 copies). There is a small Konkani paper as
well, with a circulation of 4,000 copies. All papers combined (not
including Lokmat) would have a daily circulation of two lakh-plus
copies,” said Kapadia of Lokmat, while pointing to the readership
potential in the market.

Devendra Darda, executive director, Lokmat Group, said Goa is a
greatly under-service

Re: [Goanet] Is the PM a liar?

2009-04-21 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Oh my good God...

How you chaps go on ...& on...


Before giving the man a thouroughly horrendous nama &

either hanging...lynching...or, cruxcifying him give the

poor devil a demned lie-test & be done with it...!



> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 10:13:10 -0700
> From: chimbel...@yahoo.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is the PM a liar?
> --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
> > 
> > Then why do you habitually keep doing it doc? Why do you
> > not practice what you preach?
> > 
> The above insinuation is a blatant falsehood. 
> I have many faults, but this is not one of them. I have never gratuitously 
> publicly abused or slandered any private citizen. I have only defended myself 
> by telling like it is, and calling a spade a spade when people like Marshall 
> have abused and slandered me. Furthermore, when I exposed the misdeeds of my 
> abusers, or expressed an adverse opinion against them I have provided 
> evidence to back up my claims. I have also exposed habitual abusers in public 
> forums by providing factual evidence against them. I have never attacked 
> anybody who has not attacked me first.
> Please see what constitutes defamation in a public forum, and the exceptions 
> for criticism and slander of public figures and for adverse fact-based 
> opinions expressed against others in self defense and in public interest.
> http://www.tax4india.com/indian-laws/criminal-law/defamation/defamation.html
> Please note that under this law Marshall can be prosecuted or sued for 
> gratuitous defamation of Shrikant for the following:
> http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/2009-April/176514.html
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> P.S. I relish the opportunity to substantiate what I have stated above by 
> using specific examples that Marshall is about to copy and paste from the 
> archives.

News, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Get it now!

Re: [Goanet] ALERT:Film shoot causes sand dune destruction at Rajbhag beach, Canacona in South Goa.

2009-04-21 Thread Alfred de Tavares



This, otherwise, excellent exposé is inadequate for lack of names of the 

MAJORS involved in the project:


Please privide names of producers, whether Bolli- or Holiwood, local

agents/facilitators et al.


Today's Goa news carried about Warners closining a production in Goa

due to local factors' ineptitude.


Could'nt open the item.


Is it one & same?


> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 02:25:01 +0530
> From: goad...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] ALERT:Film shoot causes sand dune destruction at Rajbhag 
> beach, Canacona in South Goa.
> Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
> family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
> Help others be BETTER INFORMED
> Remember April 22nd is Earth Day - time to act !!
> ---
> ---
> Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
> Email: goad...@bsnl.in
> ---
> -
> Reckless destruction of sand dunes at Rajbhag beach
> -
> The former chairperson of Canacona Municipal Council,
> Mr Ranga Raikar has requested the concerned authorities
> to stop the destruction of sand dunes and the illegal
> construction at Rajbhag beach at Canacona by a private
> company, which, he alleged is destroying the natural beauty
> of the area.
> Speaking to 'The Navhind Times' Mr Raikar said that if
> traditional fisherman and local residents construct a temp-
> orarily shed at the coastal areas of the Canacona municipality,
> the chief officer immediately sends a notice to demolish the
> same promptly.
> Mr Raikar further said that the Violation of CRZ rules and
> regulations by film industry at Rajbhag-Talpona stretch, is
> mercilessly destroying the prominent sand dunes which keep
> the sea water away from the land during the monsoon. He
> said the entire Canacona taluka has questioned the wisdom
> of the authorities, who instead of stopping this environmental
> disaster, are turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the entire issue.
> Other environmentalists, including Mr Divakar Desai, said
> that in order to set the stage and other required infrastructure
> for a film shoot on the beach, sand dunes have been destroyed
> near Hotel Intercontinental by a Mumbai based company.
> He further pointed out that more then sixty per cent of the
> vegetation has also been destroyed and some Casuarina trees,
> on a stretch of about half a kilometer have also been cut down
> by the local agents of the film industry, in the last ten days.
> This they said has created serious stress on the coastal
> ecosystem here.
> Mr Agnelo Fernandes, chief officer of Canacona Municipality
> said that the permission is granted to erect four temporary
> structures at Rajbhag beach from April 22 to May 25 on certain
> conditions. He further confirmed that the structures, which are
> presently erected, are totally illegal and action will be initiated
> against them within the next twenty-four hours for violating
> CRZ rules and regulation.
> He further said that one Shiva B Naik from Rajbhag, Canacona
> has asked for temporally permission to erect structures for
> shooting of a film at Rajbhag beach and he was given temporary
> permission and also told to obtain permission from the Directorate
> of Tourism and the Entertainment Society of Goa, Panaji. He
> was also ordered not to obstruct the way of local residents and
> tourists, who visit the beach. According to local residents the
> pathway is totally blocked and they are facing a lot of hardships.
> The locals at Rajbhag allege that the municipal authorities have
> issued a temporary license after receiving huge sums of money
> and accuse the authorities of corruption. They fail to understand
> why the authorities, citing CRZ violations, refuse to grant
> permission to unemployed local youth to set up temporary shacks
> during the tourist season, while no action is being taken against
> the mushrooming of illegal structures along the coastline.
> Environmental groups in Canacona have accused the state
> government of encouraging CRZ violators, including some
> influential individuals and business establishments, in the
> name of promoting tourism.
> --
> The Navhind Times 20/4/09 page 02
> --
> ---
> promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
> ---
> GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
> GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
> mailto: goa...@bsnl.in

Re: [Goanet] Is the PM a liar?

2009-04-21 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
> Then why do you habitually keep doing it doc? Why do you
> not practice what you preach?

The above insinuation is a blatant falsehood. 

I have many faults, but this is not one of them. I have never gratuitously 
publicly abused or slandered any private citizen. I have only defended myself 
by telling like it is, and calling a spade a spade when people like Marshall 
have abused and slandered me. Furthermore, when I exposed the misdeeds of my 
abusers, or expressed an adverse opinion against them I have provided evidence 
to back up my claims. I have also exposed habitual abusers in public forums by 
providing factual evidence against them. I have never attacked anybody who has 
not attacked me first.

Please see what constitutes defamation in a public forum, and the exceptions 
for criticism and slander of public figures and for adverse fact-based opinions 
expressed against others in self defense and in public interest.


Please note that under this law Marshall can be prosecuted or sued for 
gratuitous defamation of Shrikant for the following:




P.S. I relish the opportunity to substantiate what I have stated above by using 
specific examples that Marshall is about to copy and paste from the archives.


[Goanet] RIP Goa?

2009-04-21 Thread anesimo56

Dear Goanet readers

i am an Optimist and always live in hope which keeps all of us going. 
Goa is still alive and kicking and we do not need an eulogyas yet. life 
is depressing enough at the moment in Goa, But Goans have survived 
through such ordeals.

We need people to come out with solutions to save whatever is left of 
Goa. It might not be the same good old Goa, but we can make it the best 
state in India

When you loose Hope, you stop living!


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move. Sign up for a free AOL Email account with unlimited storage today.

Re: [Goanet] Shantidoot

2009-04-21 Thread Mario Goveia

Mario asks:

> Are you Shantidoot, or his abuser?

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:35:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: marlon menezes 

I am who I am. 

Mario responds:

Of course you are, Marleen.  We know this because you already have a record as 
an abuser when you tried to threaten and intimidate Marshall Mendonca because 
you were unable to debate him:


With reference to your own words in another forum Marshall wrote of you, "I 
have asked Marlon to substantiate what he says but till date he has not 
responded. Instead, he resorts to acts of intimidation and posting veiled 
threats to incite physical violence on another forum. Is this acceptable 
behaviour. I pose this question to all goanetters. Today I am issued threats, 
tomorrow it could be anyone of you."

Or it could be Shantidoot.

I am again calling on Shantidoot to identify whom he is being abused by so that 
we can put such brazen attempts to silence people we disagree with behind us 
once and for all.

Even more shocking is Bosco's admission that he knows who the abuser is but 
then declining to a) identify the perpetrator, or b) to explain what if 
anything he has done as a Goanet moderator to address this abhorrent  situation.

Also shocking is the blase attitude taken by other well known bloviators on 
Goanet, other than George Pinto and Alfred Tavares who expressed their 
disapproval, but, oh so mildly.

Is cronyism in play here?  I'd sure like to know.

Re: [Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-21 Thread Carvalho

Yes, Barad, I have made big contributions to Goa. Everytime I go on holiday to 
Goa, I still take  atleast 2 three boxes of Maggi cubes. Now, in 
post-liberation India this is not much of a contribution but in my parents' 
time, Maggi cubes was the big thing. My mother used to take atleast 10 boxes 
and distribute them in the village. These cubes were used to make the best 
pulau, served at festa time. A lot of people ate this pulau, followed by a good 
belch and afternoon nap. They woke up feeling life is good and worth living. 
Now just imagine this for 3 to 4 decades my family has contributed maggi cubes 
to Goa. That is a lot of good pulau and a lot of good belches.

What have you done?


--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:

> Writing articles or posting articles of others or writing
> provocations can
> in no way save Goa.And if you have made contributions
> to save GOA than
> the trio in question please let Goanet know about
> it!


[Goanet] Vote for BJP/NDA and make India richer by over 400 billion Dollars

2009-04-21 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Vote for BJP/NDA and make India richer by over 400
   billion Dollars within 100 days
To: goa...@goanet.org
Message-ID: <106145.72358...@web25908.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Joegoauk :
Vote for BJP and make India richer by over 400 billion Dollars within 100
days.That sounds good to me.BJP leader Shatrugan Sinha stated in Vasco-Goa
that if BJP-led NDA
voted back to power, it will bring back all black money from Swiss Accounts
within 100 days.He added 'about 6,00,000 villages in India, each will get
Rs.4.5 crore
for development'
So, who you waiting for?Blindly vote for BJP

Joe, I think there must be a typographical error in your subject heading.
Surely you must have meant 'Vote for BJP and make BJP leaders richer by over
400 billion Dollars within 100 days.'
Refer below links to see the probity of BJP members/ leaders.

1. The induction of Neera Yadav, who gained widespread notoriety for being
voted the second most corrupt officer in Uttar Pradesh, has left

the BJP quite tongue-tied.


2. The worst sufferer in the scam is main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party,
whose five law makers appear in the TV video footage that shows how the
deals were stuck to serve the interests of non-existent companies. The
ruling Congress also did not escape; one of its lawmaker’s figures in the


3. The sting operation also shows Yuvraj Siingh, Personal Secretary of Fagan
Singh Kulaste, a former Union Minister, taking money on behalf of BJP MP
Chandra Pratap Singh, who was also exposed in the cash-on-camera 'Operation
Duryodhan' last week.

Yuvraj Singh was again shown accepting money for Kulaste, a Lok Sabha
member, who signs the recommendation letter for a particular scheme.

Others shown in the sting operation are Ramswaroop Koli (BJP), Paras Nath
Yadav (SP), Sakshi Maharaj (Rashtriya Kranti Dal supported by SP), and Isan
Singh (BSP).


4. The third meeting with Bangaru Laxman took place with Alvin D'Souza,
president of West End. Laxman was expecting a sum of around $25,000 from
West End. We didn't want to tell them that there was no sum to be delivered
till after the meeting when everything would already be on tape. Here Laxman
talks about how the BJP and Vajpayee use Principal Secretary Brajesh Mishra
as the guy who pushes their deals. Mishra, incidentally, is the National
Security Adviser. Both Laxman and West End argue that R.K. Gupta had no hand
in the meeting.




[Goanet] Is the PM a liar?

2009-04-21 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Santosh Helekar:
Do you believe it is okay to publicly abuse and slander private citizens
with whom you disagree, or whose name, religion or political party is
different from yours?

Then why do you habitually keep doing it doc? Why do you not practice what
you preach?



Re: [Goanet] GOA elections - reply to Merwyn

2009-04-21 Thread Eugene Correia

I could answer Merwyn's question as to who fed me that Kevin was going to run 
against Oscar. I am confidently say that many GOA executive members made 
enquiries on who is going to challenge Oscar and Kevin's name came up 
repeatedly. So, there was obviously some concern among the GOA executive. I am 
told that most of the executive members will be retained for another term. I 
cannot individually check with each member but I learnt from trusted sources.
If I remember correctly, there was also similar talk in hushed whispers after 
the Goan International Convention last year. Kevin's supporters  believed that 
Kevin did an exceptionally good job in running the event and could do a fine 
job as GOA president.
How many remember that Kevin and his wife Lynette walked out of the hall when 
Oscar Furtado's turn came to speak at one of the sessions. Oscar felt slighted 
and wanted to decline speaking but was  persuaded to give his presentation on 
GOA's initiatives and work by fellow executive members. 
Please, this is part reminder and part clarification. So, I do not wish to 
reopen the debate.
I hope goanetters who are members of GNAT could reply to Merwyn's other points 
regarding "dissolving" the organisation, etc.



Re: [Goanet] Mystical experiences in Goa

2009-04-21 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 20:43:06 +0530
From: "Fr. Ivo C. de Souza" 

The 'psychedelic experiences' are not MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES of which we
are speaking in the discussion of Carmelite nuns and Dr.Mario Beauregard.
Richard Dawkins also tried it, but did not succeed. Dr.Santosh will not have 
the MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES, as we are discussing...

Mario responds:

Padre Ivo,

If Dr. Beauregard cannot make Santosh have mystical experiences like the 
Carmelite nuns then his theory is bogus, because God does not distinguish 
between Santosh and the Carmelite nuns - they are all his children made in his 
image.  I learned that in Catechism class.

I think Dr. Beauregard may be  hypnotizing those poor nuns, or giving them a 
lot of feni before testing them, which is guaranteed to create mystical 
experiences:-))  I doubt he can hypnotize Santosh or get him drunk either:-))

BTW, I cannot remember what your theory is anymore, because I remember  you 
agreed several weeks ago that the existence of God cannot be proven or 
disproven by science.

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 20:54:50 +0530
From: "Fr. Ivo C. de Souza" 

Science is Science and Religion is Religion. There is no conflict between 
Science and Religion.

Mario asks:

Arre, baba, you are chasing your tail, no?

If there is no conflict between science and religion then why is it not 
possible to prove the existence of God by science?

If there is no conflict between religion and science then why are you 
metaphorically wrestling in the mud with Santosh over the conflict between 
science and religion?

Fr. Ivo wrote:

But the basis of Christianity is historical, therefore it can be confirmed 
through historical, scientific, archaeological, cultural tools.

Mario asks:

So, Fr. Ivo,

Can you specify which of these tools you have listed were used to confirm the 
Virgin Birth, the Resurrection of Christ, His Ascension into Heaven, and the 
Assumption of Mary into Heaven?

While you are at it please explain the scientific explanation for what is the 
Holy Trinity.

Also, can you explain when the Gospels were written relative to the date of 
Christ's death, by whom they were written, in what language, and why certain 
Gospels were accepted and others were rejected?  Was all this done 

Now, for me to understand, please use standard English, because I can't 
understand the version that says up is down and black is white and religion is 
not in conflict with science.

Re: [Goanet] Religion and Science

2009-04-21 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 22:06:59 -0400
From: "RGrootendorst" 

Why is there such a shortage of empathy towards our fellow man? I feel shame 
for the torture, kidnap and "rendition" of suspect detainees, whereas others 
feel such inhuman means justify the end. Is Obama comfortable sitting on the 
fence, boycotting the UN sponsored racism conference, knowing that Israel & US 
have blemished records?  He has much on his hands, but I cannot condone the 
bogus war on terror, or the excessive force it has unleashed.

Mario responds:

While you ask, "Why is there such a shortage of empathy towards our fellow 
man?", you seem to have a serious shortage of empathy for the victims of 
terrorism, for the brutality that 25 million Iraqis experienced under Saddam 
and another 25 million Afghans experienced under the Taliban, especially Afghan 

You also seem to have no empathy for the Jews who survived one Holocaust in 
Europe only to be attacked by five Arab armies in 1947-48 with the goal of 
"pushing the Jews into the sea." and are now being threatened with being wiped 
off the map.

I wonder whether you have any empathy for the tens of thousands of innocent 
Indians killed since 1947 in Kashmir and across India by radical Muslims who 
were not willing to wait for the results of the UN planned plebiscite to 
determine the future of Kashmir.

How much force is "excessive" when trying to stop someone who is determined to 
kill someone else?

Rita wrote:

I know and greatly admire several other eminent English lawyers who take 
"hopeless" cases and sometimes win justice, eg. for an Iraqui widow and her two 
young sons, left fatherless when UK soldiers beat her hotel receptionist 
husband to death in prison.

Mario responds:

I wonder if these eminent English lawyers can help the Iraqi man I know with 
scars on his back who was forced to watch his wife and daughter raped in front 
of him - ostensibly because a neighbor reported that they had made fun of 
Saddam - and has several relatives that have not been heard from since 1995?

I wonder what the eminent English lawyers can do to help the tens of thousands 
of innocent Iraqis killed in the mindless sectarian violence the Sunni and Shia 
radicals unleashed against each other in 2003-04, aided and abetted by Al 
Qaeda, Iran and Syria?  Instead of taking advantage of Saddam's removal to 
re-build their nation and achieve the peace and prosperity that the Americans 
made possible and most Iraqis have repeatedly voted for since 2003.

Where were these eminent English lawyers after Saddam gassed 5,000 of his own 
people in Halabja?  Are they helping the families of the hundreds of thousands 
of skeletons found in the mass graves filled by Saddam's goons across Iraq?

I wonder what the eminent English lawyers can do to help Roxanna Saberi, the 
Iranian American journalist now rotting in an Iranian jail?


Re: [Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-21 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

Dear Selma and Uday,

I can't be harsh with people like Uday (Dr. UG Barad) and Dr. Samir
Kelekar. Because I personally knew/know their respective dads, both
Margao residents, and both honourable men. But it's at times pointless
discussing with people who keep shifting their premises. I've just signed
off and sent a response to Samir, requesting him to refrain from doing
this if he thinks he can engage me in any meaningful discussion, almost
on the same thread.

Here, Uday postgraduates me from questions about being a "contributor"
to Goa in recent times, to being its "saviour" -- in league with my friend,
Churchill Alemao. While I'm glad that Churchill's "only family-run football 
in India has recently been adjudged No.1 in the country, what more can I say
about shifting goalposts?

But let's give Uday his due. He spoke of an assumed joke (and I hope Samir
won't take offence at being adduced as the joker!)

Uday's jocular explanation is a good joke. "Bachhon, thaali bhajao!"

On fact, on all three counts, it's a different joke. Let's leave it here.

Best to both, v

- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" 

To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:

At least we know there is one sort of patch-up work Valmiki has not done. Posting articles by others and pretending they are his own 


- Original Message - 
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:56 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

Are we up to discussing joke about trios who are projecting themselves as
savers of Goa!

If so I take liberty to explain this joke in nut shell.

Timblo is finishing Goa at one end and projecting himself that he is for
welfare of Goa at other side of Goa!

Digambar helps Timblo for all his misdeeds by even passing special ordinance
to protect Timblo to circumvent Supreme Court orders!!

And Valmiki is doing good patch-up work to calm down Goans on all the
misdeeds done by Timblo & Digambar!!!

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad 


2009-04-21 Thread Alfred de Tavares


> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 07:04:55 +0530
> From: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT

> Congress party has been fooling the people for too long. The April 23rd
> election is an opportunity for the people of Goa to teach the Congress a
> lesson. 




Oh Aires, the man-with-a-zillion solutios to all & sundry problems...

one but wonders...


Can a cannine tail embeded into a hollow bamboo can ever be rendered




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2009-04-21 Thread Alfred de Tavares


Bickerers...stop bickering...   

Our prayers have been answered!

For, our Deliverer is at hand...

RebaelaiusEcce Candidatus Nostrae...!


A delivered again Alfred




> From: leorebe...@hathway.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 22:46:27 -0400
> 26 - North Mumbai
> Parliamentary Constituency
> Dr Leo Rebello
> Frank, Fearless, Incorruptible
> Popular People's Candidate fielded by Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangh and supported 
> by the 
> others of the Third Front.
> Symbol: Television
> - Reduce Reliance electricity bills
> - Roti, Kapda, Makan & education for all
> - Slums will turn into pucca houses
> - Attempt to remove octroi
> - Citizen Policing
> - Neighbourhood Watch
> - Double decker AC trains for local travel
> - Speedways on WR/CR tracks
> - Ban on noisy crackers
> - No fluoridation of water
> - Ban on plastic bags
> - Small Loans
> - Special Agriculture Zones
> - No bonuses to top executives
> - Reduce very high salaries and perks of company directors and CEOs
> - 6-hour shift instead of 8-hour work shift
> - Two shifts in courts, banks, post offices
> - In every family atleast one job be provided - one family one job
> - Through traditional and natural medicine provide safer, cheaper, reliable 
> and 
> affordable health care to all
> May it be noted that India has recognized six systems of medicines.
> Dr Leo Rebello, N.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., M.B.A. is the local candidate. He has 30 
> years 
> social work experience, brilliant nation building ideas, and holistic vision. 
> He has 
> fought corruption, communalism, casteism and criminalisation. He is the 
> Director of 
> Natural Health Center, has written 36 books, delivered over 10,000 lectures 
> in 63 
> countries and trained and treated thousands since 1978. He was SEM for 18 
> years, 
> worked on the Film Censor Board for 2 years, is World Peace Envoy since 2004 
> and 
> Ambassador of World Organisation of Natural Medicine. He co-founded All India 
> Letter 
> writers Association (the first association of Whistle Blowers) in 1980, All 
> India 
> Voters Panchayat and Litigants Welfare Forum in 1990. Recipient of many 
> awards, he 
> is listed in several Who's Who of the World. For more details see his 
> website: 
> www.healthwisdom.org as also www.MumbaiVotes.com or contact on 9022805703.
> North Mumbai Parliamentary Constituency comprises of: Malad West - Malvani, 
> Erangal, 
> Marve and Manori Village. Kandivali East - Damu Nagar, Lokhandwala, Samata 
> Nagar, 
> Thakur Complex and Thakur Village, Magathane. Kandivali West, Poisar, 
> Charkop. 
> Borivli West - IC Colony, Mandpeshwar, Gorai and Dahisar upto Check Naka. 
> There are 
> 16 lakh plus voters in this constituency. The composition is more or less as 
> under: 
> About 6,00,000 Marathis (including Muslims and Dalits). 2,25,000 Christians, 
> including Kolis. About 3,00,000 Muslims. Rest Gujaratis and others. This 
> information 
> is given mainly to educate the voters, since we talk of proportional 
> representation.
> Even if 50% voters get down to vote on 30th april, Dr Leo Rebello will easily 
> get 3 
> lakh + votes because of his truly secular credentials, high qualifications, 
> grassroots experience and international exposure. The reason why you should 
> support 
> him and vote for him.
> Election Date: 30th April 2009. Time: 7.00AM to 5.00PM
> Address of Dr Leo Rebello: 28/552 Samata Nagar, Kandivali East, Mumbai-101.
> Tel: 22-28872741. Mobile: 9022805703 / 9867885306

Show them the way! Add maps and directions to your party invites. 

[Goanet] The Third Man

2009-04-21 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
Why would any right-thinking, freedom-loving citizen want to vote for the
Congress? Aside from the corruption, they do not believe in democracy! Do we
want the whole of Goa to go the Cidade de Goa way? I hope not.
As for the BJP, with all the attacks on minorities it goes without saying
that this is a Party that is for the fanatical mind, an anomaly in
multi-cultural India. Why become a fanatic when we don't have to!

But, no, all is not lost! Mathany, if he is anybody, is his own man! He is a
fighter who does not quit, is not up for sale, and has the good of Goa at
heart. He is the obvious choice. We do not, however, often choose the
obvious. All we can do at this point is to wait and watch ...

Re: [Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-21 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

Dear Samir and Cecil,

First, a word on what Cecil said. Contesting, winning and then
holding public office is NOT, imho, a "contribution" to one's
homeland. For a straight man like Mathany, contesting itself may
incur sacrifice. For the crooks in power, it could be viewed as a
"contribution" ... but working in reverse gear! What matters is
what one does, or sincerely tries to, when one holds public office.
Any of such achievements could be a 'contribution' -- but then,
in a severely limited way. (Why are people elected to public office
but to achieve some good?)

And Samir, if your idea of "contribution to Goa in recent years" is
to have got yourself nominated (by my friend Manohar Parrikar, when
a BJP Chief Minister of Goa?) as director of Goa Infotech Corpn
and then "bitten the hand that fed you" (with good reason, I know!),
I'm afraid I would have little to say about my own "contribution to Goa
in recent years" -- neither Parrikar nor Digambar deigned me fit to be
appointed director on any state Corporation :-)

(The only person who did that, without asking me, was my respected
senior college lecturer in Mercantile Law, by now a Minister of State
in Delhi's Union Govt, Eduardo Faleiro -- who put me on some board
of the then 'Prasar Bharati' TV region HQ-ed in Bombay. I didn't attend
a single meeting -- and neither encashed a single cheque sent by way
of "sitting fees." But I ain't a saint.)

That apart -- the fact that neither Parrikar nor Digambar appointed me a
director on any state Corporation -- I would never blow my own trumpet
to tell you and Goanet what a great Goan "contributor" I've been. (Would
have said this earlier, but was curious to see how you would respond to
my earlier rejoinder, which, characteristically, you chose not to.)

If truth be told, I think I have 'contributed' nothing, but am now, in my own
little way and in my area of competence, hoping to contribute something
in the near future.

I guess you and me are the same age. What I did when Municipal
President of Margao in 1985-87, you ought to have known -- or found
out from old timers among the citizenry, councillors, perhaps even
municipal employees themselves ... who hated me while I was in
the chair, but I'm told the surviving ones think differently today. Why,
you could have asked your own dad, who was a prominent Trustee of
the 'Novem Goem Pratisthan' -- at least he might have remembered
how I got the then Council (that included present Goa ministers like
Digambar Kamat and Babu Azgaonkar, and former ministers like
Luis Alex Cardoso) to adopt a policy that the municipality's advertising
must go primarily to local newspapers ... Rashtramat & Novem Goem,
both, alas, defunct.

You could have phoned friends who lived in Margao in 1985-87, who
might have told you that this rascal called v "contributed" nothing, but did
make a slight difference to their experience with officials/staff whenever
they had occasion to visit the municipal offices on their work. Or people in
Malbhat or so many other former pigsty places round town ... that one today
even boasts of a noted hospital chain in India.

You made me open my mouth. But pointers are only what I will utter having
done that.

From your parting thoughts on me below, may I ask, do you take me for some

kind of a crusader? The Crusades happened long ago! This is the era of
hard politics, money, and whatever more it takes. I'm not made of the stuff fit
to be a politician. That's one reason I politely declined election tickets from
established political parties, to contest the Goa Assembly polls from Margao.
I will not name names (and embarrass friends who are around), but if you
enquire enough locally, you will know I'm speaking the truth.

Now to the other part of your original mail (Goanetters still around, please
click the 'delete' button, unless you want to die from boredom!)

Are you trying to suggest that Digu Kamat and Avdhoot Timblo have done
no good to Goa at all? I'm not saying they are saints -- are you and I ??

Take a break. Come to Goa. Ask around. Try and delve into the record of
former MLAs elected from Margao from 1963. Heaven bless them, none are
around, save my much-esteemed senior friend, Udaybab Bhembre. Then
tell me who's done most for Margao. I will repeat: I am not suggesting Digu is
a saint, much like me and you.

Avdhoot Timblo. Granted, a mineowner (forget he may like to regard himself
a nature farmer, of mineral ore.) You and I, and uncles and aunts, have some
money. Have you -- not me, to be sure -- spared however a tiny of fraction of
it for any "contribution" to Goa? To keep for posterity a bit of Goan cuisine,
music, folklore? At least Anju & Avdhoot have done it, like Shivanand & Dattaraj
(never mind the 'Prince,' Anil.)

Please don't take a world view with the goggles of a horse. There's a limit to
demonising people...

And please don't go off at a tangent, beyond the goalposts set by you in this
thread (even by minor things like changing the Subje

[Goanet] NEWS: Ad featuring Goan regional party leader kicks off row (IANS)

2009-04-21 Thread Goanet News

Ad featuring Goan regional party leader kicks off row
April 21st, 2009 - 9:56 pm ICT by IANS

Panaji, April 21 (IANS) A controversial advertisement published in a
local English daily Tuesday, showing a Goan regional party candidate
with a cross above his head, being beheaded by a Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) leader with a scissor, has created a sensation in the Goan
political and media circles.
The advertisement, published in the largest circulated English daily
Herald, contains a clip-to-art - a collage created by piecing together
separate images, depicting a cross above a photograph of United Goans
Democratic Party (UGDP) candidate from South Goa Mathany Saldanha’s
head, which is trapped between the blades of a pair of scissors, held
by BJP’s Manohar Parrikar and former UGDP general secretary Radharao

The pair of scissors is incidentally UGDP’s election symbol. Speaking
to IANS, Saldanha said that he would initiate criminal proceedings
against the Herald, which published the ad and artist Vicente Correia.

“I have also complained to the chief electoral officer about it (CEO).
It is mischievous and in bad taste,” Mathany said. Parrikar also said
that the advertisement was in violation of the code of conduct as it
used religious symbols.

“The use of a religious symbol in such an advertisement is not a good
sign. I am writing to the election authorities. I want to see how they
act in this case,” Parrikar said, alleging they have not behaved in a
fair manner during most of the campaigning period.

When IANS contacted the creator of the controversial advertisement,
Correia said that he had paid Rs.4,000 to get the advertisement
published. “I had a vision of the cross coming out of Mathany’s
(Saldanha) head. He is being crucified in the same way John De
Baptiste (a Biblical preacher) was crucified by King Herod’s wife,” he

Correia also said that the graphic was a creative exercise and
insisted that it was not published at the behest of any political

Herald’s editor Ashwin Tombat told IANS that the advertisement made no
reference to Mathany.

“Other than that I have no comment to make,” Tombat said.

The controversial advertisement comes on the heels of repeated
cautions by the election authorities, that any surrogate advertising
in the media would attract criminal action against the media outfit.

Re: [Goanet] Religion and Science (part 2)

2009-04-21 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Mon, 4/20/09, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:
> I appreciate Santosh telling us he has not read any book
> on theology. Now we will have to check about other topics he
> writes on.

Gilbert, I said I did not STUDY (not just read) any book on theology, which is 
what you asked me to do. Please see your quote below:

"Please tell us the names of five theological books you have studied (not just 
...Gilbert Lawrence

I have certainly read a few books on theology, including parts of the Bible and 
Bhagvad Gita. The best one I have read so far is "Religion Explained" by Pascal 

Now, you did not answer my questions, or try to calmly respond to the points I 
made. Instead, you resorted to innuendo and ad hominem. Please see below. What 
made you engage in this behavior?



--- On Mon, 4/20/09, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:

> Is this what passes off as
> intelligent conversation among scientists?  
> Or is this a bitter brew of mis-guided outrage?
> Well ... I guess some scientist have a problem dealing with
> the facts.
> I would understand getting some flak from clinicians, for
> not being detailed in my explanations.  However it appears
> that our "pure science" expert cannot handle the facts.  
> Relax ... patients really come to see the doctors, because
> they love us!

[Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-21 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Carvalho wrote:



At least we know there is one sort of patch-up work Valmiki has not done.
Posting articles by others and pretending they are his own work.. Selma





Writing articles or posting articles of others or writing provocations can
in no way save Goa.And if you have made contributions to save GOA than
the trio in question please let Goanet know about it!


Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad




[Goanet] South Goa Parlimentary Elections and Surrogate Candidates

2009-04-21 Thread Samir Kelekar

Whom would you recommend as a candidate to vote for in South Goa ?

Sardinha ?

What points do you have in favour of Sardinha ?



[Goanet] Beardless

2009-04-21 Thread Cecil Pinto
Just a note to all Cyber Goans that I met Frederick last week and he
has shaved his beard off. This after a period of 23 years of always
having a full beard. It takes a few seconds to recognise him.

This note is to keep the public informed.




Re: [Goanet] Is the PM a liar?

2009-04-21 Thread Santosh Helekar

Here are answers to Eddie's questions. I hope he answers mine in return.

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Edward Verdes  wrote:
>If Shrikant was mistaken why didnt you point out to him in the
> begining?

Because I do not consider it a big deal if anybody criticizes a politician or a 
public official, asks rhetorical questions about him, calls him a liar, or 
whatever. Public criticism and slander of a public person on account of his 
public statements are not considered illegal.

> I am reasonable that is why I have asked you, why you did
> not ask the same question when someone had abused Srikant
> earlier. was it because the poster was a having a hindu name?

You are clearly not reasonable here. The answer is simple. I did not see or 
read that post from Rajiv Desai before Marshall dug that trash from the 
archives. That garbage appears to be entirely unprovoked. 

> Now I ask you why do you think that poster abused Srikant?

I do not know why people like him and Marshall abuse private citizens in public 
forums. Do you know why?

Do you believe Shrikant Barve deserves to be abused?

Do you believe it is okay to publicly abuse and slander private citizens with 
whom you disagree, or whose name, religion or political party is different from 



P.S. BTW, regarding Saudi Arabia, I have already provided evidence that it is 
the second worst persecutor of Christians in the world after North Korea.


Re: [Goanet] Some more

2009-04-21 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

Thanks, Cedric, replied to that one, and saw your
response (below) too. Thank you, kind of you. But these
guys, like Samir & Uday (will respond to both again)
can hardly argue or debate. When you hit them a
bit hard, they turn tails!
Rgds, v

- Original Message - 
From: "cedrico dacosta" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:14 PM
Subject: [Goanet] South Goa Parlimentary Elections and Surrogate Candidates

South Goa Parlimentary Elections and Surrogate Candidates

The equation is simple, we do not have to go hammer and thongs agains Valmiki Faleiro and his sunday coloumn... every kid in south 
Goa knows that Mathany Saldhana has volunteered to be the surrogate and the two margao based advocates, one a master hand at 
countermanding elections, the other a political disaster and non-crowd puller have sold themselves to be the mid wives...to deliver 
a saffron blooded baby!

The electorate of south goa are smart...

Cedric Da Costa


2009-04-21 Thread valley faleiro

I think Aires, you had enough in the past days for your own fault... don't let 
the people ( GOANS) suffer like you again


> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 07:04:55 +0530
> From: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT
> People of Goa should take a conscientious stand and vote for the BJP
> candidates, Mr. Sripad Naik in the North and Adv. Narendra Savoikar in the
> South at the April 23 Lok Sabha elections.
> In the current electoral pitch, the best option available for the people of
> Goa is to elect the BJP to effectively deal with the global economic and
> terrorism crisis by ensuring some political stability with good effective
> governance.
> Congress party has been fooling the people for too long. The April 23rd
> election is an opportunity for the people of Goa to teach the Congress a
> lesson. One wonders as to how a party that cannot keep its own MLAs content
> can ensure the welfare of Goa’s Aam Aadmi. After witnessing the rampant
> corruption and administrative chaos over the last few years in particular,
> people should not even consider voting for the Congress party.
> In the name of secularism the Congress party has looted and destroyed Goa’s
> social and cultural identity. Congress leaders have converted politics into
> a business and family venture.
> The overnight opportunistic switching of parties by Jitendra Deshprabhu from
> Congress to NCP, is just another example demonstrating that self interest
> had taken priority over the party’s and Goa's interests.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Ribandar


2009-04-21 Thread Dr. Leo Rebello
26 - North Mumbai
Parliamentary Constituency

Dr Leo Rebello

Frank, Fearless, Incorruptible
Popular People's Candidate fielded by Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangh and supported 
by the 
others of the Third Front.

Symbol: Television

- Reduce Reliance electricity bills
- Roti, Kapda, Makan & education for all
- Slums will turn into pucca houses
- Attempt to remove octroi
- Citizen Policing
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Double decker AC trains for local travel
- Speedways on WR/CR tracks
- Ban on noisy crackers
- No fluoridation of water
- Ban on plastic bags
- Small Loans
- Special Agriculture Zones
- No bonuses to top executives
- Reduce very high salaries and perks of company directors and CEOs
- 6-hour shift instead of 8-hour work shift
- Two shifts in courts, banks, post offices
- In every family atleast one job be provided - one family one job
- Through traditional and natural medicine provide safer, cheaper, reliable and 
affordable health care to all
May it be noted that India has recognized six systems of medicines.

Dr Leo Rebello, N.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., M.B.A. is the local candidate. He has 30 
social work experience, brilliant nation building ideas, and holistic vision. 
He has 
fought corruption, communalism, casteism and criminalisation. He is the 
Director of 
Natural Health Center, has written 36 books, delivered over 10,000 lectures in 
countries and trained and treated thousands since 1978. He was SEM for 18 
worked on the Film Censor Board for 2 years, is World Peace Envoy since 2004 
Ambassador of World Organisation of Natural Medicine. He co-founded All India 
writers Association (the first association of Whistle Blowers) in 1980, All 
Voters Panchayat and Litigants Welfare Forum in 1990. Recipient of many awards, 
is listed in several Who's Who of the World. For more details see his website: 
www.healthwisdom.org as also www.MumbaiVotes.com or contact on 9022805703.

North Mumbai Parliamentary Constituency comprises of: Malad West - Malvani, 
Marve and Manori Village. Kandivali East - Damu Nagar, Lokhandwala, Samata 
Thakur Complex and Thakur Village, Magathane. Kandivali West, Poisar, Charkop. 
Borivli West - IC Colony, Mandpeshwar, Gorai and Dahisar upto Check Naka. There 
16 lakh plus voters in this constituency. The composition is more or less as 
About 6,00,000 Marathis (including Muslims and Dalits). 2,25,000 Christians, 
including Kolis. About 3,00,000 Muslims. Rest Gujaratis and others. This 
is given mainly to educate the voters, since we talk of proportional 

Even if 50% voters get down to vote on 30th april, Dr Leo Rebello will easily 
get 3 
lakh + votes because of his truly secular credentials, high qualifications, 
grassroots experience and international exposure. The reason why you should 
him and vote for him.

Election Date: 30th April 2009.  Time: 7.00AM to 5.00PM

Address of Dr Leo Rebello: 28/552 Samata Nagar, Kandivali East, Mumbai-101.
Tel: 22-28872741. Mobile: 9022805703 / 9867885306

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 4020 (20090420) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


[Goanet] Konkani name for Kulattha

2009-04-21 Thread Venantius Pinto
 *Botanical-Vigna unquiculata Walp.Syn. Dolichos biflorus (Fam. Leguminosae)

KONKNNI: Looking into this, but Kulattha sounds quite
Konknni-ish. Furthermore do try and get in touch with Goan Vaids/Botanists,
as also Pratap Naik sj of TSKK)*
*Sanskrit-KhalvaBengal-Kulattha  English-Horse
Gujarat-KalathiHindi- Kulathi
Malayalam- Mudiraa   Marathi-KulithaTamil- Kollu
Telugu-Ulavalu *
There is a picture here

Indian Pulses Through the Millennia

Y L Nene
*Asian Agri-History Foundation, Secunderabad 500 009, Andhra Pradesh,
gram (Dolichos uniflorus)*
Horse gram is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. Archaeological
investigations have revealed the use of horse gram as food arounf 2000 BC
(Mehra, *2000*). The *Brahadaranyaka *(c. 5500 BC), a commentary on the
Rigveda (c. 8000 BC) mentions *khatakula*, which is the original Sanskrit
name for horse gram. The Yajurveda (c. 7000 BC) mentions the Sanskrit *kulattha
*(Achaya, 1998) as the name for horse gram. Subsequently, Buddhist and Jain
literature, and Kautilya’s Arthasastra, all mention *kulattha*. Susruta (c.
400 BC) mentioned *vanyakulattha*, obviously a wild species. *Kulattha *is
mentioned in the Sangam literature of the Tamils (100 BC–300 AD) as *kollu*,
which seems to be a derivative of *kulattha*. The original Latin name for
horse gram was *Dolichos biflorus*, which was later changed to *D. uniflorus

Watt (1889) mentions two varieties of seeds, red and white. Kautilya
(321–296 BC) mentions its sowing time as the postrainy season, while,
according to Watt (1889), the seed could be sown in any season. Kashyapa
(800 AD) mentions broadcast sowing after moistening the seed (Ayachit,
2002). The crop is drought tolerant. It requires one weeding (Kashyapa, 800
AD; Ayachit, 2002), but no manuring is mentioned. The Sangam literature of
the Tamils mentions intercropping horse gram with *Paspalum
scrobiculatum *(Achaya,
1998).The Sangam literature of the Tamils mentions intercropping horse gram
with *Paspalum scrobiculatum *(Achaya, 1998). In Satara (Maharashtra), horse
gram was sown in June with pearl millet in separate rows (Watt, 1889). Horse
gram fodder has been fed to horses for centuries and is a good cattle fodder
as well (Watt, 1889).

Horse gram has been used as a food item for millennia. The soup extract from
*kulattha*, called *yusa*,* *was consumed commonly during the Sutra period
(c. 1500–800 BC). These soups are the *rasams *of today (Achaya, 1998). The
*vadas *(cakes) made from horse gram were listed in the *Varanaka Samuchaya
*(1520 AD) in the Gujarati language (Achaya, 1998). Horse gram was used as
medicine to treat calculus afflictions, corpulence, hiccups, and worms
(Chunekar and Pandey, 1998). Surapala’s Vrikshayurveda (Sadhale, 1996)
mentions interesting uses of horse gram in horticulture. Horse *gram
decoction* was used for flower and fruit drop. The Ain-i-Akbari (1590 AD)
does not mention *horse gram* as an item sold in the markets (Blochmann,
Also see Pandanus Database on Plant Names:

(read the tiny bit on plant consciousness)

Some remedies (Please make your own decision)


From: Maria Josefa D'Souza 
> Subject: [Goanet] Konkani name for Kulattha
> Hi,
> ? Would anyone know the Konkani name for? Kulattha ?
> Check
> http://www.himalayahealthcare.com/herbfinder/h_dolichos.htm
> A picture of Kulattha would help as well.
> Kulattha is known as a remedy for Kidney stones.? I was researching for
> home remedies for Kidney stones. Would anyone know other Kidney stone
> remedies ?
> Thanks,
> -Maria

[Goanet] Subscription

2009-04-21 Thread RonSharl
Hello FN,

Please refer to my earlier request for the daily news digest.

I am trying to modify my subscription but am facing some problem doing so.

I want to continue receiving goanet-news digest, but not the discussions of
the members on the blog.  Can I receive only the goanet news digest?



[Goanet] Who is funding these elections? Drink to find out.

2009-04-21 Thread augusto pinto
Apart from the usual suspects - the businessmen, the matkawallahs, the
various mafias and so on - who is funding these Lok Sabha elections?

I have a theory that during every election there are a certain bunch
of people who are targetted to fork out the lolly. How come? Well
certain commodities suddenly become scarce and their price sky-rockets
just before and during election time and come to normal soon after.
Like it could be onions one election or potatoes another. Someone more
diligent can check whether I'm right or wrong by finding out if any
commodity price went up before any particular election and why it

I don't know whether this is a nation - wide phenomenon but in Goa at
least I believe that this time it is the liquor barons who will be the
paymasters.This is because they have created an artificial scarcity of
liquor. As a result in the most simple taverns a small pint of beer
which used to cost Rs 25 NOW COSTS Rs 40 OR MORE. Imagine the price at
upmarket bars.

The excuse is that the Election Commission has announced that it would
have spot checks at major outlets to ensure that candidates do not
lift large stocks of liquor to satisfy the thirsts of dehydrated
voters. So the wholesalers said that to be on the safe side they just
would not supply any booze to anyone.

This is all hooey. Booze which is a commodity with inelastic demand
will and must be sold. Drinkers will and must drink. The only thing is
that the prices have been hiked and it is sold on the quiet.

The question is - who will be the beneficiary of the booze-wallahs munificence.

Cheers or rather no cheers



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] Contributions to Goa --- Cecil

2009-04-21 Thread Samir Kelekar

Cecil says that Valmiki, Digamber have won public office and so have
automatically contributed to Goa.

While I dont want to comment on specific cases, and I will take their
answer at face value, Cecil seems extremely naive about the whole concept
of holding office.

The raking of crores on holding office is a criminal activity and cannot be by 
any means called contribution to Goa. Indeed Valmiki himself through
his column told us of crores that are being raked in by some of the current

As to what are my contributions. They arent much but surely whatever little
they are, I am extremely proud of.

As a director of Infotech corporation, I have fulfilled my duty keeping
in mind the highest tradition of serving the people. Though I could have
easily raked in crores, I have not just refused but exposed those who
were doing so. I have got at least one direct offer to hold another position 
an offer to make crores in bribe money but i have refused to do so.

Let Digambar come out in the open and say the same thing about himself and my 
vote will
be for the Congress. Let Auduth Timblo come out and say he is not destroying 
Goa and I will be with him.

As to Valmiki, I leave it to him to answer the question. Sure I know
Valmiki has contributed to the public but that was a while back. As
we know the situtation has gone worse in the last few years, the temptations 
have become more, and it is more and more difficult to be
upright in these days. Certainly, I am not accusing Valmiki but I would
have expected him to lead the Save Goa fight. A person with his experience was 
what was needed now.

I am wondering why he is taking an ambivalent stand at this crucial juncture.



[Goanet] Vote for BJP/NDA and make India richer by over 400 billion Dollars within 100 days

2009-04-21 Thread JoeGoaUk

Vote for BJP and make India richer by over 400 billion Dollars within 
100 days

That sounds good to me.

BJP leader Shatrugan Sinha stated in Vasco-Goa that if BJP-led NDA 
voted back to power, it will bring back all black money from 
Swiss Accounts within 100 days.

He added 'about 6,00,000 villages in India, each will get Rs.4.5 crore 
for development'

So, who you waiting for?
Blindly vote for BJP

No other party has ever promissed that.

btw, has any Party or Candidate promised eradication of corruption at all Govt. 
dept ?

I don't think so because part of the ill-gotton money goes to them too.
Reason: Thy have to recover their elections cost.

Village Panchayat secretaries charging huge kick backs to singn 
on construction licences for residential bungalow.

The panchayat has okayed it at it's meeting and resolution passed accordingly. 

So, why delay?
'They or the Sarpanch don't sign it but I do' says the 
secratary. Pay only Rs.15,000 (other sec. charges 25-30K) and take 
your file same time'.

What? whay so much?
'We paid lakhs to get this job'


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Re: [Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-21 Thread Carvalho

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:

> And Valmiki is doing good patch-up work to calm down Goans
> on all the
> misdeeds done by Timblo & Digambar!!!
> Best regards,
> Dr. U. G. Barad  

At least we know there is one sort of patch-up work Valmiki has not done. 
Posting articles by others and pretending they are his own work.


[Goanet] South Goa Parlimentary Elections and Surrogate Candidates

2009-04-21 Thread cedrico dacosta

South Goa Parlimentary Elections and Surrogate Candidates
The equation is simple, we do not have to go hammer and thongs agains Valmiki 
Faleiro and his sunday coloumn... every kid in south Goa knows that Mathany 
Saldhana has volunteered to be the surrogate and the two margao based 
advocates, one a master hand at countermanding elections, the other a political 
disaster and non-crowd puller have sold themselves to be the mid wives...to 
deliver a saffron blooded baby!
The electorate of south goa are smart...
Cedric Da Costa

[Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-21 Thread Cecil Pinto
Samir Kelekar wrote:
Jesus said --- let him throw the first stone who has not created any sin.
I would like to know the contribution of the following to Goa in the past
few years.
1) Valmiki Faliero.
2) Digambar Kamat
3) Auduth Timblo.
Only when they have done so, they have the right to comment on Mathany.
Otherwise, they ought to shut up!!
Jai Hind!

Dear Samir,

Both Valmiki and Digambar have stood in elections for public office
and won. They have served terms in these offices and thus
automatically have contributed to Goa and Goans.

I agree with you that Mathany is relatively a better choice than the
others but if you are asking anyone who is critical to first show what
is their contribution to Goa then you should go first.

What Samir is your contribution ot Goa and is it more (or better) than
that of the three you have named above?



Before Samir asks; I have not contributed anything to Goa but I do
believe I have made a few Goans laugh occasionally.

Re: [Goanet] Is the PM a liar?

2009-04-21 Thread Edward Verdes
There is a konkani saying...Bhottac zai zalear omas, nam zalear punov (the 
priest adjusts his calendar according to his whims)

Santosh has ignored the point that Srikant has called PM a Liar and now 
trying to justify his statements that he is being abused.
I hope he knows the difference between Liar and Lied. If Shrikant was 
mistaken why didnt you point out to him in the begining?

I am reasonable that is why I have asked you, why you did not ask the same 
question when someone had abused Srikant earlier.
was it because the poster was a having a hindu name?..and look how you have 
nicely put it 'trash from the archives' when the
the post was hardly a week ago. 13/4. Now I ask you why do you think that 
poster abused Srikant?

Refering to your post on 'Persecutions of Christians in Saudi Arabia'..let 
me tell you that I have been working n living
in Saudi Arabia for the past 20 years and there are thousands of Christians 
and Hindus working here...some of the Hindus
are even managing their own business. if the situation was so bad, it would 
have been difficult to live so many years here.

Dev borem korum
Edward Verdes

- Original Message - 
From: "Santosh Helekar" 

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Edward Verdes  wrote:

In the meantime, the poster could not prove if the PM lied?

I always thought that, unlike Marshall, Eddie was a reasonable man. So I was 
disappointed to see this post from him. He has unfortunately posted some 
abusive trash from the archives against a private citizen, Shrikant Barve. 
Please see below. Incredibly, he has also raised an issue with Shrikant for 
not substantiating his criticism of the PM in the form of a rhetorical 
question, while showing the double standard of not asking Marshall to prove 
the slanderous and contemptuous insinuation that Shrikant was taught to 
hallucinate in the daily shakhas.

I request Eddie to ask Marshall to do so. Regarding the PM, as I have said 
before, I do not believe that he is a liar. Shrikant was mistaken.



--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Edward Verdes  wrote:

Mon Apr 13 20:08:39 PDT 2009 Rajiv
Desai wrote:
[Goanet] re':shrikant barve
i've often been tempted to write about this communal
fathead who raves and rants on goanet.
now that i have written, i'll not waste my time with such a
contemptible pamphleteer. people like this are the bane of
our nation.

on Thu Apr 16 07:28:49 PDT 2009 santosh Helekar

Marshall Mendonza wrote:
> Do they also teach you to hallucinate in the daily

Why is this guy abusing Shrikant Barve who has not
personally attacked him in any way?

Goanetters pls noteSantosh bab did not have any say as
regards Rajiv Desai's post but
instead he chose to ask Marshall...and Jose followed, as

In the meantime, the poster could not prove if the PM

Dev Borem korum
Edward Verdes

[Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-21 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Are we up to discussing joke about trios who are projecting themselves as
savers of Goa! 

If so I take liberty to explain this joke in nut shell. 

Timblo is finishing Goa at one end and projecting himself that he is for
welfare of Goa at other side of Goa!

Digambar helps Timblo for all his misdeeds by even passing special ordinance
to protect Timblo to circumvent Supreme Court orders!! 

And Valmiki is doing good patch-up work to calm down Goans on all the
misdeeds done by Timblo & Digambar!!!

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad  

[Goanet] Goa-World.com questions: Doesn't the EC code of conduct applies to Congress in Goa?

2009-04-21 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com


Congress Minister in Goa terms state party leaders ‘dishonest’
April 20th, 2009 - 3:02 pm ICT by IANS 


Panaji, April 20 (IANS) Goa’s Public Works Department minister Churchill 
Alemao, angry over denial of ticket to his daughter Valanka, turned on his own 
Congress party and its South Goa candidate terming them “dishonest”.

“If you cannot honour a written agreement to give ticket to Valanka, how can 
the party be trusted?” Alemao told a rally at Navelim Sunday evening in the 
presence of an embarrassed South Goa Congress candidate Francisco Sardinha, Goa 
Congress unit president Subhash Shirodkar and Chief Minister Digambar Kamat. 
Attacking the Congress further, Alemao said that barring party president Sonia 
Gandhi and Shirodkar, none of the Congress leaders could be trusted.
Alemao, a legislator from Navelim, also made snide remarks about Sardinha, 
alleging that the sitting MP was not a popular candidate for the Lok Sabha 
“You would never have faced problems organising meetings if my daughter Valanka 
was a candidate,” he said. 
Alemao also warned Sardinha that he would lose the Lok Sabha election if he 
campaigned with another former chief minister and Alemao’s rival Luizinho 
Alemao charged Falerio with goading Tourism Minister Francisco alias Mickky 
Pacheco, who is from the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), to file a 
disqualification petition against him. 
The petition, accusing Alemao and Congress legislator Reginaldo Lourence of 
illegally merging a regional party into the Congress after the last assembly 
elections, is pending before the assembly speaker.
Alemao attacked the chief minister. 
“If I was the chief minister in such a situation, I would have immediately 
sacked Pacheco from the cabinet,” he said, questioning the logic behind a 
cabinet member filing a disqualification petition against his colleague.
Alemao warned that if he was disqualified, there would be consequences. 
“If I am sent home, I will ensure that all go home. Twice I had shown in the 
past what politics is all about. Don’t force me to show it again,” he said.
Rampant infighting has led to the Congress expending its energies in tracking 
down and pacifying rebellious leaders rather than focusing on the election 

Goa World   

[Goanet] .. Exactly what is an MP's job ?

2009-04-21 Thread Robin Viegas
... Exactly what is an MP'S Job?

(And guess what? Despite an RTI application, he hasn't been able to get an 

By Srabana Lahiri / Geeta Desai
Posted On Tuesday, April 21, 2009

RTI activist Dev Ashish Bhattacharya

Watching the frenzy of poll coverage, an MBA graduate who works with a private 
sector company in New Delhi had a question: "What is the exact responsibility 
of a 
Member of Parliament?"

Unable to find the answer in newspapers or on the Internet, Dev Ashish 
dashed off a Right To Information application.Much to his amazement, the 
was told that neither the Election Commission nor the ministries of Law and 
and Parliamentary Affairs had a clue!

Bhattacharya had asked two questions:

1) What are the rules or provisions that fix the duties and responsibilities of 
and MLAs?

2) What is an MPs' role in providing basic amenities and maintaining law and 
in his or her respective constituency?

"The Election Commission spends crores of rupees from the public exchequer on 
election process, I assumed they would know but they forwarded my query to the 
and Judiciary and the Parliamentary Affairs ministries. Between these three, 
should have been able to answer me, but the entire system is just as confused," 
Bhattacharya says.

"Why are they [MPs] administered the oath of office? They should perhaps 
themselves to parliamentary sittings and receive an honorarium. If they really 
any duties, let the government come forward and define them," he says. turn to 
and MLAs are not responsible for failure of any kind in their respective 
constituencies, not accountable at all, yet they get to spend huge amounts of 
money, draw salaries and get allowances and even pension," says Bhattacharya, 
approached the Election Commission two months ago.

Bhattacharya now plans to approach the President's office. "I will send my 
application to the President. She is the head of the country. Let me see 
whether she 
knows what the elected representatives of the people are supposed to do."

What an MP gets Salary: Rs 12,000 per month


. Rs 20,000 for office expenses every month, which includes Rs 4,000 for 
Rs 2,000 for franking of letters and Rs 14,000 for secretarial services.

. A monthly constituency allowance of Rs 12,000

. A daily allowance of Rs 1,000 when Parliament is in session

. MP and his spouse or companion are entitled to unlimited, free, first class 
railway travel anywhere in the country. They can also travel anywhere in India 
with a spouse or companion - 34 times by air free of cost every year, business 

. MP gets accommodation in the heart of New Delhi, for which he or she pays a 
of just Rs 2,000 per month. Each MP gets near-free electricity of 50,000 units 
year. And free water upto 4,000 kilolitre.

. The MP's home has furniture worth Rs 75,000 and he or she gets sofa covers 
curtains washed free of cost every three months.

. MPs are entitled to three phone lines and 1,50,000 free local calls every 

. When an MP travels abroad officially, he is entitled to free business class 
tickets. He is also paid a daily travelling allowance, which varies depending 
the country visited.

. Most medical expenses of MPs are taken care of by the Contributory Health 
Scheme of the Union govt.

. After an MP completes a term in office, he is entitled to pension. The 
pension is Rs 8,000 and it goes up according to the number of years an MP 
serves in 

Do they know their job?

MPs should work closely with the constituency, they are expected to participate 
discussions on issues pertaining to development of the country in the Lok Sabha 
Every year, giving an account of work done to the public is a must. I have 
given an 
account of my work for the last 5 years, even when I was not elected in 2004.

- Ram Naik (BJP),  Mumbai-NorthAn MP's prime responsibility is to work for 
take up their issues in Parliament at the macro level. I have discussed in the 
Sabha issues like terrorism, implementation of police reforms, child abuse and 
empowerment. The problems of the constituency and of the people of Mumbai are 
prime responsibility.

- Priya Dutt Mumbai (Congress), North/West
I am committed to my constituency. I have raised issues pertaining to Thane and 
worked for development, especially of the Railways. I have tried to use funds 
the Local Area Development Fund for this. People are intelligent... if you 
work and do not fulfil your responsibility towards your constituency, they know 
to do in the next election.

- Anand Paranjpe (Shiv Sena), Kalyan

Copyright 2008 Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd. . All rights reserved.


[Goanet] Goa's Mr 10 %

2009-04-21 Thread Freddy Fernandes
In response to:

Message: 7
Date: 18 Apr 2009 15:56:10 -
From: "Manoj  Raikar" http://f5mail.rediff.com/prism/writemail?&mode=mail_to_individual&email=manojgr
ai...@rediffmail.com&els=b924a20d5742903d73ab3d6912a305e4> >
Subject: [Goanet] Fw: Goa's  Mr 10 %


Dear Manoj Raikar,


Today there are two things that drag India backwards and nullifies all the good
work that is done in science and technology, they are our very vast unproductive
population and rampant corruption, both these are our major drawbacks, both at
state level as well as national level. Just a couple of days back, I had read an
article, that the amount of black money in the Swiss banks, could lavishly
finance more than a couple of annual budgets. So you can imagine the amount of
black money that is stacked in and around the Alps, lying there doing nothing. 


China is the most populace country but the advantage for them is, they are ruled
by an iron hand, so corruption is much less and their vast population is more
productive than ours. If we in India can bring down the level of corruption and
control our population and turn our illiterate, unskilled labour workforce into
an educated and productive one, then, and only then, we'll be able to fulfill
our dreams of becoming a true world super power. 


Our politicians on the other hand, have no such vision, they don't want to
educate the illiterate, because if they do, they will surely not be able to ride
the rough sod on them, or take advantage of them, and they will not stop
corruption too, because that's the sole purpose, that they have joined politics
for, it's commerce before service. We all know what all our MLA's were before
they joined politics and what they are now, How did such a drastic change in
fortune occur ? The answer is definitely CORRUPTION and there are no two ways
about it. So why on earth does the EC not investigate such politicians ?  


Educating the children is the right way to move forward, if the kids can
embarrass the thick skinned, by saying we do not want to be part of what is
corrupt, it would most certainly help make a change. 


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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Re: [Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-21 Thread Valmiki Faleiro


Before you ask, follow your own rule stated below, and tell me
what your own contribution to Goa has been "in the past few years."
Then, maybe, I understand what you want to know about me.

Jai ho!

- Original Message - 
From: "Samir Kelekar" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 12:46 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

Jesus said --- let him throw the first stone who has not created any sin.

I would like to know the contribution of the following to Goa in the past
few years.

1) Valmiki Faliero.

2) Digambar Kamat

3) Auduth Timblo.

Only when they have done so, they have the right to comment on Mathany.
Otherwise, they ought to shut up!!

Jai Hind!


[Goanet] Churchill's travails

2009-04-21 Thread Antonio Menezes
If the sword of Damocles is hanging over the head of Churchill Alemao ,
courtesy Speaker
of Goa Assembly and that too when elections to the Lok Sabha  are imminent,
it could
possible mean  that the original Ali Baba  is trying to stage a comeback
with the help of