[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (10Jun09)

2009-06-10 Thread alexyz fernandes
Training him to be another Leander?

Yes! Starting with Smashing Mosquitoes!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org


2009-06-10 Thread Averthan
Averthanus L. D'Souza.

 The vigorous defence of Truth in the lead article in Herald, (Saturday, 6 
2009) and specially the citing of the caveat of Pope Leo XIII at the time of 
access to research scholars to the (so called 'secret') Archives of the Vatican 
most commendable indeed. The quotation from Cicero: ne quid veri tacere 
meaning dare not silence the truth) was specially impressive, indicating, as it 
familiarity with the Roman classics. However, readers would have appreciated 
told also that it was the same Cicero who loudly lamented: Oh Truth! How many 
falsehoods are told in thy name. Using the defence of truth as a subterfuge to 
fortify one's untenable arguments might impress uncritical minds, but to those 
keener minds, it evokes the scene in Pilate's Courtroom when he questioned 
about his credentials. When Jesus told him that he had come into the world to 
testify to the truth (Jn. 18:37) Pilate snidely remarked: What is truth? and 
turned away without waiting for a response. How apropos to this dialogue and 
representative of those who presume to have special insights into truth. In his 
enlightening book What is History? Prof. E.H. Carr cites the great liberal 
journalist C.P. Scott: Facts are sacred, opinion is free. Carr goes on to 
that: In spite of C.P. Scott's motto, every journalist knows today that the 
effective way to influence opinion is by the selection and arrangement of the 
appropriate facts. It used to be said that facts speak for themselves. This is, 
course, untrue. The facts speak only when the historian calls on them; it is he 
decides to which facts to give the floor, and in what order or context. It was, 
think, one of Pirandello's characters who said that a fact is like a sack - it 
stand up till you've put something in it. (E.H.Carr What is History Pelican 
Books, 1964 pg.11)

 The article under consideration (as well as the previous one) falls very 
appropriately into this category. Let us take as an example the assertion (or 
obvious insinuation) that the Church authorities in Goa hide information: In 
addition to the Pastoral Letter and some stray notes (sic) available online 
those post-liberation updates, it could be helpful to all interested to have 
full Statement of the Diocesan Synod (SDS) also online for consultation, and so 
the new rules for the Confrarias as enacted in 2003. Such updated rule books 
help promote greater transparency and collaboration of the faithful, and could 
dispel some unwarranted doubts of the interested citizens. This statement 
insinuates that the Archdiocese of Goa has not made available the full text of 
Statement of the Diocesan Synod or the updated rules of the Confrarias. The 
fact is that these documents are freely and readily available to anyone who 
to have them. If the author of the article has not succeeded in accessing them 
on-line he should not conclude that the authorities are suppressing the 
information. It only means, probably, that the departments concerned are not au 
courant with information technology. To ascribe ulterior motives is surely a 
travesty of truth?

 A prominent historian is expected to verify his facts before putting pen to 
What he refers to as the all-India Church synod of 1970 was certainly not a 
 synod in the accepted sense of the word, (and as an ex-cleric, he ought to 
this). It was officially described as the All India Seminar on The Church in 
Today and it took place in 1969 (not 1970).

 The declaration that None of my criticisms have or will ever be intended 
any clergyman or other individuals, and I believe that those who resort to 
attacks only vitiate any good and useful debate is well received. However, a 
careful re-reading of my response to the original article The Political 
Economy of 
the Church will confirm that my arguments were directed to the opinions 
by the author (including the questioning of his hidden motives!) - and not 
the author's person. It is still my firm opinion that the author's 
(repeated in this present article) that the Government should supervise the 
finances and properties is totally ill-conceived and retrograde. In the 
circumstances - economic and political - the Government itself is taking active 
measures to divest itself of business and industrial activities. The buzz 
word, as 
everyone knows, is disinvestment and privatization. For the author of the 
article under review (and his misguided supporters) to propose, in this 
that the Government should take over the management of the temporal affairs of 
churches, temples and mosques is clearly retrograde and even deplorable. The 
solution they are proposing is infinitely worse than the alleged problems which 

Re: [Goanet] Weather forecasting in North America

2009-06-10 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Alfred de Tavares wrote: 
 Whatever, then, went wrong in New Orleans???
 Was the build-up of Kotrin too miniscule to disturb
 those US of A's mega-accurate weather-sensors???

Alfred de T.
The US National Weather Service provided detailed tracking of Hurricane
Katrina from the time it entered the Caribbean. The Cuban Govt, led by Supreme
Commandante Fidel Castro, used this info to protect their citizens and as such,
not a single Cuban lost his/her life.
The National Weather Service and most US TV stations accurately provided
the time and place where Katrina would strike the US. Almost everyone with
a TV set in N. America could track the path of the hurricane.

I say almost because the Honourable George Bush (43) was not one of 
the trackers. After the hurricane killed 2,000 people and devastate New 
Orleans, Georgie got up and declared that the guy dealing with the
aftermath was doing a good job. Then he had to fire the guy he had praised.

In the meantime, Cuba offered 1,100 doctors trained in disaster relief. 
Venezuela offered food, water and heating oil.
India delivered 25 tons of blankets and hygiene kits.
The Canadian Govt hired helicopters and rescued all 200 Canadians in 
the area within 48 hours.

The weather forecasters did an excellent job.
Bush and Co did their er, best.


Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now

[Goanet] Migrant workers and outsiders

2009-06-10 Thread Elvino Rodriques
Excellent solution Freddy ..especially your paragraphs on Goans Migrating 
abroad and 
Solution .

Your paragraph (with regard to Goans migrating abroad)was the kind on NRI was 
disturbing my mind for a very long time as to how to express, as every one were 
mixing the NRI status of Gulf Indians/Goans into status of others permanently 
migrated Indians/Goans at world wide.  You have very beautifully explained the 
difference and the kind of life and rights we have in these Gulf Countries due 
which under no circumstances we can call a sort of migration.

And your 2 last paragraphs as a solution is also a perfect solution Goa needs 
present circumstances.



Re: [Goanet] Goan, be exclusionary

2009-06-10 Thread Anita Mathew
Excellent ,well thought out to help Goa for a brighter and tolerant future- be 
of a n increasingly closing in world!

Anita mathew.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Goanet Reader wrote:

  Goan, be exclusionary

  DEVIL'S ADVOCATE/ Frederick Noronha

  For a small place like Goa, where we are always short of
  critical mass, you would think that every individual counted.
  One would have thought that we all would be trying to widen
  the circle, involve more people, and be more inclusive. 

[Goanet] Food Park At Canaguinim

2009-06-10 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Food Park At Canaguinim

UGDP threatens stir for Special Status 

On Herald of 9th June 2009 under the heading UGDP threatens stir for Special
Status the ugly monster called Food Park has reared it's ugly head all over
again and I am sure it's not going to go away. It's looks the fish called
Chandrakant Kavleker has already swallowed the bait along with the hook, line
and sinker of the investors and there is nothing he can do about it but move and
tag along as they tug him.


Food-park and Auxiliary Services project at Naqueri, is now presented with a
chocolate coating with a few nuts sprinkled around for flavour and presented as
Industrial Development zone by the chairman of IDC and the present ruling party
MLA Mr. Chandrakant Kavlekar from Quepem. A change in name does not make a crow,
a dove or a swan. 


In the last week of May a few of our villagers along with the Parish Priest of
Canaguinim Rev. Fr, Henry D' Souza, had a meeting with Mr. Kavlekar over the
proposed development plans for our area. It was nice of Mr. Kavlekar to give us
his time and patience for about two hours, in the midst of his very busy
schedule, he did talk in length of his achievements in the last few years in the
form of the number of projects he started in Quepem proper  but as soon as we
let the cat out of the bag on the Food park issue he was on the defensive and
said the food park was scrapped and in it's place we would have non-polluting
industries, when we asked to give more details he was unable to do so, it was at
this time that Rev. Fr. Henry asked him the purpose of acquiring more than the
required land for the industrial development zone as he called it then, he was
vague in his answer,  he also had no answer when asked what provisions where
made for housing, for people in the area who are already out growing their
restricted village areas.


He said that people of the area would benefit through the Industrial Zone as
they will get direct access to water from the Selaulim dam and direct
underground cable supply of electricity from Xelpem. I was a bit amused as the
people of south Goa are provided water from the Selaulim Dam and is it enough ?
Certainly not, so how can it help the local people ? Secondly, if Xelpem has the
capacity to light up the whole of south Goa why are we seeing bulbs like
fireflies in our homes as we have no enough power to light up the tubes ?


We also asked him to establish his confidence in us by first getting a good
number of locals and Goans in ONGC which has not employed any Goans nor locals
since in commencement of activities at Betul-Canaguinim, some fifteen years a go
and how can we believe Goans and locals will be employed at the IDZ, nor was he
able to give us an affirmation on the salary structure at the IDZ that would
make Goans work and survive there. 


With all the scams and the corruption in the Government, people have lost faith
in our Government and in order to get the faith of the people back, the
government has to first have, a very transparent system in place, open debates
should be held and the blue print of projects shown and explained to the people,
the employment exchange too has to be a transparent body with online access,
vacancies as well filled in vacancies displayed with details so that there  is
no hanky-panky around.


The most important thing is,  why is the Government forcing on the people what
the people do not want ? The obvious question being asked by most is, how much
is being offered to the politicians to force the unwanted on to the people ? The
question most certainly has a very big affirmative answer and the people know it
but certainly tend to forget it during elections. 


From RTI and some realiable sources it's been found out that the locals were
paid a mere 15 - 20 Rs per sq mtr, whereas IDC has sold some of the land
acquired for Food Park for as much as 150 - 175 Rs per sq mtr when the market
price at Canaguinim is about 800 per sq mtr, so what's exactly going on ? Why is
our Government robbing the poor and feeding the rich ? If at all some one has to
benefit from such deals, it's the locals and the local land owner. It's been
also found out that the land has been sold to the same food park owners. So why
is Mr. Kavleker trying to mislead the local people of Canaguinim, Betul and
Naqueri, why  on earth will any one go to such length to disguise, unless of
course, that he has indeed swallowed the bait along with the hook line and
sinker of the investors .  


The people of Naqueri, Kanaguinim and Betul reject the Food Park Proposal in
it's original form or in it's silver wrapping in the form of IDZ.


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

The content of this electronic communication is intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and any others who are 
specifically authorized to receive it. It may contain confidential or legally 

[Goanet] photograph of a postman's bag

2009-06-10 Thread JoeGoaUk
[Goanet] photograph of a postman's bag
I could not see any attachment.
However,  here is the Panjim/Miramar Postman bags and cycle
I captured it while I was at my friend’s place
Postmen now a day do not wear Kaki uniforms.
Very difficult to identify who is a postman.  They may look like any other 
migrant workers in Goa.
I think Post and Telegraphs Dept come under Central Govt with good pay and 
In Goa, it looks like postmen work under sub-contract system.
Any one can knock at your door posing as Postman
Quote:Postman is one among the very few government employees who are sincere in 
their job.Rain or shine he braves the same with his cycle. Attached is the 
photograph of one of the bags which is in very bad shape used by a postman in 
Cuncolim.It's raining time now in Goa and the poor postman covers the torn bag 
with a piece of plastic so that the mail doesn't get wet.our government must be 
spending a hell of money on the luxuries of our useless elected representatives 
and the deserving people like the postman gets old torn bags,scrap cycles,one 
uniform and a unbrella might be for at least 2 years.==joego...@yahoo.co.uk 

for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Daily Grook #432

2009-06-10 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

p's and q's won't
promise you class,
make sure u don't
fall on your r's!

puns  word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!

Create a cool, new character for your Windows Live™ Messenger. 

[Goanet] Letter to Editor of Gomantak Times - Dissemination of Ignorance

2009-06-10 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com


Dissemination of Ignorance
You seem to pay your columnists for disseminating ignorance.  Tomazinho Cardozo 
(03/06) has, a la Goebels,  restated his oft debunked lie that Dalgado Konknni 
Akademi “was established in 1989 in order to fight the injustice meted out to 
Konkani in Roman script.”  
I am enclosing herewith a Xerox copy of the title page and verso of the only 
publication of this academy, “Konkani Orthography in Roman Script.”  
The verso clearly states that the “booklet of rules and principles prepared by 
a special committee appointed by Dalgado Konknni Akademi” was published in 
Now Tomazinho Cardozo could care to explain: 
(1) how an academy which was established in 1989 could have published, in 1988, 
a booklet prepared by its own committee, 
(2) in what way this booklet contributes to the pursuit of the avowed objective 
stated by him, and (3) what activities were undertaken by the academy for 15 
years, between June 1989 and May 2004, in pursuance of that objective.  Until 
he does this, let him hold his peace on this issue.
Yours truly,
(S. M. Borges)
Nagdoli, Velim – 403 723.
Date: 06/06/2009.
Encl.: Xerox copy as above.

 - Forwarded by goa-world.com as received. 

Goa World
 www.goa-world.com/goa/ music/    - The Online Music Station for KONKANI 
THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS http://www.jrsbible.info/bible.htm
EXPRESSIONS - THE FLOWER SHOP http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/


[Goanet] Don't Do This On A Plane

2009-06-10 Thread Roland Francis

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

[Goanet] (no subject)

2009-06-10 Thread vincentinho fernandes
Some good articles appearing in english goan newspapers sometimes escape the 
attention of the goanetters.
It is good news for NRIs that they may shortly get  back their rented 
houses/apartments, if they are needed for their own occupation. Mr. Jose Maria 
Miranda, in an article recently in Herald referred to a  Bill in this regard 
passed by the Goa Assembly which , according to him, was pending for over a 
month for the assent of the Governor. However, there was immediately a denial 
from the I  P Dept that the Bill was pending before the Governor. Mr. Miranda, 
however, clarified that this information was conveyed to him by the NRI 
Commission's Office, which now says that it is still pending with the Revenue 
Dept and that the said information was given to them by the said Dept. itself. 
It is understood that the Bill has not yet been forwarded to the Governor and 
one wonders why the Revenue Dept. is sleeping with the Bill and puts the blame 
on the Governor.
Incidentally, Mr. Miranda was a Senior Manager at the NRI Centre of Bank of 
India, Margao 

  Own a website.Get an unlimited package.Pay next to nothing.*Go to 

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Cable Stayed Bridge - A product of Parrikar Govt.

2009-06-10 Thread JoeGoaUk
 Talking Photos: Cable Stayed Bridge - A product of Parrikar Govt.
Cable stayed Aldona-Corjuem bridge (2004) is the first of its kind in Goa and 
sixth in the country 

The length of the bridge is 235 metre with the width of around 12 metre. 
The height of the main pillar is 49 metre. The bridge has been constructed 
at a cost of Rs 23 crore approximately 

The pics 
a one minute video clip 
New Zuari Bridge - Whose product it's going to be?
Wait and see..


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2009-06-10 Thread Roland Francis
Wish you a quick recovery to full normality.
May God keep you under His protection.


2009/6/10 ARLETTE AZAVEDO vale...@dataone.in:
 Dear all,

 This is to inform you all that our very own GOANETTER Domnic Fernandes from 
 Anjuna suffered a stroke on the right side on April 14 and has been in bed 
 since then.  Luckily, he was taken to the Goa Medical College within two 
 hours where his nephew, Dr. Caraciolo Nazareth and his colleagues attended on 
 him and saved him from permanent paralysis. He is slowly recovering from the 
 stroke and hopes to be back in normal health soon, though he still needs a 
 lot of rest.

Re: [Goanet] The state of US capitalism and Ayurveda medicine

2009-06-10 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 00:41:54 -0400
From: Bosco D'Mello bos...@canada.com

The 'respected' Fraser Institute is a right-leaning, conservative think-tank 
and registered charity.

Mario responds:

On the other hand, Bosco and his cronies are left-leaning, liberal individuals 
who have apparently never heard of a medical waiting list in Canada, where they 
live.  Pretty amazing..

The 2009 report from the Fraser Institute repeated the 2006 report I posted 
earlier of the rationing in the FREE Canadian health care system of serious 
medical procedures.

Bosco only has biased personal anecdotes in response.  So, he has decided to 
attack the members and officers of the Fraser Institute with personal invective 
and snide slurs - accusing THEM of being biased, dishonest and greedy.  By 
the way, the Institute publishes its biased reports openly so that their 
research can be scrutinised by serious individuals.

Perhaps Bosco can contact Nadeem Esmail and offer to debate him on Goanet.

Rather than rebutt the reports of the worsening rationing of health care in 
Canada in spite of the escalating costs with credible information that there is 
no serious rationing of health care in Canada, Bosco objective information is 
to cite unsubstantiated anecdotes by a left leaning crony who has admitted to 
being a socialist and admirer of Castro, Chavez and their new Comrade Obama.

So, let me provide another Canadian target and see how Bosco tries to demonize 
him.  This one is John Turley-Ewart, the National Post's deputy comment Editor. 
In addition to writing editorials and op eds for the National Post and 
Financial Post, Turley-Ewart is a member of the National Post's editorial board:



This is now the norm in Canada where rationed care leaves people hanging and 
hoping that their turn in the system will finally come, providing the diagnoses 
or relief that they need to move on with their lives.

That rationing extends beyond the operating theatre. The Canadian Medical 
Association now estimates that more than 4 million Canadians don't have a 
family doctor. That amounts to 12% of the population, an astounding number that 
make efforts to direct people away from emergency rooms when they are sick a 
near useless endeavour.

How far is Canada behind its OECD peers? The CMA paints a bleak picture: The 
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average number of 
physicians per 1000 population is 36% higher than Canada's. To match the OECD 
ratio, Canada would need 26,000 more physicians. Canada is nowhere near able 
to produce the doctors it now requires, a shortage that was created two decades 
ago when provincial health ministers thought they could reduce health care 
spending by reducing the number of doctors they graduated annually.
[end of excerpts]

Once he figures out how to attack John Turley-Ewart, perhaps Bosco can start 
attacking the reports by the BBC and The Guardian of the rationing of health 
care in another FREE national health care system, in good old Blighty.




2009-06-10 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The arrest of the Maharastra NCP MP Mr. Padmasingh Patil by the CBI in an
alleged 2006 murder case exposes yet another example of how the police were
 manipulated by the politicians.

A strong and dedicated police force is vital to maintaining law and order.
It is the need to preserve social order that led to the emergence  of Police
as an instrument of social control but today the police force lacks
independence. The police are unjustly and very much under the grip and
clutches of the politicians much to the detriment of the Aam Aadmi.

It was on the directions of the Supreme Court that State Governments were
directed to create a State Security Commission to improve and monitor the
functioning of the Police. The Supreme Court was very candid that a new
Police Act should wholly insulate the Police  force  from any pressure,
whatsoever, so as to be able to secure the citizen's rights under the

Police reforms are a step in the right direction. Decision-making bodies
to Police matters should be cleansed and cleared of corrupt politicians. It
is time to make the Police force function as a professionally-competent body
and not as mere agents of politicians in power.

Aires Rodrigues

[Goanet] Is Indian Humility Virtuous or Despicable?

2009-06-10 Thread Roland Francis
Generally speaking, there is no doubt that people from India are
humble and kind in addition to being hospitable. That is not to say
that people from other countries or other races do not possess these
virtues. What is the point here is that combined with these virtues,
Indians are remarkably lacking in self confidence.

Perhaps it is a result of tradition. Perhaps it emanates from being
ingrained about one's place in society. Children in my day in India
were told to respect everybody. The Uncle, the Neighbor, the Employer,
the Priest, even the cousin of the wife of the friend living 5 blocks
down the street.

Teachers could do no wrong. Even if some of the students were clever
enough to challenge them on academic terms, they the teachers were
right and the students wrong. No matter how much they whacked you, or
punished you in other ways, there were no questions asked or issues
raised by your parents even if it was clear that an injustice was

Priests fell in that class too. Scandalous or not, you were still
forced to go to confession to tell the man how you looked at another
15 year old with longing in your eyes while he was probably taking
advantage of much older females in a way that would make Moses throw
him into the legendary fires of damnation (if that is what awaits
priestly promiscuity).

The net result of all this is that people from India have a large
millstone round their necks when they are in societies other than
their own. Good people from those societies who recognize this, do
tell them in all sincerity that they should not be self-effacing. That
they should stand their ground when they are on terra firma and that
if there is a price to pay, they should be willing to pay it. Those
however who are not so nice, use the Indians' humility and kindness to
take advantage of them.

I have always been quite taken aback at comparison of Indian boys and
girls with other students. Here is the Indian 16 year old, smart as a
button, academically well accomplished in the liberal arts, commerce,
and social and physical sciences of the day and yet standing next to a
non-Indian student who probably walks in his academic shadow, appears
hardly one quarter mature and even less proportionally self confident.

I hope that all this has changed since the 35 odd years I have been
out of India. What I still notice does not lead me to believe so. If
that is the case, I wish it changes soon. Just my stray thoughts on
reading about the racially motivated attacks on Indian students
studying in Australian colleges and universities.

Here are earnest young men draining their family resources to make a
future for themselves, paying many times the going rate for the
tuition and board that locals pay, hitting their books with the
midnight oil to make every dollar count, taking snide remarks from
some nasty people as part of their day and then getting physically
attacked for just being Indian. For Australia, education is the third
biggest export and Indian students their cash cows.

Shame on some of the Indian community in Australia who say these boys
bring it upon themselves by living 15 in a room and urinating on the
roads sometimes. Shame on Indian missions abroad and on South Block in
Delhi for not protecting their citizens to the best of their ability.
Wake up Manmohan Singh. If you want India to be treated as a
superpower, you must show that your nationals abroad have the full
backing of a supposedly powerful nation. Shame on Australia for being
racist and allowing this to happen.

Shame, shame, shame all around.

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

[Goanet] Fw: World Busk for Goa charity

2009-06-10 Thread renebarreto

World Busk for Goa charity

Friends ! 

Courtesy GOAN VOICE UK : 

World Busk for Goa charity

10 Jun: The Times (UK). … the World Busk day happens next Sunday (14 June) at 
noon (local time) across the globe — on all seven continents, in fact … The 
whole thing stems from one man, David Juritz…  the charity, Musequality is 
surely his chief contribution to civilisation… it has funded projects in five 
areas and there’s a plan for another in Goa. It’s to raise funds for this that 
Juritz devised the World Busk…I’ll content myself with doing what I hope you’ll 
do — making a donation to Juritz’s magnificent crusade (www.musequality.org). 
1112 words. See  

For the Goa charity details, see

For updates about the  Goan contributions see  

rene barreto

Lets work TOGETHER to put UNITY back into our Goan commUNITY ! 
Don't just say it - let s JUST DO IT ?

[Goanet] The Goan fiddler

2009-06-10 Thread Venantius Pinto
Yes Augusto.

The Goan fiddler hy Augusto Pinto

*To honour and remember one of India’s greatest poets, we must first keep
his works in print.*

venantius j pinto


2009-06-10 Thread Roland Francis
Excellent post opposing Teotonio's views on the Goa Archdiocese and
the Church's temporal affairs in Goa.

I do not know enough about the facts to give my vote on this debate,
but both posts are of high quality and I especially enjoyed the
numerous references you employed in your rebuttal.

Were you once a Churchman like Teotonio?


On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Averthanavert...@gmail.com wrote:
 Averthanus L. D'Souza.

Re: [Goanet] Migrant Labourers and Outsiders

2009-06-10 Thread Romeo Ferns

Subject Goan Maids,
It is unfortunate that Anna Maria de Souza Goswami has had some bad experience 
with goan maids.But to discard them because they have not had a bath  before 
coming to work in her house is rather sad, If we goans do not give our very own 
an opportunity then what will become of our less fortunate households. We need 
to educate our girls and get them to do what is needed for a high standard of 
hygiene and general personal cleanliness. By training them personally these 
young girls will be integrated into society and thus become productive members 
of society not to mention bringing up their own homes to a decent standard of 
living by the salary we pay these girls. I have had a goan maid when in Goa and 
I think she is simply fabulously honest, clean, courteous and very prayerful. 
God bless Goa and her young less fortunate girls.
Godfrey Rasquinha - UAE

- Original Message 
From: Ana Maria de souza-Goswami anamari...@dataone.in
To: goa...@lists.goane a bath before coming to work is rather t.org
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 1:59:44 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Migrant Labourers and Outsiders
Thanks Vivian for taking up for me.

I cannot just understand why Goans are against migrant labourers. My maid is a 
Muslim from Karnataka. Honest to the core. Very clean, unlike some Goan maids  
who don't have a bath before coming to work.  this is the usual complain of 
friends of mine who employed goan maids.

Aren't we Goans to be blamed for migrant labourers. Are the so called Catholic 
builders  employ all  migrant labourers. Why don't they employ goan labourers.  
I asked the Bengalie carpenter why did he leave Calcutta for Goa, and he said 
he gets double the salary over here. Why do our electricians, etc. go to the 
gulf, to get tripple the salary. Aren't they migrant labourers in the gulf.

Why do Goans migrate to england, australia, etc. Maybe they are not educated 
enough to get a job in India or the competition  does not favour them. With 
lesser education its easier to get a job abroad then India.

In Portugual my cousins lament that most of the people working in the winery 
are from Ukraine.

At least 'outsiders' are polite, unlike goans who are not. Get into a bus, 
'ladies only'.  If there is a goan sitting he will not get up for a lady. If he 
is an 'outsider' he will get up. I'v e had first hand experience. School 
children will never get up for an elderly person.  This does not happen in 
Calcutta. a man cannot sit in 'ladies only' section, be in a bus or metro.

We are all Indians, and secular. There is no difference between Catholics, 
Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Budhists, etc.

Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami

-- next part --

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[Goanet] Talking Photo: Goa Helmet Rule - Only the rider should wear it

2009-06-10 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photo: Goa Helmet Rule - Only the rider should wear it


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[Goanet] Ayurveda- Art of Being

2009-06-10 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Feature film on Ayurveda Made in 2001



Shrikant Vinayak Barve
Convener: We Love Ayurved

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[Goanet] President Obama's speech in Cairo

2009-06-10 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2009 13:28:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gilbert Lawrence gilbert2...@yahoo.com

1. In the USA, generally liberal pro-Israeli / Jewish groups have teamed up 
with right-wing conservative / Christian groups. Some in the right-wing 
religious movement have never liked the idea of peace in the Mid-East. Their 
theories are: Sooner the Mid-East blows-up, faster the prophecies will be 
fulfilled; and earlier Armageddon (end of the world) arrives. I do not know 
what / how the pro-Israelis groups have found common-cause with groups with 
such right-wing thought-processes.

Mario responds:

It is becoming increasingly apparent that Gilbert would have nothing to write 
about without building straw men, dreaming up bogey men and creating his own 
premises out of whole cloth first.  I think he is trying to mimic the fringe 
left wing political blog site, the Huffington Post - which he quotes 
incessantly - where the bloggers all seem to write such arrant nonsense.

Thus we see him create a total myth about Jews teaming up with right wing 
American Christians who have apparently never liked the idea of peace in the 
middle-east and are seeking to hasten Armageddon.  This is pure, unadulterated 

The only one openly seeking Armageddon and the return of the fifth Imam has 
been Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran as far as I know, and he has the ability to 
arrange an Armageddon, unlike the fringe Christians Gilbert is terrified about.

All the Jews want is to achieve is acceptance of Israel's right to exist and to 
live in peace and security after being under constant attack for 62 years.

If American Jews were allied with conservative Christians in the US, 78% of 
Jews would not have voted for the ultra-liberal Obama to be president.

Gilbert wrote:

2. Some in right-wing groups, both in Israel and in the USA, are pro-defense. 
Greater the uncertainties in the Mid-East, greater the need for high and 
low-technology arms and ammunition to several countries the area. Peace in the 
Mid-East is a deterrent to war, and hence a nemesis of arm-manufacturers and 
arm-merchants.  These groups are well represented by the ruling coalition in 
Israel and in the US congress.

Mario responds:

More unadulterated poppycock.  The ruling coalition in Israel is desperately 
seeking peace, whereas their adversaries are desperately seeking to wipe Israel 
off the map.  The proof?  All the radical Palestinian organizations that hold 
so much sway in the area have the destruction of Israel in their founding 
charters, and show no Israel in the maps that are part of their insignia.

The US Congress is currently dominated by allies of President Obama who has 
shown hostility towards Israel compared to past US Presidents after he suddenly 
discovered his Muslim roots after denying them throughout the presidential 
campaign, even writing in his memoires that his Kenyan father was an atheist.

Shouldn't someone like Gilbert, who lives in the US, know these basic facts?

Gilbert wrote:

3. Prior to and during the Iraq war, we were told by Republicans that the 
mainstream (vast majority) of Muslims are good; and the threat is really from 
the fringe group of Muslim extremists. These were called Islamo-fascists; 
against whom an international war was proclaimed.  This line of reasoning was 
presented several times on Goanet. President Obama's Cairo speech has given 
legitimacy to the billion law-abiding Muslims and the Holy Koran. Now, the true 
colors of the conservatives are being revealed; who now blame the whole Muslim 
religion, psychology, and the governemnts of their many mid-East countries etc. 
This choir is led by columnists like Charles Krautheimer, George Will, Bill 
O'Riley etc. And may be reproduced on this site, straight from the right wing 
'talking points'.

Mario responds:

This heap of poppycock includes its own contradictions, which shows that 
Gilbert sometimes has no clue what he is writing. 

He starts by saying that the Republicans said that the vast majority of Muslims 
are good and the conflict is with the fringe group of radical Islamo-fascists 
among them.  OK, fine.  He then says that Obama has given legitimacy to the 
assertion that most Muslims are good, i.e. Obama and the Republicans agree on 

Then Gilbert completely loses his train of thought by writing that this creates 
a dilemma for conservatives of how to blame the whole Muslim religion and 
psychology.  This after initially writing that Republicans and conservatives 
had never blamed the whole Muslim religion and psychology and had clearly 
differentiated Islamo-fascists from the vast majority of Muslims.  Tsk, tsk, 

Gilbert wrote:

4. Stirring the pot against President Obama are the expected Fox News 
commentators, and right-wing radio talking-heads like Rush Limbaugh. These 
groups hate everything that Obama says or does. Not far behind these groups are 
members from the leaderless Party of NO  (a.k.a. Republican Party) - both 

Re: [Goanet] Weather forecasting in North America

2009-06-10 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 17:31:13 +0200
From: Alfred de Tavares alfredtava...@hotmail.com


Whatever, then, went wrong in New Orleans???

Mario responds:

Now, Tio, wait just a minute.  What happened in Nawlins had nothing to do with 
weather forecasting.  The folks down in Nawlins knew exactly what was 
happening.  The problem was that the local mayor and the local Governor were so 
incompetent that they did not take appropriate action to face up to the threat 
and evacuate the city in time.

Surely you saw the pictures of hundreds of school buses standing idle that 
could have been used for this purpose.

Then they tried to blame the President whereas the primary responsibility lay 
with the locals. 

The local Governor during Katrina was so embarrassed by her performance that 
she did not even run for re-election.  Subsequently amcho Bobby Jindal was 
elected and he has since dealt with numerous hurricanes where he was nationally 
acclaimed for organizing the response, making sure that the same Mayor did now 
what he was supposed to do but did not before Katrina, which included 
evacuation when called for.

[Goanet] Kuwait pays tribute to M. Boyer

2009-06-10 Thread gaspersWorld
By Gasper Crasto, Kuwait 
Kuwait: Few artistes leave an immortal impression in this world. Padmashree
recipient Shri M. Boyer will forever remain one of the greatest such
artistes - an icon of Goan drama, Konkani language and art. 
People who were fortunate to see M. Boyer on stage will perhaps never ever
see another star of M. Boyer’s calibre – a great playwright, philosophical
composer and singer. 
Lovers and fans of M. Boyer held a condolence meeting in Kuwait to pay
homage to the doyen of Konkani stage who expired on 30th May 2009. The meet
was held on Saturday 6th June 2009 at Village Inn, Kuwait City. M.Boyer's
mortal remains were laid to rest in Goa on 2nd June 2009 by hundreds of
mourners, predominantly from the tiatrist fraternity, tiatr lovers and Goans
from all walks of life. 
Sorrowful Goans, tiatr lovers and fans of late Shri. M. Boyer in particular
attended the meeting. KHK President Fidelis Fernandes commenced the meeting
with a speech on M.Boyer’s immortality. He described his and his father's
close association with Boyer. As a matter of interest, Fidelis Fernandes was
the first in Kuwait to bring Boyer to Kuwait to participate in Tiatros. 
The other famous personalities from the Goan community who spoke and paid
tributes to M. Boyer included Mario Rebello, Luis Cardoso who also conducted
the prayer for the departed soul, Carmo Santos, Elvino Rodrigues, Alexander
Fernandes and A. Veronica Fernandes. Gasper Crasto transliterated the
philosophy and richness of Boyer’s song 'Ixttagoth' and sang it to music
accompanied by Richard on keyboards. 
A. Veronica enlightened the audience on the greatness of M. Boyer. He said M
 Boyer was one of the greatest tiatrists - an unmatched composer, singer,
actor, comedian, writer and director -- a tiatrist who brought a
philosophical creation to songs. Veronica rendered in the form of song
verses some of M. Boyer’s memorable hits in his speech which brought
melancholy recollections of the great artiste. Some of the songs he rendered
were from pre-liberation period and post liberation period which showed the
greatness of M. Boyer. Very few amongst the masses in Goa and Kuwait are
aware of these songs. Veronica, one of the living encyclopedia on tiatr
showed a commendable memory to remember these immune songs. 
A Video presentation of M. Boyer’s presence in a drama in Kuwait during his
last trip to Kuwait was played to the gathering which brought tears to the
eyes of many. In this same presentation it was shown His Excellency Prabhu
Dayal, former Ambassador of India to the State of Kuwait honouring Shri M.
Boyer at Kuwait Funaitees Tiatro Hall for bagging the Sangeet Natak Academy
award from the President of India His Excellency Shanker Dayal Sharma. 
Veronica Fernandes concluded the function acknowledging everyone’s presence
wait and praying Eternal Rest to the departed soul. 

[Goanet] Grand send-off accorded to Stalwart Goan in Kuwait

2009-06-10 Thread gaspersWorld
:::By Gasper Crasto, Kuwait:::
Photos by:  Rewon Gomes, professional photographer.
Additional input:  Gaspar Almeida, Moderator, Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter
Kuwait, June 9, 2009: Alexander  Fernandes, ex-President of Colva United
Centre-Kuwait (CUC) and a stalwart of expatriate Goan in Kuwait for over 3
decades was given a grand send-off  by the club at a function held at City
Mughlai Restaurant on Friday, June 5, 2009.
Members of the club showed their affection to Alexander with the cutting of
a specially prepared cake in honor of their leader. The function was
attended by a number of distinguished guests from various circles.

Dignitaries who spoke on the occasion included Jacob Fernandes (newly
elected CUC President), Muriel Alphonso (President - Indian Women's
Association), Dr. Jaganath Chodankar (General Secretary of Indian Doctors
Forum, and President - Club 9), Blandino Viegas (President, Kuwait Indian
Football Federation), Kuwait Konknni Kendr  member and journalist A.Veronica
Fernandes, among a host of Goan personalities who wished him well.

Earlier, CUC P.R.O Joao Fernandes highlighted various accomplishments of
Alexander and his popularity among expatriate Indians, especially Goans.
Joao fernandes further highlighted Alexander's successful efforts to get CUC
registered in Goa under the Societies Act and obtaining relevant permissions
to invest CUC finances in mutual funds, government securities and also share
trading in stock markets. In recognition of his efforts and his 
contributions, the CUC committee has overwhelmingly designated Alexander the
title of Honorary Attorney in Goa to represent their interests back home.
I wish all the members of CUC, fellow Colvenkars and the large Goan
community to keep up the good work and continue to foster unity and
fraternity among the Indians living in Kuwait, concluded Alexander flashing
his trade mark smile which will remain embedded in the minds of all.

The function was well coordinated by compere and CUC member Tony Viegas with
DJ Mario providing music for the taste.

:::About Alexander Fernandes:::

Alexander has been in Kuwait for the last 34 years working with The Gulf
Bank, his last position being the Assistant Manager in Trade Finance. Prior
to his coming to Kuwait, he worked at the State Bank of India in some branch
offices in Goa. He has a Bachelor's Degree (Commerce) from Pune University.
A founder member and treasurer of the Goan Welfare Society since inception,
Alexander has been involved with various social welfare activities over the
years.  A man of principles, he always contributed valuable, viable and
progressive suggestions at GWS forums. He has been an active promoter and a
protagonist of Goan causes including the promotion of Konkani language.
When Novem Goem Prathisthan was formed with the sole aim to publish a
Konkani daily newspaper 'Novem Goem' back home in Goa, Alexander, along with
A. Veronica Fernandes, and scores of Konkani lovers came forward to carry
out the mission by forming a Kuwait Committee of Novem Goem Prathisthan. A
sum of  Rs. 4 lakhs were donated for the project in the name of Goans in
Kuwait for the smooth running of the Konkani newspaper.  Alexander was also
at the forefront of Goans' movement to get Kuwait-Goa-Kuwait direct flight
when NRI Goans faced many problems to travel to Goa via Bombay.  Being an
active member of Konkani Basha Mandal in Goa, he registered over 100 members
in Konkani Basha Mandal from a varied spectrum of Goans when he landed in

When overseas Goans were called upon by Goenche Porjecho Avaz for support in
getting Konkani language in the 8th Schedule of Indian Constitution which
culminated in declaring Konkani as Official language and Goa as a separate
State, Alexander played a pioneering role along with other fellow Goans in
this movement and managed to collect about Rs. 5 lakhs for the successful
mission. Alexander is also the member of Gulf Goans Hotels Company - a
venture of a group of NRI Goans based in the Gulf, predominantly from Kuwait
- which now has to its credit the impressive Goan Heritage Hotel in
Calangute, Bardez, Goa.

Way back in 1982 in Goa, the project of Colva Parish Hall was lying
incomplete due to financial constraints. Along with other progressive minded
Colvenkars Alexander started the movement of mobilizing funds and managed to
get about Rs 5 lakhs for the construction. The hall is now operational for
the last 20 years. This movement led the foundation stone for the formation
of Colva United Centre in Kuwait which today has become a vibrant and result
oriented association not only for the people of Colva but for other Indian
expatriates also.  Alexander has been successfully leading the Centre for
the last 6 years before the new committee was elected last May.

Colva United Centre's dream project is to start a '24 hour Modern Health
Centre' in Colva under the Goa NRI Commissioner's scheme Development of
Your Own Village.  According 

[Goanet] Goa news for June 11, 2009

2009-06-10 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Monsoon advances into Goa, parts of Konkan - Hindu Business


*** Pawar accused of high-handedness in Goa - Indopia
andedness andbeing communal in Goa, a day after the party
suffered a jolt when its state chief ...

*** Goa, Amritsar flights to begin mid-October - Gulf Times
in October. Scheduled flights to Amritsar in the state of
Punjab will be launched on October 11 and Goa in south India on
October 25. ...

*** 10/10: Perfect score for Goa ITIs - Times of India


*** Filaria: WHO team to arrive in Goa soon - Times of India


*** Honda Jazz Test Drive : Jazzing it up in Goa - Wheels
Unplugged - Indis'a Automobile Magazine
Indis'a Automobile Magazine, IndiaWheels Unplugged was offered
the chance of a preview drive and jumped at it especially as it
was on the up-and-down, sometimes sweeping, NH17 in Goa. One
could easily put it in a nutshell, that the Jazz is Honda's
latest model for India, ...

*** Goa Notifies Fishing Ban From June 15 - Daijiworld.com
ijiworld.com, IndiaBy Our Special Correspondent Panaji, Jun 10:
Goa government on Wednesday notified the fishing ban off the
state coast between June 15 to July 31 to protect the fish
breeding season from being disturbed. With the onset of monsoons
and scheduled fish ...

*** Old Goa churches vie for honours - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: Goa's Basilica of Bom Jesus and Se
Cathedral will vie with 25 other monuments from former
Portuguese colonies for top honours under a project New 7
Wonders Portugal'. These are wonders of the Portuguese colonies.
Goa's twowonders of the ...

*** Soon, river cruises to be informational - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: Soon tourists enjoying a boat cruise
on the River Mandovi will be able to point out and identify
heritage and other important buildings and landmarks along the
route, a move that will give Goa tourism a more professional
touch. ...

*** Beggars Act inadequate, say Goa cops - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: In a circular to to all its
personnel operating the police control room vans, the Goa police
have asked that they act in a more sensitive and humane manner
when attending calls. This comes in the wake of the severe
criticism the police faced ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Re. Migrants Workers

2009-06-10 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Arwin Mesquita  made the following suggestion and asked the following
question of Frederick.:

[1] The Arwin suggestion:  I suggest take you some time to understand
that in many countries like the Gulf , you have no option but to be a
temporary worker.

[2] The Arwin question: Is that the case in Goa today?


-- jc's comments --

re [1]

 I suggest that Arwin takes all the time (he needs) to understand that
Mangoes are fruit but NOT the same as Chicoos, which are also

Similarly .that . nationals of the Gulf COUNTRY concerned have
NO RESTRICTIONS placed on them within their own country. They can work
when they want, if they want and as long as they want to work. They
also have the luxury NOT to work.as long as they any or all of
that in their OWN country.

As an example, citizens of the UAE, be they from Abu Dhabi or Dubai do
NOT have to be temporary workers in either city of the UAE, do they?

Accordingly I do not see what Arwin is suggesting be done in Goa.

BTW: Is he suggesting that (a la the Shiv Sena in Mumbai) Goans
working in Bombay/Mumbai or elsewhere be 'sent back' to Goa?

If not  What is he suggesting?

BTW: I expect sympathisers of the BJP in Goa and their amigos i.e. the
Shiv Sena will like this idea. They do want all non-Maharashtrians to
get lost from their Mumbai.

And WHAT, may I ask, has the Shiv Sena been doing in Goa? Unless they
thought that that nut Bandorcar had already handed Goa to Maharashtra.

re [2]

The answer is YES.

ALL non-Indian nationals who have permission to work in Goa (or
elsewhere in India) have no option but to be temporary workers.

I hope that answers Arwin's question. It appears that he does not know
that Goa is a part of India. It has been for the past 47+years, o
senhor. What happened? You were asleep when the history class was on?



Re: [Goanet] Among the greatest Goans: HERALD (Goa), June 10, 2009

2009-06-10 Thread Mervyn Lobo

I really liked this article, Valmiki.
Wish others with similar knowledge of Goans would contribute articles like this 

By Valmiki Faleiro
(with inputs from Joaquim Correia-Afonso, Benaulim and Francisco Monteiro, 

Today, 10 June, is the 150th birth anniversary of Roque Correia-Afonso. In the 
gallery of
great Goans who defended, and pursued, Goan interests in public life, down 
history, his
memory immediately springs to mind. Such was the multi-faceted persona – 
journalist, politician and statesman – that it’s difficult to decide where to 
begin and end.
Let’s go chronologically.

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now

[Goanet] Goan be exculsionary

2009-06-10 Thread Bernado Colaco

I think the poster A. Mathew is not aware that Goans have been over tolerant to 
the arrivals. Goans are not closing the world, and the future is not bright 
with the overwhelming numbers of outsiders.
Excellent ,well thought out to help Goa for a brighter and tolerant future- be 
of a n increasingly closing in world!

Anita mathew.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Goanet Reader wrote:

  Goan, be exclusionary

  DEVIL'S ADVOCATE/ Frederick Noronha

  For a small place like Goa, where we are always short of
  critical mass, you would think that every individual counted.
  One would have thought that we all would be trying to widen
  the circle, involve more people, and be more inclusive

[Goanet] Why Dr Willy Co quit NCP

2009-06-10 Thread Goanet News Service
Why Dr Willy  Co quit NCP


Criticising the Nationalist Congress Party high command for neglecting the 
unit, Dr Wilfred de Souza, who resigned from the primary membership along with 
executive members, said that the party's relevance has disappeared.

The NCP was formed by three leaders- Sharad Pawar, Tariq Anwar, PA 
Sonia Gandhi's foreign origin issue, de Souza told reporters here.

However, this is a dead issue now as in the last two terms NCP leaders are 
part of 
the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) cabinet, which has Sonia Gandhi as 
chairperson, de Souza said.

The relevance of the party has disappeared and as such there is no place for 
anymore now, Dr Willy said,

He said that this was not only his personal view but also of the party's senior 
leaders like PA Sangma and Sangma's daughter.

During my visit to Delhi I met Sangma and his daughter and they also had 
opinion, Dr de Souza, who has been the former chief minister of Goa said.

Dr Willy also termed as rumours claims that he would join the Congress party. 
am not joining and neither have I met any Congress leaders during my visit to 
couple of days ago, Dr Willy told reporters at his first appearance after 
from NCP.

He said he has not taken any decision on the future stating I have not decided 
anything as yet on the future.

On charges by the dissident group in the State unit led by the three 
that he never co-operated, Dr Willy shot back Who says that?  I have always 

Even during the Lok Sabha elections I was present for all the public 
meetings, he 

He criticized the party leaders for neglecting the party workers. They expect 
party to grow neglecting the party workers and instead bring people from 
outside the 
party and field them for election on the party ticket, he said.
