[Goanet] Lion Roars

2010-01-03 Thread Lionel Messias

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Tribulations of the Year

In the land (Goa) of subsidies, freebies, and hand outs, while all you and I
get is grief, and that time when Man and Woman of the Year are voted; my
humble vote goes to you. Exactly so, it’s for all that grief you get and
bear it stoically, except for the occasional rage you show on the road and
in some government offices. I say some government offices because here your
anger only gets you more grief. Reading about nurses getting a two-year paid
holiday which they abuse without remorse, added to my pain. Seventy-four
nurses of the Goa Medical College are on long leave that can be extended for
two years as childcare leave, study leave and to work in the Gulf!
Christopher Fonseca threatening to sabotage the alleged government plan to
privatise Goa’s ferry services made the migraine worse. For god sakes,
Fonseca ask the islanders of Chorao and Divar and elsewhere, whether they
would like a sloppy government ferry service or one that is privately run.
These people deserve to be the real candidates for Man and Woman of the
Year. Find out how much the ferry crew have pocketed for decades by not
issuing tickets to ferry commuters, money that could have been invested in
building new ferries. For Pete's sake the government built the last ferry in
1999 and it takes damn years for the River Navigation Department to repair
one lousy ferry, thanks again to your union’s inspiration on the workers.
Here’s a suggestion, if you need work in 2010, fight for better wages for
the thousands employed as contract workers in industrial estates and
including government. These, government (the PWD especially) contract
workers, in fact are members of your union.

Put the genie back in the bottle

Want to own a piece of Goa? Check. Want to buy into Aldeia de Goa? Check.
That was almost the order of things for everyone who wanted to invest in
this paradise. The spin went like this: “Situated on a hill, Aldeia de Goa
is a project that sprawls over 140 acres of lush ... Aldeia de Goa is
located in Dona Paula, home to the elite of Goa.” To further add to its
brand equity, the architect for the project is none other than the well
known Hafeez Contractor.

So, why on one day in this week alone there were three advertisements
wanting to sell plots in this to-die-for piece of real estate in Goa?
Simultaneously, the promoters of Aldeia have unleashed a veritable
advertising blitz . In fact, this – half page/ front page ads, hoardings on
highways has been the project’s hallmark right from the beginning. And yet
people are selling. Strange. Is it because they are speculators so they
bought into and are getting out so they can laugh all the way to the bank?
Or is it because people are changing their minds after the controversy over
the regional plan because expat forums (like BritishExpats.com) all debate
about slowdown in projects because of the plan? And this has evidently
scared off investors. Whatever the reason, one cannot help feeling that some
of the sheen is wearing out on this project.

A free for all

What is definitely a relief is that unlike the last few years, there was no
manufactured (mostly by electronic channels) phobia about a terror threat to
Goa at New Year. So, domestic tourists – cars with registration numbers from
Delhi to Kerala, MP to Karnataka, Rajasthan to Andhra Pradesh – jammed this
state to take part in the revelry. Panaji’s streets were flooded with
tourists going on the wrong side of the road, stopping in the middle of the
road to ask for directions, and certainly, the younger lot on bikes (I even
spotted an MP registered bike) have not heard of the warning “speed thrills
but kills.” Women cops, who looked barely out of their teens policed the
street, but who was listening to them anyway? They seem part of an
unemployment racket rather than out to keep order on the streets.

Goans had it up to here encountering the mayhem unleashed by the unruly
tourists. Our politicians tell us that tourism earns the state and its
people top dollars because it is a much sought after destination. But my
fish vendor, Philip, seems untouched by the so called ripple effect of
tourism. He, shockingly, does not own a home (in fact lives in a chawl) and
gets up early to get fish in Margao to bring it all the way to Divar. Why
would he do it if tourism brought him revenue? The only tourism earners are
hotels, mostly owned by outsiders who take their money outside and don’t put
it in the Goan economy. For that matter check out the 5-Star at Mira Mar and
see for yourself how many Goans it employs.

Feedback 2280935, 9822152164 lionroars@gmail.com)

Re: [Goanet] Daily Grook #600

2010-01-03 Thread George Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Congratulations to Francis on batting 600.

--- On Sun, 1/3/10, Francis Rodrigues  wrote:


[Goanet] Non Resident Goans - PEN revolution

2010-01-03 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


 Non Resident Goans - PEN
There is a famous saying “The Pen is mightier than the sword”. Non Resident
Goans (NRG’s) like Rajan Parrikar, Freddy Fernandes, Mario Rodrigues, Rick
Fernandes & others, write frequently to the Goan Newspapers, on saving Goa &
its identity. However, time is running out and we need more impact; More
NRG’s must, at least write frequently, to the local Goan media.
Many NRG’s are skeptical that letters have any impact, so let me argue the
(1) Many activists have told me that NRG letters not shape public opinion
but also inspire these activists to carry on their fight for Goa, against
the more powerful & well financed destructive lobbies, backed by a corrupt
government. These activists at least need our moral support; which I must
say, does work wonders!!
(2) Vested Interests spread false propaganda. The key to Saving Goa is
mobilizing Goans via awareness. As more people write on facts & solutions,
Goans will be better informed & more confident, to go for the Change!!
(3) Regular writing will undoubtedly fuel a VERY STRONG UNSTOPPABLE MOMENTUM
amongst Goans, to rise & speak/act.
(4) Surely lack of interest from Goans (particularly NRG’s) can de-motivate
Activists in Goa.
(5) Minimum 30% of Goans are outside Goa, exposed to various new ideas &
best practices around the Globe; can’t we contribute something back to Goa?
(6) Writing could be your first step to getting involved with the Goan
cause; rather than doing absolutely nothing.
(7) I firmly believe in the famous saying "All that is necessary for evil to
succeed is that good men do nothing - EDMUNDE BURKE".

Many Goans are quite successful overseas; please “NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU
CAME FROM”; you now have a Golden Opportunity in your one lifetime, to give
back & help your people/home, when they need you the most!! The choice is
yours; allow Goa that you know to die or do something to save it!! I believe
that with increasing number of Goans joining the effort, the hope of saving
Goa & its identity will only increase!!

Arwin Mesquita (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] St. Anton Siolecho

2010-01-03 Thread JoeGoaUk

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Sorry, I am taking about the VCDs

VCD No. 283
TOURIST by Anthony Sylvester
Stage Tiatr recording
Rs.200Dec. 2009
(don’t have this VCD, watched the Tiatr already)
A stage pic
a trailer 

VCD No. 284
With Ubald, Marcelin de Betim, Shaik Amir, Maichael de Siolim
Jessie, Anthony San,  etc
Rs. 150 Dec/2009

VCD No. 285
With William, Michael de Siolim, Lima etc
Rs.150 Dec/2009

VCD No. 286
SEE YOU AGAIN by Mathew Araujo
With Mathew, Com. Selvy, Agostinho, Sally, Lawry, Aniceto, 
Rosy Alvares, Xavier Gomes, Francis de Tuen, Marcus Vaz,  etc Rs.150
 Dec. 2009
(pic as soon as I buy it)


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Goa’s Illusionary Liberation

2010-01-03 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


*Goa’s Illusionary Liberation*
In 2011, our politicians at the state and national level intend to celebrate
the Golden Jubilee of Goa’s Liberation; what may I as do they want Goans to
really celebrate, other than the slow liberation of Goa from the Goans.
Enough of this; years of brainwashing Goans and decimation of the local
population and their respective identity; In my view, Goans should now start
in increasing numbers, to oppose/protest the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of
the “illusionary liberation”!!
*Arwin Mesquita, UAE*

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Velsao villagers shell-shocked over sar panch’s demolition statement

2010-01-03 Thread Goanet News Service


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Velsao villagers shell-shocked over sarpanch’s demolition statement
Meet to chalk out strategy


Shaken by the announcement made by Velsao-Pale Sarpanch Olga D’Souza 
that around 70 structures along the coast would be demolished on Monday, 
about 500 shell-shocked residents assembled in the village to chalk out 
a strategy to deal with the situation.

One of the residents Maria Sequeira called up Herald and informed that 
the residents were mentally disturbed after the news spread of the 
proposed demolition.

She further said that the affected residents were extremely dicey as to 
what future held in store for them and also accused the sarpanch of not 
explaining the exact situation to the residents.

Sequeira wondered as to how the structures which were shown in the 2006 
survey conducted by the panchayat to be prevalent before February 1991, 
were fixed for demolitions and that too without issuing final notices to 
the affected residents.

Castigating the sarpanch for her high-handedness, Agnelo Rodrigues, 
president of GRE which represents the interest of the traditional 
fishermen accused the sarpanch of not revealing the exact situation to 
the residents.

“In February last year, the sarpanch sent notices stating that the area 
of the structures that would be demolished without identifying the exact 
location. One of my structures which, was used to store fishing nets and 
which is in existence for over 50 years was also served notice,” 
Rodrigues told Herald and wondered the modus operandi adopted in 
identifying the structure.

He claimed that a reconstructed bungalow of a local lady panch, which 
came up about six years within 100 metres of CRZ and still incomplete, 
was surprisingly left out from the list of CRZ violators and wondered 
whether the affluent class were exempted from the CRZ guidelines.

However, interestingly the sarpanch when contacted said that she was not 
aware whether any structures were fixed for demolition and disconnected 
the call.

Admitting that the structures were fixed for demolition, an official 
from the Revenue Department speaking on condition of anonymity said that 
they had received instructions for the demolition.

However, it is learnt that there are some high level political moves 
behind the scene to at least put off the demolition by a few days 
thereby giving some breathing time to the affected residents to find 
some way out from the present fluid situation.


[Goanet] Daily Grook #600

2010-01-03 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


by Francis Rodrigues

funny profession
is proctologist,
his examination
is deep analysis!

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[Goanet] Vavraddeancho Ixtt: A household friend of Goans

2010-01-03 Thread Goanet News Service


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Vavraddeancho Ixtt: A household friend of Goans
Saturday, 02 January 2010 23:43

What started out on a mission of befriending the workers and sharing 
their load has resulted into a medium of expression for countless in the 
state of Goa, becoming their voice and leader in the process. We are 
talking about Goa’s Konknni weekly newspaper ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’, which 
will be celebrating 77 years on January 4.

As the wave of communism began to wield its ideology the world over, 
workers in Goa were getting to be influenced by the high power and 
uplifting speeches made by charismatic communist exponents. The knock-on 
effects of communism were the questioning of established authority such 
as religious institutions. In all this, it was the poor, hapless and 
uninformed worker that found themselves caught in the cross fire of what 
they believed and what they were now being called to believe in. 
‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’, that was initially run by the diocesan priests 
took on the task of exposing the fallacies prevalent in the communist 

The helm of affairs later passed on from the charge of the diocesan 
priets to the hands of the Society of Pilar. A new phase in the 
chronicles of ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’ had begun.

Now no longer is ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’ only a worker’s friend it has come 
to win the confidence and acceptance as the people’s friend as well. It 
started tackling a range of issues. From 200 subscribers, it touched 2, 
000 explained Father Feroz Fernandes, the incumbent editor of 
‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’. “It was an achievement as during the 1940’s 
literacy was not high in Goa. ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’ started writing on 
delicate topics such as the communidade system, the caste system, etc. 
Now it’s the voice of Goa. It enjoys a lot of credibility as its run by 
an institution. It has supported various issues since then.”

Many are unaware that ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’, played a brave role in the 
support of Goa’s freedom struggle, a role that angered the Portuguese 
who then imposed clamps on the paper. Says Father Peter Raposo, former 
editor of ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’, “It played the role of a nationalist 
newspaper that the Portuguese tried to suppress before Goa’s liberation.”

With over 12, 000 subscribers, ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’ can safely claim its 
readership to be surpassing 80, 000 after taking into account the number 
of people sharing a copy in a family. It has also launched its online 
edition that is being actively accessed in 30 nations. Apart from that, 
the paper has joined the bandwagon of having social networking sites to 
keep in touch with its vast audience.

With its initiatives of parish to parish subscription drives and 
publicity drives, ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’ is hoping to increase its reach. 
“There is so much scope to increase our readership. Our paper is not 
limited to Catholics only. Many of our writers and readers are from 
other religions as well”, says Father Feroz. “Since it is run by a 
religious institution, it was thought to deal with just Church related 
matters,” he elucidates.

Vernacular language newspapers have always been subjected to cavalier 
treatment. Coupled with this lackadaisical attitude, the entry of 
sophisticated media, cable TV for instance, has further created a dent 
in the readership graph of vernacular newspapers. “Also the preference 
to speak English is a threat,” says Father Feroz. He continues, 
“Expressions in Konkani have a sharper resonance with your soul. The 
message reaches down better to the audience when said in Konkani. The 
issue of a language is deep, not airy.”

Father Raposo expresses his point of view. He says, “I was initially 
confused about taking up the post of ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’s’ editor, 
primarily because of the competitive nature of various other media, 
dominating the course. But then I realised that the Konkani language has 
a deep cultural root which people accept wholeheartedly.”

A little unknown fact also surfaces. ‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’, although 
primarily published in Konknni is registered as a multilingual 
newspaper. Earlier, it used to be published in Konknni, Portuguese, and 
English. Currently, it has a few columns in English too, and contrary to 
belief that it is solely published in Konknni Roman lipi, it also 
devotes space for articles and news in the Devanagari script.

Father Raposo interjects, “a script is limiting but we are not averse to 
Devnagiri. If we have the infrastructure we can include it too. In fact 
we publish articles in the Devnagiri script, but you must remember that 
‘Vavraddeancho Ixtt’ started out as a Konknni Ro

[Goanet] Rampant Destruction of our Goan villages continues

2010-01-03 Thread A C Fernandes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The following news item is from Herald Jan 4th.

Our Goan villages are being smacked with all sorts of illegal projects being
sanctioned whether it is Loutolim, Cansaulim or Benaulim. The latest
scam below is from Loutolim. If we were to research these projects the
blatant corruption and sanctioning of irregularities with a total
misrepresentation is shocking to say the least.

It wouldn't take some rocket science to draw the connections between who is
getting the kickbacks from of course our politicians at the top to their
cronies and henchmen and women who are all over the place. whether it is the
TCP, the Panchayats.

Is there no Ombudsman or an Independent Committee against Corruption to
question and investigate these blatant misuse of powers and expose the gross
injustice and corryuption that is destroying our Goan villages?

Can the Right to Information Act be used to call upon our Ministers and
other officials in Government positions to declare the assets and income
that they are amassing and the source of their ill-gotten revenue?

*Anxious Moments at Loutolim over fake RP submission*

*Signature was forged, says sarpanch *
The Loutolim gram sabha meeting witnessed some anxious moments after members
drew attention of the chair that a fake Regional Plan  was submitted to the
Town and Country Planning office which had no approval from the Panchayat
What added to the confusion and mystery was the fact that the Sarpanch Jose
C Fernandes publicly admitted that his signature on the application made to
the TCP office has been forged.
In this connection, the gram sabha members demanded that the Panchayat body
register a FIR with the police, and the Sarpanch replied that he would
initiate legal action after he seeks all details on the plan from the TCP
The question regarding the fake RP plan submitted to the TCP was raised by
Blaze Britto, who sought to know whether the Panchayat had submitted the
plan in question, which is totally in contrary with the plan approved by the
village level Committee.
Suspecting the hand of the shipyard and dockyard lobby behind effecting
changes to the RP, gram sabha member Franky Monteiro said the villagers
would lodge an FIR even if the panchayat goes slow on the demands of the
He said the fake plan submitted in the TCP office has proposals which would
benefit the shipyard and dockyard lobbies as agricultural zones have been
changed in the plan to benefit these lobbies.
Meanwhile, the gram sabha meeting demanded to know from the Sarpanch the
status of collection of trade taxes from all industrial units in Loutolim
jurisdiction of Verna Industrial Estate following the decision of last gram
sabha meeting. The Sarpanch assured that he would seek sketch plans from the
industrial units before initiating any action.
The members also demanded to know the steps taken for de-notification of
Verna Industrial Estate being declared notified area to bring back the
jurisdiction and control to village panchayats following the decision of the
last gram sabha meeting.

[Goanet] Level of literacy in colonial Goa

2010-01-03 Thread Antonio Menezes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


There were one Escola Medica e Farmacia, one Escola Normal ( Teachers
training college )
Seminario de Rachol, and one Govt. Secondary cum Junior College ( Liceu
Nacional Afonso
de Albuquerque ) in Panjim for the whole of Goa. , 2 private Liceu (s) one
Matmo's in Panjim
and Instituto Abade Faria in Margao.  Escolas Primarias in each major
village which turned
out semi-literates or basically uneducated  most of whom were drop outs as
they had
nowhere to go after passing segundo grau.
Assuming that Goa had 600,000 people in 1961, could it have been possible to
have literate
persons  numbering more than 30,000 or say 5% literacy ? one could add
another 5 %
who had education in private English medium schools which did not receive a
escudo as a Govt. grant.  The overall illiteracy in 1961 would appear to be
around 90%
There were about 50 villages in Salcete peninsula, 30 in Bardez and 20 in
Tisvadi (Ilhas).
>From literacy point of view , all these villages were vast reservoirs of
illiteracy.  Colonial
Church (or rather dominant casteist clergy )  with its vast properties could
have done
something about it, but the Lord's people would appear to have had a
different agenda.
Lome Lusitanian souls  who lived in Panjim before and after 1961 could have
come to
the conclusion that there was a much higher literacy rate  during the
administration and hence dutifully convinced the neo-patriots, but one
should remember
these people were mostly Mandovi-centric who had no idea of Goa south ;of
the Bambolim

[Goanet] ColouredMoon–MondayMuse(4Jan2010)

2010-01-03 Thread Pravin Sabnis

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


MONDAY MUSE (4 January 2010)




On New Year’s Eve we witnessed a blue moon in our skies. Blue does not refer to 
the colour of the moon that night… it was the rare incidence of a thirteenth 
moon in the year. Hence, we use the phrase ‘once in a blue moon’ to single out 
rare happenings. The occasion triggered the connect to a visual that I use 
during my unlearning unlimited workshops.


It is a photograph that is widely circulated on the net to demonstrate the 
illusion of sight. The visual is about a lady sitting before a dressing table 
mirror, but it appears like a human skull. On stretching our observation, we 
notice many more possibilities… a bulb, a sailing ship, a
wedding, a fort, so on and so forth… 


Whenever somebody suggests that they can see a moon, I immediately ask, ‘Is the 
moon yellow in colour?’ Most persons laugh and instantly declare that it 
actually looks like the yellow sun. I repeat my question till somebody answers 
that the moon is quite often yellow in colour, especially when close to the 


The lesson is obvious. Our minds are conditioned to pick up white and silver 
colours when we seek to colour the drawing of a moon. But it can be seen in 
many colours... if we would only look to see! We must be better at keeping an 
open mind... for it is only an open mind that can see the spectrum of 
possibilities... and the many colours of the moon!


Let’s BE BETTER at searching the skies to see...
The visionary moon is as coloured as it can be!


- Pravin K. Sabnis

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] US to honour Mother Teresa

2010-01-03 Thread Mario

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


US to honour Mother Teresa

January 04, 2010 09:01 IST

The US Postal Service announced over the weekend that Nobel Peace Prize
winner Mother Teresa and legendary Hollywood actress Katharine Hepburn are
among the subjects headlining the 2010 stamp programme. The stamp is
tentatively planned to go on sale nationwide August 26, 2010, on the
birthday of Mother Teresa, who received the Nobel Prize in 1979 for
humanitarian work.The diminutive Roman Catholic nun and honorary US citizen
was known for her compassion towards the poor and served the sick and
destitute of India and the world for nearly 50 years.  'With this stamp, the
US Postal Service recognises Mother Teresa Her humility and compassion as
well as her respect for the innate worth and dignity of humankind, inspired
people of all ages and backgrounds to work on behalf of the world's poorest
populations,' the USPS said.  An ethnic Albanian, who was born Agnes Gonxha
Bojaxhiu Aug. 26, 1910, in Skopje in what is now the Republic of Macedonia,
she left her home at the age of 18 to serve as a Roman Catholic missionary
in India in 1929.  Having adopted the name of Sister Mary Teresa, she
underwent initial training in religious life at a convent in Darjeeling and
two years later, she took temporary vows as a nun before transferring to a
convent in Kolkata.  She became known as Mother Teresa in 1937, when she
took her final vows.  When Mother Teresa accepted the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize
-- one of her numerous honours and distinctions -- she did so 'in the name
of the poor, the hungry, the sick and the lonely,' and convinced the
organisers to donate to the needy the money normally used to fund the
awards' banquet. Well respected worldwide, she successfully urged many of
the world's business and political leaders to give their time and resources
to help those in need.  The stamp features a portrait of Mother Teresa,
painted by award-winning artist Thomas Blackshear II.  Mother Teresa, who
died in Kolkata on September 5, 1997, and is buried there had been a citizen
of India since 1948.


Cheers - Mario F. D' Costa & Fly

[Goanet] Where Merwyn dined.

2010-01-03 Thread eric pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Here is a picture of the feast. 

Notice they served Oryx biryani?

I took a tour to see the worlds first sky scrapers in Sanaa (probably named by 
Seven and eight story sky scrapers, made of mud, several centuries old. 

   We ran Barclays and  the Civil Service for Aden's Bombay based government, 
for a hundred years, then left without our shirts  when the city fell, Saigon 
style. eric.


Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 



Re: [Goanet] Gold and you

2010-01-03 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


It has been suggested that the gold could have been balsam fir resin (has
other names too). It also grows in Asia, as do some varieties of
frankincense and myrrh (whose resin is extracted; use as poultices etc., in
arthritis, bones, etc.). Balsam fir resin was presumably more expensive than
Gold (Ag).

Last year I inquired that from a pigment chemist/maker in Germany. The
restorer/conservator there asked a German priest on my behalf, but he denied
that possibility. I do know others who agree, and they also happen to do
business in therapeutic-grade oils. In any case such information remains
esoteric before it gains acceptance, or never does. No harm either way.


> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 06:06:39 -0800 (PST)
> From: eric pinto 
> According to tradition, the three gifts of the Magi were gold, frankincense
> and
> ??
> Merv

[Goanet] Lion Roars

2010-01-03 Thread Lionel Messias

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Government on Overdrive?

If they aren’t in the air accumulating flying hours, they are burning rubber
on the roads. They get their kicks burning up jet fuel or petrol, it doesn’t
matter which. It’s a ‘burning’ within them, just like internal combustion
that drives planes and cars, to be able to do the same thing. It does not
matter either if you have to borrow your dad’s official car and do a pole
dancer act that too at the crack of dawn, if you get my drift or, simply put
in an indent for a fleet of posh government cars. As the man said,
everything is up for grabs in Goa where netas are builders, those who are
not are money lenders to builders, are barge owners, mine lease owners, and
hotel owners. For the high-born, for whom the International Film Festival of
India that I have been saying for years was custom-made for the ‘preferred
hotel’ at Dona Paula that the ‘newspaper you can trust’ endorsed this year
for the first time, making it legitimate and public. And you can complain
till the cows come home – they don’t care.

Revving up miles

To this end, the cost of driving around just 86 VIPs (all from out of state)
in 2006, 2007 and 2008 made a huge dent of Rs 26,99,772 on your tax money.
It seems anyone with a VIP tag gets a free ride in Goa. Details over the
next few Sundays, but for the moment I am intrigued why Ujwal D. Nikam, a
Special Public Prosecutor, keeps coming back like a charter tourist.

Perhaps to say a government on overdrive isn’t the best way to put things in
perspective. Cars are fitted with the highest engine gear (overdrive) to
economize on for fuel economy and to save engine wear; your government on
the contrary condemned 390 vehicles in the past five years. The General
Administration Department which is almost the government’s car for hire
service, condemned 20 cars, many of which had clocked 2,00,000 km! In a
five-day week plus the umpteen holidays, makes you wonder what they do to
log such mileage. Imagine the Goa government’s carbon footprint and its
contribution to global warming.

The Town & Country Planning Department which has a blind spot for entire
valleys and hill sides that are gouged out by builders with the calm of a
chess player, managed to condemn nine vehicles, most of its vehicles
crossing the 1,50,000 km mark. Does the TCP have a knack of blind driving
despite that peculiar blind spot limitation for hill cutting?

Funny Cop

Arvind Gawas, SP (Traffic) is the rare cop with a sense of humour. A couple
of weeks ago he said pay parking would encourage drivers to give Panjim a
miss, and as a result decongest its commercial streets especially. He’s
back. This time he wants cat eyes on the center and edge lines of roads so
drivers can gauge the width of the road. If he looked at the driving schools
he might find answers on how to keep maniacs off the roads instead. As
Dattaram (Mahesh) Nayak of the Jai Damodar Association suggests begin with
Kamat Motor Driving School based in Chinchinim who he says declared to the
Road Transport Department that its registered automobile engineer is a Sudin
Prabhu Dessai. A driving school must compulsorily employ an automobile
engineer or ITI qualified technician.

And Speedy Gonzales

But, the man he says is an employee of Chowgule Industries at Fatorda and
has been for 10 years. According to Nayak who has been fighting corruption
in the Road Transport Department, Margao, and routinely shoots off missives
to the Chief Secretary; to issue a new motor driving school license, the
official fee is Rs 1,000 while the speed money rate is Rs 25,000. To renew a
license, the official fee is Rs 1,000 - the speed money rate is Rs 8,000.
Learners license Rs 40 – speed money Rs 100. To issue a permanent license,
the official rate is Rs 90 – speed money Rs 300. To issue a permanent
professional license, the official rate is Rs 130 – speed money Rs 800. As I
said last week, the motor vehicle inspector or ‘Speedy Gonzales’ has his
work cut out for him and has a free hand from the Assistant Director of
Transport in Margao. Latest estimates of speed money turnover in the south
of Goa: between Rs 80,000 and Rs 1 lakh a month. Ahh yes, I promised you the
names of the touts who chase with the fastest mouse in all of south Goa;
they are Abdul, two touts with the same surname Naik, Raju and two Keralites
whose names I don’t know at the moment. Surprise, surprise, the two Naiks
are not Goans but bhailos who had their names changed. Even that happens in
Goa, the land of opportunity for bhailos.

*Feedback 2280935, 9822152164 lionroars@gmail.com) *

[Goanet] Contacto Goa tomorrow - 5th January 2010

2010-01-03 Thread nalini souza


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Contacto Goa this Tuesday, 05th January 2010

The 43th episode will be broadcast on:
RTP international - INDIA, PORTUGAL and other places:

Tuesday, 05th January 2010
INDIA - 2:05pm
PORTUGAL - 08:45am

Wednesday, 06th January 2010

INDIA :07:45am
PORTUGAL 02:15am

Timetable for other countries will be available on-line: www.rtp.pt

If you look at the map you may not find them, but all together there are 
20 islands in Goa. One of the smallest one is the island of St. Estevam 
or Jua: Around 870 hectares and 5000 inhabitants. It is known as “A Ilha 
Verde”. Find out why in this episode.

Note: Please note that the above timings are based on information 
available on the RTP web site at the time of sending out this release. 
We suggest that viewers reconfirm exact timings by checking the website 
www.rtp.pt on the actual day of broadcast or switch on TV earlier.

This episode was directed, produced and presented by Nalini Elvino de 
Sousa, photographed by Jude Fernandes, edited by Nuno Oliveira.

Further episodes of the third series of Contacto Goa will continue to be 
broadcast every 15 days, on Tuesdays at the same time, as given above.
The Contacto team can be contacted by e-mail at contacto...@yahoo.co.in 
or nalini_portu...@yahoo.com

Your comments are always welcome.

If you want to watch any of the previous episodes of CONTACTO GOA you 
can find them on the webpage of RTP at :


Re: [Goanet] Home Minister Says No Drugs In Goa

2010-01-03 Thread floriano

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


A youth, flaunting his expensive 2-wheeler (Dad's in 
Dubai/Kuwait/Bahrainwhy not?) is approached by a friend.

"Hey ! what you doing? See, I got this package to be delivered but I got a 
very important engagement. Could you deliver it for me? There's a couple of 
beers in it for you after you done the delivery. You okay on this?"

"I'm not doing anything in particular. Why not ... if there are a few beers 
in it?"

The youth does the job, shares more than a couple of beers with his cronies. 
Next, he is looking for such an assignment. Easy stuff indeed. Besides 
beers, there's some cash in it too.. eases on the petrol bill. After the 
while the youth finds out that he is delivering drugs. He does not want to 
touch it any more. Goes to tell the so called boss so. The boss is okay. 'No 
sweat" he say. "You don't want to do a simple job?, so be it."  Boss turns 
around and tells his henchman " See Lucas, Tony has done a good job while he 
was at it. Now that he wants to quit, why don't you arrange a nice fun boat 
trip for him as a send off party and have fun? "Yes boss" says the henchman.

Next, the boat trip is arranged. Lots of booze and lots of fun. The boat 
comes back minus Tony. The sorry and tearful story is that Tony got carried 
away, consumed lots of booze and accidentally or willfully fell overboard. 
Body is fished out the next day. Police register a possible suicide or an 
accidental death. No more questions asked. Tony is gone, along with the drug 
running secret.

Check out how many youths in the South have gone out this way. It need not 
be only a boat ride. It could be a simple road accident. It could be 

And it is very surprising that our esteemed home minister says there are no 
drugs in Goa ! 

The Drug mafia-Police-Politician nexus is ever so omnipresent in Goa since 
the Hippie times.  My saying so has been reported in last week's Vox Goenkar of 


PS1: Names in this post do not relate to any known person or persons. They are 
purely fictitious.

PS 2: I spoke of this modus operandi of snuffing our youth at Temwado, Morjim 
when people were agitating against the take-over of a cultivable field by 
Russians for development and te field was  ploughed right there and then.

PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour...What's Zat???

- Original Message - 
From: "Freddy Fernandes" 
Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 4:50 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Home Minister Says No Drugs In Goa

Wise up Goa, please do not act like the Home Minister, drug menace will not
disappear, if we say it's not there, it will only incubate, magnify and 
further and devour our youth. Act now or be ready to pay the price.

[Goanet] Lion Roars

2010-01-03 Thread Lionel Messias

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Files crawl, but babus jet

In a government where files are known to crawl at snail’s pace and some even
go AWOL, its ministers and officers however prefer to fly at jet speed.
These are more of their flying exploits between 2007-08 and 2008-09, this
time (as I said earlier) giving the entire expenditure incurred on the

Sanjit Rodrigues, Director (Industries) – Thailand, China – 1,11,333; Dr
Rajnanda Dessai, Director (Health Services) – Zurich, Dusseldorf – Rs
1,23,705, Dubai – Rs 81,020, Oxford, UK – expense not known as it was paid
for by the Nova Nordisk Foundation; Joaquim Alemao, Chairman, GSUDA & Daulat
Hawaldar, Member Secretary, GSUDA – Frankfurt, Lyon, Paris, La Rochelle – Rs
16,71,846. Never heard of La Rochelle. Me too, so I Googled. It’s on
France's west coast between Nante and Bordeaux and is an interesting tourist
destination on the sea. La Rochelle has an interesting old harbour fortified
in the middle ages and a wonderful medieval core city. The cuisine of La
Rochelle is memorable for its seafood. Aahh, Seafood eh! They spent eight
days on this whirlwind tour and perhaps achieved nothing. This is possibly
why? The distance between Paris and La Rochele is 470 km and it takes an
hour to fly. The flying time between Paris and Lyon is 29 minutes. There’s
the flight from Frankfurt to Paris to factor in as well, plus the flight
from Dabolim to Bombay, then the distance of 6,575 km or eight hours of
flying time from Bombay to Frankfurt. If only there was a way to find out
how much time was spent working, if they did work, that is. But, if you
consider they spent 192 hours (eight days) that works out to a blistering
rate of Rs 8,702 an hour.

Then there was R S Yadav, Sr. SP (Crime & Intelligence) who flew to Vicenza
in Italy on a 24-day official tour paid for by the Centre for Excellence for
stability Police Unit, Vicenza, so his expense is not known.

Fruitful Journeys

Sagun Wadkar, member, board of directors, Goa State Horticulture Corporation
(GSHC), Ashok Joshi, also a board director and SSP Tendulkar, Director
(Agriculture) each spent Rs 3,49,571 on a 12-day junket to the Phillipines,
Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Total cost: Rs 10,48,713. While Frieda
Barreto, the Dy Director (Agriculture) and Larry Barreto, Asst Director
(Agriculture) went to Singapore. Total cost: Rs 2,85,000.

Now horticulture is a composite of two words, horti meaning grass, and
culture. The only thing that makes sense here is that the idea the grass is
greener across oceans must have germinated within GSHC, so it too went along
with the ‘culture’ of flying and decided to develop its own strain of
‘wings’. Amen to that.

What is it about Dubai?

Dr Ida de Noronha de Ataide, Professor, Dental College – Dubai – Rs 80,711;
Manohar Azgaonkar, Vice-Chairman Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) –Dubai & Doha
– Rs 2,27,500; JP Singh, Chief Secretary – Dubai & Doha – Rs 1,47,900, Morad
Ahmad, Chief Town Planner – Dubai & Doha – 1,83,070; JJ Rego, Chief
Engineer, PWD –Dubai & Doha – Rs 1,83,070; VM Prabhu Desai, Executive
Director, SAG – Dubai & Doha – Rs 2,19,801.
Prabhudessai, the blue-eyed boy of all sports ministers is a popular
itinerant and even went to World Cup 2006 as he said to check out the stadia
there so they could be replicated here. Yeah right! The cost of that trip
that included a posse of four others was Rs 7,12,439.

And Down Under

JJS Rego, CE-11 – Australia & New Zealand – Rs 1,15,245; A. Parulakar,
Superintendent Engineer – Australia & New Zealand – Rs 1,15,245; JPP de
Souza, Superintendent –Australia & New Zealand – Rs 1,15,245.

Of Speed Money

The Jai Damodar Association’s Dattaram Nayak tells me that an officer of the
Road Transport Department at Margao, MJ Walke has set the following ‘speed
money’ rates for different categories. To renew the fitness certificate of a
light motor vehicle, the official fee is Rs 300, while the speed money rate
is Rs 600. To renew a fitness certificate of a medium motor vehicle it is Rs
300 and Rs 800 respectively. For a heavy goods vehicle it is Rs 500 and Rs
1,200. For water tankers – Rs 500 and Rs 2,500. Mini buses Rs 500 and Rs
2000. Big buses – Rs 500 and Rs 2,500. National permit trucks Rs 500 and Rs
2,500. To register new trucks and mini buses the official rate is Rs 600,
while the speed money rate varies between Rs 5,000-10,000. I love the
clarity in this man’s work. Thus, if the vehicle has no hand brake, there is
a speed money surcharge of Rs 500. No emergency door for a bus attracts a
surcharge of Rs 1,000. If a bus has no complaint box, the extra charge is a
mere Rs 200. Ditto for a first aid box. See what I mean, no kit kit.

Re: [Goanet] On religious discrimination, India next only to Iraq: US thinktank

2010-01-03 Thread Santosh Helekar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The latest post by "mmendonz...@gmail.com" in this thread contains statements 
that mislead Goanetters about the Pew Report and about my earlier response on 
this issue. Like the earlier post by this author, the claims made are cherry 
picked from a few examples, in the present case provided by the Pew forum 
merely to illustrate its methodology. Let me point out some of these gross 
distortions and false statements below:

--- On Sat, 1/2/10, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
> Nowhere does the Pew Report suggest or even indicate that so far as >India is 
> concerned that India ranks high in the Social Hostility Index >due to deaths 
> caused by war, military action, left wing extremism or >terrorist violence as 
> the poster would like to mislead us into believing. >

This is grossly misleading because the Pew Report clearly points out in its 
Methodology section on page 43 that religion-related terrorism, war and armed 
conflict are major indicators used in calculating the Social Hostilities Index, 
in which India figured high. Here are the relevant excerpts from the report:

Religion-Related Terrorism and Armed Conflict
Terrorism and war can have huge direct and indirect effects on religious 
groups, destroying religious sites, displacing whole communities and inflaming 
sectarian passions. Accordingly, the Pew Forum tallied the number, location and 
consequences of religion-related terrorism and
armed conflict around the world, as reported in the same primary sources used 
to document other forms of intimidation and violence. .They are factored 
instead into the index of social hostilities involving religion, which includes 
one question specifically about religion-related terrorism and one question 
specifically about religion-related war or armed conflict. In addition, other 
measures in both indexes are likely to pick up spillover effects of war and 
terrorism on the level of religious
tensions in society. For example, hate crimes, mob violence and sectarian 
fighting that occur in the aftermath of a terrorist attack or in the context of 
a religion-related war would be counted in the Social Hostilities 
Religion-related war or armed conflict is defined as armed conflict (a conflict 
that involves sustained casualties over time or more than 1,000 battle deaths) 
in which religious rhetoric is commonly used to justify the use of force, or in 
which one or more of the combatants primarily identifies itself or the opposing 
side by religion.
.The Pew Report, page 43

Also, please note in the quote below the two year time period used for 
estimating fatalities:

Fourth, two independently coded years of data (July 1, 2006, through June 30, 
2007, and July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008) were averaged to create solid 
baseline measures that are less affected by methodological or informational 
variability in any one year.
.The Pew Report, page 33

If you look at all the raw data during this period in India from the sources 
relied on by the U.S. State department, the most number of deaths from 
terrorism and armed conflict occurred in the Northeast and Kashmir. Left-wing 
armed extremist violence caused the next highest number of fatalities. The 
average estimates of violent deaths during the two years are as follows:

Northeast States  - 1789 (due to terrorism and armed conflict)
Jammu and Kashmir - 1623 (due to terrorism and armed conflict)
Rest of India -  551 (due to terrorism and armed conflict)
Left-wing Armed Extremism - 1353

>It is the posters own interpretation and conclusion to divert our >attention 
>from the core issue viz.  persecution of religious minorities. 

This statement and the insinuation contained in it are false. The report 
clearly documented persecution against both minorities and the majority in 
India. Please see the following quote on Page 46:

Which religious groups have allegedly been harassed by social groups? Jains, 
Muslims, Pandits, Hindus and Christians
.The Pew Report, page 46

Please note that I had not said or implied anything regarding the majority or 
the minorities in my earlier post, as insinuated in the above smear by 
"mmendonz...@gmail.com". Here is the link to my earlier post on Goanet:


>Refer pages 45 to 48 which details some of the incidents. Incidentally, >out 
>of the 7 states covered, 5 are/were BJP ruled staes and 2 are >Congress ruled. 
>This itself tells its own story.

This statement misuses for a political purpose, a few Indian examples provided 
by the P

[Goanet] Prabuddha Dasgupta's The Edge of Faith

2010-01-03 Thread Frederick Noronha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Prabuddha Dasgupta's The Edge of Faith (1/3)

Prabuddha Dasgupta's The Edge of Faith (2/3)

Prabuddha Dasgupta's The Edge of Faith (3/3) ... includes a few images

Literati, the bookshop at Calangute, recently launched Edge of Faith
by photographer Prabuddha Dasgupta. Tanya Mendonsa interfaced with
Prabuddha on Saturday, 2nd January 2010 at the event which started at
7 pm. QUOTE The 79 black and white photographs create an intimate and
deeply personal portrait of the Catholic community in Goa rarely seen
before a portrait of a gentle and generous people torn between their
fidelity to a history of Portuguese faith and culture and their
post-independence Indian identity After New York, Delhi, Bombay and
Bangalore, Edge of Faith finally comes home to Goa, said the
announcement of the event.

Frederick Noronha Landline :: +91-832-2409490 Mobile :: +91-9822122436

[Goanet] A Photographer is Born

2010-01-03 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


To Goanet -




[Goanet] Sinbad Shore Pearls !

2010-01-03 Thread eric pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


History in the region is as murcky as those Shatt al Arab/ Gulf waters !  Iran 
fought a ten year Basrah war over ten square miles of disputed marsh.  When 
Britain owned 'Mesopotamia,' Basrah merchants filled Bombay's hotels and cafes, 
the boarding school at St. Marys on Nesbitt Road a regular destination for the 
children of their Armenian elite. 
  The Arab shores of the Straits of Hormuz are a part of Oman. That small neck 
of land is isolated from the country, seperated by fifty miles of UAE/Dubai 
territory:  Bedouin camels do not read maps, shifting sands make for crumbled 
borders !  I met many of the dominant Muscat merchant trading class. They dress 
and speak native, but switch to the Baluchi version of the  Sindhi dialect, 
once in the safety of the home: Compulsive entertainers, they would make both 
Merwyn, as well as Mario feel very much at home. 
  A final thought: it was Sinbad's cousins who founded Mombasa and Merwyn's 
hometown, Dar es Salaam, and brought da Gama along on his way to the 'discovery 
of India.'    eric.

From: Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com

Wasn't as-Sindibād al-Baḥri the fictional sailor actually from Basrah
(the main port of the country where, we are told according to
Marioism, that the US of A is currently rescuing Muslims (or some such
humanitarian endeavour)?


2010/1/3 eric pinto :

> If Merv decides to travel to Oman, his land of Myrrh/Merv,
> I will delight in arranging for him to be feasted/fested by
> some very nice natives of Sinbad land.    eric.

Frederick Noronha

Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging


Re: [Goanet] Daily Grook #599

2010-01-03 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


From: jik...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [Goanet] Daily Grook #599
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 18:54:17 +

Enjoying your puns
And often wondered
Will you stick to your guns
And make the 600!!!

If I get blue
As was the moon New Year
I'll check out the grook
To fill me with cheer

Buon anno !! alla salute a tutto mundo!   

> From: fcarodrig...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Daily Grook #599
> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 03:41:33 -0500
> ==
> ==
> by Francis Rodrigues
> nazis being hateful,
> if you joined ranks,
> hitler was grateful
> and sent his tanks!
> *GREAT NEW YEAR GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com
> ===
> sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
> GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278
> ===
> http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=119017685910
Windows Live: Friends get your Flickr, Yelp, and Digg updates when they e-mail 

[Goanet] Goa news for January 4, 2010

2010-01-03 Thread Goanet News Service

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Peddler being questioned, Goa cops say presence of drugs a
reality - Indian Express
probe girl's death at Goa music fest

*** Expect some upmove in Sesa Goa: Ambareesh Baliga -
V18, "For traders Sesa Goa is still a decent bet although there
was a dampener in between of the duty hike. ...

*** CD banned in south Goa - Herald Publications
Goa DM gags media

*** Sesa Goa ends on higher note - Hindu Business Line
eek high, but settled lower. This is indicative of recovery
through the year. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2010/01/01/stories/2010010152651000.htm&usg=AFQjCNF58ILVoIPsY4nQCQsKAL9ZdBXy7w

*** Top 10 party scenes in history - Reuters
utersIt became such a phenomenon that more than a few books were
written about the power of Goa in the '70s, the most notable
being Cleo Odzer's "Goa Freaks."http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6000AX20100101&usg=AFQjCNGItsC2Dt1G4T0h4nSMNnIp-9aL-w

*** Harley-Davidson revs up to lure Indian fans - Financial
nancial TimesFor most Indians, the term "chopped hog" would
probably summon up visions of roast suckling pig in Goa, ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.ft.com/cms/s/fc34072e-f6fe-11de-9fb5-00144feab49a.html&usg=AFQjCNHU3VG8oW6wC37xdaTsTtltkTfORg

*** Beach polo enthralls audience in Goa - Daily News & Analysis
ily News & AnalysisHundreds of tourists both foreigners and
locals thronged the Inter Continental The Grand Resort Goa
located at Raj Baga, Canacona, to witness the game. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.dnaindia.com/sport/report_beach-polo-enthralls-audience-in-goa_1329842&usg=AFQjCNGk_dKSsOPx_jAM-H829ptk2JNvHA

*** Goa road to be repaired - Times of India
mes of IndiaDHARWAD: For those traveling from Dharwad to Goa via
Ramnagar, the nightmare of negotiating bad stretches will end
soon. The national highway No. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hubli/Goa-road-to-be-repaired/articleshow/5402930.cms&usg=AFQjCNHAMlYM9-rvvVcwOL8QHvuvb6uLxQ

*** Ease CRZ norms for Goa, state tells Centre - Times of India
pecific amendment to the CRZ notification to ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Ease-CRZ-norms-for-Goa-state-tells-Centre/articleshow/5401276.cms&usg=AFQjCNF-f41ytjC_mjKhbYBAoAlmmxrkCQ

*** 12 accidents in Goa daily: stats - Herald Publications
rald PublicationsOn an average, Goa plays host to 12 accidents
everyday while one person is killed every 29 hours, statistics
provided by the traffic police reveal. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://oheraldo.in/pagedetails.asp?nid=31808&cid=2&usg=AFQjCNFJOcEIXIuG96215lHfMhlOIP9bFQ

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Hindi: De Facto Domino !

2010-01-03 Thread eric pinto


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


 Dear Samirbab,  one understands 'de jure' and de facto.'  When the 
'Hindi' decision was announced, the South, Tamil land in particularly, 
became veritably a sea of fire.  All form of government ceased to exist 
as people torched the land, with scores shedding their own lives in the 
flames. I still remember the Lal Bahadur Shastri address to the nation 
on National Radio, in which he pleaded 'on bended knees' for an end to 
the seizures. The government rescinded the measure soon after.
  It was Morarji who set the Hindi ball rolling, in an attempt to 
acquire that huge region's affection and vote.  It was not possible for 
the South to label a Gujerathi a 'Hindi imperialist.' It was he who 
launched the switch to Hindi language documentation.
  How then, do you explain the preference for Hindi, in conversation 
today amongst groups of Southern folk: think Bollywood !   Yes, in a few 
decades, Bolly bolli and song did more to spread Hindi than the Union 
could have over a century, making it a natural choice for a tongue, even 
for young children.
  With my own experience as a guide, I can say that hurt your chances 
when you attempt a transaction with a Central employee in the English 
idiom.  Eric Pinto.

Hindi is not the National language of India.

http://tinyurl. com/ycslmcq

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

Re: [Goanet] Gold and you

2010-01-03 Thread Frederick Noronha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Wasn't as-Sindibād al-Baḥri the fictional sailor actually from Basrah
(the main port of the country where, we are told according to
Marioism, that the US of A is currently rescuing Muslims (or some such
humanitarian endeavour)?


2010/1/3 eric pinto :

> If Merv decides to travel to Oman, his land of Myrrh/Merv,
> I will delight in arranging for him to be feasted/fested by
> some very nice natives of Sinbad land.    eric.

Frederick Noronha

Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging

[Goanet] Ghost stories... and Goa

2010-01-03 Thread JoeGoaUk

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


To all 

There is an extra special netters meet on Wed. 6th January 2010
starts late night

Unmasking of JoeGoaUk
Discussion on 
- Methological seven sisters
- Shivaji and his troupe procession
- Caste based 3 kings including this year's Mauvin Godinho's son
- Colva CD Case (if time permits)

All drinks and food free (sponsored by JoeGoaUk)

It's a men's night so ladies and kids not allowed.

Sorry for the short notice.

Oh ye, I forgot to mention the venue.

Not at Miramar/foodland this time but on top of Cuelim Hill
by the chapel (near Velsao/Cansaulim)

No registrations required, just be there on time.

Note: Before levaing, it is highly recommended that you seek 
permission not from your wife but any elders at home or neighbourhood.

see you there/ here

a view from Holant beach

How to get here?
Via Sacoale or Dabolim or Verna bypass
 Via Majorda, Cansaulim
Verna Cansaulim
or Consua

ask for Pali tollem or Mudier Devull
from thee, A road leads to the hill top



for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Humanists celebrate the season

2010-01-03 Thread Mario Goveia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Date: Sun, 03 Jan 2010 12:07:11 -0500
From: Goanet News Service 

The group, founded three years ago, hosted an event Monday night in 
which its members decorated a tree with covers from some of their 
favourite books read this past year.

Being humanists, there were plenty of books that focused on science and 
logical thinking; Charles Darwin's Origin of Species made an appearance 
as did Al Gore's The Assault on Reason and David Suzuki's The Sacred 

Kevin Saldanha, the group's president, said the event wasn't designed to 
denigrate people's faith. Rather, it was a way for the group to 
celebrate and enjoy the season in a way that's in line with their beliefs.

Mario responds:

Happy Winter Solstice to all "humanists".

As Goanet's lone voice of reason, truth and peace, please let me know when you 
humanists, all fifteen of you, actually start doing something to promote the 
" individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-actualization 
through reason", instead of your stereotypical sympathy and support for 
philosophies and political systems and politicians that end up achieving the 
exact opposite of an "individual's dignity and worth and capacity for 

Here's a clue of what I mean: Adding a feckless politician like Al Gore's 
intellectually-challenged book to your tree. 

Re: [Goanet] Gold and you

2010-01-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


eric pinto wrote:
>   If Merv decides to travel to Oman, his land of Myrrh/Merv, I will delight 
>in arranging for him to be feasted/fested by some very nice natives of Sinbad 
>land.    eric.

You don't impress me.
I have been there, done that.

Here is a picture of the feast. 

Noticed they served Oryx biryani?

I took a tour to see the worlds first sky scrapers in Sanaa (probably named by 
Seven and eight story sky scrapers, made of mud, several centuries old. 

This tour was in the early 1980's when they had a communist regime. North Yemen 
was fighting South Yemen. 
And both were fighting the Saudi's. Apparently the British left forgetting to 
draw a border between Yemen and 
Saudi Arabia. 



Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 


[Goanet] K. Tushar wins Super Chess Housie

2010-01-03 Thread shrikant barve


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


K. Tushar won the Super Chess Housie.

Super Chess Housie organised by International Centre Goa (ICG) and Chess 
Activity Centre at Dona Paula on 31st December 2009 was won by Kumar K 
Tushar. He wan all five rounds to win the championship. Kumar Omkar 
Damle stood second and Somesh Takkekar stood third. .
Shravan Barve was the arbiter of the tournament and Prizes were gave 
away at the hands of by Smt. Nalini Sahia Director ICG.

Nest children chess tournament in two categories will be held on Friday 
January 15, 2010 evening from 4.00pm in two categories First category 
will consist of (KG, 1st and 2nd standard ) second category will include 
(3rd and 4th Standard).

Photo attached.

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (03Jan10)

2010-01-03 Thread Goanet News Service


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


*** 43 Crore Alcohol Scam ***

"You think the investigators will nab the culprits"

"They will have to be Drunk not to"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] What are we waiting for?

2010-01-03 Thread Carmen Miranda

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Message: 9
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 13:31:32 +0530
From: "floriano" 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] What Are We Waiting For? (By Carmen Miranda)
Message-ID: <5195b7bb66bf4c9f9229cf1577ff0...@home>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Time and again I have been saying that we have not been electing CORRUPT

PS: Example - Rathore in Ruchika's molestation case.
PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour .. What's Zat???

 But dear Floriano, can a corrupt system of governance operate without
corrupt politicians?
I personally think they go hand in hand, and cannot operate without each
That is why I am calling for a radical change in the political system in Goa
which should include accountability, transparency and morally brave and
educated politicians.

An initiative like GBA needs to be revived and *kept alive and
kicking*until some good sense returns and good governance takes over,
and a change
in the mind set of people takes place.  Real change  may take years and we
must be persistent. A strong WATCHDOG organisation is a must, and we don't
need to wait for elections to begin changing things. We need people with
courage to knock at the door of the government and demand law enforcement
and responsible policies and refuse to leave until something is done on the

For example, right now there is illegal mining going on in the buffer zone
and inside Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary. Complaints to the police, and copies
of the complaint letter sent to various authorites achieved nothing so far.
What do you do next? The usual step is going to court. But why can't the
next step be a big show of public discontent at the door of the 3 ministers
responsible for
 stopping such illegal activities in the forest zones? These guys need to be
shaken, and have to be forced to do the job they have been voted to doso
lets force them!  We don't need a French Revolution (yet), but perhaps it is
time the  long-suffering goan public is more forceful about things they feel
strongly about .



Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Mahanand to Judge: â?~t hank you Sirâ?T

2010-01-03 Thread floriano


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Re: Home Minister's statement .. :-))   ((-:
Even a blind beggar in Goa knows that drugs are a flowing.


PS: And I had thought that Ravi was the right man to handle the Home 
portfolio. I shall never ever venture with my opinion on these ..
PPS: [All the more a good reason for ] Goa's Need of the Hour... 
What's Zat???

- Original Message - 
From: "Samir Kelekar" 

To: "Goanet" 
Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 3:27 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet] Mahanand to Judge: â?~thank you Sirâ?T

On top of that Ravi Naik makes a statement today that there are no drugs 
sold in Goa!

[Goanet] DNA test on Mahanand's victims

2010-01-03 Thread Samir Kelekar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


If the cops have done no DNA test on Mahanand's other victims, it would be an 
easy defense for Mahanand.

This is a serious flaw and the police officer investigating this needs to be 
taken to task.



Re: [Goanet] Hindi is not the National language of India.

2010-01-03 Thread Frederick Noronha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


MYTH: Hindi is the national language of India http://tinyurl.com/yc3mvuf

2010/1/3 Cip Fernandes :
> Which language is the National Language of India?


 n the Constituent Assembly there were suggestions to make Hindi,
English and even Sanskrit the official language, but the bitter fight
was between the champions of English and Hindi. Finally, which is
India’s national language? The fact is there is no single one. The
Constitution had mandated the President to constitute a commission,
five years after the commencement of the Constitution, to recommend on
the issue. The B.G. Kher Commission’s recommendations were reviewed by
a committee headed by the home minister  G.B. Pant.

When the issue was being debated in Parliament in September 1959, the
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru assured the House that neither would
there be any hindrance on the use of English as an associate language
nor would there be fixed any time limit for it. “All the languages of
India [will be]... equally respected and are our National Languages.”

By that definition, there are today 22 national languages, those
listed in the eighth schedule Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri,
Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam,
Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi,
Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.


Frederick Noronha

Columnist :: journalism
editing :: alt.publishing,
photography :: blogging

[Goanet] Cribs Contest results: Award winning cribs, how to locate them?

2010-01-03 Thread JoeGoaUk

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Cribs Contest results: Award winning cribs, how to locate them?
Recently, Dept of Art and Culture declared various results 
from both the districts of Goa.
It would have been nice if more details of the winners 
such as their location or ward or vaddo name etc 
was also given so that people could easily travel to 
the places to view the award winning cribs.
e.g. It was said Mr. Paul  of Arambol bagged first prize  and 
Joao from Cadolim won third prize.
Now, where in Arambol? Near Church, by the beach??
Again where in Candolim? Near Church,  or at Orda ?
Or  for that matter, where in Mandrem, Ponda, Panchwadi,  Shiroda etc?
Similarly, from South Goa, it was said First prize to Blue Diamond, 
Aquem Navelim, 2nd P Agnelo group Fatorda and 3rd Brother Group 
of Shiroda
(we know there in Aquem in Margao but never heard of Aquem in Navelim)
Again, Consolation Prizes to Mr. Jose of Mandrem, Vincent of Merces, 
Arcenio of Porvorim,  Family Crib Panjim and Braz 
and Francis of Ribandar in the North Goa.

Whereas, boys of Belem, Velsao, Sebastiao of Majorda, 
Rising Boys Agali,  Abali youth of Panchwadi & Filip of Ponda
Pics of Agassaim Church Mechanical Cribs that won 2nd prize
At North Goa District Level
Others award wining (Consolation)  cribs/ pics 
Boys of Belem, Velsao

Rising Boys of Agali


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

Re: [Goanet] Coconut tree climbing device...

2010-01-03 Thread William Rebello


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


there is a device marketed by goa Bhagayat bandar for climbing trees, 
manufactured in kerala, there are two types one steel and another 
stainless steel ( about Rs 4000/-
in south Goam Hotel donna sylvia, it is common to see their gardener 
using it

Re: [Goanet] Gold and you

2010-01-03 Thread eric pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


   If Merv decides to travel to Oman, his land of Myrrh/Merv, I will delight in 
arranging for him to be feasted/fested by some very nice natives of Sinbad 
land.    eric.

Lastly, at church today, I heard the priest read my favourite passage. 
According to tradition, the three gifts of the Magi were gold, frankincense and



[Goanet] Another song by Dr. Francisco Colaco - "Goa, Oh Goa" from "The Legends" Album (Canada)

2010-01-03 Thread Silviano Barbosa

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


As soon as I read the above post, I kept looking for that elusive cassette, 
"The Legends" (Chris Perry and Braz Gonsalves) after the first Goan Convention, 
some 20 years ago I think.
I looked all over my collection of tapes and cassettes, but I couldn't find it 
Finally I checked my cassette player and it was just inside it.
Who plays cassettes nowadays? I do, and this was probably last year sometime.
But this cassette of mine is old and doesn't play ok, it doesn't go all the 
way, but I like the songs in it, especially this one "Goa, Oh Goa" and 
"Beautiful Goa".

Now here it is "Goa, Oh Goa" was sung by a beautiful voiced Toronto singer 
known as JEAN SAMION. I met her at the International Goan convention in Toronto 
in 1988 for the BIG BALL and I complimented her for her sweet rendition of 
"Goa, Oh Goa". I told her she pronounced the Konkani words so beautifully, even 
though she was not a Goan. I think she was an Anglo-Indian and Chris Perry 
probably knew her.
This song was a very big hit at the 1988 Convention Ball ad it was sung 
repeatedly on request as Goans danced to the romantic nostalgic words set by 
Chris Perry.
This CD was produced by North American Music Productions ( I believe it's Joe 
D'Souza, the owner)in Toronto. Other credits are as follows: 
"Ola Goa" vocals by Yvonne Gonsalves (composed and arranged by Laura Gonsalves, 
"Rock N Roll" by Lorenzo D'Souza, 'I love Jesus and Mary' Soprano Sax: Braz 
Gonsalves,"Bebdo" by Frank fernandes, "Beautiful Goa" Vocals by Yvonne 
Gonsalves, "Early Morning" trumpet by Chris Perry, "Johnny" Vocals by Yvonne 
Gonsalves .


Dear Eugene,

Regarding the song Oh Goa you are right in every way. The song was sung by a 
professional fantastic singer Pam Craine. But I will double-check on this with 
Yvonne, Braz Gosalves wife and will correct myself.

Thanks and regards,



Going my the title of the song, Oh Goa, and JoeGoaUK's mention that it says 
that "I am a Goan but was born in Canada." I have a feeling it is the song from 
The Legends, a cassette produced after the first International Goan Convention 
in Toronto in 1988. The cassette honoured Chris Perrry and Braz Gonsalves, who 
played at the convention. The song was sung by a professional singer (forget 
her name) and the lyrics are by Chris.
If anyone in Toronto or elsewhere has the cassette, it would be helpful to chec.

Eugene Correia

Windows Live: Friends get your Flickr, Yelp, and Digg updates when they e-mail 

[Goanet] Selma Carvalho: Who the bleep cares about Goa in 2009?

2010-01-03 Thread Eddie Fernandes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Title: Who the bleep cares about Goa in 2009?
By Selma Carvalho
Source: Goan Voice UK Daily Newsletter 4 Jan. 2010

Full text:

Goa has got to be one of the most lawless corners of the earth. Not lawless
because you are likely to be attacked while walking down the street or
mugged while withdrawing from a cash machine but lawless because should you
be the victim of a crime, you can be assured of just one thing – that the
law will be against you.

If you happen to be the victim of an orchestrated attack by a right-wing,
fundamentalist group, the group will have a “patient hearing” with the
polity of Goa, and Goan citizens will be asked to understand religious
sensibilities. How many times in the past year, 2009, has our right to
freedom and expression been assaulted by these groups who insisted that
certain documentaries not be shown at film festivals or that certain
pictures by M F Husain be withdrawn from public viewing or that liberal,
artistic representations of Ganesha were offensive to them or even playful
T-shirts caused grave insult to them? In almost every case of this violation
of fundamental democratic rights, it was the right-wing groups that got the
upper hand.

But of course in the past year we learnt that being a woman victim in Goa
was a particularly difficult situation. When a certain man called Mohanand
Naik was found to be a serial killer who had in fact over a period of 15
years, strangulated young girls with their dupattas, luring them with
promises of marriage, Ravi Naik, Goa’s Home Minister told us that women
should not go out wearing dupattas. Later in the year when a young Russian
woman alleged rape, the police had not even bothered interviewing the
accused even though they had every opportunity to do so. Unfortunately
Digambar Kamat, Goa’s Chief Minister and later Shantaram Naik MP, thought
that girls who stayed out late in the night with men were inviting trouble
and that a value judgment had to be made in order to properly assess such
cases. Bravo!! We Goans have effectively put the cause of women back by
about 100 years. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if next we call upon all
women with cats to be burnt at the stake as possible witches.

Shantaram Naik went on television and told us that a sort of “cultural
aggression” is foisted on Goa by foreign Western tourists. I’m not sure what
he meant by cultural aggression. It seems naïve Goan men are being given
mixed signals by White women and our poor boys are unable to interpret these
signals. But thousands of Goans live in Western countries who have yet to be
culturally aggressed upon. Goan men living and working alongside Western
women in Dubai, UK or Canada don’t seem to get their signals mixed up.
Shantaram and Digamber Kamat should know, the language of sexuality is
universal. It needs no interpreters. A no is a no in any culture.

As if all this wasn’t enough, the year ended with a mob of Catholics from
the coastal fishing village of South Goa, going on a rampage, attacking the
house of a certain man who allegedly made a CD tape defaming the local
parish priest. Perhaps we Goans have yet to learn what democracy really is,
that it entails patience, tolerance and respect of other people’s freedom no
matter how much we’d like to trample on them. What we have in Goa is not
cultural aggression by outsiders but blatant dadagiri by us Goans. Nobody in
Goa respects the law because the law doesn’t respect itself. We see people
as extensions of mosques or church spires, as demons or beatified, as causes
to be vilified or avenged, as news items to be read about. 

As a society we Goans are denuded of the Self. We are void of those
qualities that in centuries past have driven our society forward; calm
introspection and corrective action. We are mortally wounded by the least
amount of criticism. We have drowned ourselves in the superficial noise of
celebrating parties, weddings and anniversaries. Our only conversations
revolve around which band is playing and where to find the best caterers.
Other than that we’ve got nothing. We are bankrupt of philosophy, innovation
and intellectual output. We are in torrid and shameful embrace only of our
egos. We keep blaming our politicians but politicians are a representation
of the society we have become. So for 2010, my fellow Goans, I wish our
society just one gift. The gift of gut-wrenching collective

Do leave your feedback at carvalho_...@yahoo.com

[Goanet] Toronto - Goan Archives Project, Open House Jan 20th at 7pm.

2010-01-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The following is for anyone who would be interested in participating.

Dear Members,
   The following is a Message from Mr Cecil D`Cruz, Chairman 
Of The Steering Committee of the Goan Archives Project.
   An "Open House" will be held in the Program Room at the 
Older Adult Centre, Sq One on Wed Jan 20th 2010 from 7pm to 9pm.
  Your presence and support for this worthy Project will be 
 Paul Nazareth,
 Program Coordinator (GCG).



Message from Cecil D’Cruz – Chair Steering Committee


The Goan Archives  mission is to assemble, preserve, organize, and store, 
publications and documents generated by Goan Community Groups in Canada over 
the last 40 years. The intent is to facilitate study and understanding of the 
Community by scholars and researchers in the future.

The project initiated in October  2009, held it’s  first Open House on November 
11, 2009 at the Rosary Church in Scarborough. This effort has been quite 
successful, judging from the list of items in the collection or pledged. See 
sample of items in collection.. They represent the work and publications 
of  the major Goan Organizations which were active in the Greater Toronto Area 
over the last 40 years. The organizers of the project are pleased with the 
results so far as the collected items serve to preserve the history of the 
community which would otherwise  be lost or inaccessible.

The next step is an Open House at The Older Adult Centre, Sq One, West GTA on 
Jan 20th at 7pm to collect further items, and give the Goan public an 
opportunity to view some of the collected items.
See http://sites.google.com/site/goanarchivescanada/open-house-nov-11

The focus of the project for the first quarter of 2010  is the collection 
of  items from individuals. These include:
* Reminiscences or memoirs of early arrival and settling in Canada. These 
can be written accounts, voice recordings, photos and videos. The intent is to 
gather first person accounts. 
* Papers and collections from those who worked in Canada for many years 
in  public service, business, or the professions.
* Newspaper clippings or articles of those who achieved distinction in 
various sports at local or national level.
* Articles on voluntary service to the community, the Church, Goan 
organizations, and welfare groups.

Those wishing to submit collections can contact the Goan Archives Project by 
The Goan Archives Project is expects to complete the collection phase by the 
summer of 2010. This will be followed by a sorting and classifying work with 
the intent of depositing 12-20 bankers boxes of items in a suitable national 
The Goan Archives Project Steering Group invites those who have items of 
heritage value, to be magnanimous, and participate in the effort of adding to 
the collection now, so that we as a community can properly discharge the 
obligations we owe to the community and to next generation.   
Cecil D’Cruz
Chair – Goan Archives Project Steering Group.

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 


Re: [Goanet] What Are We Waiting For? (By Carmen Miranda)

2010-01-03 Thread Mario Goveia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 13:31:32 +0530
From: "floriano" 

Time and again I have been saying that we have not been electing CORRUPT 

Mario asks:

Floriano, kitem mhontai, re?

How did the CORRUPT SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE come to pass if it were not for 
when the same old CORRUPT POLITICIANS continue to be elected?

I remember a post by Tony Correia some years ago on Goanet who related a 
personal experience when he wanted to run for office.  I don't remember the 
details but what he found he would have to do discouraged him from running.  
BTW, where is Tony?  Perhaps he can tell us exactly what he found.

Are the sussegad Goans, other than the three or four chest-thumpers on Goanet 
who all paradoxically live outside Goa, ready for a French-style Revolution?

No wonder nothing is changing for the better in Goa.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (02Jan10)

2010-01-03 Thread alexyz fernandes


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


* Politicians * Drugs * Sex Workers * Sanatans * Mining * Casinos * 
Rapes * Murders * Garbage * Mafia *

"This is Road Safety Week...Watch which Road you take!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Humanists celebrate the season

2010-01-03 Thread Goanet News Service


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Humanists celebrate the season

Many people decorate trees this time of year, and the Halton Peel 
Humanist Community didn't want to be left out of the fun.

The group, founded three years ago, hosted an event Monday night in 
which its members decorated a tree with covers from some of their 
favourite books read this past year.

Being humanists, there were plenty of books that focused on science and 
logical thinking; Charles Darwin's Origin of Species made an appearance 
as did Al Gore's The Assault on Reason and David Suzuki's The Sacred 

Kevin Saldanha, the group's president, said the event wasn't designed to 
denigrate people's faith. Rather, it was a way for the group to 
celebrate and enjoy the season in a way that's in line with their beliefs.

"It was our way of celebrating with a tree that we felt was appropriate 
and, hopefully, would inspire people," said Saldanha. "It allows us to 
celebrate the season in a positive way without being offensive."

About 15 people took part in the tree decorating, which was held on 
Saldanha's property on Creditview Rd.

Saldanha said it seemed like a good idea because many people are 
decorating Christmas trees this time of year. He pointed to the recently 
erected Loving Memory Tree for grieving families outside City Hall as 
another example.

"Our tree promotes knowledge, education and scientific literacy," said 


SOURCE:  Miguel Braganza

[Goanet] Home Minister Says No Drugs In Goa

2010-01-03 Thread Freddy Fernandes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Home Minister Says No Drugs In Goa


In case of rehabilitation of alcoholics, the first things that they are told, is
to except the fact, that they are alcoholics, only them, the rehabilitation
process can be successful, people who think, they do not have a drinking
problem, even though, they are full blown alcoholics, there is no remedy for
them. This is just one case of the many other addictions that we encounter,
where acceptance of the problem, is the criteria for the process of
rehabilitation and healing. This is common knowledge and universally accepted.


We all know how freely drugs are available in Goa, couple of months back, two
members of Goa's legislative assembly from north Goa had openly asked the
government to find ways to curb this menace. Substance abuse has been in Goa for
a long long time and no government, past or present has taken any emphatic
initiative to check the spread of this deadly epidemic. The amount of money that
is involved, in the drugs market is common knowledge, and anything of such
dimensions will not survive and thrive unless, there is a nexus between, the
drug mafia, police and the politicians.


Our home minister Mr. Ravi Naik seems to be the only one, who is not aware of
this major problem that's prevailing in Goa. I am sure Mr. Naik's attempt to
fake his ignorance has made him the laughing stock of the media. I watched the
pathetic Home minister denying the availability of drugs in Goa on NDTV, Mr.
Naik further said that it was just a "media creation". How naïve can our
pathetic Home Minister be ? Last year itself there was a minor British national
who was raped and done to death, after a she was given a drug cocktail and the
mother of the victim, in her statement had said that high ranking politicians
and police were involved in the drug market, was any investigation launched into
the allegation ? Yet a year later another younger girl becomes a victim of the
drug epidemic, and our Home Minister says that there are no drugs in Goa.
Instead of denying the fact, I wish Mr. Naik would consider a more tentative
trajectory towards eradication of this epidemic menace, than mere denial.


When will Mr. Naik wise up, and accept the fact, that we do have a drug problem
in Goa ?  Only once the fact is accepted, only then, will they be able to launch
an all out war on drugs, provided they are willing to expose one and all,
involved in this drug trade. The only reason why our Home Minister denies the
availability of drugs in Goa, could be, he does not want to act against it, just
content with the fringe benefits and the nostalgia of it all !!! 


Wise up Goa, please do not act like the Home Minister, drug menace will not
disappear, if we say it's not there, it will only incubate, magnify and escalate
further and devour our youth. Act now or be ready to pay the price.


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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Re: [Goanet] Hindi is not the National language of India.

2010-01-03 Thread Cip Fernandes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Which language is the National Language of India?

- Original Message 
To: goanet ; goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Sun, January 3, 2010 3:57:46 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Hindi is not the National language of India.


                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Hindi is not the National language of India. 



Shri. Saleel Kulkarni

Sub.: The information sought by Shri. Saleel Kulkarni under the Right to 
Act, 2005
Please refer to your letter dated 09-11-2009 on the above subject that was 
on 23-11-2009. In the letter you have requested for information in respect of 
the National
Language of India. With regard to the information sought vide point nos. 1 to 5 
of the letter,
we wish to state that there is no provision in the Constitution of India 
declaring Hindi as the
National Language of India.
Yours faithfully,
(Rakesh Kumar)
Director (Technical & Policy) and
Central Public Information Officer
Telefax 24617695

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

      The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 


[Goanet] Goanet] Mahanand to Judge: ‘thank you Sir’

2010-01-03 Thread Samir Kelekar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The police have failed badly. I dont know why they are being paid salaries.

1) They did not even do a DNA test to prove that the body found was that of the 
2) They could have recovered the gold ornaments of the deceased
from the jeweller and proved that
Mahanand sold it to him. Even that they didnt do.

Why are these cops being paid salaries via tax payer's money? 

On top of that Ravi Naik makes a statement today that there are no drugs sold 
in Goa!



[Goanet] Dear Eugene

2010-01-03 Thread Francisco Colaco

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Dear Eugene,

Regarding the song Oh Goa you are right in every way. The song was sung by a 
professional fantastic singer Pam Craine. But I will double-check on this with 
Yvonne, Braz Gosalves wife and will correct myself.

Thanks and regards,



Going my the title of the song, Oh Goa, and JoeGoaUK's mention that it says 
that "I am a Goan but was born in Canada." I have a feeling it is the song from 
The Legends, a cassette produced after the first International Goan Convention 
in Toronto in 1988. The cassette honoured Chris Perrry and Braz Gonsalves, who 
played at the convention. The song was sung by a professional singer (forget 
her name) and the lyrics are by Chris.
If anyone in Toronto or elsewhere has the cassette, it would be helpful to chec.

Eugene Correia


[Goanet] Mahanand to Judge: ‘thank you Sir ’

2010-01-03 Thread JoeGoaUk

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Mahanand to Judge:  ‘thank you Sir’ 
 As on 10th May 2009, Goa Police claimed that  Mahanand has 
confessed killing  (another one) Miss Surat Gaonkar aged 30 of onchwadi.  
As on this date,  the alleged murder tally was 8.
The tally rose to 16 as on 29th May 2009 (First two(confession)
 being 24th April 2009)
Through out the trial, Mahanand pleaded not guilty.
He said he never heard of her (Surat) nor ever met or speak to her.
The court has acquitted mahanand on Surat Gaonkar case 
as the court could not establish his link to the crime.
‘thank you sir’ said Mahanand to Judge Desmond D’ Costa 
when he said ‘you are acquitted’
One down, fifteen to go.
Request to Home Minister:
Please send Goa Police back to training school as it seems, 
going by the past perfornances, they do not know how prepare for 
such cases.
Update also available here


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Daily Grook #599

2010-01-03 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


by Francis Rodrigues
nazis being hateful,
if you joined ranks,
hitler was grateful
and sent his tanks!

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Re: [Goanet] church sponsored goondaism

2010-01-03 Thread Salus Correia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Was Barve there to check who rang the bells?  Tradition has it that people ring 
the bells when they want to draw attention to a serious problem.  The priests 
do not ring bells as far as I can recollect!!

-Original Message-
From: SHRIKANT BARVE [mailto:shri8...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 31 December 2009 7:53 PM
To: goa...@goanet.org; goanet
Cc: saluscorr...@gmail.com
Subject: church sponsored goondaism

"The church bells were rang today to gather villagers, who
held a corner meeting near the church before walking to
police. Colva police inspector Edwin Colaco said that the
case is booked against the entire production team and
investigations have started.

An angry mob stoned house belonging to Culvert Fernandes.
Colaco said that case of mobbing is also registered against
unknown persons."

BACKGROUND: When an audio CD leads to a riot... (Daijiworld, Herald, PTI)

As per my information
Church bells were rang first  and there after, after one hour and the crowd was 
directed to proceed towards house belonging to Culvert Fernandes. 

Salus Cprreia,


Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

Re: [Goanet] What Are We Waiting For? (By Carmen Miranda)

2010-01-03 Thread floriano


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Time and again I have been saying that we have not been electing CORRUPT 


PS: Example - Rathore in Ruchika's molestation case.
PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour .. What's Zat???

- Original Message - 
From: "Mario Goveia" 

Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 12:38 AM
Subject: [Goanet] What Are We Waiting For? (By Carmen Miranda)

Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 18:15:27 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita 

Squeezed between the calamities of tourism and mining, Goa is on the 

says CARMEN MIRANDA, as she calls for change

[Goanet] Body mass and waist size can predict heart disease | Reuters

2010-01-03 Thread Con Menezes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Post Christmas Wisdom???

Never too late.

Wish you Happy & Healthy 2010.



[Goanet] In Goa loud music cannot be played after 10pm but it’s OK for Minister Cherchill’s daughter ’ wedding?

2010-01-03 Thread JoeGoaUk

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


In Goa loud music cannot be played after 10pm 
but it’s OK for Minister Cherchill’s daughter’  wedding?
I have witnessed several weddings where in Police stops exactly at 10pm.
Some months ago, at Agassaim Cotta Mansion, the wedding receiption only started 
at 9pm and forced to end at 10pm which means just the wedding march.
It takes months to plan for their wedding preparation etc but..
Lucky are those people who thinks they are above law
Strangely, I have not seen this report in H.
Perhaps, some newspapers have soft corner to such ministers
re. recent (paid?) editorial on bybass


Melcon, who forward this (with attachment) is the 
lead member of the popular  'Big Country Band'
The same is re-scanned and put all in one place.

see Melcon’s band clip here


for Goa & NRI related info... 

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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] Another song by Dr. Francisco Colaco

2010-01-03 Thread JoeGoaUk

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


[Goanet] Another song by Dr. Francisco ColacoThanks Eugene Correia
 Yes,  it does say something like that on screen/script before the song i.e.
'Original Lyrics & Music by late Chris Perry from his album ‘The Leaends’



for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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