[Goanet] A low dose of caffeine when pregnant may damage the heart of offspring for a lifetime

2010-02-19 Thread Con Menezes
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A low dose of caffeine may hurt your unborn offspring. Eurekalert.org.

Keep reading

Re: [Goanet] Educating Selma

2010-02-19 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
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To Goanet -

Selma Carvalho wrote:
>You made a documentary about environmental destruction in Goa, 
>how much affect did it have? 

A hell of a lot, for what it was intended: to inform the public 
of the extent of the destruction of Goa, both nationally and
internationally (and needless to add, within Goa itself).  
Several of my photographs were shown on NDTV/IBN-CNN, 
published in environmental magazines, shown at events 
in India and abroad, and so on.  You must be suffering 
from amnesia, since here on Goanet itself several folks 
from India and around the world wrote in commenting 
on the documentary.  

>You said it yourself, the destruction continues unabated. 

True.  Thanks for noticing that I live in the real world.
Did you believe that a documentary going to stop the destruction?  
Which planet have you been spending your time on?  The 
documentary accomplished what it set out to do.

One more things:  I produced the documentary with 
MY OWN MONEY, ON MY OWN TIME.  I did not go with a 
bowl in hand to Baba Digu and wangle public money 
from him or from any other govt official.  

Now my turn: what have YOU done?  Other than blowing
smoke about "repairing democracy" from the safety of your
(gated/non-gated) community in the UK?

Have a nice day.


[Goanet] Goan strings

2010-02-19 Thread Marshall Mendonza
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I'd long wondered how -- despite its famously accommodative spirit -- Goa
managed to fit in all those non-Goans who were buying up property there as
though not only were there no tomorrow but very little left of even today.
In stark contrast to Bal and Raj Thackeray's Maharashtra which wants to keep
Maharashtra as the exclusive domain of Marathi manoos, Goa had opened its
hospitable doors to non-Goan manoos from all over not just India but the
whole wide world as well. Manoos from Delhi and Mumbai were buying up Goa
wholesale, and so were manoos from Manchester, Moscow and Mossad, and that's
to name only the Ms. They were buying villas, bungalows, condos, flats,
penthouses, and sundry other avatars of immovable property, the mantra of
the day being: If it doesn't move, buy it quick before somebody else does.


Re: [Goanet] Traffic issues

2010-02-19 Thread Nascy Caldeira

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Graet work Samir! MARG shuld now be extended and and consolidated to 
touch would be drivers and existing drivers as well. Yes, it is the 
proper Road Culture that is sorely missing, amongst drivers and 
pedestrians as well. Re-Educating is a long and persistent process; but 
it has to be done. This type of re-education, is never complete; and 
should be ongoing forever.

Nascy Caldeira
Melbourne, Down Under.

--- On Thu, 18/2/10, Samir Kelekar wrote:
> MARG is doing work mainly in educating people about harms
> of not following traffic rules. MARG over the years has talked
> to tens of thousands of people, students, bus conductors, bus
> drivers,

[Goanet] Englichin haka kite mutata

2010-02-19 Thread Venantius J Pinto
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Hi Armstrong Augusto,
Here is what I came up with--based on the little I know, poking around;
through my experimental-cum-intuitive approach to the Konknni language, and
via analogies. I would appreciate hearing about your interest in percussive
vocabulary, and if you will--what led to your query.

Please do respond and suggest corrections. Frankly I appreciate a response,
and henceforth have decided that I will limit my engagement to future posts
based on a response or two received. A line or two will do  including in
private if need be. Needless to say I am not a scholar but am so inclined.
Perhaps there s still time.

Ghumot = Goblet earthen pot drum(goblet--sort of like the Gurguret
(Konkani). (Gumot vazoi ta. Gumttam vazoi ta—soglleank nachoita.)
Madale = Medium Kettle Drum (curved metal base—brass, etc.)
Kassaleo = Large Cymbals, Bell metal

Madalem = Guessing. that this could be a smaller version of the Madale.
Could it remotely be possible that the Kunbi, Velip has drums made of
hollowed-out coconut tree trunks?
Kasali = Cymbals (small if I am not mistaken)
Dholl = Large Drum played with sticks.*** (Different from dholak, dholki).

Taxe  =  Twin Kettle drums (small to medium) normally used in unison, but
not sure of Goa. I believe the singular would be taxo. Hindi = tasha,
Carribean = tassa (Various sizes). Pitch change is achieved via warming
skin,, usually goat. also monkey.

(Larger dholls and stationary ones like the Nagara (Large to Huge. There are
also smaller nagaras) were used on forts.

***Also an instrument used to call a fight. I doubt whether Goan IGP, PSIs
ASIs, Ministers and Secretaries will be able to read the call and signals
(much like smoke signals). Touch those drums in a fray and I believe all
hell would break loose---one is also harnessing the Divine Feminine through

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Daily Grook #629

2010-02-19 Thread Francis Rodrigues
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by Francis Rodrigues

health and marriage
demand a good store
of shredded cabbage,
that is cole's law!

*GREAT ALL-OCCASION GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278



Re: [Goanet] Traffic and other issues

2010-02-19 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
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To Goanet -

Selma Carvalho wrote:
>I have a quality you don't have. The ability to feel shame.

Indeed, you have a lot to be ashamed about.

(*)  A tip of the hat to that old racist Winston Churchill
who, upon being told of Attlee's modesty, quipped "He 
has a lot to be modest about."


[Goanet] Goa Su-Raj Party extends Condolences to the bereaved family of Wing Cdr. Oswald Mauel Francis de Abreu - for kind favour of PUBLICATION

2010-02-19 Thread floriano

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


The Goa Su-Raj Party extends deep and sincere  Condolences to the bereaved 
family of Wing Cdr. Oswald Manuel Francis de Abreu. Yet again Goa has lost 
one of its promising sons,  a waste of talent that could have been avoided. 
The Goa Su-Raj Party urges the Indian Air Force as well as the Defense 
Ministry in particular  to  reconsider the phasing out of MIG fighter jets 
from its services entirely so that more of India's brave sons do not do come 
home in  these Flying Coffins. Goa would be proud today to commit to earth 
its brave son in Wing Cdr. Oswald if he was done to death fighting for the 
Nation. Goa will never come to terms with this unnecessary waste of talent 
being cut short due to the lethargy of the Powers that be.

Goa Su-Raj Party
(Floriano Lobo)
Gen. Secretary, Spokesperson

GOA does not only need HONEST persons to contest elections.
Goa does not only need HONEST  voters to elect honest persons.
GOA urgently needs an 'HONEST SYSTEM of GOVERNANCE'.
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be honest  or to QUIT.
Such HONEST SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE is knocking at GOA's portals.
A  'GIFT HORSE'  that must not be looked in the mouth.

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness 
[Note: PPS stickers are available at CHAMPS Sports Shops - 

Re: [Goanet] Colonial East Africa... in maps

2010-02-19 Thread Frederick Noronha
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Hi Victor, Might be worth building an archive of that... specially if
they are copyright-unencumbered.

I got a 1750 map of Old Goa from the Net, at US$5, and it's copyright
free too. Hi-res. Should be somewhere on my comp! FN

On 19 February 2010 17:45, Victor Rangel-Ribeiro  wrote:
> Dear Frederick,
>  I have East African colonial maps from around 1899.

> Check this out, a 1959 Caltex map of East African cities:
> eastafrica-caltex-colonialmap1
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/4368808016/sizes/l/
> eastafrica-caltex-colonialmap2-mombasa
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/4368809272/
> eastafrica-caltex-colonialmap3-zanzibar
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/4368811828/
> eastafrica-caltex-colonialmap4-nairobi
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/4368065567/
> eastafrica-caltex-colonialmap5-kampala
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/4368814990/
> eastafrica-caltex-colonialmap6-entebbe
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/4368816138/
> eastafrica-caltex-colonialmap7-daressalaam
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/4368069099/

Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging
P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436  A:784 Saligao 403511 Goa India

[Goanet] Art Photographers (links)

2010-02-19 Thread Pandu Lampiao
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Here are some links to the exhibitions I mentioned,



[Goanet] Late Dr. Kusha

2010-02-19 Thread JoeGoaUk
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Goodbye Dr Kusha
I read a letter in Herald  dtd 17/2/10 by Dr. Francis Colaco 
(see quoted below)
I would like to know more about late Dr. Kusha, including places of 
practice or clinics.
I am sure many from the South, particularly from Salcette remember 
the good-hearted doctor. 
Dr. Kusha seems very popular name (in 70/80s).
I don’t know if he is the one who had his dispensary on NH17 just 
before Nagoa Verna.
(his son use to practice there also, but again I doubt it).
Charging Re.1 or Rs.2 or 3? He must be a different kind of doctor 
who worked not for money but humanity. 
 I wish I knew it before. At least, I would have  visited him while he was 
Any info, including pic if any would be of great help.
Thank you

Goodbye Dr Kusha
Dr Francisco Colaco, Margao
Dr Kusha Kudchadkar, the revered Esculapian from Borda,
 Margao, passed away a few days ago at the ripe age of 90. 
To those who may not have known him, he was a family physician, the
 ‘João Semana’ par excellence.
He belonged to the old guard, a model doctor, kind, hard-working and 
He practiced with honesty, dignity and compassion. He never looked 
at financial rewards. 
His patients either paid him just Rs1, 2 or 3 – whatever they chose to 
place in his pocket – or nothing at all. 
Everyday he saw nearly 500 patients in his various clinics. 
In between, he attended house-calls. Sometimes, he dropped in late at 
night to see a patient. 
The word ‘rest’ was not in his vocabulary. 
He also brought in a healthy dose of cheer to everyone. 
His patients mainly belonged to the scheduled tribes, and adored him
 like a demi-God.
 Just the other day, when I met a few, they had not stopped shedding 
tears for ‘Kusha dotor’. 
This is what they said: “Oslo dotor sonvsarant kednach mellchona.” 
Peace to his beautiful soul


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

Re: [Goanet] Goan Abroad! #4

2010-02-19 Thread Nascy Caldeira

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Hi Francis,
This is 'great writing and creativity'! I like it and sure most people do.
You are a literary Genius, I must say!

Nascy Caldeira
melbourne, Down Under

--- On Thu, 18/2/10, Francis Rodrigues wrote:

> Subject: [Goanet] Goan Abroad! #4

> [If you came in late -
> Langoti "Long" John Silva is a globe-trotting Goencar,
> always accompanied by his foul-mouthed parrot Cocky]

> "Chilli Con Carne...val!!"

[Goanet] Children 'feeling unhappier with life' - Telegraph

2010-02-19 Thread Con Menezes
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Children in the UK feeling increasingly "unhappy with life".
Telegraph UK
Can this happen in India???

[Goanet] Goan Fraud? #1

2010-02-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
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Timely Humor


Ugly Illegal NRI Constuction in Goa

It has come to the notice of ex-President Pandurang Fernandes that a 
non-resident Indian (NRI) has started an ugly illegal construction project in 
Goa. He is erecting pornographic columns in Herald without Panchayat license, 
using cheap material to trample on Goans. This NRI is a popot who migrates from 
place to place in search of freedom and free rides. I am told that he is an 
African grey popot who migrated to the cold climes of North America when the 
climate got too hot for him in Africa. He now camouflages himself as a Mexican 
popot named Falsis Fraudriguez hiding from those who might want to catch him 
and put him behind bars. 

Falsy Fraudriguez is a sneaky macho like Speedy Gonzalez with the tawdriness 
and toupee of the other popinjay, Rod Blagojevich. He is every bit like Cocky, 
the female popot, which explains his phallic fixation. As a showy popot, all 
his output is a cheap imitation of others. He uses low quality materials in all 
his fraudulent construction projects. The fabricated phallic columns do not 
hold together under their own weight. Like the singsong Malaika malarkey he 
produces in different forms, his substandard constructions have nothing to do 
with Goa, even though they occupy Goan space. The latest illegal encroachment, 
however, is worse than anything we have seen so far. The sloppy construction is 
an embarrassing flop. The columns are so floppy that no amount of concrete 
enhancement or reinforcement would help. They deface the Goan literary 
landscape and defile the reputation of Goans who stand erect and upright 
without fixating on phallic objects, and hiding
 under the skirts of fictitious cyber-fems, such as Isabel Joanes and Waylusha.

That is why as part of the Pandurang Project, Ex-President Pandurang Fernandes 
has just floated a new deconstruction business to demolish the filthy columns 
as soon as they are erected in his front yard. The name of this non-submergible 
business is PCA Fernandez and Company. It is a globetrotting company registered 
in the independent republics of Chimbel and Missingona, where the popot has 
gone missing most recently. The deconstructing machinery is designed to also 
track down all the assumed names, fake IDs and imaginary friends that are 
absconding from different places. A full report of the company's activities 
will be published in Herald in the humor section in a timely manner. 

Sooner or later the popot will be put behind the bars in Chimbel, both of which 
are now run by President Pandurang. No more free feni for Falsy Fraud!

The popot will pay.




[Goanet] Traffic woes

2010-02-19 Thread Bernado Colaco
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It is strange that a democratic elected gov should entrust traffic issues to a 
NGO in this case the Marg. Since Marg comes from an FF background they want to 
show that they are doing something for Goa... I think the results are clear. 
The FF's should reflect on the failures of 61 instead of continuously being 


[Goanet] Goan Strings by Jug Suraiya

2010-02-19 Thread rajadhyaksha
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I'd long wondered how -- despite its famously accommodative spirit --
Goa managed to fit in all those non-Goans who were buying up property
there as though not only were there no tomorrow but very little left of
even today. In stark contrast to Bal and Raj Thackeray's Maharashtra
which wants to keep Maharashtra as the exclusive domain of Marathi
manoos, Goa had opened its hospitable doors to non-Goan manoos from all
over not just India but the whole wide world as well. Manoos from Delhi
and Mumbai were buying up Goa wholesale, and so were manoos from
Manchester, Moscow and Mossad, and that's to name only the Ms. They were
buying villas, bungalows, condos, flats, penthouses, and sundry other
avatars of immovable property, the mantra of the day being: If it
doesn't move, buy it quick before somebody else does.
Though the story of the tourist snoozing in a beach hammock and being
sold off as a bona fide immovable asset by an enterprising real estate
broker to a gullible client is probably made up, acquiring a second,
third or fourth home in Goa has for some time been the latest
collectors' craze, overtaking such passe merchandise as Lladro
statuettes and Chinese-made figurines of Bal Krishna. Jamini Roy
paintings? Cricket bats signed by Sachin Tendulkar? Toupees previously
owned by Amitabh Bachchan? Nah. All that was so yesterday. If you really
wanted to be counted in the collectible stakes you had to have your own
place in Goa. Preferably several places in Goa. All with as many bells
and whistles, frills and furbellows as human ingenuity could devise. One
laddie from Delhi wanted to install a helipad on one of his Goan
acquisitions. When, for one reason or several, that didn't work out, he
turned the roof into a parking lot for his stable of stretch limos.
What intrigued me was how did Goa physically, if not culturally and
socially, fit in all these people? Goa's a small state. So how did it
find the sheer space in terms of cubic feet for this unending influx of
property buyers? One thing was that the Goans themselves, considerate of
their guests as always, had largely left Goa to go settle in Melbourne,
or Montreal, or Manhattan, or Mumbai, to name only the Ms, thus leaving
Goa wide open for non-Goans to come and occupy, Russians, Brits,
Israelis, Dilliwalas, Mumbaikars, and for all anyone knows a couple of
ETs in disguise from Alpha Centauri.
But this explanation -- that of a Goan diaspora allowing for a non-Goan
inaspora, so to speak -- did not quite fit the bill. Or rather did not
quite fit Goa. For the simple reason that there never were all that many
Goans to begin with, so even if every single one of them had left --
which they haven't -- there still wouldn't be space sufficient for the
flood of outsiders buying into Goa. So how did Goa manage it?
Then, on my recent visit there, i overheard a conversation between a
property broker and a non-Goan customer and the penny -- or rather, the
property -- dropped. Don't worry; we'll pull a few strings and we'll
find a place for you, said the broker. Of course. That was it. Strings.
The secret of Goa's inexhaustible supply of property, of residential and
commercial space.
When we think of conventional, non-Goan space we think in three
dimensions: height, width and depth. However, propounders of what is
called string theory claim that the universe is interconnected with
'strings' which provide for a space comprising many more than three
dimensions: eight dimensions, or 16 or maybe even 32. Goa's discovered
this multi-dimensional space of string theory. With so many extra
dimensions to spare, it can pack in any number of people buying property
in it. Dimension 7 all full up with people from Lower Parel, so where to
put the people from Karol Bagh who want in? No problem. Just shove them
into Dimension 8. Or 13, if they're not superstitious.
And that's how Goa manages to string everyone along. Or rather, how
everyone's managing to string Goa along.

Re: [Goanet] Help build temple, Gadkari to Muslims - Comments

2010-02-19 Thread floriano

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Abstracts from the headline news report [TOI- 19.02.2010] - by  Mohua 

1. BJP's new chief Nitin Gadkari on Thursday made an effort to reach out to 
Muslims, telling his colleagues that the party needed to diversify its base 
to overcome the support deficit it has vis-a-vis the Congress.

Comments: Made an effort to reach out to Muslims? Because the BJP is 
consigned to the role of the opposition indefinately? How  honourable of 
these skunks  [This, by no means, gives  a clean certificate to the Congress 
either. These are the worst skunks ever having been headed by the biggest 
skunk Narashima Rao who made it happen i.e. demolition of the Babri Masjid]

2. He appealed to Muslims to help with construction of the temple since it 
was "hamari aatma"  and went to the extent of saying that the party had no 
problem if a mosque came up nearby.

Comments: "Hamari Aatma" eh??  Babri Masjid was not the Aatma of the 
Muslims? And now you guys are magnanimous to say that you will tolerate a 
mosque nearby? Why couldn't you build a Ram temple near the Babri Masjid and 
be satisfied in the first place?

3. Today, I appeal to the Muslim community to be generous towards the 
sentiments and feelings of Hindus and facilitate the construction of the 
grand Ram temple. This would herald a new amity and reinforce the bond for a 
resurgent India.

Comments: Oh! You want the Muslims to be generous now, is it? Your  Atal 
Behari Vajpayee, Lal Krishna Advani ,  Murli Manohar Joshi and the rabble 
rouser Uma Bharti and others like Kalyan Singh were not at all generous to 
the Muslims and towards the Babri Masjid.  You want amity, reinforced bond 
and resurgent India on your own terms? Muslims of India will be wise to 
demand persecution of the above named leaders on the basis of the Liberhan 
Commission report before and/or if at all they want to relent. Amity, 
reinforced bond, resurgent India my foot. These guys are now running with 
their tails between their legs but still want to have the cake and eat it 
too. It must not happen and I hope for India's sake, it does not happen.


GOA does not only need HONEST persons to contest elections.
Goa does not only need HONEST  voters to elect honest persons.
GOA urgently needs an 'HONEST SYSTEM of GOVERNANCE'.
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be honest  or to QUIT.
Such HONEST SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE is knocking at GOA's portals.
A  'GIFT HORSE'  that must not be looked in the mouth.

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness 
[Note: PPS stickers are available at CHAMPS Sports Shops - 

[Goanet] Workshops on Tobacco Control and Consumer Action to be held in Panjim & Margao

2010-02-19 Thread Goa Desc
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Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.

GOACAN & VHAG Workshops on Tobacco Control
and Consumer Action to be held in Panjim & Margao

GOACAN in collaboration with the Voluntary Health Association
of Goa (VHAG) is organising two Workshops to discuss the 'Global
and Indian scenario of  Tobacco Control advocacy and current
Tobacco Control Legislation in India & Goa.'

The workshops which will be held at Caritas Holiday Home, St. Inez,
 Panjim on Saturday 20th February and Loyola High School, Margao
on Monday 22nd February will have Dr. Gladstone D'Costa as
resource person alongwith officials of the Directorate of Health
Services and the Directorate of Food & Drug Administration.

The Workshops will draw up a plan of Consumer Action in
Educational Institutions and the Community in Goa keeping in mind
the health effects of consumption of Tobacco products and the
importance of effective control on their Promotion & Sales. The
participants will also discuss proposals to observe the World
No Tobacco Day on 31st May 2010 and initiatives for the next
academic year by the village based Consumer Forums and the
campus based Consumer Welfare Clubs.
-- -
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail: goa...@gmail.com

[Goanet] In PUNE_Release of Brahman and Person: Essays by Richard De Smet, ed. Ivo Coelho

2010-02-19 Thread Venantius J Pinto
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The Jesuit Community of De Nobili College, Pune, has kindly consented to
release the book, *Brahman and Person: Essays by Richard De Smet*, ed. Ivo
Coelho, at 1930 hours, 2 March 2010, which happens to be the 13th death
anniversary of Fr De Smet.

The function will take place at De Nobili College, Pune. The speakers are
Frs Noel Sheth, SJ and J. Vattanky, SJ, both Indologists who knew Fr De

The function will be followed by dinner for invitees.


Ivo Coelho, SDB
Don Bosco / Divyadaan: Salesian Institute of Philosophy
Don Bosco Marg
Nashik 422 005 - India
Tel: +91-253-231.7476
MUSINGS http://ivocoelho.blogspot.com
PHILOSOPHICAL MUSINGS http://ivophil.blogspot.com

[Goanet] Opinion: Goa is no rape capital

2010-02-19 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
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The media has been too quick to vilify all of Goa for a few, isolated
instances of sexual misconduct.
By Armstrong Vaz — Special to GlobalPost
Published: February 19, 2010 08:30 ET
GOA, India — India's smallest state has been in the news for all the
wrong reasons. The recent rape of a 9-year-old Russian girl in Goa's
Morjim village has resonated far beyond the beaches of this former
Portuguese colony.


[Goanet] Shivaji Jayanti celebrations in Panaji - Prize Winners

2010-02-19 Thread Sandeep Heble
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The State level Committee (Tiswadi), Department of Information and
Publicity organized a series of events and competitions for school
children to commemorate the occasion of Shivaji Jayanti in the
Children’s Park at Campal-Panaji. Nikhil Desai, Director of GTDC was
the Chief Guest and distributed the prizes in the presence of Guest of
honour Shri Avinash Bhosle, Special Guest Shri Mohan Deshprabhu,
Artist Naguesh Sardesai, JCI St. Inez President Rupesh Golatkar,
organizing President Prasad Amonkar and Secretary Sandeep Heble. A
special entertainment programme by Taraana Entertainment was also
organized where children sang and danced to the tunes of cultural and
patriotic songs.

Photograph of Prize Winners at:

Following are the winners:

Child Art(Sub-Juniors)
1st – Devraj Chatribin, 2nd- Saima Kuttikar, 3rd – Shrinjan Ghosh.
Consolation – Sumukh Kamat, Tejaswi Bhandari, Sparsh Sanjgiri, Ved
Sardesai and Saahil Betkekar.

Child Art(Juniors)
1ST – Pranav Khadpe, 2nd – Pauras Narvekar, 3rd – Laxman Prasad.
Consolation – Sayish Parab, Nayan Jyotidas, Ranjit Naik, Purva
Narvekar and Gaurav Chatribin.

1st – Harshada Borkar, 2nd – Rajashree Singh, 3rd – Arun Narer
Consolation -  Omkar Gurav, Prem Sunan and Alina Nazareth.

1st – Rajat Govekar, 2nd – Vaishnavi Naik, 3rd -  Alisha Simapurushkar.
Consolation – Devashri Kamat, Akanksha Parab and Ruzela De Cruz.

1st – Shashwat Salgaokar, 2nd – Shitija Naik, 3rd – Saili Nagvenkar.
Consolation – Shambhavi Deshpande, Akanksha Parab and Rajat Govekar.

Yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
State Level Committee(Tiswadi)
Department of Information and Publicity

[Goanet] Samir Kelekar and his problems with Rajan's citizenship

2010-02-19 Thread anil desai
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Dear Goanetters,

*"First they came ..."* is a popular
poem attributed
to Pastor Martin
about the inactivity of German
intellectuals following
the Nazi  rise to power and the purging
of their chosen targets, group after group.

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was
not a communist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I
was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Selma tried to do a poor and pathetic imitation of this profoundly
meaningful poem in her post as follows:

First they came for Oscar Rebello and we all kept quiet.
Now they come for Gurunath Kelekar and we all keep quiet.
Dangerous men...dangerous lies...find fertile ground in dangerous times.

Dear Selma,

It is not shame on us all, it is just shame on you for trying to poison
peoples' minds with such writing. I suggest to you that you have no answers
for the legitimate questions that Rajan, JColaco,and I have asked of Samir
and  Soter, Rajan and I have raised about Oscar Rebello that you have
resorted to this cheap stunt. This ranks ahead of the other post of yours
where you expressed fear on behalf of catholics of Goa that'Hindus were
trained to hate Goa'.

If you hate hindus so much, have the courage to say so. We believe in
freedom of speech and I reassure you that I might ignore your rants as I did
when a poster from Dubai tried his best to villify Hindus, always indirectly
through the saffron in his eyes. I had known  of jaundiced eyes before but
since joining this forum I have realised that there are saffron tinted eyes
that see saffronites everytime a hindu questions anything.

Let me clarify some things for you now. I have been associated with a few
legitimate struggles in Goa. It is my considered opinion that Oscar Rebello
is one of the biggest fraud perpetrated on the people of Goa (Probably by
Kangress symapthisers within the church hierarchy). GBA was right in getting
rid of him as its convenor  and I for one fully support their current drive
to bring all smaller organisations under their umbrella and fight the menace
of land misappropriation for megaprojects and mining together. I am happy to
elaborate on my reasons for calling Oscar a fraud if you wish to start this

About Gurunathbab Kelekar.  The questions I have raised are about MARG
claiming to be a NGO and having the Chief Minister of goa as its chairman. I
have also questioned  how a NGO can get government funds. NGO means
non-governmental, full stop. Samir has valiantly tried to make this an issue
about his father's integrity and it is good to see that you feel hurt by the
perceived criticism of at least one hindu. Now Bosco has said today that
there are NGos who also receive government money. I am not aware of it but
if there are, I would level the same criticism against them.

Samir has claimed that deaths on the goan roads have decreased while
official statistics that I have produced show that deaths from RTAs have
increased steadily over the last ten years. Samir has then tried to
obfuscate this issue by showing the increase in the number of vehicles.
Samir claimed that MARG received money from the government last year alone.
I believe that MARG received money even when Parrikar was CM. It was wrong
then and it is wrong now.

So, when you wish to write vitriolic posts again, be brave. Do not hide
behind the protective shield of Saffron.

Anil Desai

[Goanet] Fw: Demise of Bp. Ignatius Lobo

2010-02-19 Thread Ivo da C.Souza
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Dear Goanetters,
I am sending this sad news about demise of Bishop Ignatius Lobo, for whose 
episcopal ordination I was present. I came to know him well. He loved Goa and 
Goans. He was worried about the future of Goa and Goans. May God reward him 

From: c...@airtelmail.in 
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 3:05 AM
Subject: Demise of Bp. Ignatius Lobo

Bishop Ignatius Lobo, Retired Bishop of Belgaum dies in Dharwad. 

  Bishop Emeritus Ignatius Xavier Peter Canisius Lobo was born on 27th 
April, 1919 at Bombay.  He pursued all his studies, secular and ecclesiastical, 
in the city of Bombay. He matriculated from the Antonio D'Souza High School, 
Byculla and completed his ecclesiastical studies with Honours in Humanities, 
Philosophy and Theology at the Diocesan Seminary, Bombay.

  Rev. Fr. Ignatius Lobo was ordained to the Priesthood for the Diocese of 
Bombay, on 27th December, 1947, at Gloria Church, Byculla by His Eminence, the 
late Valerian, Cardinal Gracias.  He served as Cardinal's secretary from 1953 
to 1961.  He served as the Director of Catholic Charities (CARITAS) India from 
1962 to 1974.  He was nominated Director-General of Caritas India, New Delhi 
which he served from 1974 to 1977.  He was a member of the Executive Council of 
Caritas Internationalis and was the Vice-President of this international 
organization representing Asia and Oceania from 1970 to 1978. 

  Msgr. Ignatius Lobo was appointed as the third Bishop of Belgaum, by His 
Holiness Pope Paul VI and consecrated on Pentecost Sunday, 2nd June, 1968 at 
the Fatima Cathedral, Belgaum.  He was consecrated by Valerian Cardinal 
Gracias.  He served the Diocese of Belgaum for 27 years.  His resignation was 
accepted on 1st December, 1994.  He was residing at the Clergy Home, Lourdes 
Hospital and expired on 17th February 2010.  The funeral in the Fatima 
Cathedral, Belgaum was at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 19th February 2010.  

May His Soul Rest in Peace

Rev. Fr. Udumala Bala
Deputy Secretary General, CCBI
CCBI Centre
Huchins Road II Cross
Bangalore-560 084
I N D I A 

[Goanet] Pealing of Church Bells for Alien Reasons is Unwarranted

2010-02-19 Thread Edward Verdes

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Panaji, Feb 19: Pealing of Church bells to gather crowds for the purpose 
different from the religious services
has been discouraged by Goa church. The pealing of bells to gather people 
for purposes totally alien,
if not contrary, to Church services is unwarranted,” said Fr Manual Dias, 
Chancellor, Archdiocese of Goa and Daman.

The local church, in a notice circulated on February 7 to its parishes, has 
asked the priests to urge parishioners
not to ring the Church bells without a reason and sans permission of the 

“A serious note has been taken of parishioners ringing church bells without 
even knowledge of parish priest
or his representative,” Dias said. The Church higher ups thought to put in 
black and white urging the parishes
to restrain from pealing bells after recent incident of violence in South 
Goa’s Colva village,

where the crowd was called after ringing the church bell


Never too late.

On the Colva CD, as I said earlier, most of the songs were based on the 
politician and it was
the politician who was exposed more...Now Calvert admits that the people who 
came to destroy his house
were people hired by the Minister...and all this while he was blaming the 
priest and the church.

Read on: http://goa-kranti.blogspot.com/

Eddie Verdes/KSA 

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Corlim Church etc

2010-02-19 Thread JoeGoaUk
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Corlim Church of St, John Facundo (1610)
(front path  seen leads to it’s AMFT and the pic taken from its gate, see pic 
It’s AMFT is just opposite to it (about 25meters away.
Did you know?
There existed a 16th century vast fort named ‘Mangueiral Fort’ 
around this area and the the church lay within the fort. 
I know/read about it for the first time in TOIgoa 
dtd 18/2/10 in an article (with pic) by Paul Fernandes
So, how many forts does/did Goa have/had?

Birds from Carmabolim lake (near Karmali Rly Stn)


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! 

[Goanet] Art Photographers in Goa......

2010-02-19 Thread Pandu Lampiao
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I know the vast majority of Goichis have never been to a museum nor a
gallery (aye *slapping my wrist*) I mean an art gallery. Nither have
I; I once mistakenly entered a salwar-cameez exhibition-sum-sale near
the Mucipal Jardin buzzing with up-country aunties, where they were
serving free soft-drinks!

Never mind that. If you have not noticed, there have been three major
art photographers two of whom have released books, and one is
exhibiting all working out of Goa.

So whats this fuss about Goa suddenly. In the old days, only the
Bomboi advertising lot came with a inducement of feni (hush, they
couldn't hold their alcohol very well) and wowed everything. Of
course, they gave us back nothing. They didn't sent us even a

Now photographers. So Goa is suddenly a zoo or what? Bostiao, Jaki,
Bombil, Pandu & Shakuntala. Pose, click? Are these three major
photographers telling us something about ourselves?

First there was the masterful Dayanita Singh with the Saligao Women
(her current book is "Dream Villa" was released last week). I have not
seen but I am little scarding to seewith real estate prices the
way they are, you know men! The Saligao Women is wonderful and should
still be around for those at the Saligao Institute, for those
attending the barbecue this Saturday.

Then came Prabuda DasGupta with "Edge of Faith"; both a book and
exhibition in Byculla-Nagpada and Bangalore and just a slide show in
Candolim.This one I go see...and one that makes you think. I was on my
Xmas shopping spree in Bhendi Bazaar when I dropped by. Full marks for
the locationwhich was really telling. The Goichi Kristao are on
the down slide it seems. So the location was an old godown without a
roof with overgrown in the walls. Appropriate one would think. Since
the exhibit was open late, after dark was even eerie with the
black&whites and not a soul around at the location. Too bad, the few
times I dropped by the place was empty even in the early evenings.  I
would have thought a lot of the Bomboichi Goichis would have dropped

And now, the 'journey to Salvador do Mundo'. Where on earth is that? I
have even been to Mississauga but Salvador do what...? This is the
brilliant Bharat Sikka who did the memorable series on Endian Men (in
North America, I think). Some of the pictures from this series are
etched in my visual memory (in particular of a certain hip NYC


Come join us all you Goichis,  Bombil, Shillo, Pokelo Fozno are all
powdered up and post-ready, all you photographers out there

Re: [Goanet] Traffic and other issues

2010-02-19 Thread Carvalho
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Rajan Parrikar wrote:
Note that nobody
here on Goanet has (yet) made any allegations of personal 
wrongdoing on the part of the MARG founder.  Also, all the talk
about asceticism etc is irrelevant.  I couldn't care less how a 
person lives his private life so long as (and if) he or she is a 
force for public good.

This is more balderdash. Rajan and Anil Desai do this all the time. Make some 
woolly accusations, throw some dirt around and pretty soon the imagination that 
swims in their own minds somehow becomes a reality. It's very easy to do cast a 
few doubts, raise a few nonsensical questions and we have everyone saying, yes, 
yes, khoren mista. 

So far they have completely demonised Oscar Rebello, Dean Menezes and now for 
reasons known best to themselves they have started on Gurunath Kelekar, all in 
the interest of public disclosure. To ask questions, one must know something 
about the internal workings of organisations. You can't just out of the blue 
throw some mud only because you know it sticks. How many people's reputations 
are you going to destroy without any evidence?

What is a "force for public good?" Rajan please tell us? You made a documentary 
about environmental destruction in Goa, how much affect did it have? You said 
it yourself, the destruction continues unabated. So in other words neither have 
you been a force for public good.

Don't be like a child who wants sweeties, when he wants them. Change takes 
time, it takes years, it's built brick by brick, teardrop by teardrop. You want 
a revolution? Go to South America or Africa. You'll find plenty. In India, you 
work within the framework of a democracy and as slow a process as that might 
be, it is still far, far better than putting guns in people's hands, either 
metaphorically or physically.



Re: [Goanet] Colonial East Africa... in maps

2010-02-19 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Dear Frederick,
 I have East African colonial maps from around 1899.

--- On Thu, 2/18/10, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

From: Frederick Noronha 
Subject: [Goanet] Colonial East Africa... in maps
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 3:38 PM

                    ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Check this out, a 1959 Caltex map of East African cities:








Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging
P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436  A:784 Saligao 403511 Goa India

Please add a 'signature' below your email. Makes it easy when someone
wants to contact you!

[Goanet] Top cop's son in Goa fights over girl, hits senior

2010-02-19 Thread roger dsouza
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This keeps happening on a regular basis all the time in Goa. Different
set of rules for our Politicians,police and the big-wigs and their
kith and kin.

We see it all the time - our Goan Politicians, the Police force and
even their sons breaking the law time and again. Not only do they
break the law but they also misuse official machinery for their
escapades and then have their big-wig fathers to cover their tracks
and help them get away scot free! It pays if you have connections in
Goa to get away with anything you do, you see - particularly if your
father is an MLA or in the police Department. Anyway they have been
taught well by their fathers and are now a law to themselves! Anything
goes in Goa

Last December it was IGP K D Singh's son Siddharth, 18, who crashed
his father's official vehicle into an electric pole while returning
from a popular Vasco nightclub at 4.00am in the morning. Power
minister Aleixo Sequeira's son Antonio was also present in the car at
the time of the accident. Now does anyone know whatever happened to
Siddharth Singh and Antonio Sequeira in that case? Or did it help that
their fathers were Ministers in the Goa Government and also IGPs - so
who cares if an official vehicle is misued and the fathers claim
ignorance of their sons misdemeanours?

Previously we had the infamous Rohit Monserrate case and his father
Atanasio Monserrate using his political clout. Where are we with those
big monster rats?

Now another top cop's son is involved in an assault case and will get
away scot-free on the basis of his father's clout. This is the latest
from the Times of India. Didn't see anything in Herald and Navhind
though.  Read on
Top cop's son in Goa fights over girl, hits senior - TNN, Feb 19,
2010, 06.36am IST

 PANAJI: A senior police official was summoned to a south Goa
engineering college on Thursday after his son assaulted a senior.

The matter was hushed up and the college authorities told the police
they would not like to file a complaint since it was an internal
matter. When contacted, the parties involved also refused to speak to

The alleged offender, who is a first year student, often flouts his
father's position, said college sources, adding, "He had got into an
argument with a football coach's son over a girl a couple of days
back. On Thursday afternoon, he assaulted the other boy, a third year

Upset with the conduct of the cop's son, third year students raised
the issue with the college director, who then summoned the police
officer to his office. "There was a closeddoor meeting between the
police officer and the college authorities and the matter sorted out.
However, the director is conducting a complete inquiry into the
matter," said sources.

This is not the first time a senior policeman's son is in the news for
the wrong reasons. In the early hours of December 5 last year, IGP K D
Singh's son Siddharth, 18, crashed his father's official vehicle into
an electric pole while returning from a popular Vasco nightclub.

Power minister Aleixo Sequeira's son Antonio was also present in the
car at the time of the accident.

[Goanet] Top cop's son fights over girl, hits senior

2010-02-19 Thread Mauricio Pereira
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Top cop's son fights over girl, hits senior 
A senior police official was summoned to a south Goa engineering college on 
Thursday after his son assaulted a senior. 

Log on to : http://www.timesofindia.com 

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Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

[Goanet] Pealing of Church Bells...at last a direction given!

2010-02-19 Thread Gabe Menezes
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*From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network - Panaji*

*Panaji, Feb 19:* Pealing of Church bells to gather crowds for the purpose
different from the religious services has been discouraged by Goa church.

“The pealing of bells to gather people for purposes totally alien, if not
contrary, to Church services is unwarranted,” said Fr Manual Dias,
Chancellor, Archdiocese of Goa and Daman.

The local church, in a notice circulated on February 7 to its parishes, has
asked the priests to urge parishioners not to ring the Church bells without
a reason and sans permission of the authorities.

“A serious note has been taken of parishioners ringing church bells without
even knowledge of parish priest or his representative,” Dias said.

The Church higher ups thought to put in black and white urging the parishes
to restrain from pealing bells after recent incident of violence in South
Goa’s Colva village, where the crowd was called after ringing the church

The village was brought to standstill over a controversial music CD issue
that had allegedly painted local priest Fr Diago Fernandes in a bad light in
December, last year.

House of the producer of the CD was attacked and road was blocked for two
days by the protestors forcing the district magistrate to ban the
controversial CD.

Dias said that every church has person who is in charge of ringing the bells
under the sole authority of the parish priest or chaplains, as per the
church praxis.

“The pastoral clergy should explain to their parishioners the purpose of
Church or chapel bells, urging them at the same time to refrain from
interfering in the matter on their own,” the notice says.

Goa has around 200 Churches and Chapels and state has 30 per cent of the
population believing in Catholic faith.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] God and You

2010-02-19 Thread Albert Desouza
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Albert writes:- The Bible is the authentic book of the Christian and through 
the Bible we can get nourishment for our body and for our soul. My body is the 
temple of God. We have to be led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the son of the 
Living God. This has been proved .During the baptism of Jesus God spoke from 
Heaven that Jesus is his beloved son. Even the evil spirit in the man said that 
Jesus was the son of God. Peter with the power of the Holy Spirit testified 
that Jesus was the son of the living God. Accept him as your Lord and your 
master. Today Jesus wants to hold your hand. The Holy Spirit wants to lead your 
way in this world and direct you in the right direction. My body is the temple 
of God. Learn to keep your body clean. Keep your heart clean and like Jesus let 
us love one another because we are children of the same almighty Father.
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

[Goanet] Prophecies and Legends

2010-02-19 Thread Antonio Menezes
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Dear Senhor Bernardo Colaco,

Even after Portugal's political power was vacated from Goa about 50 years
ago, their influences like their Civil Laws and culture like Carnival still
exist in Goa , and hence according to you, they have never left Goa
or rather Goa cannot be detached from Portugal. . Good!
Even during  the 451 years of the Portuguese administration , the
highest votaries of the Catholic Church believed in the caste system
(or to be more precise believed themselves to be brahmins by caste)
which is purely a part and parcel of the Hindu Dharma. So India had
never really vacated Goa  even if the Portuguese came, stayed and finally
went home.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (20Feb10)

2010-02-19 Thread alexyz fernandes

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


People of ALL Faiths Condemn...
Curse & Kill in the Name of God! So?
Dump All Religious Labels...
Live Simply as a Good Human Being!

God Bless!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

Re: [Goanet] Traffic and other issues

2010-02-19 Thread Carvalho
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Rajan Parrikar wrote:
You are, however, not at all dangerous.  Nor was your lie dangerous.
Laughable is more like it.  Both you and your lie.

I maybe laughable but I am not unconscionable. I have a quality you don't have. 
The ability to feel shame.



Re: [Goanet] Prophecies, old legends/curses of Goa

2010-02-19 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
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"As long as Goa is different from rest of India, then SFX's saying is
(Rest of Indians themselves feel the difference)"

Dear MD,

Rest of Indians? hah hah! then we are already Indianperhaps you mean,
the Indians themselves...



> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 12:16:54 -0800
> From: MD 
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet]  Prophecies, old legends/curses of Goa
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> As long as Goa is different from rest of India, then SFX's saying is
> correct.
> (Rest of Indians themselves feel the difference)
> MD.
> -
Read my thoughts at www.dervishnotes.blogspot.com

For a successful revolution it is not enough that there is discontent. What
is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity
and importance of political and social rights.
(B R Ambedkar)

[Goanet] Samir's IT intoxication

2010-02-19 Thread Carvalho
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Soter wrote:
The column titled ' Turning Susegaad On It's Head' by Samir Kelekar seems to 
manifest a malady of a western economic mindset .

This is balderdash of the worst sort, Soter. Throw in a few words like "western 
economic mindset", intelligentsia and elitism and voila, you some populist 
taleos. Do you think, water and electricity drop from heaven like the 
proverbial manna? Do you think, really think, there is something called Western 
economic mindset which would mean only the West wants to eat while the East 
wants to sit in endless meditation under the banyan tree and take the higher 
moral ground?

Let's hear what a Eastern economic mindset it? Your Eastern economic mindset 
has been harping about nothing more than divulging powers to the panchayats in 
Goa. And guess what, 99.9% of Goa's panchs are even more corrupt than the 
government. So much for finding a solution, let alone electricity and water. 
You better start taking Samir's Western mindset more seriously, you might have 
some progress in Goa.



[Goanet] Soter's intoxication with negativity

2010-02-19 Thread Samir Kelekar
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


>first published as letter in Herald (19 Feb. 2010)

The column titled ' Turning Susegaad On It's Head' by Samir Kelekar seems to 
manifest a malady of a western economic mindset that Mahatma Gandhi had 
detested in Chapter VI of 'Hind Swaraj' published in 1908. Instead of being 
concerned about water and food security of Goans, the writer harps on the 
benefits of IT. He makes it appear that the survival of the Gaon people depends 
mainly on the progress of IT. While claiming that Indians are intelligent the 
writer has to fall back on citing the example of North Carolina in the U.S. We 
have not even been able to put in place new laws for this State and contine to 
apply colonial laws even 49 years after Goa's liberation. This is because the 
intelligensia has not been able to liberate themselves from the bondage of the 
western mindset.
It is most unfortunate that Goa's susegaad lifestyle has become an element of 
ridicule by what the Mahatma refers to as 'those intoxicated by modern 
civilisation'. What does the rest of India want Goans to be, a society of 
heartless economic hawks like the rest in the metros, ever ready to trample and 
scramble over anyone to satisfy their greed for profit?  'Susegaad' does not 
mean laid back or lazy. It is simply about contentment, relaxation and 
restrain. After all, this is what any 'art of good living' prescribes to an 
emotionally thirsty generation but at a huge price. Let us stop driving Goa 
into the destructive economic rat race.

>-Soter D'Souza

Soter's philosophy sounds almost Utopian, but he has no constructive
suggestions on how to take us there. Instead, if I am talking of
creating "sustainable and environmental friendly" jobs, he is trying to
scuttle it. Indeed, in the last one year, Soter has been intoxicated
with writing negative about each and every positve step ever mentioned
in the papers.

Soter, if you have a better way to get Goa out of the mess, please
do it. Why are you only complaining ?

Today, the reality is that Goans are selling their land because
they have no income. All I am suggesting is ways to earn money
in a way that does not destroy environment. IT is one way; I
have also mentioned food-technology for instance, something that
Soter deliberately refuses to see.

Food security cannot come if one cannot make a living. Only when
we are well off --- a fact which was probably present in the
past --- can we afford to be susegaad. How can a starving person
be susegaad ?



Re: [Goanet] Samir's IT intoxication

2010-02-19 Thread floriano

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Jose has pulled his net by night, wife at the Mapusa market to sell off the 
night's catch and Jose is relaxing in the shade of his beached boat. 
Englishman (tourist)comes along, stops by Jose and strikes a conversation.

Englishman: Hi, I am John. Lovely place this. Looks like you are relaxing.
Jose: Yep, and goes back to his day-dreaming.
Englishman: This your boat? Must have had a run-in by night.
Jose: Yep.
Englishman: How long are you going to run these night runs and do nothing 
through-out the day?

Jose: What you want me to do?
Englishman: This your only boat?
Jose: Yep.
Englishman: You could be a little more enterprising, take a bank loan, buy 
another boat, hire new set of crew, catch more fish, supply it to hotels.

Jose: Then? .asks Jose a bit intrigued but still relaxed.
Englishman: Then? Man ! there is no end to it. You could be the king of 
supplying fish in Goa. You could have a string of fishing boat, then a fleet 
of trawlers,  have a deep freezing plant of your own, export fish to France, 
UK, USA, sky is the limit.

Jose: A bit impatient but listening... says  'Then'?
Englishman: Then? You get yourself a posh office building in town, hire a 
lot of people... staff .. you know?  Buy a seaborn fish processing boat and 
make millions.

Jose: Then?
Englishman: Then?   Man! You could relax and have fun as everybody would 
want to talk to you.
Jose: Half squinting at the mad Englishman   "Don't you see I am doing 
the relaxing and talking  bit right now? Why should I get in the rut of 
things to get to this position again? ... You city honchos have no 
sense at all"

Englishman: Walks off shaking his head.


GOA does not only need HONEST persons to contest elections.
Goa does not only need HONEST  voters to elect honest persons.
GOA urgently needs an 'HONEST SYSTEM of GOVERNANCE'.
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be honest  or to QUIT.
Such HONEST SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE is knocking at GOA's portals.
A  'GIFT HORSE'  that must not be looked in the mouth.

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness 
[Note: PPS stickers are available at CHAMPS Sports Shops - 

- Original Message - 
From: "soter" 

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 7:46 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Samir's IT intoxication

(first published as letter in Herald (19 Feb. 2010)

The column titled ' Turning Susegaad On It's Head' by Samir Kelekar seems 
to manifest a malady of a western economic mindset that Mahatma Gandhi had 
detested in Chapter VI of 'Hind Swaraj' published in 1908. Instead of 
being concerned about water and food security of Goans, the writer harps 
on the benefits of IT. He makes it appear that the survival of the Gaon 
people depends mainly on the progress of IT. While claiming that Indians 
are intelligent the writer has to fall back on citing the example of North 
Carolina in the U.S. We have not even been able to put in place new laws 
for this State and contine to apply colonial laws even 49 years after 
Goa's liberation. This is because the intelligensia has not been able to 
liberate themselves from the bondage of the western mindset.
It is most unfortunate that Goa's susegaad lifestyle has become an element 
of ridicule by what the Mahatma refers to as 'those intoxicated by modern 
civilisation'. What does the rest of India want Goans to be, a society of 
heartless economic hawks like the rest in the metros, ever ready to 
trample and scramble over anyone to satisfy their greed for profit? 
'Susegaad' does not mean laid back or lazy. It is simply about 
contentment, relaxation and restrain. After all, this is what any 'art of 
good living' prescribes to an emotionally thirsty generation but at a huge 
price. Let us stop driving Goa into the destructive economic rat race.

-Soter D'Souza 

[Goanet] Daily Grook #628

2010-02-19 Thread Francis Rodrigues
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by Francis Rodrigues

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always kept indoors,
root of her illness
ah, the rani knows! 

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[Goanet] Top cop's son fights over girl, hits senior

2010-02-19 Thread Gabe Menezes
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PANAJI: A senior police official was summoned to a south Goa engineering
college on Thursday after his
a senior.

The matter was hushed up and the college authorities told the police they
would not like to file a complaint since it was an internal matter. When
contacted, the parties involved also refused to speak to TOI.

The alleged offender, who is a first year student, often flouts his father's
said college sources, adding, "He had got into an argument with a
football coach's son over a girl a couple of days back. On Thursday
afternoon, he assaulted the other boy, a third year student."

Upset with the conduct of the cop's son, third year students raised the
issue with the college director, who then summoned the police officer to his
office. "There was a closeddoor meeting between the police officer and the
college authorities and the matter sorted out. However, the director is
conducting a complete inquiry into the matter," said sources.

This is not the first time a senior policeman's son is in the news for the
wrong reasons. In the early hours of December 5 last year, IGP K D Singh's
son Siddharth, 18, crashed his father's official vehicle into an electric
pole while returning from a popular Vasco

Power minister Aleixo Sequeira's son Antonio was also present in the car at
the time of the accident.

COMMENT: Pistols drawn at dawn? Politicians, high ranking Armed Forces, high
Official Bureaucrats and of course high ranking Police Officers' children do
not think that their parents can get them out of a jamthey know that
they can and in a jiffy too!

Remeber the BMW case in Delhi?


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Goa news for February 20, 2010

2010-02-19 Thread Goanet News Service
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Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Dozen killed in road accident on Mumbai-Goa highway - Sakaal
oa highway in the wee hours of Friday. ...

*** Navy inducts its most modern fighters - Indian Express
0 MKI ” have arrived in Goa and ...

*** AFC wants 'divorce' - Calcutta Telegraph
Football To Get A Boost As Artificial Pitches To Be Provided To

*** Virgin GSM Mobile services now in Mumbai, Maharashtra and
Goa - World News
GSM launched in Maharashtra and Goa

*** Increase in Russian mafia activity can affect tourism in Goa
- Daily News & Analysis
ape&usg=AFQjCNEQ__3EzNxRj5BoRcuPAbll4XrF6g">Opinion: Goa is no
rape capital

*** GMOEA opposes illegal mining in Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The Goa Mineral Ore Exporters' Association
(GMOEA) has welcomed the move of the state government to appoint
a committee headed by the chief ...

*** Goa University 
oa University Engineering Results

*** Goa victim Scarlett's body release delay 'outrageous' - BBC
C NewsTwo years after a Devon teenager was raped and killed in
the Indian state of Goa, her mother is still waiting for the
body to be released. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/devon/8521618.stm&usg=AFQjCNF-xtPjs631n05O1fcd5dSqHo-pYQ

*** GOA exhibitors set to shine with range of new and proven
products - What They Think
at They ThinkGeorge Ryan, President of GOA, says, "Upwards of
9500 qualified printing and graphic arts professionals come to
GOA to view the latest industry products and ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://members.whattheythink.com/news/index.cfm?id=42266&usg=AFQjCNGaoeRM_4A70BLdhiwFOFXiv6--FQ

*** Heidelberg to present on color management at GOA - American
Printer Magazine
erican Printer MagazineHeidelberg (Kennesaw, GA) color
specialist Chuck Koehler will lead a seminar on "Print Color
Management for Profit" at Graphics of the Americas (GOA) in

Compiled by Goanet News Service