Re: [Goanet] Goa... weather and tides

2010-04-29 Thread philip pereira

Hi Fred:

Do you have any contacts with high Indian Government officials?  A 
friend of mine and I were born in Karachi but no longer have any 
connections there, are Roman Catholics (not Muslims), I have been away 
from Karachi for 51 years and my friend some 20 years but, despite this, 
supposedly, our applications for Indian visas were sent to India for 
processing.  We have travelled to Goa a number of times, starting in 
2003 for the exposition of St. Francis Xavier's body.  Since we were 
born in Pakistan, we were being given just 3 months visas and the 
effective date of the visa was from the date it was stamped on our 
passports (we both have Canadian passports).  Hence, we tried to send 
the passports as close to departure date as possible.  We also booked 
our flights in October for departure Jan.4 to take advantage of cheaper 
fares. Although our money was taken for the visas, our passports were 
returned with the comment "visas not issued" and have heard nothing 
further since.

God Bless.


[Goanet] Re{GOANET} Lack of funding for Panchayats..........

2010-04-29 Thread Vivian A. DSouza the writer implying that Panchayats float tenders willy 
nilly so that the Sarpanchas and Panchas can reap the kickbacks that make them 
so rich almost overnight ?  
I wondered why there were so many no-confidence motions amongst the
Panchayats in Goa, until someone suggested that this was a way for each of the 
Panchas to be Sarpanch in turn, so that they could rake in the most moola.  Any 
truth to this ? Or are we Goans so cynical about our Political
masters (unlike in other democracies they are our masters not our servants).

[Goanet] death of Francis Marshal Coutinho brother of Basil Coutinho, ex qatar

2010-04-29 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Former Executive committee members of Doha Goans Sports Club , Doha
Qatar have condoled the death of Francis Marshal Coutinho, (Camurlim
Bardez) elder brother of Basil Coutinho (ex-president of Doha Goans
Club Doha Qatar), who died in Mumbai .
Basil, a former teacher turned Banker served in Qatar for 28 years for
different banks and the charismatic leader was instrumental in
starting Cricket, football and volleyball teams of Goans in Qatar,
besides starting the MayQueen Ball in 1991.
Basil retired from his bank job three years back.
Mathew Estrocio ex-president Doha Goans Sports Club
Anton Joao Vaz  ex-treasurer Doha Goans  Sports Club

[Goanet] 500 years of the Portuguese in Goa

2010-04-29 Thread Vasant Baliga
One of the darkest chapters in Indo-Portuguese history, ‘the Inquisition’ 
deserves far more comprehensive research to bring out the truth from an Indian 
perspective, says historian Teotonio R de Souza. 

[Goanet] IFFK Grand Closing Ceremony at KTV stadium

2010-04-29 Thread Santos Carmo


IFFK Grand Closing Ceremony at KTV stadium

Indian Football Federation Kuwait is pleased to announce that the closing 
ceremony of the IFFK season will be held on the KTV stadium on 30th April 2010. 
The Chief Guest for the closing ceremony will be the Hon. Minister of Tourism 
of Goa Mr. Micky Pacheco who is being specially flown directly from Goa to 
grace the occasion. Mr. Pacheco will arrive in Kuwait on 28th April 2010. The 
proceedings will start at 7.30 am in the morning with an exhibition match 
between 2 Indian Schools and then the final of the IFFK knockout tournament 
between AVC-Kuwait and Fahaheel Bros. The prize distribution for the IFFK 
league and the knockout tournament will be the main attraction as the prizes 
have been specially customised and ordered from United States of America which 
is a rare feat amongst the Indian expatriate held tournaments in Kuwait. 
The management of the Indian Football Federation Kuwait invites all soccer 
loving fans to throng in large numbers to witness the glittering closing 
ceremony on the KTV stadium on 30th April 2010. The organisers have specially 
decided to have the closing ceremony on the KTV stadium as it brings the 
nostalgic memories of the famous Soor Grounds which is in the close proximity 
of the KTV stadium. Watch out for more news in this column as new events unfold




Climate, controversies and the changing signatures of nature


2010-04-29 Thread floriano
Was I wrong then, in suggesting that the Panchayati Raj Act as it stands is 
nothing but hog-wash?? That it requires total and complete amendment to hold 
the Sarpanch accountable for any and every illegality in the village?

The next best thing to do to eliminate the panchayat 
body/MLA-Politician-Builder nexus is to have  Gram Sabha floated  'panel' 
based Panchayat elections complete with a Gram Sabha manifesto where all the 
panel member candidates can contest elections on a single 'symbol' with the 
entire village read Gram Sabha campaigning for the panel.

This should be the trend in the future panchayat/ municipal and including 
assembly elections to eliminate the disastrous after effects of corrupt 
political parties and their corrupt political intensions.

from PPS to PPS

- Original Message - 
From: "soter" 

Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 8:00 AM

LETTER NO. 3 below which was sent to Herald on 26/4/2010 and has not been 
published for reasons best known to the Editor. Muzzling of Truth?

"The Panchayat Minister's case about insufficient funds to Panchayats in 
Goa (Herald, 25/4/2010) seems unreasonable considering extravagence in 
expenditures by these local bodies that have no proper annual development 
plans in place.

Today, we have nothing but brokers and agents in Village Panchayats who 
look for every opportunity to float tenders for construction. The benefits 
of this is well known to the public. The Village Panchayats in Goa must be 
rechristened as 'Contractor Panchayats'. The Minister for Panchayati Raj 
is another added disaster to the already degraded Panchayati Raj system in 
the State."

-Soter D'Souza

[Goanet] Tell me oh lord ?

2010-04-29 Thread JoeGoaUk
Tell me oh lord ?
No. it’s ‘Tell me oh Khuda’
A film shooting at Panjim, opp Market
Video clip

However, it was said in today’s TOI that it is the film shoot for ‘Golmaal 3'
Golmaal 3 shooting also going on though but at Margao College side 
where Arshad and Tushar caught  smoking at the college premises 
and some people made a big issue out of it.
Smokers often seen is Bar and restaurants but who cares?

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Subject: Re: For Goa?s sake, pl help achieving this target

2010-04-29 Thread marlon menezes
While your quest is noble, the online effort as structured may not be very 
effective. Almost 15 years ago, we had an online effort to set up an internet 
node in Goa - which was one of the first few nodes in India. 

There was an online petition component, which at that time got a lot of 
attention from the powers that be because it was novel. However, the key factor 
was getting many people and organizations on board.

The current online petition has the following weaknesses:
1) As mentioned below, a online petition is not viewed as seriously as a hard 
copy petition. In fact in many multi-channel campaigns, an online signature is 
given a fraction of the weight as a signed signature. The reason of course is 
that the effort involved in garnering signatures online is trivial compared to 
a paper effort.

2) There is of course the issue of lack of verification of individual's 
identities which again reduces the legitimacy of the effort.

3) I may be wrong, but the effort seems to have been done in isolation and does 
not give the reader a close connection to the issues being faced. 

My suggestions are as follows:
1) There are many NGO and environmental groups and individuals who I would 
think would support this effort. Why not join up with them and form an 
integrated marketing effort with pictures, video and data to highlight this 
issue. Much of the content is already out there. Once this is done, an effort 
needs to be made to advertise it on as many online forums and websites as 

2) When you are online, it is very difficult to surmount the issue of identity 
verification. Still, interfacing it with social networking sites such as 
facebook would give a lot more weight to each signature as it would tend to 
give more credence to the signer being real.


Marlon Menezes
Austin, Tx.

- Original Message 
From: Carmen Miranda 
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 4:47:38 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Subject: Re:  For Goa?s sake, pl help achieving this target

Dear Mr Tony de Sa

Regarding your reply to Venantius questions:

Re[1] This is a very moot point. IMHO A physical i.e. paper petition is
worth much more than an electronic one. When a physical petition is sent,
there is acknowledgment by the receiver/ receiver's office. This gives the
petition a reasonable chance of being seen by the addressee. As a rule I do
not generally sign an email petition because the collection of email ids
generated by the petition would make a spammer's day.

Re: [2] In Goa at least this was not done.
Like everyone else Mr de Sa, you are entitled to your opinion about this
However, I would like to point out that we are now living in a Global
Village, and this is the era of internet technology and communication. The
electronic petition is a modern way to tackle petitions and in our case was
the only way to also give an opportunity to goans all over the world who are
very concerned and distressed about what is going on in Goa to express their
feelings and get involved.

As it happens the Minister of Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh is a
modern minister using the modern technology of communications all the time,
and is someone who we happen to know  reads e-mails and responds to people
who try to communicate with him.  If at all necessary we can also send him a
print out of the petition, but that would be a waste of paper.

I myself  participate in many such international petitions which have proved
to be very efective. I don't get any spam as a result of participating in
such international efforts.

Finally, when was the last time you tried to get a goan in Goa to go
from door to door, or stand in places of worship and public places trying to
get signatures for a petition?  You can't even get them to sign this
petition which does not require any physical effort and time!

We did actually try to get paper signatures in Goa for your information and

Carmen Miranda

[Goanet] Goa news for April 30, 2010

2010-04-29 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** 12 hurt as Emirates flight hit air-pocket over Goa -
ound Emirates flight from Dubai, hit an air-pocket above Goa on
Sunday, Apr 25, morning, ...

*** People know the Goa politician linked to drug trade: BJP -
Daily News & Analysis
hiding facts in drug case: Parrikar

*** An assault on tourism - GulfNews
rofile sexual assaults on women, including the rape of a
9-year-old Russian girl in January in Goa, have earned India the

*** I-League Preview: East Bengal - Sporting Clube De Goa -
 drubbing at the hands of Al Nejmeh of Lebanon, and even though
they will next be up against bottom-ranked SC Goa, ...

*** Arshad, Tusshar smoke in Goa college campus - Times of India
and Tusshar caught for smoking

*** Sesa Goa not a bad pick to accumulate: : Sandeep Wagle -
Economic Times
is still the strongest of the pack: Sandeep Wagle

*** Lost in Goa - Tablet Magazine
art report filed from Goa, India. Read part 1 here, and part 2
here. Liav and Ofra, an Israeli couple in their late 30s, ...

*** Hindu Marriage Act applies to Goa too: Supreme Court - Daily
News & Analysis

*** Turtle nesting sites in Goa will be conserved - digITal Goa
Goa government may send a plan for conserving three marine beach
turtle nesting sites in the state to the World widelife
institute of ...

*** Rain lashed several parts of Goa - digITal Goa
Many parts of Goa has suffered loss of lakhs of rupees on
account of unseasonal Rain which slashed the state on Wednesday
night. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] The Mining Petition

2010-04-29 Thread Eddie Fernandes
LAST DAY!  The target was 1000.  Guess what the current tally is! Go to  to find out. 

It is your  final chance to sign if you have not already done so. The
Petition closes on 30 April 2010.

Thank you,

Eddie Fernandes  

[Goanet] Vitamin K may reduce cancer risk: EPIC study

2010-04-29 Thread Con Menezes
European study findings about Vitamin K cancer reduction?

[Goanet] Goanet highlights... Tracking Goans down the Nile.. (by Selma Carvalho)

2010-04-29 Thread Goanet News
Goanet highlights by Selma Carvalho

When the British explorer Sir Richard Francis Burton
undertook his famous expedition into the interior of Africa
to find the source of the Nile, he had with him two Goans
servants. Selma Carvalho follows in their tracks in this two
part weekly column.

A Gram Sabha is a representation of the people at the village
level. At the moment, this tends to be a consultative
representation but panchayat bodies in Goa are lobbying to
give more power and leverage to gram sabhas. Freddy Fernandes
says Goans can only celebrate when power is restored to Gram
Sabhas in Goa.

Toronto Goans have embarked on an ambitious project to
archive online as much as possible the history of Goans.
Mervyn Lobo gives us an account of the progress made on this

  You don't really care, do you? Asks activist Carmen
  Miranda in her bid to get 1,000 signatures on the
  mining petition.

Pandu Lampiao gives his own twist on the woes besieging Goa.

Lionel Messias looks into shady land deals in Goa. Land is
the most effective currency for corruption in Goa at the

Freddy Fernandes examines why even good politicians like
Shashi Tharoor become suspect in India, in an essay titled
Tweeting gone sour

Lino Dourado gives us his Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Gharwali
Sovai Baharwali Marog

Valmiki Faleiro pays homage to brave Goans in the sky in a
three part series.

Are Goans rent with political in-fighting. Goan organizations
in Qatar seek to patch up their differences. Armstrong Vaz
sends us a report.

  When The Curtain Rises, is the name of a much
  awaited book on Goan tiatre, tracing its history
  and evolution as a Goan art form. This link gives
  details about the book.

Arwin Mesquita makes an impassioned speech to cut evil at its
roots by ousting out corrupt politicians.

Venantius Pinto forwards an article on the life and times of
poet Bakibab Borkar.

Dominic Fernandes that wonderful orator of all things Goan,
writes about ballkaponn and matharponn (infancy and old age).

JoeGoaUK continues on his photo documentation of Goa.

Enjoy some delicious photographs from the camera of Frederick
Noronha, titled Fruits of Goa.

And on a lighter note, enjoy some Konkani songs sent in by
Jane Alphonso.

Subscribe to Goanet

[Goanet] Subject: Re: For Goa?s sake, pl help achieving this target

2010-04-29 Thread Carmen Miranda
Dear Mr Tony de Sa

Regarding your reply to Venantius questions:

Re[1] This is a very moot point. IMHO A physical i.e. paper petition is
worth much more than an electronic one. When a physical petition is sent,
there is acknowledgment by the receiver/ receiver's office. This gives the
petition a reasonable chance of being seen by the addressee. As a rule I do
not generally sign an email petition because the collection of email ids
generated by the petition would make a spammer's day.

Re: [2] In Goa at least this was not done.
Like everyone else Mr de Sa, you are entitled to your opinion about this
However, I would like to point out that we are now living in a Global
Village, and this is the era of internet technology and communication. The
electronic petition is a modern way to tackle petitions and in our case was
the only way to also give an opportunity to goans all over the world who are
very concerned and distressed about what is going on in Goa to express their
feelings and get involved.

As it happens the Minister of Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh is a
modern minister using the modern technology of communications all the time,
and is someone who we happen to know  reads e-mails and responds to people
who try to communicate with him.  If at all necessary we can also send him a
print out of the petition, but that would be a waste of paper.

I myself  participate in many such international petitions which have proved
to be very efective. I don't get any spam as a result of participating in
such international efforts.

Finally, when was the last time you tried to get a goan in Goa to go
from door to door, or stand in places of worship and public places trying to
get signatures for a petition?  You can't even get them to sign this
petition which does not require any physical effort and time!

We did actually try to get paper signatures in Goa for your information and

Carmen Miranda

[Goanet] Directory of Tiatr Artistes - Email IDs

2010-04-29 Thread JoeGoaUk
Directory of Tiatr Artistes - Email IDs
I just tried to sending a test message to all 48 tiatrists on their  
printed email Ids.
About 15 came back undelivered, looks like their IDs too have some errors
Popular amongst them are
Cosma, Com. Domnic, Com.64, Cajetan, Victor etc
Others like
 joycelyn, Steve Rod, Seriton  etc 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] 24 handy lemon tips

2010-04-29 Thread Con Menezes
Handy Lemon tips  for the home.