[Goanet-News] NEWS: Goa gets first air conditioned public toilet (IANS)

2011-01-09 Thread Goanet News
Goa gets first air conditioned public toilet
IANS, Jan 8, 2011, 01.49pm IST

PANAJI: Goa's first air conditioned public toilet was Saturday
installed at chief minister Digambar Kamat's legislative assembly
constituency in Margao, 35 km from here.

The toilet was built at a cost of Rs 20 lakh, which was shared between
the local municipality and sanitation specialist Sulabh International
(SI), according to a SI spokesperson.

An SI official said the air conditioner installed inside the loo is
sensor operated.

In July last year, during the monsoon session of the Goa legislative
assembly, the opposition legislators had accused the chief minister of
being elitist and had questioned his sense of priorities.

The debate on the air conditioned toilet in Kamat's constituency had
lasted nearly 10 minutes July 21 and had shades of both, seriousness
and trivia.

The Margao garden is considered as the most prestigious garden in the
state. So what if there is an AC toilet. Once it is ready, a split AC
could be fitted later, Kamat had said, endorsing the air conditioned

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator Vijay Pai Khot, a theatre
artist popular for his sense of humour, said: Are you (Kamat) all
really serious about having an AC toilet? It is a closed space...If
someone uses it, the whole toilet will smell.

Known for his acerbic wit, Leader of Opposition Manohar Parrikar red
flagged the concept citing an even more compelling argument.

If someone steps into an AC toilet, he will not like to come out of it.

Read more: Goa gets first air conditioned public toilet - The Times of

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[Goanet] Neither Hindus nor Muslims are entitled for AY ODHYA land.

2011-01-09 Thread damodar vinayak bale
 This is really funny.The very word AYODHYA belongs to what,is well known.The 
gamut about the courts is created to fool the people and waste valuable time 
and energy. It is the former world conquerers who created a written history and 
the laws and courts.No one knows what Human Values are and they are trying to 
establish ,what Human Rights are with the help of the Laws created by them.It 
would be good if the time,energy and intelligence is utilized in the interest 
of Human Values.Everyone knows that all humans would like to LIVE with LOVE and 
PEACE,whatever religion they follow.The MEDIA has to do some workout for Human 
Values and not for Human Rights.
  With best regards,
  Damodar(Shyam) Bale,
  11-Winton Road,
  East Brunswick,NJ-08816,

[Goanet] Food prices at the Indian Parliament canteen

2011-01-09 Thread Venantius J Pinto
On and off on Goanetters share their culinary interests, disinterests,
steals, scoops, the best this for that price; as also nascent affiliations
to the word, gourmand. Came across some prices of food at the Indian
Parliament Canteen via FB, and then across a blog named AWARENESS.
(excerpt from the blog AWARENESS)
MPs, who are seen shouting at each other and castigating the government over
the rising food prices, definitely relish the cheap canteen food. But, mind
you, the facility is not for them only. Parliament staff, low-paid security
personnel and accredited journalists too enjoy the delicacies at rates which
an ordinary citizen outside cannot even think of.
Now people will know what we really are--who we really are--what we truly
stand for? Nothing really, and certainly not for the common. Its easy for
any Indian to say Mera Desh Mahan. But what does it mean? What other choice
does one have in an attempt to affirm oneself?

What-- no avial for these arbiters of misery? Am sure the molagapoddhi is
free with the dosai. All one may hope is that the fish, poultry and veggies
are contaminated!

Any idea whether similar prices exist or have been beaten at the Goa
Legislative Assembly. Does anyone know the menu and prices?

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] The Psychology of Roman Catholicism

2011-01-09 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
 The Psychology of Roman Catholicism

 As a child of twelve I was taken to the local church on a Sunday, which
I will never forget because it was so humorous. What struck me immediately
were the great number of old, old people, a few young men and women, and of
course a lot of pre-adolescent boys and girls of my age who were being
shepherded lest we go astray for life.

 At the time I did not understand why it was so. Now, decades later, the
answer is quite simple, and I know that I don't need a doctorate in theology
to understand this mystery. It is death, dear old death, or rather, the fear
of death for people who have not lived their lives fully. Otherwise, death
is the conclusion of a life well lived. A natural and welcome conclusion,
you might say.

 And as we get older death has a nasty habit of knocking louder and
harder on our doors even though our hearing gets weaker and weaker.

 The young people at the time, and as always, have a great river of life
flowing freely in their veins, and thus are not so susceptible to the scare
tactics of the priests. Yes, the churches were and still are full of old,
old people.

 Where is the laughter? I wondered. Is God against laughter in church?
Is being long-faced a necessary requirement to communicate with God, in
church or outside? Why is laughter banned in church? Is it the wrong place
and time to laugh? If you laughed heartily, would God be offended? Why or
why not were some of the questions which flooded my young mind at the time.

 Meanwhile the priest thundered on, how God will punish us for our sins.
Do you want to go to hell after you die? And so on.

 Today, decades later, I know there is another word for Christianity
which I didn't know then: Guiltianity! This is because the quality of guilt
is of paramount importance.

 At the time, and even today, I can't see how a new-born baby who cannot
talk, let alone walk, can be a sinner! I think this is insanity! What is
this thing known as Original Sin, if not an instrument of the priests to
poison your being, control you, and then 'save you'? The Roman Catholic
Church has a great number of devices and techniques whose function is to
make us miserable, to war within ourselves, until we beg them to 'save' us
from ourselves; the strategy is to divide each person psychologically and
then to 'save' the divided person. What fun!

 Beware! The priests of the Roman Catholic Church are leeches who feed
on their congregation and instill a lot of guilt and fear into us. And all
the stories, such as the virgin birth of Jesus, the immaculate conception,
and the flying up of Jesus into Space can only have a devastating influence
on the better educated minds of the 21st century. Do priests, who themselves
are rather well educated, really believe in these stories? Or are they
pretending? They are good actors, I would say, and far better actors than
those in the tiatr. Cheers!

 The Roman Catholics don't really believe these stories, and their
belief is more in saints and others than in Jesus Christ. They also pretend
and have the attitude that since we are saved we can do anything and get
away with it! Bad luck, non-believers! What fun!

 We Goans have put the cart before the horse. Before we try to salvage
Goa we need to heal ourselves, we need to get rid of the poison of
Christianity and reclaim our being. Unless we do that first, there can be
nothing second.

Have a nice Sunday!

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: The Catholic Bigot, the Hindu Right and Goan Citizenship (Jason Keith Fernandes, GT)

2011-01-09 Thread Aloysius D'Souza
Hi Goans Everywhere,

 I found this article very interesting, as there still exists quite a number
 of Goans -- in GOA --  who, like ostriches, continue to stick their heads in
 the ground and do not acknowledge the progress that Goa has made since
 liberation in 1961 --  and represent a stumbling block to further

 What can other more liberal Goans do about such odd characters?



 Wheat from Chaff

 The Catholic Bigot, the Hindu Right and Goan Citizenship

 By Jason Keith Fernandes

 'Ghar ki murgi dal barabar' (the gravy of the home-bred chicken tastes like
 lentil soup) and 'the grass is greener on the other side of the fence' in
 addition to the obvious, also seem to capture perfectly a widespread social
 tendency. Very often we are so bothered with what is going-on on the other
 side of the fence that we forget to adequately focus on issues that crop up
 within our 'own' backyard.

 Oftentimes it may seem that I am so caught up with decrying the histrionics
 of the Hindu Right, both in Goa and elsewhere, that I forget to focus
 adequately on the Catholic bigot (CB). There was however, no way I could
 ignore this bigot given a number of emails I have recently been subject to,
 which seem determined to painfully flesh out every nuance that the CB holds.
 Despite the fact that I often time focus on caste and class location as a
 way of identifying social tendencies, I would like to identify the CB not
 with caste or class -- though these definitely play a role -- but with a
 mindset. Perhaps belonging to the Catholic club allows one to forget one's
 social location and think like the bigots, given that these bigots ruled the
 Goan roost for a long, long time. Thinking like them, who knows we might
 persuade them and ourselves that we are like them?

 At the risk of committing a grave historiographical error, let us locate
 the origins of the Catholic bigot in the circles of Goa's colonial Catholic
 elite. These ladies and gentlemen used Portuguese as a way of distinguishing
 themselves, not just from the lower orders among the Catholics (who spoke
 Concanim) but from the 'Hindus' as well. The Portuguese language was, as is
 the case with certain varieties of Konknni, their caste marker. With the
 rise of Indian nationalism across the border with British-India however,
 they persuaded themselves to think better of their caste brethren in the
 Hindu fold.
 Nevertheless the fact that they were not Catholic or linked to the
 Portuguese colonial power structure in the same social network ensured that
 they always thought of their upper-caste cousins across the religious divide
 as the poorer, less civilized cousin.

 Indeed, a good amount of the Hindutva animosity that the Goan Catholic has
 to deal with today is linked to this cultural superciliousness. We should
 not forget however that the non-elite Goan too suffered from this
 superciliousness, at the hands of these CBs. Given that these elite groups
 effectively represented themselves as the paragons of Goan Catholic culture,
 they wound up giving all Catholics a bad name. A case of pretty houses, but
 such bad manners!!! This cultural superciliousness however, is one of the
 significant burdens that a number of Goan Catholics unwittingly carry, even
 though their own personal histories are not twined with those of those who
 originated it.

 These CBs for the most part loved Tio António Oliveira Salazar. The days he
 presided over Portugal (and this included Goa) are indeed the glory years in
 CB imagination. Those were the days, we are told, when 'we' had genuine law
 and order in Goa. Order equaled the oppression of the 'lower' social orders
 and ensured a situation where everyone knew their 'place'. This is not to
 say that the CBs were the only one who loved Tio António, but let us leave
 the colonial Goan Hindu elites alone for now. The problem with social
 oppression however, is that you are oppressed yourself, even while you
 oppress other people. Add to this our noxious caste hierarchy and you wind
 up with an elaborate ladder of social oppression that rests critically on
 constant humiliation. Thus, it is possible to find a good number of CBs
 from outside of the absolute top of the social ladder, merely because it was
 so much fun to spit on someone lower than you and pretend like you were one
 of those at the top. Nothing, it appears, salves a wound better than the
 spit you hurl at others.

 Another feature of the CB is their self-love of their social backgrounds;
 their 'good' and 'old' families. Their self-understanding is of being
 cultured, which however is in fact the mere ad nauseum repetition of social
 traditions of the past, and the display of inherited furniture (and other
 heirlooms) that keep diminishing with every passing generation. So concerned
 are they with keeping up appearances, an integral part of a social system
 based on scorn for the inferior, that 

[Goanet] COMMENT: Goa Grape Escape Must Go On (Subhash Arora)

2011-01-09 Thread Goanet Reader
Goa Grape Escape Must Go On

The annual Goan wine festival known as the Food and Lifestyle Festival
Goa, must go on despite protests by misinformed, well-meaning women
during the 4-day private visit on Monday by the Honourable President
of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil, urging her to put a stop to the
wine festival to be held for the seventh year in State’s Capital
Panjim, writes Subhash Arora .

Bailancho Saad, a women’s rights group protested a couple of days ago
and requested President Pratibha Patil who came to the State on Monday
on a personal 4-day visit, to ‘stop the sale of wine and liquor at
government premises.’

'As the constitutional head, you are required to uphold the directive
principles of the constitution prohibiting state governments from
promoting alcohol,' Bailancho Saad Convener,  Sabina Martins
reportedly said in her memorandum submitted to India’s First Lady on
Tuesday evening.

They drew strength from Mrs. Patil’s aversion to alcohol. She is
reported to have often referred to the evils of alcohol in her
speeches after she took over as the President. She had expressed
concern about growing alcoholism at a speech in Kochi over a year ago.

This is where the well-meaning ladies are misinformed, thus resulting
in misdirected anger and frustration. They do not comprehend that wine
and alcohol (liquor) are not the same thing. Wine is a lifestyle
product the promotion of which (lifestyle, i.e.) is the main objective
of the festival and generally speaking,it has nothing to do with the
alcoholism that Madame Patil rightly talked about. Interestingly, due
to the archaic policies of the State, Kerala is practically a dry
State so far as wine is concerned- so Madame was surely not
complaining about wine in Kerala

The ladies also brought out their prejudice in the open by twisting
the words and spirit of the Constitution by telling Shrimati Patil,
‘you are required to uphold the directive principles of the
constitution prohibiting state governments from promoting alcohol.’
Article 47 of the Constitution of India says that ‘the State shall
endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption except for
medicinal purpose of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are
injurious to health.’

Not only are there no States except Gujarat and Mizoram (local made
wine was allowed to be sold there recently) where there is
prohibition, these well-meaning women are perhaps not aware of the
fact that illegal, spurious and bootlegged liquor is available more
freely than perhaps the neighbouring states, at least in Gujrat.

The Article 47 of the Constitutional explicitly excluded the drinks
for ‘medicinal purposes.’ Throughout history, various doctors and
philosophers have enunciated upon the health benefits of wine but
during the last thirty years hundreds of scientific medical studies
have been carried out- most evidencing health benefits of wine when
taken in moderation. Several ayurvedic preparations already use
fermented grapes in concntrated form in several formulations.

Goa Tourism Development Corporation Ltd has been organising the
festival annually for the last 6 years, in association with Department
of Tourism. The seventh edition is being held at the multiplex Inox
Courtyard in Panaji (Panjim) every evening on 27-31 January.

It is usually held at the end of the peak season which starts fizzling
out by January- end. One of the objectives behind organizing this
festival is to promote 'Brand Goa' to the rest of the world by
providing an opportunity to the visitors to sample Goa as a lifestyle
destination. Several wineries, hoteliers and restaurateurs present a
range of wines and international gastronomical delights, including
fusion cuisine and exotic desserts.

‘What the festival offers is an opportunity to taste and sample wines
from several producers-mostly Indian although foreign wines were also
present last year,’ says Kawaljeet Singh, National Sales Manager of
Big Banyan, one of the very few wineries in the State. Although wine
is the real protagonist, there are several other attractions for the
young and old alike- there are cultural shows, live music and fashion
shows. The selection of The Grape Escapade Queen 2011 is another
highlight on the last day

Not only are the visitors in a position to taste uncountable number of
wines available for sampling, they can buy what they like at good
discounts. The wineries are happy to participate despite the presence
required for four days because they are able to educate the novices
and impress the connoisseurs with their wines- organising and
participating in such wine tastings is an accepted international
practice in every wine producing country.

The threat posed by the women’s group notwithstanding, another danger
is lurking on the horizon. The organisers reportedly are demanding
Rs.46,000 as the participating fee from the wineries who find it too
steep, especially as it was around Rs.30,000 last year. They feel that
since they are doing a lot 

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Enough is Enough

2011-01-09 Thread lino dourado
Kalchea sumanant, Bharotantlea Bihar prantan, ek dharun ghoddni ghoddli. Sipahi 
Tola motdar-songhantlea tticher Rupam Pathak-an, Purnia vattharantlea BJP-che 
MLA Raj Kishore Keshari-ak, soglleanchea dixtti mukhar suren ghayal korun, 

jiv kaddlo. Ghelea tin vorsam pontim, lingisonbondi piddapidd (sexual 
harassment), hal korop ani bhirant divn Rupam-ank sottavchi chal MLA Raj 
Keshari-k asli . Dekhunuch, tinnem pulisek tokrar dil’li. Guneavkarachi koslich 
chovkoxi zaina ani sottavpachem chaluch aslelem pollevn, tticher Rupam-an, 

aplea hatant ghetlo.
Tticher Rupam Pathak-a vixim, ami choddxem sangunk xekonant. Punn, amkam 

mell’lole khobre pormonnem, Rupam Pathak ek post-graduate ostori ani apnnalem 

kazgi iskol choloitali.  Tin vorsam adim, tichea iskol ugttavnnechea dobajeak, 
MLA Raj Keshri-k amontronn dil'lem. Thoimsorlean, MLA Raj ani tticher 

dhatt ixttagott. 

Tumkam ugddas kortam. Dezembr 17ver, 2009 vorsa Moddganv Kharebandar, Filsu 
alias Rani hea sodol sobhavache ostoren, apnnachea angar hat ghatlo mhunn, 

prosiddicho (notorious) ani sodankal guneanv adarpi Tadev Diniz-achea horddeant 
suri topun, akthak jivexim marlolo. Tadev ani Filsuchi dattayen ixttagott 
choltali khori. Punn jedna, ostoreche khuxe add nhoi tea zagear hat laun 
zoborddosten lingsonbond zhoddpachi daddlo monis khotpott korta tedna thodde 
khepek ostoreche mendvak tiddok choddun hotea (murder) zavpasarki ghozali 
uprastat. Ani oxem kitem kay tea vellar ghodil'lem.
Daddleachea nodrek ostoreo sodanch ek utholl (shallow) ani sokoilim (inferior) 
distat. Punn aicheo adhunik (modern) ostoreo hem mandun ghevnk fattim sortat. 
Zaum tem voiziki, izner, IT, komputer, viman cholovpi, ani sabar her xrestan 
daddlea porim atancheo ostoreo vavurthat. Desache Prodhan, Raxtripodd, 

samballtat zalear, chondran porian ostori pavloli asa. Tor ostorek, daddlea 
sarko upchar (treatment) ani unchlo zago kiteak mellona zait? Ostori, bhurgeank 
zolman haddpachem ek yontr (machine) mhunn, ami daddle adim thavn hea somzonen 
chuklole asat kai? 

MLA Raj Kesharik, Purnia vattharantlea Sipali Tola motdarsonghantlea lokan, 
segit char pavtti nivddun haddlolo ek fuddari asle. Lokache koxtt  ani gorzo 
suttaveo korpa khatir tacho vavr poilo zavn aslo. Punn pott-dovdire fuddari 
lhanxe kama velean lonch (bribe) magtat. Sorkari sirvis zai tor, 
thoddea noxttea 

fuddareanchi kuddichi as bhagonvchi poddta.  Zaitea ostoreank lip-choriam 
kuddichem bolidan korchem asta. Char pavtti vichun kaddlolea MLA Raj Keshri, 
tticher Rupamacho faido kaddtalo, te toren tannem ghelea kaim vorsam anink 
kitlea ostoreancho faido kaddlo nam zait? Tache vixim odik mahiti mellpak ami 
Biharant vochun, MLA Raj Keshri-chi kortubanchi tagddi zokchi goroz nam. 
Amcheach Goyant, tunvem-hanvem nivddun haddlole fuddari, ostori prannink koxe 
toren sottaytat tem, ami potrancher vachlam ani urlolem TV-ir pollelam. Hoi ki 
Biharchi Rupam Pathak-an ani Goychi Filsu alias Rani-n eksarke soglleanchea 
dixtti samkara hotea keleat. Angar khantto haddpi sarkelem itlem dharun khortub 
adarpak, tankam koxem boll ailem zait? Hachi zap mellpak, tankam porxim 
mellpachi amkam goroz asa?. Bail-monis osokt pranni aslelean, daddlo monis 

choddan chodd faido gheta. Punn jedna xime bhair vagnnunk pavta tedna mat 

dharun zavpak daddloch zababdari thorta. Eka lhanxea kama khatir, jivitbhor 
gulamponnan ravpak thoddeank sonsona. Nitichea darar marlear osokt ostorek nit 
mellona. Ani oxem kitem kai Filsu ani Rupam-ache jivitan ghoddlam. Tech khatir, 
jiv ghevpa xivay dusro upay tankam suchlo nam. 

Ghelea vorsa 2010 Setembrant, Filsu alias Rani-nk Moddganv-Kharebandeche Tadev 
Diniz-achea khunna babtin, favo te purave nasun tika suttka dili.  Tadevak 

topun martana zaitea zannanim khas dolleamni pollelo. Punn kortint mat sot 
sangpak, konnuch toyar na zalo. Kiteak? Tadev oslea sodankal guneanv adarpeak 
oslich kheast favo mhunn, lokak dislem kai? 

Ani Rupam-a vixim nikall koso lagtolo? Biharcho MLA Raj ek vhodd ani segit char 
pavtti nivddun haddlolo chalu BJP-cho sorkaracho ek vangddi. Rajkornnacho 

poddun Rupam-ank kheast favo zatoli? Vo favo te purave nasun, suttka melltoli?  
Velluch sangtolo.
Lino B. Dourado


[Goanet] Neither Hindus nor Muslims are entitled for AYODHYA

2011-01-09 Thread Salus Correia
I think we all know that the courts are referring to here is about 'Ayodhya
land' where once stood the Moslem iconic mosque, the Babri Masjid.  

Yes, Ayodhya is definitely a Hindu related word, but it also happens to be
the name of the place where the Babri Masjid stood proud until the Hindu
fanatics decided to take the law into their own hands and destroy this
Moslem Heritage mosque.  And now they want to go one step further and claim
the land where the mosque stood!  That land should be rightfully handed back
to the Moslem community in Ayodhya with Government grants to help them
rebuild their revered place of worship.

I just wonder what Human Values Mr Bale is talking about here.  And what
ticks him so he feels it is funny.  Did he have a good laugh when the Babri
Masjid was destroyed?


Salus Correia



Message: 3

Date: 9 Jan 2011 02:20:02 -

From: damodar vinayak bale dvb...@rediffmail.com

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org

Subject: [Goanet] Neither Hindus nor Muslims are entitled for AYODHYA


Message-ID: 20110109022002.52981.qm...@f4mail-234-241.rediffmail.com

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


This is really funny.The very word AYODHYA belongs to what,is well
known.The gamut about the courts is created to fool the people and waste
valuable time and energy. It is the former world conquerers who created a
written history and the laws and courts.No one knows what Human Values are
and they are trying to establish ,what Human Rights are with the help of
the Laws created by them.It would be good if the time,energy and
intelligence is utilized in the interest of Human Values.Everyone knows
that all humans would like to LIVE with LOVE and PEACE,whatever religion
they follow.The MEDIA has to do some workout for Human Values and not for
Human Rights.

 With best regards,

 Damodar(Shyam) Bale,

  11-Winton Road,

  East Brunswick,NJ-08816,



Re: [Goanet] The Psychology of Roman Catholicism

2011-01-09 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Goanetters all,
Goan Catholics  beware! The New Anti-Christ has just come up from his Satanic 
place below. Does this silly man have to bring up this sort of stuff on a non 
religious forum like goanet? Who is he kidding?

Nascy Caldeira.

--- On Sun, 9/1/11, Joao Barros-Pereira joaobarrospere...@gmail.com wrote:
  The Psychology of Roman Catholicism
      As a child of twelve I was taken
 to the local church on a Sunday, which
 I will never forget because it was so humorous. What struck
 me immediately
 were the great number of old, old people, a few young men
 and women, and of
 course a lot of pre-adolescent boys and girls of my age who
 were being
 shepherded lest we go astray for life.

[Goanet] Song for the day!

2011-01-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
Michael Bublé - Begin The Beguine



Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] The Psychology of Roman Catholicism

2011-01-09 Thread angel
What are you 'wearing' a name like that for? you should change it, it sounds 
very 'Christian'...

- Original Message - 
From: Joao Barros-Pereira joaobarrospere...@gmail.com

To: goanet goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 8:13 AM
Subject: [Goanet] The Psychology of Roman Catholicism

The Psychology of Roman Catholicism

As a child of twelve I was taken to the local church on a Sunday, 

I will never forget because it was so humorous. What struck me immediately
were the great number of old, old people, a few young men and women, and 

course a lot of pre-adolescent boys and girls of my age who were being
shepherded lest we go astray for life.

At the time I did not understand why it was so. Now, decades later, 
answer is quite simple, and I know that I don't need a doctorate in 
to understand this mystery. It is death, dear old death, or rather, the 

of death for people who have not lived their lives fully. Otherwise, death
is the conclusion of a life well lived. A natural and welcome conclusion,
you might say.

And as we get older death has a nasty habit of knocking louder and
harder on our doors even though our hearing gets weaker and weaker.

The young people at the time, and as always, have a great river of 
flowing freely in their veins, and thus are not so susceptible to the 

tactics of the priests. Yes, the churches were and still are full of old,
old people.

Where is the laughter? I wondered. Is God against laughter in 

Is being long-faced a necessary requirement to communicate with God, in
church or outside? Why is laughter banned in church? Is it the wrong place
and time to laugh? If you laughed heartily, would God be offended? Why or
why not were some of the questions which flooded my young mind at the 

Meanwhile the priest thundered on, how God will punish us for our 

Do you want to go to hell after you die? And so on.

Today, decades later, I know there is another word for Christianity
which I didn't know then: Guiltianity! This is because the quality of 

is of paramount importance.

At the time, and even today, I can't see how a new-born baby who 

talk, let alone walk, can be a sinner! I think this is insanity! What is
this thing known as Original Sin, if not an instrument of the priests to
poison your being, control you, and then 'save you'? The Roman Catholic
Church has a great number of devices and techniques whose function is to
make us miserable, to war within ourselves, until we beg them to 'save' us
from ourselves; the strategy is to divide each person psychologically and
then to 'save' the divided person. What fun!

Beware! The priests of the Roman Catholic Church are leeches who feed
on their congregation and instill a lot of guilt and fear into us. And all
the stories, such as the virgin birth of Jesus, the immaculate conception,
and the flying up of Jesus into Space can only have a devastating 
on the better educated minds of the 21st century. Do priests, who 

are rather well educated, really believe in these stories? Or are they
pretending? They are good actors, I would say, and far better actors than
those in the tiatr. Cheers!

The Roman Catholics don't really believe these stories, and their
belief is more in saints and others than in Jesus Christ. They also 

and have the attitude that since we are saved we can do anything and get
away with it! Bad luck, non-believers! What fun!

We Goans have put the cart before the horse. Before we try to salvage
Goa we need to heal ourselves, we need to get rid of the poison of
Christianity and reclaim our being. Unless we do that first, there can be
nothing second.

Have a nice Sunday! 

Re: [Goanet] Diaspora Links: At IC Colony.... and Hubli

2011-01-09 Thread Bejamin Fernandes

Dear Mr Noronha:

Your reference to Hubli in a recent issue of goanet brought back 
memories of  another time and another world half a century ago -- 
painful at that time, nostalgic 50 years hence. The cast of three three 
of us involved -- Tony Mascarenhas, Jimmy D'Cruz and myself. All three 
had graduated with Geology as our primary subject from that renowned 
Jesuit institution, St Xavier's College in Bombay.

Frankly, there were  no prospects for a geology graduate anywhere close 
to Bombay. Tony and Jimmy who had graduated earlier than myself.
They very wisely started a small hands-on laboratary Londa which was 
close enough to civilisation to make life tolerable. My own good fortune 
took me to a place called Supa aa meaagre outpot situated on the 
Belgaum-Dharwar bus route,

From: Frederick Noronha

One of the newer settings in which Goans have based themselves is I.C.
Colony at Borivali. The colony gets its name from the Immaculate
Conception Church in the locality, and many Goan families which once
stayed in the heart of town have moved there in recent years. Just
learnt of the launch of a Goan Cultural Association at the I.C.
Colony. It can be contacted at La Paloma, Opposite Corporation Bank, I
C Colony, Borivali (West) Mumbai 400103.

Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] Miraculous Cross feast at Anjuna

2011-01-09 Thread Domnic Fernandes

The feast of Miraculous Cross at Anjuna Hill will be
celebrated on January 10 at 4:30 pm with the Eucharistic celebration. This
year, the feast will be celebrated by Placido Carvalho, Agnes and Pearl 






Domnic Fernandes

Anjuna, Goa

Mob: 9420979201


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: The Catholic Bigot, the Hindu Right and Goan Citizenship (Jason Keith Fernandes, GT)

2011-01-09 Thread DAN DRISCOLL
Of course there are CB's everywhere, but Messers Keith  Aloysious do well
to point out that this Region may have had double or triple dose of the CB
viruses, mainly (if not wholly) the consequence of European colonial
influence formed by a combination of 'absolutist' assumptions (Portuguese
Monarchism + Romanist Triumphalism), boiled down to a heady concentrate in
Salazar Fascism.

Recently I discovered the work of Imelda Dias, whose life story is told in
two slender volumes now in Panjim bookshops---HOW LONG IS FOREVER, and TO
LOVE AND LIVE AGAIN. It strikes me that anyone wishing to get the true
flavor of what the CD  culture meant in Goan family life (with CD hopefully
now in recession, regionally)
might take time to read her story.

The earnest belief that one's traditionally conditioned value system must be
right, and has to be passed on, has been 'gotten honestly' through teaching
methodology now recognized as obsolete and even harmful.

Let's not get into the blame game; Imelda Dias's Papa was, and is a good and
well-meaning person, as she herself would be the first to assert. His
authoritarianism was the natural consequence of received values and

It will now be up to our collective ability to adjust educational criteria,
if there is to be a break in that crippling chain. And clergy (Church
Hierarchy) cannot 'leave it to the school system'; something has to change
in 'catechism class'!

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Aloysius D'Souza smhsda...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Goans Everywhere,

  I found this article very interesting, as there still exists quite a
  of Goans -- in GOA --  who, like ostriches, continue to stick their heads
  the ground and do not acknowledge the progress that Goa has made since
  liberation in 1961 --  and represent a stumbling block to further
  What can other more liberal Goans do about such odd characters?
  Wheat from Chaff
  The Catholic Bigot, the Hindu Right and Goan Citizenship
  By Jason Keith Fernandes
  'Ghar ki murgi dal barabar' (the gravy of the home-bred chicken tastes
  lentil soup) and 'the grass is greener on the other side of the fence' in
  addition to the obvious, also seem to capture perfectly a widespread
  tendency. Very often we are so bothered with what is going-on on the
  side of the fence that we forget to adequately focus on issues that crop
  within our 'own' backyard.
  Oftentimes it may seem that I am so caught up with decrying the
  of the Hindu Right, both in Goa and elsewhere, that I forget to focus
  adequately on the Catholic bigot (CB). There was however, no way I could
  ignore this bigot given a number of emails I have recently been subject
  which seem determined to painfully flesh out every nuance that the CB
  Despite the fact that I often time focus on caste and class location as a
  way of identifying social tendencies, I would like to identify the CB not
  with caste or class -- though these definitely play a role -- but with a
  mindset. Perhaps belonging to the Catholic club allows one to forget
  social location and think like the bigots, given that these bigots ruled
  Goan roost for a long, long time. Thinking like them, who knows we might
  persuade them and ourselves that we are like them?
  At the risk of committing a grave historiographical error, let us locate
  the origins of the Catholic bigot in the circles of Goa's colonial
  elite. These ladies and gentlemen used Portuguese as a way of
  themselves, not just from the lower orders among the Catholics (who spoke
  Concanim) but from the 'Hindus' as well. The Portuguese language was, as
  the case with certain varieties of Konknni, their caste marker. With the
  rise of Indian nationalism across the border with British-India however,
  they persuaded themselves to think better of their caste brethren in the
  Hindu fold.
  Nevertheless the fact that they were not Catholic or linked to the
  Portuguese colonial power structure in the same social network ensured
  they always thought of their upper-caste cousins across the religious
  as the poorer, less civilized cousin.
  Indeed, a good amount of the Hindutva animosity that the Goan Catholic
  to deal with today is linked to this cultural superciliousness. We should
  not forget however that the non-elite Goan too suffered from this
  superciliousness, at the hands of these CBs. Given that these elite
  effectively represented themselves as the paragons of Goan Catholic
  they wound up giving all Catholics a bad name. A case of pretty houses,
  such bad manners!!! This cultural superciliousness however, is one of the
  significant burdens that a number of Goan Catholics unwittingly carry,
  though their own personal histories are not twined with those of those

[Goanet] Selma Carvalho: Who the Bleep cares about us Catholic Goans?

2011-01-09 Thread Eddie Fernandes
This week: 
Who the Bleep cares about us Catholic Goans?
By Selma Carvalho
Source: Goan Voice Weekly Newsletter 9 January 2011 at www.goanvoice.org.uk
The Goan Catholic has come in for a bad name recently. Ever since the
Portuguese ship NRP Sagres docked at Goa's harbour, there's been turmoil.
Old wounds have opened up. The Goan Catholic has been called unpatriotic, a
Salazar-sympathiser, culturally rootless and worst of all a bigot who
thinks of himself as better than other Indians. I say hooey to all this! The
Goan Catholic is what he is and he has every right to his own cultural
inclination and world-view because it is carved out of his own experience.
First of all, let's put our facts in order when examining the Goan Catholic.
When the French missionary Reverend Denis Louis Cottineau de Kloguen visited
Goa circa 1830, he observed that the Sudra (the lowest Hindu caste) formed
the largest part of Christian converts and that they were not as respected
as the Chardo and Brahmins but that their situation was considerably better
than their Hindu counterparts and that the privileges accorded to the other
two castes were slowly being conceded to them as well. So, in fact the vast
majority of Goan Catholics came from the lowest rungs of the Hindu caste
hierarchy and the landed, upper-caste Goan formed only a sliver of the
population. If the Goan Catholic came to believe that his life had improved
because of conversion, it was because it had.
Historian Fatima da Silva Gracias in her fascinating book, Women in Goa (I
thoroughly recommend this book to every Goan), sheds light on the plight of
women in colonial Goa. In 1936 for instance, the number of Hindu prostitutes
in Goa was 1,748 and the number of Christian prostitutes was 141. These
statistics put paid to the oft propagated stereotype in Bollywood movies of
the Goan Catholic woman as sexually immoral and promiscuous. The sad reality
of the high rate of Hindu women as prostitutes had nothing to do with
morality (prostitution rarely does) but rather the circumstance of
ostracisation after widowhood, the resultant poverty, and the institution of
girls being attached to temples, invariably leading to prostitution. It's a
telling fact that in Konkani the word for prostitute and widow is the same.
Fatima da Silva Gracias writes: It appears that in the early period the
majority of natives who married Portuguese men were low caste converted
Christians..to begin with, native parents were reluctant to marry their
daughters to white men but when they realized that they treated them well,
the parents came forward to marry their daughters to the Portuguese men.
These low-caste converts are what the historian C R Boxer calls,
rice-Christians. Contrary to what we might be lead to believe that all
Goan converts were forced into conversion, the earliest converts were
probably rice-Christians, Boxer contends. People from the lowest rungs of
society who were fleeing abject poverty, servitude, oppression and indignity
within Hinduism. And if in their new avatar as a Christian man or woman,
their life had changed, some dignity was accorded to them, some sustenance
was made available to them, did they not then have every right to look back
at their former lives with disdain? 
The truth is Christianity as brought in by the Portuguese did change the
lives of a substantive part of the population on the Konkan coast - (let's
not forget that the Portuguese were such staunch Catholics they provided a
safe haven to Catholicism when the rest of Europe was persecuting Catholics
and they escaped the European Reformation altogether). And this population
which is not necessarily characterized by the elite, Portuguese-speaking
Saraswat Brahmin convert but is represented by the flotsam and jetsam of
Goa, encountered their own Reformation. One that lead to them being admitted
to communal worship, the rudiments of education in parochial schools, their
introduction to classical music and the arts and the women being accorded
equal status, however tenuous this might have been. Suddenly these people
were accepted as human beings with some worth and value in the eyes of a
monotheistic God. 
This changed their lives forever until each successive generation became
convinced that their life with Christianity was fundamentally better to
everything they had left behind. It is human nature to want to believe that
the future you are embracing is of higher value to you than the past you are
putting behind. They have every right to this belief, without it being held
to judgment by revisionists or by denial or by calling them names and
casting aspersions on their patriotism. If they feel a certain soft-spot for
Portugal, so be it; Portugal changed their lives.
We are Goan Catholics and proud of it.
Do leave your feedback at carvalho_...@yahoo.com

Read new reviews of Selma Carvalho's book Into the Diaspora Wilderness at

[Goanet] Art Exhibition

2011-01-09 Thread Goanet A-C-E!
The First Art Exhibition in Chinchinim, Goa was held at the Chinchinim 
Community Centre from 4th to 5th January, 2011.

Dr. J.W. Malenkos, MD, U.S.A. inaugurated the exhibition which showcased 
works by artists Dr. Susheela Fernandes, Dr. Savia Viegas, Savia 
D'Costa, John Pereira, Beatrice (Betty) Braganza and Japanese artist 
Akeru Barros Pereira whose paintings of Goan Houses were immensely 

The exhibition was hosted by Dr. Max de Loyola Furtado, a Medic by 
profession and an artist at leisure and his son Ralph de Loyola Furtado, 
a budding artist.  Both their works were also on display.  They hope to 
create an interest in art among the Goan people and encouraging young 
artists by holding regular art exhibitions and workshops at the 
Chinchinim Community Centre.

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] Second Sunday of the Year

2011-01-09 Thread Jude Botelho

Dear Friend,

Some of us have the task or the duty to introduce significant people to others. 
From our experience we know that if we have known the person to be introduced 
very well, it is an easy task and a pleasant duty to introduce a friend, a 
person whom we admire and love to others. If the person is a stranger, we try 
collect information from others, but the introduction becomes impersonal and 
formal. As Christians it is our joy and privilege to introduce Jesus to others. 
Do we enjoy introducing Jesus with others? Have a joyful weekend sharing, 
pointing out Jesus to others!  Fr. Jude

Sunday Reflections: ‘Second Sunday of the Year –‘Be my witness to the world!’ 
Isaiah 49: 3, 5-6; Corinthians 1: 1-3; John 1: 29-34;

The first reading from Isaiah reminds us that God calls Israel to be his 
servant, and gives his servant two commands: to gather the nations that have 
been scattered, together, back to the land of Israel, and to be a light to the 
nations. At the start of the passage the servant was an individual, presumably 
one of the exiles from Jerusalem. However, that servant is identified with the 
nation of Israel. Our identity is to be the Servant of God. Jesus fulfilled 
role and we are called to do the same. We have to witness to God.

God Lives in You –Be His Witness
Once in a small town in Poland a young boy stood watching a gypsy as he drank 
from a well in the town square. After drinking, the man stood there, gazing 
into the well, as though looking at someone. He was a giant, of a man but had a 
friendly face. So the boy approached him and asked, ‘Who lives down there?’ 
does’, answered the gypsy. ‘Can I see him?’ ‘Sure you can’, said the gypsy. 
he took the boy into his arms, lifting him up so that he could see down into 
well. All the boy could see, however, was his own reflection in the water. ‘But 
that is only me,’ he cried in disappointment. ‘All I see is me.’  ‘Ah,’ replied 
the gypsy, ‘now you know where God lives. He lives in you.’

The Gospel speaks to us of the witness of St. John the Baptist, whose whole 
and preaching was meant to be a witness to Jesus Christ. After the baptism of 
Jesus in the Jordan John points out to Jesus and says ‘Behold the Lamb of God, 
the one who takes away the sin of the world.” John’s mission was to point out, 
to identify Jesus as the Messiah. John goes on to single out Jesus: “This is 
one of whom I said: A man is coming after me who ranks before me because he 
existed before me. I did not know him myself, and yet it was to reveal him that 
I came baptising with water.” John was popular with the crowds, and they 
followed him, yet he admits he is not the one to be followed. He directs his 
followers and the crowd to Jesus. To drive home the message John declares “I 
the Spirit coming down on him from heaven like a dove and resting on him.” John 
was called to be a witness to Jesus, to point out the one who was foretold, to 
lead people to Jesus, the chosen one of God. This same mission is given to 
Christian, to be a witness to Jesus the light of the world. We cannot be 
witnesses of Jesus unless we have known Jesus and loved him. John himself 
that he did not know Jesus but it was revealed to him. “I did not know him 
myself, but he who sent me to baptize with water had said to me, “The man on 
whom you see the Spirit come down and rest is the one who is going to baptise 
with the Holy Spirit. Yes, I have seen and am the witness that he is the Chosen 
one of God.” By our baptism we are made children of the Father and are given 
privilege of knowing Jesus as the Son of God. We are also sent on a mission to 
reveal the face of the Father and witness to Jesus in the world today. We do 
this best not merely with words but by our lives. We cannot point to Jesus; we 
cannot single him out unless we have been enlightened by him, encountered him, 
interacted with him and discovered him as God Emmanuel with us.

God’s Living Word
“When a child is born rivulets of faith coalesce to tune a heart to hear God’s 
call. A generous if tentative response prepares the way for a deeper call and a 
more courageous response. Sometimes the call is not heeded and a stream of 
goodness dries up.  But God is a persistent lover who never ceases to issue new 
calls and new invitations. No matter how insignificant or how late, it may seem 
to be, each answered call of God can be a well spring of faith and love 
many hearts as the years roll by. Today’s gospel recounts how John the Baptist, 
in fulfilling his own life role, came to recognise the Chosen One of God and 
then was led to martyrdom, but not before he had pointed out the Messiah to 
Andrew and John, the first disciples. Our pattern of life vocation is the same. 
Through daily fidelity, we recognise Jesus and point him out to those who do 
know him so that together we may become a 

Re: [Goanet] The Psychology of Roman Catholicism

2011-01-09 Thread soter

Joao Barros-Pereira wrote:
We Goans have put the cart before the horse. Before we try to salvage
Goa we need to heal ourselves, we need to get rid of the poison of
Christianity and reclaim our being.

If Joao Barros - Periera has reclaimed his being then the virtues of 
patience and understanding would have come into play. But none of this is 
visible in the one up-manship he tries to portray to others. In such a 
situation we may get rid of the poison of christianity but ultimately busy 
ourselves with something that we would like to force onto others.

Wish him a happy monday!


Re: [Goanet] The Psychology of Roman Catholicism

2011-01-09 Thread Ivo

From: Joao Barros-Pereira joaobarrospere...@gmail.com

As a child of twelve I was taken to the local church on a Sunday,
which I will never forget because it was so humorous. What struck me 

were the great number of old, old people, a few young men and women, and
of course a lot of pre-adolescent boys and girls of my age who were being
shepherded lest we go astray for life.
**We have been to the church when small and have the best memories of our 
human and Christian education.
I do not know where this child has been. If it was in Goa, he cannot see 
only the old people and less young people in the church. I have been for 
years in the churches and found our young people and children quite active 
in the churches. This child of twelve mus be frustrated in life!

At the time I did not understand why it was so. Now, decades later,
the answer is quite simple, and I know that I don't need a doctorate in
theology to understand this mystery.
**If you had a doctorate in theology, you would understand what rubbish 
you are taliking!

It is death, dear old death, or rather, the
fear of death for people who have not lived their lives fully. Otherwise, 

is the conclusion of a life well lived. A natural and welcome conclusion,
you might say.
**I am glad tht you had lived life fully, perhaps because of your Christian 

And as we get older death has a nasty habit of knocking louder and
harder on our doors even though our hearing gets weaker and weaker.

**Death has different meaning for different people. What is yours?

The young people at the time, and as always, have a great river of
life flowing freely in their veins, and thus are not so susceptible to the
scare tactics of the priests. Yes, the churches were and still are full of 

old people.
**This is your imagination, nay your hallucination. Churches in Goa are 
not full of old people.

If you speak about some churches abroad,
you should try to analyse the phenomenon better...

Where is the laughter? I wondered. Is God against laughter in

**We laugh in the church when there is reason to laugh. But the church is 
not a mandd, or a bazar or a club for laughter.

Is being long-faced a necessary requirement to communicate with God, in
church or outside? Why is laughter banned in church? Is it the wrong place
and time to laugh? If you laughed heartily, would God be offended? Why or
why not were some of the questions which flooded my young mind at the

**You may laugh and show what you are..

Meanwhile the priest thundered on, how God will punish us for our
sins. Do you want to go to hell after you die? And so on.

**Do you not speak of sanctions in the education of children?
Speak positively, but also show the need of responsibility.
One young man told the parents that he did not know that he would be jailed 
if he had committed rape!...

He was jailed for seven years and fine for attempt at rape...

Today, decades later, I know there is another word for Christianity

which I didn't know then: Guiltianity! This is because the quality of
guilt is of paramount importance.

**This only shows that you never had a healthy Christian education!
Who is responsible: your parents, teachers or priests?

At the time, and even today, I can't see how a new-born baby who
cannot talk, let alone walk, can be a sinner! I think this is insanity! 
What is

this thing known as Original Sin, if not an instrument of the priests to
poison your being, control you, and then 'save you'?
**You are only proving my point: You do not know what is original sin. Yet 
you are blaming the Catholic Church.

The Roman Catholic Church has a great number of devices and techniques 
whose function is to

make us miserable, to war within ourselves, until we beg them to 'save' us
from ourselves; the strategy is to divide each person psychologically and
then to 'save' the divided person. What fun!

**From our own experience we know that human existence is a war...
Do you need further explanation of this existential phenomenon?

Beware! The priests of the Roman Catholic Church are leeches who feed
on their congregation and instill a lot of guilt and fear into us.

**Christianity is a movement of genuine love, not of guilt...

And all the stories, such as the virgin birth of Jesus, the immaculate 

and the flying up of Jesus into Space can only have a devastating
influence on the better educated minds of the 21st century.
**You really do not know the meaning of virginal conception of Jesus, nor 
the reason
why we do believe it. Nor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Mother of 

Do priests, who themselves are rather well educated, really believe in 
these stories? Or are they

pretending? They are good actors, I would say, and far better actors than
those in the tiatr.
**These are not stories. We Christians believe them and know why we accept 
these mysteries.

The Roman Catholics don't really believe these stories, 

[Goanet] OPINION: What ails Goa? (Frederick Noronha)

2011-01-09 Thread soter

Frederick wrote:
I lack your imagination to understand what
gratification can be received from a set of elderly,
uninspiring, humourless and dull politicians whether of the
Digu regime variant or any other.

Oh, Oh! Elderly, uninspiring, humourless and dull politicians seems very 
interesting. Are they the same one's that get invited for your book releases 
The ones that live on public cost even after retirement and having an eye on 
church properties? The one's living off NRI concerns and book publisher 
concerns, and ?
Though you claim that politicians are dull,.. you never say so in your 
write ups. Why is it? Do you forget it?


[Goanet] Press Note - TAG's Children's Tiatr Festival - Day 2

2011-01-09 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa
Press Note

For Favour of Publication

* *

*Children’s Tiatr Festival*

*Day 2*

The second tiatr of Children’s Tiatr Festival 2010 organized by Tiatr
Academy Goa was held on 09th January 2011 at the Auditorium of Goa State
Museum. The tiatr staged was entitled ‘Mhonvall Vikh’ meaning sweet poison.
Written by Shri. Tomazinho Cardozo it was directed by Dhananjay Phalkar and
presented by the students of Lourdes Convent High School, Saligao.

The story of the tiatr highlights the ill-effects of tourism on Goan
society. The trend of keeping tourists in the residential houses brings the
foreign culture right into the bedroom of Goan houses which adversely
effects Goan families particularly children in the families.

The performance did not come up to the expectation of the audience as
children, most of them first timers, made several mistakes during the
performance. However Steffie Lobo as Magdu, Genevieve Fernandes as Freeda
and Polly Fernandes as Puttu Swami did justice to their roles. Among the
songs a solo ‘Kande’ by Shanaia, a solo ‘Music’ by Violet D’Souza and a
quartet ‘Chulintlo Kollso’ by Violet, Stacy, Josepha and Lumena were well
appreciated by the audience. Live music by Luis Cota was good.

Today i.e on 10th January 2011 at 30:30 pm St. Michael Taleigao Socio
Cultural Association will stage “Disha Konn Dakhoitolo” written by Carmin
Vas and directed by Melvina Joseph.

*Victor de Sa*

Member Secretary

[Goanet] Meet this smart little fellow, Tiatrist Tony de Ribandar's son

2011-01-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
Meet this smart little fellow, Tiatrist Tony de Ribandar's son
He must be now around 7
Starting singing at 3.5 - see  a clip alongside while watching
Talks about Remie Colaco, M Boyer, William de Curtorim etc


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Talking Photos/Video: Our Traffic Cops not fit for their jobs?

2011-01-09 Thread JoeGoaUk

Our Traffic Cops not fit for their jobs?
check this clip
What about the drivers?
Too lazy to walk a little distance?
or perhaps, the parking fine should be revised to Rs.1,000
The present Rs.100 fine is too little to rich car owners?
Rs.100 is nothing now a day. It's average cha/bhaji rate for two.
Or the cops pocketing half of it say Rs.50 and set the errant driver free?
There were so many cops, some were hiding from our camera.
One came to us and said 'They are are not listening, they don't care
we told them there is plenty of place down there. Rs.100 is too little'
What more?
One of the two wheeler driver angrily hooting at the peole on the 
footpath as if he has a right of way - Can be heard in the clip
Who is to blame for all this mess?
Our police or ourselves?

Some pics
Traffic cop also seen

another seen here

(not this one)

Plenty of parking  space available at the old football ground
Which was about 100mts from the road
More here


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Why wine festival not on government premises

2011-01-09 Thread Sabina Martins
 *Reference*:  [Goanet] COMMENT: Goa Grape Escape Must Go On (Subhash Arora)
*Why Bailancho Saad objects to wine festival on government premises*.

. The Directive Principle of the Constitution clearly states that
 ‘the State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption
except for
 medicinal purpose of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are
 injurious to health.’

The Excise Rules are framed accordingly which prohibits advertisement of
alcohol and puts restriction on sale. Since alcohol is addictive and leads
to several law and order and health problems it is regulated by way of
license.Sale of alcohol near educational institutions, religious places etc
is not permitted within 100 meters.

However we see that these rules are being flouted with impunity. At INOX
permission was given to start a beer bar despite it being within 100 m from
a school. On close examination of the permission granted, it was  found that
it was a full fledged alcohol  license. We objected to it and the license
 was revoked. Fortunately for us, the compound wall of the school stood its
ground and did not change position.

While some trivialised the issue  and used various adjectives to deride us,
this victory was hailed as an important one  by the women's movement in the
country. We stopped setting a precedent of selling alcohol in movie
theatres. Sale  and consumption of alcohol in theatres would make a public
space out of bounds for many women and children , besides other problems

Lifestyle of some cannot infringe on the rights of others.The same principle
is applied to loud music. There are restrictions on the decibels and time to
protect the rights of citizens who do not have a ear for loud music.

INOX is a government premise. It is against public policy to advertise and
sell alcohol on government premises. After INOX, sale of alcohol was
permitted in the children's park for IFFI . Next venue which is doing the
rounds is Kala Academy where IFFI is held as well as music and theatre
classes for students are conducted . University  is also proposed on the
grounds that students are above 18. The list of government premises ranges
 from  Secretariat to various government offices .

Goa does not have Prohibition. There is no dearth of alcohol. In
fact, people do not die because of spurious alcohol, but alcoholism.
 Medicines which have alcohol are addictive and has to be  prescribed by
registered medical practitioner as per case  and not promoted Maybe Subhash
Aurora is misinformed that wine is not alcohl;. As a chemistry teacher may I
inform Mr Aurora that wine and beer contains alcohol in varying percentages.

The alcohol companies have much more facilities and privileges in Goa than
the  other States. They are  getting  more GREEDY. Or is it the CM / Tourism
Minister /  bureaucrat who is getting a kick back ?

The casinos came into being ,first as an amendment to Gambling Act   with
slot machines and electronic games.Today they  have full fledged gambling
with table games. The casinos in the five star hotels conduct some forms of
gambling which are not permitted by law.The offshore''  casinos are
permanently parked in the river despite having no license.

It is ten years since River Princess was grounded. It is yet to go despite
all the efforts.

We do not want  BRAND GOA to be alcohol or for that matter drugs, gambling
and prostitution more so by GTDC.

 We hope that everybody will  understand the larger issue which is
 much beyond the alcohol content in the wine glass  and support the cause.
We believe Prevention is better than cure.

We  have demanded from the government to stop  promotion and sale of alcohol
on government premises  and will persist using all democratic means ranging
from memorandums, protests to litigation  up to the highest level.

Dr Sabina Martins

 Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 04:58:45 +0530
 From: Goanet Reader goanetrea...@gmail.com
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet] COMMENT: Goa Grape Escape Must Go On (Subhash Arora)

 Goa Grape Escape Must Go On

 The annual Goan wine festival known as the Food and Lifestyle Festival
 Goa, must go on despite protests by misinformed, well-meaning women
 during the 4-day private visit on Monday by the Honourable President
 of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil, urging her to put a stop to the
 wine festival to be held for the seventh year in State’s Capital
 Panjim, writes Subhash Arora .

 Bailancho Saad, a women’s rights group protested a couple of days ago
 and requested President Pratibha Patil who came to the State on Monday
 on a personal 4-day visit, to ‘stop the sale of wine and liquor at
 government premises.’

 'As the constitutional head, you are required to uphold the directive
 principles of the constitution prohibiting state governments from
 promoting alcohol,' Bailancho Saad Convener,  Sabina Martins
 reportedly said in her memorandum submitted to India’s First Lady on

Re: [Goanet] OPINION: What ails Goa? (Frederick Noronha)

2011-01-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 9 January 2011 02:16, soter so...@bsnl.in wrote:

 Frederick wrote:
 I lack your imagination to understand what
 gratification can be received from a set of elderly,
 uninspiring, humourless and dull politicians whether of the
 Digu regime variant or any other.

 Oh, Oh! Elderly, uninspiring, humourless and dull politicians seems very
 interesting. Are they the same one's that get invited for your book releases
 The ones that live on public cost even after retirement and having an eye
 on church properties? The one's living off NRI concerns and book publisher
 concerns, and ?
 Though you claim that politicians are dull,.. you never say so in your
 write ups. Why is it? Do you forget it?


QUESTION: Soter my man, who you talking about - Rico's neigbour, who still
retains a gorment car with the beacon light? Apparently the most upstanding
politician ever to have been produced by Goa - these big guns neither die
nor do they fade away. They don't need any validation - they live!


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fwd: Long Live Rupam Pathak

2011-01-09 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Long Live Rupam Pathak

Going through the news papers in the most recent past, the page
dedicated to the Obituaries seem insignificant compared to the deaths
through murders and accidents on the first two pages. The most
resounding murder case in the past few days, has been the Purnia case,
where a MLA was stabbed to death by a women, who had earlier accused
him of rape and harassment.

This is just one such sexual harassment case of the hundreds that our
politicians are involved in, all the assemblies in India and even the
Parliament is full of well known criminals, hiding behind the
political clout, they carry out their criminal activities with
impunity, and with the police and goons on their pay roles they have
nothing to worry about.

If the lawmakers themselves are lawless, then, even God may not be
able to save our country. Soon after the incident the CM of Bihar
increased the security cover for all the MLAs, so that they are
protected from the very people who elected them. Isn’t it ironical ?
When they come begging for votes, not much security is seen around but
once elected they feel threatened by the very same people who elected
them. If the politicians are honest, dedicated and working for the
welfare of the people, why should they feel threatened ? I know, there
may be occasions when genuine politicians could be targeted for being
honest, as it does not serve the purpose of criminals, but that’s a
rare occurrence, but then, are there any genuine politicians in India
? I am sure it will be like finding a needle in the haystack.

It is only the corrupt, fraudulent and the selfish politicians, who
have hurt the feelings of the people, and who have things to hide,
feel threatened. That’s the case with all our politicians. It is their
actions or their inactions that allures the wroth of the people on
them and if they do not change their attitude it will not be long,
before a lot more people take the law into their own hands, like Rupam
Pathak of Bihar.

In Goa, too, things are not any better, if not worse. Our Goan
politicians to have irked Goans on a number of occasions, they have
been fortunate that we Goans are basically peace loving people but I
hope the scoundrels realize that there is a limit to everything, and
rein in their horses before it’s too late, it would surely be a black
day in Goa’s history when the Aam Aadmi will be forced to take upto
violence to bring down to earth the very high flying politicos that,
we ourselves had elected.

Violence in every form should be condemned, but when justice becomes a
toy and a tool in the hands of our corrupt politicians, judiciary and
our equally corrupt security services, then violence is the only
option left to the likes of Rupam Pathak. This should indeed be a
lesson for all our corrupt politicians, not to take the Aam Aadmi for
granted. Rupam Pathak was denied justice by the promoters of law and
justice but attained justice for herself, I say long live Rupam Pathak

Corrupt Goan politicians watch out and ponder over, there could also
be some teed off Goan somewhere, who might try to attain justice for
himself. Who knows ? There could be lots of them !

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] TAG: 1st Children’s Tiatr Festival 2010

2011-01-09 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa

Photos of the festival:


Victor de Sa
Member Secretary

[Goanet] Goa news for January 10, 2011

2011-01-09 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Israeli drug dealer sought by Goa Police held in Peru - Sify
olitician-drug mafia nexus in Goa. ...

*** 'PSI supplied drugs in exchange for gifts' - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe police later told the high court of Bombay at
Goa that bags of charas seized by the ANC have disappeared
because white ants feasted on them.

*** Govt to document Goan artisans, handicrafts - Times of India
conomic and tourism purposes. ...

*** Russian molested at Goa beach, one held - Sify
ear-old man from Hyderabad was arrested for molesting a Russian
tourist at Arambol beach in Goa Sunday afternoon, police said.

*** Health tourism set to get a boost in Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC)
has organized three health tourism events in association with
the tourism department and Dr Vivek ...a class=

*** Goa Meat Complex gets new board of directors - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The Goa Meat Complex Ltd has got a new board
of directors, which will be headed by the state minister for
animal husbandry and veterinary services. ...a class=

*** Temple protection squads to be set up - Times of India
mes of IndiaAccording to a press release, more than 500 trustees
of various temples in Goa have come together to establish the
GMDSM, whose formation was announced at a ...a class=

*** Parrikar assures to address Cavrem locals' grievances -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPointing out that the Devapan Dongor where the
mine is located has some of the most exceptional aquifers in
Goa and is the origin of numerous perennial ...a class=

*** Health city, housing projects dominate Chimbel meeting -
Times of India
mes of IndiaDespite your promise that land earmarked for it
will be given to members of scheduled tribes, Goa government is
going ahead with the project, a villager ...a class=

*** Sanguem 'tremors' not blast: Geologists - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The mystery over the baffling tremors in
Sanguem appears to be clearing with geologists ruling out blasts
as a factor and ascribing it to seismic ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] COMMENT: Goa Grape Escape Must Go On (Subhash Arora)

2011-01-09 Thread Roland Francis
If Indian winemakers have decided on 'Brand Goa' to promote the young wine 
industry, then all power to them. Goa Govt should extend all support to the Goa 
Grape Escape and if they want to charge exhorbitant fees to participating 
vineries, then they should make up for that in other ways so as not to burden 
or discourage them.

I am surprised that Article 47 of the constitution has not been modified or 
abrogated in view of India's experience with Prohibition. Besides, a country 
coming out into the modern world would be foolish to endeavor to bring about 
Prohibition. There are far more related pressing matters that should occupy 
those in power like the manner of granting liquor licenses and taxes so as to 
be fair and to increase state revenue.

It is equally foolish for the spokesman and organizer of the Grape Escape to 
say that wine is used for medicinal purposes as he did in his article. 

Lastly Bailancho Sad should look into assisting Govt with regulations to cover 
village bars which are nursing stations of drunkards and assisting with 'drink 
and drive' laws rather than discouraging functions like the Goa Grape Escape.


Goa Grape Escape Must Go On

The ladies also brought out their prejudice in the open by twisting
the words and spirit of the Constitution by telling Shrimati Patil,
‘you are required to uphold the directive principles of the
constitution prohibiting state governments from promoting alcohol.’
Article 47 of the Constitution of India says that ‘the State shall
endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption except for
medicinal purpose of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are
injurious to health.’

[Goanet] Govt to document Goan artisans, handicrafts

2011-01-09 Thread Goanet News Service

Govt to document Goan artisans, handicrafts
TNN, Jan 9, 2011, 05.09am IST

PANAJI: Goan artisans and their handicrafts will soon be documented by 
the state government for socio-economic and tourism purposes.

The Goa Handicrafts Rural and Small Scale Industries Development 
Corporation Ltd (GHRSSIDC) says the idea is to make these professions 
economically viable, while also adding to Goa's tourism attractions.

These will be categorised into native handicrafts and assimilated 
handicrafts, GHRSSIDC managing director (MD) Nikhil Desai said.

The compiled databank of Goan artisans will include their economic 
status and the business status of their occupation. For instance we will 
scrutinize the economic status of a potter and check whether his 
business is flourishing or languishing. If it is languishing, we need to 
know the reasons why, so we can find a solution for it, Desai said.

Pottery could be under threat due to competition from plastic wares, or 
if the potter has not upgraded his skills, technology or design, he added.

The GHRSSIDC is already in the process of completing a databank of 
traditional jewellery, coconut craft, sea shell craft, bamboo craft and 
carved wooden items.

When asked how the corporation sought to make these traditional 
occupations economically viable for an artisan's sustenance, Desai 
replied that the first step is to compile a databank. It will be like a 
census - a measurement tool. We will know our steps ahead only after we 
get this information in hand.

The MD further said that the handicraft market in India is thriving. 
Exports of handicrafts from India are about 10,000 crore, while the 
market in India is around 20,000 crore, he said.


[Goanet] Last of Their Kind

2011-01-09 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -




Re: [Goanet] COMMENT: Goa Grape Escape Must Go On (Subhash Arora)

2011-01-09 Thread Frederick Noronha
Talking about wine, I would appreciate if one or two Goanetters travelling
to Goa could kindly carry with them a small snatchet of winemaker's yeast
(Gabe has already helped us in the past!)

This is for small-time winemakers here, working on keeping skills of
generating wine from tropical fruit alive. As such, it is a home-based
industry which Goa has been known for in the past. Edwin Saldanha [
http://goasudharop.org/docs/ebook/34teacher.htm] has infact written a book
on this. Currently, baker's yeast is used, which supposedly gives a mushy
odor and doesn't make for good fermentation either.

If anyone is interested, I could put you in touch with local winemakers
here. Some might not be email savvy though! FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 10 January 2011 08:05, Roland Francis roland.fran...@gmail.com wrote:

 If Indian winemakers have decided on 'Brand Goa' to promote the young wine
 industry, then all power to them. Goa Govt should extend all support to the
 Goa Grape Escape and if they want to charge exhorbitant fees to
 participating vineries, then they should make up for that in other ways so
 as not to burden or discourage them.

[Goanet] Rozario's INVITATION

2011-01-09 Thread Rozario Estibeiro
*Rozario’s photo expo in city*

Photo-journalist Rozario Estibeiro’s photo exhibition will be inaugurated on
January 11 at ESG Art Gallery, Maquinez Palace, Panjim at 11 am.

The expo will remain open till 6 pm.

The inauguration will be followed by the release of his calendar designed
with love and dedication.

Rozario has been into photography for the last 20 years.

The year 2011 being the Golden Jubilee year of Goa’s Liberation, he has
dedicated his calendar to all Goans as he feels that it is his endeavour to
protect and preserve the rich Goan beaches, some of them which are not so
popular, but yet glamourous.

Rozario says that he has captured glamourous poses of some Goan beauties
adorning the eye-catching beaches in his calendar and expects a good
response from the public.

*From:- Rozario Estibeiro (Accreditated Photo Journalist)
**Treasurer of Photo Journalists Association Goa*
*Ph: + 910 9822156429*

[Goanet] Monday-muse: CHANGE 10Jan’11

2011-01-09 Thread Pravin Sabnis

MONDAY MUSE (10 January 2011)
‘Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different 
results’ – Albert Einstein

Einstein’s famous quote is so very true that if we keep on doing the same 
things, taking the same actions and thinking the same thoughts, guess what we 
are going to get? The same results that we been getting! Wherever we are right 
now in our life is the direct result of the actions and thoughts that we have 
been taking. When we look around, what do we see? 

If we like what we see; if we see an organized, clean space; if feel strong and 
confident; then we been taking positive actions and thinking positive, strong 
thoughts. If on the other hand we are unhappy with the way we have shaped up or 
we feel low about the situation that surrounds us, then obviously we have to 
introspect on our approach and change our actions. 

We must take responsibility and own the fact that the results we see are 
because of the choices we made. We must not pose as a victim of outside 
circumstances. To be better at changing the results, we must choose to be in 
control of every desirable change in thinking, habits and actions.

Let’s BE BETTER at making every necessary change
In thoughts and actions to enhance the result range!
- Pravin K. Sabnis 


[Goanet] Care for Goa and People?

2011-01-09 Thread Bernado Colaco
A country that is racing towards moderniasation relies on sweat shops, child 
labour and threats of losing jobs at the drop of hat. I wonder why the bharat 
has not done her homework. Maybe she has taken a direct flight from the UK to 
Goa and missed the misery of Mumbai or Delhi before making are pronuncements on 
Asian Age!
http://www.asianage.com/columnists/care-goa-its-people-289 kishwarde...@yahoo.com

But the house also needs repairs and I was struck this time at how much 
self-respect the Goan labourer has. The painters who have installed themselves 
within our house have insisted on certain terms: they want tea with biscuits in 
the morning and a cold drink in the evening. And, of course, in between they 
have to have their siesta…
The siesta, like other traditions, still prevails in Goa. But I wonder how long 
it will be before this tiny state is also run over by the demands of a country 
racing towards modernisationMeanwhile, Goa was buzzing for New Year — and the 
beaches were crowded to the hilt. The Sunburn music festival has been 
successful yet again. It attracts musicians and festival junkies from all over 
the world. But like every year since we discovered our wonderful 450-year-old 
home, we have spent New Year’s Eve in it — enjoying the peace and quiet within 
its thick walls — while the world celebrates.
But the house also needs repairs and I was struck this time at how much 
self-respect the Goan labourer has. The painters who have installed themselves 
within our house have insisted on certain terms: they want tea with biscuits in 
the morning and a cold drink in the evening. And, of course, in between they 
have to have their siesta…
The siesta, like other traditions, still prevails in Goa. But I wonder how long 
it will be before this tiny state is also run over by the demands of a country 
racing towards modernisation


2011-01-09 Thread Aires Rodrigues
After the recent controversory of setting up a Private trust to form an
International Arbitration Centre in Goa, former Union Law Minister and
current Chairman of the Goa Law Commission Mr. Ramakant Khalap now finds
himself embroiled in an alleged major land scam.

Former Union Law Minister Mr. Ramakant Khalap has misused his position as
Chairman of Goa Law Commission to facilitate his son to grab prime land
belonging to the Comunidade of Assagao. Goa Law Commission Chairman’s
youngest son Mr. Ashwin Khalap using his father’s position and political
clout to construct on an agricultural tenanted land belonging to the
Comunidade of Assagao.

The current construction is on a plot of land a comunidade tenant Mr.
Mahadev Sitaram Simepuruskar illegally and fraudulently transferred to Mr.
Ashwin Khalap.  The construction which is currently underway in part of
survey No 158/8 is proposed to be extended to the entire survey No.  Mr.
Ashwin Khalap is planning to illegally grab a total of over 15, 000 sq
metres belonging to Assagao Comunidade. Mr. Khalap’s project which has
started with the construction of the proposed seven luxurious villas is
projected to end up as a five star resort.

Agricultural tenanted Comunidade land cannot be transferred. Agricultural
land being used for non agricultural use is also not allowed and prohibited
by law.

It is an irony that Mr. Ramakant Khalap who as Chairman of Goa Law
Commission has publicly been professing the need to amend Goa’s land laws to
benefit the State, has himself privately conspired to help his son illegally
grab prime Comunidade land.

The authorities should immediately initiate action under Article 371 of the
Code of Comunidade to summarily evict Mr. Ashwin Khalap from the Assagao
Comunidade land bearing survey no 158/8 and all the development activity
should be stopped forthwith. There needs to be a thorough probe into this
entire land scam involving illegal transfer of comunidade land and those
involved should be punished in accordance with law.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372