Re: [Goanet] Mayem woman commits suicide

2011-10-17 Thread lyrawmn

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I. Nunes quotes  as relevant, the doctor's  response to a related Goanet 
post [[Goanet] TODAY's logic on O Heraldo]:
"" In the very first place a clinician is supposed to approach any issue 
humanity in a compassionate manner. ... As I have said
earlier, not all who have graduated in the medical field are carved to be a
humane one. ""
Sent in response to:
>>Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão 
know about taste. Haven’t tasted neither petrol nor Ratol!>>
sent in response to:COMMENT:
There is no accounting for taste is there? 
As in bad taste?
I. Nunes
Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão drferdinando@hotmail.comwrote: 

COMMENT : Goa government has already partially banned petrol as it has become 
difficult to
procure it. They are still undecided about ‘Ratol’! 
in response to Samir Umarye, BICHOLIM:
On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 10:48:34 -0700, samir umarye wrote: <<< --
A 27 year old woman from Tikhazan Mayem today committed suicide by burning 
herself with the help of petrol. 
According to the available information one Jayashree Jagdish Chopdekar (27) 
from Tikhazan Mayem dosed herself with petrol
and set fire in the house. The incident occurred at about 8.30 am. Jayashree
from Vasco was married to Jagdish some four years back and has two daughters. 
the incident the Bicholim Deputy collector conducted the panchanama and the
body was sent to GMC Bambolim.>>>

[Goanet] Who is a bigger Gandhian, Anna Hazare or Sanjeev Bhatt ?

2011-10-17 Thread SOTER

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Who is a bigger Gandhian, Anna Hazare or Sanjeev Bhatt ?
Posted by Adil Mohd on October 6, 2011 
Anna Hazare according to many true Gandhian is doing great damage to the values 
and principles of Mahatma Gandhi and they are clear and doubt his credentials 
as a true Gandhian. The also are of the openion that the Govt and the Oppostion 
has failed to tackle this team with right political and administrative sense.

The problems of  Congress have grown and so are the problems of we the people 
as we voted a strong UPA govt, in name of Corruption being one of the big issue 
the under the carpet forces against the government have gained reasoanble 
successes in further damaging the Govt of Manmohan Singh.

What is in hold for us Indian in coming months and years is very hard to 
predict on one hand we see Modi playing card of Sadbhavana in a manner that can 
be termed as worst form of corruption using noble act of Satyagarah to advance 
his governments mind set to justify come what may the unjust done to  the 
innocent in Gujraat and arresting and attempting to silence voices like of 
Sanjeev Bhatt who are angels of Peace and Justice and Truth.

And on the other hand Anna Hazare is losing his credibility as a truth-full  
warrior and man against corruption by his double standards and using 
politicians and politicians.

In the case of Gujarrat  of Modi and his Govt manipulative functioning don't 
you think : Sanjeev Bhatt is a true practising Gandhian who stood for Justice, 
for Principles of Humanity and Truth to me Sanjeev Bhatt is  a bigger and 
Gandhian than Ann and his team members. I would love to project Sanjeev Bhatt 
as Candidate to Counter the evil crusade of Modi in Gujarat and we should 
appeal to him and support him to join politics and fight the un just Modi and 
false claims  of Government that it treats 6 Crore Gujratis as equals.

Re: [Goanet] Beware Goans before you book airline tickets !!

2011-10-17 Thread roland . francis

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I am glad Jet Airways has taken the lead in the matter of banning food articles 
from their flights.

If not already, other airlines will soon start doing likewise, and rightly so. 

With flying becoming much less expensive than it was, people who could once not 
afford to fly, now routinely do so but have not learned the norms and 
etiquette, let alone the rules that come with it.

Imagine meat or fish even if cooked, rotting due to delays in flights and 
connections and then being consumed at destinations immediately, or heaven 
forbid re-frozen for future consumption.

In North America, customs strictly prohibit entry of any food even if canned. 
When my son was returning from a long educational stay in Europe, he brought 
back 4 small cans of Danish Plumrose cocktail sausages which he knows I am fond 
of and which since the last couple of years is not available in Toronto.

Not forseeing any problem with a sealed item made in Europe, he declared it. 
(My son being a straight arrow born in the developed world and taught to 
respect all rules and laws unconditionally, is not like his father who has had 
Indian training). For all his trouble, those tins were confiscated.


Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

-Original Message-
From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Sender: goanet-bounces@lists.goanet.orgDate: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 21:16:44 
To: ; 
Reply-To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Subject: [Goanet] Beware Goans before you book airline tickets !!


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Jet Airways
has banned carrying of all meat and fish products in its check-in or hand carry
luggage. The policy of the airline is also provided in writing by the Guest
Relations Executive Tania Ferreira from the Corporate Office in Bombay. The
statement reads thus “It is with regret we note your unpleasant experience at
Goa airport. Please allow me to mention here that effective June 27th, 2011,
there has been a policy revision wherein carriage of fish, crab, sea food, meat
and poultry products will be prohibited as check-in baggage”. Jet Airways also
provided a web link where it has mentioned the same at

Goans travelling by Jet Airways within India or abroad have now to think
twice before booking their flights if they really want to travel with or 
without the
Goan delicacy for the love of the airline or choose another airline for the
love of Goan sausages, parra, prawns pickle, etc. also returning with items
like Bacalhao, etc. Rest of the airlines have no such restrictions in or from

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


[Goanet] Contributions of JOB Steves

2011-10-17 Thread Nelson Lopes

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Deprived of love . abandoned early, unwanted, given up in adoption, did
impact his personality These early handicaps spurred Jobs  to great heights
of excellence Instead  of walloying in self pity and misery. He proved and
decided to make up and stand up to be recognized among the contemporaries of
his times. Such debilating conditions and deep seated negative impulses
spurred him to great achievements, unparalleled for his situation Many
individuals  have very often destroyed  themselves under similar
circumstances ,the purpose and goals in life being hazy His biological
mother tried to assure his future ,but could not find graduates foster
parents Jobs was more introvert, secretive and did not display open
relations with any one he came in contact. Not much is known about his
feelings for his adopted parents or habouring   grudges  or being maltreated
He abandoned University Education not to burden them financially  Jobs did
established touch and go relationships with his mother and sister Even after
the official union in marriage of his biological  parents ,job was not
reunited His father was a very rich person by all standards, a PhD by
education In fact his father came to know about him just years before his
death His sister book on” lost father” made his father to imagine it as his
own story His mother eventually divorced him unable to stay in Syria and his
father married thrice He has admitted that estrangement and  great sadness,
emptiness in his personal life, not being there when he was needed most He
displayed no emotions, pride, credit of his famous offspring’s or being
elated with their  phenomenal success He used all his updated products for
their usefulness and not as the  support for him At an old age of 80 years ,
he is very successful in attending to his work culture, Manager of Bomtown
Casino in chargeof 450 employees Jandail ,Job`s father never met or tied to
establish personal contact due to guilt complex

Job displayed no emotions or never responded  even to short email messages
of happy birthday ,hope your health is improving from his father even on
serious concerns of health Nor did he ever disclose about blood links  to
any of his close friends He was secretive , burning with anger and nursing
the wounds of deep hurts There is no indication that his biological mother
ever tried to undo the injustice and feel any remorse, pain towards him .Job
for all practical purposes lived by himself, an empty void within, feeling
,naturally isolation of ties of the family bonds

It is very unusual for the founder of his  own company to be sacked for
whatever reasons It is also very strange that he joined back and took the
new company to the height of unprecedented glory and pinnacle of success He
was known to be highly temperamental, that he could sack an employee in the
lift Being highly intelligent  perfectionist, he could think out of the box
and swiftly and thus could not tolerate  those , who could not keep space
with him He was an excellent salesman in promoting his products He gave up
the position as an CEO when he could no longer continue with his disability
as the titular head and handed over the reins of power to the next in line ,
 to assure  smooth succesion

There is no thread of love , recognition acceptance between the mother ,
sister , brother and father They are all strangers , indifferent to their
connections and relationships and family concerns

The determination to rise exceptionally  under these pressing circumstances
is all the more praise worthy and remark able He gave the world the personal
computer , ipad , iphone , 1000 times more powerful,classical  innovative
products. Job has left his indelible imprints in the sands of science
inventions, that the world connects

Is the i in ipad ,iphone symbolic representation of his self and personal
glorification and emphasis? Job had  all personal limitations to be
remembered as the master creator of distinctive  products His early death
has made the world poor of  unaccounted loss in terms of futuristic

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Re: [Goanet] TODAY's logic on O Heraldo

2011-10-17 Thread roland . francis

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Perhaps the good doctor Salkar was interested in putting pressure on smokers to 
give up their unhealthy smoking habit through financial impact that would not 
benefit himself.
It would also mean healthier lives for them.

Isn't that being true to his Hippocratic Oath.

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

-Original Message-
From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Sender: goanet-bounces@lists.goanet.orgDate: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 12:44:34 
To: ; 
Reply-To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] TODAY's logic on O Heraldo


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On Sun, 16
Oct 2011 21:30:27 -0700, Santosh Helekar wrote : <<>>


Dr. Shekar Salkar is not right, he is wrong and he’s being unethical. In the
very first place a clinician is supposed to approach any issue concerning
humanity in a compassionate manner. Secondly, LIC is Insurance business, and no
doctor worth his Hippocratic Oath will advise any  business institution to 
charge some humans extra charges
because he is addicted to smoking. It is okay for businessmen or politicians to
advise so. Can any doctor advise a private businessman owned hospital to fleece
patients who are to be hospitalised for substance abuse?  Can a doctor advise 
fleecing of a
patient with HIV or STD because he got the disease by choice? As I have said
earlier, not all who have graduated in the medical field are carved to be a
humane one. 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


Re: [Goanet] TODAY's logic on O Heraldo

2011-10-17 Thread Santosh Helekar

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Doctors around the world, especially those who have taken up social causes have 
made it their ethical duty to discourage people from smoking, and to make 
certain that society as a whole is not burdened by the cost of the consequences 
of smoking. They have lent their voice to bring about change in public policy 
and business practices. Nobody regards this as unethical activity. As a result 
of their action, smoking is now banned in public places in many countries, 
including in many privately operated businesses such as airplanes and 
restaurants. With regard to whether businesses would make bigger profits or 
losses as a result of the anti-smoking campaign or not, it is not the concern 
of doctors. Their intent is simply to ensure by professional or social action 
that people do not die from diseases caused or contributed to by smoking. Here 
for example is an organization of doctors who have taken up the anti-smoking 



P.S. BTW, the premium cost burden of smokers in Goa, which is now borne by 
non-smokers, can be reduced by lowering the premiums of non-smokers relative to 
smokers. This would either reduce profits for the insurance company, or produce 
no net change in its revenue.

- Original Message -

Dr. Shekar Salkar is not right, he is wrong and he’s being unethical. In the
very first place a clinician is supposed to approach any issue concerning
humanity in a compassionate manner. Secondly, LIC is Insurance business, and no
doctor worth his Hippocratic Oath will advise any  business institution to 
charge some humans extra charges
because he is addicted to smoking. It is okay for businessmen or politicians to
advise so. Can any doctor advise a private businessman owned hospital to fleece
patients who are to be hospitalised for substance abuse?  Can a doctor advise 
fleecing of a
patient with HIV or STD because he got the disease by choice? As I have said
earlier, not all who have graduated in the medical field are carved to be a
humane one. 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

[Goanet] Sanjeev Bhat demonstrates Gandhiji's real satyagraha

2011-10-17 Thread SOTER

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Sanjeeev Bhat's quest for Truth has tasted its first success. It takes guts for 
a Government officer to take on a hostile fascist government. Sanjeev Bhat has 
risked his life and job by holding Narendra Modi as a criminal responsible for 
the 2002 Godhra riots. With so much flak against government officials for 
corruption and collaboration in denying people's rights, this one act of 
bravery should have been hailed across the country by the people who were 
screaming their lungs out for a Jan Lok Pal. Instead we see  a small crowd to 
welcome Sanjeev Bhat back home from jail. The so claimed champion against 
corruption  Anna Hazare has done nothing more than mildly stating that what 
Narendra Modi did was wrong. The former cop Kiran Bedi who is also in the fore 
front of the anti-corruption movement only tweets that the legul buck stops at 
the PHQ. The queue of NGOs to dance in the sunshine of Anna's tamasha are not 
seen anywhere in the case of Sanjeev Bhat.  And this is the hypocri
 sy of the middle class in particular, the very ones screaming that politicians 
and government officers are not upright. But what is the response and support 
when one politician or officer decides to stick his/her neck out and gets 
harassed by the government? A total silence? 
At the moment Sanjeev Bhat has emerged as the true Gandhian. He has shown that 
he is not a coward by refusing the court's solution to a compromise and 
prefered to stay in jail till he rightfully gets bail. This is Gandhiji's real 
Satyagraha. Long Live officers like Sanjeev Bhat in a fascist regime.

Soter D'souza
Socorro, N. Goa

[Goanet] Albert DeSouza on Burma.

2011-10-17 Thread eric pinto

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    Thanks to both Joe and Al.
I will have more from the book, later,  my copy will eventually become 
Valmiki's, I hope.   Eric.

- Forwarded Message -
>By March 7, 1941, Rangoon had fallen and British and Indian forces abandoned 
>the city. With streets emptied, roving bands of convicts and mental hospital 
>inmates looted and torched homes and stores. Dalhousie Street and the 
>commercial center, Phayre Street were in ruins.
>Those Burmese remaining in the city exercised their long time hatred of 
>Indians by shooting any they encountered, then hacking them with two-foot long 
>Colonels Haynes and Scott flew from Assam to Gen. Stillwell's HQ in Schwebo 
>with orders to evacuate him and his officers - he declined the lift ! Staffers 
>were loaded on the plane and sent to India. He planned to walk and regroup 
>with the Nationalist Chinese. After five days of hard jungle marching, they 
>arrived in Homalin. Crossing the Chindwin, the general exchanged his Burmese 
>porters for the more knowledgeable Naga tribals. Stillwell immediately took to 
>the Naga's mix of easy manners and ferocious looks: many wore bearskin cloaks 
>and hair crests in the middle of shaven heads. The Naga's shared their rice 
>beer with outsiders and carried the heaviest of loads. The group humped three 
>thousand vertical feet into the Naga Hills beneath a monsoonal downpour.
>Ethnologists have identified 133 different linguistic groups within Burma's 
>borders. The majority are placid Buddhistd, but a few of the most isolated 
>groups - particularly the Mons, Nagas, Karens and Kachens - are religious 
>animists, and have remained fiercely independent for centuries. The British 
>Crown regime left the tribes strictly alone.
>In response to the tribal's brutal 'shadow war,' the Japanese had to halt the 
>invasion and northward advance in the country with two thirds of the land in 
>hand. The Kachins fought with spears, but over time they recieved supplies of 
>shotguns gifted by British colonial tea planters in Assam.
>The U.S. was not formally at war with Japan, so Roosevelt commited 'volunteer' 
>airmen to join the campaign. Equal part pilots and rakes, they exuded energy - 
>and a formidable lack of discipline. They flew in cowboy boots and shorts, 
>taking off one booze - soaked evening in an unauthorized bombing run over 
>distant Hanoi using a C-47 cargo plane and gasoline-filled whisky bottles as 
>Post script: Rangoon born Maj. Caesar Menezes, Sangolda roots, retired from 
>the Indian Army in 1970. He had kept a Jap cartridge that lodged in his spine 
>to the end of his life.

[Goanet] Fwd: Dear Sesa Goa, What do you call this legal or illegal

2011-10-17 Thread Arwin Mesquita

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*Dear Sesa Goa. What do you call this - legal or illegal?*

*Did Sesa’s earlier avatar Dempo, misrepresent facts to get EC clearance for
Bicholim mine? As promised Herald visits one more mine to dig out the facts*


BICHOLIM: This is a story of how “ legal mines” flout rules to get the
Environment Clearance from the Union Ministry for Environment and Forests,
and are actually more illegal then “ legal”. Or so we think. Before we
proceed with this story, we would like to inform our readers that
notwithstanding the thoroughness of our investigations, we sent questions to
Sesa Goa to clarify and revert. Sesa has not reverted back with any clear
answers in three days.

In a reversal of sorts, we reproduce what Sesa said

first and leave readers to decide after reading the story if these comments
are justified.

R Krishnagopal Associate Vice President, Corporate Communication, Sesa Goa
Limited said “ Sesa wishes to inform that the matters referred by the
publication are very old and pertain to a period in the past under a
previous management ( Dempo).” “ Under these circumstances, it is only
incumbent Continued on pg 17

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (18Oct11)

2011-10-17 Thread alexyz fernandes


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***  Lata Mangueshkar confirms her Goan Roots  ***

"Who is the Greatest singer in the World? Michael Jackson!!"

"Nonsense! It's Lata M. She has sung more songs than any singer worldwide!"


To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

[Goanet] Margao Has Not Gained Despite Having A Resident CM

2011-10-17 Thread Freddy Fernandes

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Margao Has Not Gained Despite Having A Resident CM

The gong has sounded and the bugle is blown, Ali Baba has finally begun his 
work in earnest after partying and lazing for five full years. The news that 
our CM, Digambar Kamat has kick started his campaign and that to with a visit 
to the Gandhi market in Margao is not surprising at all, blessing between 
Digambar Kamat and his migrant vote bank have been mutual for a long time now, 
they do support and bless each other, as they do depend on each other for their 
very survival.

The last two months or so have been rough on our CM, with all the illegal 
mining dust being blown in his direction but has survived the onslaught so far 
and looks confidant of retaining his hold on the most coveted and sought after 
prized possession within the Goa Vidhan Sabah, to be precise the CM's chair, 
the throne that rules thou thee Oh Goa.

The generosity of our conniving politicians just before the election has always 
been overwhelming, followed by promises and assurances and we all know that our 
CM is an expert on that front, as he was born with the vital virtue. As he went 
around his constituency, he has now promised government jobs to the unemployed 
youth, looks like in the last twelve years there have been no vacancies and no 
unemployed youth in his constituency and all of a sudden today he has realized 
otherwise and promised to give government jobs to his unemployed youth.

But, what I fail to understand is, when did he get the Goa Employment Exchange 
for dowry ?  How can he give jobs so easily to the youth of his constituency 
when our Employment Exchange has been at a standstill for decades ? Or is the 
recruitment to government jobs his own personal family business ? After more 
than a decade he has now realized that the youth in his constituency need jobs 
? Is he not aware that the unemployment in Goa has skyrocketed and that the 
entire youth of Goa has the right to government jobs and not just his damned 
constituency ? All these years' jobs have been sold to insiders and outsiders 
for a hefty price as a result of which our Employment Exchange has been forced 
to a standstill and its numbers have been ever increasing.

What is the point of an Employment Exchange if our politicians tend to 
distribute and sell jobs to whom they please and as they please ? It is 
extremely unfair and unfortunate, for the youth who have turned old in their 
long wait for a government job and still, their turn is yet to come. That is 
one basic reason why we need our Employment Exchange to be transparent and free 
form political clout and influence. Employment Exchange to function at its best 
surely needs autonomy and transparency, under the ambit of the RTI act, only 
then our Employment Exchange can move forward and nepotism and prejudice can be 
wiped out.
Today our corrupt politicians need to disperse artificial inducements to get 
votes as they fail in their commitment to the people at large, because of which 
anxiety has replaced anticipation, now that their actions have amplified their 
indiscretions and perfidy. So it's not at all surprising that CM, Digambar 
Kamat is soliciting in the streets of his constituency in an attempt to 
refurbish his now flagging image.

Madgaokars know that all of his last pre election promises are yet to be 
fulfilled, as garbage is still a major problem in Margao, along with the 
traffic chaos and woes, crime and robberies frequent occurrences, if not daily, 
Monti Dongor still an aberration, water and power scarce as ever, markets as 
messy as ever, the Comba underpass still in dire state, even finding a parking 
slot is become as difficult as finding an honest politician and the Costa 
ground issue is still not a closed chapter, so what has actually Margao gained 
by having it's resident as the Chief Minister of Goa ? If he cannot take care 
of his own backyard, how can he take care of Goa ?  Madgaokars time to ponder 
and act !

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Travel Insurance

2011-10-17 Thread Roland Francis

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Indians travelling to Canada may benefit from this post.
Travel insurance is absolutely necessary for travel to Canada as medical
treatment by doctors and hospitals is very expensive for visitors to this
Generally speaking, you can buy insurance from an Indian insurance company
or from a Canadian insurance company even while you are in India. The
Canadian companies will offer you the insurance even after you land in
Canada within a limit of a few days.
Now how will you decide from whom to buy your insurance?
Indian insurance companies are a little cheaper, but offer much less value
and more hassle. Usually they operate on a spend first and we will reimburse
you later system. Canadian companies will pay to the health care provider
direct, so there is no question of reimbursement.
Canadian companies are much more thorough while accepting your application.
That way they give no problems at claim time. I have seen Indian insurance
companies writing their policies without much enquiry regards pre-existing
medical conditions but at claim time will quote all sorts of exclusions in
their policy that they should have been upfront about. The last thing a
policy holder wants is trouble and denial of claims.
Medical conditions even if you consider them negligible should be truthfully
declared. Mostly the insurance companies will overlook them if they are
slight. But even if they do not, and rate you with a higher premium on
account of that, it is better you pay up that more premium than suffer grief
Applying for insurance whether travel or medical or any other kind, follows
certain norms and if you abide by them, it is a painless process that will
pay you rich dividends later. If you try to beat the system, you will get a
bad result. Remember, a good insurance company has no wish to deny your
claim. But equally they do not want to be a party to misrepresentation and
fraud. There is nothing you can slip by them. They have seen is all done by
cleverer people than you.

[Goanet] Goa news for October 18, 2011

2011-10-17 Thread Goanet News Service

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Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Ships carrying dubious ore not to be allowed to leave Goa
port - Daily Pioneer
deadline to finish probe into Goa illegal mining: Justice M B
Shah Commission

*** Panaji: Goa Small Industries Association Demands Probe Into
Plot Scam -
rore land scam. GSIA president Shekhar Prabhudesai said that ...

*** For Goa church, it's IFFI versus saint's feast - Hindustan
ndustan TimesThe Church has hit out at the Goa government for
promoting 'questionable values' by holding events like the
International Film Festival of India (IFFI) compared to
religious events that promote 'love peace and harmony'. The
criticism comes ahead of the ...

*** Expect heavy rains over next 3 days in Maharashtra - Times
of India
mes of IndiaMUMBAI/PUNE: The Met department has predicted fairly
widespread rain or thundershowers over the next three days for
the Konkan and Goa region, which covers Mumbai, and the southern
states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, besides Lakshadweep
and ...

*** UGDP to contest all 40 assembly seats - Times of India
mes of IndiaMARGAO: The United Goans Democratic Party (UGDP) has
geared up to face the forthcoming polls and has resolved to
field its own candidates in all the 40 constituencies across
Goa. Addressing mediapersons on Monday, general secretary
Anacleto Viegas said ...

*** Kidney patients' plight placed before HC - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: An affidavit filed in a public interest
litigation (PIL) before the high court of Bombay at Goa has
stated that there is lack of basic infrastructure at Hospicio
hospital, Margao for conducting dialysis of kidney patients
admitted for treatment ...

*** Colva fama: Where thousands seek miracles from Menino Jesus
- Times of India
mes of India"This is the most unique feast in Goa according to
me, and only St Francis Xavier's feast gets more crowd," said
Carmo Rodrigues, treasurer, confraria of the Colva church.
Incidentally, legend has it that a Jesuit priest and sailor, Fr
Bento Ferreira ...

*** Exporters ready to display boards at mining sites - Times of
perate with law enforcing authorities, Goa's mineral ore
exporters have agreed to display boards at mining sites with
production details and ensure trucks and barges have devices to
ensure ...

*** High court begins hearing on Monserrate's pleas - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The high court of Bombay at Goa on Monday
began the final hearing of the three petitions filed by
education minister Atanasio 'Babush' Monserrate seeking a probe
into the 2008 police station attack case. Monserrate sought the
quashing and ...

[Goanet] CONGRATULATIONS to Goa's fighters on receiving the prestigious Vincent Xavier Verodiano Award for 2011.

2011-10-17 Thread floriano


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The 'Goemchea Rakhondarancho Awaz' ; the 'Goa Environmental Action Group' 
and the 'Goa Su-Raj Party' heartily congratulates  Rama Velip of Colomba, 
Quepem; Judith Almeida of the coastal village of Colva, Salcete; and Cheryl 
D'Souza of Caurem, Quepem, the  three  awardees of the prestigious VINCENT 
XAVIER VERODIANO AWARD for the year 2011  for their independent  struggles 
fighting against the powers that be which are hell-bent on carrying out 
activities that are not only destroying but are seen to be destroying  GOA's 
Environment, it's  senistive Ecology  and everything that Goans have 
prouldly flaunted  over the centuries. There is an urgent need for the rest 
of conscious GOANS to join forces with these daring fighters for GOA to 
carry on with the escalated fight to save what is, and has been, precious to 
Goa and Goans before all is lost forever.

Rama, Judith and Cheryl, well done indeed.
With much appreciation and encouragement


Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary


* Voting is YOUR Birth Right in a democratic state.
* You are elligible to be registered as a voter at the age of 18
* Your name can only be deleted from the voters' list once registered only 

 1. You Die.
 2. If you change your nationality.
 3. If you change your residence from one constituency to another or from 
one state to another.

* In case of 3 above, your name is deleted from one place and re-registered 
in the other.

Check the rolls NOW for the continuance of your BIRTH RIGHT.

Re: [Goanet] CANADA: 'My beautiful daughter will never have her life back'

2011-10-17 Thread Agilio Pereira - Abacus Systems UK Ltd

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This is for Ryan Vaz,

The heading "WILL NEVER HAVE HER LIFE BACK" means Ryan has given up all hope. 
God's Love will see you through. Only God knows the future. He holds it in His 
hands and when our questions find no answers He is the One who understands.

He has said:

I will never leave you nor forsake you (Heb: 13:5)

His presence goes with us. His love is ever so near. The whispered cries within 
each heart Our Lord will always hear.

No matter what each day may bring His promises are true.

He will never, ever leave us and His Love will see you through.



-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Goanet News Service
Sent: 17 October 2011 03:01
Subject: [Goanet] CANADA: 'My beautiful daughter will never have her life back'


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'My beautiful daughter will never have her life back'
Published On Sun Oct 16 2011

Natasha Vaz, a 20-year-old Humber College business student, was just a few 
minutes from home when she was seriously injured in a car crash on Oct. 4.

As Ryan Vaz's 20-year-old daughter fights for her life with a severe brain 
injury, face lacerations and an inability to walk, he is pleading desperately 
for drivers to listen to his message:

"This is what speeding does. My beautiful daughter will never have her life 
back. It is gone," he says wearily.

Before Oct. 4, Natasha Vaz was a Humber College business student who loved 
sports, and was working at the TD Bank to save up for her dream of eventually 
earning an MBA.

"She will never step foot in a university again," Ryan Vaz says quietly.

After Natasha's car was T-boned by another vehicle that police say was 
speeding, she was airlifted in critical condition to Sunnybrook hospital.

A self-confessed family man, Vaz moved his wife and three daughters from India 
to Brampton 14 years ago, and he says their success was all that mattered to 
him. He says he always kept close watch on his children and painfully recalls 
the night of the accident.

[Goanet] Links: Fauja Singh, 100, finished Toronto's waterfront marathon

2011-10-17 Thread Albert Peres


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 (use link to see video, and the blog for reactions of Canadians)

100-year-old sets record with marathon finish
CBC News

Fauja Singh, 100, finished Toronto's waterfront marathon Sunday evening, 
securing his place in Guinness World Records as the oldest person — and 
the first centenarian — to ever accomplish a run of that distance.

Singh, a British citizen, was the last person to complete the race, 
crossing the finish line just before 6 p.m. ET with a time of 8 hours, 
11 minutes and 5.9 seconds.

Although event workers were dismantling the barricades and taking down 
sponsor banners as he made his way up the final few hundred metres of 
the race, a throng of media, family, friends and supporters were there 
when Singh made marathon history.

Singh, who only speaks Punjabi, said through his coach and translator 
Harmander Singh that he had set a target time of nine hours.

"He's absolutely overjoyed. He's achieved his life-long wish," his coach 

Set 90-plus marathon record in 2003
The run is Fauja Singh’s eighth marathon. In 2003, in the same Toronto 
marathon, he set a record in the 90-plus age category, finishing the 
42.1 kilometres in five hours, 40 minutes and one second.

Singh, affectionately known as the Turbaned Tornado, was born on a farm 
in India in April 1911. He stands five foot eight inches tall and weighs 
about 115 pounds.

Part of his secret, according to his coach, is that he eats a light diet 
of mainly tea, toast and curry.

Harmander Singh said the centenarian turned to running after losing his 
wife and child to “tragic circumstances” about 20 years ago. His coach 
said the runner didn’t want to discuss those tragic circumstances. Part 
of his outlook is maintaining a constant focus on the positive.

Through his running, Fauja Singh aims to raise money for local 
charities, including the Guru Gobind Singh Children's Foundation, which 
has a mandate to help children meet basic needs.

On Thursday in a separate event, Singh also broke world records for 
runners older than 100 in eight different distances ranging from 100 
metres to 5,000 metres.

He also carried the torch during the relay for the 2004 Athens Games.

Toronto waterfront marathon director Alan Brookes struggled to find the 
right words to describe Singh's remarkable accomplishment on Sunday.

"I'm speechless," he said. "Fauja Singh is a remarkable human being."

100 Year Fauja Singh Has Become World Record Oldest Marathon Finisher
by Lyle J. Dennis, M.D.

Fauja Singh, a pleasant unassuming Sikh farmer from India has crossed a 
threshold over which no man before him has ever stepped.  He ran a  26.2 
mile marathon at age 100 years and 6 months.

On Sunday October 16, 2011 Fauja Singh ran the Scotiabank Toronto 
Waterfront Marathon in 8 hours 11 minutes and 5.9 seconds. Though at a 
distance of 35 k it looked like he would be forced to stop, like any 
great athlete, he powered ahead.

With this race, Singh will claim the Guinness World’s record of oldest 
marathon runner. Dimitrion Yordanidis ran the Athens Marathon in 1976, 
at age 98, a record that stood until today.

Singh’s remarkable feat should serve as a beacon for us all, that no man 
shall ever give up or call himself too old.  He shows us there truly are 
no limits to human ambition, human will, or human dreams.

Exercise is the most potent known antidote to aging and disease, and 
anyone seeking to live a long healthy life should incorporate daily 
vigorous activity into their daily lives. Singh has taken this 
philosophy to its ultimate expression.

Singh first took up running at age 89 after suffering personal tragedy, 
losing his wife and one son.  He has not looked back since.  Before 
Sunday, the last marathon he ran was at age 92 – a remarkable feat 
itself but not the record.

In addition to daily exercise of 6 miles of walking or running, Singh 
also adheres to the life-giving tenet of caloric restriction – he eats 
very little food subsisting mostly on ginger tea and curry.

Congratulations Mr. Singh for your awe-inspiring accomplishment.  May 
many follow in your footsteps in the years to come.

Albert Peres
416.660.0847 cell

[Goanet] Lisbon A walking tour around the city / Lisboa Un paseo por la ciudad - YouTube

2011-10-17 Thread Con Menezes

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Watch in full screen.

Re: [Goanet] A Goanetter in Goa...

2011-10-17 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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2011/10/15 Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

> To those who didn't recognise this Goanetter in Goa, please
> try guessing what he (the same guy) is craning his neck over
> and where?

My good friend Joel D'Souza has played plotspoiler to the query above
and posted detailed info about many things/people in the picture:
Of course, as he is a seasoned Goaphile, all the info he gives is 100% right.

Yet, and rather cussedly you would think, I would still go on to say
that I haven't got the answer to the query raised above. To repeat,
what is the guy craning his neck over?  Rgds, FN
“"Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support
group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar." -
Drew Carey”

[Goanet] Anna`s golrification

2011-10-17 Thread Nelson Lopes

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Anna`s glorification
This is reminiscence of emergency times when INDIA was INIRA and INDIRA was
INDIA. In the same breath  Kiran Bedi designated Anna is INDIA Was it over
enthusiasm for a responsible cop to make such a ludicrous statement ? Well
Anna has not yet commented on this statement nor given his bit of mind also
Kejriwal Arvind states unashamededly that Anna is above Parliament Anna has
tried to explain what he meant perhaps, but himself politely and in all
humility disowned such a title He will not be bothered much on this account.
Swami Agnivesh is out of the inner circle of Anna`s team for his alleged
role and assumed complicity in the fight against corruption The remarks of
Plebicite in Kashmir by Prashant Bushan have earned him wrathof Ram Sena and
public thrashing Anna has also disagreed with  his of the cuff observations
on this sentive issue The sena chief has openly complimented for the action
of brutality on Prasshant Anna does not support the thinking ,which will
encourage the separatists and fuel the complex issue The action of
distancing himself will be deliberated at the core committtee meeting to be
convened soon The wearing of Anna inscribed caps has also been described as
cult propagation, Justice santosh Hegde is on record that participating in
election campaign against Congress was not proper The team should have
waited for winter session to unfold when the Parliament unitedly assured him
Besides the other candidates in Hossar did not pass the test of
corruptibility Kejrival in selecting Hissar , his home town , and of all the
other places going on polls was seen as promoting his own position,
importance in the team From past election results the chances of Congress
ability to rest the seat were all predictable and is proved by the election
results of defeat by a sizable margin. People supported Anna as a simple ,
honest person furthering the precious cause of fight against  Corruption The
support for anna is not personal ,but a cause that has been agitating all
Indians , as the level of coruption had hit the bottom His appearance on the
scene was providential Anna articulated the fight against corruption as the
gretest evil of the day
It appears as if the core  team of Anna is really cracking , if not
disintegrating totally It will really please all those who have been at the
height of economic scandals affording them a much neede breather The direct
involvement of team Anna , including himself in the campaign of electoral
politics of Hissar has not been appreciated by the people at large All the
laboured  explanations and clarifications have not convinced any one The
support should not be frittered away in this loose fashion There is a
general feeling that Anna is not briefed properly and is a prisoner of the
team making the decision and guiding him stray If the team does not work
cohesively with one goal, it may be difficult to muster the spontaneoous
support sa seen earlier Any one can mistakes and there is room for
forgiveness if it is expressed in sincerity Manish Tiwari has shown the way
Anna has accepted it to lay it to rest. The goal being unity of the team  of
Anna in whom the people of India have reposed faith and hope. Others can
replace ,but the original team members must act in unison , putting personal
differences aside with the greater goal
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Re: [Goanet] Mag. Caesar Menezes.

2011-10-17 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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Just a minor correction, the author is actually Yvonne Vaz-Ezdani <> and her book is almost sold out by now. I also think
they're tales of hope and grit, how human beings survive when the going gets
really tough, even if they didn't suspect that they have it in them to
manage that.


On 16 October 2011 18:43, eric pinto  wrote:

> Thank you, Val and Freddie.
> Caesar's dad was Surgeon General of Burma.  His wife, Thelma, was
> Anglo-Burman, and she contributed a chapter to Yvette's book. She died last
> year.  Home was the Castellino Co-op complex in Poona Camp. His Morris still
> ran on the original engine, forty years off the line in England.   Eric.
>  -
>   My brother, Steven writes:
> ... Am sure Maj. Menezes and family( probably just the two boys)
> were part of this exodus, that led them ultimately to Poona. I recall
> him tell me some stories abt the trek, interesting in part but horrifying
> for most \

Re: [Goanet] TODAY's logic on O Heraldo.

2011-10-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

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On 16 October 2011 16:04,  wrote:

> The Falcon has forgotten an important fact: smoking is a choice, meeting
> with an accident is not.
> I thought higher life and health insurance premiums for smokers is a
> foregone fact. Are there some companies that do otherwise? Which schools did
> their actuaries go to?
> Roland
> Toronto.

COMMENT: There is a flip side to this: when buying an annuity the older your
are or if you are in a risk category the higher the amount payable to you
annually. The thinking rightly so, that you won't live as long as a younger
person or one who is healthy.

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Song for the day...

2011-10-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

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 Michael Bublé - I'll be seeing you

Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Writing for children... in Goa

2011-10-17 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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Thanks for that Linken. I wrote to Samir Kelekar offlist
and got this reply:

Ccing it to my father . My father used to bring out
Maruti a children's mag in Konkani besides he has published lots of books in
Konkani for children.

On 17 October 2011 09:29, Linken Fernandes wrote:

> I have a vague recollection of Gurunath Kelekar and his
> late wife, Kumudini Kelekar, publishing regularly for
> children in a magazine they brought out in the
> eighties. Might bear checking out.

Re: [Goanet] TODAY's logic on O Heraldo

2011-10-17 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

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On Sun, 16
Oct 2011 21:30:27 -0700, Santosh Helekar wrote : <<>>


Dr. Shekar Salkar is not right, he is wrong and he’s being unethical. In the
very first place a clinician is supposed to approach any issue concerning
humanity in a compassionate manner. Secondly, LIC is Insurance business, and no
doctor worth his Hippocratic Oath will advise any  business institution to 
charge some humans extra charges
because he is addicted to smoking. It is okay for businessmen or politicians to
advise so. Can any doctor advise a private businessman owned hospital to fleece
patients who are to be hospitalised for substance abuse?  Can a doctor advise 
fleecing of a
patient with HIV or STD because he got the disease by choice? As I have said
earlier, not all who have graduated in the medical field are carved to be a
humane one. 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


[Goanet] Old Konkani saying: The hand that flings the mud, stays dirty.

2011-10-17 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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Old Konkani saying: Don't eat your salt before your rice!

Old Konkani saying: What should not be done, we're quick at doing..

Old Konkani saying: The hand that flings the mud, stays dirty.

Old Konkani saying: People are life's treasures... not things.

Old Konkani saying: When you stop changing, you stop growing.

(Original from Domnic PF Fernandes' Dispott'ttem Chintop, Daily Thoughts)
Any errors in translation, misunderstandings etc are solely mine! FN
FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436
Saligao Goa IN Skype: fredericknoronha

“"The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate
it." - Franklin P. Jones”

My latest post:Writing, for children…
Anita Pinto’s ‘Tales from Golden Goa’...
Read more | My blog


2011-10-17 Thread Aires Rodrigues

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In a virtual castigation as to his professional misconduct the Goa
Government by a written order has directed Advocate General Subodh
Kantak to refrain from accepting any case from private parties even
where the State Government is just a formal party and even if  no
relief is sought against the Government.

The order issued by the Under Secretary Law on behalf of the Governor
of Goa states that the most important duty of the Advocate General is
to maintain a high level of dignity and honour while keeping the
position of Advocate General above board and free from any aspersions
or criticism.

The Government’s decision to issue these directives to Advocate
General Subodh Kantak came after the Bombay High Court forwarded to
the Chief Secretary of Goa in October last year a complaint filed
against Advocate General Subodh Kantak accusing him of appearing
before the High Court for a private contractor in a case where the
State of Goa was also a party

In Writ petition 365/2010 before the High Court filed by Mr. Govind
Nagvenkar where the State of Goa was also a party, that Advocate
General Mr. Subodh Kantak had appeared for one of the private
contractor Primeslots Events Private Ltd.

Interestingly it took the Goa Government almost a year to process this
complaint against Advocate General Subodh Kantak. The file kept
shuttling between the offices of Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, Law
Secretary and Special Secretary Home inspite of Chief Minister
Digambar Kamat’s clear directives to the administration that all files
should be cleared within a week.

This is the second time Advocate General Mr Subodh Kantak has been
censured by the Government. It may be recalled that after his infamous
appearance in the  Saleli case the Goa Government  by an order issued
on 11th December 2008 had directed that Advocate General Subodh Kantak
would be entitled to only a single fee if two or more cases involving
an identical question is heard together with a common argument and a
common judgment.

That order to the Advocate General was issued after a complaint filed
that Mr. Subodh Kantak had on 27th January 2006 appeared before the
High Court in the batch of 102 Saleli bail applications and had raised
a bill and was paid 102 times Rs 8000 i.e. Rs eight lakhs sixteen
thousand though it was a common argument for the batch of bail
applications and that Advocate General Mr. Subodh Kantak could have
charged only a single fee of Rs 8000/-.

It is a matter of great anguish and concern that Advocate General
Subodh Kantak has to be taught professional ethics by the Government.
Any other Advocate General having some self respect would have by now
stepped down.  Mr. Subodh Kantak instead of upholding the dignity and
decorum of the high constitutional post of Advocate General has by his
gross misdeeds tarnished the image and sanctity of the Advocate
General’s post.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372