[Goanet-News] CONTROVERSY: An open letter to Tarun Tejpal: (Hartman de Souza, kafila.org)

2011-11-06 Thread Goanet Reader
CONTROVERSY: An open letter to Tarun Tejpal: Hartman de Souza

On 27 October the Hindustan
Times published an article by
Hartman de Souza [1] and on 30
October a response [2] to it by
Tarun Tejpal, editor of Tehelka
newsmagazine.  This guest post
by HARTMAN DE SOUZA is is rejoinder

There are some of us in Goa who will know in about 20 days or
so, thanks to two RTIs filed, whether Tarun Tejpal did in
fact get all the necessary permissions and clearances needed
to add to the lovely property he now owns in the village of
Moira...  or, as he more pointedly said of the village when
he called me up in the Pune, I mean, look at Moira man, it’s
a dying Goan village ...emphasis on 'dying', and the
implication being one suspects, that the Tejpals of the world
can and will breathe life into it.  I wonder if he remembers
and can parse what I said to him in reply.

  I mean what do you say to an urbane man of the
  world who tells you the launch of his book held at
  the Sunaparanta Centre of Arts and Culture, Panjim,
  owned and managed by a mining company desperately
  in need of reinventing itself in good light, was
  arranged by his publisher...  and actually telling
  me he didn’t know there was a mining connection

This is perhaps the only time in my life that I wished I had
a sexier phone so I could have recorded the damn
conversation.  I believe he may have told me that there are
so many issues he has to follow he was not expected to know
the ground realities of Goa.  Of course I was angry.  I told
him there were artists with integrity in Goa who wouldn’t
even shit in that aforementioned arts centre.

I am proud of having a hide thick enough to take on the
Tejpals of this country, and that's a tribe regrettably,
that's on the increase, cut-rate pomo intellectuals turned
entrepreneurs.  He'll understand the context of this because
he gave me the usual drivel of different perspectives and how
one needs to resolve differences and 'negotiate' the terrain
or some such blah, at which, in my politest tone, I merely
said I've heard this pomo shit before.

  I liked Tehelka from the time an old friend joined
  it as a start-up, my logic being impeccably simple:
  any magazine crazy enough to hire him would be one
  hell of a magazine.  I will continue to read it,
  and will, as always, admire and be inspired by many
  of the younger writers they feature.  But the same
  friend is deeply bitter about his earlier
  commitment to Tehelka and I often wonder why.  Now
  maybe I'm beginning to realize why.

But now, just for the record, I am not angry with Tejpal,
just incredibly sad about his comments on another reporter
against whom he has cast some pretty horrible aspersions.

Tejpal needs to know for the record that when he knocked this
reporter down on the phone, there was no vegetarian Albert
Pinto on the other side.  Had he said this to me in person, I
would have grabbed him by his shirt and pinned him against
the wall.  That anger he didn't, unfortunately, see.

As a lowly features editor many moons ago, I gave this
reporter his first assignment and later his first job.
Tejpal should also know that all pro-environmentalists in Goa
were over the top when they knew that Tehelka was sending
someone down to Goa to do a story on illegal mining.  I, of
course, was much more forthright.  I was convinced Tehelka
would screw the swine.

  When the reporter got in touch with me, I linked
  him with others in this pro-environment movement
  building up in Goa, so should Tejpal like, I'd be
  happy to publish the reporter's painstaking mails
  to us, seeking further information, asking for
  clarifications, and building the base of his
  contacts.  I hope it doesn't come to this, but
  should Tejpal also want, I'd be happy to draft a
  letter of protest to him and get it signed by all
  those pro-environmentalists who interacted with the

But Tejpal wants facts, so let's give him facts:

The report that didn't appear in Tehelka was probably the
first in-depth, comprehensive and damning indictment of how
Goa was being looted, and who the looters were.  The said
reporter visited between March 1 and 12 finding out, among
other things that Goa's chief minister, Digambar aka Digunder
Kamat, the Mines minister under two different parties for the
last 12 years, was allowing the large scale plunder of Goa’s
iron ore.

He dug out details of how mining corporates were extracting
ore several times what they had environmental clearances for
with the CM's collusion.  He nailed details for 48 mines,
more than half of the state's 90 active mines.  There were
the better known villains like Vedanta, the smaller ones such
as Salgaocar and Chowgule, colluding to push villagers off
their land with threats 

[Goanet] REPORT: Controversy clouds Tehelka ‘Thinkfest’ (Devika Sequeira, Deccan Herald)

2011-11-06 Thread Goanet News
Controversy clouds Tehelka 'Thinkfest'
Devika Sequeira, Panaji, Nov 5, DHNS:

Tehelka’s Think 2011, currently on at the Grand Hyatt Goa, was meant
to engage participants in an intense affair with ideas.

The list of invitees is impressive indeed. From Nobel laureate V S
Naipaul to the quirky American astronomer Mike Brown, Israel's peace
diplomat Shlomo Ben-Ami, Afghan MP Shukria Barakzai, architect Frank
Gehry, Pulitzer winner Siddhartha Mukherjee and writer Hanif Mohammed
-- they’re all here rubbing shoulders with the likes of Aamir Khan,
Kapil Sibal, Omar Abdullah and Shashi Tharoor.

But 'Tehelka' editor Tarun Tejpal’s crass remarks at Friday's dinner
have raised hackles here: Now you are in Goa, drink as much as you
want… eat and sleep well with anyone you think of, but get ready to
arrive early because we have a packed house.

Tejpal denies the comment. He told Deccan Herald: Journalists write
anything. They've taken it all out of context. But I'm not getting
into this shit.

Not many Goans are impressed by Tejpal's abrasive style of doing
things in this small state where like many other Delhi pushers and
movers he has also acquired his own village house.

It's absurd that they’re allowed to get away with saying things like
this about Goa. I’m really seething about this, said Goa Chitra
curator Victor Hugo Gomes. He's not the only one. Goa's women
activists have also protested the comments.

Tejpal’s remarks are just one part of the controversy around Think
2011. Alerted by indignant activists Union Minister for Rural
Development Jairam Ramesh chose not to turn up at the
Tehelka-Newsweek show on Saturday.

He was scheduled to participate in a session on the 'dilemmas of
development in a democracy' with Omar Abdullah.

We warned him that the hotel is owned by Shahid Balwa and Vinod
Goenka who're in jail for the 2G scam. There's a petition before the
High Court against the property for CRZ violations, an activist said.
Designer Wendell Rodricks too boycotted the event over the hotel’s

Affidavit filed

The Goa government has filed an affidavit in the court confirming the
DB Hospitality property violated CRZ regulations. Yet the state
government is a sponsor-partner in the Tehelka event.

The Tehelka people approached us and we have given them some support
through the tourism department, industries and art and culture, Chief
Minister Digambar Kamat told Deccan Herald.Apart from a commitment
of Rs 30 lakh for the event, the Goa government is hosting two dinners
for 600 well-heeled Think attendees. It will also foot the bill for
all the Central and outstation ministers participating and sponsor
some sessions.

We have given them all the logistical support like buses and cars for
the guests and protocol support, a government aide said. Tejpal had
several discussions with the chief minister in the run-up to the


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2011-11-06 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The two Food Chemists posted at Goa Raj Bhavan need to be withdrawn as it
is an unnecessary huge financial burden to the State exchequer to the tune
of around Rs one lakh a month which has been going on for the last seven
years in the name of so called “Food Security”.

Mrs Blanche Mascarenhas and Mr. Joaquim Pereira are the two Food chemists
from the office of the Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration who
have been posted at Raj Bhavan since 2004 to ensure Food Security for the
Governor of Goa. These two Food Chemists instead of being misused at Goa
Raj Bhavan should have been utilized to check food adulteration across Goa.

This high handed financial burden on the people of Goa in the name of this
so called “food security” needs to be strongly condemned. This so called
Food Security began in 2004 when Mr. S.C. Jamir became the Governor of Goa
and continued during Dr. S.S.Sidhu’s tenure while going on even after Dr.
K. Sankaranarayanan* *taking over as part time Governor of Goa in September
this year.

These two food chemists have been posted at Goa Raj Bhavan without any work
for the last seven years. Action needs to be taken against those Raj Bhavan
officials for having connived in this grave financial loss to the State

This so called Food Security was a criminal waste of public funds. All the
25 Goa’s Governors prior to Mr. S.C. Jamir have lived in Goa healthy and
comfortably without any so called “Food Security” while not having also
suffered from any food poisoning.

While this so called “Food Security” was a gross abuse of authority one
wonders whether there are other such dark skeletons at the Goa Raj Bhavan
on account of which the Governor of Goa has refused to come within the
ambit of the Right to Information Act.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372


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Re: [Goanet] Message from Mario Soares ex-president of Portugal

2011-11-06 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Ignatius Fernandes  wrote:

1: Mr. ex-president of Portugal how would you done it differently when
you did not consult the very people you were handing to India lock,
stock and barrel.

2: You should have had a referendum in Goa whether they would alienate
with India. I did not think that ever crossed your mind.


This particular type of post resurrects itself every once in a year or
so. I wonder what material value it has in 2011.

Having said that, I believe that Ignatius is technically incorrect in
the above quoted points:

re#1: Mario Soares did not hand over Goa to India; Goa was taken over
by India. One could have partially understood Ignatius' argument (in
principle) if the general populace of Goa was revolting against the
take-over - as did the populace of East Timor after the take-over by

I believe that Goans are not as dumb as some people sometimes make
them out to be. They saw where the power lay,  and many decided to
make the best of what was in their karma.

One thing is for sure, IF Salazar was wise, he would have given Goa
Independence. Whether that would have led to Hyderabad-redux, one
never knows.

re#2: Not very sure what the phrase 'alienate with India' actually
means. Even if the intention of Ignatius (instead) was to use the
phrase 'align with India', there is NO way Mario Soares could have
physically held a referendum in Goa in 1974. So, why for Heaven's sake
bring that up with Mario Soares.

It is worth repeating that the best  we Goans can do for themselves
now, is study and work hard to be the best we can be in our chosen
vocationa or professions,  and be absolutely honest in our dealings
with others, their funds and their land. Countless Goans have done
that for decades. They have faced adversity and have not always had it
easy. However,over the years they have earned respect from the various
societies in which they made their homes.



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Re: [Goanet] Gonzaga - Hanv Saiba Poltoddi Vetam william

2011-11-06 Thread William D'Souza
hi there, hanv saiba poltoddi vetam, maka nika  go , 
kai kai,,, zai zai.

cheers william

From: Frederick FN Noronha

Gonzaga - Hanv Saiba Poltoddi Vetam

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[Goanet] DUBAI GOAN FOOTBALL ON 11/11/11

2011-11-06 Thread BONNIE FERNANDES
Dear Sir,
Please publish this article in your esteem daily news paper. We would highly 
appreciate if you could do the needful.
We FESTA Entertainments are organizing the Goan Football.
An all Goa inter village  7-a-side football tournament will be held on 11th Nov 
2011 to celebrate all the ones.
FOXY’S CUP 2011event will bring all the Goans from all over the Emirates  in 
Dubai for the grand sports event.
24 teams have confirmed to fight for the FOXY’S Champions Trophy with a cash 
The tournament will be held on 11/11/11 at Dubai Etisalat grounds, from 8:30 AM 
MUMBAIKARS RC  are special invite


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[Goanet] Carmona Winter Fiesta ?

2011-11-06 Thread JoeGoaUk
5,6  7 Nov.2011

Organised by Cross Boys of Carmona at Panchayat ground.

To start from 7pm. First day Bands - Highways, Rythmatix, Horizon
The event/fiesta sponsored by 
Churchil Alemao, Valenka Alemao etc as their names appeared in the ad.

Well, we were there at 8.30pm and there was hardly anyone.
We could hear the sound setting up. No one taken the chairs yet.
We asked some one at the 'Mattov' when this will start, he said after 9pm
We decided to go back home 

Some questions:
Why mention 7pm if it was to start after 9pm?
If at all it started say 9.15pm, till what time it must have gone upto?
Perhaps, '10pm sound rule' does not apply to programes or events sponsored by 
Why they don't mention about the enty tickets etc in the ad?
It was ticketed Rs.50 per head - entry only.

It already cost me Rs.1000 (Taxi only) for nothing 

Organisers/Advertisers of such events, please, please  take note of this


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[Goanet] Popular Front of India comes to GOA with a Bang - We say 3 Cheers

2011-11-06 Thread floriano

Sayed Iftiaz is the Goa President of the PFI [Popular Front of India]

Sayed Iftiaz is the member of GRA [Goemchea Rakhondarancho Awaz - The Voice 
of the Defenders of GOA]

On special invitation, the GRA Executive Members attended the Mega Meet of 
the PFI at Lohia Maidan this evening [5.11.11] which started off at 3:45 
On the stage where few local (Goan) speakers seated in the front row among 
the visiting dignitaries who were the prime speakers. Also there were  many 
of Goa's representatives of the NGOs gracing the stage.

Those who spoke were ( in the following order):
Sayed Iftiaz, Maulana Usman Beig, Adv. Antonio Lobo- GRA (Special Status for 
Goa); Swati Kerkar - GRA; Ashraf Pandial - Sports Authority of Goa and the 
concluding speaker of renown: Abdul Wahid Sait.

Maulana Usman Beig and Abdul Wahid Sait were the visiting PFI Executives who 
proved their worth in gold while shedding light on the hypocritical 
governance that has been dished out for the consumption of all Indians for 
the past 64 years.

While Sayed Iftiaz opened up the Mega Meet with the introductory note, 
Maulana Usman Beig took the attentively packed listening audience at the 
Lohia Maidan on a trip from the ignored Constititution of India which was 
lovingly written by Dr. Ambedkar and Co.. to the ruling COMPANY and not the 
ruling political party, from Yatra brain-washed  criminals like Advani to 
the Hitler of Gujarat.. Modi. He laid bare the travails of ordinary gullible 
voters who starve otherwise but make merry with 'brianis'  during election 
times,; of farmers committing suicides because they have been ruined by 
honest crooks with dishonest policies. There is nothing that Maulana did not 
touch upon during his 30 minutes of excellent and touching  delivery.

Advocate Antonio Lobo,  did not mince words to denounce the hypocrisies of 
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru vis a vis Goa. He questioned the word 'Liberation' 
in context to Goa and asked 'Liberation from what?' He said that Goa should 
have gotten the Special Status  in 1961 when Goa was taken over. He vowed to 
continue to fight until this was achieved on par with Nagaland to preserve 
the Goan Identity which is being diluted and murdered.

Swati Kerkar cautioned the people not to be gullible and vote for the same 
hypocrites in the 2012 elections. She blamed the voters more and the 
hypocrites less.
If such trend continues, she cautioned that the gen- next will be left 
without anything and that the blame of it all will come the heads of this 
voting generation.

Ashraf Pandial spoke eloquently and effectively sending the same message 
that through cunning divisions and putting people against people the 
politicians always succeed in making hay while the sun shines. He said that 
this has to stop.

And finally, Abdul Wahid Sait ( who spoke in chaste Hindi like Usman Beig 
and Ashraf Pandial) did not mince words during his excellent and honourable 
delivery of 45 minutes which saw the Mega Meet concluding. When I wished him 
later, I told him that he was a keen observer. For he struck the comparison 
between the two standing Mango trees in the Lohia Maidan and the present day 
political scene. While the one ( at the main entrance gate) was immaculately 
clean and green like what PFI was going to exhibit at Ramlila Maidan at New 
Delhi, the  other ( covering the stage) was infested with parasitic growths 
meaning corrupted. He went on to question Advani's Yatra which has passed 
from Goa just a few days ago.  He denounced the fad that those who are 
utmost corrupt are teaching the non-corrupt how to recognize corruption. 
This hint was clearly meant for Advani. He talked about Babri Masjid. He 
talked about Modi's genocide in Godra. There was nothing that was not made 
bare during the 45 minutes speech. He invited one and all to attend the 
PFI's Ramlila (New Delhi) Social Justice Conference on 26  27 November, 
2011. Let us show Indians  that India can also be ruled effectively through 
Social Justice and humane ideology rather than corrupt and money looting 
politician-industrialist coined ideology.

BTW: The Meet was very well organized with limited and well chosen speakers. 
What is more important is that the Meet started on time and ended much 
before 6.00 p.m. I was particularly impressed that there was time for those 
in the audience to meet the visiting dignitaries unlike most of the meetings 
I have witnessed. When I shook hands with Maulana Usman Beig, I had this to 
say to him.  I have always said right from 1992 that Advani belongs to the 
darkest of the dark cell of the Tihar jail, locked-up for good and the keys 
thrown into Pakistan. If at all he succeeds in getting to the chair of the 
Prime Minister of India, I will be the first person to spit on his  face 
This was to affirm my sentiments to him because he, during his speech, has 
made it clear that however much that Advani may try to get to the PM's 
chair, he will never be allowed 

[Goanet] Semana da Cultura - Multilingual Reading Session

2011-11-06 Thread Goanet A-C-E!
(GOA) invites everyone, irrespective of age, to participate in the
MULTILINGUAL READING SESSION to be held at International Centre Goa, 
Dona Paula, on 26th November 2011 from 3.30 to 8.30 pm.

The Reading Session has the objective of creating and consolidating the 
reading habits and to reveal new talents in the art of eloquence, 
promoting and developing the plurilingual competence and the 
intercultural dialogue through literature.

This year's edition will be graced by the presence of Portuguese writer 
Raquel Ochoa, recipient of the literary award Revelacao Agustina 
Bessa-Luis in 2009 for the publication of her first romance A 

For registration the participants have to contact the Executive 
Committee of SEMANA (email: semanadeg...@gmail.com) or CLP/Instituto 
Cameos, Panjim (email: clpicpan...@gmail.com ; ph: 6647737/2422237) 
giving the full name, age, address, telephone number, title of the texts 
and language. In case of reading texts in Portuguese language the 
participant has to provide the English translation.

Participation will consist of reading expressive texts or excerpts of 
short stories, narratives or poems in a time limit of 10 minutes.

Number of participants being limited, it is requested to confirm the 
attendance or participation at the earliest.

The final list of the participants will be set up on 24th November 2011.

All the participants will receive Certificate of Participation and books 
offered by Instituto Camoes.

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment


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[Goanet] Alfred Rose in 1979

2011-11-06 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

Konkani Pop Scene
(from the pages of the WEST COAST TIMES, Margao, 29 APR 1979)

by S. Valmiki Faleiro

An all-Konkani music show, dubbed by the same title, is currently running to 
audiences in the Territory. The show is the first of its kind to be staged on 

Produced and directed by the well-known Konkani pop singer Alfred Rose, the
musical show primarily features the singing and swinging Rose family, the 
choice of local radio request programmes.

The show features two dozen songs by Alfred Rose, his wife Rita and their sons,
Schubert and Englebert, besides other singers. The accompanying music is 
by Alfred's own Rose Dance Band.

A highlight of the three-hour show is a pair of hilarious skits, Ojeapanchi 
Bhett and
Bhero written by Mr. AR Paes of Saligao. Participating in the skits are the
celebrated Konkani stage comedians Jacinto Vaz, M. Boyer besides Remy and
others. One would hope Alfred Rose would include more such skits.

It was a well-presented affair, worth its money. The light and sound effects 
were as
praiseworthy as the stage arrangements.

Stealing the limelight, surprisingly, were young Schubert and Englebert Rose, 
performed marvelously well. As a matter of fact, such was their mastery of stage
histrionics that it became difficult to believe that the child stars - both in 
their early
boyhood - were actually making their maiden appearance on stage. Englebert in
particular shone like an experienced actor.

One cannot help but note that if groomed fittingly, the child stars will grow 
to be the
future *roses* of the Konkani pop scene - chips of the old block, that is.

Many fans, however, were trifle disheartened to see that Alfred sort of 
over the proceedings. A more delectable fare was expected from Rita and
Antonette, as a critic, Mrs. Lavy Rodrigues pointed out in a letter to this 
Mrs. Rodrigues said that the two lady singers instead appeared as if 
participating in
some fashion show.

Whatever the shortcomings, the show was a refreshing change from the usual grind
of the Konkani stage.

There were at least two heartening aspects worth a mention. One, the entire
proceedings were pleasantly devoid of promptings, which sometimes are more
audible than the actors voices. Two, the curtain rolled up sharp at the chime 
of 10
p.m. (unlike tiatros that begin at 11 p.m. or later though the scheduled time 
printed on
admission cards is 10.30 p.m.) - and this took many in the audience by surprise,
including this correspondent who missed the first part of the show. (ENDS)


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[Goanet] COLUMN: Joke played on us by the Election Commission

2011-11-06 Thread Nisser Dias

Joke played on us by the Election Commission
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at gmail.com
SMS to 9422437029

This week the Election Commission of India seems to have played a cruel 
joke on the people of this country by raising the election expenditure 
limit of the candidate from Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 8 lakhs for the assembly 
election 2012. My readers might feel that raise is justifiable or still 
less given the rise in inflation. But I would like to look at it in 
differently keeping Goan politicians in mind.

Let me start by saying that Rs. 8 lakhs is simple change or rather 
chicken feed for our politicians especially those in power. While the 
ruling dispensation ministers and MLAs have amassed ill gotten wealth to 
the tune of hundreds of crores of rupees. I do not think that the 
opposition are lagging far behind simply because the party has its 
dedicated sponsorers and given the fact that majority of Goans (for some 
it has become a way of life) are fed up with the scale of corruption 
that ministers in this government have indulged, the oppositions thinks 
it has a good chance to come to power using corruption as the platform 
during the election campaign.

Be that as it may, but firstly let us try to refresh our minds the modus 
operendi adopted by the ministers to amass wealth. Fews months prior to 
the 2006 assembly elections, during Pratapsing Rane's government Town 
and Country Planning department under the reigns of Babush Monserrate 
now Education minister came out with the draconian regional plan 2011 to 
facilitate real estate developers and out station builders to construct 
mega housing projects in huge properties already purchased by them. 
Without a shade of doubt in my mind, I can say that the Monserrate was 
not naive about the issue or did it in good faith as he surely knows the 
worth of land in Goa and also the worth of the Delhi and Bombay based 
builders. Then Babush was detained at the Bombay International airport 
with assortment of currency worth more than a crore of rupees. For a 
minister who carries on him person such a huge amount during his 
international travel, Rs eight lakhs to spend on his election is mere 
peanuts and would not even amount to money he doles out every week 
during his weekly constituency darbars.

During the same period as the regional plan came into being, Special 
Economic Zones were aggressively promoted by then chief minister 
Pratapsing Rane wherein huge tracts of land were allotted to builders 
under the guise of being entrepreneurs. The High Court has held that the 
allotment is illegal. It is but natural that this too was done under 
consideration by those in power and this too was highlighted in the 
local dailies.

Then we have allegation of Home minister Ravi Naik’s son being involved 
in drug trade which also involves a huge lot of money. We have a list of 
scams that debated in the Legislative Assembly; it includes High 
Security Registration Plates, Water tanks scam, Money Laundering, Excise 
scam which is a clear indication that those involved have extracted huge 
monetary benefits from such deals.

Even Comptroller Auditor General of India has observed that the Urban 
minister Joaquim Alemao has taken arbitrary decision which has caused a 
loss to the exchequer to the tune of crores of rupees. But it can be 
safely be alleged that he took such decision as it benefitted him.

Take the example of PWD minister Churchill Alemao who has been cornered 
by the Opposition in the assembly umpteen numbers of times of 
irregularities but he has allegedly continued to bleed Goa and Goans. 
Can we forget his open support to estate developers Rahejas to construct 
a mega housing project in a small village of Carmona and too without 
adhering to proper rules and regulations. Can we forget his supporting 
the Industrial Development Corporation and Quepem MLA Babu Kavlekar who 
is caught in yet another land scam. Of course Churchill Alemao’s support 
does not come free of cost.

How can we forget former Tourism minister Mickky Pacheco chartering a 
private plane (air ambulance) to airlift his good friend from Mumbai to 
Chennai for liver transplant. Don’t we raise our eyebrows when we notice 
ministers and their children zoom in imported cars which have surfaced 
after they were allotted ministerial berths.

These are just some examples of money that has been amassed by the 
ruling dispensation and a substantial part of it is going to be used to 
win the 2012 elections. It is rumoured that the budget one of minister 
in Salcete taluka for his and his family member’s election is slated to 
be Rs. 20 crores. Another first time candidate is ready to spend Rs 5 
crores to lock horn against another first time candidate whose has the 
immense support of political veteran father.

In north Goa another Congress minister has promised the party of bagging 
four other constituencies besides his own. The other four constituencies 
are supposed to be 

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Petrolachi Dor Vaddtana

2011-11-06 Thread lino dourado

Petrolachi Dor Vaddtana


Petrolachi dor vaddli mhunn 
Skuttor asli ti vikli 
Bosinim proves kelear 
Despez zatolo komi 
   Bosintlea provaxank 
   Latantlim sardinam koxim bhortat 
   Tori astona bosiche dhonni 
   Bosi luksanan choltat mhunn roddtat. 
Dhor ek mhoynneank petrol chodoy-choddoyat 
Ghoribachea bolsak burak korit ravat 
Susegad Gõykarank konn tori zagoyat 
Don roddanchi saikol portean choloyat 
   Husko nam, khorch nam, mar peddalam 
   Pompar petrol nam, kaim bhirant nam 
   Kalchea lokan saikol choloyun kelim kamam 
   Kiteak aicho choddso lok saikol choloynam? 
Lino B. Dourado 



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[Goanet] New VCD for Oct 2011 (Cont.)

2011-11-06 Thread JoeGoaUk
New VCD for  Oct 2011  (Cont.)
VCD No: 395
DESSAK BHETOI by Dy.SP Sammy Tavares
With Sammy Taveres, Sonia Shirshat, Jessica, Lawry, Aniceto,
Roma, Xavier Gomes, Anthony San, Com Luis Bachaan,
Antonette de Calangute, Com. Joana, Com. Jesus, 
Mathew Araujo, etc
Rs.150 Oct/2011
VCD No. 396
108  by Com. Ambe
With Com. Ambe, Com. Selvy, Com. Aurelio, Com. Janet, 
Com. Dias, Philip Almeida etc
Rs.150 Oct/ 2011

VCD No. 397
BHOGNNAR by Com. John D’Silva
With Com. John D’Silva, Christ, Benhur, Com. Natto, 
Joe, Peter de Pedda, Jonas, Aniket, Nishad etc
Rs.150 Oct/ 2011
VCD No. 398
MOG ASUNDHI by Salvador Afons
With Nacia, Joesan, Natasha Saldanha, Salvador Afonso, 
Sanyo, Victor etc
Rs.150 Oct-Nov/2011
for October 2011
Complete list of VCDs produced so far (Since 2003)


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2011-11-06 Thread Aires Rodrigues
When the Bombay High Court at Goa resumes its sittings on November 8th,
after the Diwali break, it will be a kind of first since its inception: all
its three judges will be Goans --  Justice A.P.Lavande, Justice F.M.Reis
and Justice U.V.Bakre. This arrangement of a full Goan bench will continue
till Christmas, perhaps even beyond.

Indeed, this is a unique development which perhaps will please our lawyer
colleagues, especially in South Goa, because they have long felt very
passionately the need for Goa to have its own High Court. For now at least
all the judges will be our own.

But will it be any real relief to the litigants or to the State? Goa is a
small place and, in one way or another, almost everyone is known to or
acquainted with every other person. Therefore, a widespread consequence
could be “Not before me” situation far too often, since our judges
generally keep high standards of judicial propriety and personal probity.

Incidentally, over the years we have seen a lot of very good, high caliber
and articulate Bombay High Court judges coming to Goa to dispense justice.
Of course, we have also seen some from the other end of the ethical
spectrum and of them the less said the better. Without disrespect to any
one, what this new development means, only time will tell.

However, the wheels of justice will surely move efficiently and fairly only
if there is a proper and transparent process of selecting High Court
judges, so that only the best and the brightest filter through. The current
manner of selecting High Court judges is far from reassuring, for it lacks
accountability or transparency and is shrouded in a very high level of
undesirable secrecy.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372


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Re: [Goanet] Alfred Rose in 1979

2011-11-06 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
On 6 November 2011 12:25, Valmiki Faleiro valmi...@gmail.com wrote:

 An all-Konkani music show, dubbed by the same title, is currently running to 
 audiences in the Territory. The show is the first of its kind to be staged on 

Dear Valmiki,

A very nice walk down memory lane. (Though I probably didn't read this
when it was first published, it's easy to imagine the setting of those

Alfred Rose was a clearly a man before his times, who understood the
role of culture in shaping the self-identity of a community!

Looking forward to more of your writeups from this era! FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436
#784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
http://fn.goa-india.org http://goa1556.goa-india.org

Keep in touch with education issues:


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[Goanet] With the backing of two former Supreme Court judges, Adv. Amit Desai declines to return the five lakhs

2011-11-06 Thread Linken Fernandes
The case seems to hinge on what exactly is meant
by the word appearance. Adv. Amit Desai says
he had clearly indicated that he would charge Rs
1,25,000 for each day he was in Goa either for
meetings, preparation or appearances in Court.
Justice B.N.Srikrishna opines that the government
order stating “per appearance” did not state that it
was appearance before the Court. Justice S.N.
Variava has opined that the term “per appearance”
must necessarily mean “appearance in Goa” and not
“appearance in Court”.

It would have helped if Aires Rodrigues had
reproduced, verbatim, the documents generated in
the case. What, for instance, is the exact phrasing of
the government order, cited by Justice B.N.
Srikrishna, which offers to pay Adv. Amit Desai a
certain fee per appearance.

Most of us simple folk understand that when a
lawyer says he will charge a certain fee for each
appearance he means for each appearance in
court. When used in a legal context, appearance
seems to have the sense mainly of appearing in
court, as in representing a client before a judge in

The website Law.com seems to share this
understanding:  appearance n. the act of a party
or an attorney showing up in court. Once it...
general appearance n. an attorney's representation
of a client in court for all purp...
special appearance n. the representation
by an attorney of a person in court for: a)...

Going by this legal definition, then, it would appear
that our two eminents have given appearance a
stretch that very nicely accommodates Adv. Desai's

Which prompts these questions: Is it normal
practice for judges, even if retired, to write
character certificates for lawyers who appear to
have fallen foul of the law? Were the two
honourable justices remunerated for their opinions?
What weight should the Police and the Law
Department give these gratuitous pronouncements
on the interpretation of appearance?

The government need not wilt in the face of this
injudicious canvassing, because there's more than
just a piddly five lakhs at stake here. As that
eminent personage in Alice In Wonderland put it
so well:

When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in
rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it
to mean — neither more nor less.
The question is, said Alice, whether you can
make words mean so many different things.
The question is, said Humpty Dumpty, which is
to be master — that's all.


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Re: [Goanet] Law educated true Goans

2011-11-06 Thread eric pinto

Dear Mr. Fernandes, 
 The mayor of Lisbon will not be able to locate a member of his Chamber who 
would want to restore Goa's former status, but you may succeed in tracking down 
a collaborator in the city asylum for the insane.    eric.


Dear Mr. Britto,
 I do know where you are coming from, we Goans are 

supposed to be the most literate people on the sub-continent.
We have a Goan descent minister in the British Government 

in fact two a brother and sister.
We also have a half Goan who is the mayor of Lisbon  whilst
we have a Gujarati as the mayor of Panjim.

Amongst all these people all over the world we must have 

a Goan who would take our case to the United Nations to
fight over our just cause.

I wonder if Leo Lawrence the author of  Nehru Seizes Goa
is still alive in Portugal? I think he would have been the ideal
candidate to take up the cause, since he lived through
the invasion.
Ignatius Fernandes.


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[Goanet] Gonzaga Coutinho e Sónia Shirsat - YouTube

2011-11-06 Thread Con Menezes
Gonzaga  Sonia Sirsat.


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[Goanet] Simple Truths Movie for Inspiration: The Best of Success

2011-11-06 Thread Con Menezes



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[Goanet] Title of Song - Nolasco Dias

2011-11-06 Thread Attarco
While searching Nolasco Dias on net, I came across below post
of Eugene. I am not sure if Eugene was able to get the answer
But I have just located the song Moipass which is found in LP record
'Rico Rod  Party' through Nolasco Dias son Schubert.

The lyrics of the song are posted on my blog

The song is available on Humma website for purchase and LP available 
on ebay for $74/-.

Nolasco Dias was the famous singer on AIR, who composed and sang
many Konkani songs. He wrote and staged the Konkani operata in Bombay called

Amoriche Ghantteo (Bells of the Angelus)but was not successful and ran into
huge loss, 
as he had to spend on costumes etc.

Some of his hit songs are 'Konkani Bhashechem Dennem' by Nolasco  Gemma B.
from LP 'Teach Me Konkani' and Moipass by Nolasco  Jeanette, Goenche Kunnbi
a folk song
with Nolasco n group, n Dorji with Rico Rod from LP Rico Rod  Party. These
songs were
very popular on Akashawani those days and even now. The Music for these
albums was provided by M.Alphonso.
There was also another album or song titled 'Buddi ka bal'which is not
Nolasco also produced a Konkani cassette titled 'Rosary' which is also not

Born 26th Dec 1926 from Ranvaddo, Betalbatim, Nolasco is Son of Dr. Leo
Bossuet Dias (surgeon) 
and Pulqueria Godinho e Dias a Portugese Professor. Nolasco ex Indian Navy
passed away on 27th Dec 2004.

Copy to TAG - Victor de Sa/Tomazin Cardoz - Please remember to add Nolasco
Dias in Dec month
Programme 'Somplelea tiatristacho Ugddas Remembering Tiatr Artistes of
Yester Years.

Dev borem Korum
Edward Verdes

[Goanet] title of song
Eugene Correia gene_correia at yahoo.com 
Wed May 28 02:01:04 PDT 2008 

I would like to ask goanetters if they remember the
title to a song by Nolasco Dias. It has lyrics like...
disan dis tum disti poddta maka sompnanin And the
chorus have lyrics... Deva lagim ami maguim.
It is an all-time favourite played on All-India Radio,



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Re: [Goanet] Objection to Tarun Tejpal's comment

2011-11-06 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 03:01:25 -0700; Sabina Martins wrote:
...The least Mr Tejpal could do was respect the sentiments of the
people of the host state who are fighting derogatory representation of the
state and illegal constructions in CRZs. Sabina Martins


COMMENT : Uncivilised people have never known what civilisation is!
The Indians still think they have conquered Goa and that Goans are all
prisoners-of-war; or their slaves. Our political representatives have aptly
supported this perception by displaying total lack of integrity all these
years. They have never ever raised their finger at any Indian for any
derogatory remarks, depiction or actions against Goa and Goans. Much in
contrast to the force with which they oppose anything or everything, even
remotely connected to Portugal. So why do we blame the Indians? Are we Goans
not the ones who elect these illiterates and uncivilised to represent us?

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.



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[Goanet] Vanxim islanders wage vehement battle at Gram Sabha

2011-11-06 Thread sebastian Rodrigues


Gram Sabha of Sao Mathias that was postponed last Sunday took place 
today 6th November 2011. 234 villagers from the revenue villages of 
Narva, Malar and Capao participated today. This Gram Sabha had attained 
importance for Bharat Mukti Morcha because of ongoing agitation against 
RP-2021 showing over 35,000 square meters of Vanxim land under survey 
number 8 as settlement zone. This land is a rivulet connected to Mandovi
 river and has two sluice gates, mangroves and mud flats.

Deputy Sarpanch Tulsidas Kundaikar was asked as to whether Panchayat 
members including Sarpanch had inspected the survey number before 
declaring it as settlement zone.Kundaikar replied that Panchayat members
 including Sarpanch had not inspected the survey number 8. Panchayat 
were grilled as to why Panchayat had not filed objections to the same. 
Kundaikar said that objections would be filed if the Gram Sabha members 
desires so.

You may see the pictures of river scape and mangroves in survey no. 8 at below 


Entire Sao Mathias Panchayat is Eco-Zone III and no construction of 
resorts/hotels are permitted as per the provisions in the Regional 

Panchayat was asked as to whether there was any proposal from any 
company for Vanxim. Deputy Sarpanch responded that there was no proposal
 of any project in Vanxim with Panchayat. Yet he asked people to vote on
 the imaginary project. First the people who opposed the project were 
asked to stand up. 84 people stood up. Then people who supported the 
project were asked to stand up. 45 people stood up. Remaining 105 people
 did not support any side.

Though this voting proved majority of those people voted against the 
project the deputy Sarpanch manipulated the results by including those 
neutral 105 into the category of those supporting the project. This 
manipulated result was shared with media for further brahmanical 

And the results was there for every one to see. One of the TV channels 
in Goa - Prudent Media- owned by mining company and bamon ran three 
totally misleading newslines soon after the Gram Sabha: 1. Majority of 
Vanshikars support resort project at Vanxim
 (This is not true as majority of Vanshikars are opposed to the project 
and voting in the Panchayat was not restricted only to Vanxim people in 
spite of public demand to do so.) 2. Gram Sabha gives green signal to the 
 (This statement is wrong as in the voting 84 people opposed the project
 and only 45 supported it. 105 remained without voting. Kundaikar 
interpreted those remaining without voting as support for the project 
and prudent media headlined it!) 3. Some villagers still oppose (It is majority 
of the villagers of Vanxim still oppose).

Vanxim struggle of mulnivasi people against bamon raj is strong and 
growing. No amount of false propaganda of brahmanical media will 
succeed. Bharat Mukti Morcha supports this struggle. Jai Mulnivasi! 


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[Goanet] Vanxim Island survey number 8 is a water body, Regional Plan marks it for hotel and Resort only

2011-11-06 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

For Vanxim pictures of the riverscape and mangroves and disastrous depictions 
for 'Hotel/Resort only' in RP-2021 click the links below:



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[Goanet] MUSIC: ProMusica piano recital by Gergely Bogányi

2011-11-06 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

DATE:  Sunday, November 20, 2011

TIME:  7 pm

VENUE: Angels Resort, Porvorim, Goa

Donation passes are available at Furtados Music outlets and will also be 
available at the door at the venue prior to the concert.

PERFORMER: Gergely Bogányi (http://www.gergelyboganyi.com/eng/index.php) 
has become one of the most sought-after and cherished pianists of his 
generation. His brilliant technique, coupled with a deeply expressed, 
artistic interpretation has made him an outstanding international 
performer. In 1996 he earned the Gold Medal at the “International Franz 
Liszt Competition” in Budapest, one of the most distinguished 
competitions in the world.

He pays tribute to Franz Liszt in his bicentenary year with a concert in 
Goa featuring some of the composer's most formidable works. The 
programme also has works by Chopin.

Source: Luis Dias

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment


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[Goanet] Talking Photos: Sugarcane, Old GMC, Baina beach etc

2011-11-06 Thread JoeGoaUk
Sugarcane for sale. It’s Tulsi Lagan on 7th Nov
4 day sale 4,5, 6  7 Nov at Panjim promendade
an evening at Baina Beach

OLD GMC at night


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[Goanet] Let’s dance, for Jesus is so good

2011-11-06 Thread JoeGoaUk
Let’s dance, for Jesus is so good
video clip - at Vasco



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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] Goa news for November 7, 2011

2011-11-06 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Sporting Clube de Goa shock Salgaocar 4-2 - Zee News
 in a fourth round I-league football clash here at the
Jawaharlal Nehru stadium in Fatorda. This was Salgaocar`s third
defeat of the 2011-12 campaign. ...

*** Minus the controversies, ThinkFest could rival TED - Times
of India

*** Goa Thinkfest talks Railways' modernisation - Washington
Bangla Radio
stations can generate good revenue : Union Minister

*** Goa axe skipper Asnodkar for agreeing to call off chase -
Times of India

*** Hindus wake up to marriage of Tulsi today - Times of India
mes of IndiaKERI: For Hindu women in Goa, Tulsi Vrindavan puja
is the most sacred ritual. Everyday, they perform the puja of
Tulsi Vrindavan and pay obeisance to the goddess, considered to
be the manifestation of mother earth. Come November 7, the
ritual will be ...a class=

*** Goa police issue fresh security advisory to temples - Times
of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: With temples in the state failing to adhere
to the police advisory on security, the Goa police has issued a
fresh security advisory to the temples requesting them to take
proactive security measures at places of worship to prevent
desecrations ...a class=

*** Film archive, library at this year's Iffi - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Delegates at the 42nd International Film
Festival of India (Iffi) will be able to access an unique
digital film archive and film book library set up by the
Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG) for the first time at this
year's festival. ...a class=

*** Goa CM, governor extend greetings on Eid-ul-Zuha - Times of
l-Zuha. It is an occasion which reminds us of sacrifice to God,
righteousness and love for others. ...a class=

*** Goa may reduce VAT on petroleum products - Times of India
mes of IndiaSpeaking to TOI, Goa Pradesh Congress Committee
president Subhash Shirodkar said that he felt petrol and diesel
prices should not be increased and steps must be taken to avoid
inflicting an additional burden on the common man. ...a class=

*** UPA govt responsible for inflation, says CPI - Times of
ack in the price of petrol. ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service


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[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (7Nov11)

2011-11-06 Thread alexyz fernandes

***  THINK FEST  ***

If this Galaxy of Thinkers...Put a Thought in our Govt to make Goa...at 
least...Garbage-Free...ThinkFest could be called a success!



To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org


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