[Goanet] Why We Nag. And Why We Shouldn’t | Healthland | TIME.com

2012-01-28 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] NRI Goans of the world unite

2012-01-28 Thread Carvalho
I have changed the title back to what the original was. I was calling on NRI 
Goans to unite.
To Frederick:
This isn't a question of heroes and villans. It is a question of a small pie 
and everyone fighting for a piece of it. As unjust as that fight maybe, it is a 
reality of evolution that one's survival is at the expense of another's demise. 
History records those who have been victorious and those that fell. 
To Gerald:
I don't blame politicians for all the ills of Goa. Society is a function of 
many processes and products (resources, education, workforce, intelligentsia, 
polity, Law, police). The interplay determines the outcome. For me personally, 
the failure of Goa's educational system is unforgiveable and the most damning 
indictment against us in our recorded history. May future generations forgive 
us for it.

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Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-28 Thread Santos Carmo

Appoligies and self corrections or admitting to crimes and mistakes done in the 
past are ONLY a ELECTION gimnick

 Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 23:11:29 -0500
 From: ole_...@yahoo.co.uk
 To: goa...@goanet.org
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar
 The anti Catholic CD is all over Youtube and highly patronized by the 
 RSS. It is a shame that some Goans continue patronizing this evil man.
 Protect Goa's natural beauty
 Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
 Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] BJP to make migrant stay comfortable in Goa?

2012-01-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Soter D'Souza wrote:
This is compulsion of politics. If not Manohar someone else will do it. 
Gullible voters think a change of party or politician will solve their 
Now the priest will cleanse all the sins. Wait in hope! Goan brains 
seem to be pickled with booze that they canot see the Truth and 
run after the rainbow in the sky. 

It is unbelievable that an aspirant to the Chief Minister's office is
telling folks that it's alright that they broke the law, now we'll
simply write off the violations.  Mind you, it is LAND we are talking
about.  Where else in the world do you get free land?

By saying this Manohar has effectively told every Indian that he can
come squat in Goa and then claim the land for himself.  I am sure the
ghatis already in Goa rushed to their mobile phones and invited
entire villages in Bihar and Orissa to Goa.  Slight exaggeration, yes,
but you get the idea.  

Manohar was supposed to provide an alternative vision for Goa.
So why is he now bent on out-Kangressing the Kangress rascals?


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[Goanet] Change Violent Goa

2012-01-28 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 Attack on Fr. Bismarque's House, Fires gutting places in Colva are
examples of threats/intimidation in pre-election Goa. How can free and fair
elections take place in such an fearful environment? Of course even
otherwise there is no general confidence  in Goa being a safe place by
Goans, as Goa is ruled by Tainted/Criminal Politicians controlling the
Police and other agencies responsible for protecting the common man,
bringing the criminals to book and delivering fair justice. On 3rd March
2012, Goans have an opportunity to change the Politicians responsible for
the same, so let us all get out to Vote and take charge of the future of

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. Rape of Goa : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

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[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Panjim Promenade - Tobacco Square

2012-01-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Panjim Promenade - Tobacco

This installment of Panjim Promenade puts the spotlight on Tobacco Square (Largo
do Estanco in Portuguese).

The Tobacco Square is bounded by the General Post Office, the São Tomé chapel
and Casa da Moeda.  What is now the General Post Office originally started out
as a depot for trading tobacco whence the name of the [...]

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan P. Parrikar


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Re: [Goanet] Dana Ullman: How Scientific Is Modern Medicine Really?

2012-01-28 Thread Santosh Helekar
The crap posted by Con Menezes below has been repeatedly 
posted to Goanet. I have no idea why. Here are my responses in the 
thread in which it was posted the last time about 2 years ago.







You can also access links to the posts of the defenders of the crap in question.



- Original Message -
 From: Con Menezes cmene...@tpg.com.au


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[Goanet] BJP Is Not The Alternative

2012-01-28 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
BJP Is Not The Alternative

Since the advent of the BJP in Goa’s political sphere it is the first
time that there seems to be a clash within the BJP, so far, for
decades there was no one to question the leadership of BJP “supremo”
in Goa but finally time and destiny seemed to have caught up with
Manohar Parrikar and with Sripad Naik questioning his isolation from
state politics, Manohar Parrikar looks to be a wee bit insecure.

Manohar Parrikar managed to hold the reins of the Goa Vidhan Sabha
through a coup he managed to institute within the Congress party but
unfortunately could not hold on for too long to his reins as the same
people gave him a dose of his own medicine. As for the short stint at
the helm of Goa’s political edifice he only managed to aggrieve the
minority communities with his outdated communal ideologies and did
everything possible to alienate the minorities. His involvement in the
CD case, the deletion of some religious holidays and not forgetting
his bias employment policy, were some of his misdeeds that irked the
minorities and a large part of the majority community, I am sure he
had never, even in his dreams thought that he would be in power exile
for such a long time and after a long time in the power wilderness he
now sees a chance to hit back at the corrupt Congress and acquire the
rights to the reins of the Goa Assembly.

His timing has been perfect the opportunity clearly provided by the
Congress in its attempt to go into corruption overdrive, illegal
mining and the acrimonious RP 2021. Parrikar knows its now or never,
as such seeks redemption and support from the minority community. But
as wise as he is suppose to be; he fails to understand the phobia that
he had caused and created in the minds of the minorities will not be
washed away by merely accepting the fact that the deletion of holidays
was a mistake. He acknowledges the mistake but is there any apology or
remorse for his communal acts ? He was the one who sowed the seeds of
communalism in Goa where none existed prior to his advent which even
made the educated of the majority community to doubt his credentials
as well as his  intent.

South Goa and Salcette in particular has always been pro Goa, pro
Konkani and pro Congress no matter what sins the Congress has
committed in the past but today the situation has changed, with
peoples anger ever rising against  corruption, mega projects, anti
people RP2021 and nepotism which the Congress has been supporting and
promoting, South Goa is seeking a change which is evident enough with
people supporting  a lot of independent candidates challenging both
the central parties and their alliances and if Manohar Parrikar thinks
he can make inroads into the hearts of South Goans with a mere
acknowledgement of a mistake but with no remorse about his communal
intent, he should think again, because Goan minorities and the
educated majority is not ready to forgive  Manohar Parrikar for his
communal policies which could have taken Goa to communal war where Goa
and Goans would be losers in an attempt to safeguard his own “Chair”.

Today with no choice Parrikar is forced to woo the minorities and as
expected Mathany has been his first pawn and others will surely
follow, but what can Parrikar achieve with a few out of favour members
of the minority community jumping onto his communal bandwagon ? Goans
and more so the minority community in not just interested in
assurances, Congress has been outdoing all their contemporaries in
that department, it is the actions that speak louder than words and I
am sorry to say that Manohar Parrikar has not done anything concrete
yet to change the perception of the minorities in his favour. As
elections are nearing Parrikar has promised migrants that he will
legalize their illegal shanties, if this is not a cause for concern
what is ?

It is high time Goans got rid of all the central parties in Goa, are
the people in Delhi and other parts of India interested in the welfare
of Goa and Goans ? We do not need parties from outside Goa to tell us
what’s good for Goa, because only we Goans know what is good for Goa
and Goans. The central parties are only interested in numbers to set
base nothing more nothing less as a result of which we have suffered
for the last three decades as our own leaders have been running in
circles around the high and low commands to score brownie points for
themselves at our cost. Goans please understand that the communal BJP
is not the answer to Congress’s corruption nor are the GVP and the
UGDP. Vote for a Goan party with credentials and integrity, let Goans
decide Goa’s future in and from Goa.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Goans of the world unite !

2012-01-28 Thread Bernado Colaco
Since the indian union forced itself on Goa, migration in has been 
unprecedented therefore defecating on our way of life in Goa. The indian union 
does not care about Goa, which for them is basically  a spoils of war. Now they 
are pushing in poverty by the droves. What Goans are asking is for controlled 
migration which happens in any civil society.


On 27 January 2012 15:38, Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I am all for the preservation of Goan land and
 heritage. But all the stakeholders must be
 consulted before any decision is taken.

Are migrants who have settled in Goa -- specially the disempowered --
not stakeholders too? If you reply in the negative, be prepared to
one day be swept aside by the same  waves of exclusivism and
intolerance gaining currency in Goa now.

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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[Goanet] Monk, Mathematician, Marxist - How the talented Kosambis made India modern

2012-01-28 Thread Cecil Pinto

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[Goanet] Pope appoints Joseph Coutts as next archbishop of Karachi

2012-01-28 Thread Michael Ali

Vatican City, 25 Jan. (AKI) - Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday appointed Joseph 
Coutt (Couto),, a Goan,  as archbishop of Karachi, the Pakistani sprawling 
southern port city where Christians have been the target of religious violence, 
the Vatican announced. 
He succeeds Evarist Pinto, who resigned after reaching the age limit of 75 
years old.

The late Pope John Paul II in 1998 appointed Coutts Bishop of Faisalabad, an 
industrial city in the centre of Pakistan. 

The Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt in Germany awarded Coutts the 
2007 Shalom Prize for his commitment to interfaith dialogue in Pakistan. Coutts 
says he has received death threats from Muslim extremists his work.

As Karachi's archbishop, Coutts, 66, will oversee the 150,000 Catholics and 40 
priests in Pakistan's largest city where almost all of the metropolis' 15 
million people are Muslim.



He succeeds Evarist Pinto, who resigned after reaching the age limit of 75 
years old.

The late Pope John Paul II in 1998 appointed Coutts Bishop of Faisalabad, an 
industrial city in the centre of Pakistan. 

The Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt in Germany awarded Coutts the 
2007 Shalom Prize for his commitment to interfaith dialogue in Pakistan. Coutts 
says he has received death threats from Muslim extremists his work.

As Karachi's archbishop, Coutts, 66, will oversee the 150,000 Catholics and 40 
priests in Pakistan's largest city where almost all of the metropolis' 15 
million people are Muslim.




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2012-01-28 Thread Ricky bryan fernandes
The state of affairs in Vasco is pathetic and seriously needs urgent attention 
right from sanitation to roads, fish markets, hospital, vegetable market, 
fishing jetty etc.
Our present MLA Philip who has held this bastion for a decade has done no good 
for the people of Vasco. In fact has only promoted gudda raj, drug trafficking, 
corruption, coal handling at port, illegal construction and family raj to add 
to it no development at all in the port town of Vasco.
I am an NRI and I come down every six months in Vasco and the moment I land at 
the airport and right through my stay in the city I can literally see that 
there is no development at all and Vasco is going in ruins day by day.
Its high time that the people of Vasco think wisely and vote for a change. Vote 
for a better candidate, be it any National party.
I feel sorry for the states of affairs in Vasco and request all citizens to act 
and vote wisely for a better tomorrow before it is too late.


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Re: [Goanet] NRI Goans of the world unite

2012-01-28 Thread floriano

Visionless and fearfully compromised fools that we are --  GOANS
We need to be kicked to glory  through our back-sides.


- Original Message - 
From: Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 1:29 PM
Subject: [Goanet] NRI Goans of the world unite

I have changed the title back to what the original was. I was calling on NRI 
Goans to unite.

To Frederick:
This isn't a question of heroes and villans. It is a question of a small pie 
and everyone fighting for a piece of it. As unjust as that fight maybe, it 
is a reality of evolution that one's survival is at the expense of another's 
demise. History records those who have been victorious and those that fell.

To Gerald:
I don't blame politicians for all the ills of Goa. Society is a function of 
many processes and products (resources, education, workforce, 
intelligentsia, polity, Law, police). The interplay determines the outcome. 
For me personally, the failure of Goa's educational system is unforgiveable 
and the most damning indictment against us in our recorded history. May 
future generations forgive us for it.



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[Goanet] Goa's anti- mining campaign goes global

2012-01-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Goa’s anti- mining campaign goes global

PANJIM: The campaign to save Goa from incessant mining has now got a 
global linkage with almost 40 Goan overseas associations joining hands 
against mining activity at the cost of environment.

The associations representing the Goan Diaspora in Australia, Canada, 
UK, Middle East, East Africa and Portugal have come under one umbrella 
called Save Goa Campaign UK, which on Friday submitted a petition to Goa 
Governor K Sankaranarayanan’s office and to Chief Minister Digambar Kamat.

The members, who are concerned about rampant mining activities and its 
devastating impact on environment and population, are likely to petition 
President of China demanding not to buy iron ore from Goa.

Almost 86 percent of Goa’s iron ore is exported to China, ever year.

“Not just to China, but we are also going to write to all other buyers 
of Goa iron ore not to import the ore as its source is illegal,” Canada 
based Cellie Gonsalves, told reporters.

She said that this could be one major step towards curbing increasing 
illegalities in the mining industry.

“Half of Goa has already been destroyed and the damage is irreparable. 
But what we can now do is to protect the remaining half,” she added.

The association will be also submitting memorandum to Prime Minister Dr 
Manmohan Singh, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Union Mines Minister.

The association members, who Friday held meeting with State Chief 
Secretary Sanjay Srivastava and Mines Secretary R K Varma did not seem 
too satisfied with the assurances given by them.

“Varma told us that within next six months, a compact mechanism would be 
put in place thus monitoring mining business and its related 
activities,” Pamela Gonsalves, a UK resident said adding ‘ we will be in 
touch with the government authorities on monthly basis to get the work 
done immediately’. In a petition submitted to government officials, the 
members have pleaded to close down all illegal mines operational in the 
State along with immediate promulgation of mineral policy.

“Despite the fact that illegal mining in Goa being a well- known issue 
discussed for years by civil society and villagers, it has never been 
investigated, or stopped or anyone punished in anyway by government 
authorities,” the petition reads alleging that the government is turning 
a blind eye to the entire issue.



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Re: [Goanet] BJP to make migrant stay comfortable in Goa?

2012-01-28 Thread J. Colaco jc
SOTER so...@bsnl.in wrote:

[1] Rajan,
This is compulsion of politics. If not Manohar someone else will do
it. Gullible voters think a change of party or politician will solve
their problem. Now the priest will cleanse all the sins. Wait in hope!
Goan brains seem to be pickled with booze that they canot see the
Truth and run after the rainbow in the sky.


a: Is Soter suggesting that the Goan populace ( different from the
populace in Goa) have been Emasculated (surely, by the Portuguese!
Ain't that a fact TRS and Gerald?).

b: Wasn't it being peddled here that MP was different from the other
(i.e. kangress) chaps? Vhott Happened?!


[2] Earlier SOTER so...@bsnl.in had posted :

BJP Vice President Dr Wilfred Mesquita castigated the Congress
government, who he alleged, is using religion as a tool to garner
votes of the minorities. He further urged the locals not to fall prey
to the divisive politics of the Congress and to vote for BJP, which
believes in a united nation, irrespective of religion, caste, etc.


c: Oh For Heaven's sake, Slick Willie - Please Oggi Rau.

BTW: Is it the rainy season yet? If not, What are the Grass-Hoppering
Chameleons doing out there making Pokke Bhashans?


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Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Aree Baba,
Please tell this to our shannah Dr Jose Colaco too. He still wants 'wolf in 
sheep's clothing' as Cheap Minister! That is what he clearly implied in his 
unwaranted response to something I said to 'r' Parrikar!
 Huurah! I often wonder how the inherent corruption spreads even to seemingly 
nice people!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Bernado Colaco ole_...@yahoo.co.uk
To: goa...@goanet.org 
Sent: Friday, 27 January 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar
The anti Catholic CD is all over Youtube and highly patronized by the RSS. It 
is a shame that some Goans continue patronizing this evil man.


                      Protect Goa's natural beauty

                   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

Sign the petition at:    http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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[Goanet] Monte Music Festival 2012

2012-01-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Monte Music Festival 2012

Chapel of Our Lady of the Mount, Old Goa

February 3 - 5, 2012

~ Schedule ~

Friday, February 3
Courtyard: 5:45pm
Inaugural followed Violin Music from 18th Century India and Europe by 
Stephen Bull (Portugal)

Courtyard: 7:30pm
Goan Mando - Gavana (Goa)

Saturday, February 4
Courtyard: 6:00pm
Indian Dance: Traditional Odissi
by Jhelum Paranjape  Troupe (Smitalay, Mumbai)

Courtyard: 7:00pm
Portuguese Fada: Sonia Shirsat (Goa)

Chapel: 8:00pm
Western: Soprano Patricia Rozario (U.K.)

Sunday, February 5
Courtyard: 6:00pm
Indian: Sukhanya Ramgopal  Sthree Thaal Tharang (Percussion)

Chapel: 7:00pm
Western: Newman Choir (Mumbai), Conductor: Celeste Cordo

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

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[Goanet] CHICAGO: Funeral arrangements for Lyvita Gomes

2012-01-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Lyvita Gomes' roots in Goa lie in St. Estevam (paternal)  Orlim (maternal)

Funeral is set for woman who held hunger strike in Lake County Jail
January 27, 2012

Funeral arrangements have been set for Lyvita Gomes, a native of India 
who died this month after a 15-day hunger strike that started in Lake 
County Jail.

Services for Gomes, 52, were delayed until relatives arrive from Britain 
this weekend, said Alfredo Miranda, of Miranda Funeral Services in Waukegan.

Visitation is set for 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at Holy Family Catholic 
Church, 450 Keller Ave., Waukegan, followed by Mass at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

Gomes, a former Delta Air Lines employee who had shown signs of mental 
illness, lived at a Vernon Hills hotel for the last two years.

Family and friends still have questions about the sequence of events 
that led to Gomes' incarceration, which began when she apparently 
ignored a jury summons last summer. As a noncitizen, Gomes wasn't 
eligible to serve on a jury. She was charged with resisting arrest in 
October after a deputy showed up at her door, as ordered by a judge, so 
that she could explain her absence.

Gomes didn't show up for two more court hearings, and once again a judge 
ordered her arrest. On Dec. 14, Vernon Hills police brought her to the 
County Jail, where she refused food and water.

Gomes' attorney noticed her mental instability just days into her 
incarceration but was not notified by jail staff that she wasn't eating 
or drinking until the hunger strike's 13th day, the public defender's 
office said.

On Dec. 29, after the medical staff determined Gomes' life was in 
danger, she was transferred to Waukegan's Vista Medical Center East, 
where she died five days later.


Via: eDGAR

Goanet News Service

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Re: [Goanet] Goans of the world unite !

2012-01-28 Thread Venantius J Pinto
No malice, no argument on the the egalitarian interest and matter of the
migrants indeed being the stakeholders of Goa's
Liberationcum-Conquest. As always there is nuance: settled
in Goa, disempowered--who, when, how were they done in etc., etc

Sometimes these conjectures and concerns remind me of my research on
torture/incarceration for my Diploma project which was on Amnesty
International: Good cop, not so bad cop discussions!

venantius j pinto

 Message: 2
 Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 04:10:40 +0530
 From:  Frederick FN Noronha ?  *??? ???
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goans of the world unite !

  On 27 January 2012 15:38, Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com wrote:
  I am all for the preservation of Goan land and
  heritage. But all the stakeholders must be
  consulted before any decision is taken.

 Are migrants who have settled in Goa -- specially the disempowered --
 not stakeholders too? If you reply in the negative, be prepared to
 one day be swept aside by the same  waves of exclusivism and
 intolerance gaining currency in Goa now.


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[Goanet] Is Goan Politics a Family Business?

2012-01-28 Thread Joel Moraes
Is Goan Politics a Family Business?
With four contestants of Alemao family from Varca,Ravi Naik and his two 
sons,Babush and his wife,Senior and Junior Rane,Fransisco Sardinha and Victoria 
supporting their sons,Dhavlikar brothers, in the coming Goa assembly elections 
is a matter of great concern.What exactly they intend to prove?If this family 
politics succeeds,our beloved Goa will be ruined completely for all.The 
dictionary meaning of politics is activities concerned with governing a country 
or area but with the recent political  happenings in Goa it looks like politics 
is a family business.
In Goa,politics has become so dirty that a politician can go to any ugly extent 
to succeed in politics as Valanka Alemao was seen taking blessings from senior 
citizens at Benaulim,Jitendra Deshprabhu using his dead son,Deepak Dhavlikar 
stating that the Congress government was most Corrupt of which he and his 
brother was a part,Joaquim Alemao accepting his mistakes of providing 3 to 4 
jobs in one family and asking for forgiveness promising such mistakes won't be 
repeated in future,etc,etc.What great techniques used by ugly politicians to 
come back in power.
In my village of Cuncolim,we always speak about the history,the village has got 
a great history,there is no doubt about it but what about the present?
Electing a outsider very clearly confirms that the respective constituency 
cannot produce  a competent leader to represent the same in the Assembly.Hope 
we will learn from our past mistakes. 
Joel Morais
mob - 9970561727

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[Goanet] BOOK REVIEW: Voices of Goans through my thoughts (Nisser Dias) reviewed by Julian D'Cruz

2012-01-28 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

Voices of Goans through my thoughts
Julian D'Cruz

JULIAN D’CRUZ One more feather has been added to the laurels of 
literature with the release of ‘ Voices of Goans through My Thoughts’. 
The speciality of this book is that its self published by one of Goa’s 
daring sons of the soil whom all will agree, has through this 
publication, checkmated what Goa is getting famous for: its “ corruption 

The 230- paged book is a compilation of what the author and South Goa 
based journo, Nisser Dias, has penned vociferously in Goa’s local daily 
The Gomantak Times over the last two years. He has selected 44 of those 
articles to publish his first book for all who love Goa and hate to see 
it reeling under politicos who only pretend to love Goa. Whether social 
issues, environment, sports to more complex issues of legislation, law 
and order, education, the author has brought out how politicians can be 
petty or manipulative to serve their own interests when in reality they 
have been elected to serve you and me. It is even more infuriating, 
rather, amusing, to know from Dias’ book how many of our politicians 
have even tried to sabotage issues or steal the limelight when the 
spotlight is not even focused on them.

There are several other chapters in this book which takes a dig at 
almost all the present day politicians and a must read is what Dias has 
entitled ‘ Birds of a feather, flock together’. ‘ Voices of Goans 
through My Thoughts’ does not spare the State’s police force and the 
book has a section on Goa’s policing. These will send chills down one’s 
spine on reading all about how the law enforcers in Goa are themselves 
unlawful in their behaviour. Any reader will feel anxious for the safety 
of his mother, wife, daughter and the womenfolk when they find out how 
women are treated by cops in and out of police stations subjecting them 
to acts of violence, sexual assaults and much more. What is even more 
shocking is to note how police personnel whether PSIs or PIs involved in 
horrendous offences have been promoted instead of being suspended or sacked.

Worse still, Dias’ section on Goa policing will send your head spinning 
over the fact that the men in uniform are drug peddlers and also 
involved in money laundering and circulating counterfeit currency. 
Despite being caught on camera, they still continue to hold office.

Dias has raised hardened queries to the political captains on all such 
issues even slamming the chief minister for only protecting his ‘ kodel’ 
and allowing mass scale destruction of Goa on all fronts. The author 
firmly states that the present cabinet has no right to celebrate Goa’s 
golden jubilee.

‘Voices of Goans through My Thoughts’ has however hailed social 
activists and many others who are the rays of hope to save Goa of dying 
from the malignancy of corruption. It has saluted brave heart Goans for 
attempting to march on the streets and to prove that we are no longer 
going to be ‘ susegado’ under any government which refuses to serve us 
in letter and spirit. Dias has expressed in his book and through his 
articles the frustrations, anxieties that we feel and queries that we 
generally raise but have no platform to give vent to or voice only 
because we are just ‘ aam aadmi’.

Call it ‘ write in time’, ‘ Voices of Goans through My Thoughts’ is out 
on the eve of assembly polls in Goa and all candidates will have to be 
cautious while campaigning. The book carries the bitter truth about 
Goa’s political history and no politician dare to hoodwink the Goan 
electorate on any issue.

Priced at Rs 299, the book is a prized copy any true hearted Goan must 
want to possess and add to his collection of good literature and 
reference material.

The book will serve as a testimony for future generations who will look 
back one day and wonder what went wrong for Goa and Goans even after 
they drove the Portuguese away!


Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

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Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-28 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 28 January 2012 08:07, Nascy Caldeira nascy...@yahoo.com.au wrote
to Ole Xac BC:

Aree Baba,
Please tell this to our shannah Dr Jose Colaco too. He still wants
'wolf in sheep's clothing' as Cheap Minister! That is what he clearly
implied in his unwaranted response to something I said to 'r'
Parrikar!Huurah! I often wonder how the inherent corruption
spreads even to seemingly nice people!


Mogal Nascy,

Accepting that English is a straightforward language, I invite you to
refer me to the post in which I indicated/implied that I wanted a
'wolf in sheep's clothing' as Cheap Minister.



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[Goanet] Bishop Joseph Coutts

2012-01-28 Thread Mervyn Elsie Maciel
I was so pleased to hear of the appointment of Bishop Joseph Coutts
as the next Archbishop of Karachi.
   A couple of years ago, I was fortunate to meet him at Westminster
Cathedral in London, as he was the Chief Guest speaker at the annual
event organised by the Catholic Charity(Aid to the Church in Need) for which
I've been doing voluntary work for the past 20+ years. Some local Goans
also work for this charity as volunteers.
 Having heard him speak fearlessly about the persecution of Christians in
Pakistan, I am sure he will be a source of great strength to his flock and
I wish him well.
When he called at the Charity's Head Office here in Sutton, I was able
to test him on his Konkani which, I am pleased to say, he still remembers!
If I remember rightly, I think he mentioned that he hails from Aldona.

Mervyn Maciel

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Re: [Goanet] The dark underbelly of Goan society in London

2012-01-28 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Narratology is a wide areas dealing with narratives and their structures --
modes of seeing-- thoughts  as our perception moulds them. To naturally
mean that there are many ways to say something. Alice in Wonderland is one
example. Poetry is another but more inspired form: within which there are
many avenues. Hans Christian Andersen? The Ramayana and what is spoken
through it! Examples of solid Qualitative analysis by Indian are hard to
come by.

Most people know the following but still worth pointing out: Writing chops
are cultivated over time, some never get past a certain tropes, or a given
genre -- but what they do with their limited skills gives meaning to their
lives. I say this knowing where I stand writing wise (no where), and what I
say (which I have to say). One has to have a good reason to tell any story
through any form. It is a great blessing if the intent and vortex of the
narrative is rooted in empathy. Ones consideration towards any exposition
has to be brokered accordingly. Many possibilities, including personal
narratives, autobiographical approaches too.

Hopefully people are familiar with Thomas Bernard, still referred to in
Austria as a Nestbeschmutzer (an individual wont to soil his own nest).
If time permits anyone look at his sentence structure. A book worth
considering: The novels of Thomas Bernhard: form and its function. Also, Thomas
Bernhard, an introductory essay by Thomas Cousineau

venantius j pinto

 From: Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com
 To: goanet@lists.goanet.org goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet] The dark underbelly of Goan society in London

 The UK is one of the most fascinating place to study Goan culture. Here
 you have layers and layers of Goan culture?in varying states of
 evolution.?I can write realms about UK Goans but of course if I ever tell
 the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I shall have to
 change my name and address and emigrate to the moon. So sadly it shall all
 remain with me, unless one night I have too much Rose wine :-)
 Take care,



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[Goanet] Goa news for January 29, 2012

2012-01-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Prayag United vs Sporting Clube de Goa Report - Goal.com
 draw in a round 17 encounter of the I-League, on Saturday. Ogba
Kalu Nnanna scored the opener for the Goans in ...

*** Sesa Goa rallies nearly 7% on higher volumes - Economic
onomic TimesNEW DELHI: Shares of Sesa Goa Ltd rallied nearly 7%
on the Bombay Stock Exchange on Friday after the Vedanta group
firm reported higher than estimated growth in volumes and higher
price realization in the December quarter results.

*** Guards suspected in Goa's biggest robbery - Times of India

*** Goa Assembly elections: Liquor curbs ahead of polls
affecting Goa's casinos - Economic Times
1 pm in poll-bound Goa is affecting the state's night life, the
casino lobby has said and feared that these offshore and
on-shore pleasure joints would have to be closed down if the
restrictions remain.

*** Restaurants 
he Goa goulash

*** Wendell chronicles Goa's fashion legacy - Times of India
a first-of-its kind pictorial and illustrative fashion chronicle
of the state. He says Goa was the cradle of Indo-Western couture

*** Gourmet Files: Lo Straniero A Goa - The Hindu
rowing expat community, of which I met mainly the Dilliwalas,
are the same as Dilliwalas in Dilli.a class=

*** Hundreds of Russian tourists stranded at Goa airport -

*** Goa polls: Cong, BJP reach out to mining lobby - IBNLive.com
Mand more »

*** Goa Was Birthplace of Indo-Western Garments: Wendell
Rodricks - Daijiworld.com
a first-of-its kind pictorial and illustrative fashion chronicle
of the state.a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

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[Goanet] Goykars around the world decide (by Rose Fernandes)

2012-01-28 Thread Melvyn Fernandes
Dear Frederick,

I agree with you on this one. Outward migrants still continue to leave Goa 
(brain drain) thus creating a vacuum filled in by 
inward migrants not only to provide manpower in the rising tourist trade but in 
other areas of work. These inward migrants 
need to be housed and with land and property prices rising rapidly a massive 
problem is presenting itself to the authorities. 
This is further escalated by the continuing rise in those seeking to secure 
holiday homes in Goa and their willingness to 
contribute to the bribing culture for this. 

Therefore I feel the responsibility for the changing make-up and embroidery of 
Goa rests collectively with all our community, 
those who have stayed in Goa and those who have left.

Many of our community may have left Goa in the past for economic reasons. For 
many, especially those who have worked 
abroad for many years and are now retired on pensions, these economic reasons 
simply do not exist any more but they 
have still chosen to live away from Goa and not return to their homeland. Of 
course, there may be other reasons that keep 
them away like established living/existing in their adopted country, their 
home, social lifestyle, being close to their families, 
medical care, travel, etc. In some cases, their ancestral property has already 
been taken from their hands either by their 
extended family or by other means, or their homes are inhabitable after years 
of neglect. It is therefore now an easy option 
for them to travel down to Goa, stay in an hotel and enjoy themselves at any 

There are also instances where others who could consider taking back their 
skills to Goa and make a living for themselves 
and their families have chosen not to return. Contrary to what you have done, 
an excellent example to our community to 
show us by returning from abroad (Brazil) it is possible to establish yourself 
successfully back into our homeland and way of 

Some of our people who have houses or flats in Goa use them just for an annual 
two week holiday as a country home, the 
rest of the time these properties are shut up and looked after by family or 
friends in their village. 

Should a change in the law occur and our community who live abroad are not 
allowed to buy further land or property in Goa 
and further are charged a tax to hold what they already have, it will be 
crunch time or decision time for all NRI Goans. 
They can either chose to 
1. Return to their homeland and contribute to the local economy 
2. Not return to their homeland and still contribute to the local economy (by 
way of a nominal tax)
3. Contribute nothing by saying goodbye to their property and land in Goa.

Talking of goodbyes, I am off now to secure my table of fine dining at 
MacDonalds. It's my idea of heaven, sipping slowly 
on my Moira banana milkshake, enjoying a blissful momentwith a fried Mars 
bar from the chippy next door.

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

28 January 2012


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[Goanet] To Julian D'Cruz re: Nisser Dias' book

2012-01-28 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dear Julian,

I always enjoy reading the postings of Nisser Dias. I look forward to
receiving a copy of his book via my usual sources.

My comment for today relates to the following from you in your review
of that book:  The book will serve as a testimony for future
generations who will look back one day and wonder what went wrong for
Goa and Goans even after they drove the Portuguese away! 

Are you suggesting that Goa and Goans DROVE the Portuguese away?

When did that happen?


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[Goanet] Links: Foodistan

2012-01-28 Thread Albert Peres

Reality television show overtakes slow paced diplomatic progress.

Let the mock battle begin. Ladies and gentlemen ...its Foodistan. 
Millions on both sides of the border entertained.

AlJazeera English Report:

NDTV Promo:

Foodistan Episode 1. The culinary battle begins:

Foodistan. Behind the scenes:

Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

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[Goanet] Goykars around the world decide (by Rose Fernandes)

2012-01-28 Thread Carvalho
Rose Fernandes wrote:
Should a change in the law occur and our community who live abroad are not 
allowed to buy further land or property in Goa and further are charged a tax to 
hold what they already have, it will be crunch time or decision time for 
all NRI Goans. 
They can either chose to 
1. Return to their homeland and contribute to the local economy 
2. Not return to their homeland and still contribute to the local economy (by 
way of a nominal tax)
3. Contribute nothing by saying goodbye to their property and land in Goa.
1. The small number of East African Goans from UK who spend their winter in Goa 
do not constitute All NRI Goans. The bulk of NRI Goans live in the Gulf. Many 
of them work for years and generations away from Goa, and as a result cannot 
show 25 years or even 5 years of continuous residency in Goa. During their long 
tenure away, they squirrel away money to buy flats or build homes so that they 
may have homes to live in when they do return. It is ridiculous to ask them to 
return to their homeland and contribute to the local economy. For those 
unacquainted with economics, they are called invisible exports. They not only 
contribute to the economy but in Goa's case virtually sustain it.
2. The tax proposed is not nominal. It is hefty. The objective of the tax is 
not only to collect revenue; it is to act as a deterrent and a mechanism to 
control housing costs. Unfortunately it is ill-defined and ambiguous. Should an 
East African Goan who spends six months of his time in Goa be penalised at the 
same rate as a Delhiite who buys a holiday home and spends two weeks at 
Christmas? Will a non-occupancy tax really bring more housing into the market 
or should this tax have been linked to some other criteria such as sale price, 
3.It is the birth and moral right of diasporic populations to retain their 
cultural roots with their homeland. The Jews do it and so do the Greeks. Asking 
them to sever their links is diabolic and immoral.
I sincerely wish people would put more thought into their arguments.

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[Goanet] Talking Photos: Lepo, Sungttam, Xit-koddi, Tisrio, Bhendde-Sungttam etc

2012-01-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
Lepo, Sungttam, Xit-koddi, Tisrio, Bhendde-Sungttam etc

Pilar Junction

Lepo (tongue or sole fish)

Sungttam (Prawns)

At Mario’s Siridao


Xit koddi thali – Fish Curry rice

Sharda Restaurant
Behind Bambolim Cross Shrine
Prices are almost similar to that of beach shacks’
Yet, prequented by many

Tisrio in a small bhaji steel plate
Quoted Rs.70, Charged 80

Bhedde-Sungttam (Ladyfingers-Prawn curry)

This plain sungttam

Ukddem xit (Boiled fish curry rice thali)

'Copachem kottor' cost here 70,  other places it's 60 



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[Goanet] In public interest- Is the Christian Art Museum an abandoned child?

2012-01-28 Thread Victor Gomes

Dear Sir/Madam,

The news about the heist at The Christian Art Museum, Goa is utterly 
shocking and scandalous, to say the least. It is an assault on an 
institution which also happens to be the House of God. More than 72 
hours after this unpardonable act, there is as yet no information about 
the nature and extent of exact loss of artefacts. Neither is there any 
statement and explanation from any committee members on this outrageous 
and deplorable incident.

The state administration and most of the media, by and large, too are 
puzzlingly silent on this day-light pilferage which needs to be 
thoroughly investigated and the culprits brought to books.

Meanwhile, the inexplicable silence on the part of authorities, 
especially the esteemed members of the committee, raises too many 
misgivings. Was it an incidence of robbery by some outsiders or a 
planned heist in connivance with someone/s in the know of things?

Some Questions that need to be raised are:

1. Is the Christian Art Museum being treated as an abandoned child? Why 
has the museum management or the committee not given any statement? Why 
are they not taking any responsibility?

2. Who are the committee members and what are their credentials to run 
or look after a museum of international repute?

3. Where is the museum inventory and layout? What were the exhibits that 
went missing or robbed or damaged? Why is the list of heritage artefacts 
stolen not declared, disclosed or published by the committee to the public?

4. Are the museum exhibits valued? If yes, by who? Are they insured? If 
yes by which agency?

5. Were the stolen heritage pieces belong to the museum or were loaned 
or donated and by whom? Where is the contract copy and what did it say?

6. Who was responsible for the museum keys? Who locked and secured the 
keys of the museum and the display cabinets?

7. If it is the security agency then why were the keys of this 
institution given to the security guard? Is our priceless heritage at 
the mercy of migrant guards?

8. What is the name of the security agency used for the museum? Did the 
management check their credentials?

9. Have we forgotten that it was Mr. Parikar, member of the BJP and the 
then Chief Minister of Goa who gave an annual Grant of Rs. 3,00,000/- to 
the Christian Art Museum towards security?

10. Why was there only one guard (aged 55 years) on duty when the Goa 
Government has given a grant of rupees three lakhs (Rs 3,00,000/-) a 
year for security ?

11. Why was the same guard retained for 7 long years and allowed him to 
get familiar with the museum running and functioning?

12. Does the museum have security sensors or CCTV systems? If yes, where 
is the footage?

13. Why were strangers allowed to take photographs of the museum 
exhibits and for what reason? Why was photography of the exhibits 
permitted for personal gains of committee members ? As stated by a 
committee member that the photos were taken for the museum brochure, 
then why was it required when the second edition of the brochure, was 
recently printed, sponsored and released by Calouste Gulbenkien?

14. Since when were private functions allowed in the hallowed precincts 
of sacred museums? Please note that even the inaugural function of the 
Christian Art museum in 1994 was done in a pandal about 300 meters away 
from the museum premises because of security reasons.

15. What is the Governments stand on this crime? Why is it that, there 
is no round the clock security at these declared heritage sites? Is our 
Government responsible towards taking care of our heritage?

16. Is the security of our elected representatives more important than 
that of our priceless heritage?

17. Isn’t this incident utterly shameful? Specially when this Congress 
Government accuses BJP of scrapping Good Friday leave but allows this 
huge robbery in the house of God in the heart of Old Goa which is a 
UNESCO world heritage site?

18. Taking this irresponsible attitude of the govt, is the silver casket 
of St Francis Xavier and other priceless heritage artefacts in Goa also 
at stake?

Is it not shocking and utterly irresponsible that the state government 
has allowed only one police inspector to struggle alone to solve Goa’s 
biggest heritage robbery ever. We demand therefore that this crime be 
brought to book within the next 24 hours.

At a very personal level, I feel extremely anguished about this hideous 
crime since I was the founding curator, administer and fund raiser of 
The Christian Art Museum way back in 1992. We, a dedicated team then, 
worked tireless to build this invaluable collection and most of which I 
have personally identified, negotiated. Restored and collected for the 

I am also a heritage activist and founder of two internationally-famed 
museums, Goa Chitra and Goa Chakra. Hence, I feel that the authorities 
should take every effort to ensure the security of museums and the 
artefacts therein.

In desperate