Re: [Goanet] Racism, Britain, Goan expat workers....

2012-02-28 Thread Albert Peres

---fred wrote---
A couple of questions: (i) If we had a similar situation in Goa, 
involving migrant workers (non-Goan, in our case), what would be our 
stand? (ii) Could we expect any section in Goa to speak out for the 


I don't know, but perhaps the following familiar passages will prove to 
be enlightening and inspiring.

Mathew 22: 1 And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and 
said: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a 
marriage for his son, 3 and sent out his servants to call those who were 
invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come.

4 Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are 
invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatted cattle are 
killed, and all things are ready. Come to the wedding.”’ 5 But they made 
light of it and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his 
business. 6 And the rest seized his servants, treated them spitefully, 
and killed them. 7 But when the king heard about it, he was furious. And 
he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their 

8 Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who 
were invited were not worthy. 9 Therefore go into the highways, and as 
many as you find, invite to the wedding.’ 10 So those servants went out 
into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad 
and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests.

11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who 
did not have on a wedding garment. 12 So he said to him, ‘Friend, how 
did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. 
13 Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, take him 
away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and 
gnashing of teeth.’ 14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.”

35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and 
saying, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”

37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your 
heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first 
and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love 
your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the 
Law and the Prophets.”

Albert Peres
416.660.0847 cell


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[Goanet] From the Goanet page on Facebook...

2012-02-28 Thread Frederick Noronha
Digubab, besides the airconditioned public toilet, what else have you
achieved? And, by the way, did you find that mining portfolio?

I repent, just vote for me. Mhoji chuk.
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday you give holiday, plus Rs 1000 per
month to fight Congress. Okay, you got my vote!

BJP seeking to ride the Kolaveri wave... Mat Tujez Kamlavari di!

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

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Re: [Goanet] Song for the day. (Gabe Menezes)

2012-02-28 Thread Tony de Sa
Thanks Gabe.

A lot of us wait for the song for the day. Glad to know you are back in

BTW it was great meeting you and Lily at Longuinhos in Margao.


** Tony de Sa  tonydesa at gmail dot com  **

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Re: [Goanet] Relgious Extremism in North Easteastern States of India (Santosh Helekar Ors)

2012-02-28 Thread Santosh Helekar
Sandesh Anvekar wrote:

If chiristianity is indeed such a great religion of the world then what 
made Voltaire say

“Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd, and bloody religion 
that has ever infected the world” 

Voltaire said it for the same reason that Brihaspati, the founder of the 
Lokayata philosophy said the following regarding Hinduism:

When once the body becomes ashes, how can it ever return again?  If he who 
departs from the body goes to another world, how is it that he comes not back 
again, restless for love of his kindred? Hence it is only as a means of 
livelihood that Brahmans have established here all these ceremonies for the 
dead. There is no other fruit anywhere.  

The three authors of the Vedas were buffoons, knaves, and demons. All the 
well-known formulas of the pandits, jarphari, turphari, and all the obscene 
rites for the queen commanded in the Aswamedha, these were invented by 
buffoons, and so all the various kinds of presents to the priests, while the 
eating of flesh was similarly commanded by night-prowling demons.
..Brihaspati, ~600 B.C.E.

Both Voltaire and Brihaspati were rationalists and infidels.

There is nothing wrong with criticizing religion and religious practices in a 
secular country, especially when they are harmful. Indeed, I believe it is very 
important to do such a thing. 

And by the way, animism is a neutral word that aptly describes the beliefs and 
rituals of many tribes throughout the world. I do not know who was the first to 
coin that word, but there is nothing negative about its usage. No church of any 
denomination is likely to be the first to use a word like that. It is more 
likely that the Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks or ancient Indians 
might be the ones who did it, of course in their own language.



Sandesh Anvekar wrote: 

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Relgious Extremism in North Easteastern States of India 
(Santosh Helekar  Ors)
If chiristianity is indeed such a great religion of the world then what made 
Voltaire say

“Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd, and bloody religion 
that has ever infected the world”
Any answers? Also I would like to understand the origin of the words 
Animism/Fetishism et al.

It makes me feel that these originated in Church itself and probably it 
reflects the attitude of Church towards eastern religions.



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[Goanet] BSNL launches Aakash tablet's rival

2012-02-28 Thread Goanet News Service

BSNL launches Aakash tablet's rival
By Nilabh Jha, The Mobile Indian, New Delhi, February 24, 2012

It has also announced two more tablets. The three tablets are priced 
between Rs 3,250 to Rs 13,500.

BSNL has launched three tablets including two 7 inch resistive screen 
based tabs with Android 2.3 operating system while the third tablet 
comes with an 8 inch capacitive touchscreen.
Made by Noida based company - Pantel, the tablets will be sold with 
discounted data plans from BSNL. The three tablets are priced at Rs 
3,250, Rs 10,999 and Rs 13,500.

The cheapest model is Panta Tpad IS 701r which is priced at Rs 3,250. 
Notably, Aakash is priced at just Rs 2500. However, Tpad has better 
specification than the Datawind's low cost tablet.

Panta Tpad is a WiFi only tablet with Android 2.3 operating system, it 
has a 1 GHz processor (ARM11 IMAP210) clubbed with 256 MB RAM. The 
tablet also offers HDMI port through which it can be connected to a TV. 
Its 7 inch resistive touch screen comes with 800x600 resolution and 16:9 
aspect ratio.

The tablet has a 3000 mAh battery and 2 GB internal memory which can be 
expanded through micro SD card. The tablet also has a VGA front facing 
camera for video calling. While Panta Tpad IS 701r has the BSNL 
branding, the other two tablets images do not have.

The second tablet is named 'Panta Tpad_ws704c'. It has the same 
specification as its cheapest cousin (701r) but offers added 3G 
connectivity which supports both CDMA/EVDO and GSM, inbuilt A-GPS, 
Accelerometer and Bluetooth. It also comes with a 2 megapixel rear 
camera and also has bigger 512 MB RAM for faster performance.

The costliest amongst the three is the Tpad WS802C which has an 8 inch 
capacitive screen. It comes with a faster 1.2 GHz processor and 512 MB 
RAM. The internal memory is also bigger at 4 GB. Rest of the features 
like GPS, camera and Bluetooth are same as the 704C.

Goanet News Service

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2012-02-28 Thread Bernardo de Sousa
Today's Goa is a democratic banana republic. Christopher Hitchens defines a
banana republic as follows: . in practice, a banana republic is a country
operated as a commercial enterprise for private profit, effected by
the collusion between the State and favoured monopolies, whereby the profits
derived from private exploitation of public lands is private property, and
the debts incurred are public responsibility. Such an imbalanced economy reduces the national currency to devalued paper-money,
hence, the country is ineligible for international development credit and
remains limited by the uneven
economic development of town and country. Kleptocracy, government by
thieves, features influential government employees exploiting their posts
for personal gain (embezzlement, fraud, bribery, etc.), with the resultant deficit repaid by
the native working people who
earn money, rather than make money. Because of foreign (corporate)
manipulation, the government is unaccountable to its nation, the country's
private sector-public sector corruption operates the banana republic, thus,
the national legislature usually are for sale, and function mostly as
ceremonial government - a perfect fit with today's Goa. It is democratic
because not only do the corrupt,  charge-sheeted and in part semi-literate
authorities get away with it but they keep getting reelected in fair and
democratic elections. In two recent articles, journalists Unny in Indian
Express and Vivek Menezes have both expressed great pessimism in the sense
that nothing is expected to change after the coming March elections. Is this
because the Goan voter puts his/her own personal and selfish interests (To
mujem kam korta) above Goa's and does not care if Goa goes to the dogs? Or
is it because he/she is just plain non-discerning? In any event, I believe
Aires' list is a good start. If other Goanetters can complete the list as
soon as possible, it will make it easier for those Goan voters who choose to
vote with their conscience for the good of Goa to choose the right
candidate. I endorse Aires' choice for Aldona.


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Re: [Goanet] Religious Extremism in the Northeastern States of India (Santosh Helekar Ors) ( Anvekar)

2012-02-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

Voltaire's advice I may not agree with what you say but I shall defend 
unto death your right to say it is for sober rational folk, not for zealous 
religio-political activists.



P.S. BTW, I have noticed that you are a proud Indian. So I am sure you do not 
agree with Arundati Roy, the Maoists, the secessionists, etc. on the leftist 
fringe, as well. Am I are right? 

- Original Message -
 From: Gerald Fernandes
 Dear Mr. Anvekar,
 If I recollect correctly the same Voltaire you wrongly or rightly quote said 
 Peace be with you.May the Divine illumine your mind as I believe that you too 
 have a spark of the Divine, in as much as  all of us have a spark of the 
 I can only repeat the prayer of the ONE I believe in  LORD FORGIVE THEM 
 Warm regards,
 Gerald Fernandes
 Ex-Capt, The Indian Army.

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[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day.

2012-02-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
Falling In Love With Love - The


Gabe Menezes.

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[Goanet] Fw: Rules for NRI in India

2012-02-28 Thread Con Menezes


  Rules for NRI in India 




  An NRI is not considered as NRI if he comes to India for 60 days  
more in a year but will be taxed on his all the income the person has earned in 
the foreign county during the year.

  It does not matter whether the person has lived outside India for 
decades.  This means from now on, if an NRI goes to India even for a few trips 
and that cumulates to over 60 days in the year, will be considered as a local 
citizen and will have to declare his foreign income and pay tax on it.

  Therefore, henceforth going to our own country, we will have to make 
sure that we go only in an emergency but not to meet relatives; neither for a 
social trip nor for long medical checkups NRIs should now have to get their 
children married in foreign countries and hold all the other celebrations with 
close relatives outside India . It is cheaper to buy tickets for close 
relatives to participate in our children’s weddings in foreign countries 

  Important news for NRIs! 

  Now that the Indian government does not require NRI’s foreign 
exchange, we will now become NOT REQUIRED INDIANS.  Please forward this to all 
your NRI friends in your forward list. 


  Under clause 4 of the direct taxes code, which is to come into effect 
from 1st April 2012, the status of resident but not ordinarily resident, which 
is currently available under section 6 (6) of the income tax act of 1961, is 
sought to be removed.

  After the code comes into force, a person will become resident in 
India in any financial year if either of the following two conditions is 

  · If he is in India for a period or periods repeat periods 
aggregating to 182 days or more in a financial year


  · If he is in India for 60 days or more in a financial year 
and has also been in India for 365 days or more within the four years 
immediately preceding that financial year.

  Therefore, a non resident Indian would become resident in India under 
the direct tax code if either of the aforesaid two conditions is fulfilled, and 
will be liable to tax in India on his world income. This would be 
notwithstanding the fact the he may be a person resident outside India under 
the provisions of the foreign exchange management act 1999.

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[Goanet] Bindel *photos*

2012-02-28 Thread Edgar Silveira
Some pictures of bindel or ko-kum wax used to wax the 'kail' when
making chaapitis.

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[Goanet] Radio Mirchi brings in the Summer Heat with VESUVIUS winners of MIRCHI SOUND CHECK 2012

2012-02-28 Thread Goanet A-C-E!
Radio Mirchi brings in the Summer Heat with VESUVIUS winners of MIRCHI 

Panjim, Feb 25: The second edition of Radio Mirchi Sound Check `For the 
Youth, By the Youth, For the Youth' in association with the American 
Center, Mumbai - Goa’s highly anticipated talent show was a grand 
success of Goan talent!!

The event began with a huge bang on 23rd February 2012 at Hotel Fidalgo 
enthralling music lovers with a showcase of multi musicial genres as 
well as languages presented by some of the hottest young, Goan musical 
talent and performers. The judges panel comprised of distinguished 
personalities  which included: Mukesh Ghatwal – accomplished music 
director  composer, Sonia Shirsat – famed Fado singer, Varun Carvalho – 
singer  VH1 artist  Anne Grimes – Public Relations Office, American 
Centre, Mumbai.

Day 1 of Feb 23 saw an Opening performance by the winners of last year’s 
Mirch Sound Check 2011 edition, “NOXIOUS IRE WITH SHALISHA” followed by 
competing performances from bands: Street Kingz, Vesuvius  Glorious as 
well as solo vocalist presentations from Andre Dias  Gracious Timothy. 
Each competitor was a specialist in their genre, musical ability, 
tonality and compositions displaying raw talent beyond their young years.

Day 2 of Feb 24 of the Mirchi Sound Check saw even more audience 
footfalls. Band performances included: Gravity, Decibelz  
SamosaVegPatties as well as solo performers: Manas Ranjan Sahu, Thomas 
Augustine, Swapnil Salkar  Divya Caculo with the Closing act by Beyond 
Eternity wowing audiences with original songs and sheer showmanship. 
Across both days, the crowd was treated to a number of original songs in 
English, Hindi  Konkani.

Judged imminently by the esteemed panel of judges, the Best Band of 
Mirchi Sound Check 2012 was VESUVIUS, Best Original Song (English) was 
won by STREET KINGZ, the Best Original Song (Other Language) was won by 
SWAPNIL SALKAR, Best Vocalist was won by TIMOTHY GRACIOUS while this 
year's special Judge’s Choice award was won by GLORIOUS.

Winning band `Vesuvius' and Timothy Gracious will now feature at the 
forthcoming Daniel Pearl World Music Day Concert in October 2012.

Mirchi Sound Check 2012 was presented by The American Centre, Mumbai in 
association with Hotel Fidalgo (Venue Partner), Casant Power (Sound  
Lights), Nirvana T-Shirts  Shop2Carry (Gift Partners) and hosted by RJ 
Silroy and RJ Pankaj of Radio Mirchi 98.3FM.

For more information on our upcoming events, log on to our website or visit our Facebook page: “Radio Mirchi 98.3FM 
Goa”, or call: 0832-665. Stay tuned to RADIO MIRCHI 98.3FM – It’s Hot!!!

Source: Ethel DaCosta

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

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[Goanet] PRESS RELEASE - Event: Battle of the Bands - Simply Unplugged - 2012

2012-02-28 Thread Gasper Almeida

Don Bosco Past Pupils Association (DBPPA) Presents Battle of the Bands - 
Simply Unplugged - 2012.
This is a high intensity competition among the music bands in Kuwait. The 
competition has been divided into 3 groups   Sub-juniors / Juniors / Seniors.

8yrs and below   - sub-juniors...2 song
9yrs to 16yrs  - juniors2 songs
17yrs to 25yrs- seniors...2 songs

The event will be held on Friday,  April 27, 2012 at the IEAS Auditorium, 
Salmiya, Kuwait.

A 'one of its kind' event where young and old can display their music skills. 
This is simply an exhibition of RAW TALENT.. This invitation is to all 
music lovers and groups in Kuwait - Unearth your talent in front of a 
magnificent crowd. Entries invited for the various groups. Please more info and 
confirmation, contact:, or Last Date to submit entries:  
15th March 2012.


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[Goanet] Sale of second-hand books at Calangute...

2012-02-28 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Zarine who is a young journalist colleague
shared with this note:

There is a sale going on there (Nicky's Books and More) till the end
of May. Prices range from Rs. 30 to Rs. 100. Genre-thrillers,
non-fiction (biographies), romance etc. Address-Nicky's Books and
More, Palmland, Near Mira Hotel, Umta Vaddo, Calangute. Sundays open.
Timings- 10.30am to 9.30pm. Mob- 9823290066

A little background:

'Nicky's Books and More' -- 'More' stands for silver and funky
jewellery, but the shop mainly deals with books. We are from
originally from Assam but my father was brought up in Shillong,
Meghalaya, therefore Goa caught his fancy during his backpacking days.
Both states have many many similarities. In 1989, we shifted home to
Goa. Since dad is a voracious reader, he decided to open a second hand
bookshop. We had a good response especially from foreign tourists who
would pop in and buy a book to read while sunbathing on the beach.
But like I said yesterday, we have decided to give away books at
almost throw away prices because of Kindle and other reasons.

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[Goanet] Another racket rears its head at GMC

2012-02-28 Thread Tony de Sa
This must be the umpteenth racket uncovered at GMC, Bambolim.

The story starts thus. A lady I know is undergoing chemotherapy at GMC. At
every visit, when it is time to administer the medication, she is 'advised'
by the doctor to buy the medication from outside rather than use the
hospital supply. Naturally every cancer patient wants to get better and
thus spares no money.

The issue here is that the GMC product costs Rs. 700/- (figure checked from
tender documents) The 'outside' product which is identical in batch no,
composition, formulation, etc costs Rs. 2, 000/- The excess money is, if
speculation is proved correct, shared by the medical rep - a guy from one
of the Eastern seaboard states of Andhra Pradesh or Orissa and the
prescribing doctor.

Cashing in on the fears and weaknesses of cancer patients? How mean and
petty can DOCTORS get? Pottant fator zaum!


** Tony de Sa  tonydesa at gmail dot com  **

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Re: [Goanet] Religious Extremism in the Northeastern States of India (Santosh Helekar Ors) ( Anvekar)

2012-02-28 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
On 28 February 2012 04:28, Santosh Helekar wrote:
 Voltaire's advice I may not agree with what you say but I shall defend 
 unto death your right to say it is for sober rational folk, not for zealous 
 religio-political activists.

This seems to be a faux-quote widely attributed to Voltaire. To resort
to some cut-and-paste research:


The most oft-cited Voltaire quotation is apocryphal. He is incorrectly
credited with writing, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will
defend to the death your right to say it.” These were not his words,
but rather those of Evelyn Beatrice Hall, written under the pseudonym
S. G. Tallentyre in her 1906 biographical book The Friends of
Voltaire. Hall intended to summarize in her own words Voltaire's
attitude towards Claude Adrien Helvétius and his controversial book De
l'esprit, but her first-person expression was mistaken for an actual
quotation from Voltaire. Her interpretation does capture the spirit of
Voltaire’s attitude towards Helvetius; it had been said Hall's summary
was inspired by a quotation found in a 1770 Voltaire letter to an
Abbot le Roche, in which he was reported to have said, “I detest what
you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to
continue to write.” Nevertheless, scholars believe there must have
again been misinterpretation, as the letter does not seem to contain
any such quote.



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[Goanet] Let us bring back the better days for Goa.

2012-02-28 Thread We Goans
While we have the chance, let us be part of the turning point that will
bring back the better days for Goa. A simple judgement on our part on the
day of elections will make it happen.

The performance of the present govt in Goa is for all to see. It will be
interesting to refresh our memory and compare it with salient projects of
the *BJP *govt that administered the state for 4 years in the last decade.
Please read

We live and work in a state and not in a single constituency. Hence it is
important to elect a govt that is capable of delivering effectively to the
entire state. *BJP leadership in Goa has better vision* and this has been
demonstrated in their short tenure. Let's bring them back with their
alliance partner MGP with a clear majority so that Goa can be governed
comfortably with stability for the next 5 years.

Kindly *forward to all *your Goan friends or share on your facebook wall.
With every small bit we do, we will help ourselves.

We Goans team

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2012-02-28 Thread Bernardo de Sousa
A question to Aires or any Aldoncar or anyone else who could enlighten me:


With regard to the five candidates for Aldona constituency:

54,10, Aldona, DAYANAND G. NARVEKAR, Indian National Congress, Male,

55,10, Aldona, JULIUS PEREIRA, Goa Su-raj Party, Male,

56,10, Aldona, RAVINDRA VASUDEV PANJIKAR, Independent, Male,

57,10, Aldona, TICLO GLENN J V A E SOUZA, Bharatiya Janata Party, Male,

58,10, Aldona, WILFRED D'SOUZA, All India Trinamool Congress, Male,


What is their record with regard to the Calvim tragedy? What help or
assistance have they provided/ are they providing to the affected families?
What statements have they made? What are they doing with respect to the
rumours of a cover-up? What are their plans to ensure that this kind of
tragedy never ever occurs again? What are their plans re. a bridge linking
Carona with Calvim?


Would appreciate any information that anyone could provide. Thanks.



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Re: [Goanet] Racism, Britain, Goan expat workers....

2012-02-28 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Do you mean that Goans create slums in Britain? That they spit/defecate/sleep 
on park-benches/demolish old structures to build concrete jungles?

 From: Frederick FN Noronha *  फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2012 6:03 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Racism, Britain, Goan expat workers
Hats off to a section of British society for supporting the rights of
immigrants (Goans, in this case) living and working in their society:
Video: We will win against racist bullies – Goan hospital strike

A couple of questions: (i) If we had a similar situation in Goa,
involving migrant workers (non-Goan, in our case), what would be our
stand? (ii) Could we expect any section in Goa to speak out for the
underdogs? FN
FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436
Books from Goa,1556
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa):

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[Goanet] Sunday's Herald report on the Calvim Tragedy

2012-02-28 Thread Cecil Pinto
Copied from the O Heraldo website

The election fever has well and truly diverted attention from a
tragedy that was completely avoidable. The bus which fell in to the
river at Calvim claiming six lives, in all likelihood had an errant
negligent 17 year old at the wheel who had no business to be there or
even inside the driver’s cabin, where he was seen. Vibha Verma and
Barnabe Sapeco discover the negligence and the cover up


It was not just a bus that drowned taking with it seven lives. The
real truth about who caused the tragedy has not just been drowned but
deliberately kept under because the truth could be very very
uncomfortable, not just for the driver but in an indirect way even the
Goa police.

The lone survivor story has a casualty. The real story – Heralds
investigations point to one absolute reality and a second strong
possibility. The reality is that the survivor Samarth Shirodkar was in
the driver’s cabin, against all rules, when the bus plunged into the
water. The second storing possibility was that Samarth ( 17), a minor,
was actually driving the bus. The wheels were handed over to him by
the driver, since he was is pal, “ just for fun” and Samarth, who
according to reports, spends more time glued to his mobile screen, was
on the phone when the bus fell.

And another glaring truth that stares the Goa police in the face is
that the driver Yogesh has a brother who works for the Goa police and
is currently posted as Driver Constable with the Motor Transport
section. So, a cover up was not only possible, but needed, since if it
can be proven that the bus was handed over to a 17 year old student,
the driver’s complicity becomes very serious and could result in far
reaching consequences.

Less than a week after the tragedy, reports started appearing about a
17 year old survivor Samarth Shirodkar, who cropped up out of nowhere
to let the world know he survived. The funny thing is that he was
found on the very day of the tragedy, lying in the mud on the river

Samarth’s father, political activist Shivdas, said that his son
literally struggled to get onto the shore when the bus skidded into
the water. “ He managed to reach the shore and collapsed in the muck,”
the father said, adding that the locals helped him to get out.

“ Police had cordoned off the area. Samarth’s friend Nitin called
another friend Manoj, who in turn informed me that my son alive and
was lying in the muck,” he said, fumbling over his words. Shivdas
added “ The police came to our house at about 9: 30– 10pm and called
us to the police station,” he said, explaining that he was not aware
who informed the police about his son being the only survivor. “ My
son was in a state of shock. We could not take any step at that
moment… there was huge rush. We told the police later,” he stated.

The big point here is that the police came to Shivdas’s house , took
Samarth to the police station and then to the homes of two girls who
had got down from the bus on the same night. They returned with
Samarth to the home of one of the girls the next morn- ing because
they couldn’t meet her the previous night.

So why did the police high- light this. When the ‘ survivor” was
roaming around with the police for almost five days af - ter the
incident, why was this not mentioned. Normally, sur- vivor details are
revealed as soon as possible.

Herald camped in Calvim and spoke to a cross section of people and has
pieced together why it was prudent for the police to keep survivor
Samarth’s real story dead. In- vestigations revealed that the lone
survivor was sitting besides the driver in the cabin on the day.
During visits to Aldona and St Thomas School complex, Herald reporters
came across a 17- year- old vocational student, who gave details of
what could have happened. “ Samarth would often sit in the cabin and
play on his mobile phone,” he said requesting anonymity.

Some of the people we spoke to in the area also confirmed that Samarth
was a regular traveller on the ill fated Shree Ganesh bus and was
close to Rajesh Naik alias Yogesh, who was supposedly driving the bus
on that day.

Some say that he was at some point of time behind the wheel, as he
would often be, an indulgence permitted by his friend the driver, who
is also the owner of the bus. Samarth was attempting to drive the bus.

However, his father rubbishes the theory. “ He is not interested in
four wheelers. He does not know to drive,” he said. However for a
father who admits knowing little about his son’s whereabouts and his
life ( he didn’t even know where he was headed to on the ill fated
day), he may well be in the dark about his son’s “ driving skills”.

The tragedy is that this seventeen year old, though not deliberately,
could have played a far bigger role in the tragedy than just being a
survivor who escaped.


There is obviously more to it than meets the eye.

Re: [Goanet] Let us bring back the better days for Goa.

2012-02-28 Thread J. Colaco jc
 We Goans wrote:

 While we have the chance, let us be part of the turning point that
will  bring back the better days for Goa. A simple judgement on our
part on the
 day of elections will make it happen.

The performance of the present govt in Goa is for all to see. It will
be interesting to refresh our memory and compare it with salient
projects of
 the *BJP *govt that administered the state for 4 years in the last decade.


At first, I thought that 'We Goans was planning to invite the
Portuguese back especially as he/she was writing to goanet incognito.
(Is that OK by GoaNet rules?)

Then, I thought that We Goans was planning to invite 'Presidential
Rule in Goa. That was the time when all and sundry was 'Better.

But NO .. it appears that We Goans is advising Goans to vote the
BJP-MGP combine back into power.

It is possible that We Goans wants us to return to the GLORIOUS DAYS of

a: The VideoCD
b: Vandalization of Fontainhas
c: Call for Katlicks to swadeshify
d: Have more IFFIs
e: Manhandle MLAs
f: Forge signatures 'on Saturday'.
g: Create more freedumb fighters (with previleges)
h: Have more BJP (central) guests enjoying 5-ishtar luxury in Goa
i: Destroy whatever is left of Konkani
j:Take Goa back into Maharashtra (courtesy the MGP)

Would it not be more honest just to state the following:

Hey  They made some poixe, Now it is our turn to make poixe (and
beat up on Katlicks at the same time)
Channa Chor Garam.

PS: Thank you Gerard's BARATH. Thank you for nothing.

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Re: [Goanet] Racism, Britain, Goan expat workers....

2012-02-28 Thread Eddie Fernandes
The video clip was produced by Union News, the main national news sources of
the UK trade union movement.. The editor, Tim Lezzard, appears in the video
clip and he drew my attention to it because when he was researching the
story he came across Goan Voice UK coverage of the dispute. We spoke
yesterday about some of the aspects to the confrontation. It is indeed
heartening that there has been official sympathy for the Goan strikers. 

The manager at the centre of the allegations has resigned. Another trade
union, the powerful RMT, has backed the Goans. There have been many video
and audio clips as well as hundreds of photographs and accounts in the
national and regional press. Parallels are being drawn with the UK Grunwick
dispute of the late 1970's
when Asian women at a photo processing lab went  on strike.

One of the moving bullying allegations of the strikers is that they are not
allowed to speak in Konkani in their break times. 

This is probably the first time outside India  that Goan workers have taken
industrial action as a group and there are photos and video clips as well as
many press reports of their action, including the London demo. 

However, the support is not all one sided.  The Swindon Advertiser has
carried scores of comments from their readers, almost all condemning the
Goans - Check out the comments to the links at

Eddie Fernandes 

-Original Message-
From: Frederick FN Noronha 
Hats off to a section of British society for supporting the rights of
immigrants (Goans, in this case) living and working in their society:
Video: We will win against racist bullies - Goan hospital strike
A couple of questions: (i) If we had a similar situation in Goa, involving
migrant workers (non-Goan, in our case), what would be our stand? (ii)
Could we expect any section in Goa to speak out for the underdogs? FN


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2012-02-28 Thread floriano

w.r.t. Julius Pereira [GRA-GSRP], Bernardo De Souza is informed thus:-

1. Record is that Julius Pereira was at the site of the accident and did not 
like what happened.
2. What help or assistance is expected from a candidate? Money?, Hugs?, Stay 
with them to console them and be a burden?  All of these because he wants 
their votes??
3. Statements that they have made is that this should not have happened. And 
something like this should not happen again.
4. You expect the candidate to go to the house or houses of the culprit/s 
and drag them out and beat them up?
5. Who has to clear the cover up? Is there no elected government to do that? 
Is there no Police in this state or the  judiciary to take up this matter? 
The candidate is expected to run around naked to open up the covers? Just 
because he is the candidate and wants a few votes?
6. If elected and has any power, Julius Pereira will want to put in place 
not only the Calvim Bridge but also all the other bridges vis. the Chorao 
Bridge, the Divar Bridge ( which the Divarkars do not want), the 
DonaPaula/Vasco bridge, the Dona Paula Nerul Bridge, the Parallel bridge 
from Panjim to Betim jetty, the who works and bridges and fly-overs all ove 
Goa on a priority basis. Are you going to elect him?.

7. Hold the hands of every driver of a bus and teach him to drive.
8. First preference.


- Original Message - 
From: Bernardo de Sousa

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:44 PM

A question to Aires or any Aldoncar or anyone else who could enlighten me:

With regard to the five candidates for Aldona constituency:

54,10, Aldona, DAYANAND G. NARVEKAR, Indian National Congress, Male,

55,10, Aldona, JULIUS PEREIRA, Goa Su-raj Party, Male,

56,10, Aldona, RAVINDRA VASUDEV PANJIKAR, Independent, Male,

57,10, Aldona, TICLO GLENN J V A E SOUZA, Bharatiya Janata Party, Male,

58,10, Aldona, WILFRED D'SOUZA, All India Trinamool Congress, Male,

What is their record with regard to the Calvim tragedy? What help or
assistance have they provided/ are they providing to the affected 

What statements have they made? What are they doing with respect to the
rumours of a cover-up? What are their plans to ensure that this kind of
tragedy never ever occurs again? What are their plans re. a bridge linking
Carona with Calvim?

Would appreciate any information that anyone could provide. Thanks.


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[Goanet] Well Done People Of Velim

2012-02-28 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Well Done People Of Velim

Only a fool would light fire around a gunpowder keg and later on try
to retrieve it. Foolish it may sound but that’s exactly what the
security services did at Velim on Sunday night. The IT raid on the
Velim Parish Priest was condemned by one and all and people were
aggrieved at the bias action of our Authorities. There was outrage
from all quarters over the raid on the innocent Parish Priest when no
action has been taken against the politicians who are pillars of
corruption and scams.

It is believed that the Shah Commission report has stated that Goans
have lost over 2000 crores that could be have been used for the
welfare of Goans, the CM as minister for mines should have been behind
bar a long time ago. There are also reports that the Education
Minister acquired over 26 crores by illegal means, he had even
attacked the police HQ in Panjim. The MLA from Aldona who was involved
in the ticket gate scam is still not convicted. The Home Minister and
his son’s involvement in the drug trade in Goa, custodial deaths. Why
are the perpetrators of the swords case still partying with the CM ?
Why has no action been taken against these criminal politicians and
why this harassment against a poor Parish Priest ?

The present leader of the opposition was caught distributing
controversial CD’s in his attempt to communalize Goan politics, no
action was taken against him. Police say that four armed personnel
accompanied two police to ask the Priest if the people of Velim would
vote. How would a priest know that answer, why did they not ask the
MLA ?  And couldn’t they ask that over the telephone ?  We Goan
Catholics have become soft targets for harassment of every kind but
then there is a limit to everything and the limit was crossed at

If the police wanted to inquire about the elections why was it urgent
to send armed personnel at night when there was a whole week before
them ? It shows malafied intent on the part of the Authorities and
political involvement. After the anger that was aroused by the IT raid
on the Priest, what did the Authorities expect when they sent it armed
personnel to the living quarters of the Parish Priest at night, red
carpet welcome or flower garlands ? Were they fools not to anticipates
the wrath of the people ?

The Velim episode has shown, the amount of respect that our
Authorities have for the minorities and the answer of the people of
Velim could not have been any better. If the security services need us
to respect them they should earn that respect and respect is not
earned by hurting people’s feelings, especially religious sentiments.

I sure hope the Authorities are not serious about booking a large
number of people from Velim for attempted murder, as patience is
running out and the gunpowder keg that was left around the fire may
blow up in the face of the Authorities. Violence is surely not the
solution but sometimes violence is the only answer for arrogance. Even
Jesus used the whip to chase away those that desecrated the house of
God and in Velim the Church premises were desecrated on two occasions.
Well done people of Velim, Goan Catholics should not be use as soft
targets and I only hope lessons are well learnt and such mistakes will
not be repeated again.

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2012-02-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira
U should know, that a Bridge is not really the answer to avoid such tragedies. 
It is the overall effeciency and lack of experties with various agencies and 
trades and the RTO Goa etc. that tragedies like this take place.
They look backwards to primitive times rather than looking forward and learning 
for the experience of already developed countries.
Bridges also 'come down' any where in the world, more so in Goa with.bridges 
built after  liberation. The Govt; of the day then was not thrown out and the 
MGP coolly went on, without suffering any electoral backlash because of it.
They were finally demolished by other groupism and tactics of dislodging by 
smaller parties and new entrants into the fray. That is what is happenning now, 
and the stronger wind shall prevail.
If U ask the candidates on their plans; they will answer to satisfy; but once 
elected they have to be in Govt. not opposition, to deliver and then too they 
must be capable and willing to shoulder the responsibility, and shake up the 
various players in the modern society..
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Bernardo de Sousa
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2012 11:14 PM
A question to Aires or any Aldoncar or anyone else who could enlighten me:

With regard to the five candidates for Aldona constituency:

54,10, Aldona, DAYANAND G. NARVEKAR, Indian National Congress, Male,

55,10, Aldona, JULIUS PEREIRA, Goa Su-raj Party, Male,

56,10, Aldona, RAVINDRA VASUDEV PANJIKAR, Independent, Male,

57,10, Aldona, TICLO GLENN J V A E SOUZA, Bharatiya Janata Party, Male,

58,10, Aldona, WILFRED D'SOUZA, All India Trinamool Congress, Male,

What is their record with regard to the Calvim tragedy? What help or
assistance have they provided/ are they providing to the affected families?
What statements have they made? What are they doing with respect to the
rumours of a cover-up? What are their plans to ensure that this kind of
tragedy never ever occurs again? What are their plans re. a bridge linking
Carona with Calvim?

Would appreciate any information that anyone could provide. Thanks.


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Re: [Goanet] Why I thought of Ponnje when I was in New Orleans, recently

2012-02-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

JC wrote:
After the final session, Ema and I walked from the hotel to the older
sections of the city (we walked about 6 miles through the city). What
was striking was HOW the city and its people continue to protect the
old colonial French (Spanish) architecture, culture and heritage.

It might interest Rajan Parrikar to note that NO financial deep
pockets can just come and destroy the buildings or even modify them
except within the specifications delineated by 'period architecture'.
In contrast, what we see happening in amchem Goem is the wanton
destruction of colonial architecture - and replacement by UGLY

I can understand the ignorant folks and the rank bigots who want to
pretend that Goa did not have or does not have Portuguese influence.
But  the chapels and churches of Goa and the property surrounding

In conclusion: Old city areas of New Orleans = Ponnje or Margao IF the
latter were neater, cleaner and not destroyed by ostriches and
financial opportunists.


I have very fond and pleasant memories of New Orleans from my many
visits there in the early 1990s.  I also had the privilege of being hosted a
couple of times by Drs Kama and Lata Thaly in their home.

Yes, I recall clearly the French Quarter evoking memories of
Panjim.  And the lovely ambience of live soft jazz wafting from the
bars and restaurants (this was, after all, the birthplace of jazz), the
quiet rides on the MIssissippi, and so on.  Much of this model could
have been adapted for Panjim  Goa.

There is no denying the positive influence of the Portuguese 
on Goa.  I yield to no one in my denunciation of the wanton
destruction, brutality and religious bigotry they wrought in their
early years.  And unlike Admin Noronha, I will never cite context
to whitewash these early Portuguese atrocities against the Hindus.

But it is equally true that the latter Portuguese mellowed a good 
deal.  One could be cynical and say that once you have demoralized
and subdued your adversaries it is easy to be generous, and so on.
It is undeniable that the aspects of culture that are unique to or
characteristic of Goa and Goans came out of the crucible provided
by the Portuguese (whether they intended it or not is another question).
Panjim, the most beautiful city (no longer, alas - thank you Indian
for NOTHING) in the subcontinent in recent times, came to be 
so because of the Portuguese.  Any Hindu, ghati or Goan,
denying the obvious positives of the ex-colonialists should be 
laughed out of town.


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2012-02-28 Thread SOTER
Dear Bernardo,
To fall into this trap of limiting the electoral debate in Aldona to the Calvim 
tragedy is disastrous. We should be interested to know if the candidates know 
the ideologies and history of their political party in the first place. Is 
Ticlo a Catholic or a communist? If Ticlo is a Catholic, then what has he to 
say about his party's treatment of his fellow christians and violation of human 
rights in other States? Secondly, what is their understanding of the 
Legislature and the socio-political situation in Goa? Will Goa's Assembly be 
reduced to debauchery and black belt politics? 

Soter D'souza
Socorro, N. Goa

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Re: [Goanet] Somehow I missed the Goa links of Sandra on first reading this story...

2012-02-28 Thread Eddie Fernandes
From: Frederick FN Noronha 
Subject: [Goanet] Somehow I missed the Goa links of Sandra on first reading
this story... 


You obviously need to check  Goan Voice UK:

1. Goan Voice UK: Newsletter. Mon 25 April, 2011 Samuel: The Nanny
Who Saved Baby Moishe. 21 Apr: Open. Sandra Samuel is the Heroic Nanny of
26/11 Who Saved the Jewish Baby ...

2. Goan Voice UK: Newsletter. Mon 19 July, 2010 Sandra Samuel, 46, a
Christian from Goa, was looking after the two-year-old when Pakistani gunmen
attacked the Jewish centre ... 267 words + ...

3. Goan Voice UK: Newsletter. Issue 2009-09. February. 26, 2009  16 Feb 2009 - Moshe
Holtzberg was snatched to safety by his nanny, Sandra Samuel, from under the
noses of the gunmen who brought carnage to India last ...

Eddie Fernandes 



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2012-02-28 Thread Bernardo de Sousa
Such a defensive / aggressive answer from Floriano to my simple questions shows 
insecurity and is a sign of weakness. Additionally, it is a sign of weakness 
that the candidate does not answer himself but prefers to hold on to Floriano's 
coattails. I wish the candidate good luck!


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[Goanet] Racism, Britain, Goan expat workers

2012-02-28 Thread Carvalho
Frederick wrote
A couple of questions: (i) If we had a similar situation in Goa,
involving migrant workers (non-Goan, in our case), what would be our
stand? (ii) Could we expect any section in Goa to speak out for the
underdogs? FN

Frederick, it may surprise you to know that when the Vasco fire occured it was 
not the Orissa goverment or the Karnataka government or even the Goa government 
that sent aid. It was Goan churches, schools and convents that opened their 
doors and halls to house all the fleeing migrant workers. These institutions 
run by ordinary Goans.
Goans are not heartless people. Just at the British are not heartless. 
Taking up the cause of Goan workers in the UK does not prevent every British 
party having controlled migration as part of their manifestos. 
Migration is and will continue to be the largest single problem of our times 
because as Thomas Friedman has pointed out the sudden explosion in populations 
is unsustainable unless we have a break in some sort of technology which will 
relieve the pressure in terms of land and food production.

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Re: [Goanet] Racism, Britain, Goan expat workers

2012-02-28 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
 On 29 February 2012 00:53, Carvalho wrote:

 Frederick, it may surprise you to know that when the Vasco fire occured it
 was not the Orissa goverment or the Karnataka government or even the Goa
 government that sent aid. It was Goan churches, schools and convents that
 opened their doors and halls to house all the fleeing migrant workers.
 These institutions run by ordinary Goans.

Selma, what is the Vasco fire you refer to? Some details please? FN

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[Goanet] Bollywood programe with Com Ambe, Com Seby..

2012-02-28 Thread JoeGoaUk

Panjim Market Traders Association
Laxmi Puja

Bollywood programme with Com. Ambe and Com. Seby

today 28th Feb. 2012, at Panjim Market 

for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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[Goanet] Ayurveda medicinal herb - Shatavari

2012-02-28 Thread Con Menezes
Ever heard of Shatavari??

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Re: [Goanet] Cop's night investigation at Velim Church

2012-02-28 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
PIDE seems to live on, fifty years after the event ... 

From: Tony de Sa
To: Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994 
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2012 2:23 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Cop's night investigation at Velim Church

Finding out at around 9.00 p.m. whether the people of Velim would vote or
not and that too from a catholic priest who had just been raided by income
tax authorities sounds like intimidation to me.


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