[Goanet-News] Goa news for June 3, 2012

2012-06-03 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa police suspected of planting drugs on foreign tourists -
Ottawa Citizen
police fabricated records in Dudu case: Central Bureau of

*** Templeton opposes Vedanta firms' merger plans-report -

*** Keep off the sea, Goa govt warns - Times of India

*** When Sarah's lingerie got stolen in Goa - bollywoodhungama
tarring Tusshar, Riteish Deshmukh and Neha Sharma. This was
Sarah's personal lingerie, which she had taken to Goa.

*** Goa Child delinquent alleges assault in remand home -

*** Goa's second medical college likely at Margao district
hospital - Times of India
the district hospital, South Goa collectorate and the KTC bus

*** Goa students to get training in entrepreneurship -

*** Goa cops, excise staff step in to stop petrol smuggling -
oCircles.netBy IANS, Panaji : Petrol from Goa is being smuggled
to neighbouring states like Karnataka and Maharashtra, where it
is priced at a premium, and the state police and excise
department are taking steps to prevent the racket, an official
here said.a class=

*** Now, birth/death certificates at Goa Medical College on same
day - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Enhancing the convenience to the public, the
office of the registrar of births and deaths (RBD) at the Goa
Medical College (GMC), Bambolim, will henceforth issue birth and
death certificates to citizens on the same day applications for
the same ...a class=

*** Goa bans swimming on beaches ahead of monsoon - Indian
ppointed lifeguard services which man Goa's beaches have decided
to put up red flags at all the beach entrances from this week
onwards as monsoons are likely to hit the coast anytime. Tushar
Sunil Shinde, Manager (Operations), ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet-News] [Goanet] Clare Mendonca, ToI film critic in the 1930s and 1940s

2012-06-03 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Dear Marshall and Joel, Thanks a tonne for the clues that could help
to trace out more on Clare Mendonca, the Times of India film critic in
the 1930s and 1940s.


The reason I asked is this: Debashree Mukherjee approached Goanet way
back in 2009 for information on this subject. Just the other day, she
wrote in again to say: I had approached Goanet in 2009 for some
information on Clare Mendonca, the *Times of India* film critic in the
1930s and 40s. That initial search was stalled for several reasons but
has been finally revived again. I am pasting excerpts from her
obituary as printed in the *Times of India*, in 1953. I have also
attached a photograph published in *Filmindia* magazine..You'll spot
Clare easily as she is the only woman in the photo (and a rare woman
film journalist in a male-dominated field). I hope you find these
interesting. I am currently writing a short piece on Clare and will
send it along as soon as it's done. Hope this email finds you well

Just sharing this in case it interests someone else on this network.
The photo is here

Many thanks to Debashree (Phd Candidate (ABD) - Dept of Cinema
Studies, Tisch School of the Arts New York University dm1...@nyu.edu)
for her interest in the subject, and enlightening us on something most
of us (me too) would have not known about. Below is the obit:

Obit in TOI, March 15, 1953:
One day, in the year 1950, all the film critics in London received on
the phone a surprise invitation to a party given by the film critic of
the Times of India who was on a short visit to Europe. The film
critics responded enthusiastically, and when in the evening they met
the hostess, 40 year old Clare Mendonca, they found in her a critic so
well-informed that she could tell from memory what any one of those
critics had written about the latest releases! The famous British film
critic, Dilys Powell, was so impressed that she exclaimed: what a
phenomenal memory Clare has!
Clare Mendonca's death removes from our midst the most distinguished
movie critic of the last two decades who made significant
contributions to the development of film criticism in this country.
She was not only a critic but an institution. Her reviews were not
only read by thousands of ardent readers but were respected by movie
producers, directors and stars who found in her the proverbial guide,
friend and philosopher.
Faced Many Odds
Many were the odds which Clare Mendonca had to face during the first
few years as a film critic. That was a period when the Indian film had
just learned to talk, and the industry was in its infancy. She
realized that it was futile to criticize the technical standard of
Indian films and to compare them to foreign products. From the year
1931, when she first started writing the film feature in the Evening
News of India, to 1935, she devoted herself to the task of making
people interested in films, to encourage the growth of the film
industry in this country and to make people realise the tremendous
potentialities of the screen as the medium of mass education. She was
happy when from 1935 onwards New Theatres, Prabhat and other companies
began producing inspiring and noble films.
But her happiness was short lived. World War II broke out. Came the
boom period for motion pictures, and the industry was soon infested
with a large number of mushroom producers. The standard of filmmaking
deteriorated rapidly. Clare felt herself duty-bound to be a little
more critical in her reviews.
Trenchant criticism
In the post-war period, the conditions worsened, however. The
intrinsic values of Indian films touched a new low, and the box office
ruled supreme.
It was then that Clare Mendonca rose to her full stature as a film
critic. For years she had encouraged the film industry. Now she felt
the time had come for her to check the fast degeneration in values.
She did not mince words nor spared the best of her friends. She lashed
out against the vulgar contents of many films. Her trenchant, honest
and sincere reviews had instant effect, and they created a furore.
Acting on her criticism, the local authorities suspended many films
during the course of a successful run. Defamation cases were
threatened and filed against her, but neither threats nor bribes could
deter her from her path. So she began to wield an influence in film
circles which no film critic had ever commanded before. Every film
producer sought her on the premiere night to know her opinion about
the released film – but in vain. Clare Mendonca preferred to avoid the
glitter and glamour of star-studded premiere nights and instead made
it a practice to see new films after their release and in a quieter
atmosphere when she could view the pictures dispassionately.
Original style
In 20 years of seeing and reviewing films, Clare 

[Goanet-News] Goa news for June 4, 2012

2012-06-03 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Templeton opposes Vedanta firms' merger plans-report -

*** Falling, luxury tax cut may boost monsoon tourism in Goa -
Times of India

*** Alina Saldanha to be inducted into Goa Cabinet on June 8 -

*** Goa family accepts compensation for NRI death - indiablooms
p last year has accepted the compensation of Rs 5 lakh from the
Goa government.

*** Goa students to get training in entrepreneurship -

*** Goa's second medical college likely at Margao district
hospital - Times of India
the district hospital, South Goa collectorate and the KTC bus

*** More control over private schools under Goa Right to
Education rules - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education (RTE) Rules, 2012 make it mandatory for every private
school, not controlled by the government, to declare within six
months of the rules coming into force that the school is not run
for ...a class=

*** Goa cops, excise staff step in to stop petrol smuggling -
oCircles.netBy IANS, Panaji : Petrol from Goa is being smuggled
to neighbouring states like Karnataka and Maharashtra, where it
is priced at a premium, and the state police and excise
department are taking steps to prevent the racket, an official
here said.a class=

*** Goa bans swimming on beaches ahead of monsoon - Indian
ppointed lifeguard services which man Goa's beaches have decided
to put up red flags at all the beach entrances from this week
onwards as monsoons are likely to hit the coast anytime. Tushar
Sunil Shinde, Manager (Operations), ...a class=

*** What measures would you recommend when setting up a second
medical college in Goa? - Times of India
mes of IndiaI am happy that the government is considering
setting up a second medical college in the state as Goan
students have to face many hardships in seeking admissions
outside the state. To have another college in the state is a
matter of pride.a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] The American financial situation in simple terms

2012-06-03 Thread George Pinto
So many of you make investment decisions with your precious life savings based 
on bogus numbers put out by various countries and institutions?  The latest 
investors to be burned were Facebook investors. Do people really believe the 
numbers put out by the US Fed Reserve, the Chinese government, Wall Street, the 
USA government, European governments, the Indian government, global banks, 
etc.?  You really trust the garbage coming out of the international financial 
system and its many institutions in this day and age?

I can only hope you did not trust Enron's numbers in 1999 and Lehman Brothers 
and AIG numbers in 2007 or the mining companies' numbers published in Africa. 
Anyone with an EXCEL spreadsheet can creatively photoshop their numbers (yes, 
you just read this phrase here first).

Ocean-front property in Arizona and the London bridge are BOTH for sale.



[Goanet] Jerry Pinto’s first novel, Em and the big Hoom; and his second: Inbox Outbox

2012-06-03 Thread Luis Vas
The fractured self
The novel’s success lies in its characterisation of Catholics,
suffering women and domineering men

Eunice de Souza

Though it’s far from being a soggy saga, the author has triumphed in
sketching convincing characters

I sometimes wonder why, given all that we see or read about, the word
“family” continues to have a cosy sound. For many people, the family
is as cosy as the stranglehold of an octopus. Families have been
dysfunctional ever since Eve blamed the serpent and Adam blamed Eve.
But  love, hate, fear, ambivalence, all form a bonding we can rarely

Jerry Pinto’s first novel, Em and the big Hoom (Aleph Books, 2012)
explores the relationship between a mentally unstable mother,
(variously diagnosed as schizophrenic, manic depressive, given to
attempts to commit suicide), her two young children and their father.

It’s tricky material to handle: the book is shot through with almost
unbearable pain, but it’s far from being a soggy saga. It’s an
extraordinary achievement, flawlessly written, variously textured, and
full of convincing characters who don’t fit stereotypes about
Catholics/suffering women/domineering men.

Em, the mother, sensitive, cultured, flamboyant, doesn’t evade the
word ‘mad,’ nor do the children, though other children jeer at them.
They want to know what she was like when she was “whole.” How did she
meet their father?

What jobs did she do? The narration moves with the questions, the
answers she gives or chooses not to give, her endless cups of tea, the
beedis she smokes, and her volatile moods. In a heartbreaking sentence
which “sums up” the book, the narrator says, “She went up.  She came
down. She went up again. We snatched at her during the intervals.”

But again, the narrator can be ironic at his own expense: “Once, in a
timid attempt to help, I took her hand in mine and sat with her. My
motives were mixed. I wanted to help but I had also written the stage
directions for myself: ‘Enter son, stage left.  He looks at her for a
moment and then goes and sits by her side.  He takes her hand in his
and offers her what consolation he can.”

There are scenes of pure comedy.  Before Em and Augustine are married,
“two senior women, dressed in silk and magnificent Sunday hats”
presented themselves at Augustine’s office.  He had no idea who they

One of the ladies said, “We are not in the habit of introducing
ourselves…I suggest you ask Mr Andrade who works here with you to
introduce us.”  They have come to make sure Augustine is the right
kind of man for Em, and to confess their own reduced circumstances:
“Our circumstances are not what they once were,” says the elder woman.
“Bertha was driven from her home in Burma by Herr Hitler.  Very little
was left.”

“Our chemist shops,” Bertha adds. “And the this-thing.” “Teak
plantation,” says Louisa. “She means the teak plantation.” “That’s
what I was this-thing,” says Bertha.  Louisa ignores her. “I see,”
says Augustine, although he doesn’t.  He hasn’t yet learnt his future
mother-in-law’s conversational style.”

Dom Moraes wrote an account of his mentally unstable mother in his
autobiography. It was harrowing. But to keep writing about such
material in an entire novel is a different matter.  There’s  the
danger of repetitiousness. But the characters themselves keep throwing
up surprises.

Em, for instance, was allowed to resign from her American Consulate
job “when she started adding her own, and very alarming, comments to
diplomatic reports.’ ‘Personal interpolations’, they called them. I
loved that phrase and when I used it, aged eight or thereabouts, Em
could still laugh though the joke was on her.”

Astonishingly for a Catholic lady of her time, she tells her future
husband, in a letter, that she is afraid of sex, and that he should
feel free to take a mistress. He replies, “Your body is yours to give
or not. Should you decide not, I will respect that…Let me say, though,
that I find all the signs most encouraging.”

Also see:

Jerry Pinto: Inbox Outbox

BOMBAY - Starting with the idea that everyone would love to peek into
someone else's e-mail, an Indian writer has hit upon an innovative
idea to serialise a novel.

Bombay-based author Jerry Pinto's e-novel, titled Inbox Outbox, can be
read by accessing the mail of protagonist Jai Mathur and his friends
on internet websites which are owned and run by Cafe Networks.

We all feel tempted to read other people's mail, said the
34-year-old writer. In the novel, you enter Jai's world by reading
his mail.

To get a daily glimpse of Jai Mathur's life, readers will have to go
either to www.cafemumbai.com, www.cafekolkata.com or www.cafe
delhi.com, log on to the novel and open his e-mail.

The novel is in the same format as normal e-mail, complete with inbox,
outbox and folders titled Personal, Work, Drafts and Trash which give
readers access to Mathur's mails to his girlfriend, boss, 

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Poonam Pandey-chem Vingllem Chitr, Sintiment Kaddtta Mhozo Mitr

2012-06-03 Thread lino dourado
Poonam Pandey-chem Vingllem Chitr
2011 vorsa Kriket Vivx Kop Bharot ttim jikhlear, tust thoknay korunk, vingllem 
zaun rostear nachtelem mhunn, filmi sonvsarant vhoir sortolem Kingfisher 
model Poonam Pandey-n utor dilelem. Tea vorsak Bharot ttim jikhli, punn tea 
vellar kriket zoit ‘celebrate’ korunk, Poonam vingllem zavn rostear mat disunk 
nam. Ani atam, Kolkata Knight Riders porchea IPL finalint zoitivont zatoch, 
Poonam Pandey-n ek voros adim utor dilelem tem nibhailem. Apnnalem vigllem 
chitr ‘twitter’ hea websitir dilam. Khorench tem chitr, tagelea angar kopdde 
nasun kaddlam vo kompuitor teknnikecho vapor korun chitr nagddem dista toxem 
kelam? Ho zaitea zannank proxn poddla.
Mhoji curiosidade (curiosity) vaddli. Chitrachi topasni korunk kompuitor 
photoshop-acho adar ghetlo. Angar aslole kopdde nanch korun chitr vigllem 
korcheli tora kosi korunk zata tem pollevn ghetlem. Ani mhozo dubhav khorench 
khoro tharlo. Poonam Pandey-chem ‘twitter’ hea somaz-mavle thollar dilelem 
vigllem chitr, asli nhoi, punn; kompuitor teknnikecho upeog korun dilam. Kitlem 
sot, kitli fott? Kuddichi chorbi bazarant ugtalar ghalun fukot nanv ani fank 
mellche khatir, film sonvsarantli choli kitem-i korunk toyar?
Sitiment Kaddtta Mhozo Mitr
Mhojea kama purtem hanv kompuitorachem yontr choloitam. Noveo kompuitoracheo 
teknniki zannam zavnk thodde khepek hanv kompuitor fixal (computer expert) 
asloleancho adar ghetam. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Google, Liked ani 
her sabar 'social network service' toyar zalelean choddso lok hea mavle 
thollancho upeog korunk lagla. Mhojea poisulea ixttank hanv FaceBook-ar melltam 
ani tanchea borim vanttekar zatana, tannim Facebook-ar choddoylolea chitrancher 
kivam sondhexancher nodor martam. Ani poir, oxech eka khas mhojea ixttachea 
nanvancher ek be-moriadik (vulgar) chitr aslolem pollelem. Tem pollevn hanv 
ojeaplom. 'Mr. XYZ watched sexy bla…bla…on Chill.' Ho mhozo ixtt zaka hanv 
porxim vollkotam to toslim hollxigi chitram apllea nanvancher, Facebook-ar 
'post' korpi nhoi. Mhoji 'curiosidade' vaddli. Tannem kitem ghatlem tem 
pollevnk dilolo 'link' klik kelo. Zalear? Chill, hi ek mavle tholl, fokot 
vaddleleank pollevnchim chitram dita. Tim chitram
 pollevn, hanv 'chilled' zalom. Hanvem taka veg-vegim fon kelo. Tor tannem 
kitem sangchem? Hanvem sanglam toxem. Hea innosent mhojea Mr XYZ ixttak 
khoboruch nam koxem ani konnem tachea nanvacher choddoylem poi tem.
Ani aiz Son’varak (Jun 2ri, 2012) mhakai tea CHIL-an soddlolo nam. Mhojea 
nanvar tochloch 'Lino Dourado watched sexy bla…bla on Chill,' kitem kai asa 
mhunn, mhojem borem chintpi Mr. J-an mhaka fon korun kolit kelem. Mhaka khup 
mandtta to. Tacho motto husko. Facebook-ar ailolo vo mhojea nanvacher 
choddoylolo moriadi bhailo ‘post’ nhoi-thoim pavun mhojea vixim borelo lok 
kitem chintolo? Sarkem dislem mhaka tachem. Chuk itlich. Facebook-ar dusro 
kitem korta tem pollevpak hanv ghelolom punn atam hanv kitem korta tem lok 
polleta. Hey Bhagwan…
Kompuitor fixal-ak sompork (contact) kelo. Tannem mhaka sanglem. Facebook-ar 
aslole ixttacho post ugto kelolo tea vellar ‘fokot vaddleleank’ mavle thollan, 
mhojem nanv 'automatic' zopt kelem ani tanchea websiticho prochar korunk tannim 
mhojea nanvan Facebook-ar 'post' kelo.
Mogacheano, oxe toren tumchea ixtt-mitram sovem kitem dislem zalear tankam 
soroll kollit korchem. Mhaka zagrut kortolea mhojea borea deknnar ixttak Dev 
borem korum mhonntam. Toxench tumkam. Moladik vell ibaddun tumi ho lekh vachlo 
ani tumkai gomlem mhunn khuxeal zatam. Upkaran 'social network service' mavle 
thollar distelim chitram samballun ugdunk tumchea ixtt-mitr-ank xiddkavnni dili 
tor, konnakui faidexir zait.
Lino B. Dourado


[Goanet] Christian Rock song from Goa enters international top ten!

2012-06-03 Thread Jazz Goa
Shaun Fraser from Panjim has been composing what he calls inspirational music 
in praise of God. 
He has around twenty originals in his repertoire and Jazz Goa just got the 
first one called 'Thank You'. 
The track just entered top ten on the international Christian Rock charts over 

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day

2012-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes




Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] The American financial situation in simple terms

2012-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 2 June 2012 20:23, George Pinto georgejpi...@yahoo.com wrote:

 So many of you make investment decisions with your precious life savings
 based on bogus numbers put out by various countries and institutions?  The
 latest investors to be burned were Facebook investors. Do people really
 believe the numbers put out by the US Fed Reserve, the Chinese government,
 Wall Street, the USA government, European governments, the Indian
 government, global banks, etc.?  You really trust the garbage coming out of
 the international financial system and its many institutions in this day
 and age?

 I can only hope you did not trust Enron's numbers in 1999 and Lehman
 Brothers and AIG numbers in 2007 or the mining companies' numbers published
 in Africa. Anyone with an EXCEL spreadsheet can creatively photoshop their
 numbers (yes, you just read this phrase here first).

 Ocean-front property in Arizona and the London bridge are BOTH for sale.



RESPONSE: While Ocean Front property in Arizona is a pipe dream, London
Bridge actually exists in Arizona. Lock stock and barrel taken down brick
by brick. See

Was sold to the Americans, who mistakenly thought they were getting Tower


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Clare Mendonca, ToI film critic in the 1930s and 1940s

2012-06-03 Thread joelds
I remember the late Mr Vicent Higino Braganza, of Mapusa, telling me that
he was selected to photograph the first Clare Award function by the Times
of India when he was a young photographer in Bombay. He also used to say
that Clare was the beautiful sister of late Fr Philip Mendonca, Goa's
pioneering educationist and the former principal of St Joseph's High School
in Arpora, and late Fr William Mendonca, whom former students of Don Bosco
High School, Panjim, will remember well as their English teacher. I wish I
knew more about the family; the Mendoncas hail from Assonora in Bardez.

[Goanet] Clare Mendonca, ToI film critic in the 1930s and 1940s

2012-06-03 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Frederick, I suggest you check with the Mendonca's of Lawrence  Mayo,
Opticians. I understand Clare was closely related to them. We Mendonca's of
Assonora and formerly of Moira are all related, some closely and some
distantly. It is sad that my father who was like an encyclopaedia on
matters relating to Goa and on relationships  and would have been able to
provide this information is no more.



*Would anyone know of any family members of Clare Mendonca, the film
critic of the Times of India in the 1930s and 1940s? Thanks in
advance, FN*


2012-06-03 Thread floriano

Three Cheers to that , Adv. Aires Rodrigues.
God be with you.
We too are with you.


- Original Message - 
From: Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

To: goanet goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 12:16 PM

Goa’s tax payers had to shell out Rs 25 lakhs for an exhibition organized
by the Bharatiya Janata Party at Madurai in Tamil Nadu. This has been
revealed in the information obtained from the Department of Information and
Publicity under the Right to Information Act.

The expenditure of Rs 25 lakhs amounted to sheer wastage of public money
and gross misuse of power. A case of an act of malafide maladministration
would be filed against Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar before the Lokayukta
as soon as it is set up.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372 

[Goanet] United Kingdom - Festa Dis - Happy Jubilee

2012-06-03 Thread Melvyn Fernandes
Dear goanet readers 

This weekend is a Bank holiday until Tuesday in England to celebrate the 
Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II as Head of the United Kingdom and the 
Commonwealth. I take this opportunity by kind favour of Goanet of wishing Her 
Majesty a Happy Diamond Jubilee and all our people participating in this 
celebration a happy time on this joyous occasion.

In celebration, here is the full version of the British National Anthem:

1. God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us;
God save the Queen!

2. O Lord our God arise,
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall;
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
God save us all!

3. Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign;
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!

4. Not in this land alone,
But be God's mercies known,
From shore to shore!
Lord make the nations see,
That men should brothers be,
And form one family,
The wide world over.

5. From every latent foe,
From the assassins blow,
God save the Queen!
O'er her thine arm extend,
For Britain's sake defend,
Our mother, prince, and friend,
God save the Queen!

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

3 June 2012


Re: [Goanet] The American financial situation in simple terms

2012-06-03 Thread J. Colaco jc
I hope that by now, we had the opportunity to have another look at Mervyn's
original post on this topic, and noted the   wrt to the Ocean front/view
property; perhaps a Sarah P reference.

George is making a good point wrt Investment. It is the same principle as
Info on brochures and their invitation to treat. Only the naive will
believe them


On 2 June 2012 15:23, George Pinto georgejpi...@yahoo.com wrote:

 So many of you make investment decisions with your precious life savings
 based on bogus numbers put out by various countries and institutions?  The
 latest investors to be burned were Facebook investors. Do people really
 believe the numbers put out by the US Fed Reserve, the Chinese government,
 Wall Street, the USA government, European governments, the Indian
 government, global banks, etc.?  You really trust the garbage coming out of
 the international financial system and its many institutions in this day
 and age?

 I can only hope you did not trust Enron's numbers in 1999 and Lehman
 Brothers and AIG numbers in 2007 or the mining companies' numbers published
 in Africa. Anyone with an EXCEL spreadsheet can creatively photoshop their
 numbers (yes, you just read this phrase here first).

 Ocean-front property in Arizona and the London bridge are BOTH for sale.




2012-06-03 Thread SOTER
Corruption of the highest order. A fit case for Lok Ayukta.


Re: [Goanet] Clare Mendonca, ToI film critic in the 1930s and 1940s

2012-06-03 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Dear Marshall and Joel, Thanks a tonne for the clues that could help
to trace out more on Clare Mendonca, the Times of India film critic in
the 1930s and 1940s.


The reason I asked is this: Debashree Mukherjee approached Goanet way
back in 2009 for information on this subject. Just the other day, she
wrote in again to say: I had approached Goanet in 2009 for some
information on Clare Mendonca, the *Times of India* film critic in the
1930s and 40s. That initial search was stalled for several reasons but
has been finally revived again. I am pasting excerpts from her
obituary as printed in the *Times of India*, in 1953. I have also
attached a photograph published in *Filmindia* magazine..You'll spot
Clare easily as she is the only woman in the photo (and a rare woman
film journalist in a male-dominated field). I hope you find these
interesting. I am currently writing a short piece on Clare and will
send it along as soon as it's done. Hope this email finds you well

Just sharing this in case it interests someone else on this network.
The photo is here

Many thanks to Debashree (Phd Candidate (ABD) - Dept of Cinema
Studies, Tisch School of the Arts New York University dm1...@nyu.edu)
for her interest in the subject, and enlightening us on something most
of us (me too) would have not known about. Below is the obit:

Obit in TOI, March 15, 1953:
One day, in the year 1950, all the film critics in London received on
the phone a surprise invitation to a party given by the film critic of
the Times of India who was on a short visit to Europe. The film
critics responded enthusiastically, and when in the evening they met
the hostess, 40 year old Clare Mendonca, they found in her a critic so
well-informed that she could tell from memory what any one of those
critics had written about the latest releases! The famous British film
critic, Dilys Powell, was so impressed that she exclaimed: what a
phenomenal memory Clare has!
Clare Mendonca's death removes from our midst the most distinguished
movie critic of the last two decades who made significant
contributions to the development of film criticism in this country.
She was not only a critic but an institution. Her reviews were not
only read by thousands of ardent readers but were respected by movie
producers, directors and stars who found in her the proverbial guide,
friend and philosopher.
Faced Many Odds
Many were the odds which Clare Mendonca had to face during the first
few years as a film critic. That was a period when the Indian film had
just learned to talk, and the industry was in its infancy. She
realized that it was futile to criticize the technical standard of
Indian films and to compare them to foreign products. From the year
1931, when she first started writing the film feature in the Evening
News of India, to 1935, she devoted herself to the task of making
people interested in films, to encourage the growth of the film
industry in this country and to make people realise the tremendous
potentialities of the screen as the medium of mass education. She was
happy when from 1935 onwards New Theatres, Prabhat and other companies
began producing inspiring and noble films.
But her happiness was short lived. World War II broke out. Came the
boom period for motion pictures, and the industry was soon infested
with a large number of mushroom producers. The standard of filmmaking
deteriorated rapidly. Clare felt herself duty-bound to be a little
more critical in her reviews.
Trenchant criticism
In the post-war period, the conditions worsened, however. The
intrinsic values of Indian films touched a new low, and the box office
ruled supreme.
It was then that Clare Mendonca rose to her full stature as a film
critic. For years she had encouraged the film industry. Now she felt
the time had come for her to check the fast degeneration in values.
She did not mince words nor spared the best of her friends. She lashed
out against the vulgar contents of many films. Her trenchant, honest
and sincere reviews had instant effect, and they created a furore.
Acting on her criticism, the local authorities suspended many films
during the course of a successful run. Defamation cases were
threatened and filed against her, but neither threats nor bribes could
deter her from her path. So she began to wield an influence in film
circles which no film critic had ever commanded before. Every film
producer sought her on the premiere night to know her opinion about
the released film – but in vain. Clare Mendonca preferred to avoid the
glitter and glamour of star-studded premiere nights and instead made
it a practice to see new films after their release and in a quieter
atmosphere when she could view the pictures dispassionately.
Original style
In 20 years of seeing and reviewing films, Clare 


2012-06-03 Thread Suresh Naik

On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 6:59 PM, floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Three Cheers to that , Adv. Aires Rodrigues.
 God be with you.
 We too are with you.


 - Original Message - From: Aires Rodrigues
 To: goanet goa...@goanet.org
 Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 12:16 PM

 Goa’s tax payers had to shell out Rs 25 lakhs for an exhibition organized
 by the Bharatiya Janata Party at Madurai in Tamil Nadu. This has been
 revealed in the information obtained from the Department of Information and
 Publicity under the Right to Information Act.

 The expenditure of Rs 25 lakhs amounted to sheer wastage of public money
 and gross misuse of power. A case of an act of malafide maladministration
 would be filed against Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar before the Lokayukta
 as soon as it is set up.

 Aires Rodrigues
 T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
 Ribandar - Goa - 403006
 Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (02Jun12)

2012-06-03 Thread alexyz fernandes

   ~   Petrol Hike - India Bandh   ~

What I learnt today? Tuition Sir'The Strike' is not Relevant for a Poor 
Nation like India...where only 20% to 25% use cars/two wheelers'

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org 

[Goanet] R.I.P. - Alfred D'Cruz

2012-06-03 Thread Agnelo Fernandes
On Sat, 2 Jun 2012, Eddie Fernandes eddie.fernan...@gmail.com wrote:

Subject: [Goanet] Death: Alfred D'Cruz

1 Jun: Mumbai. ALFRED D'CRUZ (aged 91; Ex-Saligao; Ex-Chief Sub-Editor,
Times of India). Husband of Odilia. Father of Sushila/Derek; Shakuntala;
Sunil/Jonitha; Late Sunita; Saroj/Raja. Grandfather of Joanne; Janice/Rohan.
Funeral Mass at St Teresa's Church, Bandra on Sunday 3rd June at 2.45 pm
followed by burial at St Andrew's Cemetery. 

Mr. D'Cruz was a thorough gentleman. Having worked under him in 1989 at the 
Kuwait Times, I had learnt a lot within a very short span in 'headlining' and 
sub-editing copies. We worked the last shift, until the paper went in for 

May his soul find peaceful eternal rest, and his family the courage to cope 
with this loss.

Agnelo Fernandes
Calangute - Goa

[Goanet] Hind-Christian dialogue (was: Sanal Edamaruku trial)

2012-06-03 Thread U. G. Barad


Nascy Caldeira wrote: When this BJP and VHP were asked for a dialogue, some
years ago by the Church Authorities in New Delhi, these groups just refused
to talk, as their sinister plans would be exposed.


I understand the Church Authorities have had a dialogue with other Hindu
groups.  One such was in Mumbai, about three years ago, and the Kanchi
Shankaracharya participated in it.  I had come across the enclosed press
statement on the points that he made.


Can Nascy tell us if there has been a response to these points?


Best regards,


U. G. Barad



Press statement of Pujya Sankaracharya Swami 

at the inter-faith dialogue with the Vatican in Mumbai on June 12, 2009

The Points that Pujya Periava made at the inter-faith dialogue and was made
into a press statement.
1.Exactly one month ago to the date, the Pope went to Jerusalem where Jesus
was born, for a similar dialogue that the Vatican had undertaken with the
Chief Rabbinate of Israel. At the end of that meeting when the Pope and
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzer jointly addressed the Press and Media, the
Chief Rabbi thanked the Pope for assuring the Chief Rabbinate that the
Catholic Church would desist and cease from all missionary and conversion
activities among the Jews. This is construed as endorsed and agreed by the
Pope since he was present at the press meet. We need a similar commitment
from the Church for Hindus.
2.  After such inter-faith meetings, the points agreed have to be
faithfully abided. Otherwise there will be no point in holding such
meetings. Unless the Church reassures Hindus that it will not conduct itself
in a manner that wounds Hindu sensibilities and follows up on those
assurances, such inter-faith meetings, no matter how frequently they are
held, will be futile and not serve any meaningful cause.
3.  In 1999, Pope Johan Paul II had stated that the mission of the
Vatican was to plant the Cross in Asia in the third millennium to facilitate
the Christianizing of the world, which alone would cause the Second Coming
of Jesus Christ. The Pope must tell us the rationale for the First Coming of
Jesus Christ when there was no Christianity or the Church to undertake the
mission to Christianize the world.
4.  We see the USCIRF (US Commission on International Religious Freedom)
as an intrusive mechanism of a foreign government to interfere in the
internal affairs of this country. The USCIRF, which has been permitted to
visit this country to hold meetings with our people to ascertain religious
freedom in our country, must no longer be permitted to enter this country on
this intrusive mission. We will not allow external interference into our
internal affairs.
5.  We know that very large amounts of money come into this country for
Churches and Christian groups, ostensibly for charitable work. These funds
should be used only for social causes like health, education etc and should
not be used for religious conversion. During these dialogues, it should be
agreed that the funds should be distributed to all Organisations who do
charitable work, irrespective of the organisations' religious faith. A
common pool should be created and a Committee formed to distribute and
monitor the usage of these funds.

6.  It has become easy for the Missionaries to convert Hindus. All Hindu
Organisations and Associations should work together to educate Hindus and
eradicate the conversion activity.
7.  Hindu dharma is by nature diverse and so all different panthas and
sampradayas co-exist on this bhumi without seeking to destroy the others.
Hindu dharma has nurtured and supported all faiths and religions because
that is the way of dharma. We expect that religions which have come into
this bhumi from other lands will respect this vital characteristic of Hindu
dharma and not do anything to subvert or disturb the sense of nationhood of
this country. Hindu dharma and the Hindu people welcome Christians and
Muslims, Parsis and Jews to make this land their home. We expect from these
religions that they will not seek to destroy our faith, our religion and
wound our religious sensibilities. We encourage all religions to live with
mutual respect and harmony in a shared sense of nationalism which should
bind us all as one nation. Nationalism should come first.
8.  We are aware of the propaganda that they [the church] will cure
diseases and ailments if the individual converts to their faith. This is
illegal as per the DRUGS AND MAGIC REMEDIES ACT 1954 and we call upon the
Indian government to take action under the provision of law. 

9.  Most of the countries in the world (USA, UK, Japan, Middle-east
nations, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc.), adopt national resolutions and
statements of intent proclaimed by their governments and their tallest
religious bodies, affirming their determination to protect and defend the
culture and the religion from which their cultures derive. In India alone we
pass resolutions which 


2012-06-03 Thread bernard dcosta
The boss is always right.It is the common people who r wrong. Maybe
The  25 lakhs were not squandered. Mr Clean M Parrikar must have used
the funds keeping the future and good of the Goans in mind.hence the
common people should never question the C M decision.:):)

On 6/3/12, SOTER so...@bsnl.in wrote:
 Corruption of the highest order. A fit case for Lok Ayukta.


[Goanet] Off topic: Richa Maria Adhia

2012-06-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo

For those interested, here is a video with Richa Maria Adhia, who talks on 
her experiences of being Tanzanian and being voted Miss Tanzania. She also 
talks of the experiences of her grandmother moving from Goa to Tanzania.


Pole Pole ndio mwendobwana


Re: [Goanet] Pipe organs... in Goa?

2012-06-03 Thread Eddie Fernandes
-Original Message-
From: Frederick FN Noronha Sent: 03 June 2012 19:31
Any idea how many pipe organs there would be in Goa, specially in churches?


From Goan Voice UK 29 May 2012:
Late medieval era Church music legacy preserved by rare organs
PTI. May 29,2012

Panaji, May 29 (PTI) Handful of piped organs dating more than a
century-year-old from the late medieval era preserved by the Goan Churches
here, are the last vestiges of the musical legacy brought in by the
Christian missionaries during the Portuguese colonial rule in the state.
Couple of these musical organs, huge--as tall as 4-5 metres, have been
repaired and put to use, while few more are gathering dust waiting for
expert hands to get them fixed. Saint Ignatius Loyola Church at Rachol, 80
kms from here, still plays music through piped organs during Sunday masses.
Traditionally, the wind was blown through a pedestal board for this
instrument while the organist plays with the keys. For the sake of
convenience, at this Church, the conventional pedestal board has taken a
backseat and wind is blown through an electric motor. The organ is kept on
the inside gallery just opposite the Altar of St Ignatius Loyola, the
founder of Jesuit order. Fr Mousinho Ataide, attached to Rachol Seminary,
said that these instruments date back to 1880, and are perhaps few of the
last remains of the wind blowing musical instruments, which are on the wane.
The organ at Rachol was gifted to the seminary by then Archbishop in late
1800s to this Church constructed in the medieval era. Rachol seminary where
the Church is housed is amongst the first churches built by the missionaries
in Goa. The Church management concedes that the ageing musical organ has
been a costly affair to maintain. Ataide said that a person is specially
called from London, periodically to upkeep this rare instrument. 

Don't know if I would agree that something a century old belongs to the late
medieval era!

Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Talking Photos; Spitting Goa

2012-06-03 Thread JoeGoaUk
Migrants' menace
This is just today

From archive





all this in CM's (Parrikar) Constituency


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc   

Re: [Goanet] Hindu-Christian dialogue

2012-06-03 Thread Santosh Helekar
I have the following comments on two statements in this religious confrontation 
between Shankaracharya and the Vatican:

This is illegal as per the DRUGS AND MAGIC REMEDIES ACT 1954 and we call upon 
the Indian government to take action under the provision of law.

.press statement of Shankaracharya Swami

It would be an excellent thing if religious leaders would support law 
enforcement authorities in prosecuting under the above law babas, swamis, 
mullahs, priests and evangelists who advertise and offer quack remedies and 
fake miracle cures.

In India alone we pass resolutions which officially and legally promote an 
irreligious and unspiritual creed called secularism. Secularism is an 
administrative quality; it cannot be the soul of this nation.

.press statement of Shankaracharya Swami

The above statement is false. In many other developed countries such as the 
U.S. and France, the separation of church and state is absolute, as it is in 
India, according to the constitution. Here is this categorical statement in 
John F. Kennedy's speech:

I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute; 
where no Catholic prelate would tell the President -- should he be Catholic -- 
how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to 
vote; where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political 
preference, and where no man is denied public office merely because his 
religion differs from the President who might appoint him, or the people who 
might elect him.

I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor 
Jewish; where no public official either requests or accept instructions on 
public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other 
ecclesiastical source; where no religious body seeks to impose its will 
directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its 
officials, and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against 
one church is treated as an act against all.
...John F. Kennedy

Secularism is central to the constitution of India and the U.S., among many 
other democratic countries. It prohibits a government from banning religious 
conversion, i.e. conversion from one religion to another, conversion from a 
religion to irreligion, and conversion from irreligion to religion. That is how 
it should be for the good of humankind.



- Original Message -
From: U. G. Barad dr.udayba...@gmail.com

 Subject: [Goanet] Hind-Christian dialogue (was:  Sanal Edamaruku trial)
 Nascy Caldeira wrote: When this BJP and VHP were asked for a dialogue, 
 years ago by the Church Authorities in New Delhi, these groups just refused
 to talk, as their sinister plans would be exposed.

 I understand the Church Authorities have had a dialogue with other Hindu
 groups.  One such was in Mumbai, about three years ago, and the Kanchi
 Shankaracharya participated in it.  I had come across the enclosed press
 statement on the points that he made.
 Can Nascy tell us if there has been a response to these points?
 Best regards,
 U. G. Barad
 Press statement of Pujya Sankaracharya Swami 
 at the inter-faith dialogue with the Vatican in Mumbai on June 12, 2009
 The Points that Pujya Periava made at the inter-faith dialogue and was made
 into a press statement.
 1.Exactly one month ago to the date, the Pope went to Jerusalem where Jesus
 was born, for a similar dialogue that the Vatican had undertaken with the
 Chief Rabbinate of 

[Goanet] Pipe organs... in Goa?  (by Rose Fernandes)

2012-06-03 Thread Melvyn Fernandes

Not sure if this by David Rumsey is of any interest to you? 


Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

3 June 2012

[Goanet] Pipe organs... in Goa?

2012-06-03 Thread JoeGoaUk

this one appeared in Herald recently

Piped  organ at Rachol here (covered)  (pic 2 years ago)

check this 45 sec clip – Chruch, Seminary etc

this one from Se cathedral, oLD Goa

I am sure most older churches in Goa have  or had it
I remember seeing one in Cansaulim and Velsao Church.

[Goanet] Pipe organs... in Goa? 

Any idea how many pipe organs there would be in Goa, specially in churches?

The Archdiocese webpage notes the one at Rachol:  The Seminary
undertook the onerous and challenging task of repairing the century
old Pipe Organ that is housed in the Seminary Church. At present, it
is the only instrument of its genre that is in functioning condition
in the Archdiocese. The seminarians are introduced into the esteem
that is required to be shown to this rare and awesome instrument.

Margao's Holy Spirit's was reported, some time back, as being
renovated: http://www.goawala.com/churches/church-holy-spirit.phpWas

Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks, FN


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Posting on goanet does help!

2012-06-03 Thread Silviano Barbosa

Dear Goanet members,

I would like to thank Mr. Carlos M. Fernandes of Goa State Central Library for 
purchasing 10 copies of my Goan novel, The Sixth Night.

I applaud his efficiency in acquiring my book so expeditiously.

This is the way I 'd like Goa Government to act whenever there are justifiable 
complaints from the general public.

I tried without success in getting my book in the various libraries in 
Goa by personally contacting them, but when I wrote and complained about
 Goan libraries not showcasing books by certain authors on various Goan 
internet groups/forum like Goa-Book-Club, Goanet, etc, it really did 
have an effect.

So I'd like to thank all those who made this happen, especially 
Frederick Noronha who explained the process and others who may have 
approached the authorities concerned in taking quick action and 
promoting Goan authors and their creations!

So dear readers, writing about injustice does really work in Goa.

This is the only way to make INDIA number 1.

And Goans, let's not be second to none!

I also verified that my book is kept in the Goa University Library.

Thanks to everyone who helped!


Silviano Barbosa

Author of the Goan novel, The Sixth Night. 

[Goanet] Goa news for June 4, 2012

2012-06-03 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Templeton opposes Vedanta firms' merger plans-report -

*** Falling, luxury tax cut may boost monsoon tourism in Goa -
Times of India

*** Alina Saldanha to be inducted into Goa Cabinet on June 8 -

*** Goa family accepts compensation for NRI death - indiablooms
p last year has accepted the compensation of Rs 5 lakh from the
Goa government.

*** Goa students to get training in entrepreneurship -

*** Goa's second medical college likely at Margao district
hospital - Times of India
the district hospital, South Goa collectorate and the KTC bus

*** More control over private schools under Goa Right to
Education rules - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education (RTE) Rules, 2012 make it mandatory for every private
school, not controlled by the government, to declare within six
months of the rules coming into force that the school is not run
for ...a class=

*** Goa cops, excise staff step in to stop petrol smuggling -
oCircles.netBy IANS, Panaji : Petrol from Goa is being smuggled
to neighbouring states like Karnataka and Maharashtra, where it
is priced at a premium, and the state police and excise
department are taking steps to prevent the racket, an official
here said.a class=

*** Goa bans swimming on beaches ahead of monsoon - Indian
ppointed lifeguard services which man Goa's beaches have decided
to put up red flags at all the beach entrances from this week
onwards as monsoons are likely to hit the coast anytime. Tushar
Sunil Shinde, Manager (Operations), ...a class=

*** What measures would you recommend when setting up a second
medical college in Goa? - Times of India
mes of IndiaI am happy that the government is considering
setting up a second medical college in the state as Goan
students have to face many hardships in seeking admissions
outside the state. To have another college in the state is a
matter of pride.a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] The American financial situation in simple terms

2012-06-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo
George Pinto wrote:
 So many of you make investment decisions with your precious life savings 
 based on bogus numbers put out by various countries and institutions?  The 
 latest investors to be burned were Facebook investors. Do people really 
 believe the numbers put out by the US Fed Reserve, the Chinese government, 
 Wall Street, the USA government, European governments, the Indian government, 
 global banks, etc.?  You really trust the garbage coming out of the 
 financial system and its many institutions in this day and age?

 I can only hope you did not trust Enron's numbers in 1999 and Lehman Brothers 
 and AIG numbers in 2007 or the mining companies' numbers published in Africa. 
 Anyone with an EXCEL spreadsheet can creatively photoshop their numbers 
 (yes, you just read this phrase here first). 

It is a dangerous investment world out there. Not everyone has the time or 
insight to properly research the companies they want to invest in. At times, 
even professional investors miss the red flags when researching opportunities. 
Then you have the additional danger of companies that are birthed as frauds or 
which get hijacked to become fraudulent. Shares of such companies are hyped or 
marketed by the smoothest of salesmen and it is easy for the best of investors 
to get fooled. 

Even when financial regulations are in place, some crooked businessmen find 
ways to circumnavigate them. The way to lower your investment risk, is by 
buying mutual funds. This is also how pension funds invest your premiums. They 
spread the risk by buying a lot of companies knowing that some of the companies 
will fail, some will give extraordinary results and most will give steady 
returns over the years. The key here is to be invested over the long term. The 
value of mutual funds can fluctuate over the short term but is usually the best 
place to invested in, longer term. I have benefited a lot from my steady 
contributions to mutual funds.

As far as numbers being released by governments is concerned, everybody has a 
different level of faith in them. For example, the US govt calculates 
US inflation without taking into consideration the cost of petrol or food. 
These two expenses can be the biggest monthly expenditures for a lot of people, 
yet the US govt has a reason why it does not take the two prices into 
consideration. Personally, I make use of any number released by any govt.  
Where I get scared though, is when govts are unable to release financial 
numbers. Take a look at Greece or Spain. The situation there is that even those 
who should be in the know, are not sure on how bad the situation is. 

Last week, as Gabe will tell you, German government bonds were trading with a 
negative return. This means that you lend money to the German govt, get no 
interest AND pay a fee for that privilege.  The people who get hurt the most 
here are the senior citizens who require an income from their savings. The 
current monetary policies of western govts have put seniors and those who need 
fixed incomes, into financial jeopardy.

Lastly, a currency has value only when it is in limited supply. An increase in 
the supply of a currency means that the govt is willing to debauch the value of 
its currency. QE I and QE II were just the opening salvo's in the US. The US 
govt is now addicted to printing money. Those holding the currency of govts 
that are on a printing spree are taking a huge risk. 

For those interested on how big a risk, Bob Mugabe's Zimbabwe is the study case.

Mervyn Lobo
PS. Gold has been increasing in value by 16% every year for the past ten years. 
In case you are wondering why few 'financial advisers' recommend buying gold, 
it is has to do with the commissions...  

Re: [Goanet] Hind-Christian dialogue (was: Sanal Edamaruku trial)

2012-06-03 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
AFAIK, there has been no attempt by any Roman Catholic Church missionary to 
make a statement that converting to Catholicism would cure them of diseases and 
ailments. I also understand that this claim (of a cure) is made by certain 
cults purporting to be Christian. Although the Pope has full responsibility for 
the Roman Catholic Church, he is not responsible for the behaviour of the 
missionaries of the protestant churches and cults. Protestants often spread 
misinformation about the Catholic Church, as can be seen now and then on this 

From: U. G. Barad dr.udayba...@gmail.com
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org 
Sent: Sunday, 3 June 2012 10:16 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Hind-Christian dialogue (was: Sanal Edamaruku trial)

8.      We are aware of the propaganda that they [the church] will cure
diseases and ailments if the individual converts to their faith. This is
illegal as per the DRUGS AND MAGIC REMEDIES ACT 1954 and we call upon the
Indian government to take action under the provision of law. 

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Clare Mendonca, ToI film critic in the 1930s and 1940s

2012-06-03 Thread Wendell Rodricks
I was at lunch yesterday and brought up the topic of Clare.
Kit Heredia said that there was an award called The Clare which later became 
the Filmfare awards. Kit mentioned a name of someone who would know more.
I have copied him here to provide Goanet with the contact.

Sent from my iPad
Wendell Rodricks, Campal, Panjim. GOA 403001. INDIA
Off tel: +91-832-2420604, Shop tel: +91-832-2238177
Off email: rns.wend...@gmail.com

On 03-Jun-2012, at 5:10 PM,  Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك 
نورونيا fredericknoro...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear Marshall and Joel, Thanks a tonne for the clues that could help
 to trace out more on Clare Mendonca, the Times of India film critic in
 the 1930s and 1940s.
 The reason I asked is this: Debashree Mukherjee approached Goanet way
 back in 2009 for information on this subject. Just the other day, she
 wrote in again to say: I had approached Goanet in 2009 for some
 information on Clare Mendonca, the *Times of India* film critic in the
 1930s and 40s. That initial search was stalled for several reasons but
 has been finally revived again. I am pasting excerpts from her
 obituary as printed in the *Times of India*, in 1953. I have also
 attached a photograph published in *Filmindia* magazine..You'll spot
 Clare easily as she is the only woman in the photo (and a rare woman
 film journalist in a male-dominated field). I hope you find these
 interesting. I am currently writing a short piece on Clare and will
 send it along as soon as it's done. Hope this email finds you well
 Just sharing this in case it interests someone else on this network.
 The photo is here
 Many thanks to Debashree (Phd Candidate (ABD) - Dept of Cinema
 Studies, Tisch School of the Arts New York University dm1...@nyu.edu)
 for her interest in the subject, and enlightening us on something most
 of us (me too) would have not known about. Below is the obit:
 Obit in TOI, March 15, 1953:
 One day, in the year 1950, all the film critics in London received on
 the phone a surprise invitation to a party given by the film critic of
 the Times of India who was on a short visit to Europe. The film
 critics responded enthusiastically, and when in the evening they met
 the hostess, 40 year old Clare Mendonca, they found in her a critic so
 well-informed that she could tell from memory what any one of those
 critics had written about the latest releases! The famous British film
 critic, Dilys Powell, was so impressed that she exclaimed: what a
 phenomenal memory Clare has!
 Clare Mendonca's death removes from our midst the most distinguished
 movie critic of the last two decades who made significant
 contributions to the development of film criticism in this country.
 She was not only a critic but an institution. Her reviews were not
 only read by thousands of ardent readers but were respected by movie
 producers, directors and stars who found in her the proverbial guide,
 friend and philosopher.
 Faced Many Odds
 Many were the odds which Clare Mendonca had to face during the first
 few years as a film critic. That was a period when the Indian film had
 just learned to talk, and the industry was in its infancy. She
 realized that it was futile to criticize the technical standard of
 Indian films and to compare them to foreign products. From the year
 1931, when she first started writing the film feature in the Evening
 News of India, to 1935, she devoted herself to the task of making
 people interested in films, to encourage the growth of the film
 industry in this country and to make people realise the tremendous
 potentialities of the screen as the medium of mass education. She was
 happy when from 1935 onwards New Theatres, Prabhat and other companies
 began producing inspiring and noble films.
 But her happiness was short lived. World War II broke out. Came the
 boom period for motion pictures, and the industry was soon infested
 with a large number of mushroom producers. The standard of filmmaking
 deteriorated rapidly. Clare felt herself duty-bound to be a little
 more critical in her reviews.
 Trenchant criticism
 In the post-war period, the conditions worsened, however. The
 intrinsic values of Indian films touched a new low, and the box office
 ruled supreme.
 It was then that Clare Mendonca rose to her full stature as a film
 critic. For years she had encouraged the film industry. Now she felt
 the time had come for her to check the fast degeneration in values.
 She did not mince words nor spared the best of her friends. She lashed
 out against the vulgar contents of many films. Her trenchant, honest
 and sincere reviews had instant effect, and they created a furore.
 Acting on her criticism, the local authorities suspended many films
 during the course of a 

[Goanet] Government seeks views on illegal religious shrines

2012-06-03 Thread SOTER
Government seeks views on illegal religious shrines
TNN | Jun 3, 2012, 05.26AM IST

PANAJI: The government has put up a draft policy, seeking to lay down procedure 
for removal of unauthorized religious structures, while retaining and 
regularizing decades-old ones and relocating others, in the public domain for 

The ten-page draft policy on religious structures is being circulated to 
panchayats and is also available on the government site for perusal. After 30 
days, the objections and suggestions received from the public will be compiled 
and submitted to the government, North Goa collector, Mihir Vardhan said. 

Treading cautiously on this issue, the BJP-led government had announced that it 
would invite suggestions from the public to finalize the policy to remove 
illegal structures as directed by an order of the Supreme Court. 

The erstwhile Congress government had carried out part of the process through 
committees and identified 979 illegal structures. Later, only 80 of them were 
earmarked for demolition, around 336 for regularization and the others for 

The unauthorized religious structures in non-comunidade land are proposed to be 
removed within 90 days after the order is passed. 

There are about 80 religious structures, including 31 in North Goa and 49 in 
South Goa, identified for removal by the district administration, the policy 

The land owning agency (LOA) or estate officer (EO) will have to apply to the 
TLC with details of encroachment, survey number, size and nature of 
encroachment and public hindrance and personal information about the 

After the issue of show cause notice under Section 40 of land revenue code 1968 
to the all concerned parties for a reply within 30 days, the TLC will issue 
orders, even ex-parte if the party representing the structure fails to appear, 
for its removal within 15 days. 

The entire cost of the removal of structures shall be borne by the land owning 
agency, the policy states. 

For relocation of religious structures, the land owning agency/estate officer 
has to apply to the TLC with requisite details and documents. If interested 
parties appear before the TLC, they will be given an opportunity of hearing 
within 15 days, the policy states. 

If parties fail to respond, the TLC will have the right to decide about 
relocation or demolition at the cost of the government or land owning agency. 

The district administration has recommended regularization of a total of 336 
structures, including 292 in north Goa and 44 in south Goa. 

But the owners of the land on which the structures are located would have to 
apply to the TLC with requisite documents and a plan containing all details. 

In case of lack of response, the TLC will decide about the regularization of 
such structures at the owner's or government's cost. 

The structures which are difficult to be shifted will be removed, the policy 
states. If no organizations, trusts and managements apply for relocation of 
structures, they will be liable for demolition. 

The policy envisages formation of state, headed by chief minister and district 
and taluka level committees, headed by district collectors as chairmen. 

The DLC and TLC will inspect the records of all religious structures, which are 
more than hundred years old or less. If the structures are obstructing traffic 
movement, the panels will work out plans to shift them to other locations at 
the cost of the respective bodies, management or trusts. 

The government will carve out a separate fund to take care of the expenditure 
involved in removal and relocation of the illegal structures. 

The government has proposed to take a strict line (of action) against officials 
for reasons of delay, laxity in removal of structures and encroachments, as 
also in preventing construction of illegal structures, such as temple, church, 
mosque or gurudwara, in future. 

Departmental action shall be initiated against the official found guilty, 
besides the entire cost of demolition of the illegal religious structures will 
be recovered from the officer's salary, a clause in the policy states. 

The government has also proposed to appoint an ombudsman to look into 
grievances of parties aggrieved by the policy within a specific time frame. 

[Goanet] Goa Sudharop: May be the most famous pilot in the world

2012-06-03 Thread George Pinto

This Thursday, June 7, is the Meet  Greet meeting with Captain Sullenberger. 
All invited, no membership required. You do not have to be a COSTCO member to 
attend or to buy his book. 

Captain Sullenberger, who safely landed his US Airways plane on the Hudson 
River in New York on Jan 15, 2009 and saved 155 lives, has kindly agreed to 
meet and greet our Goa Sudharop supporters, well-wishers, volunteers and 
friends/family this Thursday, June 7, 2012, at 6:30pm.

Captain Sullenberger is an American hero, and has been honored by the US 
Congress, the US President, etc. He is working on airline safety and medical 
safety issues now and has just released his second book Making a Difference: 
Stories of Vision and Courage from America's Leaders. He will personally sign 
your copy of his book (available at the COSTCO store) and also take a group 
photo with our Goa Sudharop group.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesley_Sullenberger

Date: June 7, 2012, Thursday, 6:30pm. Meet in the COSTCO Food Court area.

Address: COSTCO, 2400 Monument Blvd, Concord, California 94520, United States.
Map - http://www.costco.com/Warehouse/LocationTemplate.aspx?Warehouse=663

Cost: There is no cost to attend.

Captain Sullenberger wishes to convey to our Goa Sudharop group that he is 
looking forward to meeting the group on June 7.

Please RSVP asap to Acaria at acariaalme...@yahoo.com if you plan on attending. 
Bring your kids, grand-kids, nieces, nephews, etc. along so they may be 
inspired by an American hero.

Goa Sudharop

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (04Jun12)

2012-06-03 Thread alexyz fernandes

  ~   No Entry - Follow Dress Code   ~

You have been Misguided...the Beach is some 15 kms from this Church...!!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org