[Goanet-News] Nuts with a Goan touch... David J Lobo's DeeJay coconuts

2013-04-28 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Deejay Sampoorna -- Hybrid Coconut Seedling

The Deejay Sampoorna Hybrid is the result of more than 25 years of
meticulous scientific expertise using the finest breeding stock from around
the world. The high productivity of this hybrid is backed by thousands of
satisfied customers all over south India.

If you wish to produce large number of nuts per palm, sweet tender
coconuts, high quality copra, high-yields of coconut oil, your only choice
-- The Deejay Sampoorna Hybrid Coconut seedlings.

Deejay Sampoorna - Features

Ideal general purpose hybrid
Early yielder - first flowering within 24 months after planting
Large number of nuts - upto 250 nuts per annum per tree
When harvested for tender coconuts, yield improves by approx 30% - 400
tender nuts per annum reported by some customers
The tender coconut at 7 months contains 500ml of sweet coconut water
Good kernel and copra content - approx. 200grams per nut
Approx. 8,750 kgs of copra per annum per hectare
Approx. 5 tonnes of coconut oil per hectare

Note: Above results are possible under reasonably good management conditions

For Enquiry Please Contact
Tamil Nadu  : 04543 293785/+91 94425 83785 or +91 94430 15536
Karnataka: 08387 220484/+91 94486 09964 or +91 94499 16255
Goa   : +91 832 2991153 or 2991053 / +91 9604747559


Deejay Pushkala – Hybrid Coconut Seedling

This Deejay Pushkala hybrid is the result of several years of field
evaluation. These hybrid seedlings are specially produced for tender
coconut purpose and will be the perfect answer for the ever growing tender
coconut market needs. These seedlings will be the preferred choice to
supply tender coconuts to the processing industries.

If you wish to Produce large Coconuts for sweet tender coconut water, the
Deejay Pushkala Hybrid is your first choice.

Deejay Pushkala - Features

Ideal hybrid for tender coconut water
Early yielder - flowering within 26 months after planting
Large number of nuts-350 tender nuts per annum reported by customers
The tender coconut at 7 months contains more than 600ml of sweet coconut
Premium selling price for tender coconuts

Note: Above results are possible under reasonably good management conditions


Deejay Vishwas – Hybrid Coconut Seedling

The Tall cultivar parent used in producing the Deejay Vishwas Hybrid
coconut palm is one of the highest yielding Talls growing in sub-optimum

If you wish to produce more nuts per palm, sweet tender coconut water,
quality copra and oil, under less than optimum growing condition, the
Deejay Vishwas is you choice.

Deejay Vishwas - Features

Excellent general purpose hybrid
Early flowering and fruiting
Very high yields of nuts per hectare
Ideal Quantity of 300ml of tender coconut water
High copra  oil production


After Sales Service

Deejay provides after sales service to all its customers in guiding them
with timely management practices and through personal visits to customers
farms to identify shortfalls and to suggest corrective action.

A Detailed Management Guide is being provided to all customers which will
serve as a guide as well as an accurate record of performance.



On Facebook:

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa): http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings
Goa,1556 http://www.scribd.com/doc/76671049/Goa1556-Catalogue-Books-from-Goa

[Goanet] Nuts with a Goan touch... David J Lobo's DeeJay coconuts

2013-04-28 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Deejay Sampoorna -- Hybrid Coconut Seedling

The Deejay Sampoorna Hybrid is the result of more than 25 years of
meticulous scientific expertise using the finest breeding stock from around
the world. The high productivity of this hybrid is backed by thousands of
satisfied customers all over south India.

If you wish to produce large number of nuts per palm, sweet tender
coconuts, high quality copra, high-yields of coconut oil, your only choice
-- The Deejay Sampoorna Hybrid Coconut seedlings.

Deejay Sampoorna - Features

Ideal general purpose hybrid
Early yielder - first flowering within 24 months after planting
Large number of nuts - upto 250 nuts per annum per tree
When harvested for tender coconuts, yield improves by approx 30% - 400
tender nuts per annum reported by some customers
The tender coconut at 7 months contains 500ml of sweet coconut water
Good kernel and copra content - approx. 200grams per nut
Approx. 8,750 kgs of copra per annum per hectare
Approx. 5 tonnes of coconut oil per hectare

Note: Above results are possible under reasonably good management conditions

For Enquiry Please Contact
Tamil Nadu  : 04543 293785/+91 94425 83785 or +91 94430 15536
Karnataka: 08387 220484/+91 94486 09964 or +91 94499 16255
Goa   : +91 832 2991153 or 2991053 / +91 9604747559


Deejay Pushkala – Hybrid Coconut Seedling

This Deejay Pushkala hybrid is the result of several years of field
evaluation. These hybrid seedlings are specially produced for tender
coconut purpose and will be the perfect answer for the ever growing tender
coconut market needs. These seedlings will be the preferred choice to
supply tender coconuts to the processing industries.

If you wish to Produce large Coconuts for sweet tender coconut water, the
Deejay Pushkala Hybrid is your first choice.

Deejay Pushkala - Features

Ideal hybrid for tender coconut water
Early yielder - flowering within 26 months after planting
Large number of nuts-350 tender nuts per annum reported by customers
The tender coconut at 7 months contains more than 600ml of sweet coconut
Premium selling price for tender coconuts

Note: Above results are possible under reasonably good management conditions


Deejay Vishwas – Hybrid Coconut Seedling

The Tall cultivar parent used in producing the Deejay Vishwas Hybrid
coconut palm is one of the highest yielding Talls growing in sub-optimum

If you wish to produce more nuts per palm, sweet tender coconut water,
quality copra and oil, under less than optimum growing condition, the
Deejay Vishwas is you choice.

Deejay Vishwas - Features

Excellent general purpose hybrid
Early flowering and fruiting
Very high yields of nuts per hectare
Ideal Quantity of 300ml of tender coconut water
High copra  oil production


After Sales Service

Deejay provides after sales service to all its customers in guiding them
with timely management practices and through personal visits to customers
farms to identify shortfalls and to suggest corrective action.

A Detailed Management Guide is being provided to all customers which will
serve as a guide as well as an accurate record of performance.



On Facebook:

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa): http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings
Goa,1556 http://www.scribd.com/doc/76671049/Goa1556-Catalogue-Books-from-Goa

[Goanet] Controversial eco-tourism project proposed in Vanxim, Goa - Residents divided

2013-04-28 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
An isle in dilemma

Residents of the picturesque mangrove island of Vanxim in Goa are divided over 
a controversial eco-tourism project proposed there

Vanxim is a tiny island on river Mandovi in Goa. One has to first go to 
Ribander jetty, take a ferry to Divar Island, then travel a distance of about 
six to eight km by road and take another ferry to reach this picturesque 
island. All along the way, migratory birds and mangroves greet the visitors.

I meet Neves and her daughter Raita, who are going back to Divar after some 
shopping in Panjim. Earlier you could see paddy fields, now it is mangroves 
all the way, Neves says. They get down at Divar and I take the ferry for 

As one goes across the Naroa branching out of Mandovi, a Cross is visible in 
the midst of waters before approaching Vanxim. The Cross was constructed by the 
villagers in the memory of a doctor, Louis Cabral, who drowned at this point 
when his canoe capsized while he was on his way to see a patient in Vanxim 

His grandson Mario Cabral, a writer and journalist, has written many articles 
about Vanxim. He says that once upon a time this island belonged to the 
Cathedral of Old Goa and about 30 to 40 Catholic families settled here. Poultry 
and paddy cultivation were the means of livelihood of their descendants. The 
inhabitants say that the fields have not been ploughed for more than three 
decades with many families leaving the island in search of employment.

A church and a chapel built hundreds of years ago, a number of water bodies, a 
sea of mangroves, old Goan houses surrounded by papaya, coconut or jackfruit 
trees, is what this little island is all about though some houses have been 
constructed by new settlers. There are no medical facilities, no schools, not 
even shops. For every single need, Vanxin residents have to ferry across to 
Divar Island. In the past when there were no ferries, they used canoes.

Vanxim has about 120 houses with a population of 500 to 600. Fishing is the 
only source of livelihood. In 2006, much of the 800,000 sq meter island was 
bought by a private dealer and sold to a builders' group that was eyeing this 
picturesque island to convert it into a resort. The residents are deeply 
divided over this controversial project and the issue has been hanging fire 
since then.

A former panchayat member, Manuvel Furtado, says that they want firm assurances 
that the resort will be constructed on the barren land only and none of the 
houses and other structures will be affected and none will be evacuated. The 
group opposing the move argues that the deal is illegal because the water 
bodies cannot be bought and nor can the mangroves be cut.

The developers have brought out a booklet wherein they quote a resolution of 
Sao Mathias Gram Panchayat, under which Vanxim comes, recommending an eco 
tourism project. The resort promoters have promised to develop infrastructure 
for basic needs, generate employment by tapping the local talent and has also 
assured that existing homes have not been acquired and no one will be 
evacuated. But there is an air of mistrust. In the nearby Divar Island, where 
the Divaaya resort hotel was constructed some years back, people say that the 
owners sold their land following an assurance that a spice garden and ponds for 
fishing would be developed there to generate employment for the local people. 
However, the promoters went back on their promise apart from employing some 
locals at the resort. Perhaps, Divar's experience has made Vanxim's residents 
edgy about the offer.

Raita, who is a school teacher, says that Divar remains a quiet place away from 
the heat and dust of other towns and cities, even after the construction of the 
resort, because it is remotely situated and not many tourists come there.

But, Vanxim's case is different because almost the entire island is being 
proposed to be converted into resort. Those opposing the project fear that no 
development will take place and the private group will make money at the cost 
of the island's ecology.

But then there are people like Manoj who say that they would welcome the resort 
if adequate compensation is given and basic infrastructure is constructed. The 
promoters are already financially supporting a self-help group where women get 
training in making jute bags, tailoring, candle making and shell craft.



[Goanet] Transporters blink first - strike deferred

2013-04-28 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Transporters blink first
Team GS

Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has definitely won round one in the tussle with 
transporters from Maharashtra and Karnataka over the entry tax, which came into 
force at the two borders on April 15.

Over the last ten days, Goa's supply of vegetables and other essential goods 
suffered shortages and prices were hiked (though prices do shoot up this time 
of the year) while Parrikar and the transporters were involved in an eyeball to 
eyeball confrontation while the Congress and United Goans Democratic Party 
looked on gleefully.  It looked as if an impasse had been reached because 
Parrikar stuck to his guns, even lamenting that Goa's opposition parties were 
not solidly behind him in revenue generation and expressing outrage that a 
bunch of transporters were dictating economic policy to his government.

Sensing his obstinacy, transporters and even some chambers of commerce in the 
neighbouring states backed off making flimsy excuses.  The All India Motor 
Transport Congress (AIMTC) now says it has deferred the strike, which it began 
on April 20, till May 8 when the counting for the May 5 Karnataka Assembly 
elections begins.  Trucks loaded with essential commodities have already 
started crossing into Goa.

As face savers go, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) from Karnataka 
and Maharashtra, which met Parrikar on Tuesday, had a better and in fact, even 
a placatory one.  Agreeing that it was Goa's right to impose an entry tax on 
National Highway 17 and 17B and 4A, they however pleaded for a concession.  
Parrikar was in turn generous saying, We have assured them (the chambers) that 
we will give the transporters a concession.  We will work it out within seven 

Whether he will acquiesce to their proposals; that passes be issued to vehicles 
entering Goa regularly; that the concession should be 75 per cent for trucks 
carrying essentials and 50 per cent for trucks carrying industrial raw 
material; that they should have a separate lane to avoid delays and also that 
the current time frame of four hours (to enter  exit Goa) be increased to six; 
remains to be seen.

Cashing in on the measure

Trucks have to pay Rs 500, cars and other four wheelers Rs 250, autorickshaws 
Rs 100 and heavy vehicles have to pay Rs 1000 to enter Goa.  Parrikar said that 
the collection at the toll booths in the first five days was on an average Rs 
8,00,000 a day.  Significantly, this did not include entry tax on vehicles from 
the neighbouring districts of Kolhapur, Belgaum, Sindhudurg and Karwar which 
were exempted from the tax; he pointed out to emphasize that the issue was 
being blown out of proportion by vested interests.

Congress MLAs had urged him in the ongoing Goa Assembly to roll back the tax.  
He shot back, The decision of the government to impose entry tax was clearly 
mentioned in last year's budget as it was meant to be a measure to recover 
money that was lost after the Rs 11 per litre reduction in the price of 
petrol.  He also said, As far as Goa is concerned, the decision is 
constitutionally legal and my government has taken it only after taking proper 
legal advice.

It had become a prickly issue with Parrikar because the widely-held perception 
was that Goa was dependent on neighbouring states for its essential goods.  He 
indicated that a tit for tat approach was not beyond him when he said 
neighbouring states, should not forget that vehicles carrying fuels to these 
states pass through Goa.  In fact the official memo referred to the touchy 
subject but only to mollify, While Goa depends on neighbouring districts for 
almost all of its essential commodities,we also need the business from Goa for 
our survival.  It added, We have shared a long, cordial and mutually 
beneficial relationship with each other and we should do all that is possible 
to keep this relationship intact, acknowledging that it was a symbiotic 
relationship between Goa on the one hand and Karnataka and Maharastra on the 

While Parrikar won this bout on the governance parameter, victory was his even 
on the political front.  In response to Congress MLAs urging withdrawal of the 
entry tax, South Goa district BJP president and Sanguem MLA Subhash Phaldesai 
had this to say, It is not right for some Congress MLAs to oppose the tax.  
The entry tax is not going to the BJP.  It is going to the state.

Full story at:



[Goanet] Major-General Eustace D'Souza

2013-04-28 Thread Eugene Correia
The late army man didn't back from expressing his views. Met him a couple
of times at the hockey grounds when he national hockey selector. He fell
out of the hockey powers-that-be when he spoke against some Sikh hockey
players for dominating the selection process. What he said was not wrong
but not politically correct in hockey circles. His remarks hinged on
His team, Maratha Light Infantry, was my favourite and goalkeeper Shankar
Laxman one of my idols. Loved the way  he stood in goal and brought off
great saves. Laxman was the man was helped India win the 1964 Olympics in
An astute man who bore no nonsense from any quarters. Such men rarely last
in Indian sports which is as mired in muck as it was then.

RIP, dear Eustace for making us Goans proud.

Eugene Correia


2013-04-28 Thread SHANTARAM NAIK
SHANTARAM NAIK M.P 28th April, 2013

602, BRAHMAPUTRA, Dr B.D.Marg,

New Delhi






   Mr Shantaram Naik M.P. in a letter addressed by him today to Shri A.K.
Anthony ,Union Minister of Defence has demanded

immediate suspension from service of the Captain of the vessel ‘ICGS
Vaibhav, belonging to Indian Coast Guard and cause his arrest.

Incident occurred of Goa coast last week in which in the early hours of
morning  a vessel belonging to Indian Coast Guard collided with fishing
trawler off Goa coast. There were 29 fishermen on the trawler , out of 23
were rescued one died and five fishermen are missing. Indian Navy , Coast
Guard and other agencies are engaged in search operations.

 Mr Naik said that Mr Martin Fernandes , owner of the fishing trawler Sea
Messah, is justified in demanding the arrest of the captain for causing
loss of lives and confiscation of the vessel. Five out of six fishermen who
got drowned in the sea are still missing.

Mr Naik said that it is learnt that jurisdiction to investigate and
inquire the criminal case falls under Yellow Gate Police Station , Mumbai,
considering that the incident occurred beyond 12 autical miles off Goa

  Mr Naik said that Deputy Commissioner of Police of Mumbai Mr Ghatge, has
reached Goa, and , and he had a telephonic talk with him this morning while
he was on his way to Cuncolim Police Station , which falls on south west
coast of Goa, in whose jurisdiction the offence was committed considering  sea

Most  likely, he may take over the investigation  as the jurisdiction lies
with Yellow Gate Police Station, Mr Naik said.

   The Cuncolim Police Station in Charge  has booked the navigator under
section 280 of the IPC for rash and negligent navigation endangering human
lives; 427 for causing damage to the fishing vessel; 337 for rash and
negligent act causing injuries and section 304 of the IPC for rash and
negligent act causing death.

Although Coast Guard is holding Departmental inquiry, captain should have
been put under immediate suspension considering the negligent conduct of
the Captain and his act of fleeing from the scene of offene, Mr Naik said.

It should be noted ,Mr Naik said that since  23 fishermen out of 29 , all
of whom were from Orissa, the apprehension of the* *owners of fishing
trawlers* * the mid-sea mishap would send a wrong signal to the migrant
labour hailing from the States of Jharkhand, Bihar and Orissa, cannot be
brushed aside.

The 90-metre class offshore patrol vessel, built by Goa Shipyard Ltd, was
handed over to the Coast Guard on March 31, ahead of its commissioning,
which was  scheduled was to take place in presence of Union Defence
Minister Shri A.K. Anthony.

The Coast Guard vessel , it is learnt, is equipped with advanced
state-of-the-art navigational and communication equipment, sensors and
machineries. Special features of the vessel include an Integrated Bridge
System (IBS), Integrated Machinery Control System (IMCS), Power Management
System (PMS), High Powered External Fire Fighting System (ABS Fi-Fi Class
-1) and an indigenous Close Range Naval (CRN) 91 gun along with fire
control system.
Mr Naik said the vessel is designed to carry a helicopter and five
high-speed boats for search and rescue operations, law enforcement and
maritime patrol. It is also capable of carrying pollution response
equipment to combat oil spill at sea.

It is further learnt that the ship is fitted with Global Maritime Distress
and Safety System (GMDSS), making it an apt platform to carry out search
and rescue operations in Indian Search and Rescue Region (ISRR). The vessel
has an endurance of 4,500 nautical miles and attains a maximum speed of 26
knots and further, it also can stay at the sea for 15 days without

  It is in national interest that such an ultra modern vessel should not
remain unused , Mr Naik, but person who has caused deaths by their acts
should not go scot free, Mr Naik added



[Goanet] Roland Francis: Life Notes - Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goan

2013-04-28 Thread Eddie Fernandes
Roland Francis: Life Notes - Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goan
Source: Goan Voice daily newsletter, 28 Apr. 2013  at www.goanvoice.org.uk 

Some things take getting used to and other things, you never get used to at
all. Such experiences are common with Goans settled in this part of the
world although they may vary slightly depending on their origin. 

Start with the weather. In the East no one talks about the weather simply
because there is nothing to talk about. Imagine a conversation starting like
this: Isn't it such pleasant sunshine today (and tomorrow and every day
after). In Toronto not only does daily weather change, it changes several
times during a day sometimes by as much as 20 degrees C in winter. This is
especially tricky when you have to decide what to wear when leaving home.
Bright sunshine in Toronto does not translate into how warm or cold you are
going to feel.

When one arrives here, you have to quickly decide that reading a map is one
of your first priorities, even if you perchance don't drive. I have met
people who after living for several years still talk of left and right
directions. GPS instruments are alien to them. They get themselves quite
confused when left and right becomes relative to the direction from which
they are coming. Talking of driving, I notice an inordinate number of our
women don't drive and I am not talking of the older ones. This is all the
more puzzling because road designs, lanes and signals are well laid out, the
city is largely on a grid pattern and traffic follows the rules. The police
make sure of that. In the Gulf, the more you argue with police who have
stopped you, the better your chances of being let off. In India of course,
all you have to do is slip the green stuff in the constable's palms. But
experience does not always teach. Take me for example. When stopped for
doing 110 in an 80 zone, I told the officer that I was late for a relative's
funeral mass. This was the truth and I expected against my better judgment
to be let off. Instead I was told that I needed to have left home earlier
and not likely endanger my fellow drivers. He then proceeded to ticket me,
as he should. 

The honor system that Toronto once followed has been slowly buried. The
influx of immigrants over the years for whom trying to beat the system has
been key, is responsible for it. When I arrived, any statement you made was
taken at face value and no proof was required. It's not like that anymore. I
try to avoid doing business with new immigrants especially from certain
parts of Asia, Africa and the Far East. They have their own agenda which
often is different from the one that was set, and it is usually hidden. What
is asked upfront though, is always the question: What government benefits
can I get. The talk about bettering themselves comes much later, if at all.

The whole Roman Catholic Church hierarchy in this city it seems to me, treat
their vocations more in the nature of a job than a calling. That is not so
when one goes more inland where the priests still have a strong missionary
zeal. There are exceptions of course, but as far as I am concerned, those
exceptions only reinforce my observation. That was not the case as I recall,
of the priests in Bombay city. They were more imbued with the enthusiasm and
involvement in serving their parishioners and therefore more visibly active.
On the subject of the religious world, I recently talked to my high school
colleague who serves the Society of Jesus in Bombay in senior educational
positions. When asked about the Jesuit Pope, he seemed to think that Francis
will be boxed in by the crusty Vatican hierarchy in matters of progress. He
also commented that the dogmatic Benedict took the Catholic world back by at
least 25 years. Didn't ask him how, since that was what I thought too.

Post secondary tuition costs are quite high and increasing at an education
inflation of 7% or more, though Canada is still much cheaper (and has always
been) than the United States with standards higher than them except in their
Ivy Leagues. It makes me feel ridiculous considering the penny-ante costs of
similar education in India in the day. It was probably heavily subsidized by
the Indian Government through grants-in-aid that virtually paid off all
lecturer and professor salaries. And we repaid that country by taking
overseas those skills l learned without any regard to reimbursement. Of
course some alumni tried to do what they could for their old institutions
but that debt could never be repaid, in my case to the Jesuits.
Enjoy the sunshine and until next week.


2013-04-28 Thread Aires Rodrigues
On the current Beef imbroglio Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has blatantly
misled the Goa Legislative Assembly. The Chief Minister told the house this
week that the beef ban order was a Suo motu action by the High Court and
that the government had not even been served a copy of the petition. This
is totally misleading and grossly false.

It was not a Suo motu action by the High Court and the Goa Government was
very much on notice of the petition filed. This has been recorded in the
order passed by the High Court so the Chief Minister has been caught red
handed lying and that too to the Goa Legislative Assembly. The Advocate
General was also very much present in the Court on 22nd April when the
interim ban order was passed and surprisingly as he otherwise always does,
did not roar. Such instances of the Government playing ball with certain
petitioners for its own hidden agenda, is becoming a rule of the day.

Infact the Chief Minister in the Legislative Assembly paid rich laurels to
that petitioner who had sought this beef ban and even vouched for his
credentials. Only the Chief Minister and God would know the real nexus if
any between him and that petitioner. But the Chief Minister should not try
these gimmicks of fooling the people of Goa. Goans have wizened up. Actions
of banning beef in other BJP ruled states, is well known and the attempt to
bring about the prohibition in Goa, by placing blame on the judiciary is
symptomatic. The least said, the better.

After the Beef, will it be Mutton followed by Pork and topped by the
Chicken. Does Manohar Parrikar expect Goans to live on fresh air which soon
will be clouded and again polluted by the Mining dust, he is so keen to re
start? Does anyone think the Goans will continue to be fooled by quoting
verses from the Bible?

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Women claims Inclusiveness as well as Exclusiveness as deemed fit!

2013-04-28 Thread U. G. Barad
Bowing down to women demand for Exclusive women special bus Goa government
announced in ongoing legislative assembly of starting such women special
busses on four major routes in Goa! The demand of special busses may be
correct but when it comes to pay structure and other related packages the
very same   women demand same package as that of men stressing that they are
Inclusive with men in the society! What a zigzag logic! 
In this context read the following logics extended by notable women. 

1) Election Commission on Saturday (27/4/13) found Rs. 1 lakh in cash from
BSP chief Mayawati's bag as she arrived in Karnataka for 2 days campaign. At
this point she hit out at EC officials saying, Have you checked Sonia
Gandhi and Sushma Swaraj's car when they came for campaigning? You're
searching me because I'm Dalit woman. 

 2) Interestingly, EC officials had also checked Sushma Swaraj's car on the
same day when she reacted differently saying, Just landed in Hubli, EC
officials checked helicopter and baggage. I welcome this. 

 If one reads between lines, one can easily forecast what would be Soni's
reaction, if EC officials happen to check her. She might say, Are you
checking me because I'm born in minority community or because I was born

Above factual, proves rightness of the Chinese proverb which goes like this,
I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this,
and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect,
they don't even invite me.

[Goanet] 'Tiatristanchim Kestanvam'

2013-04-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
by Francis de Tuem, Anita and Osvy Viegas



For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] life without bread

2013-04-28 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I know best what it is to be poor. We were six children , grandparents and 
parents take makes ten. My father was the only bread earner .We had fields that 
gave us food but could not afford to eat fish, meat etc. My mom used to get 
fish and put everything in the curry. Cost of the fish was just one rupee and 
two. We never ate fried fupeeish because oil was expensive for the person who 
earned only 390 rupees. But today what hurts me most is christians pour oil on 
statue of mother Mary. that oil if given to poor people would make them happy.  

[Goanet] Goa news for April 28, 2013

2013-04-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Mid-sea mishap: Goa offers aid to injured fishermen -
DaijiWorld.com - Daijiworld.com
 of whom five are missing and one is dead -- involved in a
mid-sea collision with an Indian Coast Guard (ICG) ship, Chief
Minister Manohar Parrikar said ...

*** Go Goa Gone: Saif Ali Khan entertained his co-stars -
Hindustan Times
ndustan TimesThe days were gruelling, shooting in the remote
locations of Goa. But the nights were just perfect for actors
Kunal Khemu, Vir Das and Anand Tiwary to let their inner
creativity loose almost daily. Watching the boys bond, it was
hard to tell that it ...a class=

*** Nagpur youngsters say boo to Goa - Times of India
ither spell on them, which is ah-so-difficult to resist.The free
flow of beer and feni on its dreamy beaches, plus that
tantalising packaged exotica served on a platter, and you had a
...a class=

*** Plea to auction mining leases - Herald Publications
rald PublicationsThe petitioner also alleged that the iron ore
is of Goan origin transported by Prime Minerals¦ from an
operating mine at Advalpal/Bicholim in Goa bearing TC no 89/52
of M/s Lithiferro mine and which is presently being operated¦..
He alleged that the ...a class=

*** BJP not communal, say Goa MLAs - Deccan Herald - Deccan
ccan HeraldSpeaking to presspersons along with other three MLAs
from Goa Glen D'Souza Ticolo (Aldano), Carlos Almeida (Vasco),
Nilesh Cabral (Curchorem), Goa BJP working Committee member
Juinho D'Souza and vice president Datta Prasad Kholkar, Lobo
said ...a class=

*** Amend Goa education rules to be able to attain 190
instructional days: School ... - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: With chief minister and education minister
Manohar Parrikar making it mandatory for Goa schools to complete
190 instructional days before declaring the academic year to
have ended, school heads have called on the state government to
make the ...a class=

*** Furore over chess elections in Goa - Times of India
fficio president of Sports Authority of Goa (SAG), Sandeep
Heble, a member of Tiswadi Taluka Chess Association, has alleged
that there has been gross rigging, systematic manipulations and
several ...a class=

*** Transporters to discuss key issues at Goa convention - Times
of India

*** Sesa Goa Q4 net down 74% at Rs 297.51 cr - Hindu Business
vWsqd3VMned=usand more »

*** Goa bans drinking on beaches - Deccan Chronicle
ccan ChronicleThe Department of Tourism in Goa has banned
drinking and carrying of liquor bottles on beaches in the state.
Goa's image has taken a beating recently, largely due to a spate
of crimes against foreign tourists, rising prices and its
overcrowded beaches.a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] THE QUEENY | South Goa

2013-04-28 Thread Sales Queeny
*Greetings from The Queeny Hotel. *

*Please find attached info about our new restaurant **Skye Grill available
for publishing.*


Thank You

Sales Team

The Queeny

Queeny Nagar,

Velsao Pale - Goa 403712 Mobile #: +918806667800 Tel #: 0832 - 2884277 /

Website: www.thequeeny.com

Located only 7 minutes from Goa Airport. The Queeny, the crown of
hospitality is contemporary hotel emphasizing on sophistication, luxurious
comfort and unparallel service as its main aims. Situated in Velsao-Pale,
its close proximity to the airport and the Verna Industrial Estate makes
The Queeny ideal for business conferences and corporate events.

Moreover, it provides a resplendent view of the Arabian Sea overlooking the
valley and the aesthetically and historical rich Three Kings Chapel which
makes it an ultimate location for travelers seeking tranquility and the
ones motivated by their wanderlust…

[Goanet] Konkani Skit- Panddu Havaldar- in Toronto (Mississauga) May 28, 2013

2013-04-28 Thread Silviano Barbosa

For Goanetters in Toronto/ Mississauga (GTA)

Another Konkani Skit - Panddu Havaldar- is going 
to be presented for the Seniors  of 55PGA West on Tuesday May 28th , 2013  at 
6:00 p.m. at Cawthra Seniors Centre, at 1389 Cawthra Rd., Mississauga, Ontario.

Starring Serah Barbosa, Yolanda Gracias, Agnelo Gracias   Samson Santimano  
Marshal Fernandes.
Tickets : $15.00 (includes Show, Food, Bingo , 50/50)

Produced By: Samson Santimano
Directed by: Agnelo Gracias

For tickets:
Call:  Ruth Remedios Tel 905-795-8975
Hurry! The last Konkani skit was sold-out

For further details, Check out:


[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...

2013-04-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
Bobby Veehttp://www.youtube.com/artist/bobby-vee?feature=watch_video_title
to Him American Bandstand 1965



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Ask One, Get Two

2013-04-28 Thread lino dourado

[Goanet] Filling of Paddy Field at Calangute Junction- Midway between Hotel Palmarina n St. Alex Chruch Junction - A Report

2013-04-28 Thread floriano lobo

I made a trip to Candolim this morning to return the Decibel meter to my 
colleague in the HC constituted  Noise Pollution Committee for North Goa, which 
I had borrowed to nail down U.V. Bar at Anjuna a month or so earlier. On my 
way, I saw what you see in the photographs, enough for me to stop and take a 
few pictures. This could be anything, from making a road for access into the 
paddy fields in this stretch for the farm machinery such as harvesters, 
tractors, etc to starting a construction project.

Earlier in the day when I was settling the week's labour wages with my 
'migrant' contractor ( who btw is with me since early 90's and who was the 
contractor to build my house) @ Rs. 620/day per shuttering/steel tying 
carpenter and @Rs.420/day per ordinary male helper, when questioned on this 
exorbitant rates were raised, what he told me is an eye-opener for our 
politicians who run this state to it's doom.

According to the contractor, it is difficult to get even a reasonably skilled 
mason, nowadays. Pseudo masons who spot charge Rs. 750 per day do not even know 
how to plaster the walls. Female helpers, he said, are asking for Rs. 400/day 
and sit down and yap most of the day and open their palms for the payment at 
5.00 p.m. You cannot even ask them to do an honest bit of work, he said because 
there is no one to regulate them. 

A PWD contractors ( a Goan), I am told, has built 50 rooms in his paddy field 
at Canca and has rented them out to the migrants @2500/-month. It is believed 
that this PWD contractor is in the process of building more rooms in his paddy 
fields. He even boasts, it is believed, that applying for PWD contracts is no 
longer viable as Ministers and MLAs siphon more than half of the profits, and 
that this is the best business with 100 per cent returns. More people are into 
building rooms to rent to the migrants, he says. The migrants, according to 
him, no longer are willing to be put-up at building sites. Goans, he said, have 
built make-shift rooms to rent to the migrants with just tarpaulin and charge 
Rs. 1500/month as rent. These cubicles, he says, are shared by 6 or 8 persons, 
so that the exorbitant rent is beaten down.

And this is very very important what he tells me. The authorities, he says, 
must clamp down on Goans giving rentals to the migrants in the manner explained 
above. Then and only then, he says,  things will look better for Goa.

Now, we must see here, who is talking. A Goan or a non-Goan, and  who we call a 

'HELLO'  GSRP.  Hopefully you will address these issues come 2017 and restore 
our paddy fields back to the GOA'S COMUNIDADES  they belonged to.
'HELLO' BAHUSAID BANDODKAR Hope you are turning in your grave.



Amchem Goem

[Goanet] Friday Brunch in Dubai....

2013-04-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
...a must try.
eat and drink as much champagne as you can between 12.30 to 4 p.m.

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Manual Scavenging in India: A disgrace - YouTube

2013-04-28 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Cataract removal linked to fewer hip fractures - Harvard Health Publications

2013-04-28 Thread Con Menezes



2013-04-28 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Will Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar now also come up with a financial
package to aid and compensate those affected by the current beef ban?

I do not know whether Manohar Parrikar is a pure vegetarian. If he has not
already in the company of late Matanhy Saldanha, he could now savor a beef
sizzler along with a tongue roast or a sumptuous Sorpotel. He will
definitely devour it. It may even stimulate him to take Goa forward. To
insulate himself and rule out any food poisoning he could enjoy it safely
at his choiced venue, the renowned Hotel Mandovi in Panaji and share with
us that awesome experience. You will just love it, Mr. Chief Minister. Bon

Aires Rodrigues

T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Bharat Mukti Morcha condemns censorship at Sao Mathias Gram Sabha

2013-04-28 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

Bharat Mukti Morcha strongly condemns censorship at the Sao
Mathias village Panchayat Gram Sabha today 28th April 2013. A
certain critical issues relating to the control of the Panchayat by the
elements outside jurisdiction of the Panchayat was sought to be discussed
today by Maggie Silveira, President of Ilha de Vanxim Association at Gram Sabha
meeting. The Sarpanch Gurudas Bhomkar told Maggie three times to shut up
without giving any reasons and then ordered sound system in the Hall to be 
off abruptly.

The issue under discussion was that of Vanxim Island that is
clandestinely sold without informing Vanxim people by Goa Archbishop Felipe
Neri Ferrao, a Bamon to Mahendra Gaunekar, another Bamon on February 11, 2006
by violating canon law for around 54 lakh rupees on record besides of course
underhand dealings running into crores. Or what are the reasons Vanxim is sold
so cheaply for Rs.6/- and Rs.20/- per square meter?  Mahendra Gaunekar again 
sold this island to
Ozone Corporate group for 35 crores on record. Ozone corporate has shattered
dream to take over entire island, its houses, land and paddy field and turn the
island for the purpose of luxury tourism like casinos, private marinas,
recreation clubs, villas, helipad, water sports.  Ever since this fact came to 
the knowledge of
the villagers in early 2010 agitation against this sale has spread in Vanxim
and beyond.

A month back the ruling panel of the Sao Mathias Panchayat
was called to Panjim at Ozone corporate office in Miramar and asked to
compromise on the issue. Each member of the ruling panel was asked to put up 
demands for personal gratification and aggrandizement. Mahendra Gaunekar
himself was present at this meeting. According to the available reliable
information Sao Mathias Sarpanch Gurudas Bhomkar said that he was shocked at
the way Sao Mathias Gram Sabha meeting was manipulated with the presence of
such a huge police force and voting on the project without proposal on 6th
November 2011. He said that even though he was not the elected member of the
Pachayat then but was present at the Gram Sabha. Mahendra Gaunekar apologized
to the Sarpanch three times. This meant that the Mahendra Gaunekar was directly
involved in Manipulating the Gram Sabha of 6th November 2011. Otherwise
what was the need to apologize? Maggie Silveira shared this information with
public at Gram Sabha and Sarpanch did not deny it.  Public was stunned to know 

Further Maggie also shared the information that earlier
Mahendra Gaunekar and MLA Pandurang Madkaikar were controlling the Panchayat
and now there is one more addition this list. His name she disclosed as Abhay
Raikar, Goa Architecture college drop out and classmate of Mahendra Gaunekar, 
Divar and has nothing to do with Malar Panchayat yet he is throwing around his 
as the Cumbharjua Constituency President of BJP. Maggie Silveira publicly
questioned the Sarpanch Gurudas Bhomkar as to under what provisions of Goa
Panchayat Raj Act Abhay Raikar is dictating and directing terms to the Malar
Panchayat. To this Sarpanch responded by suspending the Constitution of India
that guarantees freedom of speech and expression under the article 19(1)(a) to
every citizen of India. He asked Maggie to shut up and when she continued to
speak he ordered sound system in hall to be switched off.  Before this 
Constitution was marshaled marvelously
by Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar only Brahmins had right to speech under
Manusmriti. Shudras had no rights as Manusmriti , the Constitution of Brahmins 
shudras, ati-shudras as slaves without freedom of speech and expression,
freedom to own property, freedom to acquire education, freedom to own weapons. 
only freedom is to serve Brahmins.

Malar Sarpanch Gurudas Bhomkar even though he is a mulnivasi
is truly a slave of Bamon Raj to such an extend that he cannot even tolerate
anyone speaking and exposing how Bamon Raj is functioning in the Panchayat 

Maggie did not stop speaking even after the sound system was
ordered to be switched off by the Sarpanch Gurudas Bhomkar. She went on
speaking in her loud voice till she completed what she had to say on this
matter.  Sarpanch went on saying  “don’t discuss the name of Gaunekar in the
Gram Sabha.” His heart was so much bleeding for Gaunekar for unknown reason
left for the art and science of guessing.  Maggie retaliated saying “we have 
come to Gram
Sabha only because of Gaunekar has put our Vanxim in trouble and we cannot help
but discuss Gaunekar’s name in the Gram Sabha.” 

Maggie further spoke that for the past three Gram Sabha
resolutions are remaining without being implemented and it looks that people’s
time at Gram Sabha is wasted by Sarpanch. She pointed out that the pot-holes at
Divar-Sao Pedro ferry ramp are still the same.  People who come for the 
occasions like 

[Goanet] Konkani Skit - Maka Vatt Dakhoi in Toronto (Scarborough) on Saturday May 11, 2013?

2013-04-28 Thread Silviano Barbosa
For Goanetters in Toronto

After a sold-out successful first show in Mississauga, A Konkani Skit - Maka 
Vatt Dakhoi- is going to be staged again -By Public Demand- on Saturday May 11, 
2013 at 3:00 p.m. for TEGSA (Toronto East Goan Seniors Association) at Francis 
Liebermann High School, 4640 Finch Avenue East, Scarborough, Toronto.

Starring Serah Barbosa, Yolanda Gracias, Agnelo Gracias  Samson Santimano.
Tickets : $5.00 (members) $10.00 (non-members) (includes the Show and a snack 
Produced By: Samson Santimano
Directed by: Agnelo Gracias

For tickets:
Call: Phil Anklesaria Tel: 905-472-4278: Phil D'Souza Tel: 416-497-3537 Dora 
Noronha Tel: 416-291-1408

For further details, Check out: