[Goanet] Rice planting machine

2013-06-30 Thread U. G. Barad

Bernardo Colaco wrote: "Probably the only sensible post by Barad. It is time
that Goans support agriculture rather than concrete."


The first sentence was really not necessary.


U. G. Barad



2013-06-30 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The recently appointed three member pre-selection committee appointed to
scrutinize applications received for the post of Chief Information
Commissioner (CIC) and State Information Commissioner(SIC) is a mere farce
and an eyewash as all the three officers on the committee are known to be
proven Yes men of the Chief Minister. The committee headed by Chief
Secretary B. Vijayan comprises of PWD Secretary R.K.Verma and Information
Secretary P.Krishnamurthy who is also Secretary to the Chief Minister.

In order not to repeat the earlier skewed and failed selection fiasco of
Pandurang Nadkarni and Pradeep Padwal, the pre-selection committee should
now instead be headed by a retired High Court Judge and comprising of
President of the RTI Forum, the Vice – Chancellor of the Goa University
along with one reputed representative of civil society.

All the candidates should be interviewed by the pre-selection committee in
public view to give citizens and media an opportunity to hear the views and
commitment of the candidates aspiring to be Information Commissioners. This
committee could shortlist three names each for the post of Chief
Information Commissioner and State Information Commissioner, which should
be made public along with the minutes of the meeting at which the short
listing is done.

The names of the short-listed candidates should be circulated in public
domain so that people of Goa could have an opportunity to judge their to-be
Information Commissioners. Citizens should also be allowed to give their
feedback and views to the pre-selection committee.

The pre-selection committee could then recommend to the Government these
three names each for the post of Chief Information Commissioner and State
Information Commissioner and based on these inputs, the final decision to
select the CIC and SIC could be taken by the committee mandated as per the
RTI Act consisting of the Chief Minister, Leader of the Opposition and one
other minister

The post of Information Commissioners being distinguished positions are
much sought for as retirement postings. The State Information Commission
cannot be converted into a “Senior citizen club”. Information Commissioners
cannot be selected for patronage and as a reward for the favours they have
put earlier in towing the line of their political masters. Information
Commissioners being very vital positions, only persons with eminence in
public life have to be selected through a very fair, objective and
extremely transparent process. As Information Commissioners have to oversee
and ensure transparency in the working of the government, it would be
appropriate not to appoint retired government bureaucrats who have served
in the State of Goa. Only Goans should be selected to the posts of CIC and
SIC. Information Commissioners cannot be arbitrarily picked up but the
selection has to be through a proper laid down procedure.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Goa news for July 1, 2013

2013-06-30 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa to have film city in two years: Wagh - Herald
ity-to-come-up-in-goa-in-1372622947">Film city to come up in Goa
in next three years: Government

*** Goa awaits Rs 162 crore National Games grant - Times of
n-aid. The planning commission released grants to the tune of Rs
82 crore in three instalments over the past four years, but ...

*** Goa needs to attract new investment, says GCCI's president -
Business Standard
lected GCCI president Narayan Bandekar ...

*** Politics over relief! Goa Congress says don't donate for
Uttarakhand - India Today

*** Beautician from Gujarat goes missing from Goa - Times of
ear old woman GeetadeviJain, a resident of Kanchannagar, Vapi,
Gujarat, has gone missing from Goa. Her husband, JayantilalJain
has filed a missing person's report with the Colva police in
that regard. Police sources informed that Geetadevi, ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHi5OXBUkFJgzurl6HKWAV6Me3unA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Beautician-from-Gujarat-goes-missing-from-Goa/articleshow/20849499.cms

*** Time limits for services fixed in Goa Public Services Act -
Times of India
ound delivery of public services) Act, 2013, the government has
fixed between three to 30 days within which various government
authorities have to provide citizens with the services they

*** Goa's turtles versus tourism: Both losing out? - Zee News
bIdCaM&ned=us">and more »

*** BJP, Church bid to bring Pope to Goa raises hopes of new
ties - The New Indian Express
e New Indian ExpressThe church and the state are supposed to be
natural opposites. However, the BJP's opposition to Catholic
evangelism has not stopped its government in Goa from joining
hands with Catholics to lobby with the Vatican to get Pope
Francis to make a ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGsQJEY_psPM3s7TL07WDxaZIwTfQ&url=http://newindianexpress.com/nation/BJP-Church-bid-to-bring-Pope-to-Goa-raises-hopes-of-new-ties/2013/06/30/article1659977.ece

*** Cancer cases highest in Salcete, stats reveal - Herald
rald PublicationsThe Goa Cancer Registry was brought about as a
result of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Tata
Memorial Hospital in Mumbai and the Goa government. The Goa
cancer registry's brief is to conduct official surveys, analyse
the data and ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFFe468giIgXgsyMh-ccZLbqZtUOw&url=http://oheraldo.in/News/Main%20Page%20News/Cancer-cases-highest-in-Salcete-stats-reveal/76360.html

*** Stop projects not in interest of Goa - Times of India
ade tragedy caused by rampant construction and destruction of
the environment. Goans must wake up and smell the coffee. Is Goa

Compiled by Goanet News Service


2013-06-30 Thread Joel DS
Brazil is on the top with two exceptional goals by Fred  (1.32 min)and
Neymar (43.43 min) against world champions Spain in the Confederation cup
during the first half of the pulsating finals. The games has been very
exciting until half-time.

[Goanet] GOA Picnic - Huntington Beach July 28, 2013 from 12 PM to 4 PM

2013-06-30 Thread goansofamerica

Hope everyone is having a great summer so far. 
To kick it off, we are planning a get together at Huntington Beach on July 28, 
Come play volleyball, hang out, and bask in the sun. Please help in bringing 
games to play like balls, nets, kites etc..
The event is free. Bring your own food and drink! Please be self sufficient.
We will be there from 12PM - 4PM 
We will be meeting at Huntington Beach at the intersection of Pacific Coast 
Highway & Main Street! Please see attached image for parking and location 
When you arrive, look for us! We will try our best to setup close to the 
parking lot. 
Parking Note:
You have to pay for parking at the state beach site. You can avoid this cost by 
parking in the residential areas nearby for free. Please be cautious of street 
regulations as these change from street to street. 
Please see the attached picture for a better idea of where you can park. 
Upcoming Events:

Beach Day | July 28, 2013
USS Iowa | August 17, 2013
Camp Seely | September 13 to 15, 2013
Christmas Dance | December 14, 2013
If you know someone who isn't getting these messages from the GOA, please tell 
them to go to our website at www.goansofamerica.com and sign up on the left 
hand side! Also, check us out on FB Los Angeles GOA.
Thanks and see you all there!
Donovan Rodrigues
GOA LA President

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] 14th Sunday of the Year

2013-06-30 Thread Jude Botelho

Dear Friend,

We are reminded that the work of proclamation and salvation is a joint 
partnership with God. Each one of us called and invited to be sharers of the 
Good news. But while God chooses us, he does not depend on us to fulfill our 
mission on our own strength. He will not work without our consent nor is our 
fulfillment of our mission dependent on our capability. He is at work in us! 
Let's rejoice that we are called to be His peacemakers in today's world! Have a 
'peace-filled, peace-sharing' weekend! Shalom! Fr. Jude

Sunday Reflections: 14th Sunday of the Year:  "Rejoice! His peace and love flow 
through you!!" 7-Jul-2013
Readings: Isaiah 66: 10-14Galatians 6: 14-18Luke 10: 1-12, 17-20

Today's first reading from the Book of Isaiah, was written after the Israelites 
had returned from exile, a very impoverished community, who had settled among 
the ruins of their former splendid homes, harassed by their powerful 
neighbours. Though they had got back their lands, they lived in constant fear 
of attack from their various enemies. There was no peace and now the prophet 
promises peace to these distressed people. This longing for peace was very deep 
in the centuries before Christ. Against this background of instability, 
upheaval, oppression and sin, the Jewish greeting of 'Shalom' peace, developed. 
But this peace was not the mere absence of strife but the deep inner peace 
which only God can give. Perfect peace was brought by the Messiah and he comes 
to us even now to bring us that deep inner peace.

Starving in a food store
Maria Janczuk was born in Poland and during World War II suffered privation, 
torture and hunger in a Nazi concentration camp. After the war, she lived in 
Leeds, England. On January 22, 1971 she was found dead of starvation in her 
house. She weighed only 41 pounds, and it was evident that she had been wasting 
her health. But her cupboards were full of eggs, butter, cheese and milk, which 
she hoarded. The policeman who investigated said, "It was like a food store." 
The horrors of life and hunger in the concentration camp had probably created a 
fear in her mind which probably remained with her through the rest of her life. 
She died of starvation, even though her kitchen shelves were stocked. There is 
an abundance of blessings, promises, assurances of peace, joy, strength, love, 
hope, salvation, eternal life and all that one needs in this life, in the Word 
of God. Do we believe and let God work through us and for us?
Daniel Sunderaj in 'Manna for the Soul'

In today's gospel Jesus reminds his followers that the kingdom of God is close 
at hand but the disciples did not understand what Jesus was saying to them. 
They wanted to see signs of the kingdom. They wanted some visible power and 
pomp, they were naively thrilled that they had experienced power in casting out 
demons but they could not see the kingdom beyond. They could not believe that 
the coming of the kingdom could be experienced in the values of the kingdom 
taking over their lives and changing the existing structures of society. While 
it is true that the kingdom of God was realized with the coming of Jesus into 
this world, we can and still pray: 'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth 
as it is in heaven'. It is in this spirit that Jesus sends out the seventy-two 
disciples, for the harvest is great. This group of followers, missionaries sent 
in his name, would experience opposition and rejection, but it was necessary 
that they persevere. Their
 essential mission is to give to others the peace of Christ, to preach the 
arrival of the kingdom of God. It is essential to note that the substance of 
their ministry is a healing one, 'to cure those who are sick.' Our mission 
today is the same. If ever there was a time when we needed peace, it is this 
day and age when we are confronted by violence, insecurity, terrorism and 
uncertainty of daily existence. Many experience a feeling of helplessness and 
numbness in the face of what is paralyzing society today. The Gospel challenges 
men and women of today to be people of peace, to be peacemakers amidst the 
violence and uncertainty that confronts us.

The living Gospel
There is a story of a chaplain who was serving on the battlefield. He came 
across a young man who was lying in a shell hole, seriously wounded. "Would you 
like me to read something from this book, the Bible?" he asked. "I'm so 
thirsty, I'd rather have a drink of water." The soldier said. Hurrying away, 
the chaplain soon brought the water. Then the wounded man said, "Could you put 
something under my head?" The chaplain took off his overcoat, rolled it up and 
gently placed it under the man's head for a pillow. "Now," said the suffering 
man, "if I just had something over me -I'm cold." The chaplain immediately 
removed his jacket and put it over the wounded man to keep him warm. Then the 
soldier looked the chaplain straight in the eye and said, "If there is anything 

Re: [Goanet] Parikar and an unprofessional Shekar Gupta

2013-06-30 Thread Santosh Helekar
- Original Message -

From: U. G. Barad 
> However, in his latest message, Santosh is actually giving two figures –
> 2000 killed and 1200 killed.  I do grant that my earlier figure of 1100
> could well be wrong.  But then given the final quote in his message, surely
> I am nearer the correct figure than Santosh is.

Just a small correction. The two figures I gave are "2000" killed and "more 
than 1200", not just "1200". In terms of accuracy, I believe that 2000 is 
indeed "more than" 1200.



[Goanet] Use of Weedicides in rice fields

2013-06-30 Thread Arjun Rebelo
Dear All,
Just a disturbing observation - I have noticed that the farmers in the 
communidade fields are using weedicides now to kill the weeds in the rice 
fields. Fields seem to be turning yellow with the dying weeds. This will 
undoubtedly damage the ecosystem further. Our water bodies are getting more 
polluted with chemicals and poison. It wont be long before more farmers in the 
villages adopt these methods as a quick fix solution. 
Attached are some photographs.

Arjun Rebelo

Verna - Goa 

Re: [Goanet] Goans should oppose the Mopa land scam

2013-06-30 Thread Tim de Mello
Dear Diana:

Thank you for your note.

re: your views on the situation in Goa.
Let us agree to disagree.


Tim de Mello

> From: alfredtava...@hotmail.com
> To: mervynal...@yahoo.ca; goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 22:07:08 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goans should oppose the Mopa land scam
> Merwyn, my boy
> What ...a whole lot it says is...She's a Lady...
> Alfred Chacha,
> An avid appreciator of Old World ---now alas far too elusive--- courtesy.
>> Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 17:23:41 -0700
>> From: mervynal...@yahoo.ca
>> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
>> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goans should oppose the Mopa land scam
>> Diana Pinto wrote:
>>> Yes Mervyn, I agree with you, except that I think both you and Tim deserve
>>> an apology. The personal remarks I made were totally uncalled for. Please
>>> accept my sincere apologies. But what I said about the situation in Goa I
>>> stand by.
>> Diana,
>> There are only a handful of people who are confident enough to realise that 
>> they may be incorrect.
> Your prompt reply says a lot as to the kind of person you are.

[Goanet] Parikar and an unprofessional Shekar Gupta

2013-06-30 Thread U. G. Barad
Santosh Helekar had earlier written: “I have no obligation to accept what U.
G. Barad claims to be the official estimate. There are many "official"
estimates, each one different from the other and from Barad's "official"
estimate. I for one is using the estimate of Human Rights Watch given in the
following quote from 2012.”

I do not wish to thrust the estimates made by the Government of India and
Government of Gujarat on anyone.  Simultaneously I presume that Santosh does
not wish to thrust the estimates of the Human Rights Watch on anyone.

Now he says: “But he seems to be continuing to insist by various means that
his estimate is somehow more accurate than mine...”

However, in his latest message, Santosh is actually giving two figures –
2000 killed and 1200 killed.  I do grant that my earlier figure of 1100
could well be wrong.  But then given the final quote in his message, surely
I am nearer the correct figure than Santosh is.

Irrespective of the figure, let me put forward a perspective.  

The victims of the riots have been given financial assistance to try and
reduce the impact on their families.  The government figures are based on
the number of people to whom this assistance has been given.  If we are to
accept the HRW figures, then obviously a large number (around 800) of
families of the victims have not received the assistance.  Should not
organizations like HRW devote their boundless energies of taking up their
cases with the government and ensure that at least some justice is done to
them?  I find the behaviour of organizations like HRW to be very strange.

Regarding Narendra Modi’s culpability.  Perhaps Santosh would like to read
these two articles:


2013-06-30 Thread Jose Colaco
Dear Aires,

What you have written is impossible.

For, if it was so, there would have been Morchas, Chintaks, Baitaks, Gheraos, 
Poster Competitions and young student (with or without parent consent) protest 
parades. To add icing to the cake, there would also been the Two Anna circus.

So please, do not spread misinformation.

From the Hututu stadium where Basketball is being 'played'

I am 


On Jun 29, 2013, at 5:57 AM, Aires Rodrigues  wrote:

> After having tripped off that High Court bus, is the flashy Advocate
> General now mutely plotting his elevation as a Judge of the Supreme Court?
> It will be the darkest ever day in India’s Judiciary. The temple of justice
> will become a den of fixers. The noble legal profession would be in the
> domain of thugs. God forbid. It goes without saying that a judicial tsunami
> will follow. Amassing of wealth with such rapid speed, is highly
> questionable, more so, when the State's coffers are being depleted by the
> official loot and plunder. Pujas at temples and prostrations before Swamis
> besides trips to temples with justices, are all preludes to great
> expectations! Stay tuned.
> Our friend Dr. Oscar Rebello was manhandled by bouncers near INOX. Sadly
> this bouncer culture is by now well ingrained in our once civilized and
> tranquil Goa. We even have that flamboyant bouncer in the High Court with
> all the legal tricks mastered under his sleeve. An ace manipulator. Need
> not travel to Bangkok to find him.
> Aires Rodrigues
> T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
> Ribandar - Goa - 403006
> Mobile: 9822684372

Re: [Goanet] A VIP son takes away Dabolim parking land a commoner loses all - source: thegoan.net

2013-06-30 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Dear Camillo

What you have written is impossible.

For, if it was so, there would have been Morchas, Chintaks, Baitaks,
Gheraos, Poster Competitions and young student (with or without parent
consent) protest parades. To add icing to the cake, there would also
been the Two Anna circus.

So please, do not spread misinformation.

>From the Hututu stadium where Basketball is being 'played'

I am
Tongue-in-Chik nagar
Sta. Ines

On 29 June 2013 01:40, Camillo Fernandes  wrote:

Domingo Vales fights 15 years for compensation for lost land, blue
eyed boy Bernard Costa gets back land for airport parking which he
sells to builder.

No such luck for Domingo, who did get an audience with various Chief
Ministers from Pratapsingh Rane, Digambar Kamat to Manohar Parrikar
(in both his terms), but no solution to his problems.

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: The Indian Navy in Goa: Understanding the Finer Points (Rahul Basu)

2013-06-30 Thread Goanet Reader
The Indian Navy in Goa: Understanding the Finer Points

By Rahul Basu

  There is some confusion surrounding the Indian
  Navy's operations at Dabolim.  A careful analysis
  of the Navy's present operations and its stated
  plans show that the Navy plans to vacate most of
  Dabolim airport within a decade at most. What may
  be left are the IL-38 maritime reconnaissance

History of the Navy at Dabolim

The actual Naval Air Base at Dabolim is called INS Hansa. INS
Hansa was set up in 1964.  Let's look at the context for INS
Hansa.  INS Vikrant was commissioned in 1961.  It is clear
that after the China debacle in 1962, defence spending was
stepped up considerably.  The Mumbai airport, which was then
being used for naval fighter training, was also seeing a rise
in passenger flights.

Dabolim airport was set up in 1955. Until Liberation, there
were flights from Portugal by TAIP and TAP. However, the
flights were not very frequent, at best once a day.  Post
Liberation, in 1964, there was exactly one civilian flight
into Dabolim, a Dakota from Mumbai.

  Dabolim airport was used once a day, situated on
  the coast and at a superb natural harbour
  (Mormugao).  It was a natural choice for setting up
  a new base, not too far from Mumbai (where the
  Vikrant was stationed).  It is not clear whether
  the paperwork was done properly, etc., but the
  rationale at a national level is clear.  It is easy
  to look back from 2013 to say that it was a not the
  right decision, but in 1964, it is hard to justify
  not using a good airport for the Navy when only one
  flight was landing each day.

Present operations of the Navy at Dabolim

>From a national security standpoint, Dabolim is currently a
poor choice for a naval air base. There are thousands of
foreigners flying in and out of the airport. That itself
creates a significant risk of foreign surveillance,
potentially even on foreign aircraft landing at Dabolim.

Further, the large foreign population resident in Goa creates
a situation where Naval officers can be lured into honeypot
situations to give away national secrets.

At INS Hansa, the Navy currently operates 8 squadrons. You
can read about each of these squadrons in great detail here:

Squadron Aircraft   Role

INAS 551 "Phantoms"  Kiran Mk1 /2 / Hawk AJT Jet trainers
INAS 552 "Braves"Sea Harrier Trainer Fighter trainer aircraft
INAS 300 "White Tigers" Sea Harrier  Fighter aircraft
INAS 303 "Black Panthers" MiG-29K /KUB   Fighter aircraft
INAS 310 "Cobras"Dornier 228 - 201 IWMaritime patrol,
 electronic warfare
INAS 321 "Angels"Chetak helicopters  Search-and-Rescue
INAS 339 "Falcons"   Kamov 31AEW helicopters Airborne early warning
INAS 315 "Winged Stallions" IL 38Maritime reconnaissance,
 anti-submarine warfare

New Naval Air Stations near Goa

* Karwar Airport is currently planned to be a small facility
  of 52 hectares (128 acres) with an airstrip serving
  helicopters and Dornier-228.  This would require a runway
  of at most 1,000 mtrs.  Since this is an integral part of
  Project Seabird, it has a high probability of fructifying.

* Less well publicised is the fact that the Indian Navy has a
  very significant participation in the expansion of Sambra
  Airport at Belgaum.  The plan includes the acquisition by
  the Indian Navy of 420 acres (Dabolim civil enclave is only
  35 acres) and basing the MiG-29s (for INS Vikramaditya) at
  Belgaum for training purposes.

If we look at the Navy's plans, we can see the following:

* The Sea Harriers are scheduled for de-commissioning
  somewhere between 2015 and 2023.

* MiG-29K will move to Belgaum.

* It is reasonable to assume that the jet trainers, viz, the
  Hawk AJTs, will also move to Belgaum, along with the MiG29K.

* The Dornier 228s will move to Karwar.

* The helicopters (Chetaks and Kamow 31 AEW) will move to
  Karwar.  It is clear that the only aircraft that may still
  operate at Dabolim is the IL-38 (and possibly its
  replacement, the Boeing P-8i Neptune).  This would imply
  that most of the Navy's space at Dabolim will get freed up
  for Civil operations.

* It is likely that since Belgaum will be able to handle
  B-737s/A-320s, it will be able to handle IL-38/Boeing P8is
  (the Boeing P8is are built on a B-737 frame).  However, I
  have not been able to find out the runway length needed for
  these aircraft.

This analysis is based on a few scanty pieces of information.
However, it seems quite logical from a national security
perspective.  However, for security reasons, I don't think
the Navy will confirm this publicly a

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goanet Reader: Exploiting disasters, and the disaster of exploitation (Radharao Gracias)

2013-06-30 Thread Goanet Reader

Radharao F.Gracias

India dominated world hockey for about three and a half
decades either side of independence.  Today, we struggle even
to qualify for major tournaments. Teams we used to rout in
our glory days are now doing the same thing to us.

Some years ago, a group of people -- mostly Indians in Britain
-- were discussing the reasons for the decline. After
hearing the various opinions, an Englishman who was part of
the group disagreeing with them said, "Not at all. It is
easy to see the reason, behind India's hockey decline".

"What is that?" interjected another member of the group.

"Oh" said the Englishman, "you see, when the Indians are
awarded a corner, they convert it into a kiosk!" He was
alluding to the tendency of immigrant Indians to set up
kiosks in every conceivable corner of England. Ironically,
two centuries earlier Napoleon Bonaparte had called Britain a
nation of shopkeepers. But then Napoleon had not heard of
the Banias.

Right now, all attention is focussed on the catastrophe
caused by unsettling weather conditions in the young north
Indian state of Uttarakhand. News reports coming from
survivors are disturbing. Those who are in need of urgent
food and care are being exploited, by cynical local people.

  A bowl of rice, is sold at Rs600, a chapatti at
  Rs180 and a litre of water at Rs100 which in the
  words of Samuel Taylor Coleridge would be a case of
  "water, water everywhere...  and not a drop to
  drink".  We have not lost our shopkeeper mentality,
  even in the worst of human disasters.  The
  situation seems to say, "Give Indians a disaster
  and they will convert it into a kiosk!"

Compassion, mercy and charity (although not always adhered
to) is the basis of every religion. I had learnt in school
that the Shankaracharya had travelled all over the country in
the ninth century to revive Hinduism and he set up mutts at
Dwarka, Puri, Sringeri (I have been there) and Badrinath.

The latter along with Kedarnath, is the epicentre of the
present disaster. The area is holy and it is mostly pilgrims
and local residents who were the victims. I am left
wondering how in such a place there could be such complete
lack of piety, compassion, charity and mercy, the bulwarks of
all religion. Is this all that we see for the
Shankaracharya's efforts, all those long years ago?

There has been no report of any of the "nationalist and
patriotic" organisation in the rescue efforts at least in the
early days. Where exactly are the RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal or
the Ram Sene? I suppose this disaster called for their
efforts. I would not be surprised, if all these
organisations make an appearance now, claiming post facto
heroism. We have been witnesses to such dubious heroism by
our "freedom fighters", many of whom were collaborators with
the Portuguese but became freedom fighters after the
Portuguese were dislodged. In the bargain it is the genuine
freedom fighters who have languished and the frauds
prospered. Perhaps, the Hindutuva brigade would have been
fully active, if somehow the disaster was linked to the

We have witnessed on TV, the untiring efforts of our armed
forces in rescuing the victims, under great peril to their
own lives. Seeing the self-sacrifices being made by these
brave-hearts, we are assured that our defences are in safe
hands. Several of the defence personnel have died in the
rescue missions but they have continued, undaunted. That is
what patriotism, courage and valour is all about.

  And now, enter Narendra Modi. He rescues fifteen
  thousand Gujaratis, in forty eight hours!  A world
  record perhaps!  And by this dubious claim the man
  tipped to be the next Prime Minister has demeaned
  and undone the herculean efforts of our armed
  forces, under overwhelming odds.  There is only one
  message from Narendra Modi, and that is: before he
  came on the scene, the armed forces were simply
  inefficient and incompetent and therefore the
  fifteen thousand Gujaratis had remained trapped!
  Is there any other interpretation possible?

I was not unhappy when Narendra Modi was anointed the
prospective PM by the BJP, here in Goa. The man appeared to
be focussed and we certainly do not need another five years,
of remote control by the Mambo Italiano. But then, within no
time Narendra Modi has shown that Godhra was no aberration.

In fact, the Godhra Albatross now hangs heavily around his
neck. Consider; a man projected as the next Prime Minister
goes in the disaster area and selectively rescues only
Gujaratis. Does he not know that in matters of rescue, all
that matters is humanity and there are no racial or regional

After Godhra it was massacre the Muslims and protect the
Hindus. In Uttrakhand, it is save the Gujaratis, ignore

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Hope is not a strategy: The demand for Mopa (Rahul Basu)

2013-06-30 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Well, first of all I need to congratulate Rahul as this is the first time I 
have seen a Goan debate anything without bringing up the past. My experience 
has been that withing ten minutes into any debate, 1961 is brought up. All 
Goa's woes, all its problems are pinned on to 1961. With Mopa it becomes even 
funnier. The contention is that the Portuguese gifted Dabolim to Goa and that 
Dabolim should remain Goa's treasure forever.

Since I have just a few minutes, let me point out the following:
1) Cargo: It is extremely difficult to get cargo space on domestic flights in 
India. I found out that even during the peak tourist season, cargo space in and 
out of Goa is almost non-existent.
2) International airlines are gung ho on increasing their scheduled flights to 
Goa. I met the Toronto manager of an Arab airline at a function and he told me 
that the demand was such that they could send in five flights a day to Goa. The 
problem was that they could not get landing slots. You just cannot have an 
international airport at a facility that is controlled by the air force. 
3) A six lane highway will be a blessing to Goa. I find it amazing that you 
need to spend three plus hours to travel the 100 miles that is the length of 

4) I did not get the point of the expanding Belgaum and Huble airports. All 
this does is forces the better educated Goan to go seek employment/business 
outside Goa.

5) Last week, a major (western) consultancy firm sent out a note to financiers 
requesting interest in Mopa. Mopa can be developed at no cost to the Goan 
treasury. If it is not profitable, private capital will bear the losses. If it 
is not commercially feasible, it will never be built. 

India badly needs infrastructure. Unlike yesterdecade, the private sector is 
willing to finance this infrastructure. Take a moment to look all around you 
folks. The economic prosperity of any region mirrors its infrastructure.

Currently on a long weekend camping trip in Moby, Ontario. 

[Goanet] UAE: Spark Dubai emerges winner in talent contest 'Kordeleche Kalakar'

2013-06-30 Thread Goa World

 www.goa-world. comGULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)
>>http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/ http://www.colaco.net/ 
>>Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday 
>>someone, somewhere learns a 
>>This article courtesy: www.daijiworld.com[A portal linking West coast of 
>>India and the World] 

>>News -- UAE: Spark Dubai emerges winner in talent contest   
>>Pics: Deepak D'Silva and Sonu Bantwal
>>Daijiworld Media Network - Dubai
>>Dubai, Jun 29: In a keenly contested Konkani variety entertainment 
>>competition, a spirited 'Spark Dubai' emerged winners beating five other 
>>teams on Friday June 28. The event was held at JSS School Jumairah.
>>Manglore Konkans Dubai organised the event as part of their silver jubilee 
>>Karaval Milan Dubai bagged the first runner-up spot, while 'Kordeleche 
>>Kalakar' won the second runner-up title.
>>Ronald Nazareth Baindoor of Karaval Milan was adjudged the best MC of the 
>>competition. Alphonse Dsouza of Spark Dubai declared best actor
>>The event that started at around 4.30 pm also included entertainment by 'Gulf 
>>Voice of Mangalore' Dubai singers who rendered their voices to hit Konkani 
>>numbers during regular intervals. Asha Fernandes, Anil Mascarenhas, Preeth 
>>Noronha, Sabitha D'Souza, Jeevan Vas entertained the audience with their 
>>melodious singing. Pradeep Barboza, Deepak D'Silva and Assumpta Pereira 
>>presented comedy skits.
>>Roshan D'Silva compered the entire event. Deepak Machado conducted quiz as 
>>fillers during the evening.
>>Konkan Bells, Kordelche Kalakar, USWAS Shirva, Karaval Milan, Spark Dubai and 
>>Mogachi Lahran were the six teams that participated in the events.
>>Importance was given to the theme, stage setting, dance and compering skills 
>>in each group. Spark Dubai which came out with the theme of 'corruption in 
>>India' through a hilarious skit 'Ek Chai' and splendid patriotic dance to a 
>>Konkani song by young girls not only impressed the judges but also inspired 
>>the packed audience present in the hall.
>>Karaval Milan and Kordelche Kalakar also presented a social message and 
>>spectacular dance performances to to bag the second and third positions 
>>Cajetan Pereira from Kuwait, Oswald D'Souza from Abu Dhabi, Shama Rani, Dr 
>>Marina Goveas and Averyl Rodrigues from Dubai did a fair job as judges and 
>>were later felicitated by the organisers.
>>Herman Lewis, Joseph Mathias, Santosh Nazareth, and Rony D'Cunha were called 
>>on stage for the presentation ceremony.
>>  * More pictures..Click Here 
>>Subscribe FREE Weekly Mangalore News Bulletin : Click Here THOUGHT FOR THE 
>>DAY: You must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight to our 

[Goanet] A VIP son takes away Dabolim parking land a commoner loses all - source: thegoan.net

2013-06-30 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Aam aadmi Domingo Vales fights 15 years for compensation for lost land, blue 
eyed boy Bernard Costa gets back land for airport parking which he sells to 
builderThere are sons and there are sons of the soil. While one has 
singlehandedly, made the government surrender his land for Dabolim’s parking, 
after acquiring it, the other, whose land was taken for the expansion of the 
national highway, is losing his restaurant to government bulldozers.’Domingo 
Vales does not talk anymore. He does not fight, does not demand and has 
resigned himself into the hands of fate. Two heart bypass surgery and hundreds 
of treks to the Chief Minister, Revenue Minister, local MLA, Collector and just 
about any and every officer did not get him what was due to him for losing his 
land. He was not as lucky as fellow villager Bernard Costa who sat with the 
revenue minister, Deputy Speaker, the Chief Secretary, Law Secretary and 
Revenue Secretary to get back his acquired land from the government.Vales, who 
was running a successful open air restaurant at Alto Dabolim near the then 
Varunapuri – Verna road, had to forego almost 8000 square metres of his land 
for the newly constructed four lane National Highway 17B as early as 1998. 
Along with the land he lost a three storeyed restaurant building, equipment 
worth lakhs of rupees as the bulldozers moved in before the compensation as per 
Land Acquisition Act 1894.All efforts by The Goan to talk Domingo Vales or his 
family members failed as they refused to be put on record citing that they have 
full faith in the government. But governments since 1998 have neither been fair 
nor faithful to Vales. He was offered a measly sum which was not only 
disproportional to the actual value of land but was not even compensated for 
losses incurred in the restaurant business. Vales’s ordeal continued despite 
the fact that his then MLA Mauvin Godinho was Revenue Minister months after he 
lost the land.Years later Vales also approached Jose Philip D’Souza, a two term 
Revenue Minister from nearby Vasco but with not much luck. What is interesting 
is Messrs D’Souza and Godinho had played a very important role in getting an 
exclusive audience for another son of the soil Bernard Costa in a high level 
Valentine day government meeting in 2011, where Costa spelt out what he wanted 
and the government did his bidding.No such luck for Domingo, who did get an 
audience with various Chief Ministers from Pratapsingh Rane, Digambar Kamat to 
Manohar Parrikar (in both his terms), but no solution to his problems. While 
‘son of the soil’ Bernard Costa got the land of his choice which denied the 
airport its much needed parking area, the government failed to even provide an 
alternate piece of land of the same size as Vales has lost.The Goan 
investigations reveal that Domingo Vales’s case file was misplaced and not 
prioritised for reasons unknown. However in recent times, a report from South 
Goa Collector has been ready over a year and a half, yet the Government has 
failed to give him the land that he lost. Unlike Bernard Costa, Domingo Vales 
was not a foreign returned son of the soil, aided by well-fed politicians. 
Domingo Vales is a resident son of the soil, a true blue Goenkar who still 
believes that the government will give him the justice he deserves.


[Goanet] Sounds of Young Goa...

2013-06-30 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Funky house * Zaros * Ashley Fernandes

FROM THE WIKIPEDIA: Funky house is a sub-genre of house music that uses
funk samples, a funk-inspired bass line or a strong soul influence,
combined with drum breaks that draw inspiration from 1970s and 1980s funk

Like most variants of house, the genre follows a traditional four to the
floor house beat, and makes heavy use of synthesizers, samples and soulful
vocals, although unlike in more electronically bent Chicago and deep house,
presence of acoustic instrumentation is much more common

FN  Land +91-832-240-9490 Cell  +91-982-212-2436 f...@goa-india.org\

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day....

2013-06-30 Thread Gabe Menezes


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Roland Francis: Random Observations and Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goan

2013-06-30 Thread Eddie Fernandes
Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goan. By Roland Francis. 

Source: Goan Voice UK Newsletter of 30 June 2013 at www.goanvoice.org.uk

Goa like the rest of India is a land of unfathomable contrasts. Dirty,
overcrowded, unplanned, corrupt and almost lawless, it continues to draw
tourists who call it heaven and it earns rave ratings in global travel rags.
With its beauty denuding however, how long this will last is anybody's

People in Goa have by and large transformed from simple and trusting to
cynical and conniving. Don't know whether 52 years of Indian rule is
responsible or whether it's just a sign of the times. Hospitality however
has remained a redeeming feature but violence is a new one.

Britain's course of action in requiring visitors from 'high risk' countries
to post a 3,000 pound deposit is an unfair and ineffective method of
preventing overstaying. Those who mean to illegally immigrate will be
unfazed and those who mean to return (the majority) will be unfairly
penalized. Somewhat similar to the United States giving the governments of
South American countries a hard time, accusing them of being implicit in
exporting drugs. Uncle Sam would do better to restrict their own population
from consuming them.

Global warming and its changing weather patterns causing extensive havoc is
here to stay. We can expect it more frequently. The recent heavy rains and
landslides in North India and flooding of Calgary, Canmore and the
surrounding towns in the Banff resort area of Alberta showed how nature in
an instant can make mice out of men. Nothing demonstrates it better than the
melting of huge bergs and frozen tundra, increasing water levels in the seas
and oceans, continents away.

Two multi-storied buildings came crashing down in Bombay's suburbs. While
that is nothing new for Bombay, it used to be restricted to 150 year old
buildings with poor maintenance. Now it is happening to buildings recently
but illegally built with shoddy materials and no supervision. How such
construction can come up within the jurisdiction of one of the largest
municipalities in Asia with a budget greater than many developing countries
will indicate the kind of corruption that puts no value on human life. The
authorities are not the only ones to blame. When notices of evacuation due
to impending danger are given, residents routinely ignore them. It won't be
long before Goa follows this sorry state of affairs.

Toronto's mayor is in a way like New York's Teflon Don, the famous John
Gotti of Mafia fame. The more the accusations flung at him by the media, the
less they seem to stick on him. In fact people feel he is being unfairly and
excessively targeted and sympathize with him. His popularly in opinion polls
is increasing rather than decreasing with every new expose. Talking of oily
skins, Narendra Modi the recently elected-in- Goa president of one of the
two largest parties in India also seems to have a duck's back. Several major
criminal charges originating from a mass killing incident which he is
alleged to have condoned or even caused, seem to have amounted to nothing.

A tramp steamer loaded with heavy armament, small arms and ammunition sent
by the US to rebels in Syria fighting the almost unbeatable (with Russian
help) Assad regime, has broken up off the coast of Goa. Ex KGB Russians,
vacationing Israeli soldiers, Al Qaida agents, handsome Kashmiri refugees
marrying lonely older British women - I thought we had them all. It took
this ship to remind that CIA financed arms smugglers were missing. 

It is amazing to read the achievements of Goans throughout the world as
recorded in Eddie Fernandes' Goan Voice.  With a magical sweep of the
world's press, he brings to our table news of industry moguls, famous chefs,
airline czars, software geniuses, crusty generals  and everything in-between
- as long as they are Goan or Goan connected. We even read of our very own
Mata Hari, a special agent once operating in Italy who outsmarted her own
employer, the CIA. Eddie is tight lipped about how he does it, but takes
pride in the fact that he doesn't originate anything. To people who like to
keep in touch with Diaspora news, people and milestones, GVUK is required

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: Hope is not a strategy: The demand for Mopa (Rahul Basu)? (Joao Paulo Cota)

2013-06-30 Thread Anne Ketteringham
An excellent article.  Spot on with the issues and projections that are
pie-in-the-sky for most of the ministers and supporters of MOPA.  Goa can
not sustain a huge increase of visitors!  And before it happens, many will
see the result and elect to go elsewhere making it even more difficult to
attract foreign visitors.  With the increase in costs and lack of
infrastructure to support the already overloaded beaches in the North of
Goa many are already seeking alternative venues.  And South Goa will be
even further away with MOPA as the hub, with huge bills for transportation
as well as long journeys for incoming and outgoing tourists.  In my view it
just does not make sense.  Dabolim is being expanded and it is high time
that the Goan government told the Indian Navy to move their operation to a
more suitable airport, giving free reign for tourism to expand to a
balanced level over time.  Goa is rapidly losing its shine for travellers
for many reasons, not least of all, costs!  The tourist board needs to do
something quickly to turn things around and encourage a better quality
tourism based on culture, the arts, music, nature, environment and not the
sun, sea, sand and partying that they only portray at present.  Nothing
will change unless the mindset of the Goan people changes and they voice
their opinions just like Jack Sequiera did when it was needed.  Otherwise,
Goa will be gobbled up and forgotten in time by the tourism set to start up
in the state of Maharashtra  afforded by the MOPA developement.

Anne Ketteringham

Re: [Goanet] Goa's first "Swedish Referendum"

2013-06-30 Thread Edwin/Diana Pinto


From: Alfred de Tavares 

May the good Lord help us dear Diana.

You make it sound.very eerily so, that a raj, similar to that of
Papa Doc's, may he cinder in hell, Toton Macoutes prevails in

A worried Chacha...

Well, things aren't as good as we hoped, but not to worry dear Chacha, 
everything will work out if we but hold the faith -  Diana 


2013-06-30 Thread Goa World

 www.goa-world. comGULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)
>>http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/ http://www.colaco.net/ 
>>Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday 
>>someone, somewhere learns a 
>> B I T U A R Y 
>>Born:  1-2-1961   Died: 27-6-2013
>>Miguel Francis D’Souza, son of Late Francis & Clarina D’Souza,  working at 
>>the Bayan Palace, Kuwait, hailing from New Bandeli Haliyal, Karwar 
>>(Karnataka), India, died on 27th June 2013.
>>His mortal remains can be viewed on Monday, 1st June 2013, at 9:00 a.m. at 
>>the Al-Sabah Hospital Mortuary-Shuwaikh, and later flown to India for the 
>>final rites,to be held on Tuesday, 2nd  July 2013 in Karwar.  
>>Friends and relatives, kindly take this as the only initimation.  
>>(Sharma & his colleagues/friends)
> FOR THE DAY: For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to 
>eternity.  ~William Penn  .  


2013-06-30 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The Supreme Court has already given the Central and State governments time
till the second week of July to take remedial measures to drastically
reduce the number of constitutional authorities who can use the red beacon
on their official vehicle. Now, with the Supreme Court having shown the red
card on use of the red beacon, we may soon see a very trimmed list of those
entitled to this privilege in the State of Goa. Many officials can now hope
to see their red beacon washed away with the Supreme Court cracking the

Besides the authorized, those high handedly flashing the red beacon
unauthorisedly and illegally include the Chairman of the Goa Law Commission
Narendra Savaikar, NRI Commissioner Wilfred Mesquita and the Goa Zilla
Parishad Chairpersons amongst others.

The North and South Goa Zilla Parishad have over the years been demanding
more powers. To apparently calm down frailed tempers, the Chief Minister
Mr. Manohar Parrikar last week has promised to legalise that red beacon for
the Zilla Chairpersons which over the years they have been illegally using.
What a pacifier? Keeping in mind that the Lok Sabha elections are nearing
and the political class has to be kept content and pleased.

Does the Chief Minister realize that his move to grant two more red beacons
runs contrary to what the Supreme Court is contemplating on the issue?

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Rice planting machine

2013-06-30 Thread Bernado Colaco
Probably the only sensible post by Barad. It is time that Goans support 
agriculture rather than concrete.


I thought this machine may have a productive application in Goa.? I am not a
farmer, nor do I know much about such machines.? Perhaps someone else can


Best regards,

[Goanet] Bispamni kunvor nhoi, gonvlli zaunk zai: Francis Pap Saib / Bishops must be pastors not princes, says Pope Francis

2013-06-30 Thread Goa World

 www.goa-world. comGULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)
>>http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/ http://www.colaco.net/ 
>>Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday 
>>someone, somewhere learns a 
>Bispamni kunvor nhoi, gonvlli zaunk zai: Francis Pap Saib 
>Bishops must be pastors not princes, says Pope Francis
>Vatikan: Francis Pap Saiban Junhache 21ver sogllea Apostolik Nuncio hankam 
>ulovop kelem ani diosezimni bhavarteanche bore gonvlli ani sevok zatole bisp 
>mellunk odik mhotv divunk zai mhon bhar ghalo.  
>Papal Nuncio zaun asat Vatikanache rajdutik protinidhi.  Diosezint Bisp 
>zavpachea umedvarachi puri vollokh ghevpak tanchem mukhel karya asa, tacher 
>Francis Pap Saiban odik lokx ghalem.  Je umedvar bisp zavpache astat te 
>lokache avddiche gonvlli zanvk zai, bapayponnachem ani bhavponnachem natem 
>tankam asunk zai mhonn Pap Saiban sanglem. 
>Te sonvsari axeche zanvche nhoi mhonn chotray dhorat ani te bisp  zavpache 
>axeche zaunk favona mhonnlem, Bisp zavpacheo umedvar kallza-monan gorib asunk 
>zai mhonn sangtana, "kunvram porim zavpachem mon asunk favona mhonn  sanglem. 
>Tanchea jivtant sonvsari mon asunk favona, Sonvsari mon dhorun Devachea 
>onodhak vavurchem soddun te svarthi  monan vavrunk pavtat. Ani vhoddponnachem 
>mon ani jivit apnnavun te sust jivitak lobdunk pavum yeta mhonn Pap Saiban 
>must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight to our hearts.  
> http://sonvarchimsungttam.blogspot.com/
>LUCAS DENIZ-ACHEO  KONKANI KOVITA http://marianolucasdeniz.blogspot.com/
>TIATRACHEA 'Podd'dea Fattlean'  http://brestarpodddeafattlean.blogspot.com/

[Goanet] Lets Change The Game - Part-1

2013-06-30 Thread Jim Fernandes

I would like to inform you that the most recent post got a few more private 
emails back to me. That is a positive sign. Obviously, it gives me great hope 
that there are at least a few Goans out there, that may be willing to do a bit 
more than just fart on GoaNet. It also gives me an indication that some of you 
may be willing to provide help without publicity.

Therefore, if you do have ideas on how to generate public support to help make 
a better Goa and possibly help raise funding, I encourage you to please revert 
back to me privately.

A bit about myself:
I was born, grew up and educated in Goa. I am in my forties and I have spent 
about half my life in the US - designing, developing and transforming complex 
algorithms into computer software programs. I am a US citizen and I cannot run 
for any political office in Goa. I would like to think I have done quite well 
for my family and myself - and I am not interested in any fame, political 
favors or financial gain by involving myself in this proposed movement in Goa. 
In fact, all I would like to do is to help jump start the movement and slowly 
fade into the background.

Why I Believe Goa Is Going Down-hill:
I am realizing that just a few Goan political elite and their financial backers 
are powering the greed to become ever more wealthy on the backs of hard working 
Goans. There are no checks and balances, which makes it fairly easy for them to 
take Goans for suckers. To be fair, we cannot cast the blame entirely on the 40 
MLA's who run the show in Goa. We have ourselves to blame for at least part of 
the mess.

How come?

Well, I had the misfortune of running into a cabinet member of a certain 
political party in Goa. I had known him a long time ago when I was a teenager 
in Goa and he was a nobody. Anyway, during our casual conversation, I asked him 
point blank how he was able to acquire immense wealth that was obviously 
dis-proportionate to his known sources of income. He told me laughingly - he 
has only Goans to thank for it.

Basically, he went on to explain that at the time of running for elections, 
virtually every Sarpanch and their deputies, demanded bribes in exchange for 
political support in their respective wards and villages. To make matters 
worse, many Goans from his constituency demanded cash, motor bikes, cars, 
refrigerators and other such goodies for their support. He said, he took out 
personal loans besides getting the funding from his political bosses and other 
financiers to help pay for these demands. Eventually when he did get elected 
and with his good fortune - got inducted in the Goa cabinet, he promptly began 
the process to recoup the money he had spent and some more. In his opinion, it 
is not just the politicians that are corrupt - it is the entire society in Goa 
that is corrupt!

And here we are - bitching and complaining about the ministers and their so 
called puppets for inaction to people's demands.

Even though I do not live in Goa anymore, I am fully aware where many of the 
problems lie. But what can we do to change the game?

Stay tuned for Part-2 of this thread.

Jim Fernandes.
New York.

[Goanet] Sangodd, Assolna - Video clip

2013-06-30 Thread JoeGoaUk
Video clip
 Pics of Assolna and Candolim Sangodd etc

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goa news for June 30, 2013

2013-06-30 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa changes gear from beach bumming to river rafting -
Newstrack India
inute rafting ...

*** Goa government resorts to market borrowings - Times of India
ear Goa government stock (securities).

*** Politics over relief! Goa Congress says don't donate for
Uttarakhand - India Today
Uttarakhand flood donation collection is a scam: Goa Congress

*** Coast Guard on alert for floating containers off Goa coast -
onkan coast after falling off from a wrecked ship off Goa coast.
MV MOL Comfort, a container carrier owned by M/s Mitsui Osaka
Lines, Japan, laden with 4,268 ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEGkcVkL2KWdfM1GezIc0fuEnliyg&url=http://ibnlive.in.com/news/coast-guard-on-alert-for-floating-containers-off-goa-coast/402774-3-253.html

*** Goan police say Denyse died from drugs - Derby Telegraph
ouble their efforts to discover whether there was any foul play
involved. ‹ Denyse. Sisters Marion Sweeney and Maureen
Sweeney of Denyse Sweeney, ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHi2FTKmHty4KcoDmOQb9-E3_0sIw&url=http://www.thisisderbyshire.co.uk/Goan-police-say-Denyse-died-drugs/story-19420817-detail/story.html

*** Time limits for services fixed in Goa Public Services Act -
Times of India
ound delivery of public services) Act, 2013, the government has
fixed between three to 30 days within which various government
authorities have to provide citizens with the services they

*** Digging of roads prohibited in South Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: South Goa district magistrate ND Agrawal has
issued an order prohibiting digging of roads or shoulders of
roads in the jurisdiction of South Goa district by any
agency/organization without the written permission of the
district collector. "All ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGIaSyTjNsJNGq-0jmaEzV4Qezf3A&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Digging-of-roads-prohibited-in-South-Goa/articleshow/20824101.cms

*** Goa's new industrial policy will put state on fast track to
prosperity ... - Times of India
mes of IndiaMARGAO: Industries minister, Mahadev Naik stated
that the task force constituted for the purpose of formulating
the state's investment and industrial policy was holding
meetings regularly and that the draft of the policy would be
submitted by it to the ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG-qksV9bhzaCerJHOiaYoiGi5nbA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goas-new-industrial-policy-will-put-state-on-fast-track-to-prosperity-Mahadev-Naik/articleshow/20835906.cms

*** Pratibha Pande to complete survey of Goa sanctuaries - Times
of India
the ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFv-HdQHoUcebNHSlcw7egpfuT-zQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Pratibha-Pande-to-complete-survey-of-Goa-sanctuaries/articleshow/20823809.cms

*** Will Digvijaya be able to stem the rot in Goa Congress? -
Times of India
rofile leader like former Madhya Pradesh chief minister
Digvijaya Singh as AICC general secretary in charge of the Goa
desk is a signal from Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi to
have a Gen Next team to fight the election.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEWmJGjYevDTat1E10c8LpWemDc5w&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Will-Digvijaya-be-able-to-stem-the-rot-in-Goa-Congress/articleshow/20838057.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service