[Goanet] Goans of British East Africa

2014-05-25 Thread Mervyn Maciel
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Mon, 19 May 2014

A very interesting book has just been published, telling the story of the
coming of Goans to East Africa. Many of you will remember Goan clerks, but
how did the group obtain a monopoly of such positions, and what else did
they do? The answers lie in *A Railway Runs Through: Goans of British East
Africa, 1865-1980*, by Selma Carvalho. Matador, 2014, £10. Available from:

 email: bo...@troubador.co.uk

Mervyn Maciel

[Goanet] Entertainment Society of Goa/ Press Release/ Award Ceremony of Children's Film Festival 2014

2014-05-25 Thread silvia rebello
Kind Attn: All,

Kindly find attached the Press Release issued by the Entertainment Society
of Goa, regarding* Children's Film Festival 2014 Award Ceremony*. Forwarded
with request to ensure that it is published  on your esteemed newspaper

*26th May 2014 as it is issued for public information.​ IMG_3749.JPG
Thanks& Regards,

Silvia Rebello
Asst. Manager (PR)
Entertainment Society of Goa.
Office Tel: 0832-2428111
Fax: 0832- 2428000

[Goanet] GSRP's Views on Volatile Social Media Postings - Press Reelase for kind favour of Publication. Corrected

2014-05-25 Thread floriano lobo

GSRP's Views on Volatile Social Media Postings.

Goa Su-Raj Party is seized of the recent development where a Social Media 
poster faces arrest for his so called slanderous post/s on Facebook and opines 
that the political involvement  over the recent legal action against this  
Facebook poster will further deviate from the real problems and crisis on 
social media in general. Some MLAs want to show the current government in bad 
light and are therefore resorting to  rhetoric's  of  'freedom of speech'. The 
accused in this case  exercised his 'freedom of speech', the complainant 
exercised his freedom for justice and his right to take  legal recourse. Now, 
the matter is for the 'Executive' and the 'Judiciary' to deliberate and decide 
upon. The real concern is about the misinformation and slander that happens on 
the social media we.or.to. certain organizations and even individuals. There  
have to be laws to curb such posts and comments that go beyond civil liberties 
and resort to slander and insults to communities, peoples and individuals alike 
and the damage done is sought to be wiped off the slate by extending mere 
apologies. This Party is of the qualified opinion that individuals and 
organizations  must own responsibility for what they say on the public forums 
that might hurt the sentiments of others.

Savio Rodrigues
Secretary & President (Youth Affairs)
Goa Su-Raj Party
Mob: 9764447371

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[Goanet] Leadership issues in Congress

2014-05-25 Thread Nelson Lopes
Congress  leadership issue.

The congress lead by Nehru cultivated and groomed his daughter very
consciously. It is true of Congress that like a banyan tree nothing is
allowed to grown underneath.  Following his death there was leadership
crises. The choice of Shastri was short lived due to his unfortunate
demise.[Mrs Indira Gandhi  became the inevitable choice with the belief
that she was maneuverable, but she proved otherwise, The split lead to
Congress O, followed by  Congress U and the political stalwarts dissipated
in time, without any success due to their  individual ambitions and
inherent contradictions and diverse philosophies. Narashima Rao and
ManmohanSingh became P.M out side the first family circle the reasons
are not far
fetched and their functioning was a matter of rightful conjecture

It is wrong to believe that the present INC is the past, historical entity
.The INC was in fact personal and private party of Indira Congress and so
called. The Indian National Congress having been disbanded, the Indira
Congress assumed the inheritance of the parent body with no obstructions
and renamed it  as Indian National Congress, dropping  the prefix Indira .
Rajeev Gandhi for a long time remained aloof from political scene, until he
was dragged out and launched into politics much against his family wishes
after the assassination of Indira. For the politicians the first family is
the only glue , that binds them to gather as the party. Who will deny that
after the assassination of Rajeev, the most reluctant, political
inexperienced Sonia was virtually forced to head the party, Such is the
admiration and magic of the first family, that senior, experienced
politicians are willing to bend and crawl to be under the Gandhi umbrella
under all circumstances for their personal survival in politics .Have we
not heard the respected P.M. Mr Manohan Singh willing to serve under the
leadership of Rahul Gandhi and was holding the fort for him at his bidding,
Most of the so called stalwarts have had to bite the dust in these
elections and do not at all enjoy pan India  image, much less even  in
their  own respective constituencies

Rahul Gandhi at 40 years dabbled in organisation of the party, He did not
show any inclination to hold responsibility and power in the administration
and gain valuable experience. He was virtually forced by his mother to
assume the posts as she was declining in health and was eager to witness
the son rise .Some of his outbursts were blindly supported to give him the

The decimation of the Congress party first time  ever has been lost on the
party veterans, Her resignation and that of Rahul has been rejected, as no
one in the party is confident to lead the Congress out of doldrums and are
thus forced to seek their patronage. Now there is clamour to rope in
Priyanka  as an alternative ,basking in post-election propaganda and media
coverage. Will it not affect the image of leadership of Rahul Gandhi in
whom the party has reposed its faith and thrown the weight behind his
vision, wisdom and ability?. Rahul did try to involve youth but the
experiment of minimal success did not last long. Sonia remains in control
of the Parliamentary party in both the houses for the obvious reasons.
Nothing wrong can be assigned to the dynastic individuals, like  they say
the King can do no wrong

The dismal loss is attributed to non-communication of P.M. . lack of
propaganda paucity of funds, disinterests and organisations at the grass
root level, misjudgment of systematic propaganda of BJP and Modi effect,
but the  monumental corruption , Lok Pal bill, mindless violence against
 protesting youth brigade ,policy paralysis, price rise, unemployment,
black money, insensitivity towards sexual violence and  crimes against
women   are  dismissed as  unworthy issues for consideration. The Congress
is still under illusion

After the debacle the S.P has sacked 35 Ministers of State, Nitish
Kumarhas handed over the baton in moral responsibility,
Gogoi In Assam has volunteered to resign but such exercise in the
Congresis unthinkable ,burying the head in the sand like the
proverbial Ostrich
.Unless there is realistic appraisal and sharing of the moral blame,
preparing of alternative leadership ,dependence on First family charisma,
the Congress will not bounce back as predicted and expected as in the past.
The issues are totally different and so are the challenges

Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] Ascension Sunday

2014-05-25 Thread Jude Botelho judesundayreflecti...@yahoo.co.in [JudeSundayReflections]

Dear Friend,

Life is full of moments of transitions, moments when things have to come to an 
end; moments when we have to begin anew. We get used to the way things are and 
we don't want to move on. The Christian is called to be on the move, to be in 
transition, for we are a pilgrim people, journeying in faith. May His word 
confront us in our complacency and comfort us in our doubts and distress. Have 
an uplifting, affirming weekend! Fr. Jude

Sunday Ref: Ascension Sunday 'Transitions, beginning anew in His name!' 1-Jun-14

Readings: Acts 1: 1-11;          Eph.1: 17-23;           Mt. 28: 16-20;

Today's first reading from the first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles 
establishes a link between Jesus' going and the coming of the Holy Spirit, and 
it also establishes the connection between Jesus and the founding of the 
Church. The disciples were not ready to cope with the transition, they wanted 
to know more definitely when and how things would take place. Jesus responds by 
telling them that what is of prime importance is to believe and let the Spirit 
take possession and guide our every step. Yes, Jesus will not be with them but 
He will be in them.

The same yet different
Lech Walesa worked for years as an electrician in the Gdansk shipyards. During 
those years he and his fellow workers founded the movement which came to be 
known as 'Solidarity.' Walesa became its leader. This brought them into open 
conflict with the communist leaders. Eventually the workers won. The communist 
regime collapsed and democracy returned to Poland. Then on December 9, 1990 
something happened which a few years prior would have been unthinkable. Walesa, 
the shipyard worker, was elected first president of a free and democratic 
Poland. It was a great honour for Walesa. His fellow workers felt honoured 
because of their association with him. However there was sadness too. They knew 
that it would change forever the way they related to him. They knew they were 
losing him. However they were hoping that he would not forget them and that he 
would help them from his new and more influential position. The illustration 
may go some way in helping us to
 understand what we are celebrating on this great feast of Ascension.
Flor McCarthy in 'New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies'

The gospel of Matthew links the end of the ministry of Jesus to the beginning 
of the new ministry of the Spirit in the Church. Interestingly, while the other 
evangelists try to describe how the ascension took place, Matthew seems to lead 
us to the point of the ascension and then is deliberately silent about it. He 
does not mention the ascension of Jesus into heaven. Rather, Matthew prefers to 
discuss the mission of the disciples. "I'm not going to be with you; it is up 
to you now!" The mission given to the apostles and the followers is quite 
clear. They are told that they will receive His power and will act in His name. 
The Gospel of the Ascension calls us and challenges us to move beyond the 
boundaries that are set by our own fear and weakness and sinfulness. The story 
of Jesus' ascension reminds us that Jesus is beyond us -sitting at the right 
hand of the Father, yet at the same time the same story reminds us that the 
Lord was working with the apostles
 by confirming their word by the signs that accompanied it. He is beyond us yet 
very much within us! We, who are caught in these 'in-between' times, have to 
make a start and yet not any start will do. For the disciples had to wait till 
the Lord had ascended into heaven; they had to wait for the Spirit to descend 
on them, and be filled with his power. For this to happen they waited in 
prayer. Their waiting was rewarded by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in 
whose name they went forth to the ends of the earth. The temptation is to just 
keep waiting for something to happen that pushes us or to do anything that will 
keep our mind off the things that worry us. We are empowered in our mission 
only when we discover that God is with us in our innermost being.

Our Ministry begins
After the resurrection, Jesus made a few celebrated appearances and then left 
for good. We call this departure the Ascension, the feast we are celebrating 
today. Upon Jesus' arrival in heaven, a vast host of angels greeted him and 
they wanted to know whom he had left behind on earth to finish the work he had 
begun. Jesus replied, "I have commissioned a group of men and women who love 
me." "That's all?" the angels asked astonished, "what if this tiny group should 
fail? Any back up plan?" Jesus replied, "I have no other plans." Just before He 
ascended into heaven, He commissioned his disciples to make disciples of all 
nations and teach them to follow His commandment of love. He wants us to pass 
on his love to others. This is our Mission - to make Jesus continuously present 
in us and through us. St. Teresa of Avila described our task better in this 
way: "Christ has no body now but yours. No ha

[Goanet] a unique gesture

2014-05-25 Thread Nelson Lopes
A unique gesture
Mrs  THELMA GRACIAS,  served as an Asstt,teacher both at Infant Jesus.H.S ,
Colva ,  presently at Holy Spirit Institute, Margao and with brief stint at
another school .She has retired  at the  end of this this academic year,
2014 with an illustrious career spanning 35 years plus.
Normally the retiring teacher is accorded a formal farewell by the teachers
,Management of the last school n service. In my 35 years of service in
teaching, I noticed that she decided in her magnanimity to deviate and be
different and hence invited all the teachers, Heads of schools  et. al.
from  her previous schools. to share their company. It was a tremendous ,
painstaking effort to locate  them.  I was very pleasant surprised to see
about 100 guests responding positively to her personal invitation and
which, including past , present Heads and many of her
colleagues retired years back. Present among us was the  Ex Secretary,
D.S.E , Ms Melsa Vaz Monteiro, who shared her feelings  about Thelma`s
 professional competence, her compassion for students and human concerns.
It was evident that she had maintained warm and friendly relations with all
 her colleagues and that she was held in high esteem for her integrity,
character ,credibility ,  friendly and lasting relations. The meeting,
besides being a joyful occasion also served as  a nostalgic reunion ,
recalling the good old days. She  has really lived in the hearts and minds
of  her colleagues she touched, I also had the privilege to  share my
feelings of yest er years and  did not suppress my disappointment for her
not taking up  leadership role, well  endowed with  excellent professional
 expertise, friendly disposition with enviable  qualities of heart and soul
The colleagues signed  the memorable roll with their best wishes, praying
for a happy retired life
Nelson Lopes , Chinchinim

[Goanet] Entertainment Society of Goa- Media Invite/ Award Ceremony of the Children's Film Festival/25/May/ 2014

2014-05-25 Thread silvia rebello
*Entertainment Society of Goa*

cordially invites the Media
for the Award Ceremony


*(Children’s Film Festival)*

graced by

*Shri. Damodar Naik*
Chairman- Governing
Body, Entertainment Society of Goa

*Smt. Kunda Chondankar,*


Bal Bhavan

Today, 25th May 2014 at 6:00 pm

Venue: Ravindra Bhavan*(Margao)*

Thanks& Regards,

Silvia Rebello
Asst. Manager (PR)
Entertainment Society of Goa.
Office Tel: 0832-2428111
Fax: 0832- 2428000

[Goanet] Song for the day.....

2014-05-25 Thread Gabe Menezes
-The Three Degrees- -When I will see you again-

-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6fVDAjs9f0DEV BOREM KORUM

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] GSRP's Views on Volatile Social Media Postings - Press Reelase for kind favour of Publication.

2014-05-25 Thread floriano lobo
GSRP's Views on Volatile Social Media Postings.

Goa Su-Raj Party is ceased with the recent development where a Social Media 
poster faces arrest for his so called slanderous post/s on Facebook and opines 
that the political involvement  over the recent legal action against this  
Facebook poster will further deviate from the real problems and crisis on 
social media in general. Some MLAs want to show the current government in bad 
light and are therefore resorting to  rhetoric's  of  'freedom of speech'. The 
accused in this case  exercised his 'freedom of speech', the complainant 
exercised his freedom for justice and his right to take  legal recourse. Now, 
the matter is for the 'Executive' and the 'Judiciary' to deliberate and decide 
upon. The real concern is about the misinformation and slander that happens on 
the social media we.or.to. certain organizations and even individuals. There  
have to be laws to curb such posts and comments that go beyond civil liberties 
and resort to slander and insults to communities, peoples and individuals alike 
and the damage done is sought to be wiped off the slate by extending mere 
apologies. This Party is of the qualified opinion that individuals and 
organizations  must own responsibility for what they say on the public forums 
that might hurt the sentiments of others.

Savio Rodrigues
Secretary & President (Youth Affairs)
Goa Su-Raj Party
Mob: 9764447371

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[Goanet] Protest at Police HQ, Panaji Goa

2014-05-25 Thread JoeGoaUk

Protest at Police HQ, Panaji Goa

Ref. Facebook post

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Organic food & cancer

2014-05-25 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Rare UK honour conferred on Goan origin, Patricia Rozario

2014-05-25 Thread joseph fernandes
Patricia Rozario, a Mumbai born soprano of Goan origin, has been conferred the 
prestigious Fellowship of the Royal College of Music (FRCM).

Rozario who has won several accolades since she came to Britain in 1975 to 
study music, is now working to help raise standards of western music in India.  
The soprano is the second Indian-origin after conductor Zubin Mehta to be so 
feted by the college in its 131-year-old history.  At the fellowship ceremony 
London based Rozario was described as having pursued a "versatile career during 
which her distinctive artistry has inspired over fifteen of the worlds leading 
composers to write for her, notably Arvo Part and the late John Tavener.

Speaking to HT on Wednesday Rozario said that receiving the fellowship from 
Prince Charles was a moving experience and that the Prince said he was "very 
happy" that she had been recognized for her work.

The fellowship of the Royal College of Music is conferred on outstanding 
figures in international music.  Past fellows include iconic composers, 
singers, conductor and instrumentalists such as Yehudi Menuhin, Edward Elgar, 
Holt and Alfie Boe.

Along with her pianist husband Mark Troop, Rozario has been training teachers 
and students in India since 2006 in western music singing under an initiative 
called Giving Voice Society.  The first concert featuring her Indian students 
and conductors are scheduled for later this year.

(courtesy:  The Hindustan Times Mumbai edition 26May14)

Joseph Fernandes

Visit www.fatherspeaks.net Click: Father speaks,on LHS, below home, then click: 
Messages to Mother Eugenia
ABBA FATHERS Feast on 07th August

[Goanet] Goa news for May 25, 2014

2014-05-25 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Govt won't interfere in anti-Modi Facebook comments case,
says Goa CM Parrikar - Hindustan Times

*** Goa SSC/ 10th results to be out on May 25 - India Today

*** Cong to Issue Notice to Goa Leader for Anti-PM Remark -

*** Protest against bid to arrest Goan shipping engineer - The
older over his controversial anti ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFN7SnomraRB0wFu53wmi2Fez4pYQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=fCuBU_jMA4rWwAH-94CQDA&url=http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/protest-against-bid-to-arrest-goan-shipping-engineer/article6043957.ece

*** What of Goa if Manohar Parrikar is commandeered into
Narendra Modi cabinet? - Economic Times
oving paradise who doesn't have an opinion about their 'MaNo';
one of contemporary Goa's most well-known politicians outside
Goa and controversial within it. With everyone, from the
national ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNElwIL0TN09CLzZYGO0yNjmPK5VGA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778511311731&ei=fCuBU_jMA4rWwAH-94CQDA&url=http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/what-of-goa-if-manohar-parrikar-is-commandeered-into-narendra-modi-cabinet/articleshow/35466425.cms

*** Goa State Pollution Control Board probes alleged dumping of
slag at Cuncolim ... - Times of India
mes of IndiaMARGAO: Three units at Cuncolim industrial estate
have purchased private plots adjoining the industrial area and
dumped slag in private plots in the adjacent area without
obtaining permission from Goa state pollution control board
(GSPCB), said sources.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNGutVd640g56mUiqn4mcXjlMLbwLA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=fCuBU_jMA4rWwAH-94CQDA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-State-Pollution-Control-Board-probes-alleged-dumping-of-slag-at-Cuncolim-indrustrial-estate/articleshow/35573923.cms

*** Protests over police action on Goan for anti-Modi FB
comments - Zee News
esignate Narendra Modi on Facebook in March when the Lok Sabha
campaign was on.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFelzufo01YDJwgdBek-KEj5MjAVg&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=fCuBU_jMA4rWwAH-94CQDA&url=http://zeenews.india.com/news/goa/protests-over-police-action-on-goan-for-anti-modi-fb-comments_934464.html

*** Goa Board Class X results on May 25 - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe distribution of students' passing certificates
and marksheets to schools by the board will take place from
seven institutes around Goa on Monday from 10am to 1pm. Students
will be able to get their Class X certificates within a day of
the results ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFXkpXJlZLgn-qryDR7eeqacFpZvQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=fCuBU_jMA4rWwAH-94CQDA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-Board-Class-X-results-on-May-25/articleshow/35489893.cms

*** Goa falls short of mark at HRD midday meal review - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa was pulled up yet again by Union human
resource development (HRD) ministry officials at the midday meal
scheme implementation annual review meeting for not serving hot
meals to students from Classes I to VIII. Minutes of the meeting
held ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNEuLqrXFFOI9gW626_cPsu8wCegSw&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778514144501&ei=fCuBU_jMA4rWwAH-94CQDA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-falls-short-of-mark-at-HRD-midday-meal-review/articleshow/35573897.cms

*** Shaken up by the thunderstorm, south Goa gears up for
monsoon - Times of India
mes of IndiaMARGAO: At a meeting held to review the disaster
management capabilities, south Goa collector Mihir Vardhan
directed the PWD to ensure that all road works be completed
before May 31. He stated that no permissions for road digging
will be granted post ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&us

[Goanet] Great Composers. No. 4 in this series Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

2014-05-25 Thread Con Menezes

Also watch the video  sound & full screen.


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[Goanet] Tourists loving Goa..

2014-05-25 Thread JoeGoaUk
Konn kai he Tourists?
1 min

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc