[Goanet] A software ... for churches

2016-07-31 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا

Silviano from Socorro in Goa had also done some work on this sphere, I
recall. FN
_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet-News] Rahul Gandhi targets Parrikar, RSS over jibe against Aamir Khan (ENS)

2016-07-31 Thread Goanet News
Rahul Gandhi targets Parrikar, RSS over jibe against Aamir Khan

“I was speaking only about those who want bad for this country. I was not
talking about freedom of speech, ” Parrikar said.

By: Express News Service | New Delhi | Updated: August 1, 2016 5:08 am

Congress spokesperson Randeep S Surjewala said it was a "shocking
revelation" and showed that the BJP and RSS supporters actively disrupted
and sabotaged an online trading company on the Aamir issue.

THE CONGRESS Sunday launched a fierce attack on Defence Minister Manohar
Parrikar over his jibe at actor Aamir Khan for remarks on intolerance. In a
tweet, party vice-president Rahul Gandhi said: "RSS & Parrikarji want to
teach everyone a lesson. Here’s a lesson for you: hate is the preserve of
the coward and it never wins."

The main opposition party also accused the BJP and RSS of a "concerted
conspiracy" to hound Dalits, minorities, writers, actors and whoever
dissents against the government and wondered whether Parrikar's job is to
protect India from external aggressors like Pakistan or threaten fellow

On Saturday, Parrikar had said at a function in Pune that anyone speaking
against the country must be "taught a lesson" in the same way that "an
actor" and an “online trading company” were taught.

Although he took no names, in November 2015, at the Ramnath Goenka Awards,
Aamir had spoken about a "sense of insecurity" resulting from increasing
intolerance in the country. A few months later, e-commerce giant Snapdeal,
for which Aamir was brand ambassador, did not renew his contract. Snapdeal
had earlier faced a strong backlash on social media, including a reported
loss of customers.

Facing criticism, Parrikar Sunday said he never used the word "lesson" and
that what he meant was, "You have to build pressure, you have to build
public opinion that people who love their country should not be silent on
these issues."

"Those who speak against the country, there has to be a public opinion
about that. I was not pointing out at anyone specifically," he said at an
event in Jabalpur. “I was speaking only about those who want bad for this
country. I was not talking about freedom of speech.”

According to Parrikar, when the actor made the statement last year, many
people had protested and even uninstalled the mobile application of an
online shopping site he was associated with, while the firm had also pulled
out the advertisement featuring him.

Congress spokesperson Randeep S Surjewala said it was a "shocking
revelation" and showed that the BJP and RSS supporters actively disrupted
and sabotaged an online trading company on the Aamir issue.

[with inputs from PTI]

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6tQCtYkkbQ

[Goanet] greetings

2016-07-31 Thread António Colaço
Hi Mr. Frederick,
It's holiday time here in Portugal. This is just to greet you, with the
promise that whenever necessary and possible I'll  surely contact goanet.

Best wishesAntónio Bernardo Colaço



2016-07-31 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
GL responds:

I  only hope that beyond the high sounding economic and social rationale 
against Hillary, that you are not just plain and simple old-fashioned 
misogynistic (hatred / fearful of women).

It took me a long time to accept. But is is clear to me a lot of the (right 
wing) hatred for Obama is plain racism.  The Republicans (in Washington and 
state capitals) did not propose or deliver anything different after they came 
to power except for restrictions in voter participation.
What one sees in Trump is not what one gets despite your-both writings. His own 
long-time colleague from his own home city of NY and businessman (a Billionaire 
of his own making, not a political appointee, not a business competitor, not a 
jealous associate), Mayor Michael Bloomberg called him publicly a CON  MAN.
This is my final post on this thread.

Regards: GL

Jim Fernandes wrote:

I am working feverishly to get Trump elected to office because I believe he is 
an outsider; he is hated by the Republican establishment; he comes off as a 
hard-charging negotiator; he has power packed energy and attitude;  he is not a 
career politician (which I like); he hates ILLEGAL immigrants;  he speaks like 
a regular Joe Schmo (I love that); he is NOT politically correct (I admire that 
even more); he comes off as a person who is genuinely concerned about America's 
sliding economic situation; he cares about NRA and the guns (which I HATE but 
I'll let that pass this time - one can't get everything in a person); he filed 
for corporate bankcruptcies  (this shows he knows how to protect his ASS(ets) - 
though I would personally hate to be involved in any sort of bankcruptcies - 
whether personal or corporate) ; I expect him to curtail outflow of American 
jobs overseas; he has disdain for Wall Street (didn't accept any largesse from 
them); he funded his primary election with his own pocketbook (this shows he 
was willing to put his own cash on the line); he comes off as a trustworthy 
person (I find it hard to trust Hillary); I believe there are more people in 
America that hate Hillary more than those who hate Donald; finally, he comes 
off as a charming person and I have met him personally just once at the World 
Trade Center in NY before it was destroyed on 9/11.

Mervyn Lobo wrote:
1) Donald Trump is the only person I know . 
2) Donald is also the only politician who is decent enough   
3) I do not think you quite grasp the nature of capitalism today. 
4) The real reason US residents are losing their jobs is because 
5) I have already started receiving emails requesting money for Trumps
6) I too sometimes habour beliefs and I share yours in that there might be more 
people in the US who hate Hilary more than they hate Donald. 
7) Finally, I agree whole heartily with you that Donald is a charming man.

Re: [Goanet] Hillary vs Donald

2016-07-31 Thread Mervyn Lobo
On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Jim Fernandes  wrote:
> I DO NOT believe one bit that Donald is an honest person. But then I have
similar views about Hillary. When it comes to honesty,
> they are both about the same. Actually, I think Hillary benefited more
from the crooks that run the DNC and their chicanery.
> Donald on the other hand, Trump had to fight his way up from similar
crooks that run the Republican Party. The difference is that
> the DNC crooks won, while the GOP crooks lost!

Jim F.
I am with you on your first claim but must insist that Donald is also
unable to see his reflection when he looks into a mirror. It sure looks
like Hilary used her connections in the DNC to get an unfair advantage over
Bernie. Trump on the other hand, threw a shoe to the face of the Republican
establishment - Russia responded by endorsing Trump.

> In order to get the correct answer to your question, you need to research
the location where the casinos that bore Trump
> name went bust. Let me know how many of those casinos in Atlantic City
are making making - as a percentage of total
> casinos that were in business in that city around the time Trump casinos
went bust.

I have seen first nation tribes run casinos - in the middle of the bush -
and make astounding profits. Trump chooses bizarre methods of running his
business - using bankruptcy as a business tool and not paying his debtors.
Trump has already threatened to re-negotiate USA's debt. This will not
result in an amber waves of grain (I am not referring to his head here) but
the opposite.

> I am not an exact Catholic. You hit me on one cheek, I won't extend my
other. In fact, I'll hit back twice as hard. Trump shares my views on this.

I am glad Trump and you see eye to eye. Gandhi pointed out that an eye for
an eye would make everyone blind.

> Which brings me to the point about the upcoming war. I think Trump is
going to take America to war against the terrorists.
> The two wars Bush ran would probably be a puppet show compared to what
Trump will launch. I was fine with the Afghan
> war but not the Iraq war. The next war - which I will support - will be a
complete disaster for folks who wish to harm America.

The first war - when Trump is in charge - will be against all his US
enemies, real or perceived.

> If you replace locally made goods with cheaper foreign made goods it will
destroy your local jobs and their payscale.
> That is what exactly is happening in America - people are not getting a
pay raise for years! Why? Inflation is terribly low.
> Which explains why the US Fed is unable to raise interest rates. Once you
grow old you'll understand what it means
> to live on FIXED INCOME on terribly low interest rates.

Yep, someone has to pay for George Bush (43) adventures and pensioners or
others on fixed incomes are bearing the brunt. Someone will have to pay for
Trumps adventures too.

> > 5) I have already started receiving emails requesting money for Trumps
> > presidential run. This is sort of embarrassing as Trump assured all
that he
> > would only beg his fellow billionaires for funding. I do not know how I
> > onto Trumps email list but I am so tempted to send in a dollar. The only
> > thing that stops me is the advice from the former mayor and my financial
> > guru, Micheal Bloomberg, who had the following to say on Trump: "I'm a
> > Yorker, and New Yorkers know a con when we see one."
> I don't think this one deserves a response!

Michael Bloomberg may trumpet that Donald is a con man but I do not think
so. My impression is that Donald is a good con artist. Remember, a con
artist does not steal anything away from you. Instead, you willingly hand
over your belongings and trust to him.

> Did you know that Trump won the primaries against the wishes of its
Republican party elite?
> There must be something about the man that people love. Who cares about
the Governor of
> Ohio and what he says. It's the voters who will decide who they want in
the White House.

The one talent of Trump that really impresses me is that he can peel a
banana using just one foot. I would have voted for him on that feat alone.
Others who are impressed with the same, are already lined up to vote Trump.
It is a neat ability to have in the White House.

> I wish you good luck with Hillary winning the WH. I just hope my horse
beats the crap out of her in the general elections.

Like I mentioned before, if Trump trumps, I will make a permanent move to
the USA.


[Goanet] US elections

2016-07-31 Thread Mervyn Lobo
On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 6:55 AM, Gilbert Lawrence 
> Perhaps it is time for the Right Wing (extremists) and the Left Wing
(extremists) of each party to separate and form their own party instead of
making their main
> political party hostage to their extreme agenda and chaotic behavior.
Then hopeful the two and other major political parties can debate solutions
to the real
> problems facing the country.

One of the bitterest complaints Nyerere had about the US system is that the
country is essentially a two capitalist party state. The election debate is
restricted as to how extreme or moderate a capitalist one wants to chose.
Other countries, Canada included, offer a real choice of politicians and
parties - of all political persuasions.

> As far as your eleven year old not seeing a white man as president, I
hope you have told her that she has not missed much.
> To see a real successful white man as president she may have to go back
to Franklin Roosevelt and Eisenhower. I hope your eleven year old daughter
> (and my ten year old grand-daughter) can now look forward to the REAL
possibility of being president of the USA.

Ted Cruz's run has definitely helped my daughter as it is now established
that one does not have to be born in the USA to be President. Ted Cruz has
opened the White House doors to all those "Born near the USA." :-)

> I read your's and Jim's posts on this thread.  Interestingly and
amazingly both of you ditch your respected gurus (Bloomberg and Sanders
respectively) when
>  it suits you both. I rest my case! You may or may not realize that
despite your economic conservatism, you-both follow leaders that are
Populists - Authoritarian
> populism (Trump) and Democratic populism (Sanders).  It is good to be
Anti-Establishment (as I am); but do not cut off your nose to spite your
face (as many
> Goans tend to do).  And while both are you are for TPP (which Trump and
Sanders oppose), Sanders' socio-economic solutions (education, taxes,
> military expenditure, etc) are exactly opposite to Tump's.

Sanders would have been my choice on the Democrat side and Kasich on the
Republican side. However, we live in a globalized economy now. Any
politician reneging on trade treaties will slow down the world economy and
increases joblessness/poverty.

Lastly, I was in college when the US was pushing hard for the grand-daddy
of all economic treaties - NAFTA. Let me say this again, the US was pushing
hard for NAFTA. The US wrote the laws and it is the country that benefits
the most from NAFTA, regardless of what any politician says every four
years. Most researched/published papers will confirm the same. And yes, the
US is losing manufacturing jobs every time it signs a trade agreement.
Capitalism thrives when new industries are born or created. The cost is
that old industries and their workers have to be buried.


[Goanet] Rahul Gandhi targets Parrikar, RSS over jibe against Aamir Khan

2016-07-31 Thread Goanet News
Rahul Gandhi targets Parrikar, RSS over jibe against Aamir Khan (ENS)

“I was speaking only about those who want bad for this country. I was not
talking about freedom of speech, ” Parrikar said.

By: Express News Service | New Delhi | Updated: August 1, 2016 5:08 am

Congress spokesperson Randeep S Surjewala said it was a “shocking
revelation” and showed that the BJP and RSS supporters actively disrupted
and sabotaged an online trading company on the Aamir issue.

THE CONGRESS Sunday launched a fierce attack on Defence Minister Manohar
Parrikar over his jibe at actor Aamir Khan for remarks on intolerance. In a
tweet, party vice-president Rahul Gandhi said: "RSS & Parrikarji want to
teach everyone a lesson. Here’s a lesson for you: hate is the preserve of
the coward and it never wins."

The main opposition party also accused the BJP and RSS of a "concerted
conspiracy" to hound Dalits, minorities, writers, actors and whoever
dissents against the government and wondered whether Parrikar’s job is to
protect India from external aggressors like Pakistan or threaten fellow

On Saturday, Parrikar had said at a function in Pune that anyone speaking
against the country must be "taught a lesson" in the same way that "an
actor" and an "online trading company" were taught.

Although he took no names, in November 2015, at the Ramnath Goenka Awards,
Aamir had spoken about a "sense of insecurity" resulting from increasing
intolerance in the country. A few months later, e-commerce giant Snapdeal,
for which Aamir was brand ambassador, did not renew his contract. Snapdeal
had earlier faced a strong backlash on social media, including a reported
loss of customers.

Facing criticism, Parrikar Sunday said he never used the word "lesson" and
that what he meant was, "You have to build pressure, you have to build
public opinion that people who love their country should not be silent on
these issues."

"Those who speak against the country, there has to be a public opinion
about that. I was not pointing out at anyone specifically," he said at an
event in Jabalpur.
"I was speaking only about those who want bad for this country. I was not
talking about freedom of speech."

According to Parrikar, when the actor made the statement last year, many
people had protested and even uninstalled the mobile application of an
online shopping site he was associated with, while the firm had also pulled
out the advertisement featuring him.

Congress spokesperson Randeep S Surjewala said it was a "shocking
revelation" and showed that the BJP and RSS supporters actively disrupted
and sabotaged an online trading company on the Aamir issue.

[with inputs from PTI]

[Goanet] Easy listening selection......Let the rest of the world go by.....Jo Stafford & Gordon MacRae

2016-07-31 Thread Con Menezes


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Indian Summers.

2016-07-31 Thread Con Menezes


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Hillary vs Donald

2016-07-31 Thread Jim Fernandes
I am changing the subject line of this discussion as GL took it off in a 
complete tangent.

So the title is now changed from 'Re: [Goanet] IN GOA THE BJP MUST SINK ALONG 
WITH THE CASINOS' to reflect the new discussion.

Please is my response.

> Jim F,
> 1) Donald Trump is the only person I know of who could not make money
> running a casino. This probably means that he is a honest person.

I DO NOT believe one bit that Donald is an honest person. But then I have 
similar views about Hillary. When it comes to honesty, they are both about the 
same. Actually, I think Hillary benefited more from the crooks that run the DNC 
and their chicanery. Donald on the other hand, Trump had to fight his way up 
from similar crooks that run the Republican Party. The difference is that the 
DNC crooks won, while the GOP crooks lost!

In order to get the correct answer to your question, you need to research the 
location where the casinos that bore Trump name went bust. Let me know how many 
of those casinos in Atlantic City are making making - as a percentage of total 
casinos that were in business in that city around the time Trump casinos went 

> 2) Donald is also the only politician who is decent enough not to publicize
> his wealth or tax returns. The tax returns stance entices me to support him
> as it means that Donald is truly a family values, conservative Christian
> with nothing to hide.

I think he should publish his tax returns. Just between you and I - Let me 
share in a secret - even if he does not publish his returns, it won't change my 
vote. The lady made her money the crooked way too. The only decent figure who 
was much more honest in this election - Bernand Sanders did not win the 
primaries. So, in my opinion - given a choice between two crooks - I would 
prefer the crook who will quash the establishment.

I am not an exact Catholic. You hit me on one cheek, I won't extend my other. 
In fact, I'll hit back twice as hard. Trump shares my views on this.

Which brings me to the point about the upcoming war. I think Trump is going to 
take America to war against the terrorists. The two wars Bush ran would 
probably be a puppet show compared to what Trump will launch. I was fine with 
the Afghan war but not the Iraq war. The next war - which I will support - will 
be a complete disaster for folks who wish to harm America.

> 3) I do not think you quite grasp the nature of capitalism today. To make
> this short, capitalist take the savings of US residents and invest the same
> in ventures around the world - because land and labour is much cheaper
> outside the US. The profits made abroad are kept abroad as the US imposes
> taxes on companies that remit profits back to the USA. All these actions
> lead to an appreciation in the stock price and those who own such US stocks
> keep on increasing their capital.

Actually, I think it is you who have zero clue about Capitalism as it is 
practiced today. Capitalism was great when majority of the people in a given 
society made a decent living and wealth was shared amongst more people. Today, 
Capitalism is about the rich getting more wealthier and the poor becoming more 
poorer. I won't let a few extra bucks I make in the stock market to blind me 
into thinking I am wealthy. Only fools think the wealth is shared.

Have you heard of something called the One-Percenters? 

Look it up. 

Let me know how this came about in your response.

> 4) The real reason US residents are losing their jobs is because they
> refuse to pay extra for US made products. For example, if you go down to
> Walmart today and there are two pairs of jeans made by the same company,
> people refuse to pay $10 more for the pair made by American workers in the
> USA. The exact same pair of jeans, made by the same company in a developing
> world country, will sell - only because the price is less. As such, you or
> me or even Trump will not be able to stop the export of US manufacturing
> jobs overseas.

You are absolutely right about this - given a choice between two items - 
customers would purchase the cheapest of the two. But you fail to understand a 
deeper complex issue surrounding this phenomenon. If people are given a choice 
between two similarly priced items, they will still buy one of the two - or 
simply delay the purchase till they absolutely need one.

The United States is arguably the only country in the world where almost all of 
the items found in American stores are imported from outside. While this has 
caused deflation and increased affordability, it has destroyed local jobs. This 
is also the reason American wealth has concentrated in the hands of the very 

India is a highly protected economy. Try selling this idea to India - of 
importing stuff made in impoverished countries in Africa - where labor is 
cheaper than in India and displacing local Indian manufacturers. Let me know 
what India will do about upending their jobs market.

If you replace locally made 

[Goanet] Shobhika Gaur gets killed.

2016-07-31 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
Remember 2 yrs back of a drunken Indian Female driving on the wrong side of 
road, mowed down 2 youth on scooter at 1:00 am near Dempo House, Campal?

Well, fate has its own way...
Just to refresh the incident of 21st July 2014.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Tune in to the audio world of Portuguese online ...(no passport needed!)

2016-07-31 Thread JOSEPH CANISIUS DIAS
Hey thanks! Enjoying the Jazz!

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 10:42 PM, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या
* فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

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> _/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556
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2016-07-31 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
The thing that I am really scared of with this years election process, however, 
is that the Republican Party will rapture after the election. Or before.

One final thought, my eleven year old has seen nothing but a black man as her 
President ever since she started watching TV. She may soon see a woman as 
President and may never see a white man as President until she gets her first 
chance to vote. She lives in a changing world. 

GL responds:
Perhaps it is time for the Right Wing (extremists) and the Left Wing 
(extremists) of each party to separate and form their own party instead of 
making their main political party hostage to their extreme agenda and chaotic 
behavior. Then hopeful the two and other major political parties can debate 
solutions to the real problems facing the country. And come up with answers or 
even temporary solutions - a half loaf (of bread) is better that a full loaf.  
Perhaps with time the rest of the solution in whatever shape and form may 
In government no solution is complete or permanent and always needs to be 
tweaked on an on-going process to meet current needs.
As far as your eleven year old not seeing a white man as president, I hope you 
have told her that she has not missed much.   To see a real successful white 
man as president she may have to go back to Franklin Roosevelt and Eisenhower.  
 I hope your eleven year old daughter (and my ten year old grand-daughter) can 
now look forward to the REAL possibility of being president of the USA.
I read your's and Jim's posts on this thread.  Interestingly and amazingly both 
of you ditch your respected gurus (Bloomberg and Sanders respectively) when it 
suits you both. I rest my case! You may or may not realize that despite your 
economic conservatism, you-both follow leaders that are Populists - 
Authoritarian populism (Trump) and Democratic populism (Sanders).  It is good 
to be Anti-Establishment (as I am); but do not cut off your nose to spite your 
face (as many Goans tend to do).  And while both are you are for TPP (which 
Trump and Sanders oppose), Sanders' socio-economic solutions (education, taxes, 
healthcare, military expenditure, etc) are exactly opposite to Tump's. 
I hope the populists forces that Trump unleashes (if he becomes president) come 
after you in full measure - Red Necks with loaded guns.  This of course just to 
protect you till you hop on the plane to head back to where you came from and 
they "Make America White Again".

Have fun attending a Trump rally and watching Faux News.:=))
Regards,  GL

[Goanet] #JackpotJournalism Impact - Goa Crime Branch books Herald newspaper's general manager, others for extortion

2016-07-31 Thread Mayabhushan

After conducting a preliminary enquiry, the Goa Crime Branch has booked
Herald publications general manager Michael Pereira, deputy general manager
sales Adwait Desai and other sales, marketing and editorial department
personnel in an extortion case.

Please find links and clips about the story published in the local media

best regards

FIR in casino case against local English daily’s officials (TOI)

Sent from Gmail Mobile

[Goanet-News] #JackpotJournalism Impact - Goa Crime Branch books Herald newspaper's general manager, others for extortion

2016-07-31 Thread Mayabhushan

After conducting a preliminary enquiry, the Goa Crime Branch has booked
Herald publications general manager Michael Pereira, deputy general manager
sales Adwait Desai and other sales, marketing and editorial department
personnel in an extortion case.

Please find links and clips about the story published in the local media

best regards

FIR in casino case against local English daily’s officials (TOI)

Sent from Gmail Mobile

[Goanet] Cases, South Goa (Margao)

2016-07-31 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
List of the disposed cases categorywise stored in the record room of the
District & Sessions Court,South Goa Margao
_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] How to get your Property Mutation done quicker?

2016-07-31 Thread JoeGoaUk
How to get your Mutation done quicker?

The procedure / summary
After submitting files, they may ask you come after 7 days to collect Notices 
(form X, under Rule 10 of LRC 1968), you then send it to all interested parties 
by Registered AD Post and wait for about 20 days, if  all ADs not received or 
received undelivered/unclaimed etc then you will have to request for substitute 
service (under Order V rule 20 (LA)  of CPC) by submitting an affidavit after 
which they will ask you come to collect the notice for newspaper  publication 
and wait for another 15 days, minimum 45 days lost for this process then the 
next process starts (Red Tapism, delays, soliciting bribe etc)  which can take 
months or years  (read complete blog above for more details)

There are agents including some lawyers having nexus with Govt Babus, 2 years 
ago, the going rate for mutation work was Rs.10,000 with  approx. time frame 
given 4 months but it takes longer..

Here are some cost and time saving tips:

Please note these are not entirely my own but within the Rules of Goa Land 
Revenue Code 2009

In many cases, it may be possible to get your Mutation done as quickly as 
possible say in two weeks or even one week’s time (but not in a day as in 
Parrikar's son). 

click here and go towards end of the blog


If it still taking longer time, go to Mamlatdar directly (not Jt Mamlatdar) and 
ask why it taking so long? How come Parrikar son's was done in a day? Do you 
want me to file an RTI ?

Believe me, it works.

Good Luck!