[Goanet] Videos: Arab Cold War

2017-06-05 Thread Albert Peres

What’s behind the dramatic diplomatic rift with Qatar?
PBS NewsHour

Inside Story - What's behind the diplomatic breakdown in the Gulf?

Qatar faces embargoes as biggest regional diplomatic crisis in years 

Al Jazeera English

Goan Welfare Association (GWA) Doha Qatar

Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

[Goanet] The Feast of the Trinity

2017-06-05 Thread Jude Botelho
Dear Friend,
Many people believe that their religion and their faith is a private affair 
between themselves and their God. Yet, just as no human being can be fully 
human without interacting and relating with others, so no one can live a 
committed religious life without living with and for others. To be a Christian 
is to be ready to live in a community. For many the toughest challenge, the 
litmus test of Christian faith is living with others. Have a ‘living with and 
living for others’ God-filled weekend! -Fr. Jude
Sunday Ref.: The Feast of the Trinity “To live with others, we have to live for 
others!” 11-Jun-2017Readings: Exodus 34: 4-6, 8-9;          2 Corinthians 13: 
11-13;          John 3: 16-18;

The first reading treats of God as he manifests himself to his people. He 
reveals that his name is Yahweh, which means ‘I am who I am.’ The God of Sinai 
is not the fearsome God he too often is made out to be. When Israel sinned by 
the worship of idols and had broken the covenant, he does not abandon them but 
shows himself as one who loves and forgives. He is forever the God of Israel 
and has bound his destiny to them, no matter what they do, no matter how often 
they abandon him. Moses, his faithful servant, pleads on behalf of the people: 
“Lord if we have found favour come with us! True, we are a headstrong people 
but forgive us our faults and our sins and adopt us as your heritage.” God has 
made us forever his people, members of his household. He reveals himself as the 
Father-God, our Abba forever.
God, a Mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solvedA father was driving his 
little son in a car. Suddenly the son turned to the father and asked him, “Dad! 
Is God one or many?” The father replied, “One, my son.” “Is the Father God?” 
His father replied, “Yes.” “Is Jesus God?” “Yes.” “Is the Holy Spirit God?” 
“Yes.” “Then how can Jesus be his own father?” asked his son. The father 
thought quickly. He drove the car to the side of the road and stopped it. He 
turned towards his son and said, “You see the bonnet in the front. Inside the 
bonnet there is the battery. There is only one battery. Yet I can start the car 
with it, turn on the lights and also blow the horn. How this happens I don’t 
know. It is a mystery to me. Likewise God is only one, but three persons –the 
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is a mystery and we cannot understand 
it completely.”John Rose in ‘John’s Sunday Reflections’
The short reading of today’s gospel speaks of God’s plan of salvation in and 
through Jesus Christ. It is the Father who initiates the salvific plan. He is 
always the Creator from whom all good things come. It is the Father who sends 
his beloved Son Jesus Christ into the world. The Father loves the world because 
of His Son, whom he sends into the world to reveal himself and his goodness to 
all humankind. He sends His Son not to condemn but to save the world. The 
mission of Jesus is to save the world and the one condition that must be 
fulfilled to be saved, is to believe in Jesus Christ. We must believe totally 
in Jesus, failing which we stand condemned. Eternal life begins here on earth 
itself when we believe and accept Jesus as our Lord. Thus, in this passage from 
John we see the Father initiates the plan of salvation out of his love. His Son 
Jesus Christ who carries out the Father’s will becomes the instrument of our 
salvation. Later on in the Gospel John speaks of the Spirit as the Advocate 
that will remain in man and guarantee God’s presence and power for salvation. 
Today’s passage shows how God lives as a community united and abiding in love. 
Out of love the Father creates and shares his love with humankind; this love is 
concretized and made real, incarnate in His Son Jesus Christ and the mutual 
love of the Father and the Son, the bond between them is the Holy Spirit, which 
is given to us. We live the life of God, the Trinitarian life, when we live in 
love. We can live with others only if we live for others. If we live for others 
we constantly desire to be united and share our gifts, our love with others.
The Ascent of ManIn his brilliant series The Ascent of Man, author Jacob 
Bronowski devotes an episode to mathematics under the title “The Music of the 
Spheres”. He shows historically how man’s ascent in civilization was marked by 
an increasing understanding of mathematical patterns which he saw reflected in 
the harmonies of music, for example, or in the motion of the spheres around the 
sun. One of the most fascinating discoveries by the early Greeks was the fact 
that three fixed points, not all on the same line, determine uniquely one and 
only one triangle, one and only one plane, one and only one circle. Why this 
should be we don’t know. All we can do is observe it as a fact and apply it to 
the real world in art, architecture, engineering and science. Even more 
mysterious is our belief that there are three persons, yet one and only one 
God. Why thi

[Goanet] Ketchup: something is Fishy about it

2017-06-05 Thread Fidibus


Rebellion against the norms is Love for the Creation


homepage: www.fidibus.info

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[Goanet] Unexpected Mental And Physical Benefits Of Being Lazy

2017-06-05 Thread Fidibus


Rebellion against the norms is Love for the Creation


homepage: www.fidibus.info

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[Goanet] Trump's Cabinet Should Learn from Sam!

2017-06-05 Thread eric pinto

 From: Beheruz N. Seth
There is not one person in Trump's Cabinet who has the guts, the integrity, and 
the  to stand up to him.
Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, as quoted from his own speech to the Officers of 
DSSC, Wellington, on 11th November 1998, regarding the real meaning of 'Moral 

I am going to illustrate from my own life an example of moral courage.
In 1971, when Pakistan clamped down on its province, East Pakistan, hundreds 
and thousands of refugees started pouring into India. The Prime Minister, Mrs. 
Gandhi had a cabinet meeting at ten o’clock in the morning. The following 
attended: the Foreign Minister, Sardar Swaran Singh, the Defence Minister, Mr. 
Jagjivan Ram, the Agriculture Minister, Mr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, the Finance 
Minister, Mr. Yashwant Rao, and I was also ordered to be present.     Ladies 
and Gentlemen, there is a very thin line between becoming a Field Marshal and 
being dismissed.  A very angry Prime Minister read out messages from Chief 
Ministers of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura. All of them saying that hundreds 
of thousands of refugees had poured into their states and they did not know 
what to do. So the Prime Minister turned round to me and said: “I want you to 
do something”.           I said, “What do you want me to do?”           She 
said, “I want you to enter East Pakistan”.           I said, “Do you know that 
that means War?”           She said, “I do not mind if it is war”.        I, in 
my usual stupid way said, “Prime Minister, have you read the Bible?”And the 
Foreign Minister, Sardar Swaran Singh (a Punjabi Sikh), in his Punjabi accent 
said, “What has Bible got to do with this?”, and I said, “the first book, the 
first chapter, the first paragraph, the first sentence, God said, ‘let there be 
light’’ and there was light.   You turn this round and say ‘let there be war’ 
and there will be war. What do you think? Are you ready for a war? Let me tell 
you –“it’s 28th April, the Himalayan passes are opening now, and if the Chinese 
gave us an ultimatum, I will have to fight on two fronts”.          Again 
Sardar Swaran Singh turned round and in his Punjabi English said, “Will China 
give ultimatum?”          I said, “You are the Foreign Minister. You tell me”.  
      Then I turned to the Prime Minister and said, “Prime Minister, last year 
you wanted elections in West Bengal and you did not want the communists to win, 
so you asked me to deploy my soldiers in penny pockets in every village, in 
every little township in West Bengal. I have two divisions thus deployed in 
sections and platoons without their heavy weapons. It will take me at least a 
month to get them back to their units and to their formations. Further, I have 
a division in the Assam area, another division in Andhra Pradesh and the 
Armoured Division in the Jhansi-Babina area. It will take me at least a month 
to get them back and put them in their correct positions. I will require every 
road, every railway train, every truck, every  wagon to move them. We are 
harvesting in the Punjab, and we are harvesting in Haryana; we are also 
harvesting in Uttar Pradesh. And you will not be able to move your harvest.     
    I turned to the Agriculture Minister, Mr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, “If there 
is a famine in the country afterwards, it will be you to blame, not me.” Then I 
said, “My Armoured Division has only got thirteen tanks which are functioning.” 
         The Finance Minister, Mr. Chawan, a friend of mine, said, “Sam, why 
only thirteen?”        “Because you are the Finance Minister. I have been 
asking for money for the last year and a half, and you keep saying there is no 
money. That is why.” Then I turned to the Prime Minister and said, “Prime 
Minister, it is the end of April. By the time I am ready to operate, the 
monsoon will have broken in that East Pakistan area. When it rains, it does not 
just rain, it pours. Rivers become like oceans. If you stand on one bank, you 
cannot see the other and the whole countryside is flooded. My movement will be 
confined to roads, the Air Force will not be able to support me, and, if you 
wish me to enter East Pakistan, I guarantee you a hundred percent defeat.”
         “You are the Government”, I said turning to the Prime Minister, “Now 
will you give me your orders?”
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have seldom seen a woman so angry, and I am including 
my wife in that. She was red in the face and I said, “Let us see what happens”. 
She turned round and said, “The cabinet will meet four o’clock in the evening”.
         Everyone walked out. I being the junior most man was the last to 
leave. As I was leaving, she said, “Chief, please will you stay behind?” I 
looked at her. I said, “Prime Minister, before you open your mouth, would you 
like me to send in my resignation on grounds of health, mental or physical?”
  “No, sit d

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Háifoss

2017-06-05 Thread Rajan Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Háifoss'

122 metres high.

Háifoss - pronounced how-eye-foss - in the Highlands of Iceland, seen on a
classic wintry morning. We were lucky to have just the right amount of snow
add to the atmospheric conditions. For falls characterized by a relatively
narrow profile such as this one, retaining the natural flow of water is
preferable [...]

You may view the latest post at


Warm regards,

Rajan Parrikar

[Goanet] Easy listening selection........Forget Domani........Connie Francis.

2017-06-05 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] The Secret to a long & healthy life.

2017-06-05 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Beer with a political twist?

2017-06-05 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] PACK OF CARDS : In Sal village at least 40 voters have two voter cards

2017-06-05 Thread samir umarye
BICHoLIM: Living in villages which border the state could at times become a 
boon in diguise, especially during the elections. This, it seems, has come true 
for the voters of Sal village.

In a startling revelation, a panchayat candidate from Sal in Bicholim has 
stated that more than 40 residents from the Goa- Maharastra border have dual 
voting cards and exercise their voting rights both in Goa as well as in 

Speaking to Herald, Meghasham Raut from Sal who is also contesting the 
panchayat elections has raised a strong objection to this and has also asked 
the Bicholim Mamlatdar to look into the matter. These 40- odd voters are 
staying in the Tillari rehabilitation area which is on the border of Goa and 
Dodamarg- Maharashtra.

“ It is a huge scam. There is one person who is doing all these for money,” 
Raut claimed. “ About 40 people from this village have their names registered 
in Maharashtra and as well as in Goa. They are voters of the Sawantawadi 
constituency as well as Bicholim constituency.

“ This is in gross violation and we have already informed the Bicholim 
mamlatdar,” Raut claimed.

It may be stated that the Sal panchayat through a letter dated April, 1, 2017 
had already submitted a letter with the names and the serial number of the 
voters recorded in Bicholim and Sawantawadi constituency but no action WHAT 
DOES THE RULE SAY I f a person moves his/ her residence to another assembly 
constituency then he/ she does not remain a valid voter of previous 
constituency. The person has to register afresh as voter in the new assembly 
constituency. Hence the new card is issued and old card becomes invalid 
has been taken so far.

“ I will surely go to court. I have also requested the CM and the local MLA to 
look into the matter,” Raut stated “ there are about 598 voters In the ward and 
at times even a single vote could make a huge difference and here there are 
about 40 bogus votes/ voters.” " When we asked the mamletdar, he told us that 
the voting list has already been made and he would go as per the same 
document," Raut concluded.

[Goanet] ‘What I eat is not govenment’s business’

2017-06-05 Thread Gabe Menezes

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Harvard Study: Smoking Cannabis Actually Improves Brain Function

2017-06-05 Thread Fidibus


*Assessing the Impact of Medical Marijuana on Executive Function*


Rebellion against the norms is Love for the Creation


homepage: www.fidibus.info

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[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day.....Dean Martin - Cha, Cha, Cha, D'Amour (Melody D'Amour)

2017-06-05 Thread Gabe Menezes



Gabe Menezes.


2017-06-05 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Goa’s Director of Health Services Dr Sanjeev Dalvi has submitted before the
Goa Human Rights Commission (GHRC) that an emergency ambulance had attended
to Adv. Satish Sonak within 11 minutes.

In his reply to the complaint over the very appalling state of emergency
care  in the wake of the death of Adv. Satish Sonak, Dr Dalvi has further
stated that the call from the Court at Spaces building where Adv. Satish
Sonak had collapsed on 7th April was received by GVK-EMRI 108 Response
centre at 11.06 am and that the ambulance reached the site at 11.17am and
the Goa Medical College at Bambolim at 11.40am where the doctors at the
Casualty examined Satish Sonak while declaring him brought dead.

Stating that the paramedics started giving Adv. Satish Sonak CPR
(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) till he reached Goa Medical College, Dr
Dalvi in his reply has however not stated whether the emergency ambulance
was equipped with life saving devices including a ventilator.

Responding to the demand that an emergency ambulance  be permanently
stationed at the very busy Patto Plaza, Dr Dalvi while stating  that the
ambulance stationed at Porvorim Police Station is quite accessible  to
Panaji  has further stated that nine new ambulances have been purchased by
the Government and are undergoing fabrication to be added soon to the 108

The Dean of Goa Medical College Dr Pradeep Naik in his reply has stated
that emergency services are available round the clock and that the casualty
department is equipped to handle all emergencies with Specialty doctors
available for handling all types of emergencies.

Dr. Naik has further stated that in event of any prior notice of emergency
patients being shifted to Goa Medical College, all facilities are geared
and kept ready while there is no delay in handling the patients.

In the complaint to the GHRC while pointing out that on 7th April the 108
Emergency ambulance took 45 long minutes to reach Spaces building at Patto
Plaza in Panaji where Adv. Satish Sonak suffered a heart attack, it was
further stated that the emergency ambulance was also not equipped with
the much required life saving devices which possibly could have helped
revive and save the life of Adv. Satish Sonak.

Attention of the GHRC was drawn that Article 25 of the United Nations
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, to which India is a signatory,
provides that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for
health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food,
clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services.

Intervention of the GHRC was drawn to ensure that due to the negligence in
providing the basic Human Rights, innocent lives are not lost resulting in
greater tragedies for individuals, families and the society at large.

It has also been demanded that the Chief Secretary, Director of Health
Services and the Dean of Goa Medical College be directed to explain as to
what steps they plan to take to ensure that prompt and proper emergency
services are henceforth provided diligently to save lives.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] insane: US Remains Committed to Global Intervention

2017-06-05 Thread Fidibus


Rebellion against the norms is Love for the Creation


homepage: www.fidibus.info

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2017-06-05 Thread AIFF Media
Dear colleagues,

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of India’s clash against Nepal tomorrow in an International Friendly.


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[Goanet] Moto2: by 2019 with Triumph 3zylinder engine

2017-06-05 Thread Fidibus

Rebellion against the norms is Love for the Creation


homepage: www.fidibus.info

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