[Goanet-News] Bombay Jazz (it's a lot about Goa too!) ... Ayush advice... weather delays... endangered birds... Goan actress' link... Casa de Goa souvenir... etc...

2017-06-13 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
* BOMBAY JAZZ, VIA BBC. Sarfraz Manzoor explores a
  fascinating period of music history in India when American
  violinist Leon Abbey brought his jazz band to Bombay in the
  1930's, leaving behind an incredible legacy. [Thanks to
  Melita D'Souza in London for the link. 2014 programme.]

* AYUSH ministry gives some strange advice to pregnant women
  Pregnant women should stop eating meat and having sex,
  avoid bad company, have spiritual thoughts and hang some
  good and beautiful pictures in their rooms to have a
  healthy baby. This is, according to a Hindustan Times
  report, the Ayush ministry's prescription for pregnant
  women in India. http://bit.ly/2slzPtE

  inauguration of the Doppler Weather Radar (DWR), which can
  provide advanced information about storms, cyclones and
  other weather conditions, has been postponed. The radar,
  whose installation has already been delayed by seven years,
  was to be inaugurated at Indian Metrological Department
  (IMD) Altinho on June 14. Speaking to Herald, IMD-Goa,
  Director M L Sahu said, “We had to postpone the
  inauguration as our chief guest, Secretary of Earth
  Sciences, is not available on June 14 due to foreign
  assignments.” http://bit.ly/2sy7dO5

* ENDANGERED BIRDS IN GOA: http://bit.ly/2sZ6YZZ

* GOAN actress in Andhra (or is it Telangana today)?
  Ilena D'Cruz's Twitter account:

* A copy of the CASA DE GOA  boletim
  for March-April-May 2017. Thanks to Edgar Valles diasvalles
  at gmail.com for sharing. http://bit.ly/2s8eRfw

* How Not to Have Six Horrible Months in Uganda

* ALTER VIEWS: It's not just the 1%. The upper middle class
  is oppressing everyone else, too [Jamie Peck]. The top 20%
  have set things up to guarantee virtually all of those
  spoils go to their descendants. Where does that leave the
  rest of us? http://bit.ly/2rY9qS1

* SEND YOUR LINKS, TIPS to fredericknoron...@gmail.com
_/  Frederick Noronha * Independent Journalist
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 91-9822122436
_/  Twtr @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
_/  Audio: https://archive.org/details/goa1556
_/  Goa,1556 books from Goa: http://goa1556.in
_/  More links, info: http://about.me/noronhafrederick

Re: [Goanet] Is this what GoaNet has been reduced to? What exactly is the Goa connection in these links/posts?

2017-06-13 Thread Mervyn Lobo
FN,This is covfefe in its purest form. No one cares about what's happening or 
no one has the backbone to stop the slide into the bog.
Since I joined Goanet, Tanzania has had four Presidents. Goanet has had the 
same four people running (ruining?) things.
Stop the slide into the blog or step aside. We do not need to know your dream 
of the ideal situation - we need to be on the journey to get there.
MervynPs. People who left Tanzania in the past 25 years are returning in droves 
because of the policies of the new President. On the other hand, people are 
still leaving Goanet

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 6:52 AM, Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या 
*فريدريك نورونيا wroteAgree. To some extent.

Ideally we should have (in order of priority):

* Goa/diaspora-focussed posts
* Posts which interests those in Goa/the diaspora
* Cursing the darkness ... and the lack of the above, first or second.

_/  Frederick Noronha  http://about.me/noronhafrederick http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
_/  Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at

[Goanet] Say "Government"!

2017-06-13 Thread Roland Francis
This word is the most comically pronounced noun I have ever heard from Indian 

Here are the variations:

Ghorment- a Goan favourite made famous by Manohar Parrikar, no relation to ghor 
or house.

Ga'anment - heard on You Tube from a Yoga guru and favoured by Southerners. No, 
not meant to be a bad word.

Gerh'ment - those old-school English speakers in rural areas of Maharashtra. 

Goorment - in the northern regions above Madhya Pradesh, esp. native Kashmiris.

Gove(rhyming with cove)ment - Urban Indian college educated Indians.

Gover-nament - those with heavy tongues prone to adding unneeded vowels to 
easier pronounce words.

Go'ment - Fast talkers and those believing that long words need to be shortened 
in conversation at least. Don't mistake for comment.

The word 'Catholic' offers equal fascination in the Indian context.

Roland Francis

Re: [Goanet] Is This What Goanet Has Been Reduced To?

2017-06-13 Thread Roland Francis
I'm glad Cecil said it since many others including myself were thinking on the 
same lines but were reluctant to hurt Con Menezes' feelings. He is an 
octogenarian and due to that age, perhaps deserving of kid gloves. But there's 
always the risk that a direction such as his can gradually make Goanet 

It's not Con's fault. He started out with a couple of links per day and since 
the moderator was accommodating, the few posts became a deluge to a point that 
it was likely to put off any new reader and dilute the impact of more relevant, 
interesting or personal experience posts. It's too facile to say that if one 
wants, one need not read the post, just delete or skip over it. After some 
time, clutter can be off-putting and can prevent one from going to Goanet 

It's not that Con Menezes has no story to tell. He writes well and has had a 
full life he can share with us. Also, he lives in Australia and can well fill 
the vacant Goanet role of a Goan writing from Australia giving us information 
of community activity there. But if he is allowed to get away with just pasting 
links ad nauseum, why should he take the trouble.

Roland Francis

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] TOMORROW-June14: TechOverTea, Cafe Prakash, Panjim 5 pm ...

2017-06-13 Thread Pinto Nunes
Thank you Frederick for your invitation. 

Sadly, we are unable to travel these days but wish to thank you for thinking of 


Betsy and Richard

> YOU ARE WELCOME to another volunteer-driven community-led
> event of TechOverTea, being organised at Cafe Prakash, Near
> Azad Maidan, Panjim at Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Feel free to
> bring in anyone else who might be interested. Open to all:
>  GNU/LINUX FOR THE ARTIST, a talk by Venkatesh
>  Prabhu nothingsmine at gmail.com : An informal talk
>  on the different softwares used by DTP people and
>  artists on the Windows platform, alternatives on
>  the GNU/Linux platform and the roadmap of moving
>  from Windows to Linux.
> SUGAR ON ANDROID, by Dr Anil Seth seth.anil at gmail.com.
> Sugar is a free and open source computer desktop environment
> designed for interactive learning by children. Developed as
> part of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project, Sugar was
> the default interface on OLPC XO-1 laptop computers. The OLPC
> XO-1.5 and later provided the option of either the Gnome or
> Sugar interfaces. Sugar is available as a Live CD, as Live
> USB, a package installable through several GNU/Linux
> distributions. It can run in a GNU/Linux virtual machine
> under Windows and Mac OS. Unlike most other desktop
> environments, Sugar does not use the "desktop", "folder" and
> "window" metaphors. Instead, Sugar's default full-screen
> activities require users to focus on only one program at a
> time. Sugar implements a journal which automatically saves
> the user's running program session and allows them to later
> use an interface to pull up their past works by date,
> activity used, or file type.
>  CHANGING THE I.T. LANDSCAPE by Werner Egipsy +91
>  7769964642 hephail at gmail.com
> ANY OTHER BRIEF (5-10 minute) talks, subject to the audience
> being interested in the topic.
> Join the Free Software User Group-Goa and the
> India Linux Users' Group (Goa):
> https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/fsug-goa/info
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/fsug.goa/
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilug-goa/
> -- 
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/
> _/  Frederick Noronha * Independent Journalist
> _/  P +91-832-2409490 M 91-9822122436
> _/  Twtr @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
> _/  Audio: https://archive.org/details/goa1556
> _/  Goa,1556 books from Goa: http://goa1556.in
> _/  More links, info: http://about.me/noronhafrederick
> _/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

[Goanet] Profit from a distant business depression.

2017-06-13 Thread eric pinto

|  |

| Japan will lend India a billion to buy twenty five Shinkasen bullet trains 
and build an elevated rail linefrom Bombay to Ahmedabad. The loan duration is 
65 years and interest accrues at 0.1 percent. They are done building bridges to 
nowhere to keep the economy running, it is now our turn to profit from their 
woes.   The loco will cover the 500 KM  run in just two hours. The ten coach 
train will carry seven hundred passengers. ( The same agency- JICA - had funded 
the Goa sewer project when Kamath/Alemao had demanded a million toaccept a gift 
worth fifty million dollars. If the formula holds, there should be some wide 
smiles in Delhi. )


|  |


| Yahoo Mail Stationery |



[Goanet] Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ

2017-06-13 Thread Jude Botelho
Dear Friend,
One of the preoccupations of human beings is eating. While some wonder where 
their next meal will come from, others are wondering which foods will tickle 
their palate. Most people will acknowledge that there is more to life than just 
eating. There are hungers and needs that food cannot satisfy. Can we recall 
something that satisfied the deep hunger within? Have we tried Jesus? May His 
Word awaken a hunger within us! Have a nourishing weekend! –Fr. Jude.
Sunday Reflections: Corpus Christi Receiving and being the Body of Christ 
18-Jun-2017Readings: Deuteronomy 8: 2-3, 14-16;          1 Corinthians 10: 
16-17;          John 6: 51-58;
Today’s first reading from the Book of Deuteronomy attempts to remind the 
people of something that was fundamental to their very existence: the 
remembrance of all that God had done for them. Moses wishes to let the ancient 
traditions of Israel speak with force to the people of Israel, in the hope that 
remembering the past will help them cope with the present crises. Re-learning 
from the past can help the Israelites to be on guard against former failures. 
Remembering what God has done can be a stimulus to renewing our life at the 
present. Remembering is an important part of Jewish worship. In prayer they 
remind God and themselves of the promises of God, thus keeping alive their 
memory and their faith in God. Moses, as he exhorts them to remember God’s 
action on their behalf, is in fact reminding them that they need God. They 
might satisfy their bodily hungers and needs but only God can satisfy their 
deepest needs.

Two fundamental needsEthiopia suffered a terrible famine during the years 1984 
to 1986. Cardinal Hume of Westminster tells us about an incident that happened 
when he visited Ethiopia in the middle of the famine. One of the places he 
visited was a settlement in the hills where the people were waiting for food 
which was unlikely to arrive. He was taken there by helicopter. As he got out 
of the helicopter a small boy, aged about ten, came up to him and took his 
hand. He was wearing nothing but a loincloth around his waist. The whole time 
that the cardinal was there the little child would not let go of his hand. As 
they went around he made two gestures: with one hand he pointed to his mouth, 
and with the other he took the cardinal’s hand and rubbed it on his cheek. 
Later, the cardinal said, “Here was an orphan boy who was lost and starving. 
Yet by two simple gestures he indicated two fundamental needs or hungers. With 
one gesture he showed me his hunger for food, and with the other his hunger for 
love. I have never forgotten that incident, and to this day I wonder whether 
that child is alive.”Flor McCarthy in ‘New Sunday & Holy Day Liturgies’
In the Gospel we have the discourse of Jesus on the Bread of Life, which itself 
follows the feeding of the five thousand and the journey across the lake. All 
these events form part of the remembrance of the Exodus and the covenant. 
Memories are a wonderful stimulus for growth in faith. The Eucharist is a 
memorial sacrifice, which Jesus asked us to celebrate. “Do this in memory of 
me.” In the Eucharist we can remember how God has saved us from some particular 
catastrophe or blessed us in un-thought of ways. The Eucharist can also jog our 
memories into realization of our failures. It is frightening to remember that 
many of the Nazis who committed atrocities were Christians and also Catholics. 
Many who participate in wars and brutal acts of terror do so in the name of 
God. Memories can be dangerous because they force us to take a stand that we 
otherwise might not do. The Eucharistic mystery then is not something that we 
have to understand and grasp but something that we have to believe and live. 
Jesus reminds us that without him we cannot live. “I tell you solemnly, if you 
do not eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you will not have 
life in you …He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I in 
him...anyone who eats this bread will live forever.” Let us remember that 
eating and drinking are meant to be symbolic of our wanting to live by the word 
of God. As St Augustine said: “It is no use feeding on Christ with our teeth, 
if we are not feeding on him with our minds,” that is by faith.
How can God be present in a tiny host?Some time ago, a street-corner preacher 
who knew how to make religious truths come to life, was faced by a hostile 
crowd. “How,” one of them demanded, “is it possible for bread and wine to 
become the body and blood of Christ?” The preacher looked calmly at the stout 
questioner for a moment and answered, “You have grown somewhat since you were a 
child and have more flesh and blood than you had then. Surely, if a human body 
can change food and drink into flesh and blood, God can do it too.” “But how,” 
countered the heckler, “is it possible for Christ to be present in his entirety 
in a small host?” The 

[Goanet] dirty western war propaganda

2017-06-13 Thread Fidibus

 MIT Chemical Weapons Expert Debunks Official Narrative Of Attacks At
 Khan Sheikhoun, Syria


*Christiane Amanpour Challenged By Russia To Interview Boy She Exploited 
For War Propaganda*


Rebellion against the norms is Love for the Creation


homepage: www.fidibus.info

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: [Goanet] The Early Post Cards of the British East Africa Protectorate/Kenya

2017-06-13 Thread Frederick Noronha
Hi Mervyn,

Are these the images from the book:


One copy of the book's available, at UKP 82.10!

Vasco da Gama street

South Africa-Uganda railway

Re: [Goanet] Adultery and Chicanary of Vijay?

2017-06-13 Thread Jose Agnelo do Rosario Pinto
14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly 
Father will also forgive you.15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, 
your Father will not forgive your sins.
Matthew 6:14-15 NIV

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 12, 2017, at 7:57 PM, Stephen Dias  wrote:
> er 3 words starting with
> C  i.e. Communal Corrupt

[Goanet] Bombay Jazz (it's a lot about Goa too!) ... Ayush advice... weather delays... endangered birds... Goan actress' link... Casa de Goa souvenir... etc...

2017-06-13 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
* BOMBAY JAZZ, VIA BBC. Sarfraz Manzoor explores a
  fascinating period of music history in India when American
  violinist Leon Abbey brought his jazz band to Bombay in the
  1930's, leaving behind an incredible legacy. [Thanks to
  Melita D'Souza in London for the link. 2014 programme.]

* AYUSH ministry gives some strange advice to pregnant women
  Pregnant women should stop eating meat and having sex,
  avoid bad company, have spiritual thoughts and hang some
  good and beautiful pictures in their rooms to have a
  healthy baby. This is, according to a Hindustan Times
  report, the Ayush ministry's prescription for pregnant
  women in India. http://bit.ly/2slzPtE

  inauguration of the Doppler Weather Radar (DWR), which can
  provide advanced information about storms, cyclones and
  other weather conditions, has been postponed. The radar,
  whose installation has already been delayed by seven years,
  was to be inaugurated at Indian Metrological Department
  (IMD) Altinho on June 14. Speaking to Herald, IMD-Goa,
  Director M L Sahu said, “We had to postpone the
  inauguration as our chief guest, Secretary of Earth
  Sciences, is not available on June 14 due to foreign
  assignments.” http://bit.ly/2sy7dO5

* ENDANGERED BIRDS IN GOA: http://bit.ly/2sZ6YZZ

* GOAN actress in Andhra (or is it Telangana today)?
  Ilena D'Cruz's Twitter account:

* A copy of the CASA DE GOA  boletim
  for March-April-May 2017. Thanks to Edgar Valles diasvalles
  at gmail.com for sharing. http://bit.ly/2s8eRfw

* How Not to Have Six Horrible Months in Uganda

* ALTER VIEWS: It's not just the 1%. The upper middle class
  is oppressing everyone else, too [Jamie Peck]. The top 20%
  have set things up to guarantee virtually all of those
  spoils go to their descendants. Where does that leave the
  rest of us? http://bit.ly/2rY9qS1

* SEND YOUR LINKS, TIPS to fredericknoron...@gmail.com
_/  Frederick Noronha * Independent Journalist
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 91-9822122436
_/  Twtr @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
_/  Audio: https://archive.org/details/goa1556
_/  Goa,1556 books from Goa: http://goa1556.in
_/  More links, info: http://about.me/noronhafrederick

Re: [Goanet] Is this what GoaNet has been reduced to? What exactly is the Goa connection in these links/posts?

2017-06-13 Thread E DeSousa
Cecil Pinto questions the sanity of Goanet posters.
From: Cecil Pinto 
To: goanet 
Subject: [Goanet] Is this what GoaNet has been reduced to? What
    exactly is the Goa connection in these links/posts?
Did you hear the one about the new inmate in the asylum who could not 
understand why everyone was laughing when the joke sessions started at night 
and some one would say : 5! or someone else would say : 7! and so on...but no 
one laughed when he tried to join in and said 57! ( he did not know that 
favorite jokes had been heard so many times in that asylum that numbers had 
been assigned to them, so all one  had to do was call out the numbers to retell 
a joke...)

It's something like that or maybe not- does it matter? 

 Did you know that there are now over 3 million people in Goa which reduces the 
Pintos, Noronhas, DeSousas, Fernandes etc  to a 10% minority?

Peace brother.

[Goanet] Majority

2017-06-13 Thread Sandeep Heble
Congratulations to the Government which has won a majority in many
Panchayat areas.

In the areas where they do not have a majority, a few additional Panchs can
be nominated to create a majority. Like Goa Urban.

That way, they can have a majority in all the Panchayat areas.


[Goanet] GFA Suspension Order prima facie appears to be unlawful

2017-06-13 Thread Sandeep Heble
GFA Suspension Order prima facie appears to be unlawful

The Goa Football Association (GFA) has been ill advised. Their suspension
Order prima facie appears to be bad in law.

Sports Associations are merely regulatory bodies to perform specific tasks
pertaining to their respective games like organising Tournaments, coaching
camps, workshops, selection of players and teams for National and
International tournaments, etc. They cannot violate the constitutional
rights and freedoms of athletes.

Article 21 of the Indian constitution gives every citizen right to life and
personal liberty, which are the most fundamental of all rights. As
enumerated in various Supreme Court Judgments, liberty includes
safeguarding several well-recognised rights such as the right to eat or
drink, the right to play, perform other physical activities, etc. No person
can be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to
procedures established by law, as in the case of say binding contracts. In
the present case, there is no binding contract between the GFA and the
Footballers and there is no financial remuneration paid to the athletes,
which can restrain them on specific terms in consideration for a mutually
agreed sum.

The suspension Order also prima face appears to have violated the
provisions of the Competition Act, 2002, which stipulate that no authority
can use their monopoly status to subvert the rights of others. In the
matter of Dhanraj Pillay vs Hockey India, the Competition Commission of
India in its Judgment inter alia ruled there should be no penalty on the
players for playing unsanctioned events; and there should be no question of
having no objection certificate from any tournament organiser for playing
in some other tournament.

More recently, when Badminton Association of India tried to impose similar
restrictions on its players for participating in an unsanctioned
tournament, the Delhi High Court held such prohibitions to be illegal and
players were permitted to participate. One of our own Goa Badminton player
participated and qualified for the said PNB Metlife Nationals by reaching
the Zonal semis.

The suspension Order thus appears to be bad in law and can easily be struck
down by the High Court, as was done in the recent matter of Sara Foundation
vs Badminton Association of India.

For the betterment of the sport and the footballers, the GFA must withdraw
the said suspension order.

- Yours sincerely,
Sandeep Heble

(The writer is the Hon. Secretary, Goa Badminton Association. Views
expressed above are his own).

[Goanet-News] TOMORROW-June14: TechOverTea, Cafe Prakash, Panjim 5 pm ...

2017-06-13 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
YOU ARE WELCOME to another volunteer-driven community-led
event of TechOverTea, being organised at Cafe Prakash, Near
Azad Maidan, Panjim at Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Feel free to
bring in anyone else who might be interested. Open to all:

  GNU/LINUX FOR THE ARTIST, a talk by Venkatesh
  Prabhu nothingsmine at gmail.com : An informal talk
  on the different softwares used by DTP people and
  artists on the Windows platform, alternatives on
  the GNU/Linux platform and the roadmap of moving
  from Windows to Linux.

SUGAR ON ANDROID, by Dr Anil Seth seth.anil at gmail.com.
Sugar is a free and open source computer desktop environment
designed for interactive learning by children. Developed as
part of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project, Sugar was
the default interface on OLPC XO-1 laptop computers. The OLPC
XO-1.5 and later provided the option of either the Gnome or
Sugar interfaces. Sugar is available as a Live CD, as Live
USB, a package installable through several GNU/Linux
distributions. It can run in a GNU/Linux virtual machine
under Windows and Mac OS. Unlike most other desktop
environments, Sugar does not use the "desktop", "folder" and
"window" metaphors. Instead, Sugar's default full-screen
activities require users to focus on only one program at a
time. Sugar implements a journal which automatically saves
the user's running program session and allows them to later
use an interface to pull up their past works by date,
activity used, or file type.

  CHANGING THE I.T. LANDSCAPE by Werner Egipsy +91
  7769964642 hephail at gmail.com

ANY OTHER BRIEF (5-10 minute) talks, subject to the audience
being interested in the topic.

Join the Free Software User Group-Goa and the
India Linux Users' Group (Goa):
_/  Frederick Noronha * Independent Journalist
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 91-9822122436
_/  Twtr @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
_/  Audio: https://archive.org/details/goa1556
_/  Goa,1556 books from Goa: http://goa1556.in
_/  More links, info: http://about.me/noronhafrederick

Re: [Goanet] Is this what GoaNet has been reduced to? What exactly is the Goa connection in these links/posts?

2017-06-13 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
On 12 June 2017 at 23:01, Cecil Pinto  wrote:

> 1. Why do we cry?  The Science of tears. (Con Menezes)
>2. Easy listening selection..Fernando..Abba. (Con Menezes)
>3. Al Jazeera Head to Head in this editionAnti-semitism  and
>   Islamaphobia fears threats. (Con Menezes)
>4. Dateline:  Lost children of China Part  two. (Con Menezes)
>5. Fw: Even moderate drinking may expedite brain decline.
>   (Con Menezes)
>6. Adam West the 'Batman' dead  at 88. (Con Menezes)

Agree. To some extent.

Ideally we should have (in order of priority):

* Goa/diaspora-focussed posts
* Posts which interests those in Goa/the diaspora
* Cursing the darkness ... and the lack of the above, first or second.

_/  Frederick Noronha  http://about.me/noronhafrederick http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
_/  Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at

[Goanet] TOMORROW-June14: TechOverTea, Cafe Prakash, Panjim 5 pm ...

2017-06-13 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
YOU ARE WELCOME to another volunteer-driven community-led
event of TechOverTea, being organised at Cafe Prakash, Near
Azad Maidan, Panjim at Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Feel free to
bring in anyone else who might be interested. Open to all:

  GNU/LINUX FOR THE ARTIST, a talk by Venkatesh
  Prabhu nothingsmine at gmail.com : An informal talk
  on the different softwares used by DTP people and
  artists on the Windows platform, alternatives on
  the GNU/Linux platform and the roadmap of moving
  from Windows to Linux.

SUGAR ON ANDROID, by Dr Anil Seth seth.anil at gmail.com.
Sugar is a free and open source computer desktop environment
designed for interactive learning by children. Developed as
part of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project, Sugar was
the default interface on OLPC XO-1 laptop computers. The OLPC
XO-1.5 and later provided the option of either the Gnome or
Sugar interfaces. Sugar is available as a Live CD, as Live
USB, a package installable through several GNU/Linux
distributions. It can run in a GNU/Linux virtual machine
under Windows and Mac OS. Unlike most other desktop
environments, Sugar does not use the "desktop", "folder" and
"window" metaphors. Instead, Sugar's default full-screen
activities require users to focus on only one program at a
time. Sugar implements a journal which automatically saves
the user's running program session and allows them to later
use an interface to pull up their past works by date,
activity used, or file type.

  CHANGING THE I.T. LANDSCAPE by Werner Egipsy +91
  7769964642 hephail at gmail.com

ANY OTHER BRIEF (5-10 minute) talks, subject to the audience
being interested in the topic.

Join the Free Software User Group-Goa and the
India Linux Users' Group (Goa):
_/  Frederick Noronha * Independent Journalist
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 91-9822122436
_/  Twtr @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
_/  Audio: https://archive.org/details/goa1556
_/  Goa,1556 books from Goa: http://goa1556.in
_/  More links, info: http://about.me/noronhafrederick

[Goanet] What is DNA? How does it work?

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Easy listening selection......The Lemon tree........Trini Lopez. w lyrics.

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Goacom Newsclips on 13 Jun 2017

2017-06-13 Thread goacom newsclips
Goacom Newsclips

Court grants Sabaji Shetye bail, govt suspends him
Additional Collector (North-I) Sabaji Shetye, who is in police custody was 
granted conditional bail by the Special Court on Monday, incidentally on the 
day when his five day custody ended. He was, however,
Click here to read more...  http://bit.ly/2sWtDpD

Meat traders take cattle ban notification to High Court
Quraishi Meat Traders Association (QMTA) has filed a writ petition in the High 
Court of Bombay at Goa against the Union Ministry of Environment’s notification 
banning trading of cattle for slaughter.
Click here to read more...  http://bit.ly/2sw3hgX

Counting of votes of Panchayat polls today
Who will hold the reigns in 175 village panchayats for the next five years will 
be known on Tuesday.Though 186 village panchayats went to the polls on Sunday,
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2rVhq6j

PWD will soon ‘test’ rickety structures identified by MMC
Following the balcony collapse incident at Pushpanjali Cooperative Housing 
Society Ltd in Vasco, the Deputy Collector Mormugao Mahadev Arondekar  on 
Monday held a joint meeting
Click here to read more...  http://bit.ly/2sih6Po

MMC blasts MPT for issuing eviction notices to 50 families
The vice-chairperson of Mormugao Municipal Council Sashikant Parab came out in 
support of the families that recently got eviction notice from the MPT.
Click here to read more...  http://bit.ly/2sw8khm

BAD WEATHER: Readied 7 years ago, Doppler keeps missing inaugural date
The inauguration of the Doppler Weather Radar (DWR), which can provide advanced 
information about storms, cyclones and other weather conditions, has been 
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2rV6cOS

Elderly couple assaulted in Curtorim
In what appears to be a poll-related skirmish, supporters of a candidate in 
Panchbhat, near Ramnagri, Curtorim, allegedly beat up an elderly couple while 
also injuring their son,
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2sWmsxR

Click below link to read more articles

[Goanet] Turban Legends.

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes

  use full screen.  

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2017-06-13 Thread Stephen Dias
Kindly publish article of my friend Elvidio.
Stephen Dias


*Elvidio Miranda*

Ballroom dancer, Jelena Ostapenko has scripted a new fairy tale chapter in
the history of the French Open by becoming the first Latvian to ever win
the title at the red clay of Roland Garros in Paris, in the process at 20,
becoming the youngest woman to lift the crown since Iva Majoli in 1997, the
year of birth of Jelena. She also became the first unseeded player to be
crowned princess at the French Open since Gustavo Kuerten, who
coincidentally won at Roland Garros also in 1997, on the day Jelena
Ostapenko was born, 8th June, 1997. Ranked 47th in the world, Jelena is
also the lowest ranked player to ever lift the French Open title. In Paris
on Saturday, 10th June, 2017 she hit 54 winners as she rallied from a set
down, to beat third seeded and favorite Simona Halep of Romania 4-6, 6-4,
6-3 to bag her first Grand Slam as well as her first tour career title in
emphatic fashion on the slow red clay of Roland Garros. Earlier, the
Latvian in her semi-final victory over Timea Bacsinszky had her forehand
winners measured at speeds of 76 mph (122 kmph), faster than Britain’s Andy
Murray’s average speed, on a surface that is the slowest of the four Grand
Slams. With her victory in the French Open, a new women’s champion and
contender has arrived on the tennis firmament.

[Goanet] Is this what GoaNet has been reduced to? What exactly is the Goa connection in these links/posts?

2017-06-13 Thread Cecil Pinto
1. Why do we cry?  The Science of tears. (Con Menezes)
   2. Easy listening selection..Fernando..Abba. (Con Menezes)
   3. Al Jazeera Head to Head in this editionAnti-semitism  and
  Islamaphobia fears threats. (Con Menezes)
   4. Dateline:  Lost children of China Part  two. (Con Menezes)
   5. Fw: Even moderate drinking may expedite brain decline.
  (Con Menezes)
   6. Adam West the 'Batman' dead  at 88. (Con Menezes)

[Goanet] 15th June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

2017-06-13 Thread Goa Desc

Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help CONSUMERS to be better informed about
the impact of SOCIAL ISSUES on their lives.
15th June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
2017 Theme: Understand and End Financial Abuse of Older People: A Human
Rights Issue














Source: GOA DESC Social Issues Calendar 2017
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa

GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Adultery and Chicanary of Vijay?

2017-06-13 Thread Stephen Dias
Aires has described Vijai and his clan having  done political Adultery and
Chicanary of the highest order. It is true.
It is also true that none of the Gods whether of Catholics Hindus or
Muslims will ever absolve them. No.
I am very much unhappy with the three words starting with G  i.e Goem
Goenkar and Goenkarponn and now Aires brings another 3 words starting with
C  i.e. Communal Corrupt and Casteist.
What a shame and anybody can think that  these Gods will ever forgive him?
Never never and never.

Stephen Dias

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 06:24:05 +0530
From: Aires Rodrigues 
To: goanet 
Subject: [Goanet] VIJAI AND HIS CLAN


2017-06-13 Thread Aires Rodrigues
*June 13th 2017*


*Shri Dattaraj Salgaocar*


*Sharada Mandir School*

*Miramar - Panaji.*

*Dear Dattaraj,*

*It was very elating to see our daughter Evita excel at the 12th Std exam.
With twelve   years of schooling preceded by four years of pre-school at
your prestigious institution, Evita is fortunate to have been armed with
strong foundations in life.*

*Very indebted to the Management, Administrator, Principal, teachers and
all the staff of Sharada Mandir for having always been there, over the
years, to care, assist and guide Evita. Also happy that our younger
daughter Ruth, in 5th Std, is also being nurtured and groomed with the same
quality education and gentleness. *

*Undoubtedly both Evita and Ruth will always be grateful and ever indebted
for the knowledge and values that they have been enriched with at Sharada

*Reiterate with thanks the deepest appreciation to Sharada Mandir and take
this opportunity to wish Sharada Mandir all the very best on completion of
51 years of excellence. May Sharada Mandir move to greater heights of
excellence in its mission of imparting quality education and all round
development of students.*

*As Albert Einstein rightly said, “Education is what remains after one has
forgotten what one has learned in school.” and this is what both Evita and
Ruth will gratefully carry away from Sharada Mandir. *

*With warm regards to you and Dipti,*


Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] The Early Post Cards of the British East Africa Protectorate/Kenya

2017-06-13 Thread Mervyn Maciel
I wonder if any of our  GBC members with East Africa connections have
heard of this 200- page  book published in 2008 by the East Africa Study
It is a treasure trove of memories and lists some 1200 post cards.
I was interested to see that many of these cards were produced by
Goan publishers like:

Coutinho & Sons, Photographers, Mombasa   1906
D.V. Figueira,  Mombasa   1905
Felix Coutinho,  Mombasa 1912
T.A. Costa,  Photographer, Mombasa1916
D. Evaristo Coutinho, Photographer, Mombasa,1929

I was very fortunate to obtain a copy of this book from the late
author's(Clive Evans) wife.
  If anyone is interested, the ISBN  Number is:  0 9515865 64

Here is a snapshot of some of the postcards in this book:

Vasco de Gama Street, Mombasa 1904( in one case Vasco is spelt Wasco!)
Government House, Nairobi,   1905
Trolley Locomotives, Mombasa   1907
Pot Making, Kikuyu  1907

and hundreds more very interesting cards!

I understand that earlier postcard volumes on Uganda & Zanzibar were
published in* 2003 & 2005.*

*Mervyn Maciel*

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day.....JAMES LAST....Barcarolle

2017-06-13 Thread Gabe Menezes



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fw: connected

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes
connectedSharing an interesting thought-proving newsletter I receive from time 
to time.

  In sports, we call it 'the zone'. In life, we call it 'flourishing'. In 
spirituality, it's called

  If you no longer wish to receive emails from Dr. Kareem, you can Manage 
Subscriptions here.

In sports, we call it 'the zone'. In life, we call it 
'flourishing'.  In spirituality, it's called 'connection'.

So what does 'connected' mean and 'how' can you achieve it?
  a.. Definition of 'connected':  a state of harmony with all that 
surrounds you.
  a.. How you can achieve it: achieve true health by removing all 
blocks in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers.
Let's discuss 'true health' in each of the above layers:
  a.. Physical layer:  how you eat, move, and think affect your 
physical health.  In this specific layer, we are interested in balancing 
muscles to take pressure off joints, increasing your metabolism to put your 
ideal weight on autopilot, neutralizing sources of increased stress on organs, 
balancing hormones, and learning about your body and how to care for it.  
System-by-system, achieve great health.  Begin with the most critical system 
and work outward.  Or, very simply put, make sure you live in the right 
climate, work with the right people, do the right stuff with your time, eat the 
right foods, and move your body at the appropriate times, the appropriate 
  a.. Mental layer:  consciously, you may attempt to think 
'positive thoughts' all the time.  You may make an extreme effort to be happy, 
but deep down, you feel differently.  There might be rage, frustration, anger, 
or even sadness.  You may feel guilty or shame.  You might be afraid.  No 
matter which emotion you are experiencing, there is likely a subconscious 
program on repeat that is creating this experience.  By clearing your 
subconscious mind through reprogramming, you will free yourself from mental 
blocks adversely affecting your health.
  a.. Emotional layer:  many times, our relationships are the best 
measure of emotional health.  When we feel great, we interact with those we 
love in a positive way, exchanging love and admiration for one another; on the 
contrary, when we don't feel so well emotionally, it tends to wear on a 
household and friendships, manifesting as relationship concerns.  How you feel 
on a minute-to-minute basis affects your health.  We are also meant to live in 
communities, so how you perceive interactions with others will also have an 
effect on your physical health.
  a.. Spiritual layer: you may have some preconceived notions about 
God, religion, or nature.  Independent of your beliefs exists the importance of 
beliefs that serve you and your highest good.  In other words, you would be 
considered 'spiritually blocked' if you have beliefs that limit your ability to 
enjoy your life, feel or receive love, or accept you are part of a greater plan.
Achieve 'connection' by focusing upon yourself.  Layer by layer, 
optimize your body and life.  It may seem like a lot of work at first, but 
health is actually our default program.  We have to go out of our way to become 
unhealthy, but society has made this easy for us with temptations everywhere we 

Once you feel your health improving, you'll begin to experience 
greater connection.  Along the way, you'll have so much fun, which will 
reinforce the experience.  We live in a world with synchronicity that is 
difficult to ignore, belief that seems to create reality, and the ability to 
feel as animals in the wild feel.

Yet, most of us are blind, deaf, and dumb when it comes to 
interacting with that which is greater than us.  Perhaps it's because we've 
been tempted to eat delicious (poisonous) treats, watch TV, sit on our desk 
chairs in school during critical movement hours, and worry about our futures 
instead of trust in the plan.

Independent of the reason why, I challenge you to acknowledge 
there's more here than you know; and it might be fun to discover the magic that 
exists for us.

Today's thought exercise:  what's the best way for you to learn 
about yourself over the next 90 days? Would you benefit from keeping a daily 
journal with the following categories?:
  a.. Thoughts/thought patterns:  write positive or negative 
  a.. Food:  write what you ate today
  a.. Exercise:  write how you moved and when
  a.. Career/Hobby/Interests:  good, bad, and the ugly on 
work/hobbies here
  a.. Social/Relationships:  who did you hang with today, how did 
it feel, and what have you learned from the experience?
  a.. Climate:  how was the weather?  Were you in the same location 
or did you travel?  How did this affect your mood, energy level, relationships, 

[Goanet] Fw: Lost children of China. Part one.

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes
Dear Goanetters,

Kindly inform me if this happens to  any message I post on Goanet please.
Thank you.

From: Frederick Dsouza
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 4:22 PM
To: cmene...@tpg.com.au
Subject: Lost children of China. Part one.

The uploader has not made the video available in usa. Thanks for your efforts 

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[Goanet] Snake sex is every bit as peculiar as you would expect.

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Easy listening selection...........The Sound of music..........overture.

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Why are Australians so laid back?

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Ivank Trump 'blindsided at the viciousness' in US politics.

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] What is Leishmaniasis?

2017-06-13 Thread Con Menezes


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