[Goanet] What's Up, Flexia?

2017-09-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
A personal blog about fashion, food, travel and lifestyle ❤ With love from
Goa xoxo
_/  फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎
_/  Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436
_/  (Please SMS if you can't get through)

Re: [Goanet] Song for the day....South of the Border...patsy Cline and next Engelbert!

2017-09-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 27 September 2017 at 07:35, Gabe Menezes  wrote:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcGuoWhccMI
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILjf_pt05nU
> G


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] The Islamic Reformation

2017-09-26 Thread Roland Francis
Women can now drive in Saudi Arabia. 

This might seem a trivial improvement in the personal freedoms of Arab Muslim 
women, but it is a huge victory for the few brave Saudi women who fought so 
hard and endured severe hardship from their male family members, their Imams, 
the Government and finally the King himself.

In the context of Islam as a religion needing to adapt itself to the modern 
world from the Sharia laws set in seventh century Arabia, this is a significant 

It is women who spearhead the much needed reformation of Islam and lead the 
liberals, the ex-Muslims and the atheists who at much personal cost to 
themselves have been in a painful but silent struggle against the conservative 
and fundamentalist 15 to 20% of Muslims in countries run by authoritarian 
regimes who uphold their religion's misogyny and violence and shut down the 
majority who are more sensible people.

Perhaps one may allegorically say "God is not dead".

Roland Francis


2017-09-26 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The Right to Information Act which came into force on October 12th 2005 is
now over a decade old. Over the last 17 years however the greater challenge
has been the actual implementation of the Act. Unless the RTI Act is
further strengthened Good Governance, Transparency in the Administration
and Zero Tolerance to Corruption will never be a reality. The Right to
Information Act was enacted to ensure transparency and accountability in
governance. But the manner in which the government is subtly subverting the
Right to Information Act is a matter of concern.

The Right to Information is derived from our fundamental Right of
expression under Article 19 of our Constitution.  If we do not have
information on how our Government and public institutions function, we
cannot express any informed opinion on it. This has been reiterated by
various Supreme Court judgments since 1977.

The Right to Information Act has been hailed as the hallmark of our
democracy. The Act aims at making the government transparent and more
accountable. The effective use of it would, in the long run, curb
corruption. Right to Information Act has become a powerful tool in exposing
corruption at top places in the government.

A well informed citizenry, transparency, and free flow of information are
the very foundations of any successful democratic society. India may be
publicly acclaimed as the world’s largest democracy but the ground reality
is that we are now ebbing away to an autocratic regime.  Democracy and
non-transparency in the functioning of the Government cannot co-exist.
Besides freedom of speech without access to information is meaningless.

Narendra Modi rode to power on his vow of ‘Acche din’ for the Aam Aadmi and
Good governance. But after assuming office in May 2014 the Prime Minister
has not uttered a word on the RTI Act, leave alone on strengthening it. His
then enthusiasm for freedom has been waning away and we now have
an emerging culture of surveillance and secrecy.  For the common man,
getting correct and accurate information under the Right to
Information Act is today becoming a far cry.

As part of the ploy to subvert the RTI Act many of the Information
Commissions across the country have been kept dysfunctional. Even those
Information Commissioners appointed like in Goa are very ‘pliable’ agents
of the ruling BJP.

As the Right to Information Act requires that the Information Commissioners
have to be persons of Eminence in public life, Independent minded persons
who do not succumb to political pulls and pressures need to be appointed as
Information Commissioners to ensure the proper implementation of the Right
to Information Act. If Yes-men manage to creep into as Information
Commissioners it would be an exercise in futility ending up as white
elephants that we would rather be better off without.

Under Section 4 of the RTI Act all public authorities are duty bound to
regularly display on their website a wide range of information, including
all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing the
decisions which affect the public. This proviso in the law was enacted to
reduce the need for filing individual RTI applications. But this mandatory
duty has been blatantly flouted by the authorities with most government
websites themselves dysfunctional or not updated. What is the use of Right
to freedom of speech when the people do not have their rightful access to

The Judiciary needs to step in to ensure that the Government complies with
the mandate of the Right to Information Act. But with the Courts
themselves also averse to parting with information and with its functioning
largely under a veil of secrecy, we are stonewalled.

But we need to battle it out and cannot allow the RTI Act to be choked by
the government to a slow death. Steps need to be taken to strengthen the
transparency regime that was sought to be established as envisaged by the
RTI Act. Effective implementation of the RTI Act requires political
commitment from the very top. Officials denying information or giving
misleading and distorted information need to be severely penalized.

Governance by cloak of secrecy and opaqueness needs to be strongly
resisted. It cannot be a hush-hush regime. We need to dismantle those walls
of secrecy that continue to hound transparency and good governance despite
the Right to Information Act now being in place for 17 long years. In
those very own words of Prime Minister Narendra Modi ‘Sabko sanmati de
bhagwan’ (Let good sense prevail).

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Documentary appreciation course in Goa

2017-09-26 Thread Frederick Noronha

[Goanet] It Takes All Types

2017-09-26 Thread Roland Francis
Commendable act for gaining 'salvation' but whatever excuse you give why no 
Goan would do this, the truth is 'no Goan would do this'. As a community by and 
large, we are cheap. And I am talking of people who have more than enough not 
to be cheap.

Just my thoughts, with malice towards none.

Deccan Chronicle : Gujarat: Jain couple renounces Rs 100 cr wealth, daughter to 
become monks

Shared via Deccan Chronicle iOS app :

Roland Francis
We get old too fast, wise too late.

[Goanet] Jeremy Noronha Think Travel Lift Grow, an indian digital nomad that dropped out of college at 18

2017-09-26 Thread Frederick Noronha

Jeremy's Blog:
_/  फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎
_/  Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436
_/  (Please SMS if you can't get through)

[Goanet] BHU (Benares Hindu University) under Hindu Rashtra

2017-09-26 Thread BT Yahoo Mail

Indian universities have long had a poor international reputation compared with 
East Asia & the West for academic performance and research. For example, not a 
single Indian university has appeared within the top 300 in the annual global 
rankings for higher institutions. Indians may be proud of Delhi's JNU but in 
2014 it ranked 80 among Asian universities.
And now the ignorant bigots from the BJP-RSS ruling hierarchy are determined to 
subject universities to Vedic rules.The last two years have seen massive 
student unrestacross universities in the country because of a systematic attack 
on theautonomy of educational institutions and the freedom of students. Among 
those that have witnessed outrage are:
 FTII, Hyderabad Central University, JNU (Delhi) orNIT (Srinagar). 
Now it is the turn of Benaras Hindu University (BHU) which houses around 40,000 
 Modi’s government has appointed Girish Chandra Tripathias the vice chancellor 
because of his 40 years of association with the RSS. He has openly espoused RSS 
ideology and justifies it  “When the Indian government itself is of the RSS, 
there is nothing wrong in establishing an RSS’ shakha in BHU.“
He promptly expelled renowned socialactivist and Magsaysay award winner 
SandeepPandey for not toeing the Sangh Parivar’sline. 
Does this Tripathi have any academic credentials? What is his specialty?
This is probably not important for the intellectually vacuous babus who run the 
the BJP government and with no clue about University goals and academic 
The BHU admin has come down hard on the girl students: 
- no usage of mobile phones after 10 pm. 
- no use of 24×7 library at night [ VC has said that “girlswho study in the 
night are immoral,” ]
- women  not allowed to use the bus facility, a service meant for all students 
(as per prospectus)
- women cannot consume meat [ VC says it makes them impure]. Men may have meat.
- student demand for cyber library was refused [Reason: such a library will 
encourage watching pornography. In addition, students need not study anything 
outside the syllabus”]
- women have to sign a pledge not to take part in any protest or agitation
- they are notallowed to participate in any socio-cultural activities outside 
the campus.
- In the name of safety, women have a curfew of 8 pm, while men have none. 
- womenwearing short dresses and skirts will be warned by the administration. 
-Mixing of the sexes is discouraged. VC says “boys and girls hanging out 
together is against Indian values”. 
- Anyone found celebrating Valentine’s Day would besuspended. Finally, the 
Upper castes form the majority of the administrative body, while the positions 
meant for people from the reserved categoriesremains unfilled. There is no 
space for students to question or exercise their rightto dissent and women are 
voiceless.RSS wants  BHU to be the model for every other institution of the 

Read more


2017-09-26 Thread Stephen Dias

By Aires Rodrigues

In 2003 during his earlier term as Chief Minister it was announced by
Manohar Parrikar that anyone spotting a pothole on any road in Goa would be
rewarded with Rs 1000. Is that offer still on Mr. CM? For a financially
wrecked government, may be this time around it should be an award for a
road without a pothole, as there is none.

The roads across Goa are in a very pathetic state. If there had been proper
quality control, the roads would not have been in its current pitiable
state. The government needs to wake up from its slumber and embark upon our
potholed roads on a priority.
[26/09, 18:43] Stephen (E. Dias): Pot holes on roads Govt must compensate
monetary benefits because of damages on vehicles n  the cost of repairs
.Also doctors  fees and treatment in case a damage is done for spinal cord
etc due to such bad road conditions. Does Govt has his spine?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

[Goanet] Aldona Institute - Golden Jubilee Souvenir Appeal

2017-09-26 Thread Cecil Pinto
The Aldona Institute is Celebrating its GOLDEN JUBILEE year culminating on
19th November 2017.

Founded in 1967, the Aldona Institute is a leading and prestigious
institution serving the village of Aldona and beyond through its Social,
Cultural and Sports activities.

On this Momentous Jubilee Year, we have decided to publish with a
Commemorative Souvenir.

The rates for advertising in this Souvenir are as under:-

Description and Rate:
Back Cover (Color Glossy) - Rs.50,000/-
Front Inside Cover (Color Glossy) - Rs.25,000/-
Back Inside Cover (Color Glossy) - Rs.25,000/-
Full Page (Color 90 GSM) - Rs.15,000/-
Full Page (Black & White) - Rs.5,000/-
Half Page (Black & White) - Rs.3,000/-
Quarter Page (Black & White) - Rs.2,000/-
Strips Each (Total 8 per page) - Rs.1,000/-

We therefore appeal to members and well wishers of the Aldona Institute to
sponsor and support us in making this Souvenir a great success.

The payment may be in cash or drawn by Cheque/DD favoring
'Aldona Institute Souvenir'
A/c.No. 0335101026270
Canara Bank
Aldona Branch
IFSC - cnrb335

Advertisements and payments have to reach us before 31st October 2017.

Thanking You in anticipation,

Yours Faithfully.

Ramakant Anvekar / Dileep Aldonkar / Anselm Desa
President / Gen.Secretary / Treasurer
9890072818 / 9822580440 / 9763458908

Re: [Goanet] Cazulo

2017-09-26 Thread E DeSousa
Cannot  let a Caju feni conversation go by without adding my 2 cents worth.

 WineGlobe in the Bay Area CA  sells  excellent Goan Feni Kazkar for about $25 
and the Premium brand for about $30.

When I was in Brasil for the World Cup with my son, we saw the "Maior Cajueiro 
do Mundo" in Pirangi near Natal. A huge caju tree that has been growing for 
ever it seems-since 1988 and covers a very large area of about 2 acres

Did not find any comparable Feni, but they make a sweet caju liquor Cajuina and 
also Acayu in the State of Piaui.Sometimes they used gelatins to counter the 
astringent flavor of caju juice due to the presence of tannins. 
Caetano Veloso singing  Cajuina:

Quite interesting to find out that the Portuguese brought Caju to Goa from 
Borem zaichem!

[Goanet] EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Plant Fest & Poderamchem Fest @ Socorro Church 30th Sept -2nd Oct

2017-09-26 Thread Yogita Mehra
*The Socorro Church will be hosting the "Zaddamcho Utsov ani Poderamchem
Fest" (Plants and Baker's Fest)*

*When: Sept 30th - Oct 2nd ; 9AM - 9PM*
*Where: Socorro Church Grounds*
*What will be there: **Sale of food and ornamental plants and garden
inputs, along with delectable local bakery products, pickles and masalas
and more...*

*Special Evening Events @ 5PM each day*

   - *Saturday 30th Sept:* Bond Braganza will tell you about Goencho Pao
   while you eat pao with Baji, Xacuti or Chouris Pao prepared locally
   - *Sunday 1st Oct: *Miguel Braganza and DCBA Students will help plant
   enthusiasts learn how to grow plants in Pots
   - *Monday 2nd Oct:* Sunetra Talaulikar, (from the Krishi Vigyan Kendra)
   will talk on the health benefits of coconut, virgin coconut oil and making
   coconut products


*Photos attached - Courtsey JoeGoaUK*

[Goanet] David Attenborough on plastic

2017-09-26 Thread Fidibus


Rebellion against the norms is Love for the Creation


homepage: www.fidibus.info

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[Goanet] Resettlement in England(Mervyn Maciel)

2017-09-26 Thread Mervyn Maciel
Just want to thank you all - Marcos(my one-time classmate at St. Paul's),
Roland and
Albert for your comments on my hurriedly written article.
   It was Fred Noronha who 'prodded' me to write to 'get things off my
mind' so to speak.
This, more because we are going through a difficult time these days due to
my Elsie's
poor health. Grateful for the prayers and good wishes of so many.
  While some of my friends have had unfortunate experiences when they first
arrived, i
am grateful that my family and I have never been the subject of racial
Even now, the locals are so kind to us - my English neighbour helps with
the shopping and even
cooks us a dinner when we are 'rushed'.
Only recently, I had a beautiful young English girl offer me a seat on the
bus much to the surprise of other passengers.
 Who says growing old doesn't have its perks???.
  Albert - I'd so love to come to Canada where I have many friends.Will
young Trudeau let me in?
Wish I'd mentioned this to Harry before he left for Toronto!

Mervyn Maciel

Re: [Goanet] 'Cazulo' in Toronto

2017-09-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 26 September 2017 at 03:32, Roland Francis 

> Cazulo is generally the name of the second distillate of the Cashew-apple,
> the first being Urraca and the third being Feni.
> However, currently 40 percent proof Feni is available in Toronto (and
> Mississauga liquor stores going by the misnomer 'Cazulo' for C$39.95 per
> 750 ml bottle.
> This time, the Cazulo brand is distilled by Vaz Distillers in Cuncolim or
> some nearby village in Salcette. I am told by someone who just bought a
> bottle yesterday that it is better stuff than previous brands imported. This
> Good Feni I am told is scarce in Goa this year and far more expensive than
> normal due to a bad Cashew crop last year (50% of the normal crop).
> The USA has a couple of Feni importers, both Gujaratis, one operating from
> Milpitas, California and shipping in superb packing to any part of the
> continental US. Their mainstay is Kazhkar, a good brand that used to be
> sold for US 27 but now goes for US 30. Sometimes they will offer shipping
> at no cost.
> So avast there matey and off to the liquor stores we go. Happy is the day
> when the sailor gets his pay as an old Parsi colleague in Central Bank
> would fondly say every month-end.
> Roland Francis
> Toronto.

COMMENT: I bought a couple of bottles early this year, just prior to the
liquor sale ban at Vaz enterprise's shop in Margao. I am not sure if they
have reopened as the NH17 passing through Margao was to be denotified.

Cost RS500 also bought another brand called Cazulina ( I think) which cost
RS280. the latter was really good value. The cost in Toronto is over
RS2,000 equivalent!


Gabe Menezes.